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Luka Doncic joins Inside the NBA after winning the WCF

Dallas Mavericks vs Minnesota Timberwolves – Full WCF Game 5 Highlights | May 30, 2024 NBA Playoffs


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we ain’t done yet we still got well that’s one of the shortest inside track segments we’ve ever had we got Luca D we got the we got we see the point yeah Luca’s here he’s the MVP of the Western Conference Finals he’s first time you’ve gotten to wear one of those hats and one of those shirts man you’re going to the finals is that sunk in not yet not yet uh but like you know there’s still four games to win left uh but this is amazing I think we should enjoy tonight uh because this is special uh especially coming from the West uh we had to go through a lot uh you know especially in the season up and down but we stay together uh last game you didn’t really shoot the ball that well and Superstars like yourself and you don’t shoot the ball well in your mind it’s a bad game what do you feel after you have a bad game do you say I need to come out and make sure I don’t have two bad games in a row yeah uh my mindset was just set a tone uh I know if I was going to go off in the first quarter they’re going to stop doubling double in me and then it’s going to open for everybody I told Kenny I saw you saw you when you was warming up shooting those threes off the glass he didn’t believe me were you tell him that you was practicing that yeah I practice those ask ask anybody practice it’s not the fact that I don’t believe that you do it I just don’t believe everything he says it’s a difference it’s a way big difference Luca so you I’m around him for years so I can’t believe everything he tells me so that you know you getting here um and it’s not even it’s just a thought process of what the finals the we we’ all been blessed to be in the finals the one thing that changes to first day I if see if you all agree is the media like when you walk in and you see every team media from all over the world and you see you’re smiling because that’s a different feeling in a practice would you say that’s the biggest adjustment for you with like seeing all of that for the first time I I 100% agree with you um one of the biggest regrets of my career was I didn’t have us ready to go game one cuz I had never been in the finals before and we were overwhelmed in game one that’s actually the only bad game we played right but it’s it’s a it’s a really interesting point that you make it’s a great point because everybody in the world’s going to be there every loser family member and friends trying to get tickets I mean you going you have to block them amounts no no I’m not taking phone calls once the final start no I don’t have any extra tickets and we adjusted after game one but it was over cuz we lost to home court advantage then so that’s a great point you made Kenneth so for yourself question there for no I’m just saying so for yourself you guys can talk no no for yourself that was like that was like a free game that was free game in terms of like but for you who will you lean on for that when the and saying like my mom was the one who stopped who’s going to stop all of that for you myself okay yeah that’s right I gotta do it myself short answer but yeah Know Okay Kevin Durant um no you know number one we love what you did tonight just coming out setting the tone no screwing around it goes back to your press conference and I love when you do this even when even when you’re lying you you’re like I just gotta play better you always take full responsibility you never like hey we got to play better we this dude got to play better you in that press conference after the last game I love the fact you said hey you know what I got to play better and you came out and set the tone man it was it was beautiful to watch enjoy the finals we going to miss you oh man we’re done after tonight I know you you ain’t done yet we got to figure out something so you guys we got all next year too and then and then and then who knows after that here let’s look at the finals real quick um how would you best describe the two games you played with the Celtics this year only one of those keep in mind and I know with with PJ and and Gaff in there with you um how do these teams match up and and kind of fill in the blank the Dallas Mavericks get the Larry if for play better than the Boston you got to give me more than that or not don’t give me if we score more points what’s going to be the key for for Dallas in that series I think our defense you know uh they’re the best team in the NBA uh they were first first record uh they have some incredible weapons uh so I think our defense is going to be the key I never had to play against four Defenders but you know apparently Boston has four Defenders that can check you shuck has something very important today said that the defense dictates the way you play the offense will you have to switch up with all the Defenders that they have against Toopy or you just going to play the LCA away I’m going try to play the LCA away you know just play basketball have fun you know the the the other last question I would ask is you have a lot of yourself and Kyrie in terms you have a lot of basketball experience even though you not been in the finals but you have a lot of young guys you know how do you what’s the tone that you have to set with them leading up to the finals um that that’s a talk we had before playoffs because a lot of guys wasn’t even in the playoffs uh so we kind of worked through that you know just during the playoffs uh we had to beat a lot of good teams I mean three good teams and that’s where we go we we had that talk before playoffs so now we just continue to do our work hey we talk a lot about you a lot about Kyrie all the trades you made talk about Jason kid amazing he been doing an amazing job of just helping us you know me and Kai he was in those situations before as a player so he understands us and the way he leades the game it’s perfect uh so we’re really glad we have him and he just got to keep doing what he doing what time is it in Slovenia right now it’s 7 an hour difference uh have you talked to anybody Bud staying up over there and watching and calling you after the work no I had too many messages well deserved appreciate you man


  1. gotta say this Luka has a huge upper body frame. One of the few guys that looked just as broad-shouldered sitting next to Shaq and he's technically a point guard. That's a freakish combination.

  2. Shaq did face 4 defenders in the finals against Detroit and he got a gentleman’s sweep. He must have forgot about his ass whupping

  3. Lets invite LUKA and BOAST ABout our own history and greatness ..God these guys are pathetic

  4. Kenny… How about you stop hating and start handing out those flowers!!! Luka been in Championship Games before… Before even getting drafted in the NBA! HE'S A GROWN MAN in a young Body! Quit fronting like he's new to this!

  5. Inside NBA is the only people that criticize players and keep it about the play on the court in a respectful way. They don’t talk about players personal lives and that’s why players respect them even when they do have disagreements.

  6. I think it’s hilarious that Luka had a bad game 4 but his bad game still he scored a 28 point triple double with 15 boards🤣🤣🤣 Luka a Super Gremlin

  7. Surprised that Shaq didn't tell him "First off Luka , I don't think you should have been series MVP. I think Kyrie should have got it because he had the stat stuffers and you're white".

  8. IMO Kenny would make a great coach! He won't be without a job unless he chooses to be! College etc. he has a mind for the game

  9. Will NOT watch the NBA without Inside the NBA team of Shaq, Chuck and company. I will not watch on ESPN or Disney with garbage analysts like Stephen A.

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