Golf Players



The Betting teams are:

John Mcleod (MACBET)
Anthony Don (LB SYNDICATE)
Gordo & Marc (RACING RANT)
John Walter (RACING WATCH)

Welcome to our new 4-man Horse Racing betting tournament. Buy into a team for this Saturday’s feature race day. Banks will be capped at $5,000 all teams will start on the same starting balance.

The two Highest Closing Banks progress to the Grand Final a fortnight later.

You can buy a share of the banks for $50 up to $1000 share. Dividends will be paid at the completion of betting on Saturday at 5pm.

All bets will be posted on the APP & in LIVE STREAM. By joining a team you will get first access to what your chosen team has backed. If you want to join more than one team you can. All bets will be shown on the YouTube stream prior to the jump of each race.

The live stream will start at 11:30AM Saturday on our YouTube channel. All bets will be shown on the YouTube stream 3-5 mins prior to the jump of each race.

Please Gamble Responsibly. Call 1800 858 858 for free support 24/7

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome to uh the semifinals day in Queensland Derby Day for our winter King tournament I’m Nick he I’m going to be your host today AKA Scoop from uh little birdie TV and I’m joined with uh by Nick mcwalter from racing previews you might have seen him do some stuff with bet fair and uh we walking to little birdie for the uh for the first time how you feeling yeah beautiful thanks for having me uh happy to make my debut today so hopefully I can uh talk a little bit of [ __ ] Ste Ste the listeners and the followers into a few winners but yeah um looks a great day of racing ahead yeah looks a cracker so some menacing um weather up in Eagle Farm has have some rain overnight so looks like it’s going to be a soft 6 uh maybe soft 7even uh there’s more rain forecast for the next few hours so how much they get into the track remains to be seen um and we’ll see how the um the patent develops but I think that’s going to play a bit of a part or a big part in how the results are and yeah it’ll be interest interesting to see how Eagle Farm sort of bounces back obviously dooman um was pretty pronounced the bias there and um the track probably wasn’t going super um in the leadup uh to all this rain but it be interesting to say it could could either way here yeah you’d think that back to Eagle Farm is going to probably be only a benefit um from all all the things that I can sort of gather up I think it it will play a little bit better but yeah obviously rain on race day no matter the track anywhere that’s always the biggest issue so hopefully it stays away and if it does does arrive hopefully it’s not too much and they uh everyone gets their fair share that’s all you can ask for absolutely all right so you can see on the screen now we’ve got uh all four contestants or teams um starting on that 5K balance so the rules are that they have to turn over the $5,000 if uh they have to have a minimum of five bets and if they only have five bets they the maximum bet they can have is $25,000 on a horse so we want the guys to have action we don’t just want them to plunk on one horse and uh I guess it’s a bit of a game of skill to try and back the right horse but it’s also like Bank management here and a bit of um I guess gamesmanship interesting to see what the fining final winning balance was um I do know from um their past Master punter tournament I think the boys started at 20 on $20,000 each and um Walt was the winner there he took his balance to 51,000 on two occasions so um maybe the winning total is somewhere between the sort of you know the7 and $10,000 Mark but um just looking at how the cards sort of set up um there could be some big results like if the favor gets beaten the Queensland Derby and someone can Jag a middle pin result there I could see um the banks definitely tripling and um yeah I guess I think that’ll be the the big turning point and that final hour of betting um at Eagle Farm is going to be absolute Beauty and the the only other rule that we’ve got is um all the bets have to be placed in Queensland so the boys have got Eagle Farm they got bow desert they got cans and obviously it’s rain affected all over the place yeah absolutely so as we alluded to before when we’re having a chat off camera obviously there’s a few sort of flushy pinup horses that are going to be well found embedding across the day so um it often doesn’t shoot as straight as it looks sometimes so definitely the boys are getting involved in the teams if they can manage to to get one or two of them beat hopefully they’re not our bets but uh if they can get one of them one or two of them beat there’s definitely avenues for them to uh make that balance go Skyrocket for sure it could be boom and bus so uh I agree with your sentiments there let’s have a look at uh the speed map uh race one is only a couple of minutes away and I think there’ll be some late action here from a couple of the guys but speed map courtesy of MCB and punting form here and it looks like beter the crown is going to be one of the leaders here with Lyn th lad beef we princess will settle in behind them and then you’ve got taji and sunfall uh and then obviously the uh the favorite for the race is um well it’s fighting they’re fighting out favoritism here which is um somewhat surprising ten Tenzing is going to M probably Midfield and then poison chalice is starting to uh get out a little bit which is a surprise to me but maybe U the big syndicates are happy to take it on from a map perspective but we’ve sort of got it um settling um sort of like third last with sunsets buried on the fence and um I know that you’re a bit of a fan of Paul prushka and it was pretty hard to miss the Run of poison chalice first up at Flemington yeah well they went to the the the straight six um at Flemington over 1200 M first up to make sure that he was going to get a decent hit out first up fast 1200 me race instead of going off, 1400 me race and having a soft run potentially if if bad luck or something went his way and he was super first up like he you know he was just is good if not better than starti who’s a who’s a good horse and goes around in a better race this afternoon I don’t I’m not really worried about this the Step Up from 12200 to, 1600 and I just think this horse has um a lot more upside than a lot of these Queensland horses that sort of from what I can gather I’m not massive on my Queensland form I’m over it a little bit but looks like this lot sort of just take their turn so for a horse like him who I think’s got much better than Benchmark 85 ility um I thought he was one of the better bets of the day up there and I’d be pretty surprised if he doesn’t run a hell of a race I think $4 is a bit of a luxury and I think we’re getting a fair opportunity to uh set ourselves up to play with theirs for the rest of the day yeah we um with the little birdie Syndicate um tipping subscription that we’ve got so that’s Nick Nunan myself and Anthony Don I I personally sent this as a 2 and 1/2 unit bet uh I’m surprised the market sort of getting out here but this is a horse uh back in the spring that I sort of labeled a potential corfield cup horse um I think he’s definitely looking for 2,000 M it’s a pretty lofty goal I would have thought maybe um a horse progressing like this especially with this horse’s temperament I think he plays up a little bit um but if he matures and if he can settle and if he uh can stay it wouldn’t surprise me to see him um really be a bit of a menace at sort of 2, 2400 M so um yeah I’ve I’ve got a massive opinion of of this horse and I know a lot of about sunet ra and um I yeah I’m shocked that it’s sort of a $6 chance in this market I can sort of understand was 40 this is getting silly yeah it’s um I sort of want to be betting again I’m just sort of looking at uh some of the accounts here uh I am logged into all four accounts so it’s um it’s it’s somewhat challenging but um I do see that um yeah Donnie has um has backed it he’s he’s on and poison chalice uh there’s not much action in the racing rant account at this stage we’ll um on once we sort of get settled into the stream here we’ll do our best to the bets but um poison chalis and toak is definitely the way that Anthony Don’s playing and um John McLoud looks like he’s had um 800 on poison chalice and 200 on Sunset sare so Donny’s had 125 on taji and 275 on poison chalice and um the racing ramp boys have got um some some tiny multis some some 20 and $40 multis and then uh John Walter uh hasn’t had a bet at this stage but um listeners and viewers of our bet Dr show um from Thursday they would have seen uh emite win uh pretty well there at Rose Hill in in race too so um bit stiff there uh John Walter with the rules not allowing bets in Sydney to count but he’s off to a flyer Donnie he was off to a flyer yesterday as well so um he had Ella’s World win as he’s done best bet for uh for Friday at the Sunshine Coast so I’m sure the BET Dr the listeners are doing well and DK had that sick beat up at wagger so um plenty of action already here and um now they’re racing in this Benchmark 1600 and no surprise to see don’t choke him D yeah hopefully um he’s running pretty cold there but it’s not really out of character tugging for a bit more rain yeah isn’t really settled properly at this stage but um be interesting to see uh how the track how the track’s playing and what sort of Kickback there is it’s my arch nemesis this BL so watch him get this beat who Michael D can’t catch him got a big chance to redeem himself here though have to grow wings where are you going to go come on clear here he comes come on CH come on just pin your ears back come on I think he’s looking for further come on come on come on Big Boy come on oh just level out I get there oh this is going to be cook come on that is sickening jeez he set him a task didn’t he just teased the whole way up the straight yeah just on that I think he needs every bit of 2,000 M this huh he was under hard riding before the corner yeah oh that’s gunning $2 in place he just takes the piss toally go up there that’s amazing hey you can um you can bounce a horse back I’m struggling to see the um the YouTube comments but um once I get them up make sure you um we’re sort of settling in here for a good 5 and 1/2 hours so um make sure you fire in plenty of questions and once we get the live chat uh screen up and working um we’ll be taking questions and comments and um share your sort of wins and losses and any other tips that you have through the uh the Youtube chat Channel and um God that’s sick yeah that’s um that doesn’t makes me a bit cook there nothing like a sick beat in the first just to get it out of your way yeah Danny’s probably filled his boots flushy Victorian o has come up he’s got $6 about his hor probably thought it was a moral oh [ __ ] my day was done then if that had a won go good off the track to go not quite as good as CMR but yeah he’s on the podium um yeah so I’m scoot this is Nick with Walter you probably heard him on uh racing previews the podcast that those boys Drop on a weekly occasion youve probably seen him down at the ball lot like he’s a big uh jumps lover uh how I guess yeah I guess you new to the little birdie audience um to a certain degree how did um how did it all start with you was the old man red you or where’s your passion and love for betting and horses yeah so my old man he um he’s always been big into his racing and that’s obviously where I got the uh the bug from you know when I was a young fell um but sort of my journey into racing so Ben who I do the podcast with we sort of just this was during Co back during covid we sort of connected uh just through social media and we’ve become pretty close mates ever since and it was a bit of a pipe dream just on two years ago I said Let’s do let’s do a podcast and started with One mic around my bedroom uh a bedroom bedside table before warnable a couple of years ago and um it’s been strength to strength ever since then we added uh will Alfred who’s a little robot um that’s a name that listeners will hear in the future he’s got a future in racing um um he’s a very sharp analyst he’s very boring but he’s very astute uh when he wants to be um and yeah so the podcast has sort of started and gone from strength to strength ever since and uh yeah did a little bit of stuff with bet Fair um over the recent Carnival which a few punters might have seen in the Twitter sphere um but yeah jumps racing is my bre and butter that’s what I love um especially this time here that’s what I mainly major on yeah this time here obviously into the winter the horses sort of take their turns a little bit more and it gets harder I think but um yeah I love my jumps racing and um yeah looks looks to be a good day again tomorrow so I think I’ve got a good thing that we can allude to later on at the stream for the punters out there for a little Sunday fill up hopefully but um yeah yeah outstanding stuff all right so uh a little bit of damage there for um uh Donnie Donnie’s lost 400 in that opening race with to and po poison chalice there so he’s dusted 400 uh looking at John mccloud’s account um yeah he had 800 on poison chalis and 200 on Sunset Suarez so no uh no rest for him he’s uh’s he’s straight into the action there Johnny McLoud and just looking at uh the racing rant account and John Walter there’s definitely no action late there so yeah personally um a little bit um still can’t get over that yeah yeah a little bit wounded there but um nice little bet for um for John McLoud there so he he he covers his um Stak there so looks like he’s taking uh best tote with SP so it’s almost one of those ones you would have rathered him just like just not do anything like when they tease you all the way up the straight like that like they’re going to do it they hurt more like I would have rather let him just whack away at the back and not finish off yeah he was definitely I would have rather know the fade at the top of the corner rather than last 50 yeah it looks like they’re going to be pretty Keen to get off the fence though at Eagle farm and it looks like it’s definitely testing going so it’ be interesting to see how a horse like in secret handles the the 1300 m in the group especially first yeah it’s it’s a it’s a cracking race and I think um they they’re great races the two two group group ones at Eagle Farm um lots of different angles in in both races and the quality of the fields are um really really good just having a look at uh just corfield in the background here this might be a pretty smart horse seeing yeah it’s no slouch blue Renegade is it it’s going to kick back a nearly win yeah not held oh it’s two from two for that BR course definitely can’t take it away from a second or it never gave in the um the other thing we will uh make a note of the final hour uh any bets that are placed on Races 7 8 and N um they’ll be C they’ll be kept secret until uh until basically 5 minutes before the off or or 3 minutes before jump time uh wor our last tournament we we did run into a couple of um sort of I guess piggybacking um issues where you know um it was sort of getting neck and neck like coming down the home straight and boys weren’t too brave well yeah we didn’t really have any rules in place to stop it but um a couple of guys were sort of um sort of tailing in to make sure that um protecting protecting their their Bank balances and making sure that they you know could fall over the line and and have the same sort of results running for them so we’re going to try and remove I guess that element so um less less P less of the guys a PE backing and jumping on the same horse and um they’re trying to trying to bet their own selections rather than um I just yeah just sort of like buff out and be on the on the same sort of horses so hopefully that works to a certain extent but um all the guys are um pretty friendly and sort of reasonable block so um they are playing for a trip to Hong Kong um but again it’s um it’s not the big lend all for these guys if um they they don’t win the trip but um they’ll be doing their dest for for sure and um they’ll be betting as uh as well as they can to make sure that you guys get a really good dividend at home and uh if the last two tournaments are anything to go by uh hopefully yeah they um they get a a good result and uh at least uh money back or even double or or triple the fun so they’ll be betting somewhat responsibly but somewhat aggressively at the same time trying to um yeah trying to get the uh the W and the the two highest banks will progress until uh until the Grand Final which is going to be the stra broke handicap day so we’ve taken away the a versus b c versus D semi-final normal structure and whoever’s got the um the highest balance will the two highest balances will will play off in the Grand Final so that’s how the format of the competition will work beautiful interesting this uh at Newcastle here this counter offensive it was running in the down here in Melbourne for memory I reckon he run against Coleman and Ana in the that the Prelude I reckon the chairman yeah I remember the I remember the ORS they must think he’s going to get through the heavy nine Snowden are normally cautious about sending these Cults I suppose he going to try and break the duck somehow don’t I wonder if any of the boys are going to have a bet at B desert that’s in the comp isn’t it yeah kieran’s got one I think uh yeah Su vogan and um gourd have had a couple of um couple of multis at B desert uh m m trustful M trustful is in in the mix here that’s the favorite for Kier yeah twig man in race two and then um moled it into a couple of races in race six and eight so they got a few four leggers three leg multis at BO desert but uh the first league is mistrustful um but yeah the um heavy 10 that’ll be uh tough going up there yeah it’s a tricky track at the best of times or Bo desert can’t say I’ve ever watched a race at B desert yeah it will I’m going going to get what have we got eight of the best today yeah thought yeah Donnie and I and Walt we always threaten to go and and do a bit of like a country track tour but um just with kids at the moment it’s been a little bit tricky to try and navigate it and trying to get Mondays and Fridays or or whatever to to go and visit these sort of tracks uh just the way the programming Falls it just hasn’t really suited us but um yeah I’m I’m fascinated to to take a few off the list there’s there’s some classic classic decks out there yeah gotcha yeah really well how are you Donnie yeah how you feeling mate you confident Ryan T for J Williams yeah the Rand have had a couple of small multis through the favorite mistrustful um and they’re sort of working around twig man as as well in race two so um I guess that’s what you’re up against but uh you’ve gone bod Des at race one number 10 and that’s mishy so yeah Rand a good race um the spell on a heavy track got block first up at I switch so it’s got a little issue jumping out of the barriers clean but um if it doesn’t it can land kind of third defense would be perfect fifth defense would be okay if it’s back seven or eight it’s could be in trouble but I think it’s a a good value bet and happy to be on it you still um you still cting it from Ella’s World last night a little bit of a couple of heart palpitations at probably what the 300 the 200 the 100 wow yeah it was G feeling early especially around the the back straight when they put the accelerators on they weren’t stopping so it was a Mega Run from ‘s world to get up in the what about the 25 meter Mark so yeah there’s it looked moral on paper and I was very very worried when there was no money for it I just thought it would just keep firming and start a dollar dollar 0 or so so I was kind of shocked when it kept drifting and just kept having more on which is lucky in the end it’s never easy is it it’s not easy when you’ve already Max beted and then it keeps drifting so you’ve got to double your max bet which is kind of scary but yeah Bit Of A Thrill I think my horse is join the uh inside inside gate or gate to lot of big pretty big late push so hopefully it can um bounce out it’s in the yellow colors I think so this would be a nice little start after poison chalice got rolled in the first yep favor on the drift yeah um yeah you’re probably listening before but um yeah so it looks like it wants every bit of 2,000 M and um it’s interesting might have back yeah a bit bit more of a stay this time around prer and maybe that that’s why he had it in the 1200 me event trying and keep the speed in its legs cuz he he was worried the horse was going to sprout a bit oh just MCD probably heard that I was on just decided LED nicely just the r shape didn’t suit just just not fast enough set a Tas he all right I’ll chew this thing on Good Luck mate all right so so Donny’s had 125 h on F 10 BS the win and 235 the place and it’s mishy so it’s in the yellow colors um so we’ll see if uh he can get that home so just needs to get away cleanly racing rant have played multis through mistrust for which is a big been a big Drifter $170 out to 250 at top sport did they take the 170 no I think they take they’re taking tote I think total yeah to tote prices can’t tell if it’s still ring there or not NCO what do you think rd’s form lately what is this a bit of the stitch up started yeah stitch up well really started rd’s form of like uh what’s that mean I couldn’t have I couldn’t have uh couldn’t tell you the last time he Tipp me a winner but maybe today’s his day this horse has been um pretty good away in the yellow of um is it coffined yeah the third third fence yeah looks to be traveling favorites outside the leader it’s it’s he’s got Pony but heavy tny could all all of a sudden come off the bit and have no Horse Too something going to come over the top it’s just the big war is just one of these things falling in his bloody lap how’s the fence has he caught Second Wind Yep this thing’s often gone though Kar Ro at B desert unbelievable money back for Donnie 290 on the to mul’s Rolling for the racing rant but um they’re literally um they’re literally $20 multis and things like that so they’re T little little little H marus yeah you got in the right spot you’re you’re thing went all right no this is like 20 and $40 um three and four leg multis but they need um twig man in race two um and then they’ve got badges nuts in race six oh nice the yeah and then they yeah they’ve even put it into a horse of cans race two under the limit they’re all over the shop and um nothing of um any great substance they’re all like 20 $40 multis at this stage well they’re off to a good start anyway yeah interesting um interesting Stak sizes from the rant they sort of not really uh look at the puddles there at Rose Hill Cy I’ll be lucky to get through the media at this right if it keeps raining like that well they only they only push on when they got a big big race oh no group ones today so it’ll be be all done it’s a funny coincidence that isn’t it yeah they’re suitable for group ones but not for uh not for The Benchmark 90s this the um the YouTube chat comments just could be um mega Stitch ups for you sort of all day here every question’s related to you your haircut um who would you rather have dinner with a a racing or MC D It’s funny everyone’s got their jockey don’t they everyone’s got their one or two jockeys that you’re just on the wrong leg with all the time you watch she’ll it’ll it’ll work in Reverse later on he’ll he’ll beat us on something at 20 or 30 to one that’s just the type of bloy is what Nick Nuna us was to eat at Marana last week and Mickey D that yeah see $40 case in point my old man was my man sent me a message at that on on the Friday he’s like what’s the winner that MCD is going to write anyway there’s his One winner dang it’s great one day today you’ll be trying oh I I just completely forgot to back it there’s nothing worse especially at those odds no no you cost like 100 bucks and get job done how’s more fill looking Jes are getting into that bad horses don’t chase bad horses also stop haven’t got I usually do a fair bit of form but $22 shot to kick off the card haven’t had enough time have you had a look at race two at um Eagle Farm we might um might get the speed map up and we’re about we’re about 12 minutes away so we’re a little bit more organized uh now and looks like uh Orton and stara are going to push forward here sh of G has to work across from a wide alley our Magnus will push up on the fence Madam Odette um a trail in behind that and then you’ve got uh stars and party for one Midfield horse like Cody uh in in behind that pack and Warby who is um a horse that we identified as bet a couple starts ago um he gets he’s expected to get back in his race uh I think uh the horses that the boys will be sort of working around will be horses like Cody looks like it’s in the mix our Magnus um yeah not sure how the fence is going to be for it but um yeah did you did you have any opinion or any strong thoughts about this race well I did but we’ve got to go back to the same uh same jockey as the race before which doesn’t excite me a hell of a lot but um geot Trix ran really well last start in New Zealand and there was a bit of a tip for it that day um and they were always going to Queensland on the back of that performance so um you knew that you were going to see something pretty good and the horse went back and and circled the field and and won with a bit of authority but um yeah it’s a it’s a pretty sort of even race um but for the sake of a selection grix is probably on top but I don’t know if I can go to the well with Mick again looking at the the top sport Market War’s favorite 440 um J Trix or J Trix however you want to say it it’s been um10 into $6 so Market’s all over it sha Gomez 750 Orton $850 star chaos $10 Mame od10 c b $1 and then Cody $15 so um yeah if betting’s any indication um the angry punters are going to the wellhe yeah what could possibly go wrong choss that that rain at Rose Hill is that is Relentless Hammer hammering down Cy look at how wet they are this B doesn’t even have a coat on I know hey it’s like a [Music] I could not be pleasant oh and he’s got the skater shoes on as well so he’s going to be drenched head to toe [Music] yeah far any questions uh that you’ve got um jumps if uh if you want to ask about tomorrow’s Jump Card uh I’ve had a good look at Eagle Farm uh DK’s previewed a couple of races from the B doctor show for corfield um or if you got any questions for any of the the contestants in the show as well anything for John McLoud or Donnie or um yeah the racing rant team make sure you fire them in we’ll get Walton we’ll get the boys uh online shortly as um significant bets sort of come through but um it’s all still um a little bit Quiet on the Western Front here um just looking into their accounts um looks like racing rant Mark lambor and Auto have uh had a couple of bets uh a Magnus are best best of three totes plus SP and then cot so they’ve only had 100 top flock on cot and then 50 on our Magnus so not big bets um but just uh chipping away for so you got a couple of shares in horses yes I’ve got um two horses currently at the moment um both with Gavin bgood a friend of the racing previous Community um who mind