This Finally Fixes Standing Up In The Golf Swing

In this video Forbes-featured instructor Eric Cogorno…

Who works with THOUSANDS of amateurs every month, giving him a great “pulse” on the issues facing the everyday golfer…

Demonstrates 2 simple drills that get you to stop standing up in the golf swing.

That way you deliver all your power into the ball and make that crisp, compressed contact that FEELS effortless… but launches the ball with force!

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hey guys Eric agoro here with performance golf in today’s video I’m excited to show you two of my favorite drills to help fix standing up during the down swing gosh one of the most common issues that players come in to see me with and things that cause issues in the golf swing is standing up or getting taller during your down swing and if that’s something that you’ve struggled with these two drills I’m going to show you today have helped thousands of people both online and in person I’m excited to show them to you let’s just go over a couple details first and then I’ll show you those drills you can practice these at home or out uh out on the golf course so I’ve got an eight iron here and let’s just assume you’re going to practice with like an eight or seven iron now when I take my setup I have some amount of forward bent or I’m bent over some amount let’s just say I’m bent over like 30° now what good ball Strikers will do and what you want to be able to do is maintain what we call your inclination to the ground or that 30° angle some people will say hey maintain your spine angle so my like rib cage or torso if that’s let’s say 3 and 1/2 ft from the golf ball I want to be able to make a back swing where that stays 3 and 1/2 ft get still staying 3 and 1/2 ft at impact and still stay 3 and 1/2 ft through the golf ball I always want to maintain that same distance away from the ground that would make it the easiest to be able to consistent L manage my arms hands and Club to consistently hit the golf ball now if you’re someone who you set up normal and that impact you’re at a taller angle than you were at setup that’s going to lead to inconsistencies poor contact adding Loft you’re going to hit it shorter fat thins off-center contact no Club face control frustration but when we see a good golfer we’ll see hey at impact they’re still at that same angle right they’re still at that same angle when you stand up what happens is that forces you to lengthen your Trail arm and Trail wrist effectively again adding Loft poor contact when we’re able to stay down we’re able to look like those good golfers where the trail arm stays bent the trail wrist stays bent and they hit the ball very solid so how do we do this as with all issues right you want to check and see hey are there things earlier in my swing causing me to stand up but let’s go over some feels through the ball that will help my first recommendation my favorite drill we call a split grip drill so when you take your setup position you can hold the club kind of down your toe line with your lead hand and take your Trail hand and place it just below the grip on the shaft so I’ve got a space or a distance between my hands at setup now when I bring this down to the golf ball you can see when I do my split grip that obviously makes the club head sit above the golf ball by several inches now why that works is what I’m going to do here with this split grip is learn how how do I get the club head down to the ground with this split grib so for me to get down to the ground because I started several inches above I need to really exaggerate the feeling of me going down specifically right side bend my right shoulder rib cage core area feels like it’s crunched a little bit closer to the ground than normal if your normal issue is that you stand up through the golf ball just to get to the point where we stay on the same angle we need to do the opposite and exaggerate so be again because we’re standing up it’s going to need to feel like we’re going down we’re actually getting closer if we’re at 3 and 1/2 ft we want to really just stay at 3 and 1/2 ft but you’re going to have to feel like when you’re doing this you go from 3 and 1/2 ft to 2 and 1/2 ft you’re actually getting closer to the ground and so you can hold the club about parallel to the ground like this and make little swings and just pose and feel what does it feel like to get the club down to the ground for me I feel my body and my right side of my torso again significantly closer when I first did this it felt like I was literally like eating the ground I felt so close to the ground and I watch on camera and I’m just staying the same angle and that’s what it’s going to feel like for you as well so the first version is the split hand grip take this here one or two rehearsals feel feel what it feels like to get the club down to the ground now big caveat with this a lot of players come in and see me they know they’re standing up and they say hey I’m really feeling like I’m trying to get my chest down chest down I don’t love that because when you’re coming down and you get your chest down if it’s pointed at the golf ball what happens is you get stuck and there’s nowhere to go when we look at a good player on the screen through the ball what happens is actually their chest is where their chest is actually pointed down at the at the U more towards the target it’s the right side of their body that’s pointed down towards the ground so the chest should point at the target with the right side down chest at the Target right side down feeling a right