Golf Players

SEC Meetings Reaction

The SEC powers meet this week to figure out the future of college football. Aaron and TBob break down the big topics

[Music] yo what’s going on everyone welcome in to a bre brand new episode of snaps it is Tuesday uh Mar May May 28th uh I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day a massive thank you to all those who have served and sacrificed uh throughout the decade so that we could spend yesterday um most of us not working with family friends eating good food and enjoying the uh very freedoms that uh so many have sacrificed to afford US um it’s going on y’all missed y yesterday Memorial Day for sure but glad to be back here uh fresh off the Vegas trip um I hope you’re all doing wonderful Aaron how was your Memorial Day Weekend mine was was great not as good as yours I’m just glad that you’re back alive and the haircut still looks phenomenal I’ll let you know that right now T I think this is 2024 the year of the haircut T-Bob is GNA keep the flow going through the football season no because uh he was feeling Ultra vegacy this past weekend no I will no if anything I hated it this weekend I felt like every other faded up douchebag on the Strip but uh but I mean look I don’t think it looks awful it’s just not me so you know we’re g to grow this thing out as fast as we can I canceled my haircut tomorrow um I normally get like a trim every three weeks to uh to to kind of keep it where I want it but uh no um what’s up Greg Ben Jacob George goat dog everybody else hanging out right now if you could hit the like button share it as well uh what you how much did you lose over y did you play it all or was I played bit the first night and okay at first it was like uh just like okay let’s just put a hundred bucks in what were we playing um I can’t remember CRA that work out oh yeah we’re playing craps real quick um that disappeared pretty quickly uh then we went out to eat whatever we go up to the room we’re like one of our buddies like okay I’m going to bed and then my other buddy’s like I’m just gonna go like just gonna go look you know I just want to go see what’s going on down there I was like I’ll go watch you play um and so then I ended up putting about uh about 250 more on the blackjack table and I’ll be damned if we didn’t get our ass cleaned out before I even got a drink I mean I ordered and then there was Zero what were you put what was the minimum was it 25 yeah which I hate I’m you know me I mean come on the minimum the better I mean you you’re ain’t gonna find five but like at least 15 would be better but no I mean we just Dia [ __ ] us [ __ ] hard bad so no actually I don’t think I gamble to give the rest of trip except playing this stupid horse racing game that was so much fun where they have actual little miniature horses riding around and you just do little dollar bets so not a successful weekend uh monetarily but um Chris TR say F booy fade little underwhelming okay relax it’s grown out over the weekend CT thank you very much you can no longer see my skull um also CT I’ll be hitting you back up about the Pod uh once I get back to Earth as I spent much of my weekend uh floating in an alternate Dimension uh that could be called the sphere and um the sphere is every bit the technological Terror the Tower of Babel the the the physical manifestation of human hubris uh that I thought it was but it’s also fuing incredible uh that is one of the wild not one of the that is the wildest venue I have ever been in hands down it’s not even close now I haven’t been to a ton of concerts I’m not terribly experienced I’ve never been to Red Rocks or anything probably the coolest I’ve been otherwise was to the Hollywood Bowl to watch John Williams which is still the best ever but um watching dead and Co in the sphere with some of the most mind-blowing animations you’ve ever seen and it’s not just the screen though I did one night in the seats I did one night General Admissions so I got the full breath of the experience it’s it’s the entrance to the sphere it’s it’s the bars in the sphere the general admission bars down at the bottom legitimately look like you walked onto the set of Star Wars they’re so odd and lit so scii I mean the entire thing feels how big is it what’s the capacity [ __ ] massive oh I think capacity might only be around like 18,000 or something okay but it looks like way more than that because it’s all on one side and it goes way higher up and then there’s just this massive Dome the rest of way and the way that they work the live feeds of the people playing music into the the the animations that they have for the sphere it’s again it’s just unlike anything uh you’ve ever seen like if if if you have an artist that’s playing in the sphere and it’s a bugless artist for you I cannot recommend enough just going all in and uh trying to make the trip happen um yeah it was it was mind melting dude and uh John Mayer John Mayer may be the best guitar player on the planet right now I mean he is [ __ ] incredible the entire band is uh but I have never seen someone play guitar like that live in my entire life and it was uh it was insane the the the the second night even though I think the first night was really most mind-blowing to me the second night his version of All Along the Watchtower the solo that he had was the most driving face melting thing ever heard in my entire life and so it it was awesome dude was it that or the drugs um no I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s both for sure right uh I mean Saturday night I I I I consumed a lot of siloc cybin and it was very funny because I took it uh like when I sat down in my seat before the show started and I I just sit alone because we screwed up the number of tickets and so somebody had to be odd man out and I kind of like being alone sometimes so I volunteered to uh to to to go it alone and I’m sitting next to this