Golf Players

This Student Couldn’t Believe how EASY It Was To Fix His Driver Swing

Hey all, really excited to share this live lesson with you. David came to see me a few weeks back wanting some help with his driver, what i saw in his swing is probably the most common swing trait that i see when helping golfers just like you.

The way that David was swinging the driver made it very difficult for him to achieve any level of consistency, he would hit some great drives but then follow those with some more wayward ones, but we were able to fix those issues in just one lesson and he picked up a little distance too.

If you are struggling to get control of the driver and feel that you aren’t hitting it as far as you should then this is a must watch as you may well be making the same mistakes that David was, but in this video you will see the drills and tweaks that you need to make in order to fix those faults and start hitting the driver longer and straighter.

As always i’d love to hear your thoughts so drop into the comments ad ill get back to you as soon as i can, Chris.

#driverswing #drivertips #driverlesson



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00:00 Introduction
00:28 David’s Golf Swing
03:05 The Driver Set Up
03:37 Backswing Depth
06:26 How To Release The Driver
11:03 The New Swing

if you want to hit your driver better this is a must watch because David had one of the most common driver faults that I see we completely changed his back swing reshaped his down swing and we kept it really really simple easy p in it this the end of the lesson he was hitting it much more consistently his grouping was Tighter and he even picked up a little bit of distance as well there you go you swung the golf club literally dead straight at your target yep okay and the golf club face was pointing give or take dead straight at your target which is why it flew dead straight but the reason you’ll find that difficult to do over and over and over is because the swing is quite steep right okay now steep doesn’t necessarily mean over the top out to in because if I was to stand here with driver and lob wedge my driver would have a much flatter swing yeah my lob wedge would have a much steep yeah yeah yeah yeah doesn’t mean I’m coming over the top of the blob just a steeper swing so when you stand there with a club length whether it’s a 79 whether it’s a drive whatever it may be because you stand the board in a certain way and the golf club is a certain length we can sort of pretty much gauge or guess what the angle of That Swing needs to be right yes the way you stand sort of is almost like you saying to me okay Chris I’m I’m standing like this which means that I want my swing to look like this yeah but it doesn’t it looks very very steep yeah so I’m seeing a golf club which is too steep relative to how you’re setting your up right if you were to set up your driver like this and the club was steep it’ be like well yeah that’s because of because you’re standing because you’re standing like that so you’re standing almost too far away right yeah which would produce a slightly flatter swing and then you’ve got a very very s steep swing okay and that steep swing is what’s giving you the inconsistencies right because you’ve hit great shot yeah but it’s followed by some other shots the issue we have when we’ve got a steep swing is with the driver as it’s steep very often the golf will have sensations of it is steep they’re maybe not conscious of that but there’s lots through the ball of sort of jumping up moving out the way to try and stop that club thumping sort of into the ground so what we’ve got to try and do is get you at the top of your back swing what you feel is lower yeah and then the key thing for you is on the downwing having it come from a much lower shallower deeper position which is then he’s going to give you the ability to actually sort of release the club pretty effectively and effici the release is different for every golfer really the more we get the club into a quote unquote good position the easier the release you start to put it over here and you have to start to manually do it so just get yourself normally set up as you would nothing different to begin with okay and all want to do there I want to have you add a tiny bit of KN Flex so I think that’s I think that’s all you need there was a big gap between your hands and your thighs I think that was just because you were a little bit too straight okay I thought we were going to have to nudge you closer I think actually if you just add a little bit of flex I think that do that again for me I think that that was how it was originated yeah there we go I think that probably just looks probably put you in a in a slightly better position yep what I want you to think about now is where these hands go from here okay and I want you to keep this relatively simple okay got the roofs above you yeah the wall is behind you you need to feel more wall less less ceing right that makes sense so you’re pretty good here these probably don’t turn well enough yeah and when these don’t turn well enough and these stop your arms then sort of start to lift okay and then they get high so I want you to go take a setup again for me okay just here for me good I want you to go as much turn as you can in the shoulders and feel as if the hands go more towards the wall of the back yeah there we go okay now you’ll never be able to go as far with your hands as you will when you actually hit a shot you’ve got momentum and you’re actually trying to hit it but this is what you got to try and feel the more that you can turn these the more opportunity it’s going to give you to get get this this depth okay if you just jump off the map for me if I if I sort of stand here if my goal is to get my hands more sort of behind me but I don’t turn these more yeah it’s just going to put my arm in a really bad position yes so the last thing we want you to do is get here and feel like you’re dragging the arms back we want you to get here and feel like the turn is allowing you to do that so let’s just hit a couple okay so just want you to go a little bit more nlex that’s it you going to go more turn arms deeper and just hit me a couple of shots yeah okay okay good so this is our original swing you can see a little Gap in there Y and you can see how the left arm is more vertical than the the shoulders so what we’re looking for in this one is something which is better that’s like a different like a different gol yeah you know I work with people like Stu just average golfers who who you know play well you play a lot but play sometimes I’m with a golfer who just physically can’t move into the position that we want them to straight away you’ve just shown me there I can do you can it might feel a little bit like it’s harder to do that it feels awkward if that makes sense perfect that looks