Golf Players

Brian Baldinger On Eagles Outlook, Chiefs 3-Peat Quest & NFL Offseason News

BALDY! Brian Baldinger joins Chris to talk NFL. We cover the biggest offseason news, some recent roster moves and signings with Jared Goff and Antoine Winfield getting big deals, the Eagles outlook post-Jason Kelce and Kansas City’s chances of a Super Bowl Trifecta!

00:00 – Baldy’s Breakdowns
6:35 – Ravens Restock the Shelves
9:25 – Can the Chiefs 3-Peat?
16:33 – Philadelphia Eagles Offseason
24:55 – NFL Edge Rushers & Best DLine in the NFL
38:00 – Health of Joe Burrow and Deshaun Watson
44:20 – Texans 2024 Potential
48:45 – Titans Improvement
51:45 – NFL News: Jared Goff and Antoine Winfield Jr Deals
1:01:45- Best NFL Facilities

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what are the specific ways that a center leaving is a compounding negative for an offensive line if he’s if he’s playing at a high level like like Jason I mean every adjustment that has probably ever been made since 2011 or 12 on a sideline during the game when they got to be made in real time he’s been a part of it during the week I’m sure there’s a good chunk of every Thursday where him and Jaylen Herz and quarterbacks are sitting down and going through the blitz reel and the looks and what’s coming the thing that everybody’s going to miss is you could put Dexter Lawrence on top of him right and he’s putting him on his back in the Run game Chris like his strength is still his strength I mean he made Center sexy you know what I mean yeah like he really did make Center cool [Music] all right so some days you don’t have a guest Monday I did not have a guest I told uh I told our guest today I went outside and I said I’ll worry about it tomorrow and I got home and guilty is charged I texted Brian baldinger and I said hey man I need a favor can you come on in the morning there’s nobody I’d want to talk to more about what the hell’s going on in the NFL right now than Brian baldinger one of my favorite media personalities never been on green light before so welcome to the show Bal what’s up man thanks Chris good to be with with you man I watch your stuff all the time the guest looks like uh everything is going good for you so you know we’re all part of the same fraternity you know Chris we’re different Generations apart but we’re all part of the same fraternity you know so we all are always trying to help each other out whenever we can that’s right man you passed I pass you in the in the hallway at NFL films a good bit and uh you know watch your tape grinding man that’s that’s what we could all aspire to man like you know I think what’s so cool about you you probably hear this all the time but I never have to about if you actually saw it yeah honestly Chris I like I get paranoid if I go on any kind of a show whether it’s you know a podcast with you whatever and somebody throws something out at me and I haven’t seen it I might have heard about it but I didn’t see it and I was like I I’m not going to be in that position I’m not going to comment I’ve want they’ve wanted me to do so many different shows on Monday morning Chris and I’m like over the years at Fox and N film Network whatever I go I’ll do the show I don’t care about you know sleep that’s all right I go I got to see it before we talk about it so if I can’t see it I’m not going to comment and so that was that I was always paranoid about that what’s your fa like what’s your Sunday to like Tuesday look like because for me I mean it’s by the skin of my teeth trying to see everything you know what I mean and there’s different degrees of seeing things right yeah yeah yeah how do you how do you tear it so that you can actually get through the tape uh I I call it the bubble I’m in the bubble man yeah uh everybody knows whether it’s my girlfriend family friend whatever they just know they know where I’m at they can try to contact me if it’s important but chances are you’re probably not going to get a response yeah so I do games every Sunday Chris I love doing games on the on the field kind of get that Vibe you know that all players get that you like so I’m at a game every Sunday if I’m on the west coast Seattle San Francisco Los Angeles literally I will stay in the stadium um usually they don’t kick me out I’ll stay in the stadium I’ll start watching the 1:00 games out there on the west coast I’ll try to get four or five games in I’ll catch the Redeye back and I’ll come straight here and I’ll just grind if I’m on the east coast and I can get back here Sunday night I’ll start watching Sunday night otherwise you know if I get home from I don’t know Pittsburgh at midnight I’ll just I’ll be here at 5: I’ll just work till 10: at night just go straight through I’ll watch as much as I can and I’ll try to catch up on Tuesday and by usually by Tuesday night I know what you said is right there’s varying degrees of kind of watching it I feel like I got a pretty good grip by Tuesday night and certainly by Wednesday like I’ve I I’ve kind of reviewed everything that I really want to look at it’s a lot like an NFL season as a player yeah you just you you you’re just trying to get your head above water and then by Thursday and Friday it’s starting to clear up a little bit the P I even have a beer by Thursday or Friday yeah exactly noral exactly what what’s your uh you don’t you don’t need much sleep do you Baldi in the in season uh you know I mean I’m as I get older I kind of uh respect sleep a little bit more than I once did but I mean I I can definitely function really good on five or six hours yeah I there’s no doubt about that was there a team last year with all that tape crunch that you really enjoyed watching you know maybe they weren’t the best team but you enjoyed watching them a unit a side of the ball and then vice versa was there a group that you were like man they need a lot of work this is tough yeah well you could put Max Crosby on any day I’ll watch all I watch every play so that’s not a group that’s just a an individual that just plays kind of plays like a group plays like a whole group I mean so um so you know and then he gets pissed off if I don’t watch every play too so right you know I feel like I’m kind of helping him he’s always asking you know he’s just all he wants to do is get better but you know when you look at groups um kind of depends because you know like the eagles were really good the first 10 11 weeks of the season and they were rolling and you know our good friend Lane Johnson you know he was checking in so and then you know they then they just fell off a cliff so that’s that you know and then like the Pittsburgh Steelers offense line started coming together and they were really fun to watch the second half of the season but I would say honestly I loved watching the Ravens defense all year Chris they play that matchup Zone you know how they kind of do it it looks easy um I know it’s not but you know they don’t break assignments they didn’t give big plays uh Ro as a machine like they were just you know it’s fun to see Jevan get off you know to see uh you know some of the guys really step up to see a guy um like matab just you know come out of nowhere and have the season he had so that they they were a group that I said okay they’re going to give a lot of people problems all year long the way they were playing no question um you mentioned the Pittsburgh offensive line the second half of the season and just the the commitment a little bit more to the Run game uh we will get to the Steelers but I guess we’ll start with the Ravens and the AFC just cuz we’re here who do you think they’re going to miss the most as a free agent if I broke it down as a on the defensive side of the ball because you got Queen you got Stone you got Clowney who all departed and they were maybe unexpectedly a little bit uh in the eyes of some people around the country like huge parts of that defense last year who do you think they’re going to miss the most well the Ravens are a little bit like Walmart Chris I mean they just restock shelves so even like you say okay they lost three offens Lin three starters and three good players Morgan Moses they lost zitler they lost Simpson but like they had drafted Andrew Vorhees at a USC he would have been a second or third round pick but he tore his ACL so he just mended all year like he’ll go and play for Simpson you know I mean they they drafted Rosen Garden you know in the second round he’ll be the right tackle like so I think Patrick Queen is a good player he was a much better player as soon as ran got there yes um you know he’s not a guy that’s GNA make all the checks and do all the things that ran does but that that’s okay some guys just want to play Fast yeah so Pittsburgh got themselves a good player that’s probably the biggest I think janvan though he’s an interesting guy because he hasn’t he doesn’t really have a signature move he’s not a guy that’s going to beat you but he he plays the game really hard yeah he just plays hard and you know you don’t know how it’s going to show up or when it’s going to show up but you know when you get to the ball good things happen right so I think you’re just gonna miss just his o and he was healthy last year and I was a big part of it but that guy’s tenacity and effort playto playay I think it’s going to get missed I think Clowny would be my answer um just because he’s one guy I know Mike could manufacture pass rush but that’s one guy who could get for you you know like I know he’s not thought of as this Elite pass rusher because of part of it being where he was drafted but the guy has had a very productive career rush in the passer and that’s not even the best thing he does I think the best thing he does is reset the line of scrimmage and disrupt yeah and when you play a lot of these sideline to sideline teams in the NFL now I mean that’s what kills it and I