guy great guy just an ultimate dad uh big dead head from back in the day and this dude’s talking my [ __ ] ear off he’s one of eight kids he’s fifth of five boys second youngest he has four kids himself two girls two boys grew up in New England loves camping he was a boy scout didn’t go the eagle scout route because the knew scout master was an [ __ ] and he liked to smoke weed dude did not give a [ __ ] about anything I had to say which was good because as he’s telling me all this I’m slowly but surely losing the ability to form coherent C and taking off into a different plane of existence so finally I barely made it through intermission just getting more and more nonsensical being like Oh I like I like Camp I think that’d be fun with kids right I like fires uh and then and then after intermission you know every then he’d lean over and give me maybe a fun fact about the dead but I think he I think by the end of that that that the second half got so intense I think he kind of felt my vibe and and started to kind of leave me alone a little bit G sou says like call [ __ ] no one can out talk T-Bob yes but what if you can’t talk anymore that’s because that is that is what happens to me I will say though leaving Saturday um leaving Saturday I was so alive so infused with the music it was one of the best times that I have ever had in uh my entire life so shout out to the dead shout out Bobby Weir shout out Mickey John mayor uh the whole crew I’m sorry that I’m forgetting the bass player and the piano players names watching John Mayer and the piano player flirt with each other while they’re like doing these incredible solos is one of the funniest things is that female ever seen as well no no no it’s his guy but they’re like you know how John May’s famous for making his kind of funny faces when he plays yeah you can tell the piano player and him like really get along and musically they love like talking with each other until they’ll be sitting there both soloing and like oh oh yeah and the other guy’s like yeah you like that it’s [ __ ] incredible dude um so uh welcome back we are all happy you are uh T say mgee go ahead I’m just happy that you’re saying and Alive yeah I mean look I’ve gone deep before this is not my first time so I I knew you know I knew what to expect Aus McGee says T I know the feeling of peeking and not being able to speak it’s actually fun I mean again if you’re comfortable if you’re in the right place if you’re safe about it and you’ve um you know you you you exactly you know where you’re doing I agree should be done responsibly like anything else all right that said I think I’m all out of dopamine and serotonin for today but it’s not going to stop us from doing a show um a lot to get to today first off amateurism is dead um we’ll kind of update that story I think uh Aaron’s wife Sharon yeah bring the show actually raised uh some interesting points on that um I want to get into uh maybe what is the worst feeling in college football hu freeze being overrated Big 10 money TNT in the cfp and a uh e malava commit that’s right this time Madden IAM malava which is Nico’s little brother um and just committed to UCLA a four-star quarterback nice work by Deshawn uh Foster there his first major recruit first top 100 recruit um all right let’s dive into amateurism is dead uh in case you missed it the five power conferences approved a settlement for the NCAA to uh try to kind of codify college sports going forward uh first off you probably heard about the $2.7 billion dollars that the NCAA will have to pay to former athletes unfortunately me and Aaron will not be eligible as I believe the cut off is like I’m gonna get [ __ ] paid no you won’t no I am gonna get paid no no no no no no no no no no no no I I’m going I’ve I’ve heard through the great you there’s the there is a way to still get paid if you’re not in in that group cu the cut off supposed to be what 2016 2016 but there are players that had come before that time that are obviously very upset including myself that we’re not a part of the settlement uh that are going to uh fight for some more dollars um so this kind of is indicative of the problem overall is that I don’t know that this really solves anything like people are going to keep suing right like I agree I don’t get why we’re going back I I would rather just focus on going forwards I don’t get the whole like like let’s pay guys and and and back and I get there’s a let’s just get this over with rip the Bandit off pay the money and try and move on but you know my feeling has always been like what’s what’s in the past has happened it’s unfortunate it sucks for guys like you and me I mean it would have been great to be getting paid you know I think was going to end up being like $30,000 a year uh what’s going to be paid out to almost every single a athletes across all sports at each I mean across all sports foret there’s Title 9 there’s a you have to pay everyone um so it’s not everyone’s getting 30k a year then the numbers that there’s no way that matter $20 million $20 million 2.7 billion has to be paid out of I’m talking about like going forward with the money that’s getting paid oh I don’t know oh sorry sorry sorry yeah yeah okay okay okay like I’m all for like looking ahead and L again like I I get there’s the jealousy factor from all of us old heads that wish we could have been paid money like the kids are going to get paid now but we we were born too early it sucks you move on you you you go find a d job gives a [ __ ] dude it is what it is it is what it is anybody get there you should be happy for the Next Generation yeah yeah yeah I’m happy for the Next Generation that’s getting paid so like I I I was also actively going to force your way into the class action that you’re back if they’re gonna go backwards and I want to get paid okay if they’re gonna if they’re going to dangle that carrot in front of my face