Golf Strategy EXPERT Shows us the RIGHT WAY to Play Golf

Having a smart strategy on the golf course is the quickest (and easiest) way to lower your scores, and in this video we’re bringing in golf strategy expert to prove it!

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About This Video: In this video, the experts from Shot Scope are joining us to prove that having a great strategy on the golf course is the quickest and easiest way to lower your scores (no matter your handicap or skill level). Gavin and Jen will show us how to use the Shot Scope MyStrategy to dial in your course management in order to avoid the common mistakes that cost so many golfers strokes.

What are some of the best golf strategy tips that have helped your golf game? Let us know in the comments!

you see the uh cart path yes and then you’ve got the tree mhm we’re going to go for the bit of grass between those two so quite specific yep out there we want to hit at 145 good line set a little that was nice very good shot okay so today we’re going to find out just how much good course strategy really matters when it comes to shooting lower scores and to help us out we’ve got two incredible golfers joining us Gavin Deere plays to a plus three handicap and he had an incredible amateur career which included playing in The Walker cup with Tommy Fleetwood he later turned Pro and played in a number of challenge tour events and Jen is an elite amateur golfer who’s ranked as high as 113th in the world amateur golf rankings she also recently won the St rule trophy in her breakthrough Victory where she beat the field by three shots at the old course at St Andrews Jen Gavin also work at shots scope where they specialize in using data to make smarter decisions on the golf course so let’s see just how well their guidance can help us out here at a difficult Pete die [Music] track all right so I’m going to have Gavin on my side he’s going to be caddying for me today I’m going to set a goal of 42 I want to shoot better than a 42 I’m an 11 handicap we are at a very difficult Pete die design there’s a little bit of elements it’s raining all the excuses I’m throwing at you now hey guys I’m an eight handicap so uh you know roughly four strokes a side that should be about a 40 so I’m going to try to shoot 40 or better uh it is a little bit tougher at this particular course we’re playing in the rain but let’s get those excuses out of the way now and uh see if we can beat that score all right first hole is a 413 yd par for the green is protected there’s some heavy bunkering that down there so as you get closer to the green it’s going to be a little bit tougher let these guys take their strategy away here Mike I like you aiming at the right edge of the tree right you’re going to then slide it off that down onto the Fairway and the bunkers are 290 so I don’t think you’ll reach that today okay so aim it on the right edge of those trees okay that’s going to be interesting a good swing yeah you’ve killed it straight okay okay it’s playable now we got to see what I do blocked out from this tree you had to peek at my stats you know my Miss to be left yeah little left so I think different to Mike the uh where the sort of the top of the bunker is and on that if it draws back to the left you’ll be fine bunkers aren’t in play um just give it a rip turn a little little you might be all right there I think it’s all Fairway there you go we got a good bounce nice dude Pete D gave us one there that’s probably the only one he’s going to give us today so a little backstory if you’re not familiar with shot scope uh we’ve actually been using shot scope for both GPS uh stat tracking and and our laser rangefinders for if you can believe it it was 5 years ago that we traveled to Scotland and we played 10 courses over six days with Jen and Gavin it was incredible I’ll never forget it but that is where the data that you’re going to see us talking about the strategy uh and the data that we’re going to use for each shot is coming from shot scope we’ll link to that in the video description so you guys can check it out but for anybody who’s unfamiliar that is what we’re referencing when we’re talking about our data out here by the way I love your little umbrella trick I I don’t know you never seen that before of course come from someone who plays in the rain a lot it’s just a way to do it learn something new every day all right Jen Let’s uh let’s fire it I mean what are you thinking here you got 181 pin stat said 56% of short scope users have come up short here so we’re clubbing up okay um long life looks like the place to be on the green that is 181 pin I think a 18 185 shot okay I see that water behind I think that’s why a lot of people come up short they get nervous you’re not making the water today but yeah the data doesn’t lie stop I’m going to hit like you said 185 yeah I think it’s going to be a six for that Carrie that’s it oh oh same as everybody else same as everybody else a little short a little heavy a little short we’ll recover all right so I did block myself out a little bit didn’t cut