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30th America’s Cup | ALL RACES | Race 1 – 5

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The 37th America’s Cup will be Defended in Barcelona by four-time America’s Cup winner, the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron represented by their team, Emirates Team New Zealand.

#AmericasCup #AC37 #Barcelona2024

Race 1 0:00
Race 2 25:37
Race 3 59:15
Race 4 1:26:59
Race 5 1:45:56

length Advantage at the moment to Prada the question is how long can Team ell live there if Prada keep squeezing up like this team New Zealand in fact there they go now they’ve had to take away to get clear air well that was an interesting start certainly I think PR of gain the advantage there to get that lured position and be able to First push Team New Zealand off as they’ve now tacked them part of joining them over on Port T now this is going to be the most crucial part of this race this first drag race on Port where they really assess their speeds and the difference between the boates and it’ll be interesting here to see whether Team New Zealand can come back and still maintain star attack rights down on board PR the votes now both on Port Tech the first slight Advantage we saw there was to pra having the L Advantage they were able to squeeze Team New Zealand off but this will be the true test one thing that we’ve both noted here as sure is that the team New Zealand sails the main C and the jib the shape of those sails look quite deep great shot there looking across a team New Zealand down to leard Russell coo just looking over his shoulder behind him Brad Butterworth looking up the course looking for Breeze and wind direction heading towards the the East Coast base Team New Zealand back to the game well the most interesting thing out of all this is that the advantages that both boats have had have really probably come down more to windshields where it’s flick 10° either way rather than necess really any boat speed test Here We Go Again Team New Zealand coming in on Star can’t cross this time P go for safe fluid B over think s by proud attacking Team New Zealand going to dip watch the wheel there watch Coots on the wheel no they’re going safe BL B so watch Team New Zealand to get out of there fairly quickly breaking right now now I can see the power of the right towards the top of the course here you can see why we talk all the time about the power of the right because Prada cannot get across Team New Zealand’s bow they have to every time give way to Team New Zealand [Music] again will go St L if they can’t cross no other options prowder will not dip they’ll attack to slight gain to Team New Zealand I’d say they’ll keep their foul down they’ll go very fast at them PR a little late last time in sacking yeah attack for now Team New Zealand might live there Team New Zealand might live there to the Top Mark pendulum swung back to Team New Zealand here big time they’re off them I know how close they are to this lay line that’s important Team New Zealand starting to crank up here look gain got off them called on so Team New Zealand now with the advantage they are in the windward position it’s not just a question cres at of the bow in front of Prada but they are out to the left therefore in the Winward position I thought prda were late in that tag and we talked as Team New Zealand approached I said going fast what I mean by that is they put their bow down they came away from the breeze drove at Prada made pra attack slightly early used that that extra iner to slingshot up to Winwood to be in the controlling position you see now away to put away now that’s the voice of Simon dney they going G look they’re early back D tack by Prada the new zealanders have again they’re actually losing by by doing this they should just go fast to the lay line make Team New Zealand be the first one attack and follow them round that’s what I think they’ll do now and then there’s the mark this is Mark One race one America’s you can see there the two dummy tax and the new zealanders haven’t bought it twice Tob and grle tried to suck the new zealanders in but Brad Butterworth had his antenna up and knew what the Italians were trying to do and as Chris has said the Italians are paid for it coming to Mark Number One race one America’s Cup 2000 being sailed on the haki Golf out off Oakland New Zealand and it’s the Defenders Team New Zealand picking up where they left off on May 13 1995 in [Music] front Team New Zealand Dean in the B with Joey Allen met Mason on the Mas she better she she did battler that is Simon dney talking to Robbie nouth Robbie nouth nickname is battler and the new zealanders upet PR are saying they’re going to do a Zam Booker which means they’ll Jive quickly once they’re around the Omega clock ticks off at 20 Su seconds Team New Zealand lead private challenge for mle by 22 seconds after the first beat to winw you can see they’re looking alof looking for the wind wondering what effect the clouds are having on the conditions the spck are looking very soft there as it’s swimming through the uh the as each wave comes through and this is really difficult times for the Helmsman to uh to keep the boat moving fast because you you come bow up a little bit to try and build some speed on the boat but you’re actually sailing a longer course so the Helmsman is really has to keep his keep his wits about him as he tries to keep the boat going fast I’m sure that’s what Franchesco deangeles is doing right now and there’s team newand in the foreground still with a comfortable lead over Prada but if we look at the yellow Trail there behind Team New Zealand when we look at these big course changes as we come down what that’s all about is as the wind increases and it decreases the boat the Helmsman as as the wind increases he’s able to ster a little bit deeper closer to the mark As It lightens Up he’s got a s up a wee bit a bit closer to the wind to try and get a little more pressure in his sper but at the moment they’re doing a nice job on board the blackboat a little Trend that’s starting to develop here though is that Prada seems about to sail just a little bit deeper downwind here and whether that’s just a conscious decision by Russell to sell a different mod we’ve yet to see but for PR that is good news that they seem to be a to S just a little bit deeper closer to the mark here we go come on boys go bik’s coming on now go go dig it up come on go come on beautiful well we’re right behind PR I don’t think they’re going to lay that Mark what I mean by that is in the cor are sailing they’re not going to be able to get around the mark so they’ll have to double Jive this is Barry Mai right here he’s one of the new Boys on board which is a bit of a misnomer he was on board in at l20 here has a wh winners medal big hulking man maai so it is New Zealand out to the right of the lay line Prada still inside the L line as Chris will suggest and what that means is that Prada will have to double Jive and will lose more Team New Zealand outside the lay line will come in really fast there’s Joey Going Down the Hatch there Joey Allen heads already loaded I would say they’ go for the same one as they used last time Dean pip Joel and Matthew Mason Barry maai Robbie Nai and dney it’s Dean fips on the B Joey Allen just behind him Mark two race one America’s Cup 30 that’s the voice of Simon Dy remember Team New Zealand Le by 22 seconds at mark one a very different angle for the Italians they’re coming in a lot slower and the amga clock kicks over at 22 and is still kicking it is a gain to Team New Zealand as the Italians round mark two and lunar Rosa rounds at 36 seconds so it goes from 22 to 36 seconds and the call coming off the Italian boat is we want to tank immediately hurry hurry hurry we need to T is the call coming off the Italian boat they paid the penalty of coming in too slow there to the bottom Mark now they’ve tacked without being on full H speed so Team New Zealand in a great controlling position as you can see there we have the breeze slightly in the left the actuals are 10.9 179 180 wind line 180 no change of course often in this condition as we head towards the NorthShore towards those Cliffs you will get the Bree just rotating to the right and I know the forecast is a right hand shift giving Team New Zealand advantage and just in fact we were looking there as though Team New Zealand in fact were taking a bit of a hiter Zealand coming back on starbard back towards Prada but protecting the right hand side interesting to note here Peter The Team New Zealand looks a long boat and a lot of been has been made of this that they are in fact a very long boat on the its overall length what we call Loa and uh does that translate into a long sailing waterline and you can see them sailing along there nicely they seem to be using all of the yacht which is a very encouraging sign for Team New Zealand because this is very moderate to to light conditions today and it’ll only get better for them as the breeze gets heavier you’re starting to see here some uh some of the stories on on board on board Prada here just says hello to all my all the mothers and fathers of the crew and all our friends a nice little message there to the Italian viewers who are watching this now what’s going on there with the the Pitman is he’s in fact just tidying that sper up putting the walls on board on the Spiner we on the genica that was used on the downwind leg it’s quite an elaborate it’s quite an elaborate system of uh tubes and and ropes that enables that man to tidy that sail up and pack it correctly for the next down one leg there’s Tony Ray now look that is the top M back state that he’s working on as they’re coming to it they need big hulking men to be able to do that and it’s uh Tony Ry and Jeremy scandy to do that and the new zealanders have worked out that if you just held one person onto that back stay they get towed away now it’s subtle and it’s small but it’s all part of The Quest For Less drag we know that Doug Peterson the designers of Prada go Go For Less drag that’s related to the B the fin and certainly the New Zealand designers all designers want less drag and the new zealanders have put a lot of effort into that in their rig as well so this is Joey Allen one of the outstanding crew in the midb has notice in his ear he has got special hearing aid that Brad Butterworth is able to talk to him and other crew MERS without shouting above the of the atmosphere here helicopters and fix wi planes above so really the key issue for the Prada crew is a much better set