and say oh let’s pay former players well [ __ ] I want to get paid then okay well um just let me know because you know I wouldn’t mind maybe uh getting I think it’s mostly for like starting quarterbacks of major D1 programs but um excuse me [ __ ] I was an SEC media day representative and the highest rated player on NCAA 12 okay okay on LSU so suck my dick okay uh anyway if that’s only for quarterbacks that’s the most [ __ ] quarterback thing I’ve it’s not just for it was another major you hear that q1 elitism guys yeah you do they do as they should it’s fine I I’ll wear that badge proudly um and but first all your your your title of amateurism is dead it has been dead for no years yes it has yes it no because no the schools couldn’t legally pay you um somebody paid definition of amateurism what’s the definition of amateurism well I don’t know [Laughter] actually what do you think the definition of amateurism is Guy doing something without uh being able to be compensated for it uh yeah exactly and they’re not being paid to play football they’re being paid to advertise now they’ll be paid to play football so suck my dick okay Mr Le uh because yes this is the final straw like capitalism has finally won in the end um so let’s let’s talk about the looking forward part because you’re right I think looking back is less interesting yeah um because right now schools are going to be able to opt in to uh paying their athletes Revenue sharing up to $20 million a year um and obviously if you are one of the big schools and you want to remain competitive while this is optional like okay if Alabama’s going to agree to pay 20 million well like will LSU yeah we we know Georgia definitely would um would Auburn and so on and so forth you get the point there’s kind of a social peer pressure applied that if this School is gonna do the Max and you want to stay competitive you better do the max as well um what I’m unclear about are are many things first off there’s uh no real Clarity on how Title 9 factors in in terms of them split up the revenue eily um there’s no Clarity on exactly how schools will free up this money now I know that a lot of times schools will engage in very Creative Accounting right where they want to operate at maybe like basically no profit or uh a little bit of a loss so that you can claim tax incentives and uh so that your budgets don’t go down and whatnot right um that said I don’t think it’s just super easy to come up with 20 million out of nowhere like that is stop spending as much I mean Josh Brooks came out and said it the athletic director for Georg he like we have to find ways to cut spending on certain things whether it’s facility upgrades or this upgrade or adding to this uh there all that gets Tak into account and and another thing that that I’ve heard being discussed as well for a way to bring in more money is to to bring in um essentially firms like to to to make this whole thing essentially um you can buy stock in the universities or buy stock in the certain football teams I mean that’s one way to do it too I mean they really have gone capitalistic so wait you’re telling me that they would be paying a dividend to a shareholder but they still think they would make more money in the end there’s that’s a way to to be able to raise more Capital to be able to still pay the players and then still build all the fancy you know nice facilities that you want to be able to to have on campus yes I know I’m just wondering is that math going to actually how much the if if the equity is there and you’re able to raise the you’re not going to do it just to do it if you’re able to say like okay there is private Equity firms that that want to put a billion dollars into the University of Georgia and they get X percentage of the revenue from that you may have to look at the and say billion dollars gets us this allows us to pay for players allows us to build facilities it gives us this much leeway and obviously we’re still making money maybe not much but we have this private Equity Firm that’s taking care of a lot of the problems as well um I agree with Tom please For the Love of All That is Holy we cannot let private equity in uh I I could not agree more I just every time private Equity gets involved all that ends up mattering is the bottom line by the very nature of the corporation and everything gets gutted because of it uh and everything gets [ __ ] over golf meets meets college football I feel like I’ve seen so many um like like I always think about like video so many great video game companies ruined and gutted by these big corporations buying them up what you do I don’t know that’s what I’m saying it’s think he said he says if we go down the road or he says um there may have to be hard decisions some I can’t even begin to imagine like they will probably be programs cut to cut down on spending like you said I mean I I don’t know how you’re going to do all this and again I don’t think it’s an end to the lawsuits like it’s very hard to know what this actually means in terms of clarity or finality like they’re still not technically employees at least not according to Greg sanki but then what did your wife tell us you you almost have to be um and we I I teased this earlier like we might have to bring my wife on she deals with uh employment uh labor and and litigation for for um a big company and she was Guy brought this up to her on Friday I like how do they around this whole are they employees are they not employees obviously NCA does not want to make them employees because then you have to pay for benefits and you have to do this and that there’s a million things that goes along with it you would rather make them independent contractors but there she there’s multi-billion dollar major corporations that would love to go the route of independent contractors but when you look at the way that college sports especially college football that