the way I wanted to but y this is golf this is what’s going to happen we’ve got 155 flag 144 front you’re going to have to play with the tree here you don’t want to finish right of the flag so the can you kind of got the the L shape yep box up there we kind of want the ball to go up there it’s going to be close to the tree but I think you’ve got enough Loft to get over it let’s hope so and let’s finish left of the flag okay we’ll turn a little [Music] more hit the green on the Green on the green we’ll take it miss my target but I’m on the right side we’ll take it I think you just have to go left here left yeah just don’t make the issue worse yeah if you go at the pin it’s just going to bring in a lot more trouble nice jot there you go perfect good shot very good shot y thanks that was good from there this is usually where Things Fall Apart for me I leave a lot of Strokes on three putts yeah got a lot going on here huh bumpy greens wet yeah it’s going to go right to left isn’t it so you know you’re looking trying and give you a spot here I think somewhere out out here okay try trying to feel that pace which it’s not easy first part of the day but let’s let’s try and get it down four five ft good roll keep going keep going okay okay we’ve got a chance for yeah we got a chance we got a chance downhill slider but they’re pretty slow so still have to give it a give it a hit I think you’re probably just going out around here there’s a we spot going to move more at the end not bad there ah very good okay thanks tough to judge that speed I mean what do you you like right Edge but if it’s firm right I think it’s a little bit more than right Edge unlucky tle give it a lot of pace okay all right we got a tough hole coming up now number one handicap long par 4 need driver long hole Yeah up the hill you’re almost just trying to thread it through the the next set of te’s right kind of left half those bunkers on the left you’re going to fly them easily okay so a good driver up there similar to one really yeah it’s a to replicate that drive okay like that nice yeah great ball that works thanks that’s the easy part of the whole done yeah done right slightly different to to Mike again I like the inside of that tree on the right little draw off there and good solid swing you’ll be fine okay going to get away with it’ll work it’s low but it’ll work yep okay all right 195 5 Pin 195 195 it’s right up the back you’ve got all the golf course on the left we’re going at those two trees right in the middle of them um just play the number four iron maybe yeah chunked it all right we chunked it to a safe spot that’s fine there yeah all right so I definitely shortened the hole up got lucky but hey Fair away we’re dry flying over water here 145 flag okay you got 1 three 5 to carry the water on that line but we’re not going to go that line we’re going to take it left okay so we’re looking at play with your dispersion so we’re going to go you see the uh cart path yes and then you’ve got the tree mm we’re going to go for the bit of grass between those two so quite specific yep out there we want to hit it 145 okay I mean I’m thinking nine but it could be wedge I’m thinking wedge too you think wedge yeah okay let’s go wedge on that line good line set a little nice very good shot excellent thank you that was nice very good shot all right come on give me a k not bad dive in there after a couple bad shots I didn’t deserve a par obviously it’s up Hill it’s going to run away a little bit from you but I I think you got to play the uphill yeah worst case we’re 4 5T past right cuz I’ll be putting back up yep but let’s get it out there and okay get up to the hole not out where you said I missed the spot but stop there okay I want to be a little bit higher up needed a little more p y y great four thank you sol feel good to get that one back all right cool hard yeah easy for M driver down here we need to be aggressive it’s the best club in the bag yep you got the bunkers up on the right it’s not really too bad a concern let’s go at the small tree just up the left line of the water here okay right oh no slipped it’s okay we’re going to play Recovery golf here did you see you come down it’s on the cartp I did that’s white on the right jeez you might be better just taking a cart back that way yeah bunkers up the right they look nice but we’re not going anywhere near them um the left bunker is probably a good line for you just a little draw off of there and no other issues on this yeah looks intimidating but it’s not really lovely y good ball nice okay Fairways are nice Fairways are good this is either going to be phenomenal or not those are usually the two options isn’t mediocre part of that I don’t know anyway I got 177 blind shot I’m a couple Fairways over came out really good saw set too much I didn’t see that down that go over that hump nah it’ll be okay it’s left of the green okay all right Jen typical Pizza ey blind shot here yeah so ball above your feet typically that goes left so we’re going to a a little further right to allow for that 112 pin pins at the front