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What are the BIGGEST discrepancies in the NBA? | Mailbag Episode

Mailbag episode! Lot of dope and intelligent basketball questions were asked in today’s episode. HIGH BASKETBALL CONVERSATIONS.

[Music] what’s popping y’all welcome back to another episode of the heliocentric podcast I’m your host Pierre PE plug and Dre and as always everybody at home watching on YouTube make sure you hit that like button for me and if you new and you enjoy this type of content make sure you subscribe for my audio listeners wherever you listen to podcast whatever platform you use head over there and give this podcast a festar like and review it is always much appreciated today we got a mailbag episode these are my favorite type of episodes to do my favorite type of YouTube videos to do even when it’s not related to basketball I love being able to dive in into what the community is talking about what y’all thinking what’s on your hearts and your’ mind and just being able to have that interaction and go back and forth sometimes I’ve done life advice uh we do basketball other sports content creation questions so I love these type of episodes personally um one thing I will say though in today particular when I threw this tweet out which if you’re not following me already make sure you stop this video um or pause this podcast and head over to Twitter right now and follow me at peee the plug so the next time we do one of these you’re able to participate and potentially get your question asked or answered excuse me rather on the podcast but one thing I will say that made me extremely happy and proud besides some of the people who are on on Twitter to troll and get attention saying dumb or silly stuff majority of the questions we got to today’s tweet was phenomenal like I had to sit and really decide what questions I wasn’t going to answer just because it was so many I know I can’t answer 60 or 55 questions so I had to go in I’m I’m like yo P you chill you screenshotting almost every single question and you’re not going to be able to answer every single one so usually in the history of that you have to really search and find the really good ones but today which I think speaks volumes on our little heliocentric community that we have there was a lot of good stuff like a lot of good stuff we had College questions in there um we had a question that we’ll get answered in today that was about like how would you you know if if I have a kid would I S him to aou like real basketball stuff not just NBA topics and even the NBA conversational um questions and topics and and thoughts weren’t like just the minimal stuff which I was just extremely blown away and proud of so I appreciate everybody that threw a question in there if your if your question doesn’t surface in the episode um don’t feel away don’t don’t be discouraged the next time come with another question and it may be your time I try to rotate and get as many people in as I can um but you know like I said before I can’t answer every single one we be here for 5 hours um but I’m going just dive right into it I don’t want to waste no time because we do have so many questions the first one is from OG ttw fam so shout out to you Z Jones He says P what do you think are the biggest discrepancies in the NBA love the Pod I appreciate that my brother um when you say discrepancies the first thing that come in my mind or comes to my mind is um size right so growing up for me when I was being taught basketball size was something that it we have to be honest size always mattered right but there was a certain point where it didn’t matter too much because you were a bigger player did not always mean you were a better player and I think that still stands in today’s game don’t get me wrong but I just feel like when you look around the landscape of the NBA and you see the type of players that are being um highly touted or or or what Scouts and and coaches and GMS at every level is falling in love with its size you know what I mean you look at the fron Vagner type of wings who are now 69 610 which used to be a power forward or even a center there’s 610 centers that we’ve seen now they’re asking for that at the wing Brandon Miller is a guy who can play two and three and he’s about 69 you know what I mean so like the size thing is is one of the biggest discrepancies um to me in the NBA and even more specifically though it’s that point guard position growing up or not even growing up but even when I was a teenager you know what I mean my early young adult years of of being in the NBA and watching the NBA there was still miniature point guards or or small point guard like you got to remember Derek Rose and Russell Westbrook when they were in coming into the league was that 2008 2009 they were considered bigger guards because they were 63 64s big body frames who were real fast and strong those were big point guards now in today’s League you have legit legitimate Shay yis Alexanders who are 66 Luca Don who is 67 two what 235 240 that might even being me being light he might even be a little bit bigger than that he’s stronger but um Anthony black was just a lottery pick who was projected to be a lead guard whenever his time comes Marquel folz is 6465 dearon Fox um dearon Fox excuse me I always think dearon Fox is 65 dearon Fox is actually 6’3 I I’m glad I call myself lamelo ball Lonzo ball um there’s guys that I’m not even thinking of right now that y will be in the comments just spaming and let but when you look at when when I was a teenager or like the last decade I’ll say there was Raymond Felton DJ Augustines uh Kyle lar like that was common Chris Paul’s it it was rare to see like a 6667 legitimate point guard we had like Penny hard away before him there was magic um Jason kid was a big guard at like 6’4 um who else did we have Sean livon before his injury those were big guards and it was very like I said very kind of rare and then you had big guards being just Stronger Faster Russell Westbrook Baron Davis Derrick Rose type guards now we’re legitimately seeing 67 66 just being thrown out there like nothing easy Dyson Daniels is is a 66 guy who was promoted or brought into the league as a guard K Cunningham like these jumbo guards are everywhere and they’re not just like we’re taking shooting guards and we’re just throwing them at the point guard like we’ve seen that when Phoenix did that with Deon Booker no these guys are being brought up and developed as point guards K Cunningham has played point guard since I’ve seen him play I’ve never seen K Cunningham play anything else at Mount Verde at Oklahoma State at D with the Pistons he’s been a point guard that’s another big difference with like these guys being actual big point guards we’ve seen guys be super tall and big and the coach is like hey let me just put him at point guard but I’m I’m that’s a different that’s a way different conversation than what I’m having some of these guys Shay just Alexander I’ve always seen him be a leag guard it wasn’t like oh my gosh he was a small forward and and in high school and they just converted him when he got to the NBA we’ve seen that before lamelo Lamela ball is a real point guard Lonzo is a real point guard and it’s good to see Lonzo getting clear for certain activities and ramping up uh hopefully we can see him playing basketball but yeah that would that that is my biggest discrepancy it’s like the size is starting to really matter it it’s always matter to a certain extent but it’s never anything that like you you seen anything being pushed out these small guards they’re kind of being pushed out you got to really have like a heart of a lion Fred Van KY Lowry or you have to be extremely Elite like Trey young and that’s your that’s your only way or you just won’t survive you just really really won’t survive man you really won’t survive as like a legitimate guard you’ll probably have a job you could probably be a backup or something like that but the names that I named from the last decade they were starting point guards you know what I mean Mario chers was a starting point guard Mo Williams a starting point guard who made an All-Star Game DJ Augustine a starting point guard Raymond Felton was a starting point guard on a Knicks team that went to the playoffs these are starting point guards now if you’re like a tius Jones 62 or something like you’re backing up somebody Trey Jones highest ceiling is probably being a backup you get what I’m saying so it’s like Monte mois backup you’re you’re rarely going to you’re rarely going to see these true smaller he’s a legitimate you know I mean and it’s good to see some of these guys in this upcoming draft class um you know Reed Shepard Rob Dillingham they’re not the biggest I mean re at least Reed Shepard is around what 62 63 they’re trying to classify Rob Dillingham as like a 62 63 to me he’s probably 6 foot on the best day so that’s encouraging to see them having success and being talked about highly when it comes to the draft so we’ll have more but then you got a nicoa topic who was a 66 and he’s a point guard so it just goes right in back into the point of like the size is coming in and at that guard spot well we’ve always love steady play and the smaller guards who are quicker and can and can control the pace of the game that that kind of pushing that out the way so that’s one of the discrepancies that I’m seeing a lot just because I I consider myself a basketball Pierce so I’m I’m I’m I love the tyus Jones type guards all the time that that’s something I’m always going to love but I won’t lie I love big guards too that’s always been my thing my favorite player of all time is Kobe rest in peace but then it’s Penny Hardway I love bigger guards so it’s a it’s a it’s a thing for me because it’s a pushing pool I love the big guards but I don’t love the big guards enough to where we pushing the tias Jones is out of the league and those are becoming far and few between I still want to see some of those guys be able to run teams and be starting point guards and things like that without being outliers you know what I mean like I don’t I don’t want it to be like you’re either JN Morant and you’re a star who can jump over a seven foot three guy and dunk or you’re Trey young who is 29 and 11 points and you’re running an offense and putting up these guardy numbers or is just like you just you’re just a guy who just going to play 18 minutes a game because you’re you’re small you know what I’m saying so that’s one of the biggest discrepancy and the other one is the shooting the shooting and the scoring consistency there’s guys around the league who like we talk about these numbers and a high input of scoring but you also have to realize that a lot of the guys who do the scoring are the same guys they’re like real legitimate scores Luca Shay they’re the ones who are the engines Behind These numbers getting up because they draw so much attention and they score so easily but then you look at the rest of the NBA there’s just a lot of guys who are out here and it’s like one game that they’ll make a bunch of Threes the next game they can’t make anything one season a guy shooting above uh average from three-point land as a three and D Wing the next year he’s not so good you know what I’m saying like you have a guy have a stretch where like oh my gosh dorany Smith has been shooting 44% from three this month then the next month it’s like damn Dorian FY Smith’s uh can’t make a shot that’s the discrep it’s so much like it’s so much extremist with the shooting you you have like the luk canards of the world who are just pop po pop pop pop and then they can’t really guard and then you have the Dorian FY Smith who’s always going to be able to guard but it’s kind of like give and take with the threes and Dorian FY Smith I I’m not trying to use him as a poster child