much better vote handling we’re talking fractions here we’re talking nitpicking but we are talking the americ Cup match this is only the 30th time there has been a match for international sports holders prize this is race one mark three halfway through Team New Zealand round the mark remember they live by 36 seconds at Mark two they’re going under them here they’ BN away much more than they would do usually back now they got to watch out for PR approaching OnStar but they’ve gone FL flow flow flow flow flow flow pulse forward go down hall R actually came down there a bit more than they should have done and not allowed to interfere with another V on another leg of the course PR Trail by 36 seconds at Mark number two this is Mark three halfway it is a game to Team New Zealand PR has decided to do a a bear away as the translation coming to us and the Omega clock ticks off at 63 seconds so from 36 to [Music] 103 Team New Zealand continued again as they go into leak number four the second off Wi Le PR continuing to charge at Team New Zealand we can see there the little finger of breeze on the water it’s shown by just a slight darker color on the water te New Zealand having to rotate their be towards the right to just get their bar into that same wind pressure but right now Prada are really making a charge to get right back into Team New Zealand well toan Grail did a nice job of picking which time to jve there we can see there at the moment Team new still with a lead but it’s been carved down dramatically it’s almost half since that last Mark and if we come up here we can see how that happened look at the difference in the trails there we can see Prada sailing quite deep there and that’s because they had a solid wind out here meanwhile team usum was having to sail a lot higher and less wind what that means is that the distance there between the boats is closed up dramatically so I think we’ve still got a pretty good boat race on our hands here that noise there for those who haven’t heard that before that is the sheet slipping on the drums on the winch drums you can see the lead there probably at least half there’s a great shot the green Mark now is a change of Mark at the bottom it was orange it’s now green so less than a minute to Mark number four to complete the second off win leg remember Team New Zealand ends at l60 L by 1 minute and 3 seconds or 63 seconds they will still be leading as they go into the final win with leid but lunar Rosa has closed the game up they’re very defitely in this first race of America’s Cup 2000 there Tom Stenberg Navigator and Brad Borth tactician on the pp that shows you how serious the new zealanders are they’ll be really cranking on to get in the sails quickly down comes the sper dean fips on the B Joey Allen behind him Matthew Mason behind him as well and Barry maai now further off you can see the New Zealand crew on those pumps Tri up so that’s Simon Dy talk about triming up and meanwhile aboard PR the translation is be quick be quick do your best is the call as down comes the drop of B lunar Rosa Pala bini Maxi s de Mar Christian graio VTO Val only up on the front they’re the ones doing the hard work there now the grinding goes bark Lorenzo Mata and Max G they’re the only two of sailman America’s Cup match before expect the Italians for a quick tag that’s what they call here go PR attacking across and immediately Team New Zealand Brad B calls to CS to tack and stay between their rival and the mark it is Team New Zealand to the left Prada to the right out of the BR well Prada is starting to lift out nicely on Team New Zealand there but if we come up into an aerial shot here we can actually see the reason why the breeze has shifted quite significantly round to the right earlier on the wind was coming straight down the screen so that’s a 10 or 15° shift to the right at the moment neither boat can afford to tack on to port in this wind shift it would just be too expensive so at the moment they’ll just keep going like this on this favorite star attack team Newell will be happy to do that at the moment just cuts down their option this is Mark five race one America’s Cup 30 Team New Zealand still leading remember they had an advantage of 1 minute and 3 seconds last time round this m then at the last Mark that is Mark number four they were leading by 25 seconds here comes the s slow slow slow beautiful set by team New Zealand they’re clearer them they going to Winward a big gain uphill what it at the bottom 25 25 seconds it’s going to be way over a minute they’ve more than double they’ gone but I would say well yes I know this big right hand ships Chris the oscillating Breeze but in the end I think we an interesting translation coming off Prada is that they feel they have chosen the wrong mainil today which is a real admission after all that is the power that is the motor so maybe it’s early yet in this first race but based on what we’ve seen Team New Zealand seem to have a speed Edge on this beat to Wi whether or not it’s because of the wrong mainil chosen by Luna Rosa here the Italians coming around Mark number five they Trail by 25 seconds of the last Mark the Omega clock ticks off at 1 minute and 16 seconds that is the biggest advantage to in ZL 60 in the race so far yeah slay ride downhill I would suggest from here can’t see enough in the breeze to make that [Music] difference I wonder what he’s doing there he he waved and then put his hand out and stuck something on the top of the rig oh he’s got an earpiece here yes that that is who uh Brad Butterworth could talk to Murray Jones or the other way that’s not those black tights again is it look good don’t they they do boy yeah red socks and black tights that’s the way to go out to the right is uh Simon dney who was the first New Zealander hello all right okay and you could see they could because all of a sudden there was danger danger warning warning and the new zealanders looking relaxed and all of a sudden they jumped into gear and Tobin GLE has said let’s see if Team New Zealand follow us here and the answer is yes Team New Zealand have stayed there’s Brad Butterworth tactician there he’s calling the shots see the urgency in the way they move that’s what do they jump I like their downhill GI jica’s J Jing is not easy and Team New Zealand do smart jives so that’s a big Advantage now to Prada Francisco to Angeles and his team they think they’ve chosen the WR msel they know there has been some boat handling errors as well but let’s not write these fells off just because Team New Zealand’s going to win this first race PR may be beaten in race one but they won’t be down and out we know how good they are we know how much bottle they have how hard they fought to win the Louis Vuitton Challenge and the right to win this but a little more relaxed aboard Team New Zealand with Dean fips Joey Ellen on the B Matthew Mason back at M Barry McKai is the pit Craig mon Andrew Taylor rbie naith Simon Dy Mary Jones War flurry Jeremy scandy Tony Ray Richard Dodson Tom snakenberg and Brad Borth make up the outstanding crew for Skipper Russell cots and Team New Zealand inss in l60 come down to the line to Win race one America’s Cup 2000 in the defense of the America’s Cup out of Oakland New Zealand so Team New Zealand have been able to achieve something that the cabara team could not do out our freem manle this is the first win by a team defending outside the United States in 149 years but look at the body language no high fives no Cat Wheels no ST assaults this is just matter of fact we’re W but there’s still four to go this is going to be a big win remember the Italians closed down the game last time they wi from 10 3 to 25 they Trail by 116 so lunar Rosa comes down to the line these pictures being carried live around the world across Europe and by right television across Italy the Italians the translation coming off is the Italians are very unhappy The Spectator votes are so close lunar Rosa finishes 1 minute and 17 seconds behind Team New Zealand in race one PR slightly left there the normally the wenwood boat is slightly late because if you can imagine the start line goes to the middle of the committee boat so if you’re coming around the right hand end the starboard end you have to go around the committee boat and its chain so you’re about half a boat length late plenty of time here in Prada are will be able to Stand By [Music] Di hard left turn there by team New Zealand trying to slow are actually going through the wind well watch Team New Zealand trying to get under them watch it so this is a quick move by New Zealand as they’re trying to get their B down how quick let’s see how quickly Team New Zealand can maneuver let’s have a look at the Italians how quickly they can maneuver if the new zealanders can get under they’re going to start getting control are they have they got the overlap have they got the hook very good move by team New Zealand they did a handbrake slide in stop went off them trying to get position open the door Team New Zealand got the bow down and got out of jail now they’ve got good control here don’t think PR can Jive although they’ve got good speed now you can see why being on an opponent’s transom gives you the advantage if Prada go to turn towards the wind and love up Team New Zealand can go inside if they go to bear away team New Zealand can follow them Team New Zealand in control just like in an aerial dog fight that was a decisive move in the start sequence so Tobin grle has said he’s going to take them into the spectator’s fleet to shake them [Music] off so now he’s pulled out of that we heard that translation he was going to do it Team New Zealand are watching that noral the wind in the left phase here 183 on a win line of 195 the port end bias didn’t actually get a sight forun the line we’re not allowed up thereal normal te Team New Zealand going underneath here good control for Team New Zealand committ time two minute PR going under them PR trying to get down under them I don’t know if they’ll make it they didn’t make it Team New Zealand pull control this could be very close watch the ire Flags up up to the left how quickly Team New Zealand turn to come back at the vital time here inside 2 minutes Paul Kitt probably getting the Jive in Team New Zealand underneath pretty well committed now proud to win with Team New Zealand to low it time the line outside the starboard L I wonder if Team New Zealand want the left as well Chris anyway it is Team New Zealand to they want to start tight under pra’s Le bow P chat at the line Team New Zealand are leading back in are they