Golf Babe

Should I Be Allowed To Film This Golf Tournament?

In this video, GabbyGolfGirl is going to play another highly competitive junior golf tournament! But some people don’t like that she films herself playing the tournament. Meanwhile, she makes sure no one else is in the video… should she be allowed to film? Her goal is to bring more people and eyes on golf and social media a great way to do it. Part 2 coming soon…

Join Gabby’s ever-growing community of golf enthusiasts on YouTube, where she continues to share her golfing adventures, insightful tips, and future triumphs. Be a part of history as you witness the birth of a new era in junior golf on YouTube. Mic’ed Up real tournament golf!!

00:00 Intro
01:48 Range Warm-up
03:10 Should I Be Allowed To Film This Golf Tournament?
04:42 Hole 1
11:27 Hole 5
17:14 Hole 10
22:23 Hole 15
25:02 Hole 17

this is what a highly competitive Junior Golf Tournament looks like 2 days 36 holes in Naples Florida I’ve won two of these Florida junior tour events and I’m looking for my third let’s see if I can get it done today part one day one all right guys 6:15 a.m. we are going to show you what a full t tournament weekend looks like for me we got two days 18 holes it’s just another fjt Florida Junior tournament you know you want to do well in these I’ve woron a few of them before we’re going to go over strategy and everything later right now I just need to stay awake it’s so tiring these tournament wakeups they’re so early this is going to be difficult no Celsius no coffee we’re going to Starbucks but I’m grabbing like a bagel my strategy is really just to make as many birdies as possible usually I’m always out they’re like whatever happens happens and I still want to have that attitude cuz it works for me it’s going to be a long morning without caffeine here we go golf balls and I need my sunglasses here we go I wish we could like ride in carts that would be so much better all right let’s head over practice range grab an umbrella not that it’s going to rain but it’s going to be hot out and I’m try I’ve been trying to work on my tan lines to try and make him like less super crazy here because playing in the tournaments and every single day being out on the golf course when it’s 90° and the UV index is like 9 I’m getting such bad sand lines and it’s just miserable and yes I’m wearing sun screen now but today we are playing the peach Georgia Peach tail and R golf balls pxs I love the PX balls I think I’ve said this before but they’re just so amazing okay start off hitting little pitch shots I feel like that helps me get a little bit looser this little bucket right here all right going to head over to the putting green which my putting has actually been good recently which is a good thing just doing my regular drill that I do which is making every putt like just throwing balls out there and making every Putt in a row eight times once I get them eight times like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 then I’m good good with fting it’s actually pretty hard I just do this drill over and over and over again when I’m practicing putting literally I just put four four balls down six balls down eight balls down different places and just try and make the every single Putt in a row in this and they’re all different brakes all different you know distances and that helped my putting so much it actually took me so long I had like four different drills that I was using before tournaments for putting and this one finally has worked it’s crazy like I’m not filming anyone out here filming myself obviously I always show you guys in my tournaments but it’s crazy like bring a few cameras and players are really shooken up that like really don’t understand they’re like how could you dare do this stuff you well I’m never filming anyone else I don’t want to film anyone else I I’m doing this to grow the game I really am I hope it works out for them in the long run I want to bring more eyes to golf more eyes to Junior Golf and people are laughing and you know it’s whatever I I’m okay with it I’m kind of used to it you know what I’m doing my thing I’m just going to keep staying in my lane and who knows what happens I’m doing this for what I love to do what I love to create content and I want to bring more eyes to the game and some people are just upset about that I don’t know it’s kind of weird I mean I don’t know I I don’t understand it but I can’t control what other people are thinking or saying or talking about me but I can control what I do and I’m not bothering anyone let’s head over there get ready take a second sit down like regroup and then head over to the first SE looks like actually a pretty wide open hole so I just want to hit a good te- shot and we’ll be good I’m excited it’s going to be a good day it’s going to be a good day hi morning Gabby nice to meet you hi I’m Sharon beasy nice to meet you I do want to let you guys know it is alligator Mating Season we do have alligator here so pleas Please Please be aware of your surroundings when you are around the are order of today is going uh taor made one with peaches on it first te here 380 hole seems like a wide open first hole just want to get a good drive out there good shop should be good though it’s going to be confident all day all right here we go first t- shot no nerves all confidence wherever this goes going be totally fine it’s actually a really high shot kind of aim there a little bit but we’re good it’s a good drive off the first we’re good I think hitting a good drive off the first te helps set the tone for the round just want to be confident like my goal here and what I’ve been doing for the past couple tournaments is just really not worrying about it like not worrying about where the ball goes saying to myself I’m G to hit the best shot I possibly can and wherever it goes I’m going to be fine I’ve literally shot six under hooking every drive off the te once I can do it I can figure out where the ball goes and I’m just