because I think he’s actually the guy who’s improved throughout his career um as a legitimate catch and shoot option but he’s still one of those guys that teams will say hey let Dorian finy Smith beat us when he was on the Mavericks it’s like will help and and clog up as much of the pain as we can on Luca and if Dorian finy Smith makes six threes or seven threes and we lose we’ll tip our cap and we’ll just take our L you know what I mean and some of that is the role some of that is very it’s very hard to play a catch and shoot role where you’re just sitting there in one spot you’re not moving and the last resort is to kick it out to you and you just fire up a shot no matter what no matter what is going on you got the you got the main guy with the basketball dribble dribble dribble pick and roll pick and roll until he can try to see if he can score if he he throws it to you with 3 seconds left on the shot clock and no matter how much the defense is guarding you or how much they’re not you have to shoot it you just catch and shoot and it’s if it’s 50% contested you got to put it up if a hand is there you got to put if it’s wide open like it don’t matter once I throw it you catch and you shoot it no matter what and that’s that’s a very tough job that a lot of fans we don’t really think about how hard that is to just sit there in one spot like the PJ Tucker job it seems in theory like oh you make millions it’s just sit in the corner but it’s like if you don’t deliver just that quick you can be out of the lead because people going to not value you when in reality the shot that you’re taking is just not a high percentage shot because majority of the times you’re just standing in one spot for like 40 minutes in a game you’re going to the same Corner same spot and you’re just sitting there and you have to make you have you have to make you have to make shots so um those I would say are the biggest discrepancies for me is a size and it’s the the one or the other with three and d and the shooting you know what I mean and I’m trying to make it make sense because I don’t want anybody to get confused but it’s just so one-sided we like if you’re a lethal shooter you probably can’t defend and if you can defend you probably are not a lethal shooter you’re probably streaky and then if you can do both then we don’t even we don’t even consider you a three and D player you’re probably an All-Star you’re probably somebody that it’s how you know what I mean like we don’t we don’t really talk about oan Obi that way we don’t talk about K Bridges those ways because they are more consistent on both sides um of the basketball so um yeah and then the main thing to me again going back to the first part the point that I made is the size especially at the guard spot you know what I mean but you see it everywhere there’s going to be at some point we’re going to start seeing 610 shooting guards I’m telling you uh Zachary Richard Shar is coming into the league um he’s going to be like a 68692 who is probably not going to put the ball on the floor that much he’s going to catch and shooting going guard kind of like Klay Thompson but with two two extra inches and depending on how old he is he might still be growing so he might get a you know a third inch and there you go a 610 shooting guard you know you see Vic at the at the center position how big he is and and Zack Edy and all these the size is just coming into the league you know Michael Porter Jr is what a small forward 610 611 Kevin Durant was a rarity when he came into the leue that was rare that was rare to see now we’re just getting that constantly constantly even if they ain’t as good as Kevin Durant it’s just like oh here’s there’s a 610 shooter coming off your bench knocking down shots like what the hell what what is that so that would be the biggest uh discrepancy for me um next question U from Ashan or Ashan I hope I’m saying that right Ashan asan difference between skill and talent I don’t have the definitions in front of me but I’mma just use what my mind tells me or what I think the the difference between skill and talent I think Talent is is being able to do something and not know why you’re able to do it or how you’re doing it and skill is the exact opposite skill is I know I can make a left- hand layup because I’m doing this and I’m doing that because of this because I actually practice it I have a skill because I put in time to build up this you know repetition is the father of learning so I I I’m skilled at left-hand layups because every day in the summer I did 100 50 layups with my left hand um at the gym I worked on that that became a skill I put the time in and so because I put the time in I got the footwork down I Got the Touch I know the angle I know what I’m looking for I know when to do it when not to do it I know how to c you know what I mean like any I know what I’m doing because I worked at it to me a talent is [ __ ] I don’t know how I did that I just did it you know what I mean like I’m just naturally athletic so I don’t know how I’m doing behind the back WS dunk I just did it you know what I mean versus like being able to explain it there’s certain people who can just do certain things in any sport in any sport any field there’s certain people who can just wake who can just wake up and draw a a a a portrait of you a Flawless portrait of you my uncle is like that my uncle has natural talents with certain things like he can play instruments he can pick up an instrument and play things by ear he can’t explain to you the note he’s playing and why he’s playing it and how he knows what to do because it’s a it’s a natural talent that He has he can draw something in front of him flawlessly without a without a flaw by pen but he can’t teach you and explain man when I draw I do this first and then no it’s just a talent that when he hits the pen and the paper he can just Draw Something flawlessly you know what I mean like I remember when I was a kid my Uncle Drew me um my uncle went to jail for like 30 days with like a TR some traffic stuff um but he had sent me a picture when Dwayne Wade and in the Miami Heat with Shaq won the finals he drew Dwayne Wade holding the trophies and the final MVP with a pen though he drew it with a pen and it was Flawless it was legit like I’m not talking about somebody who’s just like drawn and they’re kind of deal I’m talking about a legitimate artist with a pen which means you can’t make a single mistake and it was Flawless if I told him teach me how to do that he probably wouldn’t be able to teach me how to do it because he’s talented naturally at it he’s naturally gifted at it and he can just do it there’s certain baseball players who can just get into the Batters box and just hit 400 foot home runs then there’s certain guys who are knowing what they’re doing I’m a I’m a perfected contact hitter who probably can’t hit bombs but I can hit it Opposite field I can hit it straight I can hook it I know exactly how to hit the ball because I put time in to practice a skill of hitting but then you got guys who get in the Batters box they don’t know where the ball going they just know how to hit it they don’t know how to guide the ball they don’t know how to no all I know is hit the ball as far as I can you might have a certain hitter where you like all right we got one out we got a run on second a run on third we just need a sack fly we don’t need you to hit a bond just hit a sack fly and they might not be able to do it or it may be a shift you see in baseball all the time for my baseball Watchers we’ve seen the shift years ago when they had the shift in and you see extreme shifts for guys like Joey Gallow guys who are extreme poor hitters and I remember watching and my dad like man it’s unbelievable how these professional players they can’t just hit the ball that way it’s like if you just hit the ball that way you have a walk-off single and it’s like nope these guys just get up in the battle box and they hook it right into the shift over and over and over because that’s a natural talent and a natural um ability versus a skill of saying I’m going in and I’m putting in 10,000 hours to be able to hit the ball directly to where I want to pinpoint it oh they’re going to they’re going to shift it okay well now I’m I’m knowing to be a little late on the ball so I can send it Opposite field you know what I mean and that’s to me the difference between a talent and a skill a skill is something that you worked on you practiced and you honed and you got better and better and better and you can explain how you got better and how you do it because you practice it a talent is being able to do some [ __ ] and you can’t even you don’t even know why you’re doing it how you doing doing you’re just doing it you know what I mean and that can be applied to anything in life I appreciate the question though uh we got F the goat o he says the discourse in Hornet’s Twitter is that lamelo is no longer the franchise player and that Brandon Miller is thoughts I think lamelo is on a different level than Miller will ever be to be honest and I think he has displayed that before he was hurt I think this is what happens when you have organizations like the Hornets who aren’t that good and because they aren’t that good all their fans can really do is just think wonder and talk about the future and different things I I I think it’s I think it’s disheartening to say something like that just because number one has so much pressure on Brandon Miller because I agree with you I think lamelo ball is an extremely talented basketball player and with all the stuff that they were saying about Brandon Miller coming into the league why would you take him over scoo yada yada yada this and that which I always told y’all from day one was silly I hated the fact that they tried to act like scoot was out of this world compared to Brandon Miller I didn’t understand where that was coming from you can check my tweets my old videos I I said that months ago before they ever played the NBA game I never understood that and lo and behold Brandon Miller is looking a lot more promising than scoot still very early a lot of time for both careers to go and whatever path they’re going to go but um to the point is Brandon Miller came in with a lot of pressure a lot of scrutiny and he’s delivering and he’s playing really really well and I think as a horn fans they should probably just accept that they have talent I wouldn’t be trying to compare I wouldn’t be saying who’s the franchise player who’s not for all we know it may be neither you look like y’all headed into another lot lottery what if y’all get the number one pick and then this guy that y’all drafting the number one or if y’all get another top three pick what if this guy in this draft class is the guy you know what I mean at this point I think fan bases like the Hornets should just be trying to accumulate talent and hope that they can play together that’s the beautiful thing cuz I believe Brandon Miller and lamelo can play together who’s going to be the guy who cares who cares just just be happy that you have two guys who can potentially be the guy but I wouldn’t trade out I wouldn’t trade on lamelo ball just just for the sake of conversation I wouldn’t start comparing for the sake of conversation I would be happy that we’re accumulating talent and I would be extremely happy that we have multiple guys who could potentially be the guy because that you want more chances than not and the fact that you have another lottery pick coming and if you again can strike on this one you then have three guys in the conversation who could be quote unquote the guy and if they all can play together man even if lamelo if lamelo is your second guy and Brandon Miller is the face of it man you got a really good team if lamelo is still the face and Brandon Miller is the second guy and his complimentary