so ideally want to be a little bit beyond that bunker short life this is going to go left we want to just stay away from it so slightly long and right I think a sort of 120 115 shots not going to hurt you here um just to make sure we get up there I really came out left come on yeah left long left long left it came out really hot and left all right so normally here I’m grabbing my 58 degree and just trying to throw it up there Gavin suggested bumping a nine iron here yeah and just kind of Landing it in front of the green right to the right and let it slope take it up we’re trying to get a par chance yep we want to take six out of play it’s soft it’s an up slope so you land it there it might stop we can putt it we’ll two putt from there okay but hopefully it’ll take a skip up and we can get something in have a good chance okay okay there we go here we go look at this amazing tired great shot if you’re going lob wedge you probably just land this On The Fringe y it’ll still trickle down out left here like towards the that not even I’d almost just go straight at it when it hits the green it’s going to go a little left off this bump that uh Mike’s Putters on yeah so if you just go straight for it just trying to get it out of this lie here yeah below your feet Gally it will start a little further right so you could aim left to allow for that okay well played it’s a good shot nice thank you good one I’ll take that out of there all day I hit it hard come on too hard I pushed the brake right out of it oh didn’t move on me that go straight left awkward all right awkward that was awward it’s a good five though yeah from where I was yeah wedge is like the 145 Club I have a 40 I have a 48 which 4348 I think it’s 48 is like my 135 I don’t know if the weather or the rain 48 to me smooth wedge smooth wedge I think he overestimates how far he hits it a little bit he gets out there but well you see the stats how many how many golfers overestimate everybody everybody’s short so normally we we like back of the green so it’s 145 back of the green so that would be a really good wedge from Mike so anything you can take off it should be good distance just knock off 8% wind is pushing out of the West no I like a smooth wedge just down down the heart of the green okay so we’re left of the flag down the middle smooth wedge oh D come on tug it catch a piece oh unlucky okay you hit it smooth yeah it was smooth nice and smooth okay work to be done work to be done there similar so we heard 132 yep um 135 40 is not going to hurt you 9 iron similar distance to me so nice easy to work that one out yeah um I like left edge of that bunker in the distance or the tree left edge of the tree is good line keep it left of that pin got it everything’s left today for man we’re get the little Yips on the left it’s going to be two hard bunker shots it sure is it towards the water towards the water let’s see who can do it the best I mean look not ideal spot so all we’re really trying to do is get the ball out the bunker onto to the green now what would be your uh advice here for this wet compacted sand is it am I digging deeper swinging harder you need more Pace more Pace right cuz the Sand’s going to be harder for the club to work through so you need a bit more Pace other than that I would just play it normally how you do normal amount of sand okay but you want a little bit firmer okay okay hold on oh unlucky in the water no you got think you’re being grass all right grass well Frank you heard how to play it yeah just improve on what Mike done oh no set boy you you really think you need to get that wet sand and got it actually comes out easier than it looks it does it really did was it another bunker oh no oh no oh no this is a stock nine iron shot I should not have missed this green but that’s what it’s about just kind of covering and you see where you put yourself in trouble tricky little Monker shot you literally just have to Splash it out but don’t get too cute with it just make sure you get up on the green that’s too cute with it that’s slightly too cute with it I wanted to just land it on you know well you’re putting now anytime you can get the putter on it the better right it’s sitting up quite nicely yeah it’s going to bump over here but if you think about a circle I’d feel pretty confident you’re going to going to get a putter within sort of 3 4 ft of the hole right yeah I think so let’s go for that lovely oh all right well done thank you good you literally just have to get it to there here it’s going to keep running it will jump out of that but I mean I could put it the other thing let me the other thing I sometimes will do with this is get my 60 and get it all the way upright and just tow putut it and it it’ll pop a little bit like I carry it just over this if you’re comfortable doing that go for it I would always put toe you know what if you like that shot this this video is all about listening to our CAD so that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to listen you want to be hitting it just inside these bit of sand here okay not bad Frank yeah I