you is going he’s going really good at the moment superb he’s got a good knock with these tried horses and secondhand horses and a lot of people think that he reinvents the wheel but he doesn’t really just a lot of these horses have probably lived in a box for 23 of 24 hours a day and at his facility out at cranber there they get the opportunity to spend a day in their day yards out out in the fresh air and sometimes it just reinvigorates them like they can go for a swim of a morning and through the sand hills and through the trails and a little bit of jumping and stuff like that mies it up they just get yeah that’s all he does he just strips him back and doesn’t try and reinvent the V there’s no secret source to it or anything like that he just um yeah basically strips him right back and and gives him a new lace on life and he’s his ability to turn a horse’s form around is is second to none so um yeah we’ve got two horses with him the graves uh who we bought probably oh well over a year ago I reckon um he’s had uh a few little issues um that we’ve had to attend to and he’s just come back from um the pre-training facility at uh at Madan for from Darren we so he had his first jump out for us last Monday and and um it was quite good work I thought um it wasn’t nice to do anything over a half mile jump out against a couple of horses who are you know Speedy horses over 1,000 M and it was an 800 me trial so he did uh did all he had to do and there’s every chance that he’ll go around again next Monday so hopefully we get a fair bit of rain the next little bit and we can see him back at the track uh short and and our most recent Pur interest was Squad who was X Hawks X Hawks y um so we’ve had two starts with him he ran sort of down the track a little bit at Mornington for his first start for us what did he go for we bought him for 40 um so yeah just some some of the racing previews boys we’ve got AIG make them Pace indications and um good friends of as Tyson and and Adrian um and yeah so we we paid 40 for him and he managed to win his second start for us at cranber about a fortnight ago so he’s already got 22 of that 40 back so y hopefully uh he might be going around next Wednesday coming and uh hopefully he can have another win y but yeah um little bit of fun for the moment definitely definitely a camp you can improve them gets addictive though like once once you’ve had one win which was the first win as an owner you want to buy yeah you just want to have a whole stable um but yeah it’s a bit of fun and racing with a bunch of mates and um yeah by no means are we big leviathans or anything like that we’ve got a small hair in the tail but y just more so for the enjoyment with your mates and stuff like that there’s there’s no bigger thrill that I’ve had on a race course than winning that first race so um yeah what about yourself yeah we’ve um yeah I think we we might have found another um like a horse for for the DAR cup uh so yeah I can probably reveal a little bit more in sort of a week or so’s time there but um yeah we’ve had to retire BR britannicus he he pull up with a tendon injury uh through the Bry so makes his third place um even better than probably what it looked so I think we’re going to pull the pin with him he’s sort of rising 10 now and he’s done enough for us so can’t really bear the thought of knocking him around um and he’s just such a try so I think he’s earn his earn his right to sit in the paddock and and be a horse or go show jump or do something just hack around he’s been a good horse yeah so he’s been great for us and as similar to you like you know he was a chief for us I think we paid 24 him and had the best fun ever I think we sold the horse with him I don’t know maybe three 3 hours on an afternoon one day and um yeah just sort of kept a small share in him but yeah just racing him with all the mates and stuff like that was what it was what it was about for us and um yeah boys went crazy when he won the Bry and yeah it’s um yeah I guess that’s what what what the Racing’s all about just you know 100% yeah so yeah yeah hopefully we we’ve found a bit of a replacement for him and um a few of the boys have gone in this next horse that we’ve bought and the poor horse has got to step up in his shoes has got big shoes to fill yeah exactly but um a bit like you you know you get you get one that goes good and you just think you can repeat the dose like all the time so you know it might take two or three more goes to try and find the next sort of botanicus hopefully but maybe we never will but I guess that’s the that’s the challenge but um it’s obviously pretty feverish at um at uh on the English digital sales like just blows your head off some of the horses that we’ve sort of been looking at and trying to buy you know we think they’re going to go for like 40 or 50 or 60 or you offer sort of like 70,000 it’s part of like of a Syndicate to buy them but then they turn around and the owners want 100 110 150 it’s just insane but I guess the prize money is there and it’s hard to get a horse up and going so you take a little bit of a shortcut sort of sitting around waiting compared to like yings like which is a bigger bet and a bigger risk but um yeah it’s uh it’s definitely not an EAS easy caper to try and pick them up and and hopefully the horse is sort of still alive and sort of going but um yeah it’s it’s it’s an addictive past time and there’s a horse going around later today Gavin and I actually tried to buy a leg run ex goodin or and we were just going to poke around and have some we’re going to put all the boys into it and have a bit of fun over the staying ranks and take him jumping potentially and um unfortunately he uh he got blown out of the water for us a little bit we were only trying to pay sort of 20 or so for him and gav and I were communicating when the sale was on and we got into a bit of a war and we ended up going double that and I said to G we’ve got to let him go cuz on his uh on his rap sheet he had he was a four out of five rora so gav said there’s opportunity like there’s a potential that if he has to throw up and there’s no moral to come back from that and whatever so I’m not sure if he’s had that um that surgery done or not but yeah I think the aim with him is for a Brisbane cup I think I heard so um I’ll be severely pulling his tail later on so we don’t want him to run any good and do anything um since he’s not an our stable but yeah like he was a good horse on his day um back when he was younger and obviously he’s had he fair share of issues like met horses do and yeah that’s a thing just don’t mind this um Orton horse it’s an next on horse I know he’s a four man in Hong Kong so I was wondering if he rated it over there or he gives it a chance here I thought it was some hope leading and any track is as wet as what they’re saying so it might be able to keep clear yeah there was a tip for it wasn’t there last time can you hear us Su do you like do you know the horse from um from Hong Kong yeah I can Donnie how you go mate yeah good how are you yeah going well uh what number was that one sorry M the three at Eagle here it’s the next Hong Kong horse I don’t know if it ran the same name or whatever yeah I did see one what’s the number uh race two number three Orton Orton Orton uh I’ve got it 50 so no I didn’t like it uh it’s I thought there was a tip for it first up at Eagle farm and then it flopped and then it come out and won at Warick yeah it went to Warick so as soon as they go to war I’m I’m putting the pen through it um yeah the the eagle Farm run first up wasn’t good enough for me started 12 to1 there so yeah no I tend to like they when they go to to Hong Kong what I do is I care more about what they’ve done there and I completely ignore all their form they’ve done here yeah similar yeah similar the way when they come back it’s like no you’re a new horse to me particularly when they flop first up you’re just you’re dead to me it’s like a Poly track or grass track correct yeah uh well anyway saying that I’ve had 75 on it I think it might be a hope um kind of bro bro broke the clock at War so I’m hoping it can keep clear War’s a good hor but it’s going to be back near last unless shink and we some magic of G was a bit of a cat always but against it Cody’s the interesting Runner I reckon it’s probably the most potential about the stable think it’s run behind but maybe not this start next start will be a good chance yeah it’s not really a um a race that I could get a really good handle on uh this one it’d be probably W be or nothing for me and just chose to to sort of stay out of the race it’s um there’s not much Pace it’s only golen star of chos in um was it coming out no no it’s still in $1 yeah he looks for the only any other leader what price is it yeah $11 if D gets his thing home I’m going to dead set lose it if who G jtic or whatever it’s called jri Jed tricks the key watch this you’ll give this a 15 out of 10 hopefully bounc the front doesn’t get pressured by Go’s other horse racing Center bounce slow away what’s he going to do take a big hold of it C much more forward than anticipated it wants to charge a little bit too yeah they going harder than I expected yeah looks like K’s over racing a bit with the blinkers on must have taken charge a little bit if it was a run short you wouldn’t have thought it stable instruction to Ping it forward and Blake’s got a back to follow hopefully he doesn’t um light up well the ex Hong Kong horse is going to get every chance there behind the speed or be Jing look at D he’s got three wide cover no got horse warie yeah Chin’s got plenty on his back gra on warie yeah your horse is going to give a kick up the inside here kick on quick sand no no no go on Kick no not D not D not d a get out oh you’re kidding one land CL lands oh I hate this bloke so much did you back it [ __ ] hell did you back it not missed the pr he didn’t $7 those things paid 590s a place five a place Orton yeah popped hard [ __ ] that’s H oh my God that’s Savage see what I mean pones pal this bik what do you think about the track Don he after it’s only two races but thoughts obviously they’re getting well off the fence in the St yeah look they be getting off bit more Kickback that race they must have got a bit of rain in between races did they looked a bit worse that race I expect them to kind of get keep getting off but the inside even had every chance like just it’s not in the slow l it’s far enough off yeah it’s four off yeah so it’s not Paramount that you get down the middle cuz you’re still going good in your you know four five off how in that win get there Ah that’s tough anyway WBY didn’t look like he um handled the going like he sort of loomed up but even when he was sort of like getting going through his gears like four to the 300 he was Bloody wward he was all over the shop I don’t think he like like the wet truck at all but um G popped popped a tire regardless so something about collect um John McLoud says there’s been no no rain in between yeah but you’re eyes look worse it does look like it’s cutting up though interestingly like Stephie and uh Stephie Magneta lat like what do you do from the inside Market do as well what does gordo do he he’s absolutely declaring won’t won’t hear of it getting beat it probably get a similar run to Orton I guess probably just save the ground and push up the inside and get out to the better part of the track but anyway I think Cody’s one to follow out of that race over race from the outside gate it’ll improve next start a great game huh [ __ ] D got a bit tight there coo looks at that head on too s Sledge Walt John Walter thinking that 5K is going to be enough to get to progress he’s kept his pow dry early that hurts has paid $72 surely someone out there listening put out two selections together it’s paid more than the exactor there for yeah so pretty pretty quiet start um they’ve got um they got a few um pending bets here the rant boys so they’re not obviously um down a long way here um but they do have a race the couple of bets open in uh in race three so they’ve already back Goldman and seleno and red wave oh made seleno yeah he’s a horse who you could buy as a jumper cuz he dead set wants 4,000 M I’m interested like I don’t understand why Waller doesn’t get rid of most of his stays some of them would make good jumpers cuz they just won bat they’ve got little short Shar short sharp Sprints I think the prize money is just too good that they just plunk them around forever and just race five of them together in the Queensland stain races but if you were you know if you were buying a one of these stairs when do you sort of when do when do you drop off or when when does the St the stay not become value like what it takes them what good 12 18 months to to school them up get them right yeah break your M you know you got to break your maiden hurdle and then how OD are you like 8 n 10 like some of them are just got to be patient to too long in the tooth you know I think I think you sort of got to be looking at at like five and sixy olds oh you just got to try and buy a Raaz the flag out of New Zealand if you can get your hands on one but I think Kieran bought them all but they’re too expensive now like it’s they like buying an import they want so much for these razor flags and there’re [ __ ] slowest horses in the world but they’re just like he’s like the I’m Invincible of jump size yeah raise the flag but yeah you just got to be patient like you’ve got to race them on the flat when they’re three and four and have them whacking away out the back and know that they’re going to be better once they get a little bit older and they can start going jumping but it’s hard to you’ve really got to love jumps racing to to get involved because you chance on like your return on investment for a lot of horses like you’ve had a seed at the at the good end of the table but it’s not realistic that all horses get to the levels that britannicus has gotten to and raced for that sort of prize money like they don’t raise for lots of money and and horse ownership’s not cheap so no you got to be you’ve got to love it to be in in the horse into especially into jumps racing yeah and then and then the even bigger problem is once you got like a horse or botanicus was a bit of a dry tracker so there’s only limited amounts of jumps races that he was suited by and especially when they started to close down at Oak Bank like he was suited there and then then the next thing you know that we we thought he’d win a couple years in a row in Oak Bank we got went there once he he won the Harry D young race there but then there’s just not many not enough races sort of around for him and you can only really set him for what two or three races a year then if they get injured yeah it’s a um as you say that’s hard enough at the top level let alone if you’re a horse that’s not racing at the top level it’s near on Impossible the training fees are no different for a horse going around in a group One race s of made hurdle which is the the thing that a lot of people don’t sort of wrapped their head around Yeah you sort of got about 50 60 Grand a year for a horse let’s so yeah they got it they got an early winner yeah jumps feature race to that might Square Yeah Yeah It’s Tricky there’s one for The Thrill Seekers at uh Newcastle and the next that lady King I backed few starts ago um should love the wet track blinkers off should help I mean dollar do9 $2 on the fair 85 to seems okay if you’re desperate like [Laughter] me what have we got uh got a little bit of a gap to um to Rose Hill we got about 15 minutes we might do a welfare check uh and see if Walt’s sticking his nose into the dungeon yet I’m not sure what time he’s um his kick stream kicks off today but I think he’s going to Moonlight across both channels so he’ll be in our Channel a little bit and then he’ll he’ll also be doing his uh his usual kick one so he’s going to have to uh put two hats on maybe Jane Walter can stay on our show and then John Walter can be um on his usual kick stream but Walt if you’re if you’re out there maybe jump on mik soon and have a bit of a chat the uh couple of the people in the YouTube channel I think you might have spot or you just going to sit and wait and blast the last quty legs or what are you doing what are you doing there mate I’ve been sitting here the whole time mate what are you talking about good to say you’re angry it’s our fault you don’t want to talk to us how are you and there’s only so many odds on favorites of Donan back so you know you got to feel around him uh Sparks are flying typical um wing and win um you’ve started to uh started to play in race four you’ve got it down to uh three chances I won’t won’t talk about the bets yet but um good to see you out late a$ th000 we got to turn the five over haven’t you that’s the thing so U that’s why Johnny mlad even though he’s only won 340 turning a little bit of money over and being a positive big help confidence levels today now that uh we’ve moved the goal post and you can only bet in Queensland races I’ll be aboutus three and a half probably well he probably could add the 5,000 Farm track really it really helps the confidence levels that that that joint yeah it looks like it um it’s it’s pretty testing obviously what four or five off the fence in the home straight it gets nasty doesn’t it because whether more rain comes they might start cutting up the inside or they come 40 deep it just turns it into a bit of a a lane Fest but it is what it is the later races seem like they’ll run through to me and at least we’ll have some idea so I’ve actually got no idea how that track’s going to play so I you race fors the earliest can go and then hopefully Chip Away into the back end I probably will have a shot at the 4y if I can but like you got you got to still turn the money over hav you like hard to turn a lot of money on and Bets and whatever so got your rules are the things that we got to abide to we don’t want any drama no like last time the piggy backing very bright here like B off what’s that cocoon I thought you’d worked on your 10 or you are working on your 10 I’m back What’s happen there I don Donn Donny’s in the background absolutely got the biggest roaring owner in the history look at him 15 in front on the do 80 chance uh emmer was a nice uh nice winner when he finally got it off the fence Josh yeah and someone played the clip through the pollet but he said it was the first horse he penned and couldn’t possibly win the only horse in the race that couldn’t so hopefully that got their whole camp on tilt as well that was a double win for everyone outstanding and uh bit of a bit of a shout out what six $65,000 raised for charity on your uh you may charity challenge good good result yeah I felt good about that when um I’ve done what like 12 punishments or something back deadset G to divorce me 73 times after having to edit videos and all the drama that’s gone along with it and then um framy lobs in out Discord last night he said he just had a lunch and raised 360,000 for cancer so I felt pretty ordinary about life but no it’s it’s good it’s good at least yeah young fell in the the the Auntie sent me for an update last night with the how he’s going or whatever so um no it’s you bit of fun bit of fun for the family and everything and and Tristan as he because you know he’s he’s very good with these sort of things I even look it’s not a tax deduction for him I thought it was I felt bad when I saw it Gund me it’s not a tax deduction but you know he just he very rarely says no for when it comes to things like charity a good fell yeah yeah pretty I think there’s got to be a an inquiry about the fake 10 I might have missed it but um the fake 10 never really spun up on the wheel that was a bit fluted you got to keep something up you s for next time haven’t you and PE showed me it was very aggressive I would have looked like Kamal and I was a chance on Thursday but spun up she’s like oh F turn to be good for little birdie and like oh my God yeah it’s pretty dubious the uh the wheel that you were spinning there it looked like it was uh a bit uh a bit hot maybe a bit like Tim nari the uh the poker player reckon the Tim nari stuff what are you what are you betting real or or bit of a bit of a fake jobby that one uh don’t want to bust the illusion leave it up to the imagination of The Listener great great way to Market a business though oh the the guys who got a hold of him smartest thing ever the old buy buy a client for 30 bucks and they got four and a half thousand clients out of it or something I I don’t know what he’s doing this time around but that was one of the better ideas I’ve ever seen because like you know they they’ll pay 100 200 bucks for a a real client and he’s um basically handing them 5 do on a platter for nothing so you know they Geniuses he’s a real knockout character too like he’s got the perfect persona for it like he’s such a likable character and it’s good that he’s bought the numbers back because the swings no one can stand them and and even if they are a bit dicey that no one’s going to believe him long term so I think back to sort of 15 grand a day you’ll still get his personality shine through it’s real money that means something to him and everyone beain it it’ll be good um the the boys are riding this uh twig twig man it’s um B Des it sort of crept up on us here and um where is it stable is tipping stable is tipping he just looming up three wide y Jag for a race to race Double’s gone all in has he $20 roll up or something time having a think about it it’s a 4,000 M it’s a heavy 10 Mighty twig man I get dizzy watching it so uh horse named after you as the next leg for that one badges nuts Race Six at B desert so jeez that’s a long way four races R has not stopped a winner he’s probably had the 360,000 that he’s busted the million Mark anything else caught your eye on the Rose Hill card obviously can’t bet it through the stream but for the listeners um out there I just I just sent one out just because I thought so luk and um what is it race seven you got uh Waterford and Zach all sort of big dicey maybe coming up to this trip and so lucan’s coming off her uh Shak special where she sat wide and took off at the took off at the school and um just got run down late by he a shocker last start should be ready to go back in trip gay the ferad on uh she should borrow up the inside and and run really well I think I the mighty Sky laab now that he’s found the winning post and had his camera and his photo taken a few times I thought he was the danger the wet track suits him and I think if you look at that closely Waterford I think had its chance Last I don’t think sort of extending through the line so I think uh with this raincan and skyb are clearly the two best suit in race seven now Y jier is a good wet tracker as well if he can recapture some of his best form which josier number four EXC oh yeah he got a he was car last start too so yeah he can improve for sure and uh you got the little Master on it that’s the only worry he known for repeating carvings can we talk about the elephant in the room what’s the go with the Lord May’s Cup being in Sydney when it’s Lord May’s Cup in Queensland as well PV all just got a bit of look at me action happening or what’s it a bit of confusion I think he’s probably kicking up to be the Lord May so um he’s called the name of that race and Hing it to be the pbl cup come next to you yeah not much that he can’t do that that BL you can work out the names in Sydney is too good I’m I’m like one good thing about the old uh database whatever Paul’s one he still uses all the old names so you some hope of actually knowing what the race what the race was yeah this rain is Relentless in I can’t believe how heavy and it’s just persistent did you they had the the preview this morning and they said I one to five mil I’m like look at the puddles in the very different forecast to the one I’m reading yeah it was a heavy 10 on times on the last race they still got it as a six so that’s absolutely garbage they’ll be lucky to i’ be lucky to race on to get through yeah that’s that’s what Nick mentioned before there’s genuine puddles in the mounting yard Al on the truck we have we don’t on drainage in South w we concentrate on priz money we w we weren’t con started on that sort of chat I’m surp I’m surprised PetVille hasn’t spoken about creating a track in Papa New Guinea and then call like branding it and getting the revenue just filtering into New South w we could get the N players to ride thees it’s I wouldn’t I wouldn’t put it past him to build a track and PO on you’re get and try soon we’ll be getting quarter horses and I’ll be racing on the NRL field post to post I’ll be to the vanadu cup that’s a pretty pretty big spectacle that’s literally like like Mo ring around a few trees and just go for gold it’s like 15 laps where’s where’s the most exotic racetrack that you’ve you’ve been would that be it probably there I think um yeah for sure like weirdest I’ve been to the races in Rio de Janeiro and in bonus areas that’s that’s as far and wide as I’ve got what about you nowhere nowhere no nowhere special picnic some of the picnic tracks in Australia are pretty funky some reverse Camas on the home term where you go there you have a look you think je if they get frisky around here they might end up in the crowd but um speaking of frisky exting speaking of frisky I don’t know if I told you this story Walt but um I went to the races at went to the races at Rio diero and I was really hung over um as you as you are when you’re in Rio and um I was just Cactus anyway I got the English version of the form gu and I nearly back this 50 to1 chance it got beat in the neck just typical Nick Story ruffy didn’t back it each way anyway I was so crook I reckon like two races to go I just went home and I was staying in this like moan sort of like private double room at this Backpackers and I got confused at when I was meant to be checking out or there was like that double booked my room and I literally turned and all the room keys had like old school keys so it was not not fob or anything like that and I’ve literally come home and all I wanted to do was just absolutely like d my bed cuz i’ had probably 3 hour sleep for the night I’ve opened the key and there’s I’ve literally walked in on this Canadian guy and his Ms is just sitting there riding him he was [ __ ] absolutely filthy like he’s a big fell too and he’s like get out you little bastard and I’m like mate it’s my room like what’s going on and so yeah I’ve sort of just like I’ve took off and I’m like where where’s all my gear like I don’t know where my gear is so then I’m downstairs um having a crack at the reception going what have you done like you you know I thought I was staying here you’ve double book my room and then knas comes down his boxer shorts with half a boner still and then he starts hurling abuse so the two of us are just like at the reception abusing the [ __ ] out of these star and I’m I’m just trying to like Ste well clear of this blow cuz I thought he was going to rip my head off but um [ __ ] I’ll never forget that unbelievable yeah very different version of the story you told me originally scoot go away this was not a bad top too anyway lucky