think Clowney is is a huge part of that def well was a huge part of that defense and now we’ll see if he takes a year off before he gets another oneye deal you know what I mean he’s kind of done up and down thing I think he’s like in the Jackie Slater Camp honestly Chris like for every training camp he misses it’ll add two more years to his career Matt Slater never missed any Camp dude no but he you know he’s not playing right tackle though no exactly it’s a little bit different yeah a little different it’s a little bit different I talking about the elites of the AFC I think the Chiefs man you know I not just the Rashid rice thing which some of it has nothing to do with football but it’s it’s troubling uh you know I think losing Willie gay and losing lerus Sneed worries me as much about this team as anything that they’re dealing with because of the speed that Willie gives them at the second level of defense that they don’t have anymore I love Bolton but he can’t run like Willie and then uh with Sneed it’s I mean yeah you got McDuffy and you got some other guys but I thought he had as good a year as anybody outside last year so how did they replace these guys and do you worry about like off a championship and yeah they’ve done this before but these things kind of pile up the off the field issues and some of the departures I would worry about it more Chris if Annie Reid wasn’t the coach right he just has a way to reset year to year and even when they were struggling last year and they were struggling like nobody panics nobody’s throwing in the towel spags is just masterful uh and using his chess pieces but LJ will get missed I mean you go I mean I know you watch it but that guy will Punk any receiver in this league I don’t care if it’s Tyreek you name it like he’s going to challenge him now like any Corner that’s going to go out there and play that style you’re going to get beat it’s gonna happen but you know it’s the old Amnesia thing like he just he plays the game the right way he’s physical he came out of you know small school Louisiana fourth round pick not a but that guy earned that contract that he got and so while sometimes you go okay well you know they they drafted you know Trent to become the number one corner that’s fine but when you don’t have that guy opposite you that’s taking on the number one and all of a sudden you’re in that position that’s a different pressure that Trent hadn’t had yet now he might answer it I don’t know Joshua Williams I me the guys they have there I don’t know but uh you know at some point it the defections I think will catch up to him I just don’t know that’s going to happen right now yeah no I I think they’re going to be right back where they were last year I mean I I think they’re going to be playing the AFC Championship game that’s what I’ve come to expect that’s what it was funny Baldi like last year everybody was jumping off the Titanic and uh I just hunkered down and and and bet the Chiefs all all all playoffs and it was it was wonderful I had some walking around money because these guys figure it out there’s something to playoff football there’s every bye is not is not equal every you know three-day period that a coach has to prep is not equal because everybody doesn’t have Andy Reid Travis kelum momes so you You’ sent me a couple questions that you’re going to fire at me one of them was you know give me an offensive line you love watching but have I watched the Kansas City Chiefs if you can watch you know you look go inside you watch Toney and Creed and Trey Smith the interior Cleveland’s got a good interior three yeah the Kanas like those guys I mean I know Tony got hurt at the end of last year and Alig came in and played great and that’s a credit Andy hack the off but like it’s funny like I go to this thing every summer in fris this o masterminds with Duke Manny weather yeah and like Creed’s been going since the sophomore year at Oklahoma and Trey like they literally they went to Super Bowl last year and there they are on July 9th they could be at a lake they could be fishing they could be a lot of doing a lot of things July 9th last year they’re at o Master minds and they’re talking to Willie roof and they’re talking you know to Steve Hutchinson and they’re just and they’re they they’re always right next to each other and they’re taking notes and they’re asking good questions and when they’re asked questions they humbly reply like there’s so and they don’t never miss a play yeah and if you ask momes like what do you love watching about your team he’ll say like well when Trey Smith throws that how of right hand at people I love watching them deck people he goes that that gets me off like they just are they’re just a Inside Man they cut you up no question those guys are grown men inside and that’s the one thing Kyle talked about you know a lot coming from there was obviously his relationship with Andy Heck but also just how strong they were in the interior uh and then watching them last year I don’t think enough people picked up on this we blame the wide receivers the wide receivers the wide receivers I get it but the tackles you know when Patrick who creates a tough job for a tackle with his set point you know like his set point is like hey take a guess but that’s the that’s that’s the good thing about having Patrick Mahomes you’re not going to tell him to sit at seven yards hey go back there and create but you need tackles who can do their jobs efficiently and intelligently and I didn’t think last year especially with the pre- snap penalties and that sort of thing it put them in in tough spots where they were pressed to figure it out if they had had more fractions of time outside to work things out I think they would have been better in the passing game so I really look at tackle as a position this year that’s got to be better well you know to your point like if you watch Joan Taylor Jacksonville he was a good player oh yeah really good player and Jacksonville just said you know we can’t we can’t meet the price that he’s going to get in free agency that happens but you know he never had any of these issues in Jacksonville quarterback you know whether Garder Mitch whoever it was I mean they were pocket quarterbacks yes uh Trevor was beating you from the pocket he went to Kansas City and all of a sudden Joan Taylor doesn’t look like a great player because of Patrick’s movement when he steps up how he steps out why if he leaves the pocket it’s tough it’s tough on Donovan Smith it’s tough one those guys you know they they drafted a kid out of BYU this year I think it’s going to be a pretty good player but they all have to learn how to play with him interior though that helps when Mahomes wants to move because they got a flat they got a flat interior they’re they’re not getting a great deal of pressure up up up the middle no question there’s a lot of those false start penalties I wonder if part of that is because people are saying hey I’m running the hump he’s going to be back there at nine you’re getting a lot of speed looks and you know you could see it the the the opener with Hutch and some of those guys he was he was he was early and you know a lot of people been talking about Lane Johnson being early prove it well you know uh uh I don’t want to give any way uh Lane Secrets away no neither do I I won’t do that but you know it does have a lot to do with the center Chris yeah you know Kelsey’s been there every step of the way yes so you start building a trust with the center and what he’s doing with the ball how he’s squeezing it his head movement like you start timing this thing and look I mean I can slow it down you could slow it down we can see Lane’s foot moving you can look at the rules and say okay if you’re in two-point stance you could do this but at some point like Lane will tell you you can’t win the 100 meter dash if you don’t get off to a fast start like he’s not gonna get off to a slow start just not GNA happen no and it’s really impossible for any back judge uh not back judge of any uhp referee to call that you just can’t see the ball in him and and every all the things you got to see in real time you can’t see it no people have been getting off early for eons the difference is Lane is so good and athletic yeah every millisecond that he’s off early he gains a lot more ground backwards than the other guys and so you notice it yeah you know like he’s just he’s the most fast twitched tackle in the history of this game no a great defensive end like yourself has like that’s that’s who his comp is in his whole business man he’s incredible is there anybody from not to get off on a lane sidebar but is there anybody from your era that he reminds you of athletically I played I played with a guy that in Dallas Pat Donovan who was a defensive lineman at Stanford super intelligent guy and you know like you know I told Lane the other not not that long ago I go because I hear all these people kind of pushing him out the door oh draft a tackle and then when Lane gets done I’m like why why would he go he’s playing at a great level he’s healthy for the most part yeah but his style of play also you know he’s not getting beat up you know he’s a he’s a dancer in the pass game he’s not he’s he’s getting off his block you know when it’s time to release he’s so he’s not beating himself up every Sunday he’s got a good awareness about him when there’s a pile he’s not getting rolled up I and I play with a guy like Pat Don was just like that you know he wasn’t he he didn’t have Lanes athletic ability Bo was a good athlete yeah but he just he danced out there I don’t care who is Lawrence Taylor you name it like he just stayed in front of him stayed between the quarterback and his pass rusher and he was enough in the Run game where he wasn’t getting knocked off the ball and he was getting stalemates at the point and