most of the boxes they check off are uh employees of the university the things that they’re required to do make them employee of the University so it have to be a special exception for them to go the route of a 1099 contractor but then that opens the door to all these other big corporations that would say hey if you’re gonna let the NCA do it then why can’t we do it then so are they really going to Grant college football the exception of every box says they’re an employee but we’ll look the other way we’ll let you be we’ll let them essentially become independent contractors and that’s going to be very slippery slope to uh to go well it would be it would be even more shocking if they would grant them the exception given that this entire ordeal has been finally about taking the exceptions away from college football where the NCAA has been flatly illegal but for whatever reason has not been held to these antitrust laws until now um this moment so look I I I I cannot pretend to know how the employment’s gonna work out I do know this nil still isn’t going anywhere remember this is not instead of this is an addition to uh so you’re still going to have those nil funds uh you’re going to need them ready to rock and roll um only now the labor is finally getting uh a piece of the revenue pie Drew NFL players are considered employees of the yes that’s why they’re allowed to collectively bargain which again sanki was very on the fence and very evasive and by the way guys the the spring meetings are going on right now so over the next couple of days uh in fact maybe we do a show tomorrow depending on um the news that breaks but over the next couple of days uh we should be getting a lot of coaches talking a lot of Administrators talking and we’ve already seen uh Greg sanki do some talking and he was very I would say evasive on the idea of players collectively bargaining he was um once again kind of uh putting out there that I don’t know that players want to be employees which you know you could that’s an argument there’s a debate to be had there could there’s there’s pros and cons on both sides um because yeah he’s basically being asked like well wouldn’t that a way be a way to solve like transfer portal and other stuff and he seemed to be like you know potentially but also we’d still love to Lobby Federal Congress and but he also kind of said that’s not going anywhere even though he’s trying so I you know I but once again like we go back we go back to we go back to the money though and if I’m the athletic director and I’m having to essentially make these student every student athlete and employee pay the benefits pay the salaries pay for upgrades I mean what are you going to do raise ticket prices every single already paying for benefits for most of these kids for a scholarship athlete I mean don’t you already have a little bit more for their employees I think there’s other things that go into once again I I’ll bring in I mean I guess you don’t have to do like a 401k match or anything like that like maybe you start getting involved in some of that which that’d be great um what are you gonna do are you literally gonna raise ticket prices for the average fan every single year to make the difference I guess so I’m just saying like they these are the options one thing they these the options do do you continue to raise prices concessions tickets parking um or do you take out take take in outside funds TK says could they add penalties if a player tries to transfer away so that’s the point about them being employees right uh right now it would either take to my understanding a federal act of Congress to to make a rule like that or if they were employees and could be collectively bargained with which again gets complicated because it’s it’s it’s it’s there’s so much turnover in college football constantly where technically and I guess well I guess this is not unlike the NFL where like a player’s in college and a new CBA is agreed to and they’re still going to be held to that CBA but um but yeah I I feel like the only way that they can do the portal rules or uh uh is with the collective baring agreement or a federal act of Congress you have to be employees yeah you have to be employees you can’t be an independent contractor and and essentially sign way that that that I won’t trans if you’re an independent contractor you can do what you want I can leave and go next year I can go the year after I can go the year after that like to me if we do want to clean it up I think we have to bite the bullet and just make these kids employees uh Chris Ranch say are all athletes at a given School get in the same amount uh we don’t know for sure yet that is not clear um I would say uh maybe but again we don’t exactly nobody’s really exactly laid out how title 99’s you you would think with something like Title 9 that at least like the women and the men portion of the pie would have to be equal um Aon you said $30,000 earlier do you think have you heard that all have you heard that all athletes will be getting the same amount that’s kind of what I’ve heard from a couple people but once again like you said nothing is is set in stone just yet so I thought initially it was going to be here’s $20 million let me and I know LSU’s kind of messed around this a little bit let me go hire a GM that each each sport gets x amount of dollars and that GM’s in charge of like okay you’re starting quarterback so I’m going to give you a million you’re a backup left guard you’re going to get $30,000 um which to me like that’s how it should be I have X amount of dollars I want to pay my guys the way I want to pay them not every player should be paid the same I don’t I don’t like I don’t like going down that path at all it does feel more college football going down that path does or I mean it just feels more College athletics um I kind of personally like I kind of like the idea of a flat fee