going to try and makeshift the game also not worrying about like if I do have a pole or if I have a slice shot going on learning to play that shot on the golf course in a tournament instead of trying to kind of like fix my swing while I’m out there this looks like a really nice course it’s also alligator mating season they just said because they’re all over the course which is just great that’s amazing actually went pretty far though ended up in the rough but you know what that’s pretty pretty blasted drive for in the rough this early in the morning and like a really long hole so we’ll take it six iron out of this rough cuz this rough’s going to fly 140 want to carry go go go a little short going have to have a chip here but should be fine I mean that you can even putt that’s not a big deal we’re going have to make that PP I if to finish that real quick okay oh yeah first is not what you [Music] want just going to continue to do the same thing not worry where the ball goes thank you that’s a good shot my ball striking seems good I just hit two good drives and you know this six iron shot out of the roughway is pretty good and just get on more greens that’s going to be the key of today getting on greens wedge nice little open green thank you there we go that’s a good shot right next to the hole now we need to make that putt for birdie and then we’ll start getting a little bit of momentum tick tock tick tock it’s right to left all right that’s who want to make that butt but what are we [Music] find get ourselves to a good number on the approach shop not that good of a shot pulled it I was like a half a second too quick I’m going to hit my 50° I want to attack this pin want to give this everything right next to the hole go thank you it’s a really good recovery shot let’s see if we can putt now let’s at least try and make this for bar there actually hit a good shot off the te I just aimed way too left but this is for par I can save par if I make this putt Pro shots look really good right now it’s all about putting putting saves everything all right it’s a good par safe thank you we’ll take that to Safe par off a not so great Drive still one over through three but he Mak some birdies coming up it’s a good PP smooth High over the shoulder par five bomb drive right down the middle thanks hting a little bit of a left t- shot only because I think my grip is a little bit too strength strength in there but instead of trying to fix it we should just try and like play that shot still one over but I can easily make that up just want to make some putts and having a putt go in like the last one saving par from the trees is so good because that gives me momentum that if I hit a shot close here I can make that putt so keep with a positive attitude and keep going B end it up right here I want to hit it to like 170ish let’s grab this yardage book smooth swing wherever this goes we going be fine going to go right at that splitting tree perfect there should be good for our approach shot yep we’re good guys it’s 90 yard but the wind’s kind of coming at me pins in the back and it’s an uphill face so I’m going to to choke down 50 3/4 3/4 shot get left get left ah tried to take some off of it so it didn’t really go straight but it’s fine probably should have just gone with the less Club full swing but we can make that P too hard way too hard oh come on not what you want when you make bogey on a short putt for the new three putt it it just shows you it’s all putting it’s not that I haven’t put enough practice in I’m not put enough practice in cuz I have so it’s just getting that momentum of then start making putts and swings good so just want to put it close to make my job easier on putting all right 6 iron 147 hit a high shot let it land soft sit down hit it too good almost thank you I hit it perfect that’s a great shot swing is on fire right now that was great though that’s a great shot went up a club I’m a little long but birdie putt now it’s all down to putting this is the problem but anything can be turned around in golf too like you can all of a sudden start putting great let’s let’s really try and hone in on this putt put a lot of energy put a lot of effort read the speed right and drain it oh my goodness thought that was perfect Pace too thanks all right par is not bad but we really need those putts just take some time you know I think I played like seven tournaments in 9 weeks or something like that and I took like a 2E break and it takes a few holes to get back into it especially when you’ve been playing that often which is fine you got to just get into it faster just got to be willing to almost let the mistakes happen and learn from it on my [Music] putting feel really good right now blast it oh that’s perfect that is just perfect see that gets me in the mood this is where it’s like all momentum in golf when you feel that hit like that and it’s so good and it’s so straight and your approach shots feel great and you’re nailing the pin then you can just feel way more confident to try and make the putts it’s go time smooth swing wherever this goes you be fine go go that’s a good shot on this putt all I’m focused on is Pace because you know directions really hard it’s a long putt just want to get the pace right I’m starting to realize now though I practiced on the putting green all uphill so I’m hitting harder than I need to and all these putts so this one I’m just going to try and leave short maybe I don’t know try something different all right next hole hole number seven it’s all good almost halfway [Music] there that was quick quick drive all right so we got two 60 got 160 yards to that tree and we got to pull we got to kind of hit a draw here just going to hit a 5 IR might as well yep yep that’s perfect all right it’s not bad it’s a little right but it’s fine we’re good mind if I finish that real quick all right another par head to the next hole smooth and soft down ball sit down hopefully that sat down a little bit too short kind of on