we put the uh the the plus 18 but as soon as you said frisky and we’re talking about these exotic tracks just burn into my brains the a crack at this joint they’ll be lucky to run this race good crowd I wish it was a New South Wales I would have just gone all in Emirates and run and done and that was it I thought that might have been the case they’re tipping it out now they said get it ready for the spring yeah it looks like it’s nowhere near um that’s probably why Glenn didn’t like it I’m tipping he he probably saw it in the flesh at War f it doesn’t look anything pretty to look at M he must not have watched the replay after that though um a horse Like Son of deck Walt um we sort of spoke about on the BET doctor show was it might be just a run short here uh you said it was a bit of an average type is that a horse that You’ think might get snapped up to Hong Kong or is it is it a bit of a oh I think they’d love to sell it to Hong Kong but I don’t know if would pass maybe not I don’t I actually don’t know that for a fact I know it’s is just a very light framed course like it’s not the sort of horse you you’d think would adapt to Hong Kong life to well I think it’s um it’s well place where it is but yeah it it’s interesting to see it run they obiously had it a race that looked very nice for it in Sydney as well and um you know they just having a shot at the title and Ash Morgan decided to stay in Sydney to not ride it you know to take up his decent book at Rose Hill instead of there so he’ll be filthy if they’re rained off at race four and Son of deck comes ripping down the outside yeah GE it looks like the way the track is it’s you you need to be body running 3,000 M to to win the Derby it’s going to be that that that tough going which ad cup for which might suit wara you finally cottoned on to Adelaide and bullet time I don’t I don’t think he even knows what he’s doing but he just um he might just keep too I this I had a good look at it this morning it’s a bloody it’s a nothing race like brutal even and then the kywi that thing that one which looks like it wants 4,000 meters and on run against the last start so maybe they can prob they’re probably the ones that I thought could run races if it becomes like you say just a war of attrition it’s interesting like this the G’s just screaming out for a jockey to take the race by the balls like is it going to be I I thought there was a you could make a case for a couple ruies like um yeah like the keywe what do Jim burn doing first Innings but horse like bullets high can they can they lead with it like enoda like enoda now meets them more better at the weights and um it’s just there got there’s got to be a change up in tactic something’s going to push forward like even that horse Saban of mury and Coleman’s if you ignore the breeding like it looks like it once once further again and they sort of half half snagged it behind that Navy King I didn’t know what to do with twoes yeah at all well Navy King’s sort of the only real speed in the race autm Angel gets even L she’s just got to be better than them I think like her form has to be superior to this this other stuff like it’s proper proper group one form like what price is orchestral in this race she was beating up that’s the problem I know she was probably touch over the top but yeah aut Angel still got nothing like her record’s pretty imp aable like I think she’s a horse that could easily run top five at a corfield cup come the spring that’s the sort of opinion that moods has got of her yeah I agree it has to be favorite but I sort of marked like five bucks or something um and favorite whereas I thought tan hous is not much good I’ve never seen the old Guild in two weeks and run trick and then run it in a derby could be one of the better training efforts in history and three qu of way through a derby prep and still get it to win y it’s a a we well they’re both drawn inside Stephie magnetica what do you do with it I don’t know what to do with it either it’s It’s Tricky now yeah it’s a challenge all right well um well we’ve uh I don’t know if you’ve you would have done a little bit of race through and it’s got a lot of form that you know so you can help uh talk us through it but we might get the speed map up Walt and then you can sort of give us some of your thoughts um Eagle Farm yeah yeah Eagle farm at Eagle Farm I have honestly not done that right I thought you saying race race for Ros was about to go no no no um okay we we’ll just talk about the race anyway Goldman Knights order look the speed uh double Cherry in behind them with red wave uh Regal line uh king of Frankle starting to Peak a would have thought and then you’ve got alron which is uh I think might be third up now for beond Bard and the pop favorite will be positioning in behind him here’s a shocker and then one of my old SP sparring partners is going to settle way out the back is in Captain Aizer horse that we’ve also backed and and tipped in the past for the the little birdie Syndicate but um did you have a any handle on this race or anything jump off the page I haven’t had a bet in the race personally I thought he’s a shock is going enormous and uh I thought he was just out there for a pipe opener in the Doom cup yeah but he’s a horse that he probably hard to take on trust he’s not a horse that you want to take 250 about he’s not the most genuine horse in the world um yeah it’s a race that I didn’t have a hell of a lot of confidence in it wasn’t a race that I really wanted to have a bet in but um yeah as we alluded to before we’re not we’re not cheering for our leg R by any means B Mighty France Joseph Bob get tigh captain F start very short he beat FR Joseph last night look at the they can’t race on can they look at that track have look at this my God FR is fighting back go frck wow I couldn’t have bet it’s a good horse that’s something it’s a great example go back and watch old that hate stuck inside you know like one last complete forgive steamed at last start and stay on the heavy track what’s it P 350 easy trior holy C can definitely follow those top two though they look pretty smart yeah they they’re both Springs 100% no action from uh John McLoud I guess he’d have his eyes on them in the yard uh just looking at Donny’s account and uh I think he’s he’s siding with his a shocker here and he he’s at 800 Bob but best of the best so best fluck or or best tote great to see that racing Queensland have made that product uh possible and um $3 into 250 so the Market’s definitely coming with pretty strong support for he’s a shocker Goldman $6 the top sport Regal line $10 Captain envious $13 out from eight Knight order 17 King Frankle $9 alron 19 and that’s the um the major chances there uh recapping racing rant they’ve had 150 on Goldman uh $50 on seleno and they’ve had $30 on on Red Red Wave so they’re betting around he’s a shocker but obviously Donnie is uh is Keen to be with it and as Walt alluded to before he’s keeping his powder dry and not uh not really fuss by race three here at Eagle firm which surprises me cuz um lot of lot of Sydney that into twin here but hasn’t found a good $240 easy shock up that excites anyone no I thought you’d be betting around it I’m beat last right what’s that it’s to beat there’s not much between Goldman I could back but I was hoping Reggie missed his playing I think I might back Goldman I’m definitely not taking 240 he’s a shocker that’s that’s that’s there’s your moral he did half car a sh last but it was that was his race yeah but that’s just him isn’t it always finds an excuse not find way yeah I’m have I’m going to have a small bit on Goldman I think hey what time’s uh what time are you going to put the uh the kick stream on wal you going to do it or you you pull the pin hey no I’ll do it I just want to go ahead with you um i’ got to give this money away yeah he’s a shock as well back there goody good to see little trumpet got the price got Bob Bob I think what’s that $3 is top FL possibly this stage yeah if the totes pop it’s probably I love them on the backup that so um last two been really good from it if you can it just holds it for it’s last couple it should be the one to beat for sure I thought was a complete by last start it just it looked like odd placement it just looked like a pipe own to me so yeah it looked like it was up the slow Lanes too at dooman so L is better suited at Eagle farm and hopefully she can Jamie car can have it a bit closer to the action maybe Midfield get to the outside it’s the plan and uh be nice of it won but June 45 was the roughy but I haven’t adding on I’m not sure it’s up to those 225 for he a shock is ridiculous it’s a ridiculous price for a horse with a winning strike rate that he’s got I think people there nothing else in the in the race that appear I like sickos I thought yeah I thought maybe the the horses set to Peak might might be king Frankle or um a leg sort of out of the market got the perfect set up just loading now don’t think about leg don’t don’t think about it a leg Run please all right hopefully Reggie can give this a pit uh no real late action from any of the the players in the tournament here reg L’s been well supported late God H trying to trying to figure out Annabelle L there’s talk of you know wrong wall is one thing but buy wrong Annabel I think it’s as bad if not worse it might be right Nick steel says they used to race regular in the old days at Bona in Papa New Guinea even had a racetrack in rabul a long long time ago Cy had nearly eat the horses over there huh they they eat lots of different things in Papa guini or they used to what what was the most Rogue thing you reckon what’s that what’s the most Rogue thing you reckon they over there humans outside of humans oh I’m not sure that’s that’s a pretty low low web if they’re doing that but um I can’t I can’t I really can’t get my head around them having us side to be honest bit of a support uh for warrior Al the warrior in the the Queensland hary gold bullion tactics to lead whoever’s at 8 and half thousand on E A Shockers got too much money it’s probably Donny’s bets Donny’s probably just chip chip chipping in from Ella’s World yesterday racing we need I need to find U I don’t know where got no idea where that mode is in he get across and not C too much pressure third is gold four is redif out king franker the inside is Bonnie Ezra length and a half the Regal line followed by June 45 out three wide tap his L on the inside of London Banker three lengths to Captain envious a length and a half further back in the run to alron and they’re clear from tap dood do three L seleno Leng a half to in Fr by l a quarter second now gold two Leng away third is double Cherry length and a half to King Frankle Red Wave on the inside of sh length and a half to Bonnie Ezra followed there by reg line two Ls away many exuses to London Banker l a half June 45 on the captain is back there with him third the inside double Cherry followed there by King Frankl a length on a half two Red Wave on the inside of head shocker further back to Bon Ezra reg line two lengths away to London Banker creeping forward as four wide passing June 45 Captain EnV on the outside of way back King Fran under going forward Bon Ezra at the 350 Mar no alon’s going to win I’ve backed it so i’ run second oh no I’ve I’ve had $50 on it tiny pimple cashew no go Donnie go the Donnie don’t go on Donnie happy to lose to Donnie I’m happy to win for I was happy that that one for my mental health on you Donnie io mate well done Donnie nice got the prize too that’s the that’s the good thing about Bob don’t have to fish the just put Bobby on and off he goes nice win nice ride from Jamie wasn’t it yeah probably lucky it was on the back up with that Fitness because I don’t think it would have got up there a um to 24 with that H speed if it wasn’t in the back up so good ride race worked out perfectly it Dam got a traveling nice watch good stuff mate Walt’s too scared to have a bit yeah what what’s going on hard to defend the crown if you’re not not betting how to make money not betting not against his crew no 4 hours to go still a uh still a very long time corfield about to jump this was one of um DK’s bets from the BET doctor show looks a two horse race episodic comes over from Adelaide look look like winks and it’s um beaten not much I would have thought it’s 250 out 360 and then Arana is uh 5 into 440 that’s DK’s tip um princess ryer has some convictions and then you got subliminal $5 for the inform Jayla Kennedy did you have a look at cor race three at all yeah I thought um it’s I thought episodic had it’s probably work cut out for it like I know it’s been winning well and what but it’s still going to still going to carry 60 kilos so yeah this this time of year it’s you see it more and more the horses that are better off at the weights are favored especially the horses that can claim with the apprentices and get down close to the minimum or underneath not that Aro is claiming here with Jo McNeil but still got three and a half kilos and this time a year that 3 and2 kilos can be the difference between winning and losing it’s interesting what that last race I thought last time it raced at morville was the time Tob back it you sort of have to you have to take a um same price in a much hotter field bits could could get a bit sticky from barrier one too like could be absolute coffin job need d d Lane 12 out of 10 which is possible and then a horse like arwani she can just be sort of up and motoring and off and gone um if if episodic finds sort of any any sort of trouble um yeah from a price point not yeah not overly Keen to play episodic just based on the yeah the extra depth of this field I think DK’s um found a really good bet and can’t I can’t remember if it was like $7 or 6 650 or something like that it was a great each way bet when he when he tipped it on the show on Thursday but the um good support today fives to Fours yeah just flicked off 390 now so we’ll see how the the big gray goes they’re back in they’ve back subliminal as well it’s been eight to 550 look at this muddly run race D Lane is going to be he need Chopper going to need a very loud whistle car is going to get the nice cozy run if it stays there three wide cover that’s the thing D Lane’s going to have horses falling back in his lap you’d think or is he going to ride for lck and hope the heavens open didn’t it he’s got to get up this Arana takes a while to rev it’s F’s back still traveling going to level out hasn’t got past the car yet they’re not going to catch the Apprentice no good she’s a writer of the future Jayla Kennedy she’s so such a good Apprentice she rides real well luxury in it the the current claim especially this time of year M yeah all the good Riders gone no one’s there and she just backs herself in to make good decisions like go back and look at over right on matriarch Rose last week she was happy to sit through wide cuz she knew she was on the best horse she didn’t get bullied into going forward or sneaking back she just sat there and just trusted her horse and there’s not too many apprentices that have the balls to do that have yeah have the have the fortitude to do that starting to get well off the fence there too little Bank update so uh Donnie is the chip leader 6,169 after his $800 bet on he’s a shocker so he got the price there so $800 $3 uh big big push jart Peach Johnny McLoud uh chipping away nicely 5,520 Walt’s got $1,000 in pending bets we’ll get him back on later closer to for Eagle farm so he’s finally going to open the wallet there and um as we sort of mentioned earlier racing R have just got um know these little filthy call them filthy um bow desert um multies that are sort of just up and rolling after theyum Jag the first couple of winners with um twig man um and uh winner of the the first race as well mistrustful but they’re a bit quiet until um Race Six number one which is badges nuts um so trying to find the um the little morals at B desert but um Gordo is obviously very bullish Stephie magnetica and broadsiding so two opposite ends of the spectrum you got Stephy sort of Midfield uh drawing the fence it’s going to be one of those sort of like I wish I win scaros from the Deon 10,000 like she looks like she’s got the class Edge she’s going to be in that spot where she has to try and um make up all the ground can she get to further enough away from that fence how much petrol does she use sort of getting through it and then you’ve got broadsiding who’s going to have to well it’s going to be like a poison chalice sort of job it’ll be perhaps dragged out of the race well back and can he murder over the top fresh he obviously looked good in that trial absolutely steamed broadsiding but um yeah he’s going to he’s going to be facing a task so the class Edge that he perhaps has he’ll he’ll need all of that to overcome them but G can uh God G’s not really hearing any of any of either getting beaten so that’s typical G yeah full full of confidence scared money never wins H got to be confident uh no open bets uh at the moment for John McLoud or Anthony Dawn at uh at this stage just Walt Walt at the moment no word on Rose Hill far away any questions we’ve got a little bit of a break to uh the next it’s uh Eagle Farm how many horses has beggi got in work at the moment um I’d say he’d probably have 40 odd I reckon good numbers y he still likes to ride a lot of work himself and he’s still pretty Prett hands on so and especially that that comes down to uh like what his stable consists of is I know he’s got tried horses but you’ve still got to try and keep the quality on the better side you don’t want to have just lots and lots of horses you want to to a niche Niche sort of Market you need to be getting a return on your investment so the horses are going to pay their way so the more that you have the less hands on you can be sort of thing so yeah yeah uh someone in Walt chat room it’s good I can tell you many stories camo about races in Papa New Guinea especially L and Bona in Port morby KY there’ be some RS over in Papa guini there’d be some serious Dody action happening good God all right we uh we might just while we’ve got um a little bit of time up Our Sleeve I might uh get some lunch ordered I might have a quick bathroom break and we might just take a uh a 5 minute or 7 Minute won’t take 7 minute break and that’ll give us 13 minutes to Eagle farm so it’s already 10 1 so Tom sort of getting away from us here from lunch perspective so I’ll I’ll get the lunch orders in for the boys we’ll have a quick bathroom break and we’ll be back to preview race 4 at Eagle farm and uh it’s still just early days in the Stream thus far and I think it’s going to hot up as the day sort of wears on but tough and testing conditions up at Eagle Farm but uh enjoying the the start nonetheless we’ll see you in a minute e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e give a mic test M tomorrow m m tomorrow welcome back to the Queensland Derby Day Derby Day Derby Day wherever you come from stream and the the favorite saluted here we’re getting a PTO which has been a a uh pretty pretty steady uh contributor for us but uh Gordo is falling out of bed here um and he’s going to take over from sui but uh how are you g uh after seeing the first couple of races at Eagle Farm confidence levels uh low confidence levels um I’m a lot more comfortable with the positions we’ve got going in Bow desert and cans which are looking pretty juicy at the moment uh you forgot a few of those bets there mate but there was about a thousand of them scoot so oh my God trying to get through them all it was like they’re all like 20 $40 multis I was getting dizzy like looking at them yeah yeah yeah there’s a stack of $50 doubles well and they were all running into the first two winners at BO desert there and we’ve got one at can that we like and a couple more at B desert there so um I was happy to play out wide I was saying that for lunch my wife is just making me ham cheese tomato and lettuce sandwiches with uh a little bit of salad cream and some mustard so there you go Airborne um look yeah moving into um look I’m I’m starting to obviously I’m betting at Rose Hill and it was very nice to see France Joseph lob there being on the inside uh which was nice but anyway that’s not what this show’s about uh look I am even Keener now because of the track pattern at Eagle Farm to have a good go at broadsiding yep and it’s actually an interesting thing um guys like I’m Keener on Stephanie magnet because I think it can handle being on the worst part of the track out of barrier to and I don’t think it’s as bad on the inside as um as as people are thinking and I’m expecting by that race the jockeys to all get off Tommy Berry to hunt up on the inside and still be able to get five or six off the fence which still should be good enough for a horse that is clearly the best horse in the race so the two that I liked in the preview we did scoot are still two that I like MH um I’m even more grayed up about the big race uh I really don’t have an opinion there um I’m definitely leaning towards townhous over um uh Autumn angel in race eight but we’re going to be playing a few ruffies which we’ll announce later on in the day and um in race nine look every cat and his dog is ringing me about this calante tell me it’s a moral mate have have you been getting the same phone calls um yeah like I think we sort of spoke about it earlier I’m not sure if we’re I think we were off a talking about it when we were just having a look at the speed maps and stuff like that but um obviously a horse that’s um that’s got plenty of talent and if it’s if it’s there and if it’s ready it’s 100% looks like it’s in the race up up to its eyeballs I think it’s um got a got a stack of ability both love the horse um yeah comrade Rosa map’s in a real tricky position but you know she she looks like she’s set up to win and um yeah see I’ve had to adjust her price out now because of the barrier three Yeah you sort I mean these little subtle adjustments you do during the program um yeah look I mean I don’t like I don’t like betting on inside info or anything like that but um it means something and it does probably first up it’s it’s handy to know if um I guess they’re screwed down so I guess yeah I can sort of that probably the only time that you’d really that I’d lean on it more heavily if it’s if it is first up so she is a she is a horse that holds a Str broke nomination so if they’ve got aspirations to go to a race like that you’d expect there to be winning the last today yeah bloody o mate uh and really interesting my my overseas guy or my European guy tells me that he reckons this number three Adelaide River has a stack of ability and if it’s anywhere near ready um it should be winning saying that um from little stuff that we’ve been looking at I’m suggesting it won’t be 100% Prime for this race number three Adelaide River yep really scary horse so we’re just going to go with the like you know Fitness running really well this preparation um shock him over um and sui is actually pretty keen on this one he’s he’s he’s very keen to have something on it I had to calm him down a little bit and just invest a little bit less because I was scared of Adelaide River and uh he reckons a ruffy with a good chance his number seven Knight’s choice so we’ve had a little play on those two horses but because of the question marks about three we just didn’t want to get heavily involved yeah fair enough I could understand cuz all the talk was that Adela River was going to go straight to the Q 22 before his aspirations in the in the spring of the corfield cup Melbourne cup and then it’s like to me for him to come here he’s obviously not quite at the Mark that they would want him to to be winning the q22 in a few weeks time so I think this might be a bit of a barrier trial is isn’t it just so interesting but because you’re thinking like how bit does it have to be to win the race as well like is 80% enough for this horse this kind of horse so it’s a it’s a dilemma but a dilemma that and where you’re happy to sort of bet around it I suppose you do you do look at the ownership group and see that there’s uh there some Heavy Hitters involved yes yes you think this one might go pretty good because they’ve got the old Ban back together but I was pretty Keen to have a two bit play in the race I think shock over and just folk um they’ve got that Fitness and uh I like Nash going back on just folk alluded to on my podcast um on Thursday night I’m a massive fan of Mark Zar and I love him as jockey but I don’t think he gave just folk as good a ride as probably what he could have last start um took away his sort of ace by riding him in in behind him rather than taking up taking up the running when there was a lack of speed in the race so um I think Nash back on where he won on him at kemer um 1800 me is probably his perfect perfect distance I would say and his rockard fit and the jar out of the track is perfect for him so you you’re talking to a Nash lover here you know like seriously I mean I know he’s not he’s not been firing as much as he was a few months ago but the guy’s just a God man and the fact that he always goes map positive on his horses just it’s just my kind of jockey you know Nash get cash yeah yeah exactly I mean even Nigel named his son after Nash so that’s how much money Nigel’s made out of him so um yeah um interesting race if you hold on for a sec I’m actually going to get yard information in a sec for that um we might uh for that Brisbane race uh yeah it’s just come through now cool we’ll a quick look at the speed map and then you can read that and um get that to us so Magnus spin looks like it’s going to take things up here just folk uh in the mix also and then you’ve got zoom on desert icon Lions rural probably hold the fence there and then yeah you got the big chasing pack with L’s eaglemont Knights choice is there and then Adelaide River the uh the scary import um we’ll need to try and find a bit of cover there and then uh you’ve got shakam overa uh out the back so wow it’s um yeah it’s an intriguing race there’s always been a big boom about shock overa so we’ll get to see how good he is today because the way the truck is and the amount of petrol that he’s going to have to burn uh will be significant but he’s sort of another horse that wouldn’t surprise you to um you know aim up at a corfield cup in the future G uh what’s the what are the yard yeah we have the yard and that’s just a complete gray up for me now with the yard coming through now if I was personally going to bet into this race rather than being in a competition I just wouldn’t bet because the males come through number three Adelaide River outstanding order Fitness not an issue so that’s a little bit scary so um look personally I I wouldn’t bet in the race I just watch but um look um you know uh we’re not here to we’re here to bet aren’t we and we love to bet exactly yeah that’s what we’re going to do anyway I’ll better go guys see you outstanding stuff so uh Su vogan which which is the the uh the alter eag of G for um today’s uh playing is uh is pretty keen on shock over so he’s at 300 on shakova he’s had 75 on Knight’s Choice um John McLoud has got no action I’m sure that Walt is somewhere in the background