when you have a guy like Dorset you know he can make you look pretty good so I would say just from an athletic standpoint and just a consistency standpoint reminded me of Pat Donovan who went to I don’t know four or five straight Pro bowls in a row at one point that’s awesome I show Lane some of that tape let’s talk about the Eagles real quick just bouncing around here the Eagles no Kelsey you kind of touched on it you know what are the specific ways that a center leaving is a compounding negative for an offensive line if he’s if he’s playing at a high level like like Jason well I mean every adjustment that has probably ever been made since 2011 or 12 on the sideline during the game when they got to be made in real time he’s been a part of it yeah whether it’s like how the hell are we going to get to the mic like we gota you know we got to fold this we gotta do we got to get you know if we don’t get to the mic you know Luke Keeley whatever he’s going to make every tackle yes so you know he’s been a part of every adjustment during the game you can see him talking to stoutland all the time um during the week I’m sure there’s a good chunk of every Thursday where him and Jaylen Herz and quarterbacks are sitting down and going through the blitz reel and the looks and what’s coming so all that is is imperative and then I think the thing that everybody’s going to miss is you could put Dexter Lawrence on top of him right and he’s putting him on his back in the Run game Chris like his strength is still his strength like his lower body strength like I know he can’t walk on Mondays and I know it’s rough and all that but like his lower body strength is still as good as anybody at that position in this league yeah no I mean he played at such a high level last year I mean there’s few guys that I can remember leaving the game yeah playing at such high level and I think we’d appreciate it more if it were more of a a measurable position with Statistics or that sort of thing or like a wow position but he was as close I mean he made Center sexy you know what I mean yeah like he really did make Center cool and uh there’s some other guys that made it cool for a while at different points I think Alex Mack made it look cool if you if you watch tape I remember Alex Mack being just a stud there have been some great centers but Jason Kelce made it look cool and it didn’t hurt that he was a celebrity at the end of his career okay so they got no Kelsey the question I have on defense is going to be does quinon or dein play opposite slle and how do you see dein fitting in in fangio’s scheme well um you’re gonna have to start three corners I don’t know that any of them can go inside right now right um so you know do they have a slot corner is like I hear people say Cooper should play safety and I’m like why why would he play safety he didn’t play safety in Iowa like what did you not like on his tape at Iowa that says he can’t play corner so maybe the paint job B might be the pain job that’s all it is I mean no that’s that’s uh once when you say generational Talent that’s once in a generation he guilty is charged I saw him I was like could he play safety I’m like well give this kid a chance all it is it’s all it is right now now we gotta see you know does he have the twitch that you need to have at that position we’ll see um you know he’s going to go up against AJ and Devonte and practice every day we’re going to find out where he’s at yeah when you’re doing those one-onone pretty you’ll know yeah we’ll know we’ll know if he could do it uh you know but you you you know Vic like he’s he’s he’s gonna put guys in positions to succeed he’s not gonna hang him out he’s not gonna put him in press man if he’s not good at press man right like he’s gonna make whatever adjustments he’s going to give you a two high shell you know and maybe Cooper could be Justin Simmons in that two high shell and then you know kind of come down and be the robber and you know and be that extra you know guy in the Box all that stuff I mean he’s he’s going to have a plan for him um you know the thing that’s interesting to me is you know they could have had any Corner they wanted at 22 right Chris so they they went quinon which is fine the kids tape is ridiculous but they could had tyon as well and there’s just something about me it says wow Nick Sabin was coaching terion Arnold at Alabama like every day you know like he he heard from a master yeah and I just and and he had a phenomenal season like you know really before the season Kool-Aid was getting all the attention and Teran was sort of like the number two and then the season he had was ridiculous and you just go will there’ll be any regrets not taking tyion I mean it’ be one of those battles we’ll see two three years we’ll know but you know look I think quinan probably gets the nod right now starting opposite SLE maybe it’s Georgia loyalty for Hoy Roseman well I mean shown that in the past sure yeah I don’t know but speaking of uh tyon uh um Detroit right Detroit yeah and they ended up with yeah the only two teams Chris there were two teams in this last draft that first two picks first and second round were both Corners well that tells you everything you know I love Brad Holmes saying hey that B that building was on fire last year the secondary and that’s the reason in my opinion they don’t end up where they end up because I I can’t blame the playoff collapse on golf I you know I just think they had to keep the point down more see you can only win shootouts for so long so one of those guys if you want one of those the guys that can really play on the edge the way you have to in this business you got to spend your first round pick you gotta I mean you know every once in a while you’re GNA find a guy in the fifth round okay but like for the most part the elite guys are first round picks yeah do so do like do you if you’re attacking a draft and we can get back to Detroit in a second but like do you believe you should attack rusher coverage first because even as a rusher I think you if I could have an Elite corner I feel like you can do anything well I would say like so if you just took the Jets right now okay like I’m high on the Jets right now we’ll but you know I I feel like they haven’t yet married the coverage Rush the coverage because they’re always playing from behind yes so now you go okay I’ll take exactly what you’re saying Chris but now give me an offense that can score points give me offense that’s going to throw more than 11 touchdown passes next year yeah over 17 games because you’re not winning games if you’re not scoring points I don’t care what your defense is doing so um but but to me like it’s great to have sauce out there but give me I don’t know give me quinnon and give me Germaine and Hassan coming off the edge I those guys they they should come away with more takeaways what they have had well I think what makes them better next year is I I’ve never thought they’ve had that Ace Edge rusher I think they’ve had good Edge rushers I love huff and now I’m going to love him in Philly uh guy’s got a a huge menu uh I don’t think he’s ever really like lost a rush I think Huff’s in it every Rush which is what I like so much about him but a home run hitter right um a guy that can hit for power and average I think Hassan reck’s going to be that guy for them hopefully I think he’s gonna be very motivated and you can only win so much inside you got to have some of those outside guys be difference makers and I think this is going to make Germaine even better it’s going to make all the guys that you’ve been waiting on to take that NE well I don’t even know what was going on with Will McDonald last year but like these are guys that are going to benefit from having Hassan reck in the room because he’s going to create well what’s interesting right now Chris I mean I know you went through it in St Louis you know when you got you know Robert and you had ad and you had you know you had your group but now it seems like these teams San Francisco the Jets the Eagles like their resources are going to their defensive line yes like because we now know especially your time in Philadelphia when you win a Super Bowl and you take Brady down like you’ve got to be eight deep you know you’ve got to be you you can’t like San Francisco had eight guys last year but they weren’t eight deep so when the guys did go off the field they didn’t have a good second strength coming coming out they didn’t have a good second wave and so I feel like that’s where this leag is right now and you’ve got to you you’ve got to get yourself to eight deep and you got to be able to rotate without fear you know I mean it’s great Max could play 98% of the play but he’d be better if he could play 90 so I so this I just talked to my dad about this like a month or two ago because we both love Max and I know you love Max and early in my career I mean I can remember playing 85 plays a game we went down Jacksonville I played 86 plays down there you know playing 70 probably on average a game and when Jeff Fisher came in Jeff brought guys like William Hayes in who William Hayes could start a lot of places uh he was part of that defensive line with us where he had Quinny you know uh Fairley all these guys ad up front like we were deep Kendall Langford and fish the very first game I’m out there playing the Detroit Lions trying to go my customary 80 plays it’s and they had to they had to pull me aside and say hey this guy’s here to play too yeah you know and also it’s going to make you better to not have to do everything and I wish I knew that earlier because I think in my career the bottom fell out a little bit physically playing my first eight years in St Louis not to mention the injuries but the snap counts the amount of four minute the double teams and I look at Max and I just would say I hope somebody