for everyone and then you let the nil space kind of pay on uh okay who’s better sort of level because again nil is not going to go away all this is is in addition to so then everybody’s get in a flat rate at least and then you get um yeah exactly John not be getting paid more than the John says of course Aaron wants a QB to get 1 million in the oine 30k you see it guys see the type of [ __ ] that I have to deal with here unfuckingbelievable only makes sense sense does it make sense because if that’s the case then non-revenue Sports shouldn’t get anything at all only Revenue generating Sports should get stuff it should um oh okay so you’re you’re just full okay hell yeah look I mean I are you not Mr capitalism are you not Mr capitalism just are you not little you not been preaching that for for a year now uh no I’m not Mr capitalism I think unfettered I think unfettered capitalism has led us to A [ __ ] massive wealth disparity on the level that we haven’t seen since the [ __ ] barrons of like the early 19 teens I think we are do for a World War some other sort of massive economic reset because the wealth Gap is getting so large again go look at how World War I and two kind of reset it and kind of brought the people back only for us to get F by Tech the same way that the oil and [ __ ] train Barons were [ __ ] people back in you know a hundred years ago so no I’m not a believer in unfettered capitalism what I do say a lot of times is the people who are for much of these conversations years have been the people who are complaining about athletes being paid so I’m just trying to point out you can’t have you know you can’t say I want this and then also want that no I’ve got a little bit of got a little bit of uh uh capitalistic socialism in me like I I I would have no problem with every athlete getting the same amount from uh the school revenue and then um again letting the nil space um uh kind of pay the players who who are better from what I’ve seen too though from the nil space it would have to turn into a true nil space a remove the collective essentially the collective becomes part of the University in house where they’re just they’re looking for deals rather than hitting up donors for money you know what I’m saying um that P the GoFundMe portion of the collective goes away the collective essentially becomes an agency for the University where they’re helping strictly fund or fine deals it’s not a here if you you know you know give us $10 per month to whatever Collective and you get a sticker to put on the back of your car it is hey we’re going to dicks or cocacola or Delta or whatever whatever it is you know this this restaurant to get deals for the University and that’s it how I’m just saying that’s why does that change because it’s not you’re not you’re not essentially having a GoFundMe it is a true name image and likeness you’re getting deals through companies not every single fan putting in $10 to a pot saying here go won’t that give an advantage to whoever just keeps wanting to do the GoFundMe model because they I’m model I’m saying end the GoFundMe model you don’t allow it how how do you not allow it that’s my point none of this this doesn’t get touched in this settlement it doesn’t change it’s an addition I would like for that portion to be eliminated okay yeah well that again I think you have seen the collectives there’s a chance that the collectives do come in house I don’t understand why people keep saying that but maybe I’m just dumb I can’t I can’t get it um Corin Jacobs says Federal Regulations barely hurt major corporations but kill small businesses and competition uh yeah you know why they barely hurt major corporations because all the [ __ ] major corporations are putting all the money in a lobbyist to get these people elected so they create laws that are friendly to them and they get unlimited tax breaks that the small people don’t get [ __ ] that’s America hell yeah um yeah I get it I agree with AAR he says I get this stuff matters and it’s timely though I’m ready for some actual football talk I agree anything else from here um no I want to get paid though I want to get paid we spent so long talking about this and I don’t think that like I don’t know that it solves anything really I still think there’s gonna be L there’s gonna be [ __ ] like you out there still trying to get some of that money that you feel that you’re own how am I an [ __ ] how am I assle how am I an [ __ ] no you’re not you’re not an [ __ ] I I everybody should try to get what they that they feel feel what they’re owned I’m just saying that like this I I don’t understand that or I don’t feel that this gives the NCAA that much protection from lawsuits I feel like they’re going to continue to come but we’ll we’ll see um uh again corland or whatever it doesn’t matter but again corand I mean yes the reason why the major corporations the laws are so friendly to them is because they pay for them um all right real quick here uh I want to play some Billy Napier sound um it’s not like the best sound I wouldn’t say but it um it is how do I do this again hold on hold on hold on we were so good at it the other day what happened uh but it is somewhat interesting I would Scott I love that Aon is demanding get paid I I will say this one thing I remember from when I was getting recruited roed I was in Gainesville and we’re had a practice and tbo’s dad was there and my tbo’s dad and my dad were talking you know I’m watching practice and you know tbo’s Dad told my dad like you you have you walked around campus have you seen the number of what 15 jerseys walking around and he said the amount of money I forgot the I mean it was millions and millions millions the amount of revenue generated by that Jersey uh and my son doesn’t see a damn Penny of it like TBO should be included in this Johnny Menzel should be included in this Ty Matthew hell the number the amount of