here uh he’s uh he he’s he’s spent a few ball in this race too so he’s had um 800 best of the best on shamova he’s had 100 on lions raw he’s had 100 on Adam no he said um 300 in total on Adelaide River uh are you with us Walt no oh good is Jane yeah I just saw as well and Sh but yeah it’s An Almighty drift on sh overa I just thought just only just runs the trip if it does thought it was vulnerable L is always vulnerable L ni order ni Choice second up not knocking it8 but the vulnerable territory Express I I think he’s killed it uh it’ll probably be last have to round him up so I thought shamov was a good bet by default if Adelaide River wasn’t here to win and looking at it say just might win by default and yes so I was happy to bet up sh over save on get half my money back if ad River won and something result if Li R wins but I’ve had to have top up on ad River after looking at a breade yeah and then Donny’s just had a um annoying little $300 bet on on Adelaide River to so uh he might be getting some yard information there as well but um one of yours well cigar flick at Rose Hill Bobs up at 20 to1 yeah it was findable if you go back and watch its last start Reggie just did nothing on it until let it run on last 200 I think it absolutely jumped out of the ground so it was findable but it was always going to be back and silly it was a big price hard to bet there today now yeah you obviously got got a bit of bit of fan mail in here Max Mini Niko qualified for this role as co-host um Niko is bought actually going to back a winner today so bit of Banda from your podcast someone else is saying that uh K alonto has got the Jolly star form we saw how good jolly star was so yes been off the scene for a while but interesting hearing that um mail from from gourd um saying that it’s uh it’s ready ready to rumble and uh interesting here to see that this horse strips um pretty fit [ __ ] is a good looking horse in River fascinating right can’t uh can’t wait to see this one I think I think I’ve I think I had something I might have had Donny’s horse into shock him over Donny’s horse last night and to shock him over taking the worst price on the planet which gives it an extra few lengths got 30 seconds to jump here I’m the yard watch jez it looks nice isn’t it at River yeah good looking HS where do they Reon does it go forward or back no I think it’s going to be back especially from the gate 1800s is going to be well I think it’s going to be too short it’s going to be the horse that’s going to have the Flash and light on it and everyone’s going to want to pile into it in the q22 what price is it for the q22 that’s probably something worth looking at look like sweating up a little bit behind the Gates what’s it like up there today Don group one dildo can get it home is it raining the goldie no kind Ling I just had to look the radar there’s a fabit coming but looks like brisbane’s gonna looks like brisbane’s going to miss it there’s a big storm Mount past I switch and a storm out to sea hopefully it goes around I switch well hopefully it hits it just for the um entertainment day looks like most of the rain if if it hits it’ll be 4 5:00 even later looks like it’s going to hit later looks like it’s going to hit maybe 6 or 7:00 the rain so maybe this is what where get yeah we don’t really want any more rain still no um still no action from uh Team McLoud here they’re betting in race six but um keeping powder dry there in uh in race four uh and no further action from the r just doing around the grounds last minute checking no sneaky sneaky vets so yeah Adelaide River shock them over lines raw Knights Choice very small for racing rant um fascinating uh contest desert icon both big just focus going forward quickly Lun is Handy zoom on stoked up and coming over his Magnus spim a length a half desert icon on the riv a long way back on the inside of Jimmy Cleland wi last of all so just f second ISU temp got the drop on [Music] shot this is exactly at least just folks going to be given every possible this time this is what he should have done last time like he’s a horse that doesn’t have a change up speed he just holds his speed like doesn’t have a turn like he doesn’t have a turn at foot rolling horse yeah that’d be a p zoom on I clear from ad River next the inside there is territory Express back third last clel make over back got horse herey Nash come on Nash how’s converge come on Nash go on go on keep kicking keep steering into the side of the track he’s doing that fence there we go well done that’s one for the listeners there’s your winner5 filthy old converge Jimmy HRI Cleveland ion a rsch good made some honor in just folk they paid they paid 200 for him and I think after the win at Hawks spry they were already up to 4 440 or so then what’s he ran he’s ran second in a group two last start and then he’s won that today so he’s got to got to close on another 200 probably jumping in yeah great last two starts great result for everyone he um niik n will be will be sping they were under B on him I reckon yeah they they were pretty they were pretty Keen to B so they’re a bit sick but um yeah he’s been a good purchase and he’s doing a good job with him have B good well you they got some cash the Williams crew they can find a camel though can’t they pretty horses don’t win your races yeah there’s a couple of but you can see as soon as the acid test went on he was going to be under pressure and that always had to be a query yeah Nash gave that a perfect ride like he he went he went so solid enough clip that it’s it still suits his or say gav you know son good to see underdogs wining poor old G G will be a bit uh be great up with his man Nash winning that one that old converge just yeah so TR trying to make sense of uh the racing rants uh gazillion multis badges nuts as a leg that they’ve got r in race six at BO desert uh hidden melody is another horse that they’ve got uh in race 8 at BO desert um there’s literally three pages of 20 and $40 multis twole multis um badges badges nuts is a key leg for them with hidden melody um trying to find the um the cans B that the run the cord reference before and struggling to um looks like it’s race five number two under the limit in cans so badges nuts under the limit the horses of um big interest and then hidden melody Rose Hill is off is it yeah jewry just bolted in corfield must have got whatever they wanted out of the way a wall wall must have got cigari home and then he told him to cancel him talk about an underrated hoop D stack out see he’s absolutely flying God they’ve um GTH Wes have lost so many meetings like Northern Rivers a lost God I would I would thought 30 um just endless right New South Wales let’s smack them they got to they got to stop cloud seating cropped a bit of bit of turbulence across New South Wales yesterday after that flight overseas with that person like SN there next she the seat belt on nice and tight there yesy a couple of surrounded by all breeders and everyone from the Gold Coast May sale those heaps of horsey people on um on the plane yeah crazy some of these prices with these Mires like just unbelievable you can if you end up if you like if I was having this conversation with a couple of Mees not long ago like if you to buy a yearing now don’t you wouldn’t even worry about buying a cult like like the chances of finding the cult that’s going to end up being the stallion of M minuscule you might as well just get a Philly race her on if you can get a City win if you manage to get some sort of black top with her you’re off you’re off they just worth so much money off it’s nuts [ __ ] she’s I think I think um we might just go to a quick five minute break cuz the foods here in the Uber man’s trying to find us so we’ll be back in uh in 5 minutes we got Donnie is the uh the leader here but racing around got some multis live and uh the boys have started to Pepper in the next couple races so it’s going to get pretty hot here soon but uh we might just take a uh a quick 5 or 10 minute break for lunch we’ll see you soon guys e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome back to uh Queensland Derby Day uh stream good news for racing Queensland uh they’ve put the line through the rest of the Ros Hill card so we’re going to get more yard and more coverage on uh the eagle Farm program which is beautiful business for us so make sure uh you’re tuning in top Sport and getting on your Best of the Best Bets there some wild fluctuations at the moment and uh obviously the the uh the fence is off better than a pardon me better than a uh a dynamite leaders track but um yeah uh it’s going to be fascinating uh for the next 3 hours uh we’ve got the size proi Stakes coming up next let’s um let’s get the uh the speed map up here and it’s looks like it’s a capacity field here and yeah be interesting to see if there’s some a couple of um different changes in in tactics here how they ride Alto and Elmore Zilla will be interesting there up at the front half of the race meast star heart is mapped to lead with Cosmic fire um the um the interesting horse here is definitely broadsiding coming back from uh the group one champagne Stakes gets a similar scenario rain affected track but um he’s going to have to sort of make all and there hasn’t been too many horses that have been able to make up significant gr today obviously Po and chalice was a massive run in uh the first but a couple of bubbles burst in the last race there with shock over disappointing Adelaide River also and um really good front running ride from naal so i’ be interested to see if um jockey start to switch up tactics or a couple of these back markers try and settle a little bit closer and sort of marked urgent from the gates Angel capital’s an interesting Runner it’s mapped a little bit more forward than broadsiding the big query I had on that Runner was um getting e h into the uh the wet deck he’s still so raw makes plenty of mistakes in his races but yeah he’s a horse that I thought might be better on top of the ground I think he’s he’s going to be a pretty nice horse once he’s a full package but yeah he’s start he’s last start performance he had bu no idea what he was doing he was um green as grass but broadsiding um gour sort of declared it on on the B doctor show and you’re sort of heavily with him or um yeah what yeah you’re sort of in the brutal bowler elore Zillow Angel Capital camps to try and get him beat yeah this is what we alluded to off the top that um that he’s going to be one of these flushy horses that you’re either going to look back on and um I think the pric is are luxury or you want to heavily better around but I think um I’m not too too worried about the Gate of course he’s going to need a little bit of luck and you just hope that it’s not a barrier trial for the Atkins but this horse has got a fair bit of ability he’s a group one winner so that’s without saying but um yeah I just think he’s he’s proper a like look at him prance around there in the M AR he’s just a ball of muscle like speed on speed um If Looks or anything to go by he’ll win by the furong but uh yeah um this wasn’t an afterthought from the stable I thought that that it might have been but it was all the set plan to go to the size under the JJ cuz they they really want to spruce up to darn hot as a stallion obviously one of their own at Dary so um yeah I don’t as long as Jamie gives him a good ride um I think he should be far too good for these yeah it’s uh it’s Matt and C IR ances look to be his um biggest uh biggest hurdles here so um he’s such an an easy horse to find and he’s already got that uh that tick in that wet track box so interesting we sort of spoke about it earlier um and Donnie sort of had a good look at the radar and thinks that the rain’s going to miss and the forecast is sort of pushed further back and it looks like uh the Brisbane rain might hit at 6 and 7:00 tonight so we’ll be long gone by then um you’ll be down at herbar doing your best with the uh the misses and and uh I’ll be probably tucked up in bed but um gour at the moment in the racing rant team they’ve had 600 broads broadsiding best of the best uh wouldn’t not surprise me if they if they press again uh from the yard and from the parade obviously the ramp boys have got men all across the country and uh knowing god is uh very aggressive and very opinionated so if he’s marked at moral and the gets a last tick of approval from the parade I can easily see him having a th000 or 2,000 on and sort of anchoring his day around this horse um and it’d be pretty gray if it comes out and wins and he hasn’t done that based off of what he said on the um on the BET doctor podcast on Thursday and he already alluded to the fact that he thinks the track is playing fair enough or um the right way for the barrier to sort of be uh offset here so having a look at uh John mccloud’s uh uh back end or his account he’s keeping his power to drive for this race at the moment but again another yard Watcher uh Donnie has been playing some multis with um with with broadsiding um into uh Stephie magnetica and um the other horse that he likes here he’s sort of going outside the the market a bit here and he’s um Joma alpage is the uh the horse he likes here at 50 to1 so it’s been 50s into 40s he’s taken that Best of the Best and that brings that was the horse that uh was a big plunge horse I think I think it was um $26 into about $6 in the Ken Russell had I think it just was in the wrong part of the track for memory on that uh that heavy deck behind alov so uh obviously it’s got some sort of ability but it’s another big step up here um they’ve always had it’s always had a big boom on at the tooro horse but um uh moreal a mental health bet from Donny’s only having sort of $30 on it um and looking John Walters Bing history obviously uh bad result for him uh in in the last race and he looks like he’s um yeah sort of playing around the uh the eagle Farm quadrella um which is which is exciting and uh he’s obviously playing around broadsiding here and he’s backed um Elmore Zillow multiple times so it looks like he’s uh had sort of $300 there but um he’s he’s banking on the uh the quty quite quite heavily here and he’s updated balances down to um $2,200 so fascinating and um we can get some um thoughts from from John in a second around uh his his his qu strategy uh which I think is yeah it’s that sort of day at deagle Farm where if you want to try and get a horse like autom Angel Beat um it could pop and pay anything you just got to try and land on that on that right uh right roughy in the derby so away from her um yeah there’s a lot of value to be had so I assume that he’s um sort of thinking along those lines and then um yeah how how aggressive he’ll go on a horse like Stephie magnetica and then how many options he takes through the um kingford Smith will we’ll find out soon but um no dramas from uh from the parade uh with his favorite broadsiding um we might get um might get Gordo or um or sui on the line Looks like um looks like the racing ran is starting to chipping quties as well so they’ve got about $300 worth of quties lined up and good good good good s um have you been getting any intelligence out of the eagle Farm yard I I sort of mentioned that you guys might chip up broadsiding already got $600 uh pending at the moment but um thoughts here yeah G’s Keen uh I’m not so Keen uh so we’ got to go with the captain here he’s he’s all over it I was a little bit worried about some of those barrier stats from out there and also when you got it’s obviously well I think the best horse and you got it com from a wide gate and the you don’t know which Grand final day it’s a little concerned so uh i’ I’m happy personally to play around but G’s Ken’s mustard so we’re going with the captain yeah right so outside of broadsiding which horses over peal or or pick your interest I’m not a real big two and threey old man I don’t mind the grand finals slippers s those races so I had three equal favorites I had broadsiding bter Creek and El Zillow all equal the the markets bound a lot of those so I can’t find a little value uh the two value Runners for me were the four alof and also something the 18 Joma Alpa Alpa y yeah I’ll be probably specting those it’s not a really big race for me but more than happy to take some value there yeah that’s that’s something that Nick just alluded to that is the query with broadsiding um JJ hackins way more important for this horse so not knocking it around and maybe not stirring it up so just hope it’s not a barrier draw yeah and that’s I guess that’s a another thing that you’re betting yeah betting heavily against the the intent factor which is also important I also thought like close to $4 is good enough odds to find out even around that sort of $3 Mark now I still think $3 for the clearly the best horse in the race by a few lengths is still a good enough price to find out in my humble opinion s is is this your Mastery the the bow desert uh race eight number 11 hidden Mel Melody and cans race 5 number two it was under the Limit Oh not the cans one I had the I had twig earlier I was I said to go this is my best of the day uh twig man so we got that one and then I went and had a look after the scratchings cuz I saw the field it’s like 20 Runners and I said I’m not sitting here doing that and then it got scratched down to about 10 Runners so went and found that other one I saw 330 on top sport this morning and I went called gold up said have a look at this horse and all of a sudden I come back and had a look it was $240 so I missed the price there but I think it uh it’s a really good play uh and and these uh these horses that you got running obviously um badges nuts is the other one B is at race six so all three horses um what have you got what you got them running for collect wise a lot uh so of course we’ve got The Trebles going as well so we’ve got the $50 doubles going into them so you have probably have you know three or four or around the $300 Mark running into there then you got The Trebles running in as well uh so uh it’s I haven’t worked out exactly how much it is but it could be some pretty good collects if if one of them come in enough enough to win the tournament would you you Breeze past $10,000 no not enough to win uh depends uh you could see a lot of late big beds on rougher horses particularly if you’re behind so the the last couple of races are going to be very interesting when uh you got the guys with you know maybe five or 600 in the in their kitty having a crack uh trying to trying to take over so we’ll be interesting to see what happens at the end there and what’s your thoughts around um the the Derby Autumn Angel are you in the uh the backing column or you can to take her on you’re Ling I’ve gone a couple of ways originally I was all over the toppy uh then I was all over the other one over the Philly and then I kind of now bit off both of them it’s it’s hard these ders like they all hate the distance they all never going to run over again they’re all going to be, 1600 meter horses next prep it’s like what do you do then you got the moonlight magic coming over with the DF got warmonger coming here as well really hard to line those up I thought the the win was going to come from those four but I’ll wait and see post it to the race I think Tan’s the best value at the moment I’ve got Auto mael slightly on top but what I do before the race I’m not sure yeah it’s a yeah it’s a definite head scratcher around away from Autumn Angel the favorite and yeah we probably uh and and that gate one’s just um yeah a further query it’ll take one of marks AR’s best but if you know have anyone that’s having a weaving run or a run back in the field to try and find that ground he’s definitely the man for the job MZ you’d sort of rather him on rather than any other jockey in Australia I would have thought all right good luck in this race and we’ll be keeping out eyes peeled there’s another 350 that uh has just lobbed into the um the the top sport account of the racing rant team so they’ve chipped up again which is typical GD and so they’ve um they got a total of 950 so almost 20% of their starting Bank on broadsiding so good to see that uh he stepped into the horse uh Walt are you still uh are you still with us he’s still cranky he’s just been backing this thing off the map yeah he’s he’s he he’s um he’s just um sitting there with the almost equal staking on Elmore Zillow and um broadsiding and I can’t really hear I think he’s um left me on mute or he’s talking on the uh the kick Stream So if you can turn your mic up Walt that would be uh handy and you might need to um take a few notches off your um mood lighting cuz can’t hear you and can barely see you with the uh pasty illuminated skin he must be talking in his um in his kick stream there but um Walt’s Walt’s definitely siding with broadsiding here he’s had 450 on it and then he’s had uh $310 by the look of it on uh Elmore Zillow or sorry two2 $210 what price did he back um broadsiding it better than the current quote obviously Bob yeah yeah so quite a quite a few of the guys have run all over Bob here so um nearly every um every competitor has already had a bul bet and still no action from John McLoud he’s going to keep his powder dry in this one so that said he’s um he’s just slipped in a little $100 bet at $115 fixed on smashing Time new castles off as well now is it yeah beautiful that’ be just absolutely looking L the eagle Farm here Sher Wall’s just gone through the roof come on we just need to get broadsiding home here we’ll just really get a bit of momentum happening I got nearly even money for this to place this morning what’s up broadsiding oh yeah great betting you know what usually happens when this sh [ __ ] happens carve up carve up job this gee this this will make or break a lot of punn his day today this is a uh a big one just Just a Touch obvious for mine $2 a place looks good clearly but um wouldn’t he yeah I think he just has to be as good as um just got to run up to his form yeah nothing silly Jamie come on Ang you cap was firm enough in the market I I thought it’d um I keep crunching this Mega star heart I just hope this isn’t a repeat of the last race where they they go quick and they suck the juice out of him look at these things going like cut cats $19 $165 b ceks a long a lot further forward than what he was last start mozill is in a good spot Jamie needs to get a bit of a cart to the race which she’s going to get she jees it’s Trucking Angel capital’s going backwards but what happens now to it I just don’t think he handle the track Capital she’s got she got all what she going to do here come on get out come on just had she just lost lost a bit of ground there trying to out come on pick him up come on come on well G with it good girl big win what a win Big Win done done well that was exactly was it was it Walt or Gordo that said that they knew they in the preview they they weren’t worried cuz they knew that the horse could sustain a long run yeah that was good and it was exactly right cuz she she she half wobbled on the bend and she had a bit of trouble getting out and the class just shines through there m there’s a fair few horses that just didn’t run out that, 1400 M looking at that there something about her hands horses this travel the track’s still playing relatively fair cuz those horses up the inside aren’t massively disadvantage like they can it’s not like they’re falling out the screen like they’re probably even getting a lane closer what a life James Cummings lives imagine just having your own personal driver you look at that one of the best form gurus in the world Dominic burn is doing all your form you just got to Simply turn up and train je it had a bit on him didn’t it every chance she’s walk the track that looks like a specific linee she’s gotten out to Jesus Christ it’s going to go off a pretty short quot in the um jjin is it there is not I just where’s where’s the other Challenger going to come from it’ll be two on tops W it don’t forget Jack I think I don’t think he can beat I don’t think he can beat it no that’s a that’s as impressive as uh as you can get you’re praying that you’re praying that a horse like that gets is it’s over the top that’s the only way a horse that’s get be what’s the wrap up there goody what’s that sorry R boys had a th000 on yeah yeah the um anyone unload on that other than the r boys no John M um John mlad stayed out actually which was um interesting Walt Walt had 400 on it um and then you played that uh that double into stiffy stiffy magnetica so you got 350 into uh 350 broadsiding into stiffy I backed it the win as well oh did you oh maybe did my personal account no you can put me on scoot if you want no you did no you won a th000 you returned a th000 uh yeah Gordo uh it’s trumpet time for you mate that was um good to watch and Nikki mwal just pump your ties up that uh you read it like a spot the dog book mate um the 600 M Sprint was was just telling wasn’t it just one big long sustained run and I just out stay them all there was just so many horses in that race that just didn’t run the 1400 out good just a a great betting opportunity uh in that race and that is you know as long as you can get over barrier the barrier then you declare it uh saying that I wish I was as aggressive as you are mate because um if you notice I only chopped up by 350 so uh we only had $950 on itas after the race so so you know everybody out there Gordo beds like a girl well you had sui sort of you had sui trying to swing off the back of you he was there was a bit of a dragon on your coattails from sui like he was um a bit unsure but um yeah um the thing is scared it it was kind of disappointing because I was trying to back it for myself everywhere and um you know in between doing that and doing all the stuff for racing rant it was um was not an ideal betting situation uh like like uh for the team there but um I mean that’s that’s a great bet um and I should have done what you said I mean didn’t you say good Gordo’s going to have another thousand on this for sure he’s going to pop it up to 1600 just like when I heard that I was like I’m not going to do that I’m not gonna do I’m GNA be conservative I’m gonna Mark lambor the bet you know yourself up the old should have had more on don’t call me [ __ ] go mate and by the way um the uh sor I don’t know the the guy who’s sitting his name the guy who’s sitting next to you Nick Nick mcwalter Nick Nick also a Nick we love Nick’s here we got Nick to because I mean he his information on just folk I mean it won like a dead set money mate like Matt positive Nash on it kicked at the right time what a beautiful bet that was um I hope he got on early because it was truck loaded as well so um man that was awesome Nick so great work well that’s that’s what I alluded to like on the on my podast on Thursday night that’s especially last start that’s why I was so angry with Zara’s ride like he’s a he’s a brilliant jockey and like you know you’re going to trust them to make the best decisions but just folks Ace up his sleeve is to be ridden exactly how Nash rode him today that’s how he rode him when he won at kembla and that’s how that’s that’s why he won the race today cuz he went fast enough in front he doesn’t have that electric change up speed