piece or his his his Rob into his Batman and you have a really really good team and if you take this up up and coming pick that you’re about to have this summer and you had have him as the guy and lamelo and Brandon Miller are complimenting him then y’all future look very bright but I think too many fan bases spend time on those those dividing convers that [ __ ] is dividing you that that’s just not what I want as a fan and it’s not what I would want as like somebody that’s in the organization because it gets you it gets you nowhere in today’s League there is not any team where there’s just one guy just doing everything and they’re about to win the championship it’s just not as good as Luca is we always look to the Mavericks and say man he need help they had to go get a Kyrie Irving you know what I mean even with Kyrie it’s like damn you need some more help Shay we saw last year was doing his thing the Thunder W winning games now you add experience you get a healthy chat they look different you know what I mean every team that you look around the league and they doing their thing or you take serious they have multiple guys there is not going to be a singular just this dude and we just going to grind our way through it even if it’s working in a regular season when you get to the playoffs that [ __ ] is going to come to a halt I I promise you so that that would be my my piece on it who cares who’s the face y’all suck right now so neither one of them is the face this is not anything where anybody should be the face of anything nobody’s the face of the Hornets because y’all are terrible and part of that is because lamelo is hurt but until until Brandon Miller is an Allstar this team is belonging to lamelo um in my in in my opinion which I don’t think is necessarily A Bad Thing um the next question K comes from kade’s attorney he has a profile picture of Kade Cunningham he says as one of the top seeds where would you want to be seated to avoid bad matchups um I wouldn’t really I would I wouldn’t care because I think in this playoffs espec I’m thinking Western Conference as well you’re not avoiding anybody in the Eastern Conference I would want to be the one seed you know what I mean I want to play the Bulls or the Hawks or something like that but on the west you’re going to play one of those bottom four which is what Los Angeles Golden State State Phoenix you’re going to you’re going to play one of those teams there is no avoiding anybody in the west you’re going to play somebody who is going to be who is going to be good and they’re going to have a couple of guys who can do some things against you so I don’t I think avoiding it you would probably do more damage to yourself if you can just have high home court advantage the number one seed then you should just take it I wouldn’t really try to do the manipulating of of the seaing so H man we don’t have to play LeBron and AD but then you run it to Devin Booker and Kevin Durant oh man we don’t want to run into this and then you run into Steph Curry who can single-handedly beat you and the Golden State Warriors who have a legitimate system I I don’t know if I want to sign up for that either so to me just play your best basketball and unless you’re wrting don’t purposely try to fall anywhere because you’re going to play man and ain’t no it ain’t no ducking and dodging this year in the Western Conference it’s just not and like I said if I’m out east I want to be the top seed like the Celtics and I want to play the bull or I want to play the Hawks and I want to beat those those either one of those teams in four games plain and simple I’m not avoiding anybody out west because then I think what would happen is it would come back to bite you because you would try to avoid LeBron and AD and you’ll probably get Steph Curry and he’ll embarrass you or you’ll try to avoid Steph Curry and then you get Devin Booker and Kevin Durant and then they embarrass you so um I think it’s more about just trying to play your best basketball and and have the most confidence in yourself and your guys um and take that into the playoffs because even if you quote unquote avoid somebody that next round you’re playing a real deal team that next round you are playing a real deal team more than likely so I say all that to say there is no avoidance um or avoiding anything in the Western Conference this year if I’m being quite Frank and in the Eastern Conference is the same thought process even if you’re a Celtics team and you get matched up with the bulls or the Hawks or something like that and you handle them that very next series you’re about to get some real smoke you’re about to get some real smoke so um that’s my thought press process on avoiding anything it’s a lot of parody right now unless we get we keep getting injuries I’m not avoiding anything to be honest with you um I think the conversation is more on the bottom teams who are you trying to get as the bottom team but then again it’s like at the bottom you really just need to be focusing on making the playoffs so um JT likes ball says fans can’t get mad at players for flopping it says flip flipping but I believe this is supposed to say flopping fans can’t get mad at players for flopping and can playing the game ain’t competitive at the same time if a player finds a loophole that can get them easy points then they should get mad at the league for allowing it not the players trying to win I agree with you to a certain extent I definitely wholeheartedly agree with you there’s certain things like Harden where over the years when he was in his prime he found a way to manipulate the rules you know what I mean putting the ball low you see thear Rosen do it Chris Paul do it the little swipe through Trey young stopping on his breaks and people running into him technically that’s a foul you punp fake and somebody jumps and so you jump into them on a way up and they affected your jump shot like the mar Rosen does technically that’s a foul but I think the the thing that fans are going to get frustrated with is both sides you are going to get frustrated you’re frustrated with the league that they’re allowing it but then you’re also frustrated with players because at the end of the day they’re supposed to be a competitive nature and a competitive fire in you as the best of the best in the world to where even if it is a quote qu loophole I’m not exposing it because I’m so competitive if that makes it like for example when I’m playing a video game if I’m playing Madden and this one there’s a I’ve never been the guy that’s been the oneplay guy I’ve never been that guy I rather lose and Madden then win using one play I’ll just use my entire Playbook or I I’ll have my favorite play we all got our favorite plays but I never could respect a person whether they’re playing me or I’m just watching them play use one play I’mma use one play and I might do some audibles here and there if you catch on to it and like to me that just goes against the competitive nature because that’s some [ __ ] you’re manipulating the game and at some point you have to have a backbone and you have to have some balls to try to do something that is a little bit more competitive to the loophole you know what I mean a loophole is a shortcut in so many words it’s a shortcut and I there’s just a lot a respect from a competitive nature aspect for people that just try to take the shortcut trying to take the easy way out there’s a there’s a rap line baby face Ray he’s a d tray rapper he says the route a little the route a little longer when you out here being honest and he meant it in a rap standpoint where it’s like honest rappers they have to work a little bit more harder because they have to really rap about their life they have to really talk about what they’re going through they can’t act like they Rich when they broke they can’t act like they Gangsta when they not you know they really out here being honest and you’ll see it on the flip end where you got [ __ ] who don’t have money acting like they’re the richest people in the world they don’t own the chain they don’t own a watch the car ain’t theirs which is all fine but it’s the fact that it’s an act and I believe that that’s the same thing with the NBA you know what I mean it’s just like it’s a little harder when you’re doing [ __ ] the right way if if you’re just playing basketball and you taking what the defense give you and you’re not trying to be like a manipulator you’re not flopping then it’s like it’s it’s going to be a little bit harder and in turn what happens is everybody starts doing it that’s why when people say man LeBron’s a baby he cries he’s flopping he’s acting he’s selling the car I think everybody in the league is I think that’s just the nature of today’s game where you have to sell your calls because if you are big if you are strong and you sure that it doesn’t affect you they’re going to be prone to not call it so you have to sell it a little bit I remember being a Derrick Rose fan and it came out and one of the playoff series against the Hawks they just weren’t calling Derrick r fouls because they didn’t think it it bothered him he showed like because he wasn’t like ah they didn’t call it because he’s so strong he just absorb and everything and they thinking he’s not getting fouled so now when you have that type of information which is a fact you can look those things up this is a fact coaches players organizations are going to tell the play Hey sell that call sell that call and then in turn you have [ __ ] that just looks silly now they’re over selling [ __ ] Joell embiid is getting knocked down by a six1 guard and then that’s the [ __ ] where fans are going to be like all right Joel embiid there’s a fine line between selling a call and and finding a loophole because it’s quote unquote the rules versus looking like a jackass and I say that with respect because I like jel and beid and I just think that jel and beid is so dominant that he doesn’t have to do that loophole [ __ ] he doesn’t have to and I think that’s the fine line I don’t think fans are just doing it to [ __ ] at the Players I don’t think anybody is really going against you because technically yeah we should be mad at the rules but at the same time when you’re the best in the world and you are dominant cuz a lot of these players are are why are we doing that why are you you’re risking injury like sometimes Joel and B flops and I get scared like oh my gosh don’t hurt yourself trying to sell a sell a call and it’s like is that worth it is are those two points worth you looking like a damn fool in the grand scheme of thing probably not and I think that’s where fans get a little agitated and annoyed because it becomes part of people’s uh game it becomes a part of who they are and how they’re trying to play and then you start seeing players fail and they don’t have success because they’re trying so hard to get the call then you don’t get the call and you just pump faked and jumped and Stow the ball up and now you just took a dumbass shot and now it just affects the game in so many different ways so um that’s my take on that I’m again I don’t really disagree with you but I think when you add the context in and you just get to the point where it’s like everything should have a middle ground that’s it everything has to have a a healthy balance and I think that’s all fans really want on both sides the players and the loopholes and the Rule books just have a healthy balance um my guy miles teal he says if you have a son or daughter that wants to play high Lev basketball are you encourag in playing aou or the high school route seeing how a has a lot of drawbacks I think the thing for me is whatever my child wants to do when it comes to basketball it has to have a purpose and that’s just really in any in anything that I’m doing whether my my my kid want to play soccer um golf