number 11 jerseys that I saw going around Athens Georgia during my time like hell yeah I want to get paid a little bit come on wait bro how did I share my screen last time why am I blanking I did this like so much the other day the present I missing on here what present where’s present where is it in the bottom oh oh God I’m an idiot thank you thank you all right here is uh Billy ner uh ask he’s being asked about Jaden rashada personal recruit yeah so thanks I appreciate the question um look I think it’s important for everybody to understand that I can’t comment due to the litigation right but I do have um confidence in our legal team I am comfortable with my actions uh and I’m thankful for the University’s support and we’re going to keep it at that kind of let the uh process take its course you’ve had a lot of positive momentum this offseason though you you talked about this a number of times this is definitely a gator reporter licking the I um I spent a probably 30 minutes observing our team this morning before coming here and we officially started our offseason program for the summer this morning that’s what gives me confidence you know I mean I think we we execute the first half of the off season the best we’ve done since we’ve been there you know we certainly have evolved we’ve adapted um and I feel good about our systems you know I mean I think ultimately we’ve got credible leadership for the first time how about that Aon watch out dude Georgia in trouble Florida with the best first half of their off season that they’ve had oh my God like didn’t didn’t they watch their recruiting class just completely fall apart on Signing Day and like a meteoric crash also as Chad is pointing out when you start with I appreciate the question you do not appreciate the question I gotta play the beginning again personal Ro in the recruitment of J so thanks I appreciate the [Laughter] question he listen he knew that was coming like come on now a number one thing like come on you you can’t be a dick about it you you you’re part of the reason why this this happened you have to stand up and answer the questions as best you can no I look I I I’m not saying Billy Napier did anything wrong it’s just very funny to hear I appreciate the question that was sued by a Georgia football player that you had promised 13 million to that was Edgar Thompson good dude um beer yeah he’s a what he is a Florida beat writer yeah yeah for sure I know I mean I’ve been in these rooms I know I know I’ve asked the same softball questions to ran Kelly Les Miles whoever Edo I get it um it’s just a name of the game man um so okay Billy though presenting a confident front on the lawsuit front we’ll see if that actually comes to pass um Do You Believe Billy Napier when he says that they’ve had the best first half of the offseason that they’ve had what is he going to say what what what is he going to say no it’s been it’s been I’m a little bit nervous this is talking season this is this is still the portion of the Season until week one or two where everyone thinks they’re going to win a National Championship but I will say this like it’s year three so you should you know like this is you we say same thing with with Brian Kelly at LSU like year three you’ve been able to put together recruiting you know recruiting Cycles you’ve been able to go in the transfer portal you’ve been able to you know now this is second year with a a starting quarterback so like you have the quarterback you got the leader he can help you know Steer the guys in the right direction as well so the pieces should be in place for Florida to yeah you should feel more confident this year than than you were last year but you still got to have the players when it’s all said and done you know you still gotta be able to line up against Georgia and FSU and be able to compete man man on man and and I just don’t know if Florida has that Talent right now do you think that um now King Malik looks like we got a gator in the chat saying that um that he thinks that yes the 24 class is good A bit of quality over quantity even if they did have a got a lot of guys leaves fifth in the transfer portal ranking so maybe there is some argument be made that things went a bit better in this offseason Florida than I would say do you think that DJ lagway pushes Graham Merz at all no this year do you have a Chris leak Tim TBO situation you don’t even think there’s a sub package for lagway what but but you the Tim situation was so different though Tim is is a different breed of quarterback where not like Tim was playing series after series after series Tim was in there for very specific reasons you’re inside the you’re inside the five yard line 10 time you’re third and one fourth in one situation it’s TBO time like there and I talked to to to Dan about this a bunch like there were situations that Chris leak knew look up at look up there at the scoreboard and it’s this situation all right my out you know out you’re not bringing lagway for those situations you have your quarterback you know how I feel the way he played last year I thought he played really well you’re two in the system you stick with him and unless he gets hurt um you put the five star on the bench until next season why would you play him what is he offer you that’s any different from the quarterback that you have in right now um because what if he’s like what if he’s more exciting than Graham Merz is in some ways I mean Florida’s a bad Florida is a bad example then you you need to give the example of Clemson 20 what whatever it was I mean am I crazy can DJ lagway I I I don’t I haven’t watched him play can he not run better than Graham Merz can like you don’t think I don’t know that but I don’t I don’t think that like that’s not to me watching The Limited tape that I’ve watched that’s not like that’s not who that’s not really his major d like you’re not putting him in there to