wouldn’t have gotten it any closer pretty good that’s for sure all right we saved our well I saved my four at least so Gavin this is kind of like a short 286 front of the green par 4 you’re saying driver here yeah look this is the best club in the tea right there’s bunkers all the way through so we could say let’s take the far bunkers out of play but you could hit a Hybrid in the shorter ones right right so let’s get it as far down as possible okay I like the left of the two trees mhm good driver on that and it should leave us 40 50 yards a pitch and it and being out to the right here you’re going to be playing up the green so hopefully that’ll open okay open it up okay that’ll work that’ll work even with the little clip of the tree branch I lost it but oh it found the bunker did it yeah okay okay Jenna I’m shocked you got the driver I’ve never hit driver here you’ve never hit driver here I mean I want to hear it I want to hear the thinking it is wet you’re not getting much run just got to carry that first bunker well maybe the second bunker it’s 250 to the ones on the right okay potentially in play but it’s unlikely there’s a lot of bunkers out there if you lay up you could lay up into a shorter one yeah true true we can end up in a bunker either way if you’re going to be in a bunker I’d rather be in one further up yeah there’s not really an obvious layup point on this hole so you just get as close as you can and what’s the line we’re just going straight down this left side over that hump yep that’s a fairway bunker I think just straight over that where your driver maybe just on inside the left tree okay cuz I I have taken Lon driver on this hole many times and it’s it’s never quite panned out I think lesson driver works when it’s dry and you’re getting a bit of run like run into those bunkers but today it’s wet um don’t be scared of it you can hit that good and you’ll be fine good ball look at that bounce good ball nice man good shot thank thank you we’ll find out when we get up there clip that tree branch ended up in this bunker or no just outside of it all right yeah yeah we’re outside we’re on grassp we’re going to hit about a 115 shot here yeah so it’s 110 but cuz the ball’s up above your feet cuz it’s in the rough we’re going to play an extra 5 yards and then we’re going to take it effectively middle of the green right we’re going to expect the ball to come off the L go left so let’s say in middle of the green okay and let’s get it on the green let’s do it okay go little oh unlucky I should have gave it a little more yeah need a little bit right target yeah it was good line yeah there’s not really an obvious layup Point unless you’re way back short this bunker so you’re hitting like a 180 shot off the T maybe even 170 and then you’ve got a relatively long shot into what is a short par 4 a lot of divits around here but that brings in this bunker and the rough this is sort of biggest area all funnels in so just getting a club that runs you into there and today it’s wet so dver driver worked but it’s a tricky hole you lay up you’ve got a long shot you just got to try and get as close as you can really what did you have 67 to the pin um again just keep it short of this pin I think okay long looks like it all just disappears I think if you land it sort of 55 to 60 you’re probably good yeah that’s right safe spot of the green safe yeah good there so probably normally you would hit 58° here yeah so if you address the ball problem there see the up slope you’ve got so much loft on the club mhm so I’m going to say it’s either a pitching wedge or a N9 iron and it’s almost going to play like your 58 because of the amount of Loft okay so I I mean I like 9 iron but N9 iron but just like soft yeah yeah yeah yeah okay similar to a couple of holes ago right yep and and we’re almost going out at the camera because you can’t get to the flag so we’re trying to get it pin High 10 12 ft right okay and you’re playing with the slope so you’re you’ve got a lot of loft there with a n iron and you’re just going to land it on the green and release it out okay mhm little too much pop there little too much but okay that’s pretty good yeah but you see how much height you got from it right and you’re saying with that 58 I might have just with that 58 it would have gone straight in the air you can’t get it the distance it’s going to end up short possible three put yeah yeah got it you know it’s an outside par chance right uh-huh we want it to be close want it to be a tap in bogey but you know there’s a chance to hold this one so I I like that okay just going to move in okay great Pace oh give it a chance all right great try okay five Yeah couple of difficult positions yeah one of our favorite holes here right this is a tough part through yeah it really is Tiny Target down the hill Long Way yep that’s what I got what do you have yeah minus 13 for the so you know it’s almost a club less but the weather again it’s cold it’s wet so let’s get it middle of the green pins up the front so 175 yard shot probably a seven hour for you Mike yeah it’s a nice day