good position Team New Zealand about 30 from it 10 to kill it’s a question of killing time here certainly russle coo has got in a controlling position into the final 30 seconds I think it’s got it back on here put his foot right on the floor now Red’s in the Red Zone rattle through the gears winding up for the start race two America’s Cup 2000 and Team New Zealand are in a magnificent position they’re in the controlling position in the Winward position out to the left it is prowder out to the right and the new zealanders are right over the top of PR as they’re powering on up to the start coming down to the final seconds and it is Team New Zealand that have won the start brilliantly right on the start and immediately the Italians tack before they’ve got across the start and the New Zealand is in the Winward position right over the top of them it’s a low speed tag by PR to try and get out of it and immediately Team New Zealand are right on top of them so going away from the start in race two the black boat is right in the face of Luna Rosa a brilliant start by Gunslinger Russell coach great stop team New Zealand got a real strangle hold on this race right from the start time and distance hit it smack on bull CH a vital move three and a half minutes back for the new zealanders to be a to dial under a get they had full control the whole way through from getting out of jail they were fought boat being dialed up PR attacked away open the door we’ve seen that before Team New Zealand ready for it trimers with them got the bow under from then on game over that really was something because the new zealanders came in from the port in it was Luna Rosa then head the star headed [Music] back so immediately the Italians are wiggling Down Speed tack PR will lose Team New Zealand will get to Hell speed before they come back TR attack there onto Port Team New Zealand on their face TR attacking away down speed will have lost te New Zealand Fielding speed now have the option to go back having made a good gain and they’ve got control of the right WIS in the left hand phase they’ve got 175 here 11 knots Team New Zealand will come back yeah they’re coming back now they want to keep a strangle hold on this great [Music] start team New Zealand and Windward [Music] position well there’s prer on the left with the yellow Trail and they’ve actually closed the game up on Team New Zealand and if we look here we can see why we lay the wind on and look how far left it’s gone there that’s favoring Prada that’s Prada there now look at the distance here between the two boats PR has been able to lift off them there and the reason that’s happened is as the wind’s gone left it’s gone in their favor at the moment it’s still an advantage to team ellan though and as we come down again it’s still round about a boat length to Team New Zealand if we lay on the advantage line there in fact it’s half a boat length Team New Zealand’s just got a hang tough here wait for the breeze to shift back into the right a little bit pick the moment and they’ll come back and they’ll still have star attack Advantage well that was an excellent start by Russell Coots and his team they came in from the disadvantage for side did that nice hairpin turn stopped let PR s on by ducked underneath them gained control and this is what it’s ended up with in with a two or three boat length lead up the race course quite outstanding I must say I was very impressed with that translation coming off PR they concern that they might have something on the ke maybe a plastic bag maybe seaweed this will be hindering the performance of Prada there’ll be a flurry of activity on board they have an endoscope system on board there we can see someone would have gone down below looking down an endoscope which is like a medical instrument that we use to have a look inside our bodies we can have a look down there there’s blood someone’s been hit there’s injury on Ro Prada head head injury someone has been injured wow this is always a factor I hope this guy’s okay getting hit gear damage or getting crew damage there’s a lot of blood there see there the red stain all down the top sides it looks nice it’s Matt Serena on board Prada he’s had a crack To The Head And while he’s out of action it also means that a couple of others take time out to give him assistance so what we’re hearing on board Prada is that the injury is not concerning them too much there is a bag on the Keel and toin gr is saying I want someone to go over and get it there they are working at it now what I find really amazing here is that they we’ve seen this before with Prada their their weed clearing device or their to to get in in terms of today a plastic bag off the Keel they are using this device which is basically a long pole with a Hunker rope on the end that can flush off the Keel in San Diego we actually had small knives that ran up the leading edges of ke and Rudder to get rid of the seaweed this messy this is a problem with these uh these PL sticks you often get them caught around the Leading Edge of the kill like that because the uh that big long piece of rope you can see on the end of it wraps right around K and you can’t bring it out you saw them struggling with it by the looks of things they’ obviously cleared it now because they must have a window in the hull or an endoscope to look down at the Leading Edge of the kill and the bag must have come off but uh tough times forer as a they deal with this injury it’s difficult for them to uh to keep the concentration up but to you can see here is explaining to the crew come on we’ve got to keep working on it here as team Muse steps out and takes advant these problems that PR is having this is a real problem for them at this stage we from the boat if they can’t clear the bag we’re going to stop and get someone to dive in and clear it this is quite Sensational here well this is a a tough call I mean you know this is the only way that you can clear it and uh they’re going to stop and they’re going to have to throw somebody overboard but we’ve done this many times you cannot get down to the kill because of course the water is so great until the boat is basically going backwards so this man is going to really struggle for the time being to to get down there and you can see he’s he’s already behind the position of the kill at the moment himself forward and then he’ll dive down but the boat’s probably still doing about two knots going forward okay we now havea bonell who’s doing a translations for us and LCA who’s this man here doing and what’s the feeling on board PR now that you’ve heard yeah this is pi Romeo the main s trimmer is’s trying to slow down the boat to to get the back the bag that they have a big bag can see the yacht has almost stopped now and it’s really in a position whereby they can now dive down and get it the Geno just set there so that’s going to pull the yacht away from him so it’s going to be even harder for this guy to dive down and he’s saying I can’t do it I can’t get there and uh they there is seriously going to have big problems here I mean this is very frustrating for for at this stage quite difficult to get the boat in a position that he can dive down he’s just struggling and of course this is Just Energy sapping stuff and in fact coming back on board it’s been a catastrophic day for Prada so far in leg one head injury to one of the crewman bag on the Kill a Man Overboard to try and free it meanwhile Prada is is stopped and Team new zealanders racing [Music] [Music] away well let’s take a look at a replay of this start and there’s team mellin well clear beautiful control all over the start there they go proud attacking backwards and forwards trying to escape from Team New Zealand’s wind Shadow there and as we speed it up and they race up the course here we can see that’s Team New Zealand with the blue Trail just covering nicely staying between the opposition and the mark there we saw at one stage Prada was starting to get a bit of left hand pressure and it looked like they’re getting back into the game but there they go they tack back and that’s where they had their problem with the weed and everything around and look at them there that was them stopping right in that little blip there we see in the yellow Trail all the while they had to stop get rid of the crew member Team New Zealand just plainly sailing away there that’s them with a blue Trail remember huge lead of around 550 M as they head up towards Mark number one very very comfortable sailing and as we heard earlier the fact that prder has had problems really hasn’t been the story of this race team melan did a fantastic job of taking control right in the early stage ages and now we can see them as they hit up to Mark number one Prada a long way behind meanwhile sailing on oblivious to the problems and difficulties that the private challenge have encountered team remorseless okay dominating and Rob brail being translated off the boat it say let sail our own [Applause] race no problem with [Music] him America’s Cup 2000 race two mark one team New Zealand leading after a brilliant start by Russell C to reinforce he’s one of the great Gunslingers in match racing and World yachting Team New Zealand dominating the Italians closing the game a little but then the breeze going back and Team New Zealand with a comfortable lead so the naor is going to take over Max sera’s job that’s M CL is moving up onto the B as well to take over Max Max Serena’s job now they got to watch out they could almost hit the mark goodness that is not a good hoist did they hit that the Prada crew is rattled Chris that’s not a good ho Chris if I can also add that we’ll take back what we were told initially because we are scrambling to get information regarding a ring from the clue we are now told by Bruno tré who heads the Louis Vuitton Media Center the information he has got is that that carbon fiber raw that you’ve just been talking about uh as they were trying to use it to get rid of whatever was interfering on the appendages came back and smashed into max Serena’s head and that is where he got the nasty gash and how he got it so it was not a ring from uh from the clue but instead we understand it was uh in fact maxarena coping one from the carbon fiber Rod which is just the the port side of the r well whatever it was it was a pretty nasty gash see that amount of blood coming out over the weather side like that prettyy scary for the whole team and his family I don’t know if he’s got wife or girlfriend down here we’ve just heard from Alesandra as well to confirm that that is correct