can say hey Max 60 a game will get it done for you like or well I saw him I saw him during the Super Bowl uh Chris he he had already had his knee surgery and he already had his thumb surgery like it’s just a matter like the compounding of those injuries they don’t just go away it’s wor it just it just gets worse I don’t care who you are when you’re young you feel like oh I can I can just play through this yeah yeah well we that that changes pretty quickly and so then you got to go okay I know how he practices everybody tells me how he practices and that’s great like there’s there’s a place for that there’s also a place for give me 65 great snaps on Sunday and and I I’ll I’ll get to the quarterback two times and I’ll get the ball out once and we’ll we’ll stop him on fourth down when we have to and sometimes you just learn like you know I play with Reggie White and and I played with Bruce Smith for a little bit like those guys just the thing and and Max because he plays every snap he never gets to feel this Chris but the great ones like Aaron Donald like they know when to take the game over and Reggie didn’t play every play um he was out there a lot but he didn’t play every play and Bruce didn’t but they knew when to take the game over and that’s when you go okay this is down distance situation all right I gotta be I got to give him the very best on this snap on this third and seven and get off the field like Von Miller knew that like I feel like the great ones eventually learn it but I don’t know if they know it and how early they know it it’s hard when you’re somebody like Max CU you’re you take pride in trying to take it over every play there is no 110% there’s only 100% because if there’s 110% that implies you weren’t giving that the other eight out of 10 plays and that’s a tough thing to sell to a guy right to say hey you’re not taking a couple plays off but you’re setting some things up yep you know some plays you’re going through the motion that was something I never could understand myself you know I remember playing uh there was a guy Jeremy Bridges or something was a right tackle you remember him uh i’ had gotten done playing him in a game when I was young and I he was like hey let me give you a little advice man like he’s like you’re doing a good job he’s like save your best rushes you know yeah and I was like you mean I you don’t want I don’t I’m trying to win as soon as I get out there trying to win every down and he’s like it’s a dance when I play like Dwight freeny or XYZ I know he’s got that thing in the back pocket and I think you know for Max any any young lineman it’s like learning to to do that without sacrificing your effort that can be a tough dance but I don’t I don’t even know how we got to Max but you and I can talk about Max all day I just hope he stays healthy and that’s what me and my dad were talking about was like this guy’s a warrior but I think what we were talking about was rotating defensive lines and I guess that would lead me to my next question who’s got the best defensive line in the league right now uh top to bottom in your opinion I think the Jets are going to be pretty good Chris I really do I think Jermaine’s on on a good trajectory I think Hassan’s a big upgrade I love Bryce Huff he’s got an amazing takeoff I remember I nicknamed him last year the Bugatti because that’s what he looked like coming off the edge yeah uh he made everybody better but he never played more than % of the snaps he’s been a rotational player coming on third Downs right right Hassan can play he knows how to play and he is motivated for a new contract and uh you know and so I think with quinnon I think um like he’s a Difference Maker then they you know they picked up uh you know whether Javon you know uh not heart great but uh Javon kinlaw and kinlaw yeah yeah I want to see what will McDonald looks like in year two because none of these guys ever figured out their first no yeah but he does have he does have rare movement like I think I think they they’re going to be eight deep and I think they’re going to play with the lead and something that they never did last year I want to see those guys in the fourth quarter Met Life Stadium you know playing Josh Allen on a Sunday afternoon with the lead in the fourth quarter and if those guys you know just take that game to the next level whether it’s sacks you know pressures takeaways like I want to see them you know create I I think they have a chance to create a lot of Havoc oh they are Boomer bus in a big way when you think about some of the injury here one of the things and Joe Joe’s my guy Joe Douglas my guy and I understand hey you got to take shots at this thing and maybe there weren’t a lot of other shots to but I just know that like there were some injury history kind of players that they added so there’s a lot of Boomer bust here you know whether it’s the wide receiver from from LA or it’s the tackle from Dallas it’s like just it’s just you these guys have been hurt before but I love the fact that they’re burning the ships because that’s what you got to do in this business I mean you know like this Robert Joe might not be there a couple years longer if they don’t hit it so and I also o think I I like the fashanu kid they got from from Penn State so yeah if this works out you’ve got a you’ve got a guy that’s going to be there a while so I think they had a good off offseason it just comes down to heal um I think the Buffalo thing’s a little bit exaggerated I think when you got a guy like Josh Allen that’s why you have a guy like Josh Allen you deal with the es and flows and you replace pieces you basically replace Diggs on the fly in the second half of last season you’re running the offense through the tight end Samuel’s got a history with Brady you know you draft a kid from Florida State he could be a stud I still like Shakir they like I’m talking myself into it but the the reason I’m talking to myself into it Baldi is I think Josh is that good he is and look he just doesn’t have the hardware but I mean the guy’s a freak the guy’s an absolute freak I mean he’s as big as you Chris he runs like a BAL I met him he was bigger I was like I was like nice to meet you man I mean and and the guy got the guy just knows how to lead yeah like he’s going to be he he knows he just knows yeah so he just doesn’t want it yet and some guys it takes a while but look they they have a culture of winning yeah you know when they change the offense and they fire look mcder had to make a tough decision last year he had to fire a you know a trusted you know coordinator and it was the right move and they went they started running the ball and James Cook is a hell of a back and they played to their strengths and they went on a tear now defensively I still worry about him a little bit Chris because they’ve been trying to build up on the defensive front and they just have not got to the point where they can win playoff games because they’re just giving up too many points and they’re not affecting whether it’s Joe Burl or momes I mean they’ve shut him down the last three years in a row and whether it’s Russo or you know pick a guy like they haven’t figured out how to and Von Miller was there and it didn’t work out V thing really I mean there there was a lot of eggs in that basket and had played like he played and stayed healthy like he was in LA he’s saying hey we’re getting the same thing here La was bummed you know less needs on fire right like Les wanted to keep him so it’s not like Buffalo was the only person in the room that wanted to add Von it just didn’t work out the health has been up and down so but hey you know who they still have Baldi who might be one of my favorite players in the league I said this when my son says oh I want to play linebacker in the NFL I’m putting him in a dark room and throwing up some Matt Milano on the project they as soon as he went down the defense went down oh for sure as soon as he went down that guy is uh like he’s just a missile yeah he’s just a missile in every phase of the game and he he’s two steps ahead of where the play is going like he he is he’s an amazing player to watch as soon as he got hurt I mean they were playing guys off the street you know in the playoff game so yeah um you know that he he he’s a differenc maker but look at how much better they were able to stabilize and say Philly who really struggled to play those guys off the street I would argue that Buffalo and I don’t like doing the Sha not even the kick digs catches that football there’s a few things that happen in that game and to the point of Josh not having the hardware I think you and I both know it’s like it’s like being born the same time as Michael Jordan it’s just going to be a to get there if you’re in the AFC and uh I’m not going to hold it against him but I do I do add it into the context of how I evaluate Josh I think Josh is that good and if he is that good he’ll be able to deal with Sam and some of these I remember I remember I I was doing the Buffalo Philly game Thanksgiving weekend this year yeah and it was just it was just one of those monsoons in South Philly at the link you know so I’m walking the field before the game just kind of I see Diggs catching the balls down the end zone so I’m just gonna make my way down so I’m I’m walking past the Buffalo sideline and I Josh is just standing there like in a in a raincoat he goes hey Baldi you’re not gonna say hello so I go over and start talking to Josh so you know like literally it’s just a mud puddle that’s all it is so I go hey Josh you know this might not be a great day to throw the ball man you might have to run it every down he goes fine with me I don’t care like he honestly does not care like let’s give us a like they took him to overtime that day they lost in overtime but honestly he doesn’t he’s just one of those guys that it’s