the edge I don’t like false fronts like that hit a perfect drive here oh it worked out perfect yep we’re good there I’m three over on eight which is really not good so missing two greens and shooting three over is like unacceptable especially when one of the greens you missed you made par so that’s two three putts last whole three putt and I haven’t made any birdies so it’s like okay if you would have had those but you would have drained the two birdies that you got you wouldn’t be in as bad of a position really solely focused on and leaning on my Approach shots and my drives and my swing and my putting is just we got to fix it we got to just fix it 130 to the back 110 to carry the grass nine iron that’s a good swing go thank you that was good it’s a good shot that’s what we need right there just need to make that putt oh my goodness that one I leave short that one [Music] wow all right let’s blast this thanks perfect thanks heading into the back nine three over that’s not a good end score if I come out here 200 under on this back nine I’m like okay that’s really good I don’t want to get ahead of myself I don’t want to start thinking about the next shot I just got to think about this shot all right 132 smooth 8 pins all the way in the back so just want to get it up there really you you mind have to finish that real quick [Music] thanks you think that’s good there like we’re good there all right let’s stick this close put this right next to the hole go in the hole wow thanks that almost went in thank you finally finally got a birdie finally there it only took 11 holes now we need a ton more now we need so many more we have to get get [Music] [Applause] more oh just too much break it’s a good speed thanks bud thanks [Music] it a high five iron shot oh it’s perfect wow the shots are on fire that’s incredible thank you thank you appreciate it nice get left good shot we’re fine there yeah this is why I hit this club if I would hit driver which on a few of the holes I probably shouldn’t have hit driver I’ve hit driver already but I’ve been hitting my driver perfect this is a little bit too slim even if I hit my driver and hit it perfect it still would only give me like two extra yards so I don’t need it so I hit my mini driver is what it seems like on track man is I’m hitting at like 220 230 225 yeah that’s usually what it is I hit my driver like 250 so it’s a perfect like in between Club cuz I don’t have a three-wood and I hit on this shot I think I’m probably going to have like 120 in which is perfect cuz I don’t need anymore if I would hit driver I would have been okay in the middle good shot but it doesn’t give me any extra yardage just gives me a potential bunker shot so I don’t want that go go oh in the bunker here we go thanks part five this is 490 and we’re going to try and birdie this hole I love part five we’re going to birdie it it’s going to be good little left but actually pretty far so I’m going to be good there thanks 75 yd away H right that bun left edge of the bunker it’s going to fly out of this rough smooth swing that’s going to be perfect wow that’s literally perfect thanks thank you thanks that was the shot we’re looking for a little bit further but that’s good a good a good try got a 340 par4 and a 369 par4 and then a 157 Park City so this one’s going to be a little bit shorter to take advantage of it hit a good drive wide open Fairway and hit a great approach shot [Music] got nice little part four here keep blasting drives smooth swings that’s perfect guys have been great today which is not usually how they are but I’m very happy wow that worked out really well holy cow that was not a good shot but worked out really well I mean I didn’t hit it too great no I definitely did not hit it good but I got a really good kick and I must have aimed and had the right Club so turns out we’re less than 3 fet away need to make this for birdie [Music] get right not a bad shot would have liked to be closer um but I think my speed and Tempo and putting Now is better so I’m not worried that’s the right speed wrong direction let’s make this P thank you it’s working [Music] thanks get right that is going to work out wasn’t planning on playing it that that was actually a lot more room than I thought on the left so maybe I will do that tomorrow but I think I got a little bit nervous that there was not enough room so I pulled it down quicker whenever I pull it down quicker I hit it left more but I should have been smooth cuz there’s actually a lot of room up here and I’m actually going to be way closer being that left best shot of the day right here oh that’s perfect that’s absolutely perfect get right sit down that’s perfect wow it’s all about playing with what you have that day if you don’t have great putting you got to adapt and play with great approach shs that’s what I did today so that’s something I take away with this very very nicely like I adapted so well and my putting got better as we went on definitely missed a few birdie putts that I should have made missed some power PS to save but it’s not my best round but I’m going to continue going if I have this approach shot tomorrow and I pop better I’m GNA play amazing all right PARTA end it thanks it’s great playing with you nice meet yes nice meeting you nice playing with you nice playing with you great playing with you finish three over thank you which is not my best let’s just say that but you know I had a lot of great approach shots I think I hit literally 14 out of 18 greens so you just can’t get better than that I mean it’s literally only four greens missed and just some bad putting but if I practice putting tomorrow morning and I get more like into the feel of putting and tournaments again then I think I’ll be fine if I keep the same ball striking that’s a wrap plus three on the first 18 holes three over on the front nine even on the back nine definitely needs to get putting better we are going to have a part two day two coming out soon so stay tuned for that


