THIS cheap golf club from AMAZON will BLOW YOUR MIND!

THIS cheap golf club from AMAZON will BLOW YOUR MIND! I Bought The BEST VALUE GOLF CLUB On AMAZON & It SHOCKED ME! When buying golf clubs we often look to buy the best budget golf clubs money can buy… and often that means buying second hand golf clubs. but then when it boils down to the best cheap golf clubs people want to buy brand new golf clubs. sometimes buying golf clubs online can be the best deal you can find, buying golf clubs from amazon, buying golf clubs from eBay even buying golf clubs off Facebook market place can be one of the best places but after seeing lots of mid handicap golfer and high handicap golfers wanting to see this driver reviewed, the bomb tech golf 4.0 driver could prove to be the best budget driver money can buy… lets find out…

when it comes to deals on brand new golf clubs I think I found the greatest ever hi everyone my name is James Robinson welcome back to this YouTube channel today I have a golf club which I bought from Amazon and it’s pretty much free let me explain in a bit more detail you see I was perusing on Amazon the other day for my weekly fix my find of the latest and greatest golf clubs at affordable prices and I actually found a driver for £75 I thought surely that’s too good to be true and that’s why it came with a free 3-wood um and the three-wood for me looks ridiculously good so much so I would probably have paid £175 for it so I either got a free 3-wood or a free driver not sure which one I’ve got yet but I have tested this 3-wood in the studio already and it’s easy to say can we ever can we ever and it’s fair to say it’s really shocked me you see the driver was okay the driver for the price I thought you know what fair enough it’s not a bad driver the three-wood watch this famous last words but watch this wow and I’m really pleased that didn’t let me down that’s one of the best three Woods I think I’ve ever hit let’s continue I mean I mean that could have gone so wrong but it went so right that felt ridiculously good for the price so guys do me a favor get in the comments below what’s the best golf club you’ve bought online was it from Amazon was it from eBay was it from Facebook Marketplace and was it bomb Tech I can put my hood up when I say that bomb Tech because I happen to think I’m one of the best in the world at finding golf deals I do I find them everywhere I remember when I first kind of came across the Tacomo brand uh and testing them not many people had heard of them now they’re pretty much world renowned aren’t they the Costco stuff I saw that on Rick’s Channel fantastic that that’s now accessible to everyone as well and even like C I tested that when it was old Tom before they went through the rebranding and even down to like the new McGregor stuff that I’m testing it’s budget it’s good it’s affordable check this out for a fairway shot with a three-wood into the wind I’m like I’m 90% sure that’s as good as I can do like I could end this video here I’m not going to so make sure you hit that subscribe button and throw a like if you enjoy these videos but I’m also well aware just how important numbers are to these reviews I know you guys want to know how does this club perform how does it compare to such as the brand new tailor made Qi 10 Fairway would for example which is astronomically priced compared to the bomb Tech that could have gone but that might have knocked the audio out that was a silly thing to do so we might have a looked at that towards the end of today’s video but also so when I look at this club not only do I think Great Value I actually think you know what it looks quality I think on top it looks fantastic I love that gray Crown it looks lovely it looks a little bit more premium than a black glossy Crown the face doesn’t look quite as premium it looks a little bit maybe a little bit cheap but then this is I’m not going to say it’s cheap it’s good value it’s more budget we look at the bottom of the club it’s got that lovely waiting at the back that drags CG backwards to enhance Moi to make it a little bit more forgiving I feel like most people are going to look at this club seriously will potentially be after something for giving and the shaft is just a bombtech stiff Flex 4.0 so it’s their own shaft that might let it down when it comes to the numbers but we’ll discuss that inside you can see it features the Dual weight technology and almost a little bit of an inertia generator you could say like there must be a reason for that there mustn’t there maybe it’s the V steel technology or the inertia generator or anything else that the big Brands would Market it has come on can we hit three of the same if I was standing here hitting this and I was playing golf with somebody who I maybe didn’t know they would think depending on the rest of the clubs in your bag or I don’t know what if the vein whatever car you get out of what you’re wearing they might think this was really expensive cuz it sounds good it goes like an absolute bomb you you could say and it also is it has a Mystique to it and anything that has a Mystique to it is generally either really cheap or really expensive isn’t it there’s no there’s no in the middle right can we follow up that first shot that was a little B big high fade now that’s an interesting one cuz that was a worst strike and that was a bit low out the face that’s right down in the right inside of the Fairway but it’s still done well that’s the one for me which I actually prefer sounds ridiculous that but prefer than the first one which was amazing let’s go one more while Andy’s out the tractor come on no I prefer that one I prefer that one yeah that one will do that one there I can’t get the tea out the ground now that really hurt they are ridiculous and it’s fair to say the head cover is quite premium as well to say like this is a really budget club and realistically I’ve pretty much got either this for free or the driver for free I can’t say a bad word about it not really and as I always say in these videos yes the numbers are vitally important and they are important cuz you want to know you’re getting the ball speed that maybe you can get the spin rate that can help you get the ball in the air or even give you more distance but it’s so important to get out here in the golf course and see how they work I mentioned the middle one was like more satisfying or more pleasing than the other ones now that’s an interesting one cuz that was a worst strike and that was a bit low out the face I think the first two really good I’m actually quite surprised how much difference there is in distance on those that’s the last shot and that’s the first one that we hit just there now the second shot the middle one is there it’s in the Fairway