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All Scottie Scheffler charges dropped by Louisville prosecutor | Golf Channel

Todd Lewis, Rex Hoggard and Brandel Chamblee share why it’s not surprising that all charges against Scottie Scheffler stemming from a May 17 incident at the PGA Championship were dropped and a best-case scenario for all. #NBCSports #GolfChannel #ScottieScheffler
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All Scottie Scheffler charges dropped by Louisville prosecutor | Golf Channel

therefore based upon the totality of the evidence my office cannot move forward in the prosecution of the charges filed against Mr Sheffer Mr sheffer’s characterization that this was quote a be big misunderstanding close quote is corroborated by the evidence the evidence we reviewed supports the conclusion that detective Gillis was concerned for Public Safety at the scene when he initiated contact initiated contact with Mr Sheffer however Mr sheffer’s actions and the evidence surrounding their exchange during this misunderstanding do not satisfy the elements of any criminal offenses for these reasons judge um I now tender to the court a motion and Order uh to dismiss uh all these charges in this case against Mr sheffler with prejudice right again all charges against Scotty sheffler has been have been dropped in the matter regarding the incident on May 17th that took place so let’s let’s take a look at how that day played out just after 6: a.m. on Friday May 17th Scotty sheffler was arrested after he tried to steer around traffic congestion that was caused by a fatal crash an hour earlier that morning at 6 6:01 a.m. Scotty shuffler was detained by Louisville Police at 7:28 a.m. he was booked by Louisville Metropolitan Department of Corrections 8:40 he was then released and at 9:12 a.m. he arrived at Valhalla Golf Club to prepare for his second round of the PGA Championship which he teed off at 10:08 a.m. eastern time and at 3:29 p.m. eastern time he completed his second round shooting a five under 66 and with more more on reaction to the news that we just heard let’s bring in Todd Lewis who has been tracking this situation from the very beginning Todd yeah not that much of a surprise the news that we were hearing coming out of the um not only the prosecutor office but also stepen Rines who is the defense attorney in regards to this case for Scotty Sheffer um it was interesting that the attorney representing the prosecutor’s office there said that he investigated this case ended it on Friday worked through the Memorial Day weekend and then came to the conclusion that there was quote no probable cause in this issue and secondly that all the cases or all the counts I should say will then be dismissed and also agreed with what Scotty Sheffer and Mr rine said that this was quote a big misunderstanding now this looks like an incident where two people were just trying to do their job the detective was on site due to that tragic fatality he was investigating that Scotty Sheffer was trying to do his job get to the golf course as soon as he can there was a traffic backup uh he wanted to do his job which of course was to perform in the PGA Championship but this uh case being dismissed with prejudice meaning it cannot be brought back to trial is obviously a big win for Scotty sheffler the statement Scotty sheffler made describing this as a big misunderstanding was corroborated and Rex uh your your reaction as well and thoughts on what this means for Scotty Sheffer moving forward I think the interesting part there is what Todd just touched on as we learned last year right here at the Canadian open with prejudice means that there will be no charges going forward even if new evidence comes up that’s important to point out I also want to point out the timing of this as Todd pointed out the prosecutor’s office work through the weekend the Memorial Day weekend to get to this point where they were willing to drop the charges it’s important to point that out because Scotty was scheduled to be back in Louisville next Monday the Monday of the memorial which he scheduled to play for his arraignment hearing so it was important he got that out of the way before he had to show up and start working again and then I’m just going to go back to what Scotty said to both Todd and I during the PGA Championship and what he said last week at the colonial we’ve been talking about how Scotty’s been able to compartmentalize this throughout the entire process certainly on Friday the PGA Championship when he gets out of jail and goes on to shoot a 66 but there is a human element to this and I think it was starting to to take a toll on Scotty today’s news is going to help with that certainly I’m sure it certainly will moving forward um Rex hogard Todd Lewis appreciate the insights as always thank you and now on site at the US Women’s Open I’m sitting alongside brandle shamble brandle we just had a chance to hear what the Jefferson County prosecutor had to say from Louisville Kentucky uh your impressions reactions to what has been uh quite an unfortunate Saga over the last couple of weeks seems to be a long overdue and uh the best case scenario for everybody involved it’s hard to know exactly what happened that morning without clear video uh but what video uh has been put forth and has been coming out over the last couple of weeks uh seems to not mesh with the story that was put forth of course again we don’t know exactly what happened before the car appeared uh on the other side of the bus that we saw in that video but again it it appears like it doesn’t mesh with the story and for all parties involved it seems to be the best case scenario for what was a very tragic day and then turned into one of the most bizarre days in the history of the golf and looking back on it hugely uh disruptive uh to what was going to be an otherwise uh wonderful week and now moving forward uh Scotty shuffler is not in the field this week at the RBC Canadian open uh how important do you think it is for him to not only from a just a mental health perspective to to take a step back from all of this what the situation has been and to be able to move forward uh as he walks into a major at the US Open with just a clear mind clear heart look when everything’s going your way and you’re in the best possible uh frame of mind major championships or taxing let alone when you’ve come off a rather emotional high of he and Meredith of course having the birth of their first baby and then going into a major championship and having something so unprecedented and so disruptive uh beset him and then of course the Fallout and no doubt almost every single day would have been talking to his lawyer worrying about if these charges were going to come to fruition if he was going to have to return to Louisville etc etc so uh it’ll be good to see him when we do see him again at the next major championship come in there hopefully rested uh clear eyed and get back to taking care of business which he has done so beautifully this year uh this was one of the more um wild days that I’ve ever had as a professional covering the sport uh take us back to what that day was like from your perspective and trying to gather all of the information and just make sense of what was happening well again you know I I got we were doing live from uh we had obligations after live from I got home late that night uh tried to sleep in that morning but my phone just kept blowing up blowing up finally got up and it was hard to get as you were you were on air obviously the sky so I was trying to find out what you were reporting I was online trying to get my arms around it but the story was so bizarre because it was so hugely incongruous uh with what we know about Scotty Sheffer if you were buying that he wasn’t following directions or orders and sort of a running blockade so to speak was what it sounded like At first again it was just hugely in congruous uh and bizarre and unprecedented uh and as the day wore on there was a sense that well wait a minute this will all come clear when we see the body camera footage uh yay or nay will have to wait and of course that night we were meant to talk about it but you couldn’t really talk about it with any sort of clarity until you had seen the footage which the footage the body camera footage was was not forthcoming it didn’t exist so what footage we had was rather opaque and grainy and you couldn’t quite make it out but it again it just didn’t seem to mesh with the consistency of what we know to be true about Scotty Sheffer yeah and it also unfortunately overshadowed the larger tragedy that happened that morning which was the the unfortunate tragic passing of John Mills who was struck by a shuttle bus on his way to work that day he was working uh security for uh for for the PGA Championship that week so again our our thoughts and condolences to the Mills Family I think that that is uh Paramount and uh the the attorney Steven romines representing Scotty shuffler in this matter will be making a statement here momentarily um but in the meantime we are looking forward to bringing you all of the storylines and all the beautiful Vistas from Lancaster Pennsylvania and the US Women’s Open [Music]