  1. Have you considered travelling the day before the tournament and staying in a Hotel overnight so as to be in optimal condition for your round?

  2. Your videos popped up on my feed bc i watch alotta horvat…awesome what ur doin at ur age kid. Keep swingin. Success is the best way to stick it to em.

  3. Love the channel! Filming is fine, but I hope your competitors are out of ears reach when you’re constantly talking and narrating your rounds. If they can hear you while you’re doing all this talking during a tournament, that’s probably not the best etiquette I’d being honest

  4. Won’t surprise me if your junior tour says no filming soon, but your awesome and your videos are great

  5. I’ve played in a lot of tournament golf Gabe I would hate to draw you in the same too or threesome. It would be so distracting with your video person and you chatting after every shot. I think it’s very disrespectful of your opponents and I honestly think that within the next two or three tournaments, they’re gonna tell you you can’t do it, it seems extremely selfish what you’re doing

  6. Have "Trottie" fedex you another driver… you're fighting with that one… Stick with your mini driver or 3 wood.

  7. Thanx a ton for the video Gabby.
    I'm only part way into the vid, but so long as the camera work isn't holding up someone or getting in their way, I see no problem with the filming. From what I can see, I assume your Momma, is taking video from a position that does not impede anyone during their golf game.

    Maybe just be 100% sure your commentary for the video isn't happening while your standing there with other players….like when they are next up to putt, but you are commenting for the video, are they now wondering "What is this girl doing?"
    We all know the camera can add pressure to someone…so the other players can't know there is the camera distraction. Like at 13:55…from my point of view the player in front you seemed like she was trying to get away. LOL. So that's a major distraction too her.

  8. Yes a lot people afraid of cameras. Same as the fifth amendment people filing in public building. Once a camera comes out people lose their minds. Even tho there are cameras all over the buildings always on.