he just keeps grinding them into the ground and you saw he took sh over an Adela River out of their comfort zone they were under pressure and they couldn’t Chase and how good Nick the way Nash wrote it as well like um to get the momentum up at the right time as you say and then just not dramatically Drift But just like gradually ease to that better part of the ground um just a perfect clock in his head you can just see that he had I don’t know I don’t know I think Nick’s first child might be called Nash as well he just gave it a good ride and I’m just stoked for like as I said I got mates in the horse and got quite a good relationship with gav and obviously race horses with him and it’s just good to see these these stories for horses like you know they paid 200,000 for him and probably earn 600 or so now after I know they were about 440 after they won at Kemo and he ran second last start in the the race escapes me and they won today so probably at least another 200 would have jumped in those last two starts yeah but Nick it’s more about the fun isn’t it race ownership you you can Jag a lottery ticket every once in a while but it’s it’s about fun absolutely and they’ve been lucky like my mates who were in it they had Kats which they paid 25,000 for and they’ve earned 525 and they’ve obviously had the good flip with him well I mean if anybody’s been out there um obviously you guys know that that’s a dicko horse that one that is that correct y y yeah cuz I mean I went out to the sales with dico probably five or six years ago and we went around looking at horses now it’s not something I do I’m a guy and a video guy you know what I mean I’m not into that style of stuff but wow it’s interesting everybody if you get the opportunity to walk around with a guy that’s used to looking at horses and just uh it’s a fantastic uh learning experience and really good fun and they generally have pretty good bars at those places as well which I enjoyed and credit to Dio as well like he hasn’t been someone who’s been in the racing industry’s whole life he sort of made his own way in the game and and sort of self-taught a lot obviously he’s got advice along the way and stuff like that but it is a credit to him and and and everyone at the mailbag as well as gav involved like it’s it’s not easy it’s not easy the tri horses Nick he was trained in the mountain yard for the mountain yard male by the the king of the mountain yard male um I remember him going out there with GP Glen pollet who just trained the syndicates uh yard watches and all that kind of stuff and and and Glenn was training him for about a month and um yeah it’s just awesome to see see that success which is which is great saying that who cares about that it’s all about broadsiding guys exactly right it’s just good like it’s just good that you know the rant services and you know the John Walters and the mcbetts and Little Birdies and you know you’re starting your stuff like and and that’s why we sort of campaign so heavily for punters cuz it just brings all these new people in more people in everyone shares different ideas everyone has sort of ups and down days no one’s a genius all the time but people just want to you know to keep learning keep evolving and and to keep on Bing but like you just you just never stop you never stop absorbing information learning grafting and and try and you know jump on to edges then one door closes then another Edge sort of pops up but God it’s as Mark lambor continually says like it’s just this amazing endless puzzle that everyone loves and that’s what that’s why we we’re so adamant that we need just to keep the foot on the the prize money a little bit so the taxes don’t just um butcher us all out of the game cuz it is it’s oh definitely and and people I mean get tired with a a pretty bad brush as far as um our industry is concerned and that is so wrong like we’ve had people email videos in and and um and tell us about their 95y old grandmothers who just love having a b and get so much joy about it they don’t bet above their means or anything like that it’s just an absolute pleasure and some enjoyment for them later on in life and they’ve been doing it for 60 years it’s a brilliant game we’re in um and you know well we need people like you scoot to to promote OTE these things we need people like Richie Irvine to fight for our betting rights um I’ll let them do it and I’ll just focus on finding horses like broadside good thing to do they’re good boys at wolfon Richie and Taylor Legend yeah yeah yeah they’re good and and by the way they’re doing the same thing by promoting it to like a like I mean obviously the rant is more about like professional semi-professional kind of people but um yeah they’re actually like aiming their stuff at sort of like people who are getting involved which I think is a brilliant thing and we all need it cuz we all want turnover so we had we had Kingsley on the podcast about poor must have been back in the back in the Autumn and then I think a couple of weeks ago um Kingsley and fizzer went on the podcast when I was away having a little freshen up and yeah the they’re just a good bunch of boys you know they don’t think they’re bigger and better than anyone else and they’ve got a lot of skin um in the industry and what they’re trying to provide with their service is just a community really they just want people to have a bet and and you know just likeminded people to talk and and bounce ‘s off each other and just create a nice little Haven for punters and it’s it’s a great it’s a great idea hey Gore just quickly there’s a there’s a question in the chat room um I’m not sure who’s who’s submitted it but someone just said when are you going to take your skirt off and have a real bet well I totally agree with you I totally agree with you the the thing is scared I did have a real bet but 20% of the it’s weird no but guys you other guys must F find it as well I don’t like betting with other people’s money it um it makes me nervous think about that GTO like you know if it’s your own then you’re like okay I’ve made my decision I’ve done the analysis I’m willing to bet but when it’s other people’s money people don’t understand that they think there’d be more pressure with your own there isn’t no like I care more about about theirs than I do mine yeah it’s definitely um it’s definitely a big Challenge and yeah hats off to you boys for all having a crack and um yeah do doing it in like a realistic way um some people just want us to go chips in go boom boom boom and it just it just doesn’t work that way and you can look like a fool pretty quickly and dust the bank off um really really quickly they only take me two bad decisions see theoretically we started with $5,000 and I had 950 on it which is just short of 20% of of total Bank on the day you know what I mean like still a very big risk that’s that’s a very big bet you know uh but people don’t want to see that they want us to just blast and whatever and I understand that they want the entertainment value of it but um that’s okay you’re trying to get to Hong Kong Sparks can fly late in the day anyway you still have to we’re not even in the quarter yet there’s still lots of racing to go oh no no no we and we’re going to have a good time man we’re going to have a good time we’re we’re sitting in some reasonable positions right now particularly with some of of those all UPS going uh and for me yeah now I’ve got to give a shout out I’d say single-handedly um sui and Caz our two Hong Kong pros and they are big time Pros I’d say single-handedly they’ve got the turnover up on with Australian bookmakers in Hong Kong dramatically and um that’s a good thing too man because we’ love turnover yeah it did be amazing if you could collate like all the put all the shows all these little um I guess online shows it’d be amazing what what a turnover driver it would be it’s it’d be astronomical to figure you like having a double over in Hong Kong Gordo I I love Hong Kong guys uh but I don’t have enough time to do it thoroughly so pretty much what I’ll do is like um and um and S will say you might be interested in this race Gordo and then I’ll do the vids and do the form and the data um cuz you just can’t do everything these days it’s um too hard the W it’s too hard the Wednesday night’s just a kill up the Wednesday nights once it clicks over to those later meetings it’s just brutal when just the nature of like it Wednesday acceptances and then Thursday Friday in the back end of the week it’s I just I I find the Sunday’s manageable but the Wednesday’s just Savage the Wednesday Wednesday Happy Valley they all take their turn yeah oh well I mean I you know I have a couple of little things I look for in Happy Valley which I won’t talk about here but um uh um my thing is you finish betting at 1:00 in the morning you’re still on a high cuz you’ve been bet and I can’t go to sleep straight away you know what I mean so I’ve got to put a movie on after that then I’m in bed by 3:00 and then there’s so much work to be done on a Thursday um it is difficult unless you cheat uh saying that I I just uh by the way I love listening to you guys and and by the way I love John Walter he doesn’t know it but I do love him he’s a he’s a reded he’s a great golfer and he’s a fantastic man and if GP says he likes somebody’s tweets they must tweet pretty bloody good anyway I’ll be on a break for a little while guys for for an hour or so whatever I’m going to chill out so um I’ll see you in about an hour or so great stuff good luck hope uh hope you get the result beautiful uh the little nice little polish there for uh John Jane Walter I love you too Gordo I love you too how how are you over there Walt up in Sunny Gold Coast you got your had a redheaded loving moment there what happened don’t know something I didn’t see coming we thought you must have been busy counting your cash you didn’t want to talk to us anymore all I heard was I think I love John Walter or something and that always perks my attention good definitely not in this house yeah the broadsiding obviously um a good result no qu not quite quite a launch job for you but um what price does he start in the JJ Atkins do you get is it $150 is it a130 is it a120 it’s just nothing you think there’s a big chance the field size will not be anywhere near as big either right so few out they’ll probably aim up at smaller Target so you know if it ends up at 10 or field it’ll start nice and short yeah um sorry I’m just putting quty numbers up for people as well uh anything else what’s happening oh it’s with the quty um not not a a little little bit of an outlay on the qu for you um bit skinny the first couple of legs and what’s your um what’s your theory you you going to try and get be around autum Angel well magic times is my best way and then yeah I’m gone a bit like played a lot of combinations through magic time and then yeah it’s skinnier I guess with the others just because trying to get get him sort of going but um you know Stephy magnetica and uh if def new wins I’m probably in a decent spot and if magic time wins I should be in a decent spot as well that’s probably the keys the first two legs because they look a bit more manageable don’t they the last couple look pretty pretty scary so just trying to get a get in and then stay alive track looks pretty good for a horse like magic time I know John McClair didn’t give it much love on the show on uh on Thursday he’s sort of chips in in secret it’s going to be testing for in secret first up 1300 on on that sort of deck I would have thought yeah I think it’s it’s probably definitely playing pretty testing it’s um I think that was a pretty good win broad sighting nothing else seemed so they all wanted to cut through the middle didn’t know they were scared to come wide and did it anyway but uh you think she’s going to be in the right spot whether that’s third fourth fifth six and get a chance and the others got to kind of make decisions so yeah I just thought she was worth taking the risk uh we and and trying to get it going for a a little result yeah the um let’s have a look at the speed map here we got 12 minutes until Race Six don’t go anywhere though Walt I’ll um I’ll get your opinion on uh on this race but Schwarz and the instructor look like the speed according to John McLoud on the pting form speed map here um Celli is going to be handy there Wile tiger looking to get in to party we spoke about that off air is the horse still alive what’s happening with it at the moment abounding is one of mine he’ll sit Midfield stiffy Maga it’ll be dra on the fence and be looking to uh try and get into the right part of the track and uh then you got like a big closing Brigade with Snow Patrol who’s sort of back from the abyss M’s been one of Walts roll on high I definitely think it’s completely dead and not sure um the horse probably knows what it’s doing it’s um it’s been a hell of a prep from from that horse after a pretty eye-catching run first up but um thoughts in uh thoughts thoughts on this race well uh yeah I think they’ll go much quicker than people anticipating I think they’ll be good pressure so I think everyone will get the chance and then I just hope they don’t ride Stephie magnea Too Close you know because they’ve got that W she tracked up behind them in the what race was that the uh the printer Series race where he got beat by gays anyway that was just a completely different race he was F6 up there and they walked whereas here second up 14 she’s going to be more vulnerable and I think faster tempo so I’m hoping they sort of a little bit more patient with her and let her work into the race and us to turn a foot I think that’s probably the key to the whole race if they ride her too close I think she could be could be vulnerable late where changes the whole race do you think you’re going to be betting into this race obviously nothing pending yet do you think you think you do you think you going to have a bit in the r yeah okay quties only I’m to have a running away now mate yeah 800 best of the best uh from Team rant and obviously um as as mentioned previously uh it looks like I think Donnie Donnie uh Donny’s probably got he’s got 350 worth of uh Bob all UPS from um from broadsiding as well so looks like the the top flock there was 310 so he’s got um 1,85 and I think he’s had that best of the best as well on Stephie magnea so he’s looking for a nice little result there top flock is 320 and it’s just sort of gone off there so not sure what’s going to happen with the totes but um given she’s got that um pretty strong W rage form I think she’s going to um yeah be pretty pretty firm in the market starti looked okay on the parade I’ve had I’m pretty Keen to get involved in this race I thought I want to oppose Stephie magnetica um I’ve had three bets in the race my main two bets of back to party I’m I’m excited now that I think that that his Lane’s going to be um in play he’s going to be somewhere out near where broadside in came down and I think Johnny’s just got to just got to give him a good ride a bit of cut in the track is what this horse needs 1,400 um I think is just him to a te and if he gets a good ride I think um he’s going to he’s going to have to be really really close I think Schwarz I think Jam’s going to roll forward on him if he rolls forward um and leads or there thereabouts he’s going to run An Almighty race I think so they’re my two main bets in the race and I’ve backed them to win the same amount I and I had a saver to just get my stake back on number 10 Snow Patrol y um I took 20 to1 him I thought that was too big a price um for a horse who’s got all the the good form he’s got the Southport Tycoon V8 yeah sort of form lines and that was um prominent form uh back in the Autumn so U yeah i’ was Keen to have a bet on those three and I think there’s a bit of dead wood in this race like a bounding was right place right time I don’t think it’s much good roll on high is a bit of a myth um I know cornes won last up but I think he was well enough found at $6 and yeah I I didn’t want to get sucked into Stephie magnetica I think um she’s got the flashing light on her and I don’t know um if if she probably deserves to be that short so yeah I’m pretty Keen um on St party and Schwarz with the sa for the for the stake back with Snow Patrol so I thought I could get a good little Lo out of this race yeah I’ve sort of got a bit of bit of time for bounding but I probably want to see it against all own sex and yeah horse like I don’t think she’s got the quality of Stephie magnetica but um I think there’s a good race in there but yeah I just I get super frustrated when trainers sort of aim up uh a little too high um she she’d be a great bet in a in a in a softer race but um yeah it’s just the bit of a bit of a head scratcher there but um yeah when you when you sort of look at uh star’s form behind like who Dar nicolini veto yeah that’s a pretty it’s a it’s a pretty solid uh form reference when you’ve got a horse like poison chalice come out and run run pretty well up to like a 1600 meter event so who dares and a couple of those horses were pretty pretty rock hard fit that D even Nicolo VTO H head race at w goom I think in the W goom water one last weekend so the the form is all out of that race it’s yeah it looks good it looks good if the’s gets the right track conditions and I think it’s going to be no disadvantage with the gate they’ve they’ve always had an opinion of this horse and he’s always promised a lot like you just have to look at the guine Prelude win like horses don’t do that if they’re not top shelf so I just hope he gets everything his wayday and he can he can show his best cuz his best is is very good and I think he’s um he’s a group P every day of the week yeah I think he um I was sort of keen to oppose him in the corfield guine for memory I had big queries over him I think a miles was past he’s I think he’s a 12 to 1400 meter horse Y and he will be but um yeah fast 12 if not I think for’s the proper sweet spot for him like but yeah um I’ll know he’s a on a stra break with 50 kilos on his back if he gets conditions to suit but yet again he’s got to win the race today to get to earn his way there so um yeah it’s it’s a um fascinating little um little race this but obvious the guys in the uh guys in the Stream most of them are um pretty he pretty heavily in the uh in the camp of Stephy magnetica near nearly all boys are sort of chips in a bit of a circle back around to John mclair we haven’t really heard from him for the day he’s out on track and he’s doing the yard but been a little bit quiet but he’s had um he’s had quite a big bet on Stephie magnetica so he had 500 at 325 fixed and then he’s had another thousand best of the best as well and uh surprisingly he’s had 200 at best the best on roll on high so he’s obviously forgiving that recent run on the uh the heavy bottomless it was a I think it was a heavy rated 10 but um some connections and jockey said it was more like a heavy 15 that day so interesting that he’s um giving it one more chance around the 20 20 to1 Mark um roll on high so he’s a beautiful look at H Schwarz yeah walks around with purpose yeah but when you’re worth one point whatever they paid for him you’d want to walk around looking sexy no no shortage of uh coin no Uncle Robie [Music] real head scratcher trying to work out Rob Heathkit in the form that I do so so it’ll be um it be great result for the investors if um Stephie magnetic can can win most uh most teams are um chips in here and uh fingers crossed we can just still get a couple of these fancy horses in the market across the line and get a good result for for the Bank building and uh take Tristan’s money off him who’s Bernie’s pick of the yard going to be here maybe Schwarz so the camera’s going there oh safr wow bit of value for Al Bernie oh rexie rexie lip [Music] DK’s uh other tip for today keep reading Goldfield race uh race six number six Jolly Camp bring it over M Matt perfect looks good from here yeah can’s race three ticks over so can’s race five number two under the limit is a uh a racing rant multi L um also bod is at Race Six number one badges nuts and then bow desert race 8 number 11 hidden melody so they got a couple of good little multis sort of rolling through here weather looks pretty good at cans sun’s out people there great place for a Lads trip yeah cracking yep tipping it highly track looks Cactus look the different grass yeah yeah they just cop so much right there’s a fair push back against Stephy L is in there the plus taking it on you had any other any other action Don he no I’ve just had a I’ve just got that going and then just a I went one main M just one out and then um a water one but nothing much don’t know what I’ll do probably save the chips a bit later yeah what who’s the boys on here is everyone on Stephie yeah mostly I think John mccloud’s probably got the weirdest bet he’s had 200 at $20 on um roll on high for giving it off that bottomless heavy so obviously she’s got ability but just don’t know where she my horse it’s I thought I thought she’s nearly dead to be honest it’s held it’s been well backed I thought it would be you know drift out to towards the hundreds this this the the world pools in operation from now on isn’t it for the final four races yeah so we could um could could Spike some decent decent results here outside the favorite you’re going to get some big um Big Ds yeah the tights will blow up if that one some of these Ries L yeah huge that’s why Bob so good on this day with the world poool yeah cracking product relaxed or or nervous Donnie chip leader um I don’t really know what’s happening with the other boys so it says I’m in front but realistically I think the rant boys have got all those monies going and I don’t know what Walt is doing he’s probably got some bet bets pending and he’s got a lot of C action Walt he’s got two many streams going on you can’t think oh L the day Eagle Farm Stephie mag even a bigger push for her the strike rate must be incredible the TBL of the day it’s obviously a marketing Ploy no he’s just got no idea that guy does he he sounds like he’s got no no idea whatsoever it’s it’s it’s the marketing I’m tell 100% convinced it’s a marketing strategy the one who’s announcing it’s not the one picking it anyway it’s marketing it’s so people he says every week he sets the prices I put this up too long I put this up $112 and was well back I did this that is a bizarre angle to take I don’t I’m not sure why they do that oh I was listening to the like I back to clean energy last weekend and it was their lay of the day or whatever and they were like oh we’re came to take it on they only took it on with like 15 sense the last 5 minutes like if you’re going to take it on take it on properly push it right out be brave yeah gutless all this could make up for a real this could make for a real good afternoon if we can get a result here just be your goldilock horse for me Stephy I’m I’m on it as well have you back Stephie yeah I don’t seeing it Sunshine Coast into it yeah what’s going to what’s going to happen here we’s not got what’s he going to do it’s not too close the part’s got three wide cover deep respect on the way back second on the so in front second W tiger third is Rhythm of Love has Jamie but can she get out to that going on Jamie oh sque up he just didn’t like the heavy 15 this Miss oh my God John McLoud from the clouds 200 at $20 wow Donny are you sick what a turn around what a turn around unbelievable looked like it been had been shot last time obviously the heavy 15 just didn’t tolerate it at all found the good ground fence what do you think about it now stephy’s Wheels spun hard what’s that sorry what do you think of the fence and Stephie there do you think she it’s not draws it’s not IDE deal but I don’t think it’s completely cast that like fora kind of 10 Lane looks the best wers John mclair what do you have 200 Hy 200 200 ni might have to get him on the in his well I didn’t have it in M no no like I launched on it last night too John M John MCL had he had 1500 on sephi magnetic but then had 200 on it so Rolling High so that’ll take him to 7700 so not panic stations yet Donnie not panic stations here pcking he did he did it did the cheap cheap little fine but um that’s a massive turnaround God he’s he’s taking a while to figure that that horse out but big win that bloody hell the totes didn’t do as much as I thought they would no got to be serious question marks on the race though like [ __ ] rhythm of loves run second need a bit of a drag yeah nothing not much of a race that not going to char the St you think how many horses are making ground on the bend on the inside looks like turn cornering it’s a big advantage to be well off uh back to the drawing board somewhat for a few of the boys here but um they’re all they’re all um they’re all in pretty good shape coming into these last couple of races which is uh which is good news what’s the party being beaten three lengths or so it’s just that’s not not not really giv much chance I didn’t think it this too far he had to go too wide and then he end up cutting back through like schwarts got completely sandwiched and he obviously resented that but John nice this is Johnny mlar we might try and get Johnny Johnny on for a chat roll on high give me a spell I think I um sort of I think I reverse crowed it sort of into Victory there I gave it like the biggest bake ever I’m very powerful data calls her a thief she’s exactly that she’s [ __ ] stolen everyone’s money again this time it’s not hers not on her wow keep reading’s in a good spot here maybe not the best going but John is on giggling Mr McLoud just stab in the dark a too good just what was the theory there just didn’t handle the the heavy 15 or they thought they thought it would win last time and I just you know he got lost on it sort of thing he had to make up a lot of ground there was a bit of a gap from about I don’t know the last three to the main bunch and they all went out to the right part of the track and he just held his ground so you know there’s nothing wrong with the run it was just Fitness under his belt good it’s nice what do you think of um the inside like obviously in the straight and looks looks like it’s hard that for the horses up against the fence and sort of another one off trying to like build momentum from the the 6 to the 400 me Mark what are your thoughts there’s no doubt but um I think what I said the other morning you know you just need a bit of clear air you know get out like broadcasting clear air the last one clear air the leader before clear air that’s what you need you don’t want to be parked in behind horses getting getting the [ __ ] thrown back at you and um you just need you know someone to get right I’m just surprised that a he were not trying to get a bit further out than what they are and making it a bit difficult for those back markers like broadcasting they just sort of only let him go out there and close and they went 100 m hour was just perfect you know he EAS quality animal that obviously I was worried about you know that they wouldn’t allow him to do that but they handed on a PL yeah it’s been good all the boys have keeping plenty of wins too so yeah it’s good banks are healthy at this stage yeah