thanks Alexandra we really appreciate the help the media PR people have just been absolutely outstanding and particularly when we need help like now Carlo and Alandra have been great and Bruno TR blade just outstanding so that’s just awful to C that well pra has done a nice job down this leg it’s been a gain of around six boat lengths to them and as we look here it’s down to under 500 M now and if we lay on the Wind now just look how much that wind has shifted to the left early in the race the wind was coming straight down the screen there so we can see that it’s moved about that much there so it’s about a 20° windshift it almost looks like around to the left but at the moment there they’re coming into this Mark that wind shift is favored PR they’ve been able to soak down towards the mark when we say soak that’s rotate the bow down towards the mark and all the time they’re closing in on Team New Zealand here so I’m quite sure well Team New Zealand have a big lead they’ll be looking over their shoulder and realize that they have in fact lost probably at least 30 seconds of what they had around mark one they’re free flying that sale coming into that Mark they’ve D without the pole and now they’re going back on the lay [Applause] line Mark two team New Zealand around Pidge I think there’s a bit of a gain here yes in spite of all their difficulties 29 at the top so we’re coming around I make it they’re just putting their B the mark now so what’s that 20 odd seconds Mark 2 race to America’s Cup 2000 and the private challenge of Italy trial team New Zealand by 1 minute 55 four legs to go it has just been a terrible day for Francisco to Angelus and his team out on the on the hurri go still toiling away the team on Team New Zealand fully focused just tailing out the top M backstays there to get rid of windage this has been one of the innovations that we’ve seen on nzl 60 pulling down those top Mass backstays to reduce windage to increase the performance of the boat that M looks pretty nice to me Peter it does I mean they certainly have got that power up and I can’t believe how firmly it’s trimmed and the uh you’ll see as we go down the main cell here looking at the spreaders and as we come down this fourth spreader here is where it’s quite interesting they have a a little piece on it that they can push out and shape the Geno and they’ve done a very nice job of the these little technical improvements uh I know This Crew will be very very pleased with how things are progressing so far well there’s Team New Zealand in the foreground they’re forging their way towards Mark number three they’ve gained around three to four boat lengths over Prada since the mark and as we come up now and we take a look at whereabouts they are on the har golf today we can actually see there the top Mark Mark number three that they’re going to there’s rangal Island over here and meanwhile there’s the East Coast Bas so we can see that they’re actually quite close to the east coast base there they’re not that far away which means that if we lay the wind on here and see look at the wind direction that as they get up into this top part of the course around here the wind starts to get a little bit Shifty a bit puffy moves around the place because as the wind comes down over the East Coast Bays it does start to get a little Disturbed today they’re racing a lot closer into Shore than they have in the past which makes it a little bit of a challenge for the tacticians at the moment though Team new Zeeland doing a lovely job out to 515 odd M that’s a 4 to five boat length gain over Prada up this third [Music] [Music] leg as they come up to the port leline watch the next tag this is not just about Andrew Taylor and Craig monk the famous Grinders from 95 it’s also about Barry mcki Jeremy scandy about Tony [Music] [Applause] Ray big strong huling man they’re just so loal so officient done see the clue clear the D Bas in one and the way they’re able to get the sails so quickly as well Chris hold the hel hold it hold the just don’t sneak it anymore they don’t want to risk it Matthew makes him the big carry Tree on the mar trying to sneak the head in a bit but he was ched a little bit by Russell Coots and or held back a little bit now this is Matthew Mason okay first time we’re going to see a Spiner in the cup blow blow blow blow blow blow now there is the voice of Simon do me flow flow flow is that his girlfriend it looks like a game to me they [Music] will so up on the four deck now we’ve got P Romero who is helping Pala basani and samand deari 149 it is a game to Prada on Le number three they tril by 219 then 155 now here halfway through the race 1 minute 49 stern of te New Zealand they’re not slow are they spirits lifted on board PR now after that Dreadful first leg but do remember that they’ve lost their Balman Max Serena so they’re one man short on board which Peter Gilmer obviously means are having to do a bit more work that’s right it really is not as bad as a rugby team being one man down for instance but uh you know you have everybody has somebody to back up and uh Max would have been working there on the four de and you can see the boys are still getting the general nicely pack they managed to Hoist the sple well and they’re still in control and just a moment ago I saw Franchesco looking around looking for wind cuz he knows the only chance I have on this downwind leg as he looks back again once more is to pick up a of freeze and bring that down onto Team New Zealand and they’re going to be working hard here to try and increase their speed to get down closer right onto Team New Zealand’s air Prada have gained on every leg so far after being 2 minutes and 19 seconds behind around the first Mark Prada eating into that lead but time’s running out back onto the animation with Prada to the left down on the down on that L lay line Team New Zealand extending out the call came from Tom schnackenberg to Russell CS it was around two 2 and 1 half minutes to that to that lay line there that Glenn’s drawing in for us so kindly now’ll be fascinating to watch how far the new zealanders taking this watch for that and watch the drop watch how efficient they are fips to the right alen in the middle they pull the middle of the sound looks like Tony Ray is up there as well and then Matt Mansion is behind them they’re pulling the middle of the sail out of the water that’s Barry mcki right in the middle of the picture Andrew Taylor grinding behind them go trim all the way a voice of Simon dney what a lovely drop power on sails on smooth professional calm and bruess look at the Italians drop as they round at one 159 A Stern so after Mark number four team New Zealand have made a game on that second off Wi leag Chris is this is a characteristic we’ve all been saying that Prada sail deep in other words they try and cut the corner sail Square towards the bottom Mark now what that means is yes you sail a a shorter distance but you the boat is going correspondingly slower and what we’ve been saying team New Zealand sail what we call a hotter angle are they’re closer to the wind um but they go faster and if you remember yesterday wasn’t yesterday on the first race we had a great shot of them coming to the bottom Mark part again were too deep now what that means is you approach the bottom Ark too slow um and you can see what prder have done there they’ve had to yeah that’s a great angle to show it you can see that the normal angle they were sailing and and that’s exactly right that’s exactly what I’m tried to explain so they end up running too deep too Square too light too slow and uh well not very good really all right that’s the leech line they’re playing with I don’t think that’s a fault uh so you can see there’s the clue ring they were talking about earlier that we thought caused the injury that was the early translation we had off the boat but that proved to be wrong you see that leech line there P they’re putting that leech line away and then it’s covered in a pocket of velcro here just to keep it out the way well that problem that pra had down earlier on this leg look at that that huge big long drag race out here that they had heading out towards the right hand side of the course here and of course that’s Prada with the yellow Trail here they were forced to just sail along in Team New Zealand’s bad air they could not take with that J problem and now as they head in towards that Top Mark Mark number five for the turn for home Prada all they can do is follow along behind they’ve lost around 5 to six excuse me 50 m or so since the bottom Mark so team newel very plain sailing at the moment just staying between Prada and the next Mark Prada being very limited with what they could do with that problem with their Genoa car at the moment very plain sailing Team new that’s Matthew Mason jumping up high back up here comes the Hoist from Mason look at him basting it out man such a powerful [Music] man it’s F on the go now go now waiting now go now that’s Simon D Simon really ginges up the crew doesn’t he yeah orchestrated listen to him go battler Simon is just Simon T boy oh boy you wouldn’t want to cross him he just gives it to the lot of them after losing Max Serena it’s p Romeo who’s up there with paa bani and some dear here they Go Round The Mark at 226 behind they’ve lost 20 7 seconds on that beat to win with into the last leg of the race the fin spent coming up for Prada and the Italians in a nightmare day Trail Team New Zealand things have gone very quiet on board really they found themselves Peter in an impossible position today with uh you know that horrific injury and then coupled with that the the problem getting weed or or a plastic bag around their their kill that’s right I mean it just goes to show you that circumstances can spire on you you you get a bad start then a few Down Speed tanks and you get behind then suddenly bag on the kill and in that flurry of activity of trying to get the bag off the injury happens and boy oh boy it goes downhill quickly but as you say they’ll be back to fight another day and uh it’ll be interesting as as things go on through this series but I don’t think uh you know over at the Royal New Zealand Yachts quadron I could imagine that the uh the americ cup the BS won’t be loosening over there Team New Zealand are well on their way to their second Victory here and uh they seem to be firmly in control at this stage so let’s wait and see what the future races bring it was a brilliant start by team New Zealand skipp Russell Coots cleaning PRI around and Team New Zealand capitalizing on a St that was