basketball uh baseball I was about to say football I don’t know if I’mma be too I don’t know if I would approve football but if you want to play any of those Sports all of it has an A type program which is you know uh constant offseason tournaments and and and a chance to play like you know you got winter baseball travel baseball you know basketball a has just become so dominant or whatever but I think a can be good and bad The Bad Thing with a is that a lot of people look at it as Expos exposure I’m never going to put my kid in a situation where they quote unquote we out there for exposure I come from the thinking of if you can play they’re going to find you I’ve never been a guy that was like oh man I need to transfer there’s some programs and certain things that can hold you back in certain environments I get that but I I I remember going to school and being high school where there was kids man man I I need to I need to transfer cuz the players over at that school they get recruited uh the players at that school getting recruited because they can play you’re not getting recruited because you can’t play it’s not what school you what school you at you have to be able to play that’s the name of the game you have at some point even if you are on a team that is getting a lot of attention and by that attention they’re winning and so let’s just say an extra couple scholarships are are going that way because when you win [ __ ] just comes your way right we see it even in NBA you win a championship teams will start going out and paying guys from that championship team bunch of money we just seen uh Bruce Brown get $22 million or 20 some million practically because he won a championship with the Nuggets he played a role on a championship team so hypothetically speaking let’s say a state champion School let’s just say a couple of their [ __ ] players who who maybe are so so maybe they do get a couple looks because they were just a part of a team that one state eventually though when you get to that place that’s giving out the scholarship you’re going to have to perform for what they’re looking for you if you get you get what I’m saying at some point you have to deliver so I I don’t really care about exposure I’m not a fan of all of that [ __ ] because no matter how much exposure you get if you cannot play you will eventually get exposed and when you get exposed it’s going to be a lot more worse than than if you just didn’t even get the exposure there’s no there’s nothing worse than a kid being put on that a platform you know what I’m saying eybl and all that [ __ ] and they they do a little eye and they may now get a look and then they have to go play SEC basketball and it’s like damn what happened to him he was killing the ebl he was doing this thing at a and it’s just like oh [ __ ] he get exposed how many times have you seen that a guy that do well or they have some highlights to a I won’t even say ebl but they have some highlights to aou probably because they dead or they Uncle coach the team they get to shoot up all the shots the offense runs through them they look a little better than they are and then they go play some division one basketball and you never hear of them again because they got exposed they got exposed that’s the exposure you don’t want and so that’s why I say my child we we’re going to have a plan and a purpose with everything we do we’re going to play high school basketball and we’ll play some aou basketball if it serves a purpose but the main thing is to become a better basketball player that’s always what I’m going to be thinking for my child and even if it ain’t my child if I have a nephew a cousin a fan if if if we all get older and fans of the show are like man P come work with my son and it made sense I would I would tell your kid the same thing I would tell my kid what are we doing it for if you look at the re if if you’re in answer of why we’re doing it is to get exposure then I’mma tell you then you’re doing it for the wrong reason exposure is overrated in my opinion there’s so many guys in the league that have shown you you do not need exposure at the level of like man I need to Damien Lillard came from Weber State bro Weber State and granted there’s not a thousand Damen Lillard in the league but I think that’s because a lot of people still think they have to go to Duke or Kentucky I think a lot of and I think so many prospects McDonald Americans high school players they break their neck to go to those programs and what a lot of those guys happen or what happens or what they realize is that that conference or those players on the team they’re just not ready for that and so what they have to do is transfer how many guys went to Kentucky or went to Duke thinking hey man I got a Duke offer I might as well go to Duke cuz all Duke all Duke produces pros and then it’s like man what happened to that dude that went to do oh man he done transferred now he goes to this school now he goes to that school when it’s like bro all you should have did was maybe go to a school that had better was just better for you you went to a school because of the stage because of the exposure because of the brand and instead I think kids need to focus on what school what team what program is putting me in a position to be the best player I can be and take my game to the next level so that would be my thought process with a my son come to me my daughter come I want to play a why do we want to play a because I want to get offers that’s not a good enough answer that’s not a good enough answer we have to be the best players that we can be so when the offers come we’re ready to perform we don’t want offers to say we have offers we want we want offers so when we go to South Carolina we’re we’re hooping we wanton offer so if we go to Rick Barnes at Tennessee we’re hooping we the transfer Porter got this [ __ ] [ __ ] up up the goal isn’t to be somebody who’s transferring two to three times I’m sorry if you do what you got to do if that’s the result but it you the transfer portal isn’t something that you look at as a plus it’s a it’s a negative you never want to be a player that has to go transfer I’ve seen it I’m not going to name no names but I’ve seen a player go to Kentucky not look so good then transfer and look amazing I’ve seen it too many times matter of fact I am going to name some names do y’all remember Charles Matthews Charles Matthews he’s from Chicago he played at St Rita he’s around my town I think he’s like a year or two younger than me he committed to Kentucky at first at Kentucky he was uh he went to Michigan which ain’t that Michigan ain’t no low mid major [ __ ] it’s just a little stoop down from Kentucky and he hooped his ass off at Michigan he was a phenomenal player at Michigan and probably would be in the NBA if he didn’t have a very unfortunate um ACL injury during the draft process he would have had some time or at least a shot at the NBA I remember Ryan Herold years ago Ryan harrold was a phenomenal guard at NC State NC State was a lower program so he transferred to Kentucky it didn’t work it didn’t work well for him it was too big of a stage it was a lot of Pros there C coach C was on his ass a lot and he didn’t fit that [ __ ] and it kind of regressed him and then he had to transfer there and transfer to Georgia State with RJ Hunter uh made the shot with his dad Ron Hunter and um my guy wear who uh who who who had the gruesome injury on Louisville they both went I’m I’m sidetracking but yeah it’s like I like a basketball if you’re trying to get better and that’s what I think it should be but aou does have some [ __ ] because you have kids playing three games in a day which I just think is I don’t know it’s a lot of wear and tearing mileage on the body which is why I also think you have young players coming to the league with injury problems out of the gate because they already have mileage on their body before they ever touch a pro professional Court you’re supposed to get to the NBA and be fresh the mileage is supposed to come from the NBA you don’t want to mileage up your body and you ain’t even got to the NBA yet not if you don’t have to there’s first over how many first overall picks have been hurt to start their careers we’ve had an insane amount over the last 13 14 maybe 15 years before prior you know the Derrick Roses and the Kevin rans and these guy they used to come in and hoop they used to get to it these guys wasn’t coming in oh I’m playing 30 Games my rookie season like n hell no but that’s because now we have this aou culture that is even back then it was aou but this [ __ ] just took so much of a turn as an exposure thing and money and ni all this under table [ __ ] these these uh these shoot deals and programs and it’s becoming it’s becoming more than Player Development you know what I mean it’s just about getting games getting money getting exposure and all that versus like I’m developing talent and that’s my thing I’m always for developing at every level you’re trying to get better don’t tell me you going I want to play with them so I can go get exposure exposure is overrated man exposure is overrated exposure is overrated you can be a professional basketball player from any [ __ ] College into the division one level you you [ __ ] around can make it from division two you light up division to and in the last two years you transferred somewhere you might can get it in there too but the days of oh my gosh I must go to Duke it’s over you don’t have to go to Duke look at Dalton connect at Tennessee I want y’all to go look at where dton connect played before he got to Tennessee and now this dude is about to be a lottery pick how where did CJ McCullum go to college where did Desmond Bane go to college where did JN rant go to college tell me if those programs are League producing programs no but when you can hoop and when you can play they’re going to find you I guarantee you they’re going to find you I don’t give a damn if you coming out of [ __ ] Paul George went to fres no State Fred no State y’all Paul George went to Fresno State Klay Thompson went to Washington State Steph Curry went to Davidson am I making my point I feel like I’m making my point we can move on to the next one man that was a great question that was a such a great question um Trav who Trav he says what you think about de Jon for Brandon Ingram in the offseason and what else would it take to make it work um the two the thing that pops in my mind first when you bring up that trade I kind of like it I know the Pelicans like dejonte Murray but I know the Pelicans also like Brandon Ingram I don’t know if they like Deon Murray enough to give up Brandon Ingram the one thing I will say though is is what makes it hard for me to gauge on what who would want what and how it would work is Brandon Ingam was on the last year his deal next year and dejon just signed an extension so he’d have multiple years on that deal I don’t know how any side feels with that I don’t know if that complicates things or not but at this point I think the Hawks if you can get a Brandon Ingam Atlanta go get him you know what I’m saying but again I just don’t know how the Pelicans feel because right now we talk about the Pelicans a lot but the Pelicans are having some success they’re a deep team I know they like Brandon Ingram I know they like Zion Williamson and they’re probably going to do everything they can to try to figure that situation out completely and I think before they break those two up we we might see them try to put CJ on the block or we they might try to take their young assets hey here’s Dyson Daniels and you know uh Jordan Hawkins in a first round pick and they’ll try to get a big splash but uh if if Brandon Ingam is going to be traded it probably will be next year with the last year on this deal so I’m preparing for that but at the same time with