it’s good what um how are you thinking uh that you’re going to play the Derby obviously you’re you’re pretty keen and pretty bullish for autum Angel but with what you’ve just said about the kickback and barrier one you might change strategy there or he’s in that in that position that f is terrible you know it’s but just got a try to you know get to clear air I just went over and had a look at her and she’s just sitting there like a you know as PR as a lamb and they say that that she liked that um the other day it was they were complaining or not complaining they were very frightened it was walking around not done sweating up or anything and whereas previously in Sydney I think um it was sweating up and carrying on so I don’t know I don’t know what we got last time yeah but we could see a completely different animal here but as I said the you know where she’s going to be is in the you know little bit of [ __ ] it be interesting to see what the market does with that with that in mind it they might sort of start to take her on cuz there’s a a bit of resistance for um Stephie magnetica there light yeah yeah well I surp I I couldn’t really remember the other day in the yard and when I looked at her today you know she was probably sixth or seventh PE in the Ard you know she did plain you know plain tip against the rest of them um like I I was sort of a bit pissed off that I bet so early because I probably would have har a bit on it I thought she’d still win yeah but um you know she’s just not she’s no no star to look at that’s for sure and you know there’s not a lot of her and you know I think um Walt might have said if they try to hold a position D she might be found and he did give her a bit of a dig around about the, me to rail up there and and you know it went against all right so we got um interesting uh interesting race coming up uh the king Kingsford Smith cup uh in secret uh being the the big go $950 to $5 it’s a shame that I I didn’t let you have the banks and they weren’t ready for uh betting at uh about lunchtime on uh on Wednesday when prices went up but um can you see any value or you think you’d be playing her at $5 or now the price is gone you’ve sort of lost interest lost interest um I just think you really need a real fit horse out there and um I’m really Keen to look look it in the yard to see if it’s um you know really tight which I’m expecting it possibly not to be um this is a real testing track and uh you know I know I said that the um W SCE couldn’t win because I thought the gate was too bad for on a dry track but it’s the wet tracker and um [ __ ] if it’s 0 or2 I I’m swinging around that into it a little bit D I know Tom’s diing it as well yeah um you know there’s a few horses there that are going to be stuck on the fence the faor the top one’s going to be back on the fence and in a bit of strife and you know mine’s going to be Midfield two wide possibly you know just getting a lot of [ __ ] thrown back in there whereas the other one the red track is going to be sort of probably three wide sort of just posing along and just use its W track ability to to round them up it’s I’m uh I’m very I just don’t know what to do as far as a play goes I’m I’m you know I was so bullish on the other one but just thinking about it I think you really need a real fit horse and this is 1300 First up on a heavy track I don’t know I know desley forson has said to me have they downgraded the track to a heavy nine and I hadn’t heard that but um you know sh it’s a heavy nine first up you need you need bu really really good horses first up yeah I um the way and especially the way the tracks playing I can easily see um magic time must have a crystal ball for the going to be completely without a lot of rain that’s all be behind know so um track cut up and clear air is the go and his is going to be in clear a yeah you go yesterday and they didn’t really pass it and then they passed again today so there’s a lot of flaws in the few it’s a tricky race and I TR yeah fascinating uh fascinating uh race coming up and yeah it’ll build to a nice sort of Crescendo with the Derby and then the final race is an absolute cracker too with Kon comrade Roser and a yeah another one will be big one from the yard K Volante obviously GDs had mailed it um it’s screwed right down from the [ __ ] Ard it’s got the Jolly star form and she’s a bit of a glass act so um nice little I think the real yard that race is the top of you I think it’s act but I think it’s a really big strong there and um I don’t know whether she’s gonna go in it and you know again she’s first up I just worries me a little bit thing but it was the one that I nothing nothing out wide at BO desert the the racing ramp boys are chips in badges nuts here it’s been 205 into $150 well timing was bad because we did so we’re locked lock I think the boys I got a BL out long out there at at Desert but none of them actually looked at itely look at it and they’ve all done night so unfortunately we we won’t be there yeah is when the rain comes you just got to come around the middle of the track [Music] bit of a um bit of a speed speed battle but they’ve backed it off but uh good luck and we might um we might chime into you um after the uh after the Derby so good luck until then and um we’ll see you soon I’ll try to call at the yard coms like okay before the Derby yeah yeah just before the B okay cool we’ll speak to you then thanks mate interesting comments there from um John around Stephie obviously not being a bit of a type and um also Autumn Angel too um with that you know out of character usually she’s a bit fizzed up and and now she’s sort of quiet as lamb there some funny ones with those sort of horses where’s um where’s this badges nuts it’s nut going to run third nice nice little third so knocks out um got carved up by the that ran second last amazing isn’t it huh it’s it’s just unbelievable some of those tracks They just it’s one or the other isn’t it it happens in that delayed all the time they either go break neck or they go like 12 below it’s um it’s crazy Al Springs is kicking into gear here is that P and Baker waving on the is that PE and Baker at the yard waving he’s a he a child he’s such a funny bugger um Bank update so we’ve got um John mclair uh chip leader here $772 so good bet there with roll on high bounce back to form um he was forgiving of its run last start uh which has paid uh dividends for him and then Donny’s in second place there on 5,595 racing ran at $448 and then Johnny Walter at $2800 um I’ll just do a uh a quick check around the grounds um I think uh Johnny hasn’t got um his any of his quaries alive so he’s dusted 600 there I think he’ll be definitely playing in Ray s obviously keen on magic time so he’s got a couple of um pending bets he’s back multiple runners in that race the rant have just had uh the first of their three final legs of the multi um go over in bades nuts so they’ve got race 5 number two under the limit and um B desert race 8 number 11 hidden melody who’s been 205 into a150 in at BO desert there at around 4:00 to run um just looking at the quadras for uh racing rant and it looks like they haven’t um had roll on high in their qu uh John McLoud didn’t take a qu and um yeah poor old uh poor old Donnie he hasn’t um taken rooll on high either in his C so all cot that dead in the water good this uh the post post TR stry interviews I like it oh I need more of it like especially on a big day like today like they they need to sort of flex their muscles Queensland and they just get railroaded by New South Wales it’s bit bit crook really yeah I agree keep reading got beaten out of a place for DK Lon shrew uh cliffed yeah $21 extremely lucky did extremely lucky things third frustrating horse I thought I thought Leen up in Queensland I thought someone like Goen could get the best day out of a horse like him yeah well he uh he one last start he just would have sucked everyone he went around $10 today so still paid three bucks a place m we see a a racing previews uh entr in one of the tournaments in in future can you see yourself adapting to the the pressure of betting someone betting a bank yeah absolutely not scared not scared of a CRA well it’s easy for me to sit here and say it now but you be a bit of fun absolutely I’m sure the other two boys uh be would be happy to be into it yeah it’s um it’s the competition’s poed in a really interesting spot here um he’d be feeling pretty good about life John McLoud but um everyone’s just got too much too many chips on the table to like everyone’s still well and truly alive here for you to step up today make a wish moody in there mood’s whispering in his ear you’d have a bloody hard on after the last race he owns he owns 49% of this freaking thing so he this one this one needs to win he does need to step up and win like I’m not calling him a non but if he wants to step up and call himself the best Sprinter in in the country well he he needs to go and do that M it just makes you miss horses like nature strip and that all the more because they fronted up and they just you know been very spoiled for for good horses in the past and now the sprinting ranks are probably pretty even you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone half the time and yeah you know he had two two super two superstars that went to war all the time and nature stripping edu and they had great battles few and far between that sort of stuff now think about it he carrying on like an absolute R funny sort of prep with him full credit to Joe Pride having a crack and drawing something with him and yeah I think his runs have been okay like I thought he was running the Don cast was fine yeah like it’s just not his go so he wouldn’t shot me at all good to hear that they’re um they’re just going to go Sprint with him in the spring and they can be creative in the Autumn again if they so wish but too much money to be made in Sprint ranks not to just to do what he’s good at go there’s that huh there’s bloody whereby yeah buy cow Paddock that was the money also back that off the map it was 18 this morning he good all ano do the the track like the way the track is I could see him nearly winning this cuz he’s just before genuinely had an excuse every single run that he had in Melbourne and Sydney he’s unbeing Queens then yeah like he’s a great he’s especially like you could definitely see him run the place I think it just Goen I think he’ll just be so too dead won’t he oh you just got to you just got to have a just a perfect little cushy you just want to I see him hitting the line cuz he’s the horse to Bea in the Str Brak what weights he got you know 50 what is it 54 or 55 I think yeah he um he’s definitely the one to eight but yeah what what John McLoud saying he sort of forecasted it Thursday with that kickb and that’s sort of it’s it’s a nice little Pearl that to be honest like with these these tracks that you’re sort of getting into yeah how important that clear air is especially with the band like to me it just looks like there’s just so many horses that are just the wheels are spinning yeah I agree and some of those like they just some of those horses SC More they’re just sort of they’re Trucking into it yep yep I just hope Nolan just takes him back and goes around don’t go don’t just don’t just don’t ride him warm like JM did last up his best races have been when he’s been to let rip from the top just let him do that that’s his biggest weapon J M even said on an interview with um with Gareth during the week that Gareth asked him which was the horse that you most regret not being on today of the three horses you rode last night touser broadsiding and I wish I win and I wish I win was the one that he said wow so he said he we Cherry right for today yeah the what the way the track’s playing given its testing I think it’s just like the perfect storm for magic time here like I wish I wi can still go on a w track he won the team J yeah but barrier one now you get the downgrade to Nolan your man Mickey D barrier n magic time is it really is it really a downgrade to Nolan though like J Max zip two on I wish I win and Nolan’s won what six races or something on him I don’t think J M could have done any more to get him across the line last night no no exactly right it’s an apples and oranges I suppose like J mx’s the best in the world there’s no debating that but Luke on this horse like you know he got a he’s got a point to prove after the misses the misses you got on social media that’s it’s the last thing you’d ever want wouldn’t it you just don’t want your misses to kick up for you in public like yeah no V needs that it’s cuz it makes that makes him look that makes him look uh bad she’s a superstar hey she’s a superstar in secret I love her but I just think it’s all a little bit too much like you know heck of a task she was that crook that they nearly retired her yeah that’s why they pulled up and pivoted and reset again this girls a good horse in our own right yeah I just love how patient he’s been with his horse just a great trainer of Phillies and may isn’t he yeah just his n yeah few of the few of the Phillies and Mays in this or Mays but you reckon the prices were big on the goal coas dur in the week what are these things going to go for well that’s what Walt said Walt said on the um previous show he’s he’s surprised that um Bell nitina and espona just they didn’t throw them in because there was so much money floating around we better have a look at the speed M and get back on track here we sort of half asleep at half asleep at the wheel here for race seven at Eagle farm and uh these speed MS have been pretty spot on and courtesy of pting form and John McLoud and his team at mcbet their insights here so um looks like we’ve got uh t tuvalu or talu is your leader here with uh oncoming James settling handy only sort of knows it one way out in front and then the uh the best runs look to be uh think about at Magic time and in secret there’ll be sort of coming uh just one off the fence in the running line and uh you’ve got antinos sort of dead cold and again I wish I would sort of got the um the the Stephy magnetica um type of query here uh can he get um off that fence and out to the right part we have Bill and nitina in front of him with all that kick back in his face so yeah to me looking at this and the way the truck’s playing think about it and magic time just looked like they’re going to be in The Sweet Spot and Tino not really there in secret finds that tough task but um yeah she she looks okay to my eye um and yeah it’s it’s a bit of D-Day you’re right about I wish I win so fascinating race um looks like racing rant aren’t really participating looking at the pending bets in their account uh John McLoud is he’s um he’s he’s ended up playing Magic Time small here for around $400 so interesting he’s um might have been throwing off on Thursday but he’s done in about turn he might think she needs the run in secret so if you are following from home John McLoud has jumped off the first upper and he’s onto magic time especially the way the track’s playing and then if we have it have a look at Donny’s account he’s um he’s had something on think about it he’s on in secret he’s only really betting small here 250 think about it in secret for $1 $50 each on espona and freedom rally um and yeah he’s he’s not really playing the race um by the look of that pretty three small bets and then Walt who’s somewhat married to magic time is um he said about 650 on uh on magic time here John Walter and uh he’s had $250 on on think about it so all of the punters are trying to um stay away from my wish I win he’s um going to have his work cut out for him up against that fence but fascinating race if he doesn’t win today I’m off him what just barring life not not life but got to seriously consider it like as I said you got to step up sooner or later like there there’s nothing wrong if you don’t want to be the best Sprinter in the land that’s fine but there’s a lot of there’s a lot of [ __ ] hype around the horse and he he winning strike rates not turning into the best spr in the land should up you know what I mean yeah I I think it was a bit circumstantial though he’s lost last time so in my mind he sort of chalks it up as a nearm win but if you come unstuck with those conditions he gets the same problem here so that’s $3.90 on there’s just no way I could back him at that price I’m I’m backing him on the on the provado that I think Luke’s going to just ride him a touch C and go around them and if he’s ridden that way I think he’s going AFF to be too good he’ll run over the top but we’ll soon and see wen’t we in Secrets going for a bath here at top sport 550 out to $8 um big big big drift there magic time’s the one that the Market’s coming hard for now it’s into 650 I think it might even start shorter um think about it’s been $65 to $4 so a big strong move so I think the patent players are identifying the two and the 11 here magic time thinking that they’re just going to be in the right spot so um yeah the uh haven’t got any yard mail through but I assum that’s part of the reason she she mustn’t be fully mustn’t look good enough I’m not overly surprised with I thought fre R scoot was a good ruy around 50 to one it was do last up too yeah yeah you stuck up from hug and yeah he went went big didn’t he is is there a chance that he he has a buy as well all they trying to qualify for so he’s not in the race needs to win to get in yep full credit to him if he can win here yeah absolutely $35 Donnie what’s that your your bet on freedom rally just a gutsy 35 oh yeah I’ve gone crazy on this race list I heard all the jockeys com in from the last saying how heavy it is so I got worried about magic time and had something on that in secret looks like it’s got none on the heavy so I uh a bit late to the party there but think about it’s going right off which is good to see that’s my main play here and just babysitting casually in the tournament as well this is just Sunday afternoon wrestling kids and trying to get money down it’s tough bit of fresh H how you good too good don’t you got any kids no no can’t look after self let alone any others you got to take your time is no rush plenty more races to the map the map’s the really interesting part here I don’t know who’s G to take it out magic time maybe think about it I don’t think so James might come over from the outside to scratch sorry um out so leader but um uncommon James is got to be the leader here yeah yeah hopefully and might be able to sit outside it or pop off its back you want to be dodging andc coming James because he’ll be waving the White Flag it’ll be a big roadblock B sitting what a beauty God we’ve got Lawrence it it does approaching it does get harder having kids betting you got to cross uncommon James and freedom rally drifting back as I wish I win now rolling forward as Magic Timer and in secret three wide as third last outside un James in front by l a half and second Freedom rally thir to see how tight Michael D rides here tries to keep in a pocket get your Gap get your Gap get your Gap there we go come onch come on LY boy bellatina come on L again Bella not again come on Luke come on Luke go not again go go go yes wellow they cleared out in secret a pretty good third there for a horse first up doesn’t like heavy or doesn’t like the I love Bella but she cost me a fortune last night by not him on the line so there’s a a late $200 bet on I wish I win from uh racing rant there better result was definitely think about it they dive for a $500 bit late there um yeah all honors and Luke gets the job done to uh silence the knockers good result for trumby one for the good guys check in the Miss will be on social media I’m Tiff I’m Tiff I’m Tiff and she’s composing the Tweet as we speak at Mark Chik should be back to back group ones oh Trum trumby what’s what’s the caption going to be luke worth of length unreal lost by this far last start what’s he won by this start long neck G Donny’s horse your horse went super there at Freedom rally Donnie it’s flying isn’t it and antino it’s going good stuck on he’s no op getting in now Don he uh Gone good but it ran fourth when I backed H so it’s about standard you can’t too hard on yourself that’s a that’s the strongest field he’ll probably ever race against raced against three proper horses I know that’s no consolation to you now no just it’s absolutely flying it’s yeah wish it kind of didn’t go to this race cuz you would have been back it in something else launch even in the St got a run it race last weekend didn’t it Mr kick and Nell won God she’s honest yes that um that that does suggest that the um like with Bella nipotina she was sort of under that cloud it does suggest that the truck’s pretty pretty heavy there if she’s she’s running like that the joies was saying how W it was yeah so she’s a ripping horse though like what a globe troter unreal as a six-year-old or seven-year-old meor whatever she is she’s been to four states this preparation like just a phenomenal horse and a phenomenal training prepar like to keep it up like Kier is the freak yeah but you’ve got to have the horse to do it as well like on your trumby here’s your here’s your your model of the day Lawrence yes now we just go again huh H I have a bit [ __ ] call me a [ __ ] and your trumby yeah the way the race just panned out it it was perfect for him wasn’t it I wish I win I was still hesitant once he had to knock magic time out the way cuz some horses don’t pick up again yeah balls are steel well St Lawrence done so interesting here so we got um John McLoud 7320 uh Anthony joh 5,485 racing rant down to an even 3,000 again they got cans and B desert to come uh they do have they have started bitting in the Derby uh they got a couple open bets there um they’re betting around a they’re betting a couple of ruies here moonlight magic is one of theirs Saban is another one all $100 Best of the Best Bets and navy king um how’s their turn how’s John mcb’s turnover going got me I’ll have with the non turnover he beat me the young I’m car him up to the mark now I know I know I was just about to um ask Tristan and see where he’s at but it could force into a a bit of an error I’ll um I’ll do the accounting and make sure that everyone’s uh up to scratch and give a little update there and and and and bump everyone to um see what the tallies are at so uh nothing out on the uh table for Donnie yet in the next and also nothing on the table there from Walt or John McLoud so boys are um Frosty’s got this in a good spotting their strategy yeah it’s in the Aussie key colors isn’t it yeah yeah good hor he’s got the same sort of progression as a horse like grots I reckon back off here theyve backed it right off here dashing will give a good kick there backed it for a stack this thing they also backed St Lawrence though just be mindful Frosty CAD Coleman got a bit of mid drift Sean yeah you know cat Frosty something got Pony something for Metro I’m on oh Please Release the Shuckle son let down come on let down let down let down come on frosty let down come on frosty got to get past him come on uhoh oh is that is that dashing y the ler kept kicking wow God that was weak Cody can Bob up dashing Cony gave him a picnic unbelievable horse dashing when they’re trying and play games they play games with that us uh Jesus um Moon something lick there in behind him in the nick Ryan colors look at that on the replay didn’t have hell of a lot of Lo locked away 20 is into $14 look at it still gone Cactus oh no oh oh Hatchy he would be on the floor oh my God I didn’t I didn’t pick it up the first time I watched it but then saw it buddy oh no oh no oh that’s a moral be I think it’s a moral be I don’t know where it’s where like how how far the interference St but or the just just couldn’t get out it was just in the locker for the last what 2 300 me or something oh my God poor old bloody Hatchy wow it’s just a crw game sometimes is oh it’s a crook John John mlan he’s turned over 3,400 [ __ ] dashing well you got two cheap splits you got two 125 sectionals in a 1400 M race like what the [ __ ] is going on no lettuce wear on the show what the world I’m joking what a world it’s it’s near probably nearly be a clock for you oh far out nothing some worse up there one good bet went win and you have another good bet and it gets beat you just feel cheated so what do you do can’s race five is the next one that the racing ramp boys have got going so it’s race five number two and it’s under the limit uh it’s a uh a $250 favorite top sport there’s two horses right in the market here wiggo four-door is $230 and then under the limit is $250 so Market says racing to at cans and t button for Jay Edwards good combination the other way around bloody dashing what a mign horse is uh racing rant 300 on town er tanh haser uh and then they’ve just sped a couple of ruies here moonlight magic Saban and navy King so they’ve back three ruffies and it looks like uh Donny’s peppering away here he likes the favorite Autumn Angel something small on first Innings and John mcl’s yet to bet I’m tipping he’ll be a yard job and John Walter John Walter sort of I think he’s mentioned the show he’s going to B around autumn autumn Angel as well so this this this will be the Clincher I think this race yes certainly will be far out there it is there here I’m like this is going to win by three yeah just tanked up didn’t far out look at that last 300 Met m yeah he’s a moral lick but at the same stage like St Lawrence also looks like he’s going to put freaking three on it he obviously didn’t see a run they’ve gone that slow that it’s probably flattered MC but he is probably something licked they they go FAS like d you know what I mean like sometimes the slower they go when they’re in behind it can be OV exaggerated a little bit but still credit to him far out in Secrets paid three bucks the place she went for a proper bath late didn’t she look at this is moods I wish I win look at cat cat Coleman in the background jumping up and down moods [Laughter] he’s probably thinking beautiful another half a million jumping in the Skyrocket he’s [Music] Airborne uh John [Music] Walter so we got about 30 minutes to can and then we’ve got a good uh good good half an hour to Eagle Farm we might just take a uh a little bit of a break we might have just a a 5 minute pit stop because um yeah I think we’re going to struggle for R too many breaks for for the rest of it start to whips going to start cracking pretty hard in the last sort of a in a bit so we’ll see you guys uh in about 7 minutes time or 5 minutes time and then we’ll come back and we’ll see how the rent boys go with can’s race five with number two there under the limit so we’ll see you soon e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome back to the Queensland uh Carnival here it’s Queensland Arby day we’ve got the winter King semifinals rolling and it’s uh it’s an interesting looking leaderboard with John McLoud at $732 with that $200 bet on Roll On High which is a great result for his investors Donnie sitting at 4 4510 racing rant boys are about to have a run too round at cans so they’re sitting on 3 half thousand there and and Big Red Johnny Walters down at $1,200 so he needs to find a way um to come over the top here but um 