As Good As It Gets at match racing and Team New Zealand was in the lead and well in control when Prada sailed into a nightmare Max Serena copping a serious wound to his head and taking off the boat blood everywhere Prada fishing for something they suspected dragging on the Keel and then they had more problems and it went from bad to worse but for Team New Zealand it’s been all PL sailing efficient ruthless outstanding and impressive on the 22nd of the second 2000 Team New Zealand goes two up over the private Challenge from Italy it can’t get any worse surely cleaned out at the start trailing the new zealanders who were well and truly in control and then Max Serena cops the carbon Rod right on the head terrible head wound blood all over the star topid he’s taken off stitches by the Prada doctor then they go fishing for something dragging on the k then they have problems with the Genoa track it’s been an all black day for the red moon from Italy who finished 2 minutes and 43 seconds behind inz l60 it’s Team New Zealand 2 the prate challenge nil so that the translation of prder is Tobin Grail has just said he thinks Butterworth wants the right so let him tight underneath them here New Zealand wriggling they got back on the port are early lot of time to kill here they’re only 10 seconds back from the line they got to kill a lot of time here asler will be okay for the pin in they want different ends of the line that’s making it easy PR want the left hand end Team New Zealand want to protect the right we’re in a leftand phase well I thought we heard Brad Borth say it was a in bias anyway they’re coming down to the start R three America’s Cup 2000 and it is PR on Star out by the pin in that’s what they wanted and that’s what they’ve got meanwhile at the committee boat end of the line it is Team New Zealand we were right on the start line there and Prada we’re about a third of the L late so Prada want attack immediately and we’re coming to the first cross very quickly in this race and Prada has Ted on the port and it’s Team New Zealand on star that is going to cross is it what are they going to do are they going to protect the right are they going to attack in front or they going to crossover they’re going to attack they’re going to face them they want to protect the r the power of the R so the early advantage to the now both FS on board line of Advantage even a next whisker to the black boat maybe I was amazed in that pre start when Team New Zealand were on the hip of Prada that they actually late in dialing up and were allowing right Corbin Grail said he wants to tack he’s got to get out of here left [Music] right well oh classic match racing here as we look there at team usell in there on the left of the screen that’s them on Star attack at the moment trying to maintain that right hand Advantage Chris law was talking about and coming up we can see the symmetry of the tax there through this area right through here Brad Butterworth not giving prid any leverage whatsoever as soon as they get up to speed they keep coming back all they want to do is keep the right hand side advantage and here comes Prada now coming back team ellan tacking and height underneath them doing a good job it’s only about a length but that’s all they need just keep that slight Advantage keep the power of the right that star attack ADV well Mato platy there on Bo they’ll be pretty excited by this build coming back he’s taking a laser shot right now to look at the range and bearing he’ll be telling Tobin and Franchesco how much they’ve gained and lost and I must say I thought the looks on board Team New Zealand a moment ago were looks of worry as they were searching for wind and for the conditions and the uh the word coming off PR at the moment is this is the best win they’ve had so far so they’re obviously getting a good lift and good direction so the game might be back on here folks Prada has made a big game B to B that’s with the wind just rotating to the left giving Prada a bit of a gain what team New Zealand are looking for here as the Ren and just rotate back to the right before they’ll come across and engage but Peter Gilmore Prada in this condition looks competitive they do look nice they seem to be sailing very very nicely and uh the I saw Prada’s track coming back down a little bit there and they must be a little bit uh frustrated by that but the interesting thing here is the sly wind is very very variable in Direction and it’s a very difficult condition to sail in who opens their door up on the on the North Shore there and lets the wind through as to whether you get a puff or not up to being even about 3 minutes or so ago there we can see that proud has slipped back a little bit now Team new with the yell Trail look at the way they’ve been able to just sail a little bit closer here meanwhile Prada was bearing that way a little bit and that’s been an advantage to team Newan looks like the wind shifted very slightly right there and that’s in Team New Zealand’s favor that’s them we see there so it now looks like it’s probably out to around two to three boat lengths at the moment in fact it’s just over two lengths soon as that breeze goes a little bit further right team newel will possibly look at wanting to come back and consolidate got this we should go okay here they go Team New Zealand are going to come and I think PR might cross certainly they might get tied under the Lee B this is key point of this match they haven’t had the big Ry they wanted yeah okay just H for that sort of coming around as B we here KJ the decision here for frada Team New Zealand are going to come out of the right the next go this puff guys yeah here they go here it comes going be hopefully team are going to attack now saying we got to go yeah I don’t think Prada will cross got to go yeah we got to go here they go and Prada they’ve got to make the decision will not go behind I don’t think they will cross their only option is to tack on the lead bound here come Team New [Music] Zealand so Team New Zealand now on Star have to keep clear going attack I think want to stay to that’s the call from toin gr they’re going to go now they’re going to follow around the team New Zealand are on the lay line so they will T set PR outside them will follow them round but they will have time to get their pole on and we’ll do slightly faster set all right the sper ho here and the decision on what they’re going to do is going to be crucial give us the options take us through it well Team New Zealand have no option they’re going to attack set no way can they come away on a jive that’s a spin hoist wouldn’t even consider it uh we’re looking at 14 knots it’s going to be a Spiner there you are Team New Zealand think they’re on the layline eye animation shows us slightly below it Team New Zealand are going to leave by about two or three lengths PR will tack on the port get the pull up and we do slightly faster set now good ready for the this is really going to put pressure on both Crews proud are right in this and as Chris has suggested they’ll both do bar ways and that will be a wonderful opportunity to Proud to attack if there only a couple of boat lengths behind Team New Zealand on the lay line now standby tag for pole barway set the tight on their heels Mark One race three team New Zealand at the top Mark but boy if they got a race on their hands sh the the aming off they’ve gone for jica New Zealand are in the J PR go for V they’ll be able to get down inside them PR round mark one 19 seconds behind Team New Zealand now this is going to be fascinating jener as well are in a position to be able to influence the year flow on team e well the characteristic in previous races is to sail deeper closer to the bottom mark he’s driving ding here we go driving both boats New Zealand we’re waiting for Prada to make the first move see a man up the M on T New Zealand better jve to [Music] Prada here want to get themselves into a position to put turbulent a down onto Team New Zealand Team New Zealand there far enough Advanced to be getting the win from ahead of Prada but don’t go any lower to kick the B just slightly rotated right towards PR to keep her keep his air clear Peter G both boats reaching quite hard now it’s like they pressing the boats a little harder on this down one leg on Star that’s right I think the game certainly on that first Port leg was TOA but now I think it’s very close and it’s actually quite easy to defend against this windshadow that comes down from PR onto New Zealand by just going bow up as you seen New Zealand do now which moves their apparent air further forward as the yacht’s moving forward it’s a parent wind direction is the wind that that moves down across the race course and the wind you actually feel on your face is the best way to describe it and you go bow up it moves your parent wind forward and basically moves you away from that wind Shadow and that’s what they’ve done but the game goes to Prada because you’re sailing a longer course and that’s what we’re seeing now PR has gained up here and certainly New Zealand won’t want too many more of these jobs weting up for a j they like their speed okay it’s three this way and 5 and a half the other he’s really digging at Deep he’s trying to he’s parking it though here comes the jve from Team New Zealand now the interesting thing there PJ was that team New Zealand initiated that jive just as they went into it they got a nice heading P that good speed they initi the Barry M out to the left I would go too deep it’s quite Light Team New Zealand to the L yeah he’s just in a puff though he’s got a nice puff above us the modern America’s Cup B set against the backdrop of downtown ockland and in the foreground the replica of jimm Endeavor the yacht that was used to second that for or the the ship rather that was used to seg navigate New Zealand and Australia by Captain James Cook in 1569 fantastic shot now watch them pull the middle of the sail into the boat down comes the drop from te New Zealand they practic the rehe this a thousand times Richard Dodson there Murray Jones get it out of the water done Matthew Mason to the left made a gain here PR have made a G have they remember they were leading by 19 seconds back one this is Mark two race three either Le by 19 seconds at the first Mar okay PJ watch for Prada to come around here settle and roll into attack Brad’s always already warned his gun as he’ll go with him so be a Simo tag here go PR now so PR click off on the am clock at 17 seconds of St a game to the Italians of two seconds expect them to tag immediately Team New