  9. You need full attention to the game and the course. Half of your first few holes were inattention you need full attention from the get go and your plan for taking on the course. Your supreme idea seems to be get birdies that is good but you have to have a plan of attack. Advice from a caddie and a club champion at Carnoustie now of 80 years.

  10. You're my favorite golf content creator and I love what you're doing. IMO i say it's fine as long as you're also complimenting your group on good shots as I hear them doing for you and you're also helping to remove and replace the pin and not just walking off the green after you ask them if you can finish your short putts. I wish you all the success in the world!

  11. You are very talented and dedicated to the sport. Love your self talk. Videos should not be a problem. Free advertising for the course you are at. Saying that, remember that most courses are private property and they set the rules. Most won't complain but when you get to tournament level events, there may be certain media rights. Just look over the rules, may be exclusions, but if there is not, respect the game and the course. As you know, half the fun is who you are golfing with. Enjoy everything.

  12. Gotta consistently putt 2-3 feet past the cup on misses. Try the toe to toe stroke technique to nail down the length of your putts. It works. Putting long reduces the break and more go in. GL!!

  13. Tough day rolling the rock but your emotional management and your ability to find the positive aspects of your round are really impressive! Golf is fickle. Love your commentary and your strategic analysis of course management. Your understanding of golf and emotional maturity are way beyond your years. Super impressive! This is why I enjoy your channel. I presume the drone footage is not taken during the course of competition. I would find the sound of an overhead drone to be very annoying during competition. You appear to be considerate to your competitors as your commentary is done out of earshot. As long as the camera person is not slowing play and your competitors are OK with the filming process I see no reason against your quest to bring this to YouTube. If you are respectful to those that do not want filming during competition you are standing on the moral high ground. There will always be people who want to gossip and hate on others for a variety of reasons that are beyond your control. Just be sweet, kind, and non-judgmental as you come across those people and live your truth! Nice video and beautiful golf course!!!

  14. Production quality of this video was really impressive. Great B roll footage and your voice and talking through the shots was absolutely perfect! Ignore the haters too Gabby. You’re going places they’ll never know!

  15. Let me start by saying I love your channel, Gabby, and the mission you're on. That being said, I hated this video. Should you be allowed to film? Absolutely. But talk to your audience all along the way? Absolutely NOT. That is what course vlogs are for. You won't see the Bryan Bros, Micah Morris, Grant Horvat, or Henry Grillo chatting it up during a tournament. They add their commentary during edit. In my opinion only, you did yourself and the game of golf a huge disservice with this release. Please look at this as fatherly advice. Competing in tournaments is taken very seriously by the golfers that enter them. Your chit-chat the whole way is both distracting and somewhat annoying. Are you so good that you can devote a portion of your attention and focus to talking to your thousands of fans (of which I'm one of) without it affecting your performance on the course? That's a rhetorical question. After watching this, the answer is a resounding no. If I was one of your competitors, I would have asked you to stop the running commentary in the interest of sportsmanship; a key tennant of the game of golf. If the request was ignored, I would not have hesitated to file a complaint with a tournament official. I truly believe your performance suffered because of the effort you devoted to real-time content creation. And those bold brags you made more than once after tee shots was blatent unsportsmanlike conduct. The game of golf may not be perfect, but it does (or should) embody what sportsmanship should look like. This was a bad choice; a mistake. It's not the end of the world though. We can move forward. And for the future, I wish you the best. Social media can be a great partner and vehicle for promoting golf; but should not be allowed to take it over.

  16. With the PGA and LPGA having their forum on TV, you would think that most tournaments would be filmed. Not just for social media purposes but to expose the game to a wider audience.

  17. I see that most tour pros tend to have some sort of green tea like matcha lattes with that caffeine now instead of coffee. Why didn't you rely on a caffeine like that where there are no jitters onna tournament day? Just curious. Great video as always!

  18. Man your production level has just gotten better and better. This video was done with impressive quality, loved the content.

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