15 minutes until uh the Derby uh we can uh we can we can quickly look at the speed map and start to talk about the race cuz cans are still 5 minutes away there it uh it’s it’s a funny uh it’s a funny race because there’s a lack of tempo and usually it’s a mad dash to that first first turn so I expect um this not to be the probably the uh the most accurate of the speed match um he’s done a great job thus far John mclair but Navy King’s The Logical leader and then what happens with gold bullion being from the Waterhouse yard he assume that it might go forward um and then there’s a host of horses that I I think might um settle a bit closer horses like shy guy in coder bullets High all capable and wouldn’t surprise if they’re up sort of pestering the leader or or just sitting at at his girth Autumn Angel again feel like a bit of a broken record really um Autumn Angel is another one of these short favorites hard in the market and then drawn in the fence in along the fence so we just saw how good it was with um Luke Nolan in that small field he was able to angle his way off the fence to find the good going for I wish I win and that was probably the difference in in sort of winning and losing uh this is a much bigger field so I’m not sure Marx AR will have that luxury um given The Big Field he might be severely penned away so whether she can build a revs enough uh through that you know that 6 to the 400 Mark where it’s been pretty hard to make ground if you’re on the sort of the fence or or sort of one off it’ be fascinating to see how he weaves his way through the field there but bigger field um bit bigger challenge I would have thought then you got horses that uh s’s probably going to be out the back he’ll be trying to conserve energy he might be a run short um warri the warrior was super last time and then you got the Kiwi horse first Innings U Moonlight Magic’s another query Runner and then a runner like Saban I know John mccloud’s got this mapped a fairway back but it’s a horse um that would not surprise me they sort of took a hold of it uh in the Navy King race but it actually jumped quite cleanly so I wouldn’t be shocked if Saban actually goes forward and looks for a bit of a position and you got Jamie Carr on it as well so she’s likely to go more forward or could roll the dice there and then a horse like wonger um he’s got a big big big big big sprint on him he’s already been out out and Tripp in the sa Derby but he’s going to get that clear air so uh Blake Shin takes the ride there and will he will he try and sit a little bit closer um yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a fascinating uh Derby and there’s two schools of th and for you uh it’s all about Elm Mel yeah I’ve got well on the Proviso that I I’m having uh a smaller bit on war manga as well cuz i’ I’ve got the the thought that I’ve seen before and I don’t have the stat handy on me but Shin’s got a knack of horses being that a slow away he’s been able to get them to jump a little bit perfect example a tissue in the race that she won was at the champion Stakes um back in the spring he’s got a just a knack of being a to get horses to to improve their barrier manners and be a to jump and put themselves in a bit better of a position and I think Wanga might be a to get to Midfield or something like that I’m hoping um hopefully doesn’t have too much work to do but yeah I do think autum Angel is the class she gets the the breaks go her way well it could be all over at the 300 she’s got she’s got panels on them and I think her form’s far superior than her Rivals here but um I wouldn’t be surprised to see warong run a good race and I’m U I’ve had something on him as well yeah I um I i’ I’d probably keep him winner uh warong definitely he’s a horse to to my eye that will absolutely uh truck through this uh this going he’s Brad to handle the wet uh Shin’s got to know him which is uh a big positive there’s a few horses here that I think um the markets missed though yeah for me UTM mangel I’d probably rate more of a $4 chance especially being in the wrong part of the track I know Walt mentioned earlier that he he sort of had a peg that it around the $5 quote um I thought yeah s Sabin or Saban um if you didn’t read his breeding um you’d say that he was going to eat up and he was really looking for this 2400 m he sat three wide uh on that hot Tempo and I know Navy King sort of booted clear but he didn’t stop chasing uh that horse he probably had enough on the line and through the line he he turned off pretty quickly but um I’m not sure like I’m not 100% sure uh the with the 2400 with him and the breeding sort of like puts me off slightly I’m just not sure that the Sheamus award breed get to that 2400 m a horse like first Innings got a lot of time for this horse if didn’t have Jim burn on it I think you’d uh you’d be taking a short of price about it I sort of thought it was more better of an $11 chance but there has been some talk that the wet track is not really what it’s looking for bullets High doesn’t know that he’s a race horse yet I don’t think he um I think Joe Pride says that he’s a Dopey Bugger I think the best thing for Tyler Schiller to do would be push him forward as well he wouldn’t shock me if you’re looking for a 40 to 40 to1 win Johnny mclair joins us from the yard yes mate um right interesting interesting um autom Angel just walking around like a [ __ ] cat um solid sort of horse you you don’t put it down to a horse that’s for sure a lot of these horses are really lightly framed things um you know you wouldn’t pay two cents for them really the uh in a sale but they they’re 2400 met types you know they got no arts on no nothing sort of thing and they’ll go through this sort of going but Angel you know he’s it’s best looking for us but whether and it has got over 2400 just a matter of that gate you know inside there Moody SP just to for she said they’ve all worked their house work their house down all these horses so um I expect it to to go very close um 10, typical done deal you know little Stumpy little thing um 2400 you know I’m a little bit doubtful about it uh warong nice scoot you know for you looks well nothing wrong with it sort of glowing in the coat it’s um it’s quite good there’s a horse here that I thought out a hope B scat throwing 50 bucks on it for the for the Syndicate um I would have had more on it but he’s a bit of a chunky horse he doesn’t really look like a um you know a 2400 MD so I’m I’m scared but he’s going to be $70 80 for if it wins I’ll just tear the joint down if I didn’t have it I expect this to win Autumn just um you just got to write it write it right get to the right part of the track somehow but it’s going to be you know 2400 meter races you know they got plenty of time to get to the outside yeah it’s just like what um wish I wind did you know he just uh just wrote it perfect got to the outside I think I sent a message on the on the chat there that’s what they were going to do they were going to write it quiet and come to the outside so um I think that’s what they’ll be trying to do here get off the fence as quick as they can yeah yeah and I think I don’t know like I think it might be just a different scenario now that it’s got a a bit bigger field it was a little bit easier with the smaller field for Nolan to make that move interesting to see if they try and pin her away it’s possible but you know these big fields sometimes they start you know something takes off there’s no speed and it spreads them out you know on the just scratching the last yeah so I’m just I’m just I’m I’m really putting putting all my faith in Mark Zara here and just hoping that he rides it right because you know I’ve got it I had it A180 I know everything’s sort of fair and square I made a 220 sort of thing just because of the gate how do you know how much to take off these body things when they’re in the wrong part of the track that’s a problem but she looks looks you know she’s nice but she’s proved it yeah really but he’s proved it right you back yours wara because it does look good yeah and that’s the thing it’s you know it just to my eye just looks like it’s going to eat up more it is going to eat up the the ground and even the conditions um it should it should favor it as well but um thanks for the uh the report Johnny and uh and good luck good as go outstanding stuff so uh yeah big tick of approval interesting that he’s got it so short $180 so two schools of thought um you’re either chips in it or um yeah you uh you’re looking for ways to beat it so looking at John McLoud he’s had 800 um best of three totes with SP on Autumn Angel then he’s had $50 on Felix the scat which is uh outside the market there it’s a bit of a Bolter it’s a a $71 chance which is uh a horse that sort of half came on my ride out as well I could definitely entertain that if you’re looking for first fours or uh top threes but um yeah the the only other um roughy that I thought was um interesting was encoda gets a weight turnaround from um getting beaten by first Innings and they just sort of sent him forward and I thought uh it was a pretty honest effort with 60 kilos last time now gets back to set weights if if you like a horse first Innings um You probably have to have something small each way on on enoda I think he did he run a pretty good race at the Gold Coast one day against the older horses so he’s always been a I think he’s just a bit bit more bit underrated this um this encoder from the Lee Freeman yard yeah so um yeah I’ve seen worse 100 to one shots uh go around but um just going through a couple of the boys bets here looks like the racing ramp boys got got rolled at can so uh no love for their multis there so they’ve only got one more leg at Bow desert in the next to to go through tanous is a bit for those guys 300 Bob they’ve got 100 on moonlight magic 100 on Saban and then Navy king um looking at Donny’s action he’s had 900 on Autumn Angel so he’s thinking the favorite way um he’s had 75 on first Innings and looking at John Walter’s uh betting action he’s uh he’s at a small bet on bullets high at $33 of he said $33 sorry at best tote he’s had 200 best the best on first Innings and he’s backed moodlight magic he’s at 100 there and bullet tie 166 and wonger he’s had 500 at best of the best so wonger is one of the better results for him and um obviously John mccloud’s giv it a massive push from the yard wonger so good to see he’s handled the travel well uh from coming back across from uh from Adelaide so fascinating uh fascinating race yeah I just wish warong had drew a little bit better but yet again he’s also got to be able to hold a position if he was to draw a gate he hasn’t really been given super rides but he also hasn’t really shown been a to hold a position either but I know I just I’m pretty confident that autum mangel if she she’s anywhere near her best best is a bit better than the so fingers crossed it’s um it’s he’s an interesting one he’s sort of His Own Worst Enemy a little bit warmonger he can get on the chewy they tried blinkers they took him back off um maybe the uh the Adelaide runs the best thing for him just to take the um the edge yeah just take the edge off him so interesting to see how he settles too and I think that that’s the other thing I worry if she gives him a dig I don’t know if he’d but he’d sort of get away from him which is got to be a massive concern like a horse like that he’s yeah he’s fizzed up before and yeah she’s it’s going to be a fascinating uh first 400 m here to see who takes it up because they just can’t they can’t give Navy King a picnic up in front I wouldn’t have thought [Music] no but I’m happy to have Zar on a angel anyway for [Music] Market liked though she pretty firm his favorite I’m not surprised I think over is fair enough yeah you’re a big fan of her oh she’s just got the runs on the board half these horses you don’t know if they’re going to run 2400 M at DIS level or at all she’s beaten like the Phillies have been better than the boys throughout the carnivals so won too many times at the well like that’s other thing come to end the the prep not by the way she parades says John McLoud M doesn’t get these ones wrong too often yeah he was he was remarkably bullish last last start he wouldn’t hear of a getting beat last [Music] start he said on his podcast he used the old Ross McDonald’s line about I wish I win so hopefully he’s probably going to the bank to uh to borrow another house and he’s probably got three houses after I wish I wins one today but yeah when moods is bullish he doesn’t normally he’s a straight shooter he doesn’t normally talk [ __ ] but yeah the way I look at it she’s got she’s got two kilos less than the rest of them and she’s well most of the rest of them she’s the best ALS in the race and I’ve I can see her going on to to cor field cups and being competitive in races like that I I don’t see horses like the ones in behind there going onto races like that and being competitive Hong Kong usually cherry pick a couple of the good horses out of this anyway don’t they they they usually they love they love this race yeah late maturing yeah well she definitely won’t go but a few of the boys are potentially yeah the ownership group that didn’t want to sell uh kica would be ruining their socks wouldn’t they oh he’s got e in he Morgan it’s a frustrating conveyence in he doesn’t need the money that’s why they don’t sell but he’s been a frustrating horse K leer they’ve persisted with him to run it a mile and it looks like it’s possibly the undoing all right about to jump and world pool factor to with this tote you’re probably getting a touch better prices for horses today cuz jmax not riding the Hong Kong punters just love smashing jmax horses now for him yeah so two races to go I had a quick look at the um the turnover figures to so prior to the derby the Rand turn over 4, 3,300 Donnie MCB 3500 and then Walt 3500 so U they’re all sort of in play yep just check for any um any light business here [Music] warer the best way for John Walter T pretty Even book for racing rant Don Donnie uh wants Autumn Angel so does John ml for the also Navy king is up there first in had 200 on so kick upde oh my God he mean oh no who is this that’s $151 shot is it James you wouldn’t read about it set wouldn’t read about it it’s so small those horses I need to go doing s just might keep bloody going this [Music] thing Ching their pride of Jenny W has got to do the C up with bullets Here Comes Jim burn needing room he just he’s just he hasn’t asked for yet though like feel he just sort of bloody oh oh there’s going to be a few fall in a lap or not what’s happening here he’s Trucking wonger but here they come how the bird flying for I think wonger is just going to keep keep going a throwing in the kitchen sink to get her up there but war is one surely Here Comes Felix the Scout for Johnny W John M go on shiny you deserve it Go Shin how do you get him so close on Miss to start look where that [ __ ] $151 shot is I’d love to see John Walter he’d be [ __ ] it he be pulling his pants off on the kick stream he’s had a monkey on it he’s back in play while Jesus cross to John Walter please where are you have you got your pants off have you got them off sco camel look at John mlar the place Felix the scat it’s paid $20 the place has he an H I can’t hear you Johnny I can’t can’t hear you what do you want what do you want are you have you got your pants on you’re lucky I just put my pants on in time mate uh the camel the fastest the fastest Humper tipped on BET doctor I thought it was a great ride just hunting it up there and then James Orman trying to sha it for 800 me and then just putting 10 on Dead Set me and scoop was saying what the hell is this thing doing it still hasn’t finished mind you what about the trifecta anyone get that someone we had first and second anyone can it up holy [ __ ] oh John M the they all telling me to play the duet because it had 1.7 billion in the pool we could have got the trifecta cuz we it was all mentioned I was getting a bit nervous for you Walt what about well just you know you Dam wasn’t going to win by far enough he loves it 1200 me anyone else back it sorry the 1200 1,200 chips he I was on I had the two back Play No scooty on he’s asking about the comp but um I care about you clowns I care about the other three clowns not Nada not no one listened to us from from the BET doctor show Walt so I got past JM you be close i’ still got to turn over another 800 or something yeah we might go to B desert in the last back the leader yeah right we’re alive you go away now what’s that I’ve got to formula my plan for the last race talk to my people okay well done well there you go the the Champion just flexes the muscles in the The Big Race so um is is he out yet Zara on Autumn Angel God that was an ugly non-event sick watch yeah that was a it was a forgive file um but it would it have mattered no it’s purely hypothetical and we’ll never know but the way Wonga went she might not have beaten him anyway but he deserved that waranga like I think I don’t think he you’re going to look back and go well he was a horrible winner of the race like he’s got a bit of scope in the in the spring and yeah it’s a good good training performance and they finally get some riches for their for their hard work like little bit of a mark lamble po like Pearl and you sort of alluded to it too the horse that you like autum Angel tick had been to 2400 this horse 2500 met had the Box ticked and looks like that runs just cleaned him out and then obviously B Shin is um absolute n it and the fact that what I alluded to in the preview about shiny getting horses to to go forward and that’s exactly what happened like he’s just a freak at doing it like getting him out of the gates and turning them off that’s that’s all he did and as you said like the horse was still like it was still soft for him like he didn’t he didn’t Fizz up and yeah he’s just he’s just an awesome addition back to Australian racing Blake shin and I’m so glad especially being a Victorian that I get to be out of back him a lot and um yeah it would have been a travesty If he if he went somewhere else when he come back from Hong Kong but he’s just gone from strength to strength since he’s been back and Y just crazy like unbelievable what a ride and mind you he sat three wide for nearly the entire whether whether they were going so hard but he’s still done all the donkey work like yeah he he CED them all up and still won more so far and Donkey licked them yeah and smacked them yeah made of fantastic yeah great effort and great result for for the oti team absolutely yeah absolutely yeah going enormous well all right that’s um that’s a let let’s turn the competition on its um head and it was always going to be the way I guess it was um it was going to be a polarizing race uh back favorite or um better around it and um yeah let’s uh let’s let’s up update take these totals and um get back to the run so it looks like um poor old Johnny mcir to be kicking himself he’s had nothing nothing the slot 20 20 to1 the slot Felix the scat he’s sitting on [Music] 6,470 John mlad and it looks like um John Walter once we have a look at uh what was the best they uh best price they bet here $11 Tri Factor paid 10,000 oh my God so John Walter is now new chip leader so he’s sitting at 6,700 uh weights just been uh just gone through there and it’s um yeah $3,548 uh is racing rant and they’ve got um they got three multis we’re going to be able to um calculate these shortly they got some multis running through Bo desert which is about to jump here and uh it’s just got a bit soft actually this this horse uh head Melody race eight number 11 so they will be um definitely sweating on this result they’ve thrown had a couple of bets I don’t think the collects are going to be big enough um to really to really propel them much further the horses are just a little bit too short here so um they might they might pass the uh the $4,000 Mark they’ll be somewhere in the $4,000 range and so that would mean that um Walt will will still be chip leaded regardless of the result I’d say at BO desert so uh yeah well the two grand finalists from last tournament they’re chip leading and it also all comes down to um these last couple of races or this last race at Eagle farm so K Volante is in the market comrad Rosa fail bazique gray River um fascinating contest here and some really funny draws too cuz um comrad Rosa pinned away fence run on type and then um yeah you got a horse like for seal drawn one and curve Volante first up uh God you want to be screwed down and rock hard fit and but you your shum Cal’s going to be P pushing onto the T Tiara so well as we touched to she still holds a nomination for a stradbrook so she’s I think it’s it’s two very good options I don’t I wouldn’t be going to a stradbrook if she was mine but you can go to a t against against the girls but like also if you’re in secret that’s the like would more on a St broke just go straight to tat would you just pick that up on the way home before the spring 1400 in her wheel here she went real good today is she not going to see Bal or or or um I wish I win touch so that looks like the perfect race for M first four the the first Falls paid 161,000 so hopefully uh hopefully someone’s someone’s taken it well they’re all mentioned in the preview we spoke all the horses yeah they’re in the uh half a dozen horses that the boys back so hopefully there’s something there but um yeah the balances that you see on the screen are correct so at this stage it’s John Walter and John M loud and uh we’ll get some updated um turnover figures that now now they’ve um resulted and uh all comes down to this what’s the last race going to be scooty is it going to be um Eagle Farm or you go to can’s after that oh I think we’ll go um I think it’ll be the last at um Eagle Farm yep sweet y yeah 4 4:30 I think that’s that’s us St and dusted so um sweet mate oh Walt hey Bolt from the blue can’t believe if we haven’t had something on the trif though I’ll just get to um I’ll get some updated turnover figures so you guys know exactly what you’re dealing with um but I don’t think any of you guys are in um any trouble anyway it’s all it’s all it’s all pretty close just got to try and find the winner don’t it this is the other trick too like now that you chip leader your strategy sort of it sort of changes a little bit yeah exactly right yeah Walt go into defensive mode a little bit and then everyone’s got to try and run him down like it’s it’s a bloody handy lead so the boys need this one at B desert don’t they yeah but I think that it’s not a it’s not a huge result for them I don’t think it’s a big enough result have they gone and topped it up and add some more on or not yeah they have actually they’ve just pushed a bet through $548 best of three totes and SP on on hidden melody here God that was emphatic it’s an interesting one John McClair like he he couldn’t have been more confident I would have thought from the yard and I’m a little bit surprised that he hasn’t backed it himself like he sort of he just died sort of died with the favorite a little bit Yeah Frosty Lane hasn’t had a good day at corfield has he yeah turnover figures are fine here so we’ve got Waltz turn over 455 uh the racing ramp boys are all sweet uh they’re they’re over cuz they’ve just backed hidden melody so they’re at 4900 Donny’s at 4780 and then John mccloud’s at 4350 so he’s going to have to turn over at least 700 in the last I’ve PL to be doing it by deser e oh here we go back to the8 Atomic selfie to win and I’ve kind of half chopped on the seven top bird and I’ve had a kind of the same race multi top two top three so betting around the ramp boys horse just for the sake of it I thought Atomic selfie TR nicely and all its best forms on the wet so um hopefully that the favorite doesn’t find the top maybe top bird holds it out and atomic selfie can come over top sure um that the on uh the favorite is a g he’s one to watch in the next 12 months or so Jas McMurray yeah so 700 best hope s Atomic selfie and then 200 at 390 on uh on the top bird there and you saying game multi 300 at 580 top two top three good stuff who who would have thought B deser it would have been good if the Poly track was on and the the turnover would have been through the roof you are sick for the poly completely sick right still uh still game on here and we’ll um we probably won’t display any of the bets until super late here the last three minutes um we’ll start reading out the bets so to make it fair on everyone um we’ll be keeping them quiet and then we won’t be putting it onto the uh onto the Stream So I think um everyone can agree that that’s uh that’s that’s fair enough we’ll um we’ll watch this race at BO desert and then update the balances have a look at the speed map and uh we’ll start to unpick the the last Eagle Farm but where are we here making the favorite workoutside y found the top now is he not yet crossed Atomic selfie more horses hunting fourth on the rails yeah got to get out get out got to get a Run locked up get out lead is still traveling okay maybe chance if it gets going now too far back isn’t it oh hope going to stop lady’s going to stop lady’s going to stop go on going to stop no outside we it oh no oh no on the post [ __ ] that’s got just getting held up just cost it didn’t it oh didn’t ever that’s brutal is that Frankie that is disgusting that’s crook for um for Donnie there that’s a that’s a sick one that would have just catapulted him gosh yeah that that’s that’s brutal he’d be right he’d be lot right at their heels there bugger there that was a $35,000 collect there for uh for Donnie so he’s going to have to um pluck something either at cans or he’s going to have to um yeah find something at Eagle Farm but we shall see all right let’s um let’s have a look at the speed map for the last race here yeah real um real interesting race the uh the Helen cogin the lead is going to be fil it should boot up from its inside draw barrier one and hold out bazik who looked across revolutionary mess is the horse that John mlad made a case for early in the show um what what’s it do from there um probably has to take a Sit off that speed I would have thought you got um horse like curve aant uh I’m not sure that BL sh will be wanting to go anywhere near that fence uh obviously these were done at the start of the day I’d assume that he’ll be probably two or even three wide with cover in the running line B Shin with kelant and uh comrade Rosa I thought she was a uh I thought she was a a great run first up um she’s had 28 days between the runs she brings that antino form uh last prep she was just completely airborne and he’s just blocked this this m um Tony Goan and it’s gone to a whole new level for for for him uh exj OA she was super like she was running massive races behind horses like lady lagona and um this this race is um right in her wheelhouse I would have thought um does she like a real heavy Tru not sure but um yeah she she’s both she has a couple of Wis on sort of a soft six but I’m not sure she wants it um bottomless so it be interesting to see tactics there cuz she should definitely be pinned away it’s a um nice little Crescendo this one and then you’ve got the rising sort of star