hi people okay tonight yeah we got the bet nardy b right here okay actually that’s my bet nardy unless unless it’s Simon a Von maybe and the want a 35 in because this the 35 in putter here the other two I’ve got you can have one of them I’m keeping I’m going to sell probably one of the other ones but I’m keeping one for sure so I’m only ever going to put one up for draw and this is going to be it guys you can have a 35 you can have a 34 whatever you want uh this is the limited edition betard putter okay uh they are being resold I’ve seen them up for 2200 lb so this thing is hot okay guys really really hot and pretty as H now not only that um I’ve Got the Tiger Woods grind mg4 wedge set up there okay it’s a 56 and a 60 uh these are running around 200 lb uh wedge lovely lovely wedges okay definitely lovely wedges and absolutely amazing amazing to use I’ve got a betard uh by itself you can have a blade or a mallet head cover um different to the putter same addition different look though okay so this is just being released as a head cover um these are going for about 120 quid I’m probably selling them for more than that uh because there’s no one that has them anymore now irons and woods package AI smoke two Grands worth of Kit there uh it’s pretty much a full bag once you put all the other stuff in there if you win it all um lovely lovely lovely lovely Woods absolutely lovely woods and some really a really nice set of irons in there as well that’s uh yeah you’re going to love those ones um so there you go on that one oh we got chice of balls as well uh three dozen balls you get tailor made Bridgestone callaways uh Munos or shrien in there if you want uh three dozen of any balls I’ve got and the Mystery Box prize is a bag okay so there’s actually a Muno bag in there uh I forget what it is but it’s a cart bag uh so there’s a 200 lb bag sitting in in the mystery box prize tell you what I’ll show you that one now there you go sway divider this is the mauno cart bag Okay so for when you win your moto caddy which I’ll put a mo tell you I’ll put a moto caddy up next week for you guys not up yet it’s going to come up okay but uh you’re going to have a moto caddy up next week as well so there’ll be something to throw this cart bag into okay so lots of prizes tonight definitely uh well worth it guys uh you just got to uh get your tickets really now this is the time like I said if you want to bulk up your tickets on that putter or anything else here uh there hasn’t been a lot actually on the head cover by itself either but that’s a really good steal uh they’re all really good deals actually but that betard if you want to get on they’re a pound of ticket so this is what where you want to top up an extra five or 10 or 20 quid on their one um definitely it is time to do it now cuz you got about four minutes left and uh there won’t be another one unless you want to buy one on eBay for 2 and a half Grand or so two grand you probably negotiate them down to two grand but uh that’s the deal for tonight guys so you want to get on on that um I have uh I’ve got it there taking the head cover kind of off it but that is the head cover that goes with that putter I’m not going to take it down yet but uh tell you what I’ll do I will show you this way hopefully this will work and not fall out there you go it comes in a display box with a certificate of authenticity okay lovely [Music] box okay and you get uh that’s the head cover for it’s okay lovely Potter and you have three minutes left to get this now you ask Eric what are you doing next week for draws well I’ve already put one up anyway already uh I’m going to put uh a few more well there’s a few more going to pop up and uh there’s more than this I just put this up kind of to show you I’ve got some site Credit I’ve got some mystery box prizes but these are these are my main ones for just Tuesday uh we’re going to go heavy on this one again Thursday Friday Sunday as well um loads of prizes up there I’ve got a Scotty Phantom up there for Tuesday t24 wedges for Tuesday I’ve got a tsr2 driver for Tuesday and I’ve got a PGA Championship staff bag for Tuesday cool okay that’s the deal for Tuesday there’s also the uh going to be a mystery box prize I’m going to put some site credit on there who knows I might put some more on there depends um I can fit 10 on there so I might throw some stuff up for Wednesday as well there is some cool stuff coming definitely this week uh including some black shcks and irons which nobody really has those ones I haven’t seen them anyway so there’s some black shrien up okay which uh I got my hands on some sets of those ones Z X5 z x7s uh you get to choose what you want on them so there’s lad loads of stuff coming next week so don’t be afraid if you don’t Lo if you don’t win today you might win next week you might win three times next week whatever now tonight there’s these babies now like I said Mystery Box prize is uh this now tell you what I will let you you can play around with the colors if you want uh you can choose what color you want I’ve got a couple different colors on them black white uh that’s the bag but that’s the mystery box prize thought I’d throw a bag in there at you everyone seems to be coming into the shop wanting a bag lately so I figured I’d throw some bags on there yeah lovely lovely putter so someone’s going to win this putter in about well not a minute