the Pelican success it’s hard for me to count on that as much as I used to feel earlier in the year so we will see um Teenage millionaire he says who do you think is the best coach of college basketball right now I got Dan Hurley Dan Hurley is obviously not a bad bad pick because of what the way Yukon is is looked um I’m a big fan of Jim laraa at Miami I I really like Jim [ __ ] um even back to the George Mason days when I was growing up George Mason had a hell of a run one year that just stuck with me for the rest of my life and that that type of stuff comes from coaching um I look at Nate oats at Alabama I just think that the philosophy Nate oats has fits to where the game and the pro pro game is going and I think he empowers his players that way which I think is why a lot of players have a chance at the NBA when they go there you know what I mean Alabama goes and they they play they play a certain way so you see a Brandon Miller um is able to go to the league um you see uh NOA Clowney was able to go to the league you you have guys who are going to have chances to make it to the NBA and um play a role under Nate oats because of the way he he thrives or the way he sets up his his uh offense for his players to thrive and a way he breaks down the game and it’s very analytical and It just fits the pro pro game I I think think he’s had some hits and some misses I think that comes from just you know recruiting and Prospects um hitting or missing sometimes Brandon Miller obviously was a hit Noah Clowney obviously was a hit and then you have some guys that were probably projected to do some things like that and kind of didn’t I feel like I’m also forgetting herb Jones was a was a play for Nate o as well and he was he was phenomenal um with that Alabama team so I like I like Nate oats a lot um obviously I like coach Calipari um I like Rick Barnes at Tennessee and the reason I like the guys that I’m naming is because I’m looking at college coaches to do a couple things win obviously and be able to coach but I also take into consideration how your players look when they get to the league and if you’re developing players and helping players get to the NBA and have successful NBA careers I’m looking at that a lot you know what I mean versus like you just got a bunch of wins at the college level but when your players get to the Le they not on [ __ ] that’s why I always like Tom ISO Tom ISO does a good job of getting both he has his players come in and help him win and and do good with his program and I know Michigan State ain’t looking too hot right now for sure but the history of Tom ISO is he’s going to win and his players get to the league and they are able to be really good basketball players they might not be Superstars you know what I mean but like Draymond Green is really good Xavier Tillman is good I think Max Christie has some um he has some potential just got to figure out um his spot with the with the Lakers or what not Morris Peterson was really really was really good Zack Rand there’s a lot of guys who went through uh Michigan State and turn and I’m not even there’s a bunch of guys I didn’t even name you know what I mean like um my mind is going blank because there so so many different things I’m thinking of right now but Tom ISO I really really like and then also Jay Wright Jay Wright is another guy who obviously isn’t coaching anymore retired but he coached villan Nova he was one of my favorite coaches when I was growing up watching college basketball he made me want to go to villain Nova and this is when he had Randy Foy um Allan Ray for my young people yes there was a player who wasn’t Ray Allen but was Allen Ray Ray Allen’s name backwards was his name and he was really really good drafted by the Celtics um and then Kyle Larry but then you look at now Dante Devan chenzo Josh Hart Mel Bridges Jaylen Brunson I remember Omari Spellman had a little shot at the NBA they said he could never get in shape but he had a shot um those are the coaches I like coaches that can get both out of their players and then rest in peace Lo Olen L Olsen used to do a great job of that at Arizona where Arizona could win but he also produced a lot of highlevel pro basketball players like Mike BBY Gilbert arenus Andre Iguodala you know what I mean uh Channing fry like lud Olen miles Simon who now I believe works with the Los Angeles Lakers lud Olson used to do a damn good job of that so those are the type of coaches that I like and what I look for when I’m valuing College basketball coaches being able to win but also being able to play or develop and get your players ready and prepared for the next level because that is ultimately your job and there’s some coaches in in in college who are damn good coaches but they don’t do a very good job of preparing their players for the NBA there’s a lot of programs again not going to say no names but if you go and you take a you take a magnifying glass and you really look and you scan through you’re like wait this this coach this team’s always winning this school always wins but they players get to the league and they really suck this team has had a lot of guys get to the league and not do a damn thing and that there’s no way that that could just be a coincidence H um and I think that happens in high school basketball too there’s a lot of High School coaches who use players for the right now and try to get whatever they can get out of them to help the program in the current state but me I always came with the philosophy if I if I was ever a high school coach I’m trying to do both but I’m also prioritizing my player I want my player to grow his game and to be better cuz I want to prepare him to eventually go on to play higher level basketball college basketball you know what I mean division 3 division 2 Division One basketball a lot of coaches are like hey you’re 64 go play center but it’s like me I would 6’4 if you you want to play basketball at the next level well we got to work on your game we not just going to throw you in the post because that helps us for the right now and the program right now no no no no the program has to benefit from you and you have to benefit from the program so we’re going to work on your ball handling because I know basketball 64 you’re not gonna be a center at no Next Level I don’t give a damn if you play division four basketball you know what I’m saying I don’t care if you want to play community college basketball there is no six4 centers Just Around Here dominating dog we putting you on a perimeter and not enough coaches do that and I think it’s the same thing in college they’re not necessarily six4 centers but I think there are some guys where it’s like H we should have you do this we should try to have you do that to expand your game and get you ready for the next level cuz you said you want to go to the league but it’s a lot of coaches that are just like oh rebound go rebound you’re an energy guy go rebound it’s like n man that dude is 19 he has a lot of raw tools if you put some time into him he can maybe grow his grain and become an actual real Pro so that’s just my two cents um we got my guy Zack with no racks how do you look at Jaylen green season as a whole and do you think he looks more fluid in offense as of recently I think he’s always had spurts throughout this year where he’s looked extremely fluent then he’s had dry spells when he’s looked like he’s over doing it and trying to find his place um and his footing I think earlier in the season it was more acceptable because the the changing of the tides was happening with the shenon and I think uh at a certain point of this season it was obvious that shenon was the guy and um when when you have a guy establish himself as the guy everybody else has to kind of then reestablish themselves and and get in where they fit in and I think Jaylen green because of how he’s been prone to play basketball for all of his career from high school to the G League to the early years at in Houston all the way to now he’s programmed to play a certain way so I’m giving him a little bit of a leeway because I do think it’s going to take a little bit of time for him to accept the role because this is new we have to remember the first two years or the first couple years of Jaylen Green’s career there was no singon he was playing off of they were just giving him the ball and letting him rock out him and kpj and he was the guy he was the face he was the draft pick that was going to take them to the next level and be they staple shingon was a guy that kind of came out of nowhere and kind of took that Torch from him so now he has to refigure out where I am where I can play off of this guy I have to compliment him you know what I mean I have to figure out and now like you said as of late like the game against Portland I really enjoy for jayen green he played off of singon real nicely and he was able to get a lot of easy buckets you got a lot of dunks get out and transition as well I think he has to get more into that and then now cuz the things I just named that’s e easy for him he just has to accept that and buy into that but now he has to figure out his in the half court when it isn’t always an easy back door from sangon to just get a dunk you know what I mean um coming off those dribble handoffs and being able to make the right decision being able to be comfortable giving up the ball being able to eliminate some of those tough shots he can make them so he sh he still should have them but not relying on him and having too much of those type of shots in his diet you know what I mean like those y’all know those shots Jaylen green likes those mid-ranges off of one leg fading away he can make some when he’s hiding he’s rolling but he has to know you know when to when to and when not to and how to dial back a little bit because the efficiency is is going to be his his biggest thing you know what I mean and I think when you start to get a guy like sangon you have to worry about your efficiency because you’re not the number one guy I always think efficiency is overrated when you’re the number one guy because no matter what Kobe Bryant is shooting x amount of shots no matter what his job and his role is to be aggressive and to shoot that’s what your number one guy is Kevin Durant I don’t give a damn what’s going on I want you to take 20 shots you need you have to that’s a job and a lot of people like scoring they want to be the number one option but when it’s your job and no matter what you have to produce no matter how the defense is playing you no matter what their what their uh philosophy is or their tactic or their scheme you have to shoot 20 shots whether you comfortable uncomfortable you feel hot you don’t feel hot they double teaming no matter what you have to shoot 20 shot people don’t look at being a number one option as that that’s the number one option where your job is to score and everybody just think it’s like oh let’s just put up numbers I get to just do whatever the hell I want to do no you have a responsibility you have a responsibility and that’s those are the guys where I kind of dial back on the efficiency people always try to be the efficiency police with Kobe Bryant no I want I want Kobe Bryant to shoot 25 shots I want him to hell yeah I want LCA donic to shoot the ball do not want a game where Luca is uh he’s one for seven oh man coach I had a bad start to the game I think I’m going just p no you got no no no no no no you better go shoot some more you bet I I I rather you be one of 15 and it be one of six or one of seven so I think Jaylen green next step is that and uh I just want him to not be frustrated man I think Jaylen green can make things work in Houston this rumors he’s getting frustrated they both the both sides getting frustrated they need to just and figure some things out because there’s enough talent and there’s enough