not the only the only statistic I know it’s cliche the only statistic to him is just winning and whatever he’s got to do to win if he’s got to truck you to get to the end zone he’s going to do it like whatever it takes and to this point like he might have to change his style I don’t think he wants to change his style like if he plays 10 years instead of 15 I don’t think he cares he’s going to leave it all in the field and I don’t know that guy I’ve never seen him get up slow never never I’ve never seen him hobble limping anything ever it’s just one of those rare people I think is built a little different like physiologically like maybe there’s a little concrete little quickr in his bones man I don’t know like an Adrian Peterson type thing so talking about the AFC man one of the things can you explain to me the Bengals the Mims pick not that I’m saying it’s not going to work or that I’m not excited about the kid but where does he Factor this year right I don’t know I mean you got Zeus on one side you just got Trent Brown on the other side so you already got the biggest monsters to ever play right right left tackle ever um and Zeus look I love Zeus I mean I knew his dad I knew I knew Zeus since he was 15 um I love him but he’s not a very good player like you know he struggles with speed he struggled but you know to his credit he plays every single snap never takes a game off ever don’t take a practice off he starts the fights he finishes the fights like you need that Bulldog on your team but I don’t don’t know where you’re going to play a marus you’re going to play a guy 6 eight you know 360 a guard I mean where’s he going to play or is it just okay we’re just gonna kind of build this thing and when his time is right you know we’ll plug him in I I don’t know he played very little at Georgia um he’s a he he a ball at just where the whole league is going to right now that kind of size and movement I mean he’s got the longest arms I’ve ever seen Chris you know so like that’s an advantage if he knows how to use him I guess they’re just saying Joe burrow is our Josh out he’s our Mahomes which he is y and if we keep him up for 17 games we’re going to be in the playoffs and then you know everything else you know it’s for new season once we get there and that for me is the biggest one Baldi because when he got hurt last year I don’t if you saw this but we were looking back and I think he got hurt on a bull rush it was a bull rush against Texans I thought it was Baltimore maybe maybe well that’s when he came out of the game oh right but if you go back the week before and you check out that Texans game and he goes to release the ball and he does one of those Helmet or you know like so and he’s down holding his thumb but the point is the one thing that burrow can deal with is Step he can deal with speed y he can deal with Mobility inside the pocket I think he’s as good as anybody at navigating with his eyes up but what he can’t deal with is the pocket in his lap and that’s the one thing you know when you think about big beefy cats like this guy mems I’m looking at him in the combine bity there was a picture of him standing at the podium with his back turned to me I could I could feel what that back feels like without even patting that on the back that is an NFL body that’s a dude that’s a people mover and he’s not going to get move you hope and so I think adding the beef to that offensive line to give Joe a shot right because he’s still getting hurt well I mean I I honestly I remember being at training camp last year and I was talking to Jamar Chase and you Joe Burl’s dad was there jamar’s dad was there it was like a a family Saturday scrimmage whatever we were doing yeah and you know at that time Joe had the bad calf and I remember Jamar saying to us he goes hey I hope he’s not ready I hope he doesn’t play week one and all he was saying was I don’t want him on this field until he’s 100% healthy and he he he never was healthy yeah like it was painful to watch Joe try to like I mean he couldn’t play action pass he couldn’t do anything I mean he could still throw the football but he couldn’t move he couldn’t elude people it was just painful to watch they looked bad at the beginning of the season and I wondered if they had lost it because I didn’t realize how much of a thing that calf was until maybe a month then and you’re you’re almost like relieved it was the calf because they looked bad I mean like it looked like they had lost their way okay so we talk about the Browns another team in Ohio here um with DeShawn Watson is it physical or is it mental because he got hit more than the guy we were just talking about when we were in Houston people didn’t add that up I think when you add it up it’s pretty eye openening well what’s eye opening is like I remember being in Indianapolis last year in Cleveland Kane and you know the question all week was just Sean going to go and you know coach comes out and says he’s cleared he’s he’s good to go and then you know he comes out of the you know he’s he’s awful and then he comes out of the game in the second quarter and we don’t even know what the injury is if there is an injury and um you know he doesn’t go back in and then you know maybe the week later like they’re in Baltimore and he’s hobbled pretty good and they find a way to beat the Ravens in Baltimore and then he just kind of fell off the map you know and all these other quarterbacks so you just don’t know if it’s an accumulation of injuries right now um if the off the- field things just got to him and just crushed them like it can a lot of people not just athletes but people when there’s just an avalanche of people against you and allegations all this stuff you just don’t know how much that affected him yeah you’re playing quarterback and you’re playing quarterback where you’ve got to have more confidence than anybody else in the whole building every day yeah you know and so you just wonder like how many guys be wired to handle all of it and I don’t know if Deshawn is I I think we’re going to find out because now we’re two offseasons removed and presumably goes into this off season healthy with a pretty good team around at least a very good defense um know so we we’re gonna find out a whole lot you know can he can he play with Lamar and Joe and the guys in that division yeah I just I I I think it’s physical and I I I I think uh I think when you look at how much he was sacked in Houston it just eventually catches up and do I think he’s mentally fried probably I mean look they sent Flaco away Flaco’s a godsent of a backup quarterback right now did you see how good he was last year right everybody saw that so why send him away you know because he’s a threat because he’s a threat now if Deshawn was Jo 30 I think Joe’s 39 I I think you guys might come the same age when I saw Joe last year at the inside the NFL said I was like man what you up to man he was trying out for Inside the NFL or whatever he’s like I’m just doing an audition but I’d probably go back and play at some point this year I was like no turns out I was cheering like hell for that dude uh down the stretch it was a it was a fun run to watch but they ran into a buz saww in the Texans and my question for you Baldi this year is why not yeah why not why not why not because you know if you go out and you get denil Hunter and you get Deno ay and you get ho fasi like all you’re doing is deo’s going okay this worked in San Francisco this is what we’re going to do we’re just going to we’re going to have the best damn defensive line because we’re going to score points we’ve got the offensive rookie of the year we got will a over there we got denil now we got Deno inside all over like they got pass rush Specialists and danil’s coming off his best season ever he’s back in Texas he’s from Katie yeah Houston like he wanted to go back home he could have taken more like he wants to be there and he’s healthy I like they they’re loaded up now we I guess the you know I’m not the biggest fan of Diva wide receivers uh I don’t know that anybody is uh I do like Stefan Diggs me too I like Diggs I like I mean he’s he’s been always very good to me he’s not soft huh he’s not soft no he’s not soft you can be a you can be a lowercase D Diva and be a tough little and I and I’ll love you yeah right but like was Buffalo really you know are they better without Stefan digs like they just give them away and pay him the money to go but regardless like he’s there with CJ so I don’t know how that’s going to dis disrupt things with Nico and tank and the guys that they had but you know you get Joe Mixon you know you got tonsil over there I mean they got why not and that coach can coach yes like I’d like I’d like this Chris I don’t know how you are like I don’t need my head coach to be an emotional mess but I need my coach to be plugged in and when somebody commits a stupid penalty it gets fixed on the sideline right away like when they need a pat on a back because you know he just went three three and outs give him the pat on the back whatever but like he just looks so plugged in to me yeah like why can’t you go win with with Deo right now I I think I think they improved in so many areas and I thought at the end of last year had they matched up better with the the Ravens I think there’s no team that that they don’t scare in the AFC right and and and now you grenard who had a great year who shouldn’t be overlooked they upgraded okay they upgraded at at tackle uh because I think autrey is great I think rankins is awesome but autrey is really veral you upgrade at running back mixon’s 27 he’s coming off a, yards season I love single Terry yeah but this mixing guy I mean you’re getting him in the prime of his career and then you had we didn’t talked about Aziz Al Shyer yeah aiz unreal who’s remember who’s who who Deo knows yeah well of course but