but it’s going to end in a minute and then somebody’s going to win this putter now while we’re doing that I will clear off these make sure I don’t have any pending ones that slow me down not all good yep all your last minute stuff excrement or sorry excellent oh we’re taking down the seconds people if you’re going to get in you better get in now last minute oh there is some people I don’t know David that is very last minute David hands down did you just remember something I know you’re desperate for this Gest head head cover you might have to buy one oh you oh I don’t know if you got in there David we will see I’ll just refresh it one more oh you got David David Mr DC you got in there just like I don’t know how that must have been You Must Have Made It by a few seconds that’s as last minute as you possibly can get Dave okay we are ready to go we’re going to start with the head cover okay this is uh blade or mallet head cover this is a limited edition bet nardy head cover uh it’ll suit any blade or any Mallet that you’ve got though uh and yeah it’s uh there’s not many like this so we’re going to start with that one if you’re new to this if you haven’t seen me before I’m going to put Exel spreadsheet up behind me everyone’s names and numbers for each draw is going to be on it that isn’t your real name that isn’t your real number that is your ticket number and that is your nickname that you choose to put on there uh top left corner uh we’re going to put uh well top Corner we’re going to put a random well we’ve got random numberers I’m going to program that with the right amount of numbers for each draw uh for this one is 220 uh we’re going to draw that until someone wins that’s how it goes someone will would win always someone will win one of these prizes I will never roll over the prizes don’t do that uh unless I’m stating there there’s a rare one that I’ll put a Time on it but nah I don’t like doing that it’s not my way here comes the spreadsheet it is King dog it is Guinness time who’s King dog you guys are always screw with your nicknames okay what do I have 220 for this let’s put 220 in [Music] there come on 220 let’s make sure this looks right yeah there we go let’s do some scrolling Nathan low Nathan low with number two we’re going to start with hello linear how are you linear I like big putts and I cannot lie is going to finish that one with 220 okay are we ready for this this the putter head cover from bonardi ready Kaboom it’s one one one someone has won yes it’s a Phil it’s a Phil Murphy it’s it’s an Irishman Phil Murphy Phil Murphy 007 there you go with 111 you are the wiener there you go you got yourself a putter head cover 111 gets the head cover Kaboom right off the bat you are the wiener Phil is it Philip McCracken bend over and Philip McCracken there we go 111 we’re going to get that one done I know there’s a certain DC that’s unhappy about that one you might have to buy one you might have to buy something for a change from the shop mate okay here we go uh let’s go on to the yeah let’s do the bit Mystery Box prize we can’t see the number generator okay here I’m going to put that up there again damn it I don’t know why it does that okay hang on a second okay as long as it disappeared after the draw I will I’ll put it up there now again hang on a second screen capture there we go oh it comes in giant okay there we go make it a bit smaller okay there we go back to normal let’s get it rid of that one really well it was 111 that was it right there hands down 111 it was okay good thing it wasn’t the big one that did that 111 okay that was it okay now we’re going to put in the mystery box prize not going to cheat yet of a 50 well this actually it’s about 110 120 quid head cover but that’s not what I would do anyway uh we’re going to go Mystery Box prize now this is the Muno bag okay Mystery Box prize make sure I got the number in there yeah 111’s in there yeah maybe that’s cuz it lagged because it lagged a hell of a lot before I did that one all right Mystery Box prize now we had 199 for this one no controversy I up all the time but I make sure it’s okay okay we’re going to go with this one um oh yeah I need to put 19 199 into this no that’s not that that’s that one one 19 N wrong amount of numbers we can’t have that okay we’re going to start with Aly mic okay I got to do the scrolling first Aly mic we’re going to start with with number one and we’re going to scroll it down [Music] to 199 with Aaron Salter and there we go Mystery Box prize coming now and there she be my computer’s definitely running slow today it ends up with two number two you’re a poo number two is no one that’s do it again 138 138 is Harvey Harvey Hub Harvey Hub 10 I Is that ah I know who this one is hubard I think that’s who that one is Harvey you are the wiener you get yourself a mauno bag 138 is the wiener Harvey you are the Wier and a new one there’s a new wiener you’re a new wiener Harvey with 138 let me just get out into the wieners box one three eight and what are we we’re going to do balls next balls mate let’s go and do the balls okay so three dozen balls of your choice there it is there it is 80s jokes okay three dozen balls of your choice let’s go get the spreadsheet and there it is there it is okay choice of balls is I had ah 250 ticket 250 numbers up for this one 250 tickets yeah same thing and that’s coming out you now and there it is