basketball there to go around because what happens with jayen green type players is they get frustrated and they try to run somewhere else to be that guy and then you just you just then you just become the guy where they’re saying you empty stats I’mma go to Washington and be the guy okay that’s that’s really moving us anywhere you go you’re probably going to have to be in a situation where you’re playing off with somebody so accept it now learn from it and figure it out why you’re here with the team that drafted you and will probably have the most patience with you and then if any other time you have to part ways or whatever you’re already programmed and and got a feel for it because the days of like I’m the man and this [ __ ] is mine I don’t know I it’s hard to be that way in the NBA um my my boy Brian Guzman says what NBA team could use a complete overhaul SL Rebrand that is a very good question um I’m actually Googling teams right now and I’m going look at the stands what team could use an overhaul you know what I’m going say this might be this might you know what there’s a couple there is a couple the first one I’m going to say is the Brooklyn Nets I think the Brooklyn Nets got to really just go in like they had they need to overhaul and they need to Rebrand they need a new GM they need a new head coach they need a new Direction a new philosophy uh a new a new everything they need a new color way they need a new logo they need a new the black and white is too born they have the most borest team in the world there’s no real solidified Direction you just had Kevin Durant Kyrie Irving and James Harden um you’re building around Mel Bridges who a lot of us don’t think you should be building around you build you build with him you you comp you use him to compliment somebody but you don’t have the assets to necessarily pivot and go get a guy to compliment um yeah it’s just not it so I I would love to see them Rebrand they can still stay Brooklyn stay be the Brooklyn Nets but take the take the New Jersey colorway take the New Jersey type of logo take the new you know what I mean like I would do that and then I would say the Raptors the Raptors rebranded like a decade and some change ago or no this is over a decade this is like 2000 what this is like two th I forget this is way longer than a decade but I remember when the when the Raptors the the certain type of logo and when they first had those those Jersey chain with dear um with those white jerseys and they just changed it up a little bit they changed it up I think they should change it up again this is a new era I love that they changed it with dear and and and and valent chunis and and Terence Ross but I think they should go back they should go back to the purple dinosaur type thing with with with Scotty Barnes and just start fresh even if you don’t do exactly the ’90s theme I would just again like I said with the Brooklyn Nets I would just take the colors cuz they got rid of that that was so the demard RO in Era a little bit after his era they ushered in that new look where they took away the purple and they got they got rid of all of that I because I don’t even think Chris Bosch played in that in that uniform I’m thinking of Chris BOS in that one uniform the old one and it got completely rid of the purple in the dinosaur looking it was just like the dinosaur hand or whatever and the red dinosaur I would now go back to the 90s colorway bring back the purple figure out a new logo and that would be my Rebrand and that those those are probably my two teams and I look out west I don’t see anything out west that makes me feel like they need a Rebrand I like the Thunder I like the Nuggets I like the t-wolves Clippers Pelican Suns Kings Mavs Lakers yeah I like everything that’s going on out here um it’s hard to Rebrand the Blazers it’s hard to Rebrand they always going to have the same type of regular D dler the Spurs you know Spurs are minimal I think that fits them and what they like to do so uh yeah I’ll go uh Raptors and the Nets next question comes from BD drip 1K how far away do you think the magicar from being legit contenders and what trades do you think they need to do to be that I think they need to trade for a guard that can create his own shot and score from all three levels while still fitting the timeline like Anthony Simons yeah you probably watched my my re my uh my series on 2K that’s what I did I I I gave them Anthony Simons I think in real life it’s the same type of thing on numbers on the board we talked about places for d Dereck was talking about the Spurs and obviously y’all saw that I was like I don’t know if he’s a Spurs type of guy if if you’re going to get a guy like DLo you might as well just go through the draft you know um and but the magic came came up for DLo I like that too Anthony Simons DLo I think you get somebody who can score somebody who can pass and then you let allow the defensive prowess from everybody else kind of offset it and balance it but I like Anthony Simons for them um they have assets they have players they have contracts so they’ll be able to make something work as far as being legit contenders it’s about making those moves and then the growth of everybody else fron is is doing his thing Paulo is doing his thing you still have Jaylen sugs Anthony black um you have jet Howard you know what I mean so um this is a good start for them though it’s a good start but definitely in the next few years two to three years the magic should be legit and in that conversation depending on the moves that they do make because they do need three-point shooting as well who is your current number one pick in the upcoming NBA draft I don’t have one right now because it depends on who’s drafting we don’t have a Victor wiama where he’s just the hands down number one overall pick I know Alexander SAR um is is gaining traction Zachary richar is gain some traction so it really depends um on who’s Drafting and who’s the team selecting that’s going to be my biggest thing with who goes number one cuz yeah I like Alex SAR but depending on who’s drafting is like do you bring them into those teams like a Detroit with Jaylen durran and whatnot like I I don’t I don’t know I don’t I don’t know but then if you’re Washington then you probably take SAR you know what I’m saying so it really depends on who who has that that the number one pick in his drafting with it um Greco hope I’m saying the name right he says Luca is entered a part of his career where individual stats are out of this world but the winning part isn’t up the par what will it take for him to get over the hump and win some jewelry I disagree I think the winning part is there he just hasn’t won a championship I think that’s the biggest thing with like NBA fans if you don’t win a championship people just say you’re not a winner which I think is [ __ ] there’s so many players who are legit legitimately winning players Chris Paul is a winning player he’s won more in his League than he’s lost he just hasn’t won a championship Carmelo Anthony made the playoffs like the first 10 or 11 seasons of his career that’s a winning player he just hasn’t won a championship or never won a championship you know what I mean I think that’s a big difference I think we got to be patient with Luca you know what I mean like Luca is a really good player but his team has not been when Luca has a championship team and they fail we should get concerned that that’s when you get concerned when you have a championship team and we’re all looking at them like this is the team and it still don’t work but I think we do we do this this type of conversation too much and it puts so much pressure on a player and we kind of contradict ourselves and we set them up because it’s like oh Luca you ain’t getting over that hump you ain’t winning you ain’t you ain’t you ain’t up to par with the winning and then Luca goes and requests a trade and he’s like let me go let me go to OKC let me go play with that hot team over there and then now we all sit back and like man luuka ain’t get it out the mud he requested a trade he he he wanted it so bad but it’s like they do that because y’all say they not winning Kevin Durant went to Golden State because all the conversation was was him not winning and then even if you do some [ __ ] like recruit players and then they’re going to say oh man he had this guy he had that so it’s just so much variables I just say hoop hoop are you really thinking that the the Mavericks are winning a championship because I’m not I’m not so I’m not really looking at Luca like man y’all a win no Championship you in trouble man no I’m not no no no but if he can can pull a championship out of his ass with this roster then he’s only that much great or greater in my eyes you can be a great player every player is not going to win a championship y’all the more we accept that the better the game will be the less we accept that the more these players are going to team up and everybody is going to win the championship then the championship gets devalued oh I’m going go over here with him we both just going to win a championship if the Clippers win a championship this year Harden get a ring Kawai gets another one and then Paul George gets a ring it’s three three legacies get a ring added to it three you know what I’m saying like that that’s what’s happening when everybody is teaming up which I oh Russell Westbrook gets a ring too which I wouldn’t be mad at but it’s like we’re going to encourage players to do that more often and then more younger it’s like hey just go team up team up team up team up team up hey I need a ring you need a ring let’s team up let’s get this ring so we can technically have our ring and solidify our legacies we don’t need to get the game to be doing that we do not need uh yic and Luca trying to figure out how to team up what the hell that’s so like no no no no unless it’s just organically you know I like Dame and jannis kind of organically came together it wasn’t anything where it was too crazy but it’s like still do we do we need do we need Luca at this time to really be thinking about the fact that he hasn’t have a championship how old is Luca 25 does he really need to be sitting around talking about man I don’t have a ring what do I do what man I need to should Luca be on the phone’s Agent Man get me over there with wimy no but the more and more these conversations happen and the more fans nitpick at this [ __ ] with players who are 25 years old then the more these players are going to get on the phone with the agents and be talking about hey put me over there with wimy put me over there with Luca force me over here force me over there I don’t want that [ __ ] in the league I like parody and I like the way it’s going and I like to accept greatness however it comes like to accept greatness however it comes everybody wanton win the championship and that is okay AA he says if you were building your NBA team from scratch what position would you want your two stars to be and other words what’s your preferred Duo starting power uh pairing small forward and small forward par uh point guard and Center love the content P um it’s always guard and center it’s always guard and Center I just feel like when you have that dominant Center and you have a dominant guard and they are able to play off of each other joic and Jamal Murray and people might not even say Jamaal Murray is dominant he’s not even an All-Star but it works um tyres Maxi and MB they haven’t done anything yet in the playoffs yet but obviously it it looks this is the best I’ve I’ve think that this Sixers team has looked to me like when they was healthy this is the best that it looked and this is the most serious I took them honestly uh Kobe and Shaq Dwayne Wade and Shaq like I love the guard and the center Duo personally you know what I’m saying they don’t always