  1. Notice how she was just about to say “our thoughts and prayers.” But she then censored herself and instead said “our thoughts and condolences,” knowing that her heathen bosses at NBC wouldn’t like what she was about to say.

  2. So now it's been proven that the officer got his pride wounded and his temper flared, thus throwing a bunch of serious and bogus charges at Scottie. This should not be legal. All the other officers at the scene knew it was bs too. This is unconstitutional at best. Fortunately the citizen victim is the world's best golfer and has the profile and means to fight this properly. For a regular Joe, this would have been expensive and time consuming. His job and finances would have been put in jeopardy.

  3. Scottie should sue somebody over this for mental torment. What happened was malicious and despicable. And since Scottie doesn't need the money he can give it to me for recommending this course of action.

  4. 😎Way too much has been made of this. All these comments made by people who were not there, then have no idea what transpired. No idea at all. The Defencacution Rests! 🏌

  5. This is a great misjustice. The golfer is playing this as a scared person, He needs to stop being a dumb a hole, all one has to do is listen to his word. The bottom line is do you known who I am. YES I know who you are, a person who do not respect the law. If you see flashing light ahead of your car, do not be an dumb asssss person and proceeds. The Cop was wearing yellow and shouted out for the dumb golfer to stop, but he did not and keep moving. So the Cop grabbed him to get his ATT. this is the bottom line.

  6. If that officer is allowed to just go back to work like normal, he will no doubt do this again….and next time it won't be the World's #1 golfer….it will be a nobody that will end up going through hell just get out with a 2 year deal behind bars.