side crunching of my obliques there chest at the Target right side down not chest down towards the golf ball so one or two little practice Swings with the split hand grip again feeling that chest out at the Target right side down make up that distance and we’re going to hit a shot feeling that same thing I’m going to feel like my right shoulder and right rib cage actually get closer to the golf ball as my chest points out towards the Target and really what I’m looking for there as I do that is I’m trying to really just maintain my inclination right that’s my goal I’m trying to keep that spine angle but because my normal’s standing up I’ve got to feel like I’m going down not chest down it’s like right rib cuge right obliques right shoulder down let’s do one more of those so same feels with the split grip right side down chest towards the target yeah and there’s a really nice one now one little piece you have to pair with this before I show you the second version of the drill and this is something if you’re someone who stands up I would do this split hand grip and plan to do it certainly all year this year but even if you got to do this forever like that little hockey feel is going to serve you really good split hand grip get down to it chest is at the Target get down to it and feel what that feels like to be much more bent over now when you stand up remember in the beginning I said hey when my body gets farther from the ball my arm and wrist are going to have to fully lengthened to get to it now if I keep my inclination or get closer and I still fully lengthen my arm and my wrist what’s going to happen to the club it’s going to hit the ground behind the golf ball so because my body is getting closer to the ground something else has to now shorten this is what the best players do so in with your chest at the Target not at the ball in with your right side pointed down and getting closer you may need to feel probably will need to feel like your right arm and right wrist are a little bit more bent through that hitting area chest at the Target right side down Trail arm and wrist stay a little bit more bent and you feel these things to the point where you’re getting very solid contact so same little hockey stick feel chest at the Target right side down right arm and wrist are a little bit bent through the hit I’m looking for good compression solidness of contact and there’s another solid one so I like that there some students I work with want to say okay hey Eric that’s cool I like that hockey stick drill but I’m not going to golf like that so how can I like transfer this to the course and so the second version of this drill is just a different version of kind of the same thing uh that gets you closer to a real swing the same concept of the whole reason we’re doing split hand grip is because that brings the club away from the ground and it forces me to learn how to go get it so what I also can do as a drill is take my normal setup grip all the way down to the end of the grip so my thumb is all the way on the end of the grip so I’ve got like literally you know 2 in or so from the top when I do that see where the club is relative to the golf ball it’s above the ball and so this serves the same function if I grip down start with the club above the ball make a half back swing maintain that same height and then learn how to go down and get to the level of the golf ball again with the right side of my body crunched and pointed down and my chest out at the Target not chest down at the ball ever have I said that enough chest out right shoulder down so down to the end of the grip clubs above the ball left arm parallel go down and get it now in the beginning if you don’t go down enough you might thin one or two and you can exaggerate that trail side going down if so let’s give this one a shot hands down to the end of the grip clubs above the golf ball and I’m going to try and go down and get to the level of the ball with that right side so there that exaggerates those feels even more for me when I’m doing it I really feel like that I’m really tilted over compared to normal if you’re used to stay stand and up when you finish you’re going to be very level straight up and down when you do this correctly you’re going to feel tilted over that right shoulder stays down as your chest goes out towards the Target so I like those I would start with a split hand grip see how that feels and then transition into the drill with the club above the ball and that really helps exaggerate let me do one more of those really helps exaggerate the same feels here so all the way down to the grip maintain level don’t go down on the way back maintain level go down and get it let me see if I can do that one a little bit better because this feels exaggerated for me as what club above the ball there we go that was really solid so I like those two drills I’m telling you I’ve used these and variations of these probably with hundreds of people successfully in person but thousands online so if you want to fix standing up find out early in your swing if there’s any things that are causing that your shaft’s too steep your Club face is too open you’ve got a poor setup we got videos for those but in terms of feels directly through the ball gosh get your Trail side down with your chest out shorten the trail arm and wrist as needed consider liking this video if this one helps you that really helps us maybe share with a friend who needs to see this as always any questions leave a comment down below appreciate you guys watching

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