have to be a point guard they don’t have to be Chris Chris Paul and like a traditional Center traditional point guard but like a guard big I like it even if it was like Brandon Roy and LaMarcus aldrid I like it Damen Lillard and and Giannis on paper I like it you know what I’m saying and even if you’re not calling uh Giannis a necessary big he plays on the inside like one so that’s why I said that but I like I like that type of Duo inside out it’s a double threat I don’t want I don’t want outside outside unless I have Steph Curry and Clay you have to be the best in the world to do that I definitely don’t want side inside then it’s just twos and it’s clogging and it’s spacing and that you know what I mean I like guard and big they can play together inside out we can we can attack you from many different ways you know what I’m saying so um when you have that it’s it’s tough to really contain one or the other you trying to contain my point guard and you’re trapping them off of the screens you’re allow my big to slip and eating the inside if you double team my big on the inside my my my two or my one whatever my perimeter player is now having better looks to either catch and shoot threes um um you know even if I throw it out and you close out it ain’t just a wide open Catch and shoot he’s just able to he’s able to rock it’s going to be hard to have your defense constantly rotating to stop my big on the inside and him kicking it back out to the perimeter for you to just keep sliding and sliding sliding and sliding and replacing and no mismatches is going to happen for E for both sides you GNA be so busy trying to stop the inside then now the double team that you saying is going to have somebody who’s not supposed to be guarding my my perimeter player you’re going to be so so busy trying to stop my perimeter player that one on you you’re going to allow my big to have one-on-one on the inside and he’s going to dominate that matchup so give me the inside out uh Duo versus uh anything else personally in my opinion um I’m going do a a few more I’m going run through these before we wrap up told y’all we had a lot of good questions man a lot of good questions um Corey pror says is confidence the most important thing to have in today’s NBA an example would be the recent play of Jordan P it looks like he is getting his confidence confidence back after losing it for most of the Season Cory I’m going tell you this any sport hell anything in life confidence is always the most important thing especially in sports and basketball it’s the most important thing it’s always been it ain’t just today’s game it’s always been confidence it’s always been it’s the most important I don’t care how skilled you are how talented you are how good you are if you’re not confident you’re not going to be the best play player that you can be in anything if you’re in the mall and you’re at the food court and you see a girl that’s cute and you like her you want to get her number if you go up there and you shoot that shot at her with no confidence you’re going to not get it confidence can turn a person who’s a six or a five they can become a seven or eight with confidence simply by having confidence a a poor free throw shooter can go to the line and make two big time free throws in crunch time because they’re confident a 90% free throw shooter could go up there and Clank cling both because they’re not confident confidence is everything in the world no matter what you are doing if you are confident you’re going to have a better chance at getting it through because when you’re not confident everything plays a part when you’re going to the free throw line and you’re not confident everything in the crowd is bothering you when you are confident you so locked in you don’t even see the person in the crowd giving you a middle finger you don’t even hear a boo yeah you don’t hear anything cuz this is like I’m so this is no nothing but when you are you’re like oh my gosh you start to notice everything when you don’t have com my hands are sweating you see guys doing all this [ __ ] and stuff my hands are sweating huh what you say Co coach ain’t even say nothing you so nervous you thinking the coach saying something huh coach what you say I didn’t say anything I said go go go shoot the free throw oh okay confidence man confidence confidence put plaster confidence all over the place you know what I mean like if you’re lacking confidence and you watching this video or listening to this podcast write confidence on a piece of paper screen take a picture of it and use it as your wallpaper every time you look at your phone you see confidence and make sure you have some I’m telling you I’m telling you rem remember Uncle P telling you right now it’s PR is it’s what it’s it’s uh is it’s Dan season or something y y’all probably just had turnout it’s probably prom season you looking for a prom date be confident when you when you approaching you going to you going to PR with somebody you want to have a good time you’re nervous about how you and your day going to have a good time just be confident if you don’t know what to do be confident you run out ideas you don’t know what to say whatever you say it say it with confidence I don’t give a damn whatever you do do it with confidence I’m trying to tell you confidence will take you a long way it will change your life um Rob Fritz which non-playoff team do you expect to have the most roster turnover this off season and what playoff team would be the most disappointed if they had an early exit Boston Celtics Boston aost and Celtics the best team in the NBA if they lost in the first round I would be extremely extremely um extremely upset team with the most turnaround H that’s a tough question there gonna be a lot of turnaround I’m telling you now the Detroit Pistons will have a lot of money watch the Pistons they’re going to have a lot of money at the same time they also have these young guys so I think like Kade is going to be there Sasser will probably be there durren will be there well anybody want Isaiah Stewart on the trademarket he’ll probably be back Ivy could be back so they got some guys that I think be back um but I think they also could have a lot of roster moves um everybody else I don’t know the Hornets but they just traded for guys that contractually I just don’t see how they how any how they go anywhere the most turnaround uh the Nets could have done it but if they were going to do it they would have did at the deadline the the wizards they have guys that I just don’t I don’t know the most turnaround and the off the Jazz the Jazz make it to you the sale they just made Clarkson go over here Saxon go over there ke say this is you you can have a keys John Collins you go over here uh and we’re just going to continue to open up the door for young players you just seen the Jazz today they signed Darius basley and they signed somebody else um it’s just like let’s just bring young guys in who the other person they signed was young too I forget man my mind is going blank with the Jazz sign two guys today and they wave AO Porter and the two guys they brought in were a little bit younger so I think they’ll continue to go that direction while also trying to have a healthy balance but they definitely are prioritized in um prioritizing their youth movement think we got a few damn yeah we got a few I gotta hurry up we got a few questions um this is a quick one Anthony Lopez this was not gonna make it because I just felt like I I don’t know what you were saying but he said instead of the Spurs trading every asset this offseason why would they do that nobody has ever suggested that the spur you know how many assets they have they have so many assets that for them to trade every single one I don’t think anybody has ever pitched that I say they trade any pick other than a projected third overall pick for Darius garland that right there is what makes it kind of 2K you can’t like teams are going to want in order to get in order to get you have to give so like the idea of like hey anything but our best pick go out and get somebody you gotta you got to be a little weary of that the other part of this is what do the Spurs have that garland that the that the Cavs would want for Garland that’s the other part and you said at three Alexander star so you got a perfect situation going on if you’re to San Antonio Spurs and you’re hypothetical Alex SAR is there at three are we sure of that are we sure cuz he’s damn near the number one guy depending on what team if the if a certain team that doesn’t need him gets number one then he probably dro the two but three at three if you’re hoping for Alex SAR at three you’re that’s really a pipe dream number one at number two you’re then saying that Darius Garland can be had for your 11th overall pick cuz you’re going to have two lottery picks but the other one will be like what outside of the top seven outside of the top eight so we’re like 9 10 11 for the Cavs a playoff team don’t know if you don’t know if you’re getting that bro um so yeah I just want to let you know to taper some of those expectations back when it comes to the Spurs I just being honest um my next guy hopeful Pacers fan you said youve never been high on the Pacers on numbers on the board podcast what do you think their sing is and what do you make what would make them a true Contender to you they have to guard bro in order to be a true Contender you have to guard even a little little bit just a little I’m not saying he have to be elite I’m not saying he to be top 10 in both C I’m not even asking him that but can you not be at the bottom for every point they score they give up that’s just really the mindset they lead the league and scoring they also L the league they would leading leag in points per game giving up you know what I mean like that that’s that’s their biggest downfall I am encouraged with them getting Pas gal yakum though I am encouraged with that and the trade that they use to get him um because you still have like jarus Walker uh Nim hard and other pieces if you want to make another move I think the Pacers are are are treading in the right direction you have Hal burden you have Turner you have Pascal you have Matan um I think you have to just continue to push continue to grind but you definitely in order to be a contender you’re going to have to be able to get stops you’re GNA have to be able to get stops man you’re gon to have to be able to get stops it’s plain and simple um skon Sanders says why wasn’t KD taken seriously when he called for the jobs of St Ash and Shawn marks because people people just act like Kevin Durant can’t say [ __ ] because he replies to people on Twitter and because he went to the Warriors it’s just like Kevin Durant is just like whatever he says is just holds no weight you know what I mean which I’m not one of those people when Kevin Durant speaks I listen he’s one of the greatest basketball players of all time he’s never said anything stupidly as far as basketball in the game he just did some things that a lot of people don’t agree with but that’s life that’s life that’s life he went to the Warriors I wouldn’t have but that’s what makes life life if we all were like hey we all would have went to the Warriors we all agree this sh would be so lame I would have no job I would have no job if all we did was sit around and agree with everything we all did and all thought I would literally have no job right now a lot of us would be jobless um my guy Ronda Hollis Jefferson fan club I can’t read the rest of the name it’s get cut off but he says are Pier scores cam Thomas Jaylen green I’mma call you out on that I don’t know if they fit Pier scores overrated by fans for their flashy skills or do they truly provide value to teams and when can you differentiate I do think they I think scoring is definitely uh it’s definitely a plus