Simplify Your Golf Takeaway | Easy Tips for Better Golf

In this video, I show golfers how to simplify their first move in golf – the takeaway. This simple action can significantly improve your game by setting a solid foundation for your swing. Watch the video to see how small changes can make a big difference!

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hi and welcome back to the channel my name is Matt Baker and I’m Alaska golf certified instructor and what I want to show you today is how how we can simplify the takeaway or the movement away uh in the golf swing and and make it a lot simpler that’s what we try to do at masasa golf we want to make it so that’s it’s easier for you to perform so come on let’s go do it okay right so how do we simplify this movement okay it’s probably simple enough anyway as it is but we do see golfers get into a lot of trouble when doing this and what we tend to see the most common one we tend to see is when they roll the club head back inside them uh and from here they then lift up and then come across the ball so a simple way to sort of feel what you should be trying to do is is to use the momentum and to throw the momentum away from you as you swing the club back and one of the simplest ways to do this is to throw a ball away from you so sort of toss it to the side of you here towards the camera directly away from me cuz when I do this action it’s going to train my right hand to work correctly which is a throw motion back this way so I’m going to throw that way back my hand works correctly and I’m going to throw the club back in the right path while what I wouldn’t do is I wouldn’t throw it that way which is what we see golfers do with the club head they they throw it behind them almost to get to get the club head back behind them so we’re want to try and feel as we’re throwing it sort of away from us this way and this sets my right hand in the correct sort of throw motion and I can almost feel feel as though that I’m throwing it back in the back swing and down towards the ball in the forward swing and I’m using this throw action uh as I swing down and that’s a really great way to feel how you swing the golf club back on the right path all right and you can start off and you can just hit some shots doing this and just get that feeling of throwing the club head back this way with the right hand in that manner and it’s just going to swing the golf club on a nice on on the sort of a great start you’re going to stop you from Rolling it behind you this way so I’m just going to feel myself throwing in the the club head back that way and through that way it’s going to get me on a really nice path going back uh and hopefully get you’re striking the ball a lot better it’s really important you get that feel uh going back and I could feel myself directing the momentum back again at the the ball here then on the follow through so just get that feeling of throwing the club head back away from you I feel like I’m doing this with the the club head and throwing it directly away and that’s a great way to do it start off nice and slow you don’t have to go too fast throw it back and throw it through you’re really swing the club back on a perfect path that’s just about simplifying the game that simple action of just throwing it away sets up the whole chain of reactions in the golf swing to help you play better golf so it’s a very short one very quick one but that’s what it needs to be on this one because it is simple all right that’s what we try to do at malaska golf so please thank you for watching please remember to like And subscribe thank you to all the new subscribers that joined in the other day there still 80% of you though not subscribing so please just H that little subscription button down the bottom there I’d be really grateful but hopefully that tip helps you any comments about that please message below and I’ll catch you in the next one

1 Comment

  1. Hi Matt, I hope you have time to answer this comment.

    I discovered your channel as a believer in Malaska methodology and I have been working on a Malaska driven swing for the past 8 months. I'll give you the short and long story.

    Short story: my troubles right now are in the consistency of executing the L to L feelings and Malaska move in my real swing. I have found that if I shallow my hands really HARD (put in lots of effort), I can really L through and SMACK the ball using the "throw the trail hand" skill. The QUESTION: why does it feel like I have to put in a LOT of effort to shallow the hands and the club moving out in front of me?

    Long story: I understand all the Malaska concepts and nuances, I am just having troubles implementing them all together consistency. I have found I can really shallow my hands and Malaska move/rotate the lead hand when I put in quite a bit of effort and "swing hard". I am wondering why it feels like I need to do this? This is also similar to Jack saying g "releasing the club early"; to release the club early, I have to input a LOT of effort to shallow and Malaska move. This allows all the moving parts of the Malaska swing to tie together and work. I just want to know what your initial thoughts are on this. To me right now, I feel like I can never have a real "easy and free swing", but a consistent fast and powerful swing.

    I hope this comment finds you well and I look forward to any further discussion!

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