Zealand will go with them going with them now and Team New Zealand going with them immediately now they’ll put their bow down and try and get going get rolling get their bow forward lock them in jail TJ the breeze is in the left here we got 160 so maximum left pressure see the foul Team New Zealand up there good bway so this is aboard Team New Zealand it looks like Jeremy scal out to the right looked like Richard doson was it out to the right the Jeremy scur after the L and is Richard doson Tobin just commenting Francesco that he feels that the race committee will not have a chance to change the course before they get down to the next Mark which means change the LD leg of the course before they get to the next top Mark which means that they must have a left hand shift on at the moment and possibly he’s thinking that they may do a job set so that’ll be interesting to to see what happens there well if the breeze does go right it will help PR somewhat but a lot of the damage will have already been done and as we can see here we lay the wind on it’s gone a long way left and in fact looking at the yellow trail of Team new and they’ve just rotated lifted like that as they’ve gone across here but now as we come down a little bit closer we can see pra is starting to head off a little bit like that which would suggest that the wind’s starting to shift a little bit more around to the right which is what FR is hanging tough and hoping for at the moment looking at them there though they’re now a considerable distance behind team newand they went round the bottom Mark only 70 M behind so that’s doubled now so the guys on the black bait would be pretty happy about that let at the moment they’re more than happy just to keep Prada heading out towards that other lay line just shutting the options down in fact there goes Prada now they’ve decided they’ve got to T out of there and try and get this game back into the middle of the course well Team New Zealand tacking to cover they don’t want to let them up and PR going back to clear their Air Team New Zealand will extend on for a short while here and probably tack back as Russell starting to call it now they don’t want to let PR out from under their [Music] foot so the word coming off PR is they want to be on the opposite tack to Team New Zealand so they’re going to throw everything they have at them here to keep out of phase I was just thinking to myself a moment before how tame this wind would beat has appeared so far that PR is really doing exactly what team New Zealand would like and that is sailing long straight lines rather than trying to mix it up and here they come they’re starting to mix it up is it too late the wind shifts coming into play in this third leg Peter Leicester well what’s noticeable to me is that team New Zealand as well as covering the opposition are certainly sailing quite a loose style of race in terms of they want to keep themselves and because the wind’s moving around a lot and the pressure’s up and down they’re loose enough that they can take advantage of of any change in wind direction so this is quite a loose style and now we’re seeing quite big separation between the boats again it’s a frustrating technique this Peter to match race again something that uh I’ve met Russell on many occasions and they’ve done it well and they continue out about 3 or 400 m like they have now t on a nice wind shift and pick it up and you just don’t have any answers for it you can’t come back on anything so Team New Zealand will be sailing the lifted course all the time and giving Prada nothing but the headed course and that really makes a lot of difference out there Team New Zealand have been practicing or triing and even wi strengths greater than this with AAL it seen Chris that team New Zealand had a smaller Spiner the Italians a bigger Spiner and it didn’t look quite so uh stable new zealanders with a smaller sper sailing at Harder angles that’s what they did last time we’ll try and keep an eye out of that there’s Brad aworth Brad butor saying we’re there okay one thing they have to watch out for is they’re going to set this sper here Prada coming in on the right hand lay line on starboard have right away now they’re not allowed to interfere over another leg of the course unless they’re sailing their proper course which is straight at that Mark but Team New Zealand must keep out of the way here’ll go we’ll go above they’re going above him in other words they’re going to win rid of him Mark three race three by team New Zealand hoisting the SP stand by head tohe head here lovely you’re okay there you’re okay there you’re okay there down come down a bit down a little bit past to clear see what I mean there PJ PR are not allowed to change their course allowing New Zealand to keep out of the way the unpowered boat was right behind watching it no Flags no incident braad Butterworth calling to Russell cots hold it there you’re okay now this is a huge game to Team New Zealand here on Lake three race three black magic leading Luna Rossa by 17 seconds at Mark number two the Omega clock kick clicks over 60 seconds and still counting round mark three Prada rounds at 1 minute and 11 seconds that’s 6 seconds short of a minute game on one beat behind Team New Zealand boy oh [Music] boy well his action on Prada setting up for AEL Peter GW this could be messy it’s got all the ingredients for something to go wrong with that jib still sitting on Deck unpacked that’s right the reason they’re going to feel to this Spa is because the wind speed has increased which you can see they’re trying to get the pole back but with these geners it’s quite difficult to go pole back because they’re not the right shape for it whereas a sper is much rounder and sort of bulous more like a balloon shape the sail is now clipped into the end of the pole up we go on the heliot with the new sail interesting thing about these hoist is the new sail has no load in it until you’re far off the old sail see as they fire off there Boom the new sail gets loaded up and then sets out in front that was a fairly nice peel they’ve done thus far they ease it out well this looks if that gets around the back of the maina no saved now retrieving the sail back on board got it under control they’ve actually done a pretty nice job there healing from a jica to a spica well this is interesting what New Zealand is doing here they’re going wing and Wing which is just before you Jive over they torn the foot of their jica here now they’re Jing over that jica looks like it could go what do you think Gary well that’s the first time we’ve seen a mistake by the New Zealand crew they’ve got a rip spin it’s a white one that ripped not a green one they’ve got about 5 minutes or so to the L Mark so the question is do they go for a sail change you can see they’ve got an extra bag on the deck there doesn’t look like it’s going to rip all the way to me but definitely slowing the boat down so an opportunity for the Italian boat first sign of unease on board Team New Zealand a going on the pole we just got to inst just deeper than normal mode and I don’t think they’re going to try and peel this sail I think they’re going to try and live with it come I want to up okay they’re going to dve it now if it’s going to break it’ll be now trip the pole off here goes the pole pole coming back sper goes inside out she right around the outside as it loads up will it survive there goes turn the boat now stand by I think a clever move by Russell C saying directly down wind and not heating up too early until they got that Spiner around so a good steering job by CS get the pressure off it he’ll keep the bow down here they’ll load the heads off they haven’t got another genica ready to go hel it off down hall rope coming down down below crew get their hands on it down she goes inside the hatch Grinders start in away on the winches now pulling the W pulling the sails in main sail in first then the jib and you’ll see the teamwork here as the Grinders really have to dig in and wind those saes on hard over 5 P of load on that main sheet rope at the back Mark for Team New Zealand leading by 1 minute and 11 seconds around the third mark But Prada looked to have gained a little on that last downwind run just a little bit bit of a crew test there Peter leester for Team New Zealand but they handle it well not a lot PR can do here I mean they obviously haven’t got the speed there’s a not not enough in the breeze here either in speed or Direction baring catastrophe for them to get back in the hunt I mean they’re going to be what are they going to be minute and a half behind them best guess Andrew Taylor to the right Simon D to the left that Matthew Mason just behind Simon dor yeah oh yeah [Music] yeah coming to mark five the last in race three going to the last leg under sper it’s an asymmetric sper going up that’s in 50 knots true have they got any Spiner oh it is a spa excuse I’m getting it wrong every time here getting ready for theist maxarena on the B the clock still ticking away it stops at 1 minute 43 a gain of 43 seconds to Team New Zealand and one leag to go boy they’re upwind Advantage amazing they have to upset this man and this machine he’s got going for him as he affords himself a little smile coming down to the Finish I know the feeling when you’re comfortable in a race and in front you say well not much is going to happen from here you try and keep your concentration up just to get across the finish line and take the vcal point well this is a nice job by team New Zealand in the third race apart from that one glitch that they had with their jica on the last downwind leg they really have sailed almost the perfect race a brilliant start winning the first cross and then going out to extend by well at the moment one over a minute 1 minute 40 and uh it looks like it will be a bit round there at the Finish lowkey confident professional h m going into race three today of cup 2000 there were many unanswered questions after races one and two and today a lot have been answered the key issue is Team New Zealand really have got the power to win with and they seem to be able to squirt out when they need to Team New Zealand beat Prada in race three and go 3 n up the PS [Music] [Applause] Lun it was fascinating to see the start it looked as though Russell Co might be able to C PR outside the lay line he elected to go to the right and that gave him the power of the right on the first Pat to wiw it was close from there on Team New Zealand simply extended and today in race three have beat Prada by 1 minute and 39 seconds you got