to a team teams need to be able to score I think for them they’re the type of scorers that have to figure out where they fit into the scoring um situation because again these are not number one options where you’re running everything through them so they’re going to be there to compliment somebody they’re going to be there to play next to a number one option and when you play play next to a number one option you sometimes don’t control the basketball you sometimes have to take your shot attempts and cut them in half um you sometimes you know what I’m saying aren’t going to be the main guy you sometimes have to space the floor and and do things like screen and cut and slip you have to be willing to buy into those things there’s a lot of guys who can score they’re not pure scorers to me a pure scorer is somebody who scores and do what they do no matter what setting you put them in Kevin Durant playing with Kevin uh Steph Curry nothing about his [ __ ] drop he’s still scoring Kevin Durant in allstar game scores Kevin Duran Olympics scores Kevin Duran at Rucker Park scores Kevin Duran High School scored Kevin Duran in college scored Kevin Duran at 40 years old is probably still going to be scoring Carmelo Anthony scored everywhere you put him at these guys aren’t pure scores because that’s the thing if you put him here are they still that if you know the cam Thomas scored everywhere he went to but he hasn’t been a number one type guy in in NBA the guys I named that I’m thinking of peer scores even when they got to the NBA as young guys Rook iies teenagers 20 points per game as rookies easily easily those guys are good scores they’re guard scores they’re microwave guys who can get hot and fill it up but I think they have to figure out how how to play that role in in Con in conjunction with complimenting somebody and playing winning basketball uh and I think that’s the Difference Maker the Difference Maker is can you play that role while helping a team win because it’s easy to do that when your team is losing and there’s nobody else on the team and you’re just able to just do whatever you want to do it’s easy to do that but how do you do that and then do it in a way where you’re winning and like I said earlier that type of player when you’re in that role you have to find out a way to be efficient because you’re not going to have as many opportunities as the number one guy that’s just a fact you go play with LeBron James Jaylen green you’re not going to shoot 20 shots a game brother you go play with LCA donic you’re not shooting 20 shots a game cam Thomas goes to I don’t know the Knicks you’re not shooting 20 points game cam Thomas goes to the Wizards he’ll probably shoot 20 some shots but then again it’s not going to be a winning situation so um that that that’s my thought process on that the last question from I am I’m am Kix I hope I’m saying that right man I’m bad with names um he says I analyze basketball in a way where stats should be the start of a conversation that opens questions but never the way to end an argument how do you use stats while analyzing basketball games I agree with that philosophy and that that standpoint yeah because those type of arguments are silly look he averaged 25 and he averaged 22 he’s the better scorer it’s not it’s not that simple with stats so um I use stats with basketball to confirm what I’m seeing with my eyes or sometimes to show me what I should be saying or what I should notice so you’ll watch some stuff you’ll see some things and you be like okay he’s really doing his thing shooting out of the corner or he’s really struggling right now in this mid-range pull-up and then you can go see the numbers and like oh damn he’s actually that was just the two games I saw he’s actually been killing it in mid-range pull-ups and it’ll let you know oh no you know mean you got to look a little closer or you know what I’m saying because honestly speaking nobody’s watching 82 games of every all 30 teams that’s just not the case so you use the numbers and like that to help you and to help yourself I’m not really looking at the numbers for an argument never look at a number and be like oh he’s shooting I’m going use that for an argument this is my argument I’m not really watching to argue I like conversation that progresses the game and if it turns into an argument while we’re having that conversation then all be it but I really just love Progressive conversation about basketball because there’s so many right answers so I love the philosophy of how would you guard this how would you guard that how would you play this how would you attack that because there’s more than one answer there’s more than one answer when you bring in the stats that’s where it kind of become the answer type thing how many threes did he shoot last game he shot 10 no I’m looking at the stats he shot 12 you were wrong there’s one answer for that it’s like straight fact answer we had basketball is such an open game that the the dialogue and a discourse could be so many different ways it don’t have to be nerdy we don’t have to talk about sets I don’t want to act like NBA fans need to know floppy action and and you know I I the Princeton offense I you don’t have to know that if that’s not what you in it for but there’s definitely a way to have highlevel basketball conversation that progresses the game you know what I mean I think the more knowledge that has passed along or that can open up different parts of your basketball brain can only be a plus even if you don’t want to be a basketball nerd like me even if you don’t want to be as invested as me as a casual fan the more you know the more it only help you you know what I mean so I think that’s what I’m looking at it for for myself and for my own basketball mind and again in conversation based off what I know based off what I picked up on obviously I’ll use those things and if they turn into an argument I’ll use it to support what I’m saying but I agree with you I never want to use a stat to just say look sometimes it is that easy if you’re comparing a 30 point scorer to a guy who’s averaging 13 points then yeah obviously we can see who’s a better score but sometimes you know you might have a guy who is shooting 36% from three and a guy shooting 42% that guy might be shooting two threes a game and this dude is shooting seven and the different looks he’s moving he’s off the catch you know it’s all these different type of things he might be getting his two threes a game wide openen um percentile on wide open looks 90 95 percentile the dude who’s shooting 36% his wide open uh percentile is ninth he so he’s shooting harder threes more threes but he’s shooting a lesser percentage the stat would say he’s shooting a higher one so he’s better but the information that we know with the context of the stat of why he’s shooting 36 % actually he’s better but a lot of people you have to actually watch thankfully there is certain platforms and and different databases who are able to take these numbers and make the context for you because again everybody’s not going to watch all 30 teams for 82 games so you have numbers that can show you that like oh a bball index they’ll show you the openness rating to the guys threes this dude was always open when he shot this dude is always guarded when he shot you know what I mean so that’s what I for but really I’m always as a basketball guy I’m always trying to use my own eyes and my own mind and put things together and it’s just a challenge myself it’s not to be a know-it-all because it’s always something to learn but it’s just to know because sometimes you’re in a gym and you’re just watching basketball and you’re not always going to have advanced analytics and it’s like I don’t enjoy being a guy that feels the need to need that it’s a good it’s a good tool to have in a time and place for but it’s a healthy balance and everything in life and I think there’s a lot of people who just solely live on that and if we go watch a basketball game together they probably wouldn’t be able to decipher anything or who’s effective and why they effective because they’re just like oh [ __ ] I don’t know I I don’t have the advanced stats in front of me but it’s like who who gives a [ __ ] you know like watch basketball and then you have the [ __ ] to help you say oh no I was wrong he actually better going to his left than I thought he’s actually better finishing than I recall and that’s how I use it um I again I appreciate everybody who submitted a question and ask a question this was probably one of my favorite heliocentric episodes I’m extremely Blown Away with everybody’s questions even the ones that didn’t get answered like I said earlier really really really good questions man really good basketball questions um and this the these answers these questions these conversations that came up they are exactly the the poster child and definition or example of what I mean by Progressive conversations I said a lot of different things some people may disagree with some people may agree with but it progresses the conversation so even if you disagree you can understand where I’m coming from that can make some type of sense to you I’m not just out here saying jackass things or things that you just can’t put your head around it’s just like oh yeah yeah I can see it the way I still would do this but I can see I I I can see that and to me that progresses the game because then when you do that you may come back to a town you like actually now that you say that I you right I may actually do that and now you’re progress or you may you might agree with me and you may throw an extra point on Top the point I made that I didn’t even think of and it’s like oh [ __ ] yeah you’re right you can do that and then now we progressed and we both learned something and add something to our thought process or our basketball brains and that’s all we are able to do or should be trying to do because you know you just want to grow the game so I appreciate y’all um incredible episode we what almost an hour and 30 um thank y’all make sure again you hit that like button um and if you’re new and you enjoy this type of content make sure you subscribe I will see you guys next week I’m out peace peast


  1. Great episode and some great points made but personally I don’t think size is all that important I think shorter and skinnier is perfectly fine as long as it’s used correctly 🥲

  2. I think Bill self is my number one college coach, almost always wins the big 12 and has a plethora of successful nba players

  3. About the size for position topic. Something I like to do On 2k is to make certain players “PF/SG” or “SF/C” to force the game into varied switchable lineups. Really keeps the sims fun for long periods of time

  4. bulls and hawks wont even get that 8th seed. 2 games separating 4th and 8th. celtics seeing any one of miami, indy, orlando or philly in the first round

  5. Is there a player like TJ McConnell in the league currently ? He’s 6’1 not athletic or big can’t shoot 3s well at all doesn’t even look for it most nights, but he is still very impactful. He might be the best backup PG in the league even though he is the total opposite of what succeeds in the league today.

  6. Charles Matthews was an absolute bucket. Got to meet him a couple times I also went to St Rita. Good guy man

  7. i’m a fan of the mailbag type episodes! sometimes it’s a refresh to just hear some quick hitters instead of 2 hours on a singular topic especially when you drift outside of basketball topics

  8. I disagree with the 3&d your way more fresh than the stars because your not doing as much on offense and you know your role you practice your catch and shoot shots maybe some catch and drive one dribble pull up stuff idk ik it’s difficult but you just gotta execute on your job

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