The SIMPLE & EASY way to swing a golf club!

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Hi I’m Rick Shiels, welcome to my channel! This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, also to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf equipment reviews, golf instruction & I play against some of the best golfers in the world!

I also want to make you play better golf by providing coaching video on all topics about golf, how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.

I will also help you lower your score by chipping better by stopping you duff and thin chips, pitch the ball closer and also create backspin. Also I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts!

in this video I’m going to show you how to swing a golf club this is great if you are brand new to golf but also a timely reminder if you’re an established golfer too my name is Rick Shields I’m a PJ golf coach going to make it simple and easy to understand so I’m going to break this down into three sections how we hold the golf club how we stand to the golf ball and then how we swing first off the grip and how we hold the golf club this is so important it’s one of the most important factors because it helps control the club face making sure that it doesn’t aim too far to the right or too far to the left the simple rundown make sure your Club face is aiming at your target so if you had a mirror on the club face it would almost be a perfect reflection towards your target your flag your Fairway Etc once that’s nice and straight left hand on first we’re going to go fingers around the back we’re going to wrap the hand over the top we want to make sure that squishy bit of the hand is sat on top of the thumb you’re going to get this V here between your thumb and your index finger wants to run towards your right shoulder and you’ll see a couple of Knuckles right hand goes underneath fingers around first and then place the squishy bit of your right hand on top of your left thumb you can have a couple of options at the back 10 finger interlocking grip or overlap whichever one suits you best I go for into lock in person I feel like it keeps my hands nice and connected we don’t want to strangle the golf club we want to keep it nice and relax like a five out of 10 at 10 out of 10 if we were gripping as tight as we can you forearms end up Contracting you end up being away from the ground more you end up topping it way too much so grip go through it thoroughly so it becomes natural next thing is standing to the golf ball what I want you to do is always make sure you build your whole stance around the ball this is the most important thing this little white thing on the on the floor so once I put my club down and I’ve taken hold of my grip which we’ve just talk through we’re then going to build a stance around that the first thing is uh width of stance so as you can see there my feet are nice and close together all I’m going to do here is take equal Steps either side so the ball I’m hitting a seven iron here at the moment remains in the middle and my stance is the same width as my shoulders want to make sure we have that nice firm base we don’t want to go really wide CU you’re not going to create any real rotation or we don’t want to go super narrow because you’re not going to create any power we want to have the feet the same width as the shoulders so then if we talk about distance away from the golf pole cuz again this is really important don’t want to get super close to the ball and we don’t want to be miles away so to build this perfect stance we want to make sure if I just allow my hand to almost slip between the the grip and the my legs that’s perfect a real good check if I just let the grip end of the club sit on my right knee want to sit a couple of inches above the right knee if we were too close it would sit really high on my thigh if we’re too far away it would sit below my knee so we want to sit sit the club a couple couple of inches above the knee you can see here from my setup as well all I’ve done is flex the knees I’ve pushed my bum backwards so I’ve straighten that spine angle but tilted over and my arms are just really naturally hung down they’re not really stretched out or really tucked in from the top of my shoulder down to my wrist there just a nice straight line that’s set up so we’ve done grip and set up the next thing is Swing there’s two elements to a golf swing this is the simplest way of thinking about it it’s making sure that we rotate the body and on the way down we allow the movement to go toward the target you’re almost you waight distribution and it’s almost similar if I was to throw a ball if I was to throw this ball into the screen I would turn and rotate backwards I would get that big rotation and then I would push into my left foot and throw it as hard as I can those two elements we need for the G swing and this what I’m to show you is a great drill to get those feelings of rotation and movement get into your setup position that I’ve just shown you and what I like to do is just lift the club up and literally put it across your chest just from right shoulder to left shoulder and almost Cross Your Arms what I want you to do here as a drill is get this feeling of rotating and turning the body like notice that my upper body is rotating my shoulders going down and the end of the golf club is pointing down to the ground that way I’m creating tension in my body I’m creating that power I’m creating that rotation then the feeling is you’re doing the opposite you’re rotating your right shoulder down and also notice something really important I’m moving my weight around my left leg I’m moving towards the target while staying balanced those two movements alone practice that if even if you’re an established golfer you’re brand new to golf practice that and see how it feels it will massively make a huge difference to your golf game and then all we’ve got to do have those two elements of rotation and movement to the left but this time now we’re holding the golf club and this time we’re going to turn the body still the same movement my left arm is straight but still the same movement and I’m going to rotate the other way and move that way around my left leg so unbelievably important if that if I hit a shot doing that I’m going to twist and rotate and then move my weight to the left and you can see there in my finished position I’ve got almost all of my weight on my left foot 90 plus% of my weight on my left foot once I finish I start with 50/50 I rotate back and I’ve still got 50/50 and then as I start to come down everything starts to move towards that left foot more those elements are the s simplest way to swing a golf club it really is watch this video and repeat get natural with it and you’ll improve and you’ll pick up golf much quicker thanks watching we’ll see you next time


  1. I just had my first lesson from a club pro and these exact things are what he showed me, almost exactly as you explained it.

  2. I can’t begin to tell you how much positive difference you have made in my golf game. I have been a subscriber of yours for years and always enjoy your videos. I am currently 76 and in 2020 I had a stroke that mildly affected my left side. I was still able to play but not as well as before the stroke. Prior to the stroke I was a 18 handicap and after more of a 24 to 26. I was still having fun, then in 2021 I started having left knee pain which resulted in a complete knee replacement in march of this year. I was not able to play prior to the replacement for almost 2 years and when I was able to start hitting on the range the feeling was as if I had never swung a golf club before. My timing was gone. But after watching a few of your videos something clicked and I started making contact again. Now after almost 50 years of playing golf I am starting over with lessons from my local course pro. I don’t expect to join the tour anytime soon but now I feel positive about playing again. Thank you. Next time you come to Arizona I hope to get to see you in person.

  3. You know….sometimes the most fundamental, simplest instructions are those that are easily repeatable. Thank you for reminding me this doesn’t have to be complex.

  4. Hi Rick, Guy, Matt and Team,

    Love all the channels, listened to all the podcast episodes more that 7 times over and your merchandise is great quality. I have started a golf youtube channel to try and help afford new clubs because the shaft flex doesn't fit me anymore. Haven't posted any content yet. Do you have any advice on getting started on youtube.

    Keep up the great content

  5. After seeing that throw, Rick; we’re glad you’re doing golf tutorials and not baseball drills. 😂😅

  6. At the top of the backswing, he has 50/50 weight distribution in his feet. This explains why he can’t break 75 😂😂😂

  7. One thing I would add in here; it’s not enough to make sure that the club face is facing the target. Once you swing the club, hold the club out straight in front of you and see where the club is facing and make sure it’s square. I lined up to the ball square but during my swing I was closing my club face and everything went left. Now all I do is open the club face so that it is facing more right, didn’t change a thing about my swing and now at impact the face is square with the target and I am a lot more consistent

  8. My wife is learning to play golf, I am going to send her this video. This is GREAT for the beginner golfer!

  9. You should let Golf Sidekick give you a lesson in course management. You're a good golfer, but your course management is just so bad. Too often you'll use driver when you shouldn't. I know you'd score better if you made better decisions out there.

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