it pull it it’s broken out the M hereit that Code Zero has broken out now look how quickly they can accelerate this is an attacking weapon being used for the first time in America’s Cup 2000 the big code Zer was out they’ve still got the other jib up as well minut now the theory I think is to build speed on P coming down to the middle time 220 here they’re very close to the line I would favor the left hand side whoever leads back I would 12 here go Team New Zealand they’re rolling up the C zero a minute to kill they’re early for the P whether or not they want the pill thee has been going left all the time but Team New Zealand are out to the right down Comes The Code Zero get out the way still early for [Applause] the’s out of the way down below 35 to K 35 to kill Team New Zealand I believe are going to the pin end of the line and going there the call up PR is let’s just stay close to him definitely lining up for the thin end one minute coming in fast here PR go for the hook Team New Zealand bow down trying to match the face here I think we’re still toin Grail has said we want to go on the left we must have the left that is the call too late shopping list is in here Team New Zealand own the left [Music] Team New Zealand have got the pin they absolutely own the P 1 15 coming to the start reach for America’s Cup 2000 both Crews want the left and Team New Zealand have won for the first time breaking out the code zero sale and Russell on his 38th birthday wins the start down to Le in ahead and out on the favored left hand side beautiful absolutely Own It Prada can’t live there bailing right immediately Prada atts off the only advantage to the black boat wonderful stuff by Russell Cs and the after guard with Brad Borth Murray Jones Richard doson and to snacker brilliant triming Simon dney right in the middle yeah and Grant Loren outstanding stuff by the New Zealand crew to come in from the p in the Italians had the favored star end advantage and it is the new zealanders leading by nearly two boat links soon after the start and this in the 7 to8 n knots the new zealanders out Stanley what did you make of that Code Zero Chris well to be really honest about it I don’t think it made a difference I mean psychologically it might because we’re all sat back thinking glimy what’s going to happen here um they did accelerate with it but of course that didn’t help them because they were able to turn back uh in good time and own the left hand side now it was too late for torbin to say at a minute to go I want the left he should have those orders should have been in place at 2 and a half or 3 minutes it was fascinating because both boats had actually got out to the right the new zealanders were out to the right but that decided long ago they wanted the left and there with the Italians back out with the power of the right but that’s not where both camps wanted to be okay here comes Prada now back on Star attack we’re back live do they have New Zealand yes looks like they’re tacking to L here it’s going to be close Peter well I just give that slight advantage to Team New Zealand at the first cross but for the first time that we’re really seen Prada have got the power of the right now it’s a case can they hang on there to the top Mark they won’t be able to hang in this position for too long they will be forced out of there back onto Port but to me coming off the line what was relevant was Team New Zealand used the Code Zero to get an advantage and then with all the mechanics to tidy The Code Zero up their advantage that they initially got off the start line has been gobbled up by Prada just being able to sail their boat in a normal mode to get rid of the Code Zero mechanically did Team New Zealand off the line lot of animated input coming in know this is important this is a gain here to Prada they’ve made a gain Team New Zealand going bow down for the dip Prada are they going to take the left or slam slam them on their face no they’re carrying on through so this is a change Prada electing to give Team New Zealand the right the power of the the right and looks like both wither programs have picked up something out of the left Peter Gore wanting to dominate the left that’s halfway up the beat I think you got to get out the on board saying we want the left it’s not the of we’re an interesting first [Music] Le well Team New Zealand they’re still with a comfortable advantage of just over one boat length on Prada and remember they still have that right hand Advantage now one thing that’s quite interesting here is down at the start of course the wind was out of the left and we saw team yelan fought for the left hand side then up the course right around here team ellan made a conscious decision to get over to the right hand side of the course and as they did that the wind went right a little bit so one has to ask the question whether maybe Team New Zealand’s weather program the boats have got scattered around the course actually said to them left’s going to pay in the bottom half of the course but as you get up by the top Mark the right is going to be where all the advantages and as we’ve been watching this animation they’ve extended their lead out now to over two boat links or around two lengths so at the moment as they get out towards that left hand lay line the options don’t look that great for [Music] PR on the that sort of Gun Barrel out to the side is actually the jockey pole stand by set One race for America’s Cup 2000 and Team New Zealand in front gu after a brilliant start by Skipper Russell CPS outstanding boat handling brilliant trimming in the start sequence Team New Zealand went out to a two boo length advantage and then it went back to half a boat length and across number three it was the talion in front but incredibly they did not nail that Advantage home they persisted in holding on to Star and going a long way up to the left that gave the lever the black boat needed so they came from behind and it is Team New Zealand Ins at l60 Black Magic leading Prada around the top Mark as Luna Ros ta45 rounds Mark number one an amazing 45 seconds of stern going into Lake number two amazing because the attali had the advantage around a third of the way out that beat to halfway they were in front and by not staying between their man and the ho they allowed an opening for New Zealand sneaking let’s go that’s the voice of Russell C playing they’re going now driving left now what they’ll do is when PR come back they’ll go all the way to the Fort lay line safe move give it give it give it com and this graphic here is an excellent example of what we were talking about with covering the teus staying between K and the bottom MK When we see the yellow trail of K there each time they’ve come back we see Team New Zealand come back and they’ve just stayed in sync was PR they haven’t given them any leverage whatsoever they’ve just stayed with them the whole time and by keeping it down to 2 or 300 M it means that if there’s a little bit of a wind shift they’re not going to lose more than maybe half to one boat length and looking at that at the moment that’s still a lead of close to 6 spoke lengths they’ve lost maybe a couple of lengths since the top mark But at the moment PR has really resigned to the fact that they’re going to be second again round mark number two there he goes watch him pull the middle of the sail onto the boat see the two guys in the middle that’s guys from the back of the boat people like Murray Murray Jones and Richard Dodson think Carter been lucky they’ve had a coule three they got down to the mark they might have made a little gain here we Mark two race four team New Zealand still in front four Lees to go black magig in l60 leading by 45 seconds at the last mark this has been a gain has it to PR the Omega clock ticking away they Spike the classic move here Peter is from Team New Zealand to hold s z out wait for PR to come around when PR break right team New Zealand will go with the clock still ticking over half a minute and still going as Pride around 39 seconds so they’ve taken six seconds out of Team New Zealand going into leag number three the second beat to win okay Tobin Grail is telling his crew don’t give up guys anything can happen here and in this animation we see Prada with the yellow Trail on the left hand side Team new Zeeland on the right and if we lay the wind on we can see that it’s gone right and uh of course that’s all good news for team Ellen they’re the one on the right hand side to take advantage of that then if we lay the advantage line on we can see that in fact Team New Zealand’s opened up again so being on that right hand side there looks like they’re getting a sniff of right hand pressure that prid perhaps isn’t and at the moment prid will be looking waiting hoping for a bit of left hand shift to try and go back and close the game up they don’t look very animated Peter Gore this this could be the race that sinks Prada well it’s tough when you’re behind in a position like this and they got in front is making the perfect moves and good placement black magic at l60 at Mark I halfway through race four America’s Cup 2000 and they’re still in front Team New Zealand we leading by 39 seconds at Mark number two team New Zealand leading by 39 seconds at Mark number two as though they’ve taken over a minute out of proud on the speed to Wi a minute exactly on the Amiga clock Prada Trail black magic inl 60 by one minute 39 going into lck number four the second off wind Le that’s their true wind speed there and true wind direction on board I suspect Prada I’m not actually sure which which boat it is but that’s the what they’re looking at you can see the wind tracking there not only in speed but also in Direction it is Prada great shot from the camera there here we go here comes the spike now do is get get the middle of the sail into the boat as soon as they can make sure they don’t go fishing now we’ll watch the efficiency of those brilliant crew down comes the drop suon the tide that looks like Richard Dodson with long arms who along with muray Jones does help Dean fips Joe Ellen is down in the sewer and Matt Black Magic at l60 Round the Le Mark nice turn a Windward leard to go two legs to go and this is the view Franchesco deangeles on board prid has of teelen looking way up to wward there at the moment there’s not a great deal the Italians can do that’s a 3 150 M lead an enormous lead in anyone’s language and with the breeze reasonably steady at the moment all Prada can really do is just try and sniff out little whim Chiefs and close up some of that enormous Gap