we’re going to start with a Josh child serial winner number 09 with number one oh there’s a jkid magician sitting underneath him two serial winners sitting there together I wonder if they know each other now down to Josh child 09 with 249 the book ends now we’re going to do this one at 250 2 five and we’re ready to go okay four choice of balls it is 244 anyone have 244 no Daniel pry won away Daniel that was pretty close 155 we have a serial winner with Josh Charles 09 with 155 Josh you are the winner okay there you go Josh there you go he is the wiener on the balls with one55 let’s just get that into the wieners box one five5 and we are moving onwards now that is three of them down now we’re going to go directly into the hardware now I saw a guy Halloween party one time right uh he had a whole he had a whole string of uh he had like uh frosted Corn Flakes uh Rice Krispies all these boxes on on a rope hanging over his back and he had a knife in his hands and it was the cheapest costume ever seen he went as a serial killer um it was awesome anyway let’s get on to this one it was a brilliant brilliant costume probably spent five minutes getting it together we going to do what are we going to do next we’re going to do wedges next we’re going to do the Tiger Woods we’re going to do that putter last to be honest the Putter and the uh Woods package are valued about the same so we’ll do this one okay uh Tiger Wood set these are seriously nice wedges people uh you get a 56 and 60 ground uh to his specs and the grind are really really cool now it’s hard to explain they’re very complex but if you know your wedges these things are awesome and yeah they’re worth uh worth about 200 quid a piece if anyone even has any left so I had 799 tickets for these and here we go go that’s moving me back out my lovely my lovely uh face is now out here again uh I don’t like being hidden behind that thing or behind that thing here uh so let’s do some scrolling first we’re going to start with James aldrey 059 with number one yes and you can win with a number one someone almost had a number two there but no one had it and you can win with the last number as well here we go yeah these are lovely wedges Jameson Chambers who recently won himself some balls with 799 which was nice to see CU he’s been playing for a few years and that was the first win so who knows sometimes the winners are in strings so let’s see anyway 799 you can have hope Jameson there we go and all of you else will have some hope too now we’re all set to go here we are let’s do this one this is for the Tiger Woods grind wedges and we’re going to have one six on it first 116 does that give us a winner one6 six is it’s Dan and Dan is laughy Dan laughy 95 top of the morning to you Dan with 116 all the way out in Belfast I know where you are Dan okay Dan ly you get yourself some nice wedges mate some really nice wedges 116 Dan you are the wiener 116 gets it well we’re getting into the good stuff now and here we go so now we’re going to do the we’re going to do the irons and woods package the AI smoke they are actually very pretty yeah I really like the prizes I got up this week so I’m going to continue doing this I quite like these these are really I like the way my site looked this week and I like the fact I got more prizes and stuff like that for you guys yeah I think it’s it’s it’s what I’ve been wanting to do for a long time is to punch up the amount of prizes I’ve got on there so there’s more than three or four and I’ve just been limited so this is really nice to be able to do um yeah love giving away stuff so here we go AI smoke irons and woods I’ll go get the spreadsheet now for it there they are and I had 899 tickets for this one there’s somebody that one already texting me okay 899 I had for this one and I in the way so I will move myself away so we’re going to have 899 on the random number generator and then we then we got the the the big baby the putter is up next but first let’s get this one done 8 n99 we all good yes we’re all good fro froto baggin uh all the way from Middle Earth I don’t think I don’t ship to Middle Earth though so you going have to send someone to uh the UK with number three froto bagin he just a wean and down we go all the way down to oh I see some people big on this one definitely froo bagin specifically froto baggin ends it off with 898 are we ready and let’s do it three 31 is it you 331 did anyone win this one yes we got Bobby Bobby Berg with 331 Bob byberg okay Bob Bob you got it mate Bob you are a wiener you are definitely a wiener and you’ve got the irons and woods pack mate 331 gets it bobbyber okay and we’re gonna go on now 331 now we got the putter this putter is hot definitely and by the way I no matter what I will plague you I want to picture you with this putter okay hands down okay your face with the putter not just the putter I can just get a put picture of the putter myself I want to pict sure people do that they send me like their hands and the stuff it’s useless so your nice smiling face with a picture of this putter please doesn’t matter who it is even if it’s uh the magician I shouldn’t have said that uh here we go I know some people that really really want this though let’s get this uh spreadsheet going ah let’s get this let’s get the thumbnail in we want the right thumbnail in there otherwise when I go to review it I won’t be able to figure