run the football you’re not putting a whole package design like he is a pure passing quarterback sits in the pocket throws the football is he more athletic than gr merch maybe so but you’re not going to just change it up for a guy that’s a little bit more athletic but still call the same package yeah that’s fair that’s fair um all right well we’ll see uh how that ends up working um I know Florida fans look forward to watching another year of seven mer is pretty damn good I’ll be honest trust me if if if people listen to this show they know that you love Graham Merz but this is like my dad loving Jake plumber okay one kind of grindy white quarterback can’t help but love another grindy white quarterback okay yall are just one and the same and that’s the problem you can’t be trusted because you see yourself reflected in him um excuse me 8.1 yards per attempt so I take it back yeah I mean look I mean I’ll Jing aside his stats were very respectable last year but I I would not be like super excited if I was a Florida fan about gr Ms um and what would you rather put your your your life on if I’m I don’t no to be fair like I I think it’s a huge ask of DJ lague to be better like he was really good last year I just like Billy’s in a situation where do you almost need to play the five star just for like fan excitement I mean if if Graham is [ __ ] in the bed early on the season yeah maybe do it yeah but I I think you go with with the guy that that won the locker room over last year that played really well yeah you have a really good quarterback and I think you have one of the best receivers in the SEC as well um I would like to ask another question in the SEC and that is is Hugh freeze over rated so this comes uh from CFB home on Twitter here uh look at this Erin Mighty interesting you see these numbers right here look at this so uh Brian harson we all made fun of constantly right um and it seemed like just a truly God awful higher at the time first 13 games Brian harson six and seven of course no SC titles no bull wins nine we ranks uh nine weeks ranked um shuri hired I thought it was a pretty damn good hire right I thought in the offseason he kind of got the boosters align there seemed to be a lot of positive momentum however first 13 games six and seven zero SC titles zero Z bow wins zero weeks ranked both harson and freeze three double- digigit losses in those 13 games and one loss against a group of five team so tell me Aaron why is Hugh freees better than Brian harson I’ll tell you what I’m more excited about the Dwayne Johnson unveils Moana 2 trailer on the right side of the screen if I’m want to be honest uh do you want to see something real crazy have you watched the will Levis videos no oh we can’t watch those I to say I’ve heard rumors I I didn’t think they were online I guess I do some say um will Levis is you know we always know that will Lis is a great body right y um I would say that he has uh the genitals to match his body um very impressive stuff out of uh Levis though of course I always feel bad for people when stuff gets leaked um anyway even though I don’t think he comes out of this looking too bad quite honestly uh I don’t think any party does really but whatever um why is Hugh FES better than Brian harson because at least he’s proven it at this level I mean Brian harson he came into this as a group of five coach and then a very successful one there at Boise State but like you have guy that has not been at the the power five as struggle similar to what we’re seeing right now with Florida and Billy Napier then you have the other guy that has had a lot of success has won Big Time games in in the power five has one Big Time game games in the SEC that at least you know he can do it can he do it at Auburn can he can he recreate the magic that he did to have it all Miss I don’t know but I have more confidence that he can than what Brian harson was bringing to the table coming from Boise State um it’s a fair point it’s a fair point uh and and and for what it’s worth I agree I found these numbers to be interesting um but I do feel it’s it’s kind of how I feel about Matt roulet Nebraska right like Nebraska still went five and seven this year they still turned the ball over late they still lost a lot of close games but if you looked closer there was something there right um did harson ever get close to be in Alabama because I mean free should have he still he should have won the first year you remember when um oh yeah not not as much as free not as much as free should have but yes prob should have won more no no no no no not more than the running back was it tank bsby if tank BBY time no they would time yes I think it would have ended the game if tank bsby stayed in bounds they would have they would you’re telling me that harson and freeze are even more alike then yes and they both blew golden opportunities to beat Bama yeah um no look for what it’s worth I do think freeze has Auburn moved in the right direction I think he has them more aligned you know a traditionally chaotic place but um he’s gonna have to prove it like they gotta win some games yes this year and it’s still and and and they’re they’re rolling with pton Thorne which you know again freeze knows quarterbacks like you said he’s done on this level before he’s I just think from my perspective from if I’m a fan and I get maybe you you know more than us because you see him day in and day out and he had some good moments last year no doubt about it but I think just to to to ease the tension off the field it would have been better for him just to bring in someone and I it wasn’t a great Market too I mean let let’s just go to it was not like this super deep transfer portal Market where there was a bunch of guys in there but I just think like anyone to say like okay at least he’s trying to make the quarterback room better he he he brought in so and so to to add some competition