this curve Alon too um looks super uh and sort of 12,400 M is right in a wheelhouse and I’m not sure like it was obviously a long time ago 200 days uh almost since a th000 guine win when you look at that Jolly star form kamachi have gone enormous skybird she was over there in in a Goodwood so I’m just not sure that 1600 was out of limit yeah but 1,00 M first start if she screwed down um you’d think this would be in her wheelhouse and gour sort of suggests that the stable think that she’s at the Mark i’ be interested to see what John mlad says from the Ard what what were your thoughts on this race yeah I sort of I was Keen to see sort of how Co vant presents in the yard um she’s definitely probably the class and we’ve already spoken multiple times today about what her aspirations potentially are for for races pass today so you’d expect her to be be winning a race like this if she’s going to go on to to better races um that she’s holds nominations for but I think bazique might give a bit of cheek up on speed as well she she doesn’t mind the cut in the track so um she went super last start so yeah that were sort of the horses that I was sort of working around but um yeah I didn’t really have too firm of an opinion on on the race yeah um I sort of wanted to find um com comrade Rosa uh I I just thought the the first up record or the first up run was just a bit of a trial um but yeah I was I was sort of immediately drawn to it and if she if she she had an outside outside gate I’d definitely make cam um have we uh we got one of the rant boys uh here I’m here scoot good how are you yeah fantastic mate it’s been uh well it’s been a profitable afternoon for the joint uh only marginally uh but anyway it’s all about this last race and guess what I’m going to do you going all in I’m not oh no I’m not even going to bet mate I’m not even going to bet I’m just going to hold on to my stack and hope the others try and blast out and make a mistake so that’s going to be my angle uh at the moment uh unless something pops up on the screen that disagrees with me I’m not sure you trying to throw off the last person that threw off got banished from Sydney yeah that’s true now yeah obviously we’re going to be backing some horses in the last race uh we want to make a profit uh the thing is you know like I I’ll be love to be up and just sort of like make small investments in this race but because um you know what I mean we want to make a profit for the boys and we found um a couple of decent bets here mhm and we’re reasonably comfortable with them uh saying that I mean if I had to listen to your advice we’d be sitting pretty but um you know you can lead a horse to water but sometimes you can’t make a drink so my thing is I mean I I ended up taking all those odds on think about it which in theory was a Bad Bet I mean not for this joint but I mean personally myself when it got out to $7 I started backing it um I kind of sort of regret that a little bit but um you know and then I should have marked down uh the inside drawer for um Stephie magnetica more than I did which you know I could have made better decisions there um and I should have hedged on Roll On High which um great work by um Mr McLoud that was uh that was really good work I’ve just gotten over at Gord thanks for bringing it back up yeah it’s just one of those ones where it was like sort of like an easy hedge around those odds and you know you’re I’m in and aing and then you side one way or the other and then also I was arming and arring about how much to have I on I wish I win um I didn’t know that the separation of the field was going to happen the way they did and therefore allow it from barrier one to get to a lovely part of the track and extend M so you know uh we we uh we think about it we think about it but um it’s been a profitable day Luke tuned into the live stream and just heard what he had to do just get it to the outside and away she went yeah well I mean yeah I’m not normally backing Nolan to do stuff like that either but um he just had to he just had to trust the horse and that’s yeah it was weird because I mean you know when you line up its run in the every S V think about its run you definitely have to say I wish I win as a better horse yeah absolutely but that’s they just R him too close last start and he was probably in the inferior going he’s he’s Ace up his sleeve as he’s turn of foot and that’s what Luke gave him the opportunity to do today and you saw the best version of him so yeah well the weird thing about that is I mean Stephie magnetica went back even further on the inside yeah and so when it did what it did I was like like how do I handle I wish I win now yeah um we ended up having something on it and making a profit out of the race but I I really should have made that a good bet uh thinking back on it anyway this has been absolutely fantastic it’s so much fun mate it’s so much fun uh Win Lose or Draw it’s a lot of fun and uh let’s go for the last because I’m assuming um there’s going to be some serious money invested here in this last race and I’ve noticed the one one that I’ve had the biggest bet on is considerably firming right now as we speak and by the way hey what about one of those ones I had in the multi out wide there at um at BO desert that was $250 into $140 yeah and he couldn’t even get the chocolate it just for everybody out there it’s just like you know sometimes the Market’s right or a lot of the time the Market’s right but but but not all the time I mean it was back like it was unbe we backed it like it was unbeatable and um running terrible wasn’t given much peace it was niggled at the whole entire way yeah yeah I know but I mean like when they’re when they’re ising that price and the prices you’ve actually taken you’re still expect more oh exactly no no doubt no doubt at all and uh how are you guys going on the punt anyway how Nick are you up after that uh big win on just folk or oh yeah I’ve had a solid day i’ back just Folk um I did a little bit I did a little bit in the um in the Fred best I was fairly invested there but yeah back I wish I win and I’ve got I got my money back plus plus enough to buy a couple of beers later on on more manga so I had a really good bet on St Lawrence which was disappointing but all in all it’s been a pretty good day man wasn’t he going to win St Lawrence seriously maning I backed to two Nick and I’m just going oh this is just perfect like it was going to win by three I’m like how far yeah yeah yeah and I I thought there was enough evidence in that first up run in Sydney to suggest that it was back and if it was back it would have won that race so I think we can confidently say now that that horse isn’t back no yeah yeah I agree um yeah know look look out wide states have been really good and um Sydney was called off at the right time because I got the chance to back France Jose which is all right uh and uh what about you how you going yeah well I haven’t had an opportunity to have many bets which is probably a blessing in disguise but warmonger was the horse that I found in the derby so um I was um I had a good result with it so um I I thought I thought on breeding I think I said it on BET doctor on Thursday it was it was bread to eat eat mud and I just love I love that it had the the fit the The Edge sort of knocked off it um yeah at Eagle Farm you’re looking for strong horses aren’t you by the way my Melbourne guy Aaron um yeah had marked warmonga favorite scoot so I should have sent that through to you and maybe you would have found a few minutes up your sleeve between P to have something on it r a blast out at can here oh oh Donnie’s back okay I’ve just top I’ve just to to the um oh my God second second and third favorite went about 6,000 I think wow Donnie I love this six to win uh six six and two I need to run in the top three special T and Lady Fortune the two and the six at can the two’s the two is the White Horse yep there’s two white horses oh White and the blue got the two Grays oh this is an easy cheer then and then it’s uh on the wet too so I think they’re already paying out [Laughter] they’re already paying out that’s fantastic they two gra on the outside just the four top three fav on the rail been noo Zone there yeah just need the other thing to get on his back gone too early the blue the gray and the blue another beer I think he’s just trying to get a spot yep other Gray’s cominging can’t I I’m worried that the the gray and the blue with the red out out of carrots yeah that’s one that’s going to [ __ ] it in trouble yeah absolutely gone yeah you need you need the orange to have a bloody coronary i’ back the grade this outside greater win going run second oh get him get go don get there 300 on it oh P us a little bit of something to play with yeah there’s another 1500 so no damage done there round you go [Music] again how how’ you take it 580 did you get hey you got 580 did you yeah yeah well done done it well done you lived a f another day this is the last race let’s be clear you see it yeah this is this is the last the last race I [ __ ] hate this race it’s a bit of a uh bit of a head scratcher okay racing rant uh chips in and looks like John mccloud’s bet looks like John Walter’s bet on SC I I thought I said that I wasn’t betting in this race I was just going to let everybody lose all their money well the um it did has caught the attention of the YouTube YouTube comment it does come up zero doesn’t it yeah it’s very funny so uh I think it’s uh good good theater it’s going to be what are the lead what’s Walter and um mcb’s Bank app to yeah so they were at 6,700 6,700 a piece yeah and then um John Walter was 6,400 so got to collect about 6,000 off if yeah and then the racing rent was 3,000 sweet all right I’ll go do some damage okay okay I just before I leave I’ll give you the the yard and um it is 431 1214 four curve alant three three bubble rock yeah yeah 12 is myth fire and the last one 14 b 14 kicking up for interesting oh by the way s you got to stop ruing our prices mate cuz we’re going to back number number well okay I won’t say it but we were going to have something on a really long shot in this race and you’ve just G and sniped all the top odds mate come on holy hell talk about ruin your ruining your own chances of success uh TW guys I’ll uh I’ll pop in uh after this race about five minutes after this race for a for a little bit of a recap if that’s all right yep best of luck okay guys thanks all right well I won’t um announce the amounts just yet but um the horses that uh racing rant have backed uh revolutionary Miss curve aant and made to fit are the horses that they’ve backed uh it looks like um John McLoud has backed uh curve Alon Miss Hellfire bazique and revolutionary Miss uh John Walter is Kant chin Bazi fail [Music] hipper and yeah and bazik so I’ve mentioned that one as well and uh looking at Donny’s action Donny’s back to curve alant C race is going for an absolute bath that the thir one well I think it I think it’s the first up factor is it second up isn’t it no curve on no which Ros has gone for a bath 6 out to 38 map map M what is it map off 28 days is it 30 30 $13 is a big price crazy it’s not going around naked for me is’s body firm NOA okay Gates loading I think all the boys are in by now uh so I will um I will read out uh the amount as the final horses uh tend to load there’s a couple of um chips in jobs definitely here um not surprising the leaders have not necessarily bet up here um Walt sort of betting in you know $50 $150 notes uh it’s it’s somewhat a similar story for um John McLoud he’s had 200s and hundreds on his things um and then I guess the knockout punch is definitely going to be curve aant for um for Donnie and and Gordo so we’ll uh we’ll see how we go so to recap um racing ran have had 2500 on curve aant revolutionary Miss had four they’ve had 400 on E and um they’ve had 100 on made to fit John mccloud’s had 200 revolutionary Miss he’s had 100 on bazique Miss Hellfire he’s had 200 and kval on he’s had 150 on Donny’s uh had $2,000 on Cur alant and waltt is chipping around thees on small bets on Cur alant for seal hi ra and and bazik he’s had a bit of uh a bit of action there racing in the last and good luck to everyone straight to the front a halfed by F second last or Angel last of all thired by lock locked up he’s got revolutionary Miss to F they going to take him into the race I don’t think it’s going good enough kicking come on keep kicking it’s all too late boom Walter I think Walt’s uh and he’s uh look he’s got the happy dance Walt and he’s had a $17 winner to close out and he had bazique it was a very easy watch for for for Walt so big congratulations to John Walter there I think U that’s enough the B not enough to get him across the [Music] line and uh yeah it’s uh it’s a yeah it’s a it’s a wipe out job for racing rant I think uh Waltz scooped the pool there with um fin last year m m so MB needed bazit there but um I’m going to cut it off early sorry there’s just no races left I’ll see you Monday that’s the end of J Walter kick stream by the sound of it but congratulations Walt massive finish $11 chance had your nuts on the line there 500 on warer easy watching and then yeah chinny boom I hate to sound like Anthony Gardner and a complete wanker so I won’t say was man I was absolutely cast just trying to find horses up there on the speed going to stay out of trouble that track was out of play and it couldn’t have gone much better than that cve the blows late there were a few Weir drifts in that race is that that uh comrade Ros conratulations what did they do I don’t even know what was going on I just saw racing rate was on zero and bro’s big fat head was up there and I don’t even know what they did well and then he tried to throw off he he said that they were just going to sit sit on their stack but he did the complete opposite so they went chips in curve a 2500 they had 400 on revolutionary Miss and then they had $100 on made to fit it was a similar story for uh for Donnie um he he went in for um with it we with ker alant he’s also had a bit of a a Hail Mary same malti Miss Hellfire and ORS Angel were his other bets so he’s uh gone he chips in but it was a pretty easy watch for you when when uh it just he just got locked in um on curve aant it was it was race over and um just missed the boat completely yeah yep it was all too late unfortunately she’s probably got out to a big price in the end chin boom but anyway shut this thing down not use everyone yeah so um I think that’s the uh that’s the final bank balance as well for definitely for um John McClair so it’s $ 5820 the other boys have uh Gone nudes so complete strip out there for them and then uh well you’re chinny boom uh what you have $75 on it I got no idea yeah so I think you you you’ll roughly land near the $7,000 Mark so great returns uh for your investors and uh profitable today for those that invested into the uh the John McLoud bank so um big thanks to everyone for jumping on board and uh yeah some some real bold betting in the last sort of make a game of it but uh went down swinging and uh yeah I guess the story of the day is uh probably yeah wonger isn’t it just like emphatic win uh absolute wet tracker and I guess as you said before good to see I wish I win uh back up to his uh best and another um just just a great steer as well so great ride Luke Nolan but probably the ride on warmongers probably nearly probably just edges him out I’d say like just to have that horse so close and in touch um and he just bore up he knew the horse was fit had him all chasing did the donkey work and yeah it was just a uh a cracking ride so 100% couldn’t agree more full full credit to him great day of racing all around yeah it was good and it was uh it was really good just to see the um the full coverage for Eagle Farm on one of their feature days so these lesser States they um they often get overlooked or they get sort of pushed around by New South Wales but yeah I think it was a bit of a blessing in size that Sydney got got rained off and um yeah a big thanks to uh Anthony Don for uh his efforts and his betting throughout the day well well done Donnie you still with where’s Johnny McLoud is he going for a late brunch or something where’s he at Che boys I’ve got to bounce to a uh dinner but yeah sorry I stripped everyone’s cash but um it was a good day yeah you uh on on early and uh big effort there as well so um well done Donnie and uh hopefully the Donnie supporters got a good result out of Ella’s World yesterday and uh little birdie Syndicate as well good result for those punters uh John mlad Mia but uh well it’s a bit of a bit bit of deja vu you guys get to dance again so uh looks like you got a ticket to Melbourne freezing cold in a fortnight’s time and we’re uh going to hold hands and kumbo are again on stra broke day out of the dungeon on holidays l l can’t even think about it when was the last time I left that house during the day think I went outside to fill one of those punishments where where is he he can’t be going missing he’s got to be lurky in the background I would have thought what what what’s going on with these queenslanders eh hey there must be morals in the origin now after Walton um mccloud’s performance today wa you can call me a lot of things in life you can’t call me a queenslander for Christ’s sake no you’ve been you’ve been there too long mate you’ve been there too long I have been but I haven’t been outside and inside here I had it blessed so the dungeon is part of New South Wales by the way we’re cheering on this favorite in the last callfield for me guys D Lan couldn’t get another one be could he go though surely I got is this m this is the wall thing they backed it like it’s unbeatable too well it was this is the only race that they’ve had it revved up for it just wasn’t ready the last two starts well it’s been it’s been 4 into 220 so you’d hope today is the day to be I’ve just tried to back it and they’re in the back straight yeah it’s all right uh yeah anyways I’m sort of half watching this race while we’re we’re tuned into it as well he’s got it off the fence just back yourself don’t lose don’t lose a your confidence for this one trusty come on got Pony this needs gaps this doesn’t need something to for in his lap needs gaps oh Trucking come on say daylight please oh no no no time for bad luck come on there you got accelerate through accelerate through is it going good enough come on frosty come on frosty got a launch is it going good enough I don’t think it is my God gone it’s a goat not for he absolute camel is it how hard is it to get a favorite this time Vegeta s oh my goodness tough going good that’s that Hawk camel yeah y yeah it’s a worry $15 yeah one of my favorite Expressions he can’t eat overs well big thanks uh to to you and so uh G sorry big thanks to you and the racing rant team uh sui make sure you give a shout out and of course Mark Lamborn as well and always appreciate your support you guys are absolutely brilliant for the game not just uh punn tipsters Educators and uh fighting the good fight so appreciate uh all your hard work and effort there and uh the balls are still play to go chips in you never uh die wondering but uh well played and uh I’m sure we’ll be uh dancing again at some sort of stage in the future be uh thanks SC thanks Nick uh great hosting work and uh John I love your hair mate I just wish I had some of it left my next punishment will be shaving my head I’ll send it down to you okay we’ll have a prop bet mate catch up with you soon mate cheers mate see you guys all right M I don’t think uh we’ve got a hold of John mclair but uh big congratulations and a big thanks to the MCB team for their support obviously great effort to run her up here again and it’s a bit of sensor Dayja Vu so unfortunately for Mr Walter we’re not playing for a a trip to Augusta so we can’t go around again there but uh these two boys John McLoud and John Walter will be going toe-to-toe to win a trip to Hong Kong International race day so great prize put on R major sponsor so big thanks to top sport for taking on the action and taking on the BET and racing Queensland and as as well pting form as well great Deo from you too Nikki mcwalter I’m sure we’ll see you again uh for team little birdie thought you handled the situation brilliantly uh big thanks to AV team borco and all the rest of the little birdie team and John Walter you better get uh back ready because uh yeah up up up and uh against uh John McLoud again in a fortnite’s time and we’ll be doing it out of headquarters out of the studio so we’ll have to Super Sub a new guest host I think Nick’s out of action you’re away on holidays so lucky you but we’re going to go around in a couple of weeks out of melbour so can’t wait for that one and uh away we go again too good can we bring Tommy turbo down as well we might get him to host it or might put him in the [ __ ] chair he can watch in the back might be a two for one special John mclair did you finally gracing us with your presence well I I’m left a little bit early just get down to this tie joint and get some soup you are red it’s a cracker this joint so so it’s raining here now so I thought okay we’ll get a bit of soup we got the a little little chocolate and be good well done well you’re just too strong little nice little John off fortnite’s time no prizes win this week I can’t believe I didn’t tumble in with you when on that d it was just you know the pumpkin de Dead Set went on in that place just ridiculous but anyway even I’m not going to make another mistake even Sicky you’ve tipped the 20 to1 Place getter and then you you basically you couldn’t have talked us into warmonger and hopefully the listeners at home there surely like you gave it the biggest ever push and then just didn’t pull the trigger it’s amazing yeah it’s just I had bought thing in the all day in the head sort of thing for saying that it’s it’s 20 400 it’ll get it but you know the win is 2400 as well just you know just you do some strange things that the track sometimes you just don’t you know the favorites they they get you in because you know they’re the best hes but on a track like that you know it doesn’t need too much to go wrong for them to be you know in trouble and then you’re you’re backing similar horses around 10 20s 30 sort of thing that they’ve got got just you know some sort of ability and go good just got to keep keep charging into those things they the ones that keep propping you up throughout the year that’s Co yeah two two horses at Autumn Angel hemmed away and then kelant the race was sort of like done and dusted by then but as you say it’s um it’s 2020 uh in hindsight all the time but um even G like pre pre-show and um on BET doer he was going to have his life on broadsiding and that was going to be his big result the race Falls Middle of the card he has a thousand he’s trying to preserve his chips and I guess that’s the nature of the Beast and the um the T the tournament like it’s easy from the chap cheap seats but when you’ve got the C and you have to pull the trigger even with your own money uh you know you have days where you think oh yeah I’ve done the form well but I’ve bet really poorly so there’s definitely um that element to it as well and obviously this is just I guess yeah go funny part of it is the funny part of it is the hardest part I think everyone’s got the data everyone can see what everyone’s doing it’s just a matter of how you how you handle your and how you when you step up and when you don’t you know the best time to step up is when you don’t like a favorite just step into the race and unfortunately there today it wasn’t you know that many that I didn’t you know I didn’t think had great chances sort of thing but you know they are time to you 100% all right enjoy the thae soup and uh you’ll have to stump up for dinner again but uh I guess it’s m out next uh next time down in Melbourne for Str broke dinner and one of you guys is going to be crowned the winter King but congratulations on uh your runnerup spot here and it’ll matter in 2 weeks time in the big dance so clear the calendar and we’ll get you on the plane sounds good look out world I’m coming for you what’s that team Cup team Cup movie with a BL he makes a in the last round the USA I’ll take eight team top says mate you’ll be playing for second you better fire up mate none of these pars we want birdies and Eagles I’ll cop a double bie I’ll cop a double boy if you cop if you get a [Laughter] triple out outstanding so great effort for the boys both to be in profit there and uh good good effort for the other guys um try trying to run them down but uh again uh the last race Falls that way and the programming had a big effect on on the card as well but uh can’t deny the class of these two boys have’ done it before and they’re going to do again in the big dance in a fortnite’s time so big thanks uh from us down here and Walt and uh well done again and can’t wait to see you guys uh build your Banks go at it again for a second time and hopefully get another great result for uh your investors so big congrats and see if you can put another one together are we going to hold hands on the plane down this time well probably not I might be on a separate fight we’ll wait and see come on mate cheers guys well done thanks guys big thanks to all our sponsors so top sport racing Queensland and hunting form best of all uh hopefully you guys have uh learned along the way so uh make sure you tune in to Beck doctor lots of free uh good content uh thanks to our regular sponsors in top Sport and uh that’s that’s part of what this is about so learning how to bet so uh again it’s uh abs and flows ups and downs you can be down in your ass like what was and uh all of a sudden two results and you’re bang you’re back back in the game and um yeah the Inplay flux would have been huge there but big thanks for me Nick and uh yeah what a what a good day we’ve had yeah it’s been um look forward to doing it again hopefully sometime soon it’s a bit of a shame that I’m going to be away now I’ve had so much fun today so but I’m sure I’m sure we’ll do something again in the future but yeah hopefully uh the listeners have backed a winner or two and had a good day cuz I know I have yeah great stuff and yeah good tipping by you so such a good win and so many good stories there up at Eagle farm so all right we’ll be uh back here in a couple of weeks time uh we’ll let the dust settle for the next couple of days the dividends will be back into your account for anyone that’s jumped into the John or the John Walter bank so you’ll get your um money in your top sport account there and then we’ll probably open up the banks for the Grand Final Edition on uh on Monday so uh keep your powder dry until then and um we’ll see you in a few days time when we announce the uh Grand Final officially and I’ll see you on BET doctor next Thursday and uh we’ll wrap it up from there as well but uh big thanks for everyone tuning in and I hope you did well on the punt and I hope you piggy back to a couple of these guys winners cuz they uh they did tip a lot on today’s show so it was uh great stuff so big thanks to me and we’ll see you on Thursday bet doctor see you guys Che guys e e

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