out what’s going on there it is this is so beautiful just so you know I have another another one coming okay it’s probably going to be about two weeks but I have another one coming not of this one uh I think it’s a new decade or something like that um it is really pretty okay so I’m not stopping with this stuff and um you will be happy to know uh I am going to be one of the only guys uh well not one of the only there’s about there’s going to be about 20 people in uh all of the UK that are going to be carrying B irons so I’m going to actually have some bonard irons up here as well cool so that’s custom fit Bard irons okay so either you come here and get them custom fit or let me know what shops you want Loft and lies we can figure it all out and get them all right but I’m going to have some bardy irons up here and these things are very nice okay they’ve got military grade ceramic inserts into them in the center of the clubs right behind the impact Z they’re beautiful bet nardy is one of the most precise things uh I just did a I just did a uh a big thing for golf retailing uh where I’ve done uh I’ve done a review on bardy Putters basically uh so if you get it you probably won’t it’s for golf retails but uh I’m in there now with uh with that as well so uh yeah you will be definitely seeing some really nice Bon Aries coming very soon okay now let’s get on to this one the one you guys have all been waiting for I would think most of you have been waiting for this one anyway I’ll see later how many tickets sold for it but I I do want to I am interested to see how many sold for this one because this is sexy mate so yeah this is basically worth about two grand right now although that’s not what they sold for they sold 900 pounds but um yeah this is a 2,000 well 2200 lb on eBay and that kind of sets the price so please don’t throw this on eBay right away hold on to it for a little bit at least well unless you want to pay off your mortgage uh 3,999 tickets I’ve got up for this one at a pound you’re all holding on and waiting for this one aren’t you everyone’s quiet quietly hoping that they’ve got it so 3999 I’ve got for tickets that spreadsheet should come up in a second did I not get it I will click it again there we go now it’s coming okay wait for it boom there it is now let’s get the random number generator set up for properly with 3999 3999 okay someone’s getting themselves a a really nice putter now let’s do some scrolling we’re going to start with I like big putts and I cannot lie with number seven which would be interesting to win it but uh here we go it’s going to take me a minute to scroll this so I will consume a slight bit of something liquid lovely day today by the way finally bloody hell it’s been I’m going to play golf tomorrow while we’re scrolling uh anyone to play Gog Magog I’m going to play that tomorrow uh taking a Monday out it’s my first round of golf in I don’t know I think since September last year I played Royal Norwich um yeah I’m really really looking forward to getting out and playing around of golf hopefully it’s not going to be absolutely catastrophic my putting I haven’t really been practicing much putting lately which is kind of a shame maybe I’ll get on to some in the morning and straighten up some of my problems but driving’s pretty good shipping’s really really good good I should have a good chance of doing well but yeah anyone play Gog Magog any good okay we’re almost down to the bottom now with almost there with nobody nobody’s got 3996 so anyway that’s awesome okay I like that one definitely okay so now we’re going to do this King dog what is that is that you put in 100 plus king dog who is King dog I see this little picture but I can’t see it okay here we’re GNA go are you guys ready for this once I do it it’s gone guys we ready and this is the B nardy going now 884 884 a let’s just do some faster scrolling 884 anyone to have it nobody has it I got rock 886 is the closest we’ve got on that one let’s do it again 1,834 1834 a little too far eight no three oh there’s a one 1834 is Rocket Ron no idea who this is Rocket Ron okay say hi if you’re on here on the chat but 1834 is Rocket Ron Rocket Ron you are the wienner oh is it that bad King dog I don’t think my score is going to be 100 plus you can you can you can do you want to put you want to put a g a bet on that one tell you what I’ll put 50 Quid on that one that I’m not I’m going to score under 100 that one is going to be easy anyway 1834 with Rocket Ron Rocket Ron you are a wiener mate you are a huge Wier mate um that’s it okay so don’t forget Tuesday I got this don’t worry I’m going to have some more limited edition bardis I’ve got the Phantom the Scotty Cameron Phantom up there now I’ve got the tsr2 up there now I’ve got some t24 wedge set now as well and I’ve got a PGA Championship staff bag sitting up there okay so there is a few grand sitting there in prizes for Tuesday plus I’ve got a mystery box prize plus I’ve got some site Credit up there plus you’re going to see Thursdays pop up pretty soon and Fridays and Sundays um loads of stuff next week absolutely loads uh I’m all of you I’m sorry I know how beautiful this is if you didn’t win uh it’s a shame but there’s going to be another one coming within about two weeks love you all okay have yourselves a really good night and thank you

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