Golf Players

Xander Schauffele Swing Analysis

Xander Schauffele played extremely good golf in 2024, culminating in a win at the 2024 PGA Championship at Valhalla. In this Xander Schauffele swing analysis, I break down what makes him drive the golf ball straight, strike his irons pure, and become one of the best golfers in the world.

Xander Schauffele Golf swing is amazing, and there are loads to take away and learn from to improve your golf!

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this last week Xander cha finally got his win at the PGA Championship he’s not finished outside the top 25 all year and he’s just swinging and playing Amazing after some time with Chris KO in this video I’m going to be breaking down why he been so consistent this year and what we can do to try and emulate some of his magic moves so a setup like pretty much everyone I’ve looked at this year so far his posture is just perfect you can see that his armpits are sat just in front of his knees over the balls of his feet his backside is just sits just behind his heels and his shoulders are only just outside of his toes if you’ve got a camera and any sort of facility to film your swing please do this make sure you’re in good posture because every single person I’ve looked at this year has had great posture it is no mistake that all these players set up in this way things to note with with Xander is is his iron play is absolutely ridiculous well this whole game is ridiculous to be fair but his iron play and his ball striking has just been like next level and I can sort of attribute that to how centered he stays in his back swing so if I draw a line just to sort of Mark his spine angle and a couple of lines on his heads and hips we can sort of see that as he takes the club back he gets to a top position where he’s basically in exactly the same place now a lot has happened happened in this time in that he’s he’s made a big shoulder turn he’s added a significant amount of left side Bend and he’s extended his spine and that’s what keeps your head steady doing those three things which sounds complex but it really isn’t but just staying centered over the ball like that is going to help you strike the ball better we know that on average T players their hips move five to six inches forwards in from a dress to impact so we don’t really want that much movement back if we can help it because it just almost gives us too much of a job on to to move across that much this put goes in please like And subscribe you know what to do from down the line what jumps out at me is how well Xander controls his Club face in that he actually takes the club away quite closed and keep throughout the entire back room getting to the top with a like bow left wrist he’s part of that club with Rooks DJ hland not a bad few players to be associated with ball striking wise so I really like how he does that there’s a the down swing happens really quickly so I do think it’s a good idea to like almost preset a strong Club face preset a square Club face I like people to take it back shut because when we turn hard in the down swing the face is going to open somewhat so so if we can take it back short and square then you’ve got a much better chance of hitting the ball to Target or at least starting the starting it online something else to note which I think is quite important that I’m really big on is how wide his arms are so he he’s obviously got a full shoulder turn but his hands are miles away from his chest which means his both his right arm and his left arm have stayed pretty straight I like this again because width gives you speed width gives you length of Arc and again this is another one of those things that all the good players seem to do and it’s not by accident so keeping that right arm straighter keeping the right arm pushed away creating more room between your hands and your body at the top and throughout the entire swing again it’s just I think it helps you keep the face a bit more Square stops those Wayward shots a little bit just getting your arms and your wrists into a good place at the top and in the back swing gives you a great Foundation to be able to hit it hard on the down swing without becoming erratic as Xander starts down what we’re going to see here is his head dips a little bit he maintains that width of his arms he’s a really really wide halfway down position which I like and just look at how far ahead his hands are at impact if I draw a line on his grip here and then just whip it back to a dress look at the difference in where his hands start behind the ball and where his hands get to at you know just slightly pre-impact now having that much shaft lean or pushing the hands forward that much it’s going to help you a strike the ball before the ground which is obviously the number one thing we’re trying to do in the golf swing but it’s also going to like deloft your clubs help you hit it a bit further and help you control your iron distances particularly much better he he can do that because his head has sort of basically stayed centered to where it was but look at how much he shifted his his hips forward and created a totally different spine angle to where he was at the start and at the top again just like everyone we seem to look at he’s got an enormous hip shift forwards but he doesn’t shift his head forwards he keeps his head back and that’s what gets him into that brilliant impact position from there he’s able to just hold that face Square he’s a bit of a a shut face blocker and certainly when he’s hitting these controlled iron shots doesn’t really let the club pass his hands very much but again this is brilliant for control and distances controlling iron shots into greens and something that we could all learn from from down the line what’s absolutely wonderful about Xander’s swing is how he he keeps keeps that bow left wrist as he as he starts down what we’re going to see is that shaft shallowing out from the top look at how the head is moving sort of Up and Away backwards behind him from the top of the swing and actually getting further away from the golf ball it seems and what that does is that buys him time that to create speed he’s turning his hips really hard his hips have and his knees have moved a lot from from the top to halfway down he’s still got depth to the club and he’s still holding his hands behind which um is perfect from there he still maintain that slightly bowed left wrist which gets the club face in a pretty much perfectly Square position and he’s able to almost just like hold his right arm hold his right wrist and just turn through and he’s in that pre-impact like Ben Hogan bent right arm gap between the forearms shoulders tilted but actually pretty Square hips massively open that position there is like in the Hall of Fame in so many gol swings Hogan Travino all the greatest ball Strikers look like this at impact shoulders Square hips open bent right arm bent right wrist and then from there everything’s so Square he just turns it hard turns through into a balanced finish and no point is Xander ever out of control in his swing he’s preset the club face he’s turned in really hard but that doesn’t mean he’s also not shifting and driving his hands forward there’s loads here we can learn from loads loads of things here we can copy but at its Bare Bones it really is just shut the face on the way back keep the right arm nice and solid then turn hard on the way through and we can all do that thanks very much for watching the videos if you can please like and comment to boost the engagement And subscribe if you don’t already that’ be great if you like what I put out in these videos you like what I say about technique I can actually help you with your game no matter where you are in the world so if you just want to click the link in the bio it’ll take you to skillist which is an online coaching platform and there you can look to see what I do and actually I can help you with your game so analyze your swing give you some drills and tips to help you improve so we can work together to help you lower your handicap but anyway let’s get back to the video


  1. A VERY HELPFUL golf swing analysis using the lines and angles. I'm getting it! The pros make the golf swing look easy… I wish I could duplicate it.

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