it’s in play generally if you’re going to be hitting a 3-wood off the te like I was doing there sometimes those shots happen you do just Mis strike them a bit and you want it to be forgiving because there’s nothing more frustrating than playing safe on a hole and ending up in the trees or topping it like Chris does quite a lot so it’s another tick in the Box off Amazon for £1 175 for 3-wood ano driver brand new brand new get away from my ball duck okay so earlier on I mentioned about more premium golf products more premium golf Brands such as the tailor made qi1 Fairway W now this bad boy is um yeah expensive as you can see so how does it compare to the Amazon yeah how does it compare to the bombtech 4.0 that I managed to get off Amazon like we all know now let’s talk numbers in the studio and then let’s have a lovely head-to-head to finish this video to see with one ball on one ball only with each club which is the best surely there’s no comp ition right so how good is it going to perform this is the first time I’ve looked at it I had seen the driver before but I’d never seen the 3-wood very very reminiscent of the driver actually so it doesn’t look overly premium which it’s not going to do because of the price it costs and you can see we’ve got that lovely gray top on as well I’m a huge fan of that like if they just put a shiny black crown on it I don’t think it would have looked quite as nice I used to be really good at this and now I just really struggle but I think we’ve got there in the end we can see a little bit of waiting in the back there I believe that’s what it is those dual weights that we talk about so that’s going to make it a little bit more forgiving when we spoke about the driver take this off now as well when we spoke about the driver it was interesting because did it perform amazingly well b as then Mar there Bobby isn’t there it didn’t perform as well as like a really premium driver but then it’s never going to is it I think three-wood wise like if you stepped on his first T and hit that people be like oh my God look at that what is he using there and You’ be like oh M it’s the bomb Tech 4.0 didn’t you know so let’s see 250 for me with a three what I’m happy with most of the time that felt so good look at that go go on then oh 240 carry 255 total spinning at 3,000 all of a sudden is this the dark horse that came in that massive Amazon box that Laura was like not another one another Amazon box I was like I know I’m sorry I’ve got a problem but the guys want to know what the bombtech 3 was like and it comes free with the driver so I’ve got to order it I’ve actually pulled that a little bit which might be why we’ve got 257 total like that for me I could hit that on a par 4 no problem and be quite happy with it how consistent is it and how forgiving is it another nice low penetrating one plenty of ball speed going to pitch at 240 again and it’s running up to 261 Back Spin 2004 100 and it launched really really low but I’m going to take that all day Back Spin 24 and 240 carry 262 total right I can’t tell you how good that feels that’s that’s like a high left one but that’s my bad shot if you watch a lot of my videos you’ll know that’s generally where they go and it’s still a 243 spin was up on that one so you all right Bobby you just did you you all right no do you want to accident book yeah okay we’ll get HR on in a second like I feel like if you can tame this the shaft feels a little bit na like my bad shot is left anyway but that’s pitching 244 running up to 260 the Sha feels like it’s difficult to control but I’m not going to pull the wall over anyone’s eyes my bad shot is that shot so so it might be a little bit of the shaft but it’s probably going to be mainly me can we control that club face a little bit more can we ever can we ever you know I could stand here and hit this all day and a lot of the things I really enjoy doing on my channel is to help you guys find good golf clubs and potentially save some money and I’m hoping that’s what this might do I wasn’t the driver was good like realistically for the price the driver was a pretty good buy I would probably go buy something secondhand for that price and it would probably perform better the three-wood like I’ll put on screen if you can buy it separately because I’d have no problems if this was like a really budget 3-wood I’d have no problems parting with money for this cuz I honestly feel like it performs pretty well guys let’s get back out on the golf course and let’s see just how we can manage this around the course and let’s see if it’s worth the money even though I don’t really remember how much it cost but it wasn’t a lot now I would go as far as saying the bomb Tech pretty much held its own there I think the qi1 potentially is one of the best Fairway woods I’ve ever seen it’s the most adjustable it’s the best looking it’s the best feeling performance-wise you can’t really argue with it and I’ve got a full video coming on this very soon so make sure you hit that subscribe button if you’d like to see it this bad boy um basically has come to spoil the party hasn’t it let’s see what can happen with one shot and one shot only right I’ll set the scene with the bomb Tech cuz we’ve been hitting it quite nicely we’ll try and hit a nice shot up the right hand side the bunkers shouldn’t be in play oh just draw in that is such a good ball flight it’s a good ball flly and looking at where the ball’s finished I’m happy with it but I do have a feeling and I might be proved wrong here that that ball may be overtaken rather briefly by the tailor maid and that’s the thing when you are testing golf clubs It’s always important to either bring your old one out bring a different new one out bring something out to compare it to CU you might just have the kind of wool pulled a little bit if you’re not comparing it to anything and you’re hitting nice shots that feel good sound good and hitting Fairways cuz that’s always what we want isn’t it so without any further Ado we’re going to go for the same line in the same shot exactly the same ball flight probably a little bit heavy actually and that is very interesting now to say that I didn’t really strike that tail inade that well it’s probably a bit of an understatement but when I look at where the balls have finished I’m quite am I surprised I think they’re both very close together which is a good thing but the further ones the tailor maid so this first one here is in fact the bomb Tech and the tail has gone quite a bit further which we didn’t see in the studio maybe I’ve just hit that kind of Duffy low spin bomber in Brackets kind of Mar in the pun with the tailor made but again for the price if you’re in for it I don’t think you can go wrong with the bomb Tech see you tomorrow