like a completely different gol that does okay so this is where we need to start a ding from okay that’s your new backing I would want you to feel like your focus is on more turn through here which allows you to get these into a better position but you might find the that as you do that you almost say to me feels like my legs are moving more which is which is fine over the my years of coaches amazing how many golfers come to me struggling with irons a driver and there’s no moving to the body yeah and they almost say to me well yeah I’ve tried to do that because it was going so wrong I’ve tried to just lock everything down and yes and then just yeah doesn’t work you’ve got to get these turning so hit me a couple more and then we’ll link that to the ding so this is the one we need to guard against on that particular shot your Club face is about 9° open right okay y now I’m going to show you kind of why that’s the why that’s the case going to put this bag here the goal is to really slowly and I’ll do this with you is to get the club face to basically hit the back okay not the heel or toe toe okay Club face if it wasn’t the club face I would rather it be the to to the golf okay okay just take your setup with your driver to that t so you can start from here yep okay doesn’t have to be any any speed at all but I want you to try and imagine there’s a ball on that t and you’re just going to click that board and hit that bag okay just from there no speed okay that feel doable yeah now same thing okay now start from there yeah what’s that feel like that feels really awkward and weird yeah so that’s basically where you are right okay that’s that’s where you’re coming from so the release which every golfer needs suddenly feels 10 times harder yeah and I’ve not told her to do anything different I’ve just changed yeah where it comes in from that’s just like yeah you just it’s in position so you can turn your body and just let it naturally swing into the bag once it’s here okay and if you notice on that second one you actually click the ground yes which is why in the swing you’ll be you’ll be kind of standing up so if I’m saying to you okay your Club face is open yep and that’s because your release isn’t quite right as soon as you’re here the release is thso it like really difficult to do okay so it doesn’t matter if you’re here how much we tell you to do this with your hands and release the toe and it’s just really hard if we can put you here it suddenly becomes way way easier okay so just do that from there just turn through perfect there you go and notice how your body can turn you don’t feel like you’ve got a jump you can just turn your body just let that club swing out so at the end of my back swing my Club head is going to end up somewhere yeah okay mine will be fraction different to yours but give or take it’s always going to be somewhere in here so if you think of the club head and the ball what does that club head got to do to hit the ball well it’s in the air so it’s got to go down down and but relative to that ball it’s also gone it’s gone outward this way yeah so my club to get to that ball has got to go down to the ground but it’s also got to go out to the ball so look at how different my goling would look if I change the blend of those two so if I first of all added all of the outward and then added the downward yeah that wouldn’t look particularly good and it wouldn’t look particularly good if I added all of the downward and then added the outward yeah a good swing has got a nice blend of those two at the moment the reason yours is steep is cuz when you get to the top you have all of the outward none of the downward and then you start to add the downward and when it comes to here and then you all kind of doing this so we’ve got to change the blend so here’s what we’re going to do this is one of my favorite drills to driver you’re going to take a setup you’re going to try and make that back string that you’ve made okay and you’re going to try and hit this back if we can get in position notice how my body is still facing you still facing okay it’s the body that gives the clubit outward yes it’s your arms that give the clubit downward so by this rehearsal we’re actually just getting the arms to go down okay if I was to move my arms down to that bag and as I move my arms down to that bag I do start to turn my body you actually get a pretty good shape so you’re going to go all the way back and hold it good and then down into the bag perfect where’ you get to the top good y we know it’ll bit longer when you actually come to hit a shot and then where do the hands go from the top they go downwards yes so so the next stage so you’re going to give me three so you’re going to go one two three and on the third one still do the same thing with the arms but turn the body yep okay and I want you to just clip the top of the te cool there’s no ball there’s no speed good and then just click beautiful really good excellent love that so I’m going to set this as a a different set of results and I want you to go ahead and do that if you can yeah with a ball yeah and I mean it’s hard to do but if you can get it to go like 100 yards there you go wow was yeah go I mean that’s obviously slow speed but I mean yeah that was that was great I mean you swung the club pretty much dead straight club face was dead straight I mean it’s gone wayy short but what’s interesting is you hit three degrees up on it right now previously we’re hitting down because of where you’re coming from so that was that was really good so we got to do now big turn hands the wall and then I would be sort of saying to you okay push the club down towards that chair right yeah that’s your sort of feeling and as you do that the turn of the body is what will stop it going down toward the chair but that’s got to be your feeling but let’s go up to Full Tilt ETP in it this I mean that’s your longest drive w I mean it was only by a couple of yards but I mean yeah I mean that’s literally gone there so dead straight hit up on it Wicked wower go wower I’m going need to take that chair with me I think take the chair with it’s a training a I can sell those for yeah thousands Club down behind you should I actually prefer full of speed yeah for you cuz you slowed down there didn’t you yeah I did yeah yeah yeah and I think sometimes it’s harder to actually coordinate everything you hav’t got to go like 100% I think at full speed right would be good all day that is the drive you want to hit right I’m calling that that’s going to be by yeah look at that I mean that is that’s your longest one yeah I mean if it up by that’s so good yeah that’s so good

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  1. This thread serves as a reminder of the boundless potential of human intellect. It's truly inspiring.👄

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