like I remember when aiz was in San Francisco before Dre green law really took off with Fred I remember asking Fred one day like is this are these Blitz calls that alshire is like responding to or is it just the way he sees it he goes Baldi that we don’t have any Blitz calls like that guy just sees it and he attacks it it looks like a run blitz he just plays the game so fast yeah like he’s he’s a fun guy to watch in the study so they got better they got better everywhere and that quarterback I don’t like getting out over my skis but he’s got that Brady in him okay I I’m just gonna say I’m not saying he’s going to win seven but I’m saying he’s got that killer instinct in him you see him on that podcast set talking to Michael Parsons he doesn’t give a yeah oh he’s got every answer he a so sharp in that whole thing like Michael was trying to fire him he was trying he was trying to like you know fill up the uh you know the six shooter yeah he just answered every single one and like I’m go I need that guy in my huddle I need that guy to fix things in my huddle like the way that he responded to M that guy doesn’t play around and you said it with Deo I think when you got a young players coach like that who knows what he’s doing who doesn’t have an ego and then Nick cerio’s done a great job you know when you leave New England they’re they’re like well it couldn’t have been you but he did a great job and he did he’s doing a great job in Houston as well so they got a great thing going I’m excited about the Titans my one question about the Titans would be because I’m a buyer on Calvin Ridley I think people act like they forgot how excited we were about him last year coming to Atlanta it was like oh this he’s going to set the league on fire well one year catching the ball from Desmond Ritter and Company in that offense um and all of a sudden we have written him off in Jackson you know his his year in Jacksonville was like they they had three they had three guys that played the same position and my biggest question about Calvin Ridley is he’s a slot guy when he was in Jacksonville I thought they had too many guys that did the same thing you get up to uh to Tennessee Boyd just gets sign and Callahan’s like Boyd’s a slot receiver so who’s gonna play slot and if I’m a big buyer on Calvin really am I going to be disappointed I don’t think so I think you know there’ll be 11 personnel team uh you know the way Cincinnati was uh I think Ridley and and uh uh DeAndre will play outside and Tyler will play inside it’ll be much like what they saw in Cincinnati um you know uh the way that they played you know Jamar and D um and T Higgins so I think it’s going to be very similar like that I just think the biggest upgrade and that whole organization that was getting Bill Callahan like I understand I understand Cleveland to a degree saying okay Bill go coach with your son like I you’re at the end enjoy the moment I don’t know if I’d let him out of my build that guy’s is good as anybody that’s ever done it in this whole business everywhere he goes the offense line gets better and that was the weakness of the whole team last year was the offensive line and now you had some pieces right there so I feel like they’ve got a chance they’ve a chance right now and I I like will Lis I did too I I I saw him last year on a Monday night I did a game for Westwood and they beat the Dolphins and they were down and out and it was and will Levis like he made one play after another and he was getting battered pretty good that day on a kind of a porous offense line but like he that kid just hung in there that was one of the best games of the year Baldi huh that was one of the best games of the year it was a great game it was it was incredible I bet the Titans that was part of it but but Monday night I it was an incredible game incredible game it was an unbelievable coming nobody saw it coming I think they were down 15 points with like in the fourth quarter and they came back and won the game but Levis was I mean they wouldn’t have done it without him and you know DeAndre made some plays and no but I I think get Pard and all the things that they’ve added like Jeffrey Simmons was hurt all year but I I think you have his probably as much respect as anybody for Jeffrey Simmons what he does and so like you look they’re going to they’re going to miss some guys Deno is a really good player but you know they’ll they’ll put that front a pretty good front together now Landry and whatnot so I don’t know like I’m not I’m not down I think that division is gonna be a fun division to watch really fun really fun who knows what happens all right so couple quick ones on what happened over the last couple days we had Winfield we had golf big deals I’ll start with Winfield is he the guy if you need somebody making an open field tackle in the alley or something you’re like I got to get the best ball carried down I’m going to have some guy screaming from the deep third like who’s the guy is it Winfield well it’s interesting because you know obviously his dad was a great great player great tackler yes and and so is his son but that guy fills up a stat sheet like nobody else like and when they say he’s the highest paid defensive back in history okay I mean I’m no you know look there’s Ed Reed and there’s everybody else yeah but honestly in the today’s game there’s nobody that fills up a stat sheet like Antoine does and you know they’re rebuilding this defense on the Fly Kia cany some of the guys they brought in they got Levante but you know they they’ve just got you know they’re they’re still playing really good defense and if your defense is I mean this isn’t a revelation Chris but like if you make mistakes on the back end or you don’t tackle well in the back end you’re giving up a lot of touchdowns yes and that guy saves a lot of touchdowns and I remember seeing him in training camp one year and he was on the jugs machine and I mean this you know Tampa heat and you know Brady’s on the field it’s three hours it’s it’s you know Todd B still puts his team through the paces unlike a lot of these teams and so uh and there’s Winfield for 30 minutes on a jug machine I’m like how how many like how many interceptions you want this year he goes I ain’t going to be happy unless I get eight like he’s got numbers in his head that he wants to go to and get to and I I I think he’ll probably still get that number at some point and we didn’t even mention Davis who was a big part of that secondary ended up in Detroit so Detroit’s bolstered even more but I think you know you gota hey Tampa nobody told them they were dead last year you know nobody told them they were dead going into this off season they don’t care if nobody’s paying attention they’ve still got some of the studs they have on defense and I think you know Baker gave them something to be excited about so I’ll be looking forward to watching them the Jared golf thing is there a bigger good for him him off season you can remember in in football as of late because I mean to to the the Matt Stafford thing had to be terrifying for a guy I don’t care how competitive you are it’s like man the guy coming to play me in my home stadium is probably the guy that they miss the most in this city and the guy that my old coach left me for and won him a Superbowl like that could have been the most painful thing and he found a way and then this big deal yeah no it’s uh you it’s it’d be impossible not to be a fan of Jared G yeah on any level you know you you lose you leave Los Angeles you’ve been to Super Bowl you got a hot coach you got you know Hall of Fame players like you’re in a good spot and you get shipped to Detroit like it’s like you know it’s like there was a point when you went to Detroit like you you weren’t even in the league nobody even knew you even like you were even and he goes there and he’s part of this whole Revival with Dan Campbell and you know front office and all the things that they’re doing which is tremendous and they’re on the map but I he’s just a rock yeah the kid’s just a mental he’s just a rock first of all he plays every game he doesn’t get hurt he knows how to play the game um Aman Ross Brown’s a great player he just got paid but he’s a product of the quarterback too a product of Ben Johnson the system like it’s just a it’s just a great feel like we need Detroit to be a player in this business like we we need them on Thanksgiving we need them in the playoffs we need Dan Campbell and his style of coaching like I feel like we got to the point where we just had all these coaches sort of acted and sounded the same and then you get Dan Campbell and he’s and you get Hardball and you get these guys that are just emotional like Behemoth like they’re in that locker room and there’s nobody else they want to be in the locker room with but the 53 guys with them and all they’re going to do is support their guys and we just need emotional guys like that in this business that guys rally around coaching is not just a science it’s an art and the the art kind of can get lost in the shuffle when everybody’s too focused on the science you know the the analytics the exes no I’m this boy wonder you know like those guys are great and they build up a lot of the league and they’ve done great for the league you know a lot of these young gun offensive coordinators but I love a football guy I love a I love hearing Jim Harbaugh at whatever age he is saying at 4:30 in the morning he opens his eyes he says today is not just a day it’s it’s today I’m like I’m like I don’t know if I’ve ever woke up that like that in my life but that’s what coaches are for man and so I think I tell my girlfriend in the morning Chris I go look I’m attacking today with unbridled enthusiasm what do that mean I go you’ll see you’ll see what like nothing ever known to man but I like I think gol’s great for the