for a ho in one shot come on Dolph shot go on a little short see now I normally would have taken an eight there so it could have been even worse oh they’re like laughing at me I actually hit the eight by accident Gavin told me it’s seven and I’m short of the green yeah well they’re off the hook it’s not their fault this guy’s fault darn it right you heard him 180 pin 167 was slope but 175 today perfect six iron yeah just long right of the pin perfect middle of the green there oh good swing go on you’re there great shot stay on there thank you six you hit the right Club yeah this this is the right handed it to me just to make sure I hit the right clock all right Gavin so Putter’s the play here right Putter’s the play right it’s going to move right until it hits the green it’s going to start to move left I almost like pretty straight here okay and if we get the pace right then you’re going to be a couple of feet away okay okay no got to hit it all right got to hit it let’s try to save it birdie putt we could do with one of these dropping we definitely could help save the score a bit he going to go right to left um maybe like a half a cup outside the right I think it flattened out a bit oh he didn’t hit it what the same we got work cut out here now we do I that Hill took a lot more off it than I thought and I I laid I didn’t hit it but still straight out now we’re downhill yeah now we’re down oh come on how’s it go that way for real yeah that baffles me I know how does it it must it had to hit one of those yeah aerations cuz that can’t go right that’s weird just it’s like going like this yeah a bit more pace you’d be fine too much oh didn’t want to leave it short all right good try that’s a tough pill to swallow three putt bogey after being on the green and it’s not where I want to be positionally uh but I tell you it’s very easy to want to uh blame the uh the airation the ball’s jumping around a little bit but one thing I’ve learned from playing with better golf is like that can quickly seep deep into your head and then you’re the score starts to get away from you so just nothing you can do you can’t change it Shake It Off not in the position we want it to be but we’re still learning stuff out here and we’re going to just keep grinding and try to play our best all right Mike has Good Vibes on this hole I don’t know if you saw the video he almost Albatross yep yeah so this he’s got some good vibes here yeah made an eagle here one of my very few Eagles of my life oh yeah she’s hucking look at that what a shot what a shot what a golf shot you love thisle love this love this this love thisle get out of here what is with you in this hole I have no idea that was a shot thanks man that was a shot look at me trying to talk you out of it make the safe that’s the last I’ll just close my mouth I won’t say anything anymore talk I’m go FR right so I like this hole I mean it’s just dry driver driver driver 3-wood hopefully just not fading today that that Hill should kick it come on if I went over that hump hopefully it brought it down you just wanted to be in the same spot that’s exactly where I was last that’s where you were last time a good memory par five good birie chance here could do with a couple of birdies on these last few holes definitely good I like is that a little uh rubber bin trash can you guys call it the red thing yeah just straight straight at that almost like straight over this yellow steak as well come on nice big drive here good one there it is nice sh try to shorten up this par five good H yep thanks one of the words we learned when went wild in Scotland in 2019 was gutted gutted Frank was gutted from the last hole that’s gutted after that last say that right yeah I love it but look he bounced back nice there nice drive like I said you can’t I learned this playing you know with James Nicholas and some other really good golfers they say you can’t go back you can’t change what you did wrong exactly and it’s just so easy it it’s hard to compare like how much of a benefit and how much you know we’re benefiting from their um their strategy but when I’m thinking about in my head I’m thinking without that metered like just kind of focusing on the strategy there’s a lot of ways that I would get too aggressive right now I would try to make up for the mistakes that have already been made and then the big numbers start to come in yeah they’re keep you composed sure right so it’s like okay we’ve had a couple numbers we don’t want on the card but let’s not make any more and just keep I’m I’m learning to train my mind to go that way and playing with golfers like Jen and Gavin that’s what helps me that’s what helps me because it’s just like otherwise you know the score gets away from you just too quick 80 yards here coming out the rough it’s going to run a little bit but I think we got to be pretty aggressive try to get one nice and close for a birdie putt yeah um slightly left the pin it’s all going to chase down again balls below your feet so it will move to the right okay um I quite like the tree just left of the the pin here I