Risk/Reward for Approach Shots – Don’t Be a Sucker!

For course strategy tips, see:

Golf Course Strategy Tips (Part 2)

In this course strategy video we explore sucker pins and how you need good course management and strategy to avoid becoming the sucker.

Sucker pins can be defined as those that are placed near the edge of a green or otherwise positioned next to trouble areas. They are called as such because only a sucker would try to aim straight at them. A sucker because the penalty for missing is far greater than the reward you receive for successfully executing the perfect shot.

Instead of aiming straight at every and all pins, look out for sucker pins that are out there. When you find out, aim for the wider portion of the green instead, and don’t let the course turn you into a sucker.


this tip is all about Golf Course strategy and not going for sucker pins and not being a sucker a sucker pin on the golf course is one where it might be tucked in behind a bunker or a water hazard when the pin is placed on the green by the green keeper and that sucker pin is pulling you to attract you to try and hit towards it but only a sucker would take that pin on let’s imagine a scenario maybe the 11th hole at Augusta where we’ve got that big pond that left hand side and often the pin is tucked into that left hand side and a golfer might stand there in the middle of that 11th Fairway and think I fancy that I can play that shot and then they don’t quite get it right they turn it over and they’ve gone in the water when actually there was a lot of room out on the right hand side of 11 that they could have played to and made it a little bit safer so don’t fall foul of Sucker pins now let’s imagine a situation that I’ve got in front of me here where there’s a there’s three pins up on the back section of this chipping green that I’m practicing on today and the first pin is the one that’s nearest to the bunker and I might class that as a sucker pin that if I’m trying to hit towards that pin I might get a little bit too cute a little bit too clever and try and land it too close and I’ve knocked it in the bunker I was trying to be too aggressive trying to knock it too close to that pin and actually if my skill level isn’t that high I’m probably better off picking the next pin or even the very back pin playing to one of those taking my medicine and then putting back down again so rather than being too aggressive and chipping for that first pin I might actually aim further back up the green to one of the other pins play the ball well over the bunker very nice and safe landing it by the second pin which is my Target and then putting back down now you might feel that’s a little bit defeatist that you’re you’re not necessarily going to get up and down every time but you’re also not going to knock it in the bunker very often so don’t let these sucker pins be them ones that are tucked in behind bunkers or tucked in next to the water hazards don’t let them suck you in play for the wide part of the green to improve your golf course strategy and that in effect will improve your golf scores

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