  7. Is it a policy violation if an officer observes another officer committing a violation, and doesn’t report said violation?

  8. This police force needs to be investigated and punished for the insane reaction to Scotty. I hope Scotty sues them for lying about him and arresting him!!!

  9. 0:19 where's all that energy that this man had LAST WEEK??? I bet SOMEONE got a call from the richest man in that DA's district…. THE OWNER OF VALHALLA. Because we can ALL SEE, someone got an attitude adjustment, finally! 🤣😂🤣😂

  10. I think that most of us predicted this. Shortly after the charges were laid and before the mayor spoke to the public I expect that the DA was trying to find a way to gracefully withdraw the charges. This was clearly a combination of an out of control officer and the thin blue line covering for him. The Officer, the police chief and anyone else involved should be held accountable.

  11. How nice and privileged it is to be white. Blacks never get to say it was a misunderstanding, especially when an officer was dragged by the defendants car. Blacks would be shot, killed, or fighting for their lives. When you are black, you can be watching TV in your living room while eating ice cream and be killed, or just walking down the street and being deemed suspicious, thus killed for no reason.

  12. A true gentleman. Scheffler was polite and cooperative during his arrest and booking. It’s amazing what happens when an arrestee doesn’t act like an animal.

  13. For 30 years I have told anyone who would listen what a bunch of lawless asshole out of control bullies the cops are. Maybe after the last 10 years people will clue in and we can get police reform accomplished. They lie without any checks and judges usually say "that is just his opinion" when you state he was lying. What a mess. And Scheffler is probably smart to just write this off because I have no confidence in the legal system having just outcomes.

  14. Louisville has paid out 4.5 MILLION dollars over the last 5 years in civil rights violations. On about the day this happened they paid out another 650,000 dollars for a detective that LIED. Their officer continually lie, don't adhere to protocol, and violate civil rights …they are never meaningfully reprimanded or prosecuted so the culture continues.

  15. The prosecutor changed his tune completely. Last week he was a complete jackass in court, insisting Scottie be present at the arraignment and making ridiculously pig-headed arguments. It was a total disgrace. Today, a complete and total change. The reason: there were eye witnesses who were going to refute the cop's story. This was a false arrest, pure and simple. The cop was beligerent and on a power trip. Shame on Louisville. Shame on the police. Shame on the prosecutor. The PGA should NEVER schedule a tournament in Louisville ever again. A pox on their house.

  16. They were all told to drop the case or hellfire will rain down on the police because of a lying Cop!. The Prosecutor is just the arrand boy delivering the message from the higher ups.

  17. If the officer lied, falsified a police report, etc., he should, at the very least, be FIRED! The main problem with Scheffler not pursuing anything against the PD/the detective, is if the department does not fire the detective, he will continue to be the type of law enforcement officer he has been for apparently a long time.

  18. I know he won’t, because he should sue them for false arrest. This particular police department is well known for overstepping their authority, undue force, profiling, etc. I hope the PGA sends a message and keeps major competitions out of this state.

  19. It’s sad that if it was some other sap, this corrupt officer would have ruined his life. I’m glad he got these charges dismissed, but what about the next guy that gets a bogus felony for a traffic violation! If the cop lied about the severity, he should be charged or fired.

  20. Look i know all cops don't lie but since cameras are cheap and everywhere now were finding out they lie alot more than we thought

  21. Did you really think he be charged? Seriously people he is rich !!!!!!!! It was a misunderstanding 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  22. You get these high school graduate officious, power trip cops that think they can just crush anyone they want to. Then they make up the story to fit their narrative. I'm glad the charges were dropped and he needs to be dropped from the LMPD!

  23. Doggie Gillis lied. He was not "attached" to Scheffler's car, Doggie Gillis was running alongside, slashing at, banging on, the official PGA vehicle. He was not dragged by Scheffler. It is questionable if or how Doggie Gillis' wrist was injured, his pants torn. Doggie Gillis has previous disciplinary suspensions. Here, he filed false reports to both the police and the court. Doggie Gillis should be BRADY LISTED for false reporting by LMPD.

  24. Again does anyone out there now belive that these folks louisville that is will come after folks ….do you guys belive me now !!!!

  25. No PGA Golf Tournament should ever be held in Louisville again after the treatment of Scottie Scheffler by the authorities there.

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