  1. This discussion is absolutely enthralling! It feels like delving into a realm of boundless intellect and insight.👄

  2. Facebook Marketplace – Honma LB 280 $100 AUD 3i -> SW. Buttery Japanese steel. As good as the Mizuno MP60'S I had previously.

  3. I'm in awe of the intellectual prowess on display in this thread. It's like being surrounded by beacons of knowledge.🧡

  4. The best club I bought on Amazon was the Lazarus 7wood for $47. It’s budget for sure but performs great! I believe you have reviewed their wedges. Give their fairway woods a try James.

  5. Bombtech was my first set of clubs. I got a driver and 3w for like… $99. The BT 3.0 3w was amazing. I upgraded to a Sim2 max ti which I can't even hit at all. Might be time to switch back.

  6. Great video James. I remember bombtech making the grenade driver 7 or 8 years ago. Was a bit loud but performed great. Could you try the NEW Ram FXT irons. I've purchased them 2nd hand for £240 4-pw. They perform great. Choice of 4 shafts, lamkin grips and retail at £299 5-pw. Got to be worth a test ,👌👍

  7. Tried buying these a year ago but by the time shipping and taxes were added it almost doubled the price so didn't bother and bought 2nd hand M4 driver and 3 wood off eBay for a good price, am now considering getting something new and at that price, keep them coming mate.

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