I mean you are literally bringing a guy back who led you to a six and seven season last year and it was a it was a roller coaster man there was games fewer games that he looked good more games than than than not that he was um inaccurate and and just not making good decisions out there he I mean he did have a really good year at Michigan State the year they made the playoff but um he had a great running game behind him we see I mean again Hugh frees knows quarterbacks and Hugh frees is betting on Payton Thorne so like I’ll kind of see def Freeze’s judgment there but he better be right because he is overextending himself Y in terms of um in terms of of betting on Thorne uh da says uh what what he said uh Tab and try to watch snaps so it doesn’t take long for you to make this [ __ ] really cringe gez look I mean da bro this you know this is the show you know I mean I don’t know what to tell you this is the show you’re here you’re not it’s all good if you’re not into it I understand it’s it’s it’s not for um for everyone but maybe just go look up will L’s dick and see what you think about it uh eron did you hear about TNT buying some cfp games some college football playoff games TNT is struck a five-year sub licensing deal with ESPN for college well playoff games uh TNT Sports and HBO Max will show the first will show two first round games over the first two seasons of the deal and then the final three years of the deal they’ll broadcast and stream two first round games as well as two quarterfinals now good for you and your brethren Aaron um ESPN will still produce it they’ll still use the ESPN broadcasters but TNT uh well they obviously had to sell the advertising but then they will also um they they have the ability to make a studio show so uh if if you want you know the equivalent of Inside the NBA with Chuck and Ernie and the crew um they’d probably do something like that for the college football playoff in fact word on the street is TNT may not be getting this next round of NBA deals which would be truly awful in my opinion because Inside the NBA is probably the best sports show on television um I would I’m so dumb I would just even though like a lot of you would be like they’re not they don’t know football I would honestly love for them to just copy paste Inside the NBA I’ll take Chuck Shaq Kenny Ernie just have him talk about [ __ ] college football I don’t give a damn I still want to watch Bing dudes in the paint yeah I I would definitely watch yeah 100% um I thought it was going to be something different like I I you heard the rumors of Fox mostly Fox I’m not even going to throw NBC out there but like Fox was going to buy the rights of some of these games and I don’t know the inner workings and the dollar amounts and the competition of you know we don’t want Fox to have any of it and TNT you know especially the fact that you get to use espan broadcasters so it’s going to feel like an ESPN game and not another game out there um but it’s an expensive property it is a very expensive property and we’ve seen Disney obviously make some massive Cuts over the past year once again so I get trying to to I think it’s smart move by ESPN just plain simple like you you you get to make it feel like and still own part of it yet you get to make some money by by allowing TNT to put on their channels and the TNT is really not a competitor in the space at all yeah yeah no it makes it makes sense for and I think Fox does a good job I Brian not fox fox I think Fox does a good job with the broadcast I don’t know that I dislike any of the major college football broadcast I don’t like NBC I don’t like the broadcasters I don’t like the pregame show I don’t like the time show I don’t I I I think Fox doesc NFL coverage and I don’t watch NFL oh so like Sunday Night Football or anything like that you don’t think NBC does a good job I don’t watch NFL maybe maybe I’m just to um accepting because I I kind of I again I think they all do a pretty damn good job I think CBS does a good job I think Fox does a good job I think espan does a good job uh uh the fox bug is the worst I kind of liked last year’s Fox bug didn’t I or was it too big do people hate it I can’t remember um okay why don’t we do this uh we’ll save what’s the worst feeling in college football for tomorrow or for Thursday um depending on well if there’s big news we’ll do a show tomorrow if not we’ll wait till Thursday like uh we normally do but um a massive thank you to everyone for watching today uh please hit the like button subscribe guys uh you know when you all do that that’s great ways that you can help us out as we transition to being independent um go follow us on social yes follows on social and again uh we are going to get [ __ ] we gotta do more breakouts dude I just saw that maoy is at like 40K views what are we doing that’s something I know it’s a great show um uh we we we are going to get back on RSS feed eventually I know I keep saying this but eventually man the T how’s Vegas it was excellent it was excellent except that my dopamine and serotonin levels are non-existent at uh at this point um Aaron looks mad that T-Bob called him an elitist or called him an [ __ ] um he is an [ __ ] look at him a quarterback all quarterbacks are this is true uh will you live stream ina2 once it comes out absolutely look forward to it um all right that’ll be it thank you so much we love you and we will see you on the next


  1. That IS NOT a fuck boy fade by any stretch…. WHAT THE FUQIN FUQ, T!?????

    Ok, the Dead and Co story excuses the haircut.

  2. I’m not a regular viewer of this show. Are we supposed to know that T Bob does psychedelics?

  3. T Bob, I don’t think you quite understand capitalism. You can’t blame unfettered capitalism while also blaming government regulation for the whoas we are experiencing. It don’t make no sense

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