The Moe Norman Single Plane Golf Swing

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Mastering the Single Plane Golf Swing | Moe Norman’s Perfect Swing

Watch Moe Norman at the end of this video to witness the epitome of the perfect Single Plane Golf Swing.

Understanding the Single Plane Golf Swing:

One of the most common questions I receive is, “What are the most important things when it comes to swinging on a Single Plane?” While many are looking for a shortcut, the truth is, mastering the Single Plane Swing is a process.

In this video, I delve into what I consider the essential steps to mastering the Single Plane Swing in the proper order. This Model-Order-Measure process is what makes the Single Plane Swing so unique. Each part of the swing, starting from the very beginning, is intricately connected to the next. This seamless progression means that every position is crucial because it follows the ideal sequence.

About the Single Plane Swing:

The Single Plane golf swing isn’t just a quick-fix technique—it’s a comprehensive system designed to simplify the most critical moment of the golf swing: impact.

Key Points:

Simplification at Address: Unlike the Conventional golf swing where arms hang straight down at address, necessitating an upward movement into impact and creating stress on the back, the Single Plane Swing begins on the same plane as impact. This eliminates unnecessary movements and reduces stress on the body.

Efficiency and Effectiveness: By starting and impacting on the same plane, the Single Plane Swing reduces the complexity of the golf swing, making it easier to achieve consistent, powerful shots.

Model-Order-Measure Process: Every step in the Single Plane Swing is interlinked, ensuring that each position is executed in the ideal order for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Join me as I walk you through this revolutionary approach to golf, demonstrating how every element of the Single Plane Swing contributes to a more straightforward and powerful golf swing. Don’t miss Moe Norman’s perfect swing at the end of the video—it’s a true masterpiece of the Single Plane technique.

Learn More:

For more in-depth training and to master the Single Plane Swing yourself, check out our Single Plane 30 Program here.

Single Plane 30 Class Only

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hey today we’re going to talk about the five most important parts of the single find swing and so welcome to the channel today we’re going to talk about the five most important parts of the single F swing which is a question I get asked and here’s the interesting thing about that question is you can never say that one part of the Swing is more important than another and here’s why because you know the methodology we teach that it all relates so for example if you said what’s the most important thing I’d say do the swing start address some grip right so that would be the most important place to start so that’s the most important part of the single point swing but what you have the address and grip then the most most important part is to move into the back s position one and then position two but once you have position one correct the have position two correct the next most important part becomes the transition into the down swing right so you know if you see I’m going with this is that I can’t just say hey you got to get the grip right that’s the most important thing because this is a model and every part of the model relates to the next part of the model and if you if you mess up one part of the model the entire model gets messed up so it’s not one of the five most important Point parts of the single point sway it’s the proper order that you learn the swing in that’s the most important part is are you doing it in the correct order are you learning it in the correct order are you measuring it in the correct order and are you making sure you’re getting it right in the correct order because look if you want to spin your wheels and struggle with the golf sling for the rest of your life just start with a bad grip because your entire golf life will be trying to figure out how to make a motion with a bad grip you get the grip and address correct look I have a very good address and grip position and I can actually not feel good in my swing and I still pretty hit it pretty good because I got a a very important part of the equation figured out and then I have a good back swing so because these things come together not one thing be more important than the other but getting in correctly positioned in order making sure my address and grip is correct that so I can make a good back swing to get it correct to transition correctly and downwing it’s the order in which I’m processing this becomes the most important factor and then all the positions are equally important when you look at it that way the back swing is just as important as the address but it’s just you’re never going to get a good back swing unless you have the address position so it’s a chicken of the egg question I guess is what upet so let me let me just do some things for you here while I have you on on uh on the channel let me walk you through how I process this and if I the process I use inside Graves golf when I teach every one of my students is what we call model water measure okay we’re matching a model so if you look at my address you see me matching the model uh single play address position address and grip position my R position so this I can match to the model I got all my line so I don’t want to go through every detail because there’s some measurements here right so I’m modeling and then I make sure that I check position one position two transition position three position four position five and six I’m checking position so I got the model motion there correct I can check this thing I’m doing it in the proper order so I get my address correct maxing correct down swing so it’s in the proper order now I can measure it in other words I take a video of my sway I can now hit a golf ball all right so I just made a swing and now what I can do is I can look at these positions I want to measure against the model looking at that video was I in the correct position addressing grip was position one good position two position three impact four five can fin to with him am I matching the model so now you see this model order measure process I can check myself I can measured against the model I can swing and do these checkpoints this is how I improve in the most rapid way possible so this is what this whole thing is about is there’s not a one most important part of the Swing it’s it starts at the beginning do we have it correct at the beginning are we do in the proper order am I checking it and this is your matching the model process which will in my in my experience as a teacher massively speed up the process because number one you get this s you you learn it correctly number two you learn in the correct order number three you can fix it correctly you can find the problem because most people are guessing when they practice they go out there and they guess they guess they hit a ball left and they guess the face is closed it might not have been something right they’re guessing stop guessing that’s the whole point start matching stop guessing start matching the model and you will wrap improve your golf swing that’s the way that Mo taught me to improve that’s the way I learn to improve and that’s what I make the most progress with all of my students is when we get very refined and Clarity on matching the model hope this information is helping you click the Bell icon give me a thumbs up I’ll see you in next video right oh right on sure you right on that’s why I’d be good if I ever hit him in the rof I’d be good no way look the a little give it a little hoist wait to the hole my turn how can I take it outside but I’m too far my look my shoulder is it my turn already F can I pick it up something take your arm away now not good eliminating all that here go [Music]


  1. Greetings Todd outstanding video. The thing that stood out the most for me was the sound of impact when you demonstrated hitting the ball. Wow!!!!

  2. I haven't played golf in ages, but if I get back to playing I will try the Graves/Moe Norman fundamentals.

    …What is the key thought that starts your swing back? Some players do something with their knee or turn their heads slightly just before starting the back swing? With you and Moe, I can't tell what is the key thought to starting your back swing.

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