that team ell open up on them pretty tough call on the Italians Matthew Mason basting out I think that’s Richard doson up there as well got mark five hoisting for the last time going into the sixth and final leg black magic in at l60 still comfortably in front of Prada yeah well the big mistake we can make there is by actually you know doing another wind up doing two more jobs in him or something stupid like that and this show is very graphically how PR’s been able to come in here that’s Team New Zealand in the foreground with the blue Trail but if we compare the trails there of Team new Ze there going at this angle like this meanwhile looking at Prada they were able to get that gust and then just roll right down like that and that’s where they made their big game they’ve closed up pretty significantly on Team New Zealand but one gets the feeling that Pepsi going to run out of uh of Motorway before they get to the finish and they just W having enough room to be able to catch up that distance it’s still a very comfortable lead to team newel remember it was a lot bigger than this but I’m sure that it’s um still pretty comfortable for team youell and there it is there that’s around 10 boat length so it’s still a big lead to the black boat in all nine races Russell CPS and His Brilliant teen New Zealand Crews of 95 and 2000 have L at every m okay here we go Team New Zealand Win race four of America’s Cup 2000 and go to match point one more win by team New Zealand means the Everest of yti will stay in Oakland meanwhile PR must win the next five races it’s Team New Zealand four the proud the challenge of Italy nil race five round the ends it is Team New Zealand who are coming in from the Star coming in from the port the line good entry by team New Zealand they normally coming in from the weather end of the line you’ll be a little late because of the anle change halfway down the tealand from thisle look at that I’m wondering whether they can reverse the T side of the here they just beautiful position by just a little further to keep L to Wi now we’re going to see where the can toin Francisco he the both boats on tank now guys yeah both boats on Port wom V must keep clear both votes actually going backwards the rules don’t make any account going back forward C [Applause] coming littlee we have a St problem now still hasn’t got it guys no problem he’s stilll coming off is absolutely wants the right down here Team New Zealand they get their bow down PR is trying to go underneath PR look vable to [Music] be be aeny did you see a [Music] think they’re outside L line to the to the I don’t think the could be a fantastic [Music] [Music] first Cup match has cleaned Francisco Angel way to the they’ve got power they’re buring it up they want and the New Zealand is right in the face of at the slow [Music] absolutely fantastic absolutely incredible well done de brilliant start can you believe it what he’ be thinking 10 minutes out 5 minutes out and with the assistance of some outstanding after guard including tactician brador okay long Dean has cleaned the Italians out right here team newal go now Team New Zealand following three length gain already New Zealand got great speed here a bow down again they’re using their ising Francisco Angel be careful of the Waves could be in for a big packing jeel but be careful of the way they go again in this time are not with them they’re continuing to the right grab that right hand side Advantage so the first time came newal them making go back on a Down Speed tall second time when came that that’s a very good point you Reon the last time they no I don’t here come Team New Zealand coming back now they’ve got the Winward position they’ve [Music] got already it looks actually better on the right now 90 m it’s opening up all the [Music] time and a half being below the lay line is they can attack get the pole on before the set so the two B lengths maybe three and two and a half underl standby T [Music] SP Mark One race five America’s C 2000 and the skipper today de picks up leading around the mark the black boat leading now watch the Hoist on the blackboat and how quickly can ho down [Music] be over 20 down for the top seconds New Zealand it’s close you PR roll down inside them here still all on they’ve got a good Advantage but PR come in up wind on them and be able to drive on Team New Zealand’s air and threaten them they’ve made a little bit of a game here I saw 111 me let’s talk about Barry Mai out to the left got to Cal down up there talk about him it’s okay know just the problem is they rushed the Hoist of the head tap got caught in the pre feeder on the head and if you rip that Prett you’ll have to change G they’ve got it out the voice of Dean means that they must be able to me yeah the think they as the out the standby drop Team New Zealand go forward first and then the let go running in very deep here [Music] that’s point that Chris talked about running deep watch the angle of attack they have in contrast to the New Zealand shs over the top sides coming in now here we go Mar two race five remember the new zealanders were leading by 24 seconds the amga CL wear off the Italian that get ready immediately they the2 seconds to a 2 G yeah I think they had a scruffy drop there they’ come around untiy and they want to break right and Team New Zealand you see they haven’t got their sper in I think I saw the sper getting no they’re clear stand by PRI this attack they weren’t able to attack just as quickly as they yeah basically they pushed the drop so they weren’t set up coming out of it they had to wait to settle down that the problem is they’re running in Team New Zealand dirty air right now be right for a while but they’ll lose to break right call up PR as we ready to take 17 for 175 here goes theam newal going with them so immediately l45 right in black with Dean on the want team newal want to put their bow down here and move forward a jail now on l number three the second Team New Zealand black man in l60 leading the prate challenge of Italy by 22 seconds at Mark number two now close hold on the wind and a beautiful sailing Breeze of 16 to 18 knots with Dean on the H the black is in front Team New Zealand with a huge lead of 28 some M and coming around now up into an aeral view we can see the top Mark away in the distance there that’s Mark number five that they’ll go around for the run for home at the moment though we’ve got the wind still out of the South flying down across the course they’ve reset that Mark number five it’s it’s the move since the start of the race at the moment though team usland just content to stay between prider and the mark they’ll be covering very closely they know they have pace so it’s all about just minimizing mistakes now PR looking for something special here they go t back trying to keep the alive forced team into some sort of a mistake mark five the last in race five America’s Cup 2000 and the black boat well and truly in control me they’re not going to hit that got an extra length around the outside of that Oney will Jo plenty of Breeze here 23 knots coming out that’s Simon [Music] Dy now remember Team New Zealand black magic at 60 L by 61 seconds they’ve played it very safe up this beat though they were way wide on that Top Mark last time round at the last Mar the thing is in all previous four races Prada has not finished within a minute of the 60 seconds [Music] over5 rounds the top for the last time and clicks off at 11 behind [Music] that on the rig there they got a r turn it the weather Runner coming on us around the top Tech the moment this yellow boat Southeast still ways to go down here 2 minutes this way easy here 259 com yeah okay time for me to sign off and thank everyone franisco mate don’t be so upset you look as though you’re real Agony you’re a great guy and you’ve represented your country well they changed prime minister so many times perhaps they should put you in yes you actually have seen over the years Chris how the Americans come can destroy some Sailors I hope this wonderful team from don’t take it to seriously stand the whole team fantastic one brilliant chall Series against a thrill honestly that four their 54 win in theis Cup final which just so exciting to watching on last coming boys down please Sim they’re working right to the finish the Finish we five America’s Cup 2000 and black magic into L6 is about to complete a stunning clean we 5 over the private CH from Italy this outstanding achievement has rolled from may5 with teal San Diego so then Team New Zealand faced the daunting task of Defending sailing’s biggest prize in Oakland last October 11 challenges started in what was to become the best Louis Vuitton Challenger Series Ever After 202 races it was Prada who became the 30th Challenger for the Americas cup out of the anxious cloud of speculation uncertainty that was around at the start of the first defense in New Zealand it’s the defender that’s had the edge with its Bo in every fashion of this complex game team New Zealand has been better Crowder proved how good they are to to win the Louis Vuitton but being the best of the challengers has not been good enough this time because the Defenders have taken the game to a new level The Quest For Sports oldest prize started back in 1851 now at the dawn of a new century for the America’s comeup it’s black to the Future on the 2nd of March 2000 history on the haki Gulf as Team New Zealand retains the heavyweight crown of world sailing for the first time in 149 years of competition for Team New Zealand complete the first successful defense of the americ cup outside America the americ cup is still New Zealand’s C oh get it down this has been the best americ team thean diego5 2005 Team New Zealand are still the giant of world Sailing by setting a new standard in the 30th edition of The Americans [Music] C for the first time to finish within a minute of Team New Zealand 48 seconds behind Tom schnackenberg key in the design key on board in the sailing team and away she goes Joey Allen enjoying Franchesco d’angeles don’t F down harded you’ve done a wonderful job made lots of friends in New Zealand let’s just hope he’s back for the next louison Cup in whatever year that is around 2003


  1. Max Sirena was always taff at fighting 😉 secound race he christian's boat name Luna Rossa real red fighter.
    They getting bag away? Or lost it at rounding🤷‍♂️

  2. the community manager of this YouTube page is a son of a bitch who doesn't understand that we have to mention the year the video was taken.

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