game I think the the lions are great from the game I was thinking this Baldi watching the draft and seeing those guys and having played in a place that’s not quite as maybe depressed from a football standpoint I mean St Louis we had the greatest show on Turf right before we all got there but it was bad and I just think about what they’ve gone through and then to have four guys standing up on stage to open the draft that not only they’re up there they’re Detroit Lions but you don’t even need chirons under them like you know who these guys are the whole league knows who these guys are is really cool it was like cool to be a lions fan cool to be and it’s cool to be Jared G and he’s good enough for Detroit and just that that’s just great for him um so what’s taken so long with the Cowboys then as an as side with Dak you think it’s going to happen or no I guess it’s just point Chris at what point do you hit the ceiling with how much a quarterback earns like you know we we we played the arms race last year it was jayen it was Lamar it was Joe they all got paid and everybody made a dollar more than the other guy and you know we’re approaching $60 million and we’re talking about a guy that you know he’s got a playoff win and so it’s but you know theyve made this mistake before when they extended Zeke and they didn’t extend Dak and they put the running back before the quarterback and I feel like when you make that mistake early it’s it kind of catches up to you yeah like this thing shouldn’t be at this stage like he’s your quarterback you shouldn’t be playing going into a final year it should have been done and usually you just get ahead of it like it happened with Kurt Cousins in Washington Washton pretty soon like everybody’s just trying to pay to catch up just to keep them instead of just okay this is the market value this is what it is uh and not having to reset the market with your guy yeah and that’s kind of where they’re at right now but you know they’re bigger and and you know like I’m friends with Micah and Micah’s like look don’t worry about me like my my day will come I don’t I don’t need that now yeah you could do this next year like take care of our guys keep our guys whatever that is whether it’s Dak or whatever like don’t worry about me like he’s he’s been out front and outspoken about it but I you know I some teams like Philadelphia I’m not here to blow smoke in Philly but they’re never in Capell ever no like nobody even knew Jaylen herdz was ever getting a deal until the deal was done like they just do things different and I feel like Dallas doesn’t I I feel like they’re step behind this whole Gap business Chris feels like they make a lot of emotional decisions and and I will say this with with with Dak and this is kind of tongue and Chic but as pissed off as he got about the Tre lance thing I would have just signed Russell Wilson and got him to wave his no trade clause because I think the elephant in the room is if they could have traded him off that playoff performance they might have done that if somebody was willing to start over and give Dak a new landing spot and send you some Capital now the contract you still got to pay a lot of it and all that but like I I I just feel like what’s done done is done and we’re in this weird Twilight where it’s like he might be a dead man walking I I don’t know what’s I don’t know what I don’t know who they’re gonna be this year I mean there’s a chance they’re not a good football team this year but I know they’re not built excuse me they’re not built for any kind of a playoff run nothing like we saw like we could see Green Bay and you could say they’re ready like they’re here and you can look at Detroit and go they’re here and we know San Francisco is going to be there and so you know and we know the Rams with that staff and the way they rebuilt the offensive line like they’re going to be players you can’t you can’t look at Dallas right now and say they’re ready this is the year they’re going to go on a deep playoff run you just see too many holes like they open up with Cleveland right Chris like there’s miles Garrett out there you know maybe trying to go backto back with Defensive Player of the Year and I don’t know who’s going to play left tackle you know for Dallas right now there’s stack and you go man this this thing could get off to a bad start you know I’m just thinking like miles is going to be ready to go like he’s coming out of the blocks hot um you know what’s a good number for miles in the first game of the season three three and a half three and a half right and then line that Chris I might take you in that three and a half look at three and a half you might take you got the over but I I’m telling you at some point Michel Parsons is going to be an eagle I’m just telling you this is what’s going to happen you know that’s coming yeah it’s coming he wants to be he wants to be at every sixer game he does every game he wants to drive to Harrisburg and see his mom that’s what I’m saying yes and he’s like he’s tired of the Eagles you know signing every damn free agent out there exactly like he’s he’s seen the way it’s supposed to be all right last one for you because we got training camp eventually coming up Baldi is on the boots on the ground as much as anybody so I got to ask you facilities in the NFL we’ve heard about the NFL PA they have absolutely dumped some facilities we want to be positive here what are the best three to five facilities in the NFL they just have it nailed you go there you’re like wow I’d love to play here well it’s it’s hard to argue with what the Ravens have I mean you know I don’t care whether it’s uh you know the locker room the fields you know just the cafeteria handling a crowd you know a big you know afternoon practice parking it’s hard to argue against really they’re like number one huh there that well they’re they’re right up there I mean I’m just going through it in my head Seattle Seattle looks amazing Seattle’s amazing because you know you’re right out there on the lake and you know they got the eagle up there and you know if you just want to have Tranquility in your life you can just look out at Lake Washington and it provides it you know it’s just uh you know no pictures of the lb though anymore yeah uh I don’t know like the Jets have a good facil faity uh I’m up there a lot you know they they take care of everybody Miami looked nice I saw some uh Miami is a good spot miam me that First Baptist Health Center okay he’s got to deal with you know he’s got to bring your sponge underwear you’re going to change it three times during practice you’re just gonna you know you’re just gonna Sweat Right through everything out there it’s hey you can get some Rita’s Water Ice at uh at NovaCare so at the end of practice look I I tell like anybody that has a weight issue in it’s on them CU like you want to eat you can eat as healthy as you want to eat in that place they got you want cheese steaks they got them you want to eat like lean fats like they got I mean honestly it’s it’s about as catered as as good as it can get that’s so good and last one do you remember you remember the the the Earth City facility oh yeah I remember this Chris I don’t know if you remember this but your rookie here you was 08 right yeah so uh I think that year the NFL Network sent me on this tour of these like offseason mini camps whatever was going OTAs yeah so each place I went like I would work out like I went to San Francisco Frank G so I go to St Louis and you there and so you had this thing I don’t know if you remember this and if my memory is bad correct me Chris but you used to run in the sand pit in City yeah so I don’t know how I got this but I got a Jones fracture in my foot foot so like I’m hobbled right but you’re running in the sand pit so I’m like I’m not going to let Chris Long down like his dad think I’m probably a wuss you know I’m like so I’m out there running in the sand pit with You Chris and my foot is on fire I’m like and you know they got a camera out there and I’m gutting it out and I’m like man I ain’t gonna I ain’t change the direction like Chris Long’s Chang the direction man that’s that’s a short I wish hey I was a demon in that sand pit I wish the I wish you could do nine on seven in the sand pit man there was something about that sand uh but I remember Earth City and just the heat in that place cuz the air there’s no air in a bowl no wind you’re in a bowl smelled like trash you couldn’t even get a sandwich in that place no you couldn’t get a sandwich they didn’t have a chef when I went to Philly I walked in the cafeteria guy’s got a he’s got the thing and I’m like who are I’m like who are you he’s like I’m a Chef dude I’m like we don’t have where do they have chefs yeah they brought us Mexican food um Italian food and uh some other you know MSG loaded you know option three options to eat at our facility at the field caught on fire as we were running in to play the Steelers the pyate Technics they delay the game the field caught on fire so we talking about Good facilities I wouldn’t know they didn’t even have a they didn’t even have a Press Box Chris so when you announced a game in that Edward Jones Dome you were literally not protect Ed by anybody now the fans didn’t give it you know they didn’t they were just there was going on you know so like but we were in the open air they they forgot to build the Press Box inside yeah well little little oversight yeah nobody deal the stadium was only built in like 2000 uh Brian baldinger appreciate the time man hope you come on again and uh and and uh can’t wait man it’s almost that time yeah it’ll be here before we know it I wish we could stop the clock go back to like middle of mar right now but we’re too far gone so it’ll be here before we know it I hear that appreciate you coming on dude yeah you got it buddy [Music]