see that tree y bit more aggressive than we were earlier on but we need some birdies so we do oh it was so heavy run just run a little yeah run up there that putt yeah at least we’re putting but that was grab your Club yeah that’s a lot of grass yeah all right Gavin not a bad shot yeah it’s not bad it’s it’s not a bad lie um it’s going to move a little left on you coming up and you probably need to pitch it a little bit further up the green than you think right cuz it’s a little uphill it’s you know bit soft bit wet okay too much huh oh just chased it on with these it’s just about trying to get it in that sort of gimme range big bucket around the whole sort of a 3T Circle yeah just concentrate and try to get it inside that I crushed it come on sit sit I had that last Putt in my head when I hit it so short and then I crushed it oh little B harder good line all right right par good par good par no yeah if I had gave it more Pace it was in it was a good line all right two holes to go I’m still on target I’m five over with two to play my goal was to finish five over so a parar clothes or a bogey birdie clothes and I got this thing locked up so no mistakes going to keep listening to Gavin try to play smart golf let’s go it’s pretty much straight away yeah you know I think you’re right it’s going to run to the right on The Fairway so probably left half of the Fairway is the target Point okay bunkers are right there you’re not going to reach those it’s going to kicked long before it gets there sure but it’s a long hole so we need to get it out there okay okay why am I going left today I could hit all right there’s grass over there I’ve been there there’s grass over there no Woods all right right maybe not been the the scores that we were hoping for but could finish strong looks Par Four as you see it as Gavin just explained kicks to the right I like the tree just left the the pin line for you um just nice smooth Tempo cuz that right kick you’re thinking the left line is anything’s going to go okay it’ll kick a little right that tree is slightly left of the Fairway left half okay I think that’s good one for you just left it out come on okay might be okay not giving up on my goal here I mean the challenge is line right yeah you kind of want to be as close to this tree as you can be right right probably be tough to draw it with it below my feet everyone’s kicking it to the right yeah okay time for another miracle get good connection and most likely chipping a pu okay yeah was tough fly that’s tough all right we’ll have to get up and down from there there’s a tree in the way um you got 180 to the pin but you do draw it so I think if we just start it right at this tree it’ll come around nicely for the pin um it’s sitting quite nice and the rof so six iron should sort of fly with the bit of draw oh it clipped just clipped it it’s slightest bit okay right side the green probably my luck today to hit the smallest tree on the course off this up slope I don’t know how much you can see this off the camera but it’s yeah substantial 155 I don’t think you’re going to get nine back there and considering this is our third shop we got to get it back there we got to give ourselves a chance for par right yeah just as minute I went down I hate hitting those shots roll down yeah all right all right 70 yards we need something that’s going to land you can see the first Ridge y we got to fly that and we got to land it in that dip it’s going to take a hop and stop maybe off that lie it should so 60 the 508 is probably too much loft right I probably want to keep it a little lower I would tend to say so so it’s in a 52 or 48 it’s it’s however you really see it at that stage right okay so you probably want to fly at 60 62 okay all right that was really nice yeah I’m not upset about that a little bit further would have been nice but I I normally instantly 100% of the time grab 58 yeah and most of the time I will come up short and leave myself with a 50ft putt all right guys clearly not our aame today but still learning a lot that’s what I said every round you pick up something we learn something especially from playing when working with golfers as good as Gavin and Jen and if you guys want to try a little bit of this to yourself just like really focusing on strategy like bringing the the the swing that you have and just giving yourself the best chance to score with that swing definitely check out some of those tools from Shots scope we’ve said it before we’ve been using them for years whether it’s tracking your data and learning more about your game or even that really cool my strategy something that Gavin and Jen have been kind of navigating us through today you can do it yourself too if you don’t have your own personal Gavin and Jen check out shots scope check out that my strategy and you can go before you play the course you can start to take a look at how it lays out out plan your shots come up with a smart strategy it will help you shoot better scores wish I had a little bit better score going today but like I said we learned something it’s still a positive