  1. The single play that defined our collapse last year was when Hurts called a play, under center, & Kelce turned around & shouted "No". Fire Nick, bad coaching cost us a Super Bowl.

  2. i totally agree with what you're saying about load management with maxx crosby and i hope he is more careful with his snaps

  3. Baldy has to be the busiest man in show business. That or he's just using this injury time to hit allll the podcasts

  4. I’m a huge Mixon fan, loved him in Cincy but he is far from the prime of his career, he’s almost cooked

  5. Fella's, stop it. Dexter Lawrence is seldom straight up on Kelce, and when he is, he is not put on his back. I'm an Eagles fan and I cant drink that BS.

  6. Cooper did not play safety at Iowa; Neither Cooper or Eagles ever mentioned safety; and much media predict he plays safety. "Paint job" comment was spot on

  7. DeJean did not play safety at Iowa; neither Eagles or Cooper have indicated safety: "paint job" comment was spot on

  8. Chris…. PLEASE PLEASE have BALDY on more. The content was Phenomenal, You and BALDY raise the bar in football talk. LOVE THE SHOW

  9. Man i waited too long to watch this. Is there any guy more universally liked across the league than Baldy?

  10. Baldy is one of the great DUDES in this space. Everybody respects him and for a reason. He's an honorable man, who's always put the work in. And doesn't care about clicks and hoopla. Great dude, entertaining, informative.

  11. Willie Gay ran a 4.46 40 at the combine. Drue Tranquil ran a 4.57 and also played safety in college, and Leo Chenal ran a 4.53. They had an embarrassment of riches at the position last year and will still field one of the best units in the league.

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