all right what do we say I would be hesitant to hit driver here normally right CU you’re going to have to thread it up there but we need a four so we need a birdie so let’s go driver I think you can see the tree up there the one it’s on that it’s a good drive if if we get a good drive away then we can probably reach right yeah just stay there soft okay last hole finish on a good one you hit a nice right to left perfect shape for this hole um there’s a Little Rock up there not far from Mike’s ball I think that’s a good starting line just let it draw back to the left okay here’s out to the right it’s a good hit though you’ll be with me come on come on Kick come on it’s all right okay it’s safe it’s safe all right right we’ve got 227 15 up so 240 it’s a long way probably not going to make it up there today looks like there’s a little more room up on the right than we can see from here and and anything that does come up short is going to end up very short with the the banking around it so to me it’s just get it as close as you can yeah that’s it oh got through you’re in good shap that’s through pretty good yeah yeah it’s it’s ni it got through just clip some leaves trees are 90% air you’re you’re okay all right all the challenges are throwing at us we can reach here but we we’re a little blocked out now Gavin most amateurs if they if they know they need to score last hole I want to get a birdie my mentality right now is I don’t need to get on the green here I just need to get on the green on the next shot right if I want to accomplish that goal yeah so I just want to leave this in a good spot if I do get it on the green I get it over there great I just don’t want to make a mistake here so talk me uh through this one yeah I mean look we’re going to go through wood here I I actually think you can get this on the green mhm um we need aim out left obviously and we’re going to try and cut it a little bit this is a high difficult it’s a difficult shot right but we could take a wedge out there and leave ourselves a full wedge but you’re well below the green the pins up the back that’s going to be hard okay so let’s roll the dice here a little bit I like that and if I could just connect and hit the same three would I hit on seven and start a little more left it sh up in a good spot yeah yeah yeah exactly that’s what we’re looking for great oh Mike by the way mik didn’t cut but hey it’s good there though yeah little wed good all right hey let’s go make some magic we did not feel confident about that one anywhere on the screen is a great shot this lie with it so much above your feet it’s wet if we can get it up there in you’re putting we’ve done really then we’ve done something oh it was so such a good line it was it really was yeah but it’s hard to get there with this I could see what you’re saying I would have if I could have it again i’ do pitching wedge or nine iron mhm you know you live and learn so there’s a little bit more green up here than you think okay and most likely it’s going to kind of Bounce you can see this Ridge right you want to be a bit left of the flag yeah but look we’re trying to get it inside 10 ft give ourselves a chance here okay right let’s do that done okay okay A little B 15t maybe Great Grass just goes deeper wherever we go Jen yeah we’ve been in the thick stuff today we have hopefully last shot though um 6 day all day with this one yeah I think not enough go go go it’s tough to H it’s just so hard to judge how heavy it’s going to be 1980 basement carpets you’re digging through Shaggy all right guys so Mike played well man almost hit your number I almost did 43 versus the 42 that I wanted and you know I was telling Gavin the whole time out here pound rage is a tough course I have not played well here I don’t think ever you know but I love the course it’s a challenge but today to walk off with a 43 on the front nine that’s pretty darn good for me man absolutely and I obviously I would have loved to have this entire round back I did not bring any good parts of my game today but one thing I learned from it you know just each shot just just going through the process because Jen just helped keep me focused to still even if I wasn’t executing still making the plans because I think what happens is start playing poorly you guys all know it’s like to have a bad round you immediately just start phoning it in and I just felt like if I could just stay focused no matter what happened on the card I’ll learn something today so I think we learned a lot and if you want to try this out too make sure to check out shots scope uh it’s just great the stat tracking but then using that my strategy it’s your own kind of way to have your own Jen and Gavin so to speak check out the my strategy pre-plan out your round and see if it makes a difference and then try to stick to and commit to that plan whether you’re playing well or you’re not playing well see if you can commit to it and see how you go out there let us know in the comments what you think we’ll see you in the next one


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