Golf Players

[KLPGA 2024] suhyup-bank MBN Ladies Open 2024 / FR (ENG Commentary)

#suhyup_bank_MBN_Ladies_Open #sbsgolf #live #english #Commentary

this is the S suuk Bank mbn women’s uh ladies open that would have been such a lovely start in the final round yes it’s the third and final round of this uh very event and it’s going to be interesting to see what we can come up with this young lady of course um wongin had really really outperformed yesterday and she’s got the audience right behind her today and she is playing to the gallery so it’s very very important uh to see what exactly a was she can come up with so just a reminder that this is the CU Bank mbn ladies open Final Round And it’s been played at the star hu Golf Resort as well as uh keep in mind the fact that we’ve had a fairly clear day we’ll run you through the weather conditions in just a little bit my name is Glenn mascarin and I’m here to take you right through to the end of the day leun who was Stellar she finished at the top with an eight under yesterday of the leaderboard um she’s currently on seven under remember day one always has its fresh start and day two then has its challenges and then day three has even more challenges Kim menson 7 who’s also uh on seven under she’s on to her second stroke for hole number nine she was in Stellar form as well yesterday uh really performed well but remember with today you get changes upon changes as far as the world weather conditions are concerned back to Young was looking to finish on PA but looks like she will have to settle for a bogy for this one if I’m not mistaken earlier that was Yun Mina not kimun zung 7 that we got a view off before Park Jong and it’s day off time it’s sorry second stroke time for Sun Yu Jin 128 m to the hole this is for whole number nine remember we’ve got the cream of the crop here today um after the first day of course the top finishers move into or you know the best points takers move into day two and then of course that gets sifted down even further to day three here’s a young lady we saw a lot of yesterday leun looking to finish on park for hole number eight and yes she does she maintains that seven under finished yesterday with eight under she would have actually gone to nine but she finished her uh 18th hole with an on paa finish paku young back again boie the eighth hole she was eight under she’ll get down to 7 under now she’s been performing extremely well today we are on to the ninth hole and this is a very interesting one number 380 m is what we’re looking at it does have a view of the clubhous there’s no doubt about it but it requires accuracy because if you look right behind it and around it the green is narrow uh it makes it slightly dangerous there’s Sun bunkers on the extreme left you want to try and keep uh you know your shots moving towards the right because if you can’t then uh it can be a problem so there’s also a three different directions as far as the slopes are concerned within the green itself one human she was very very consistent yesterday she will tee off a whole number nine she is the leader here today with 11 under and don’t forget that yesterday she had leeon with her she’s got PKU young in her group today here off next it’s going to be leun I did mention that she just got one win to her credit but she’s she’s really outperformed in this uh event yesterday she was probably the best golfer in the spotlight followed by hang Yin and I’m just talking basically on performance oh absolutely stunning there well just to wind carrying that slightly to the left kept it fairly straight Leong Yun just got herself at a fair distance on the fa Sun Jin aiming for Birdie on hold number nine she she’s carrying a 10 underscore up next it’s SP Chong and Pak young will deciding to hook that one you can see that the ball’s carried a bit more well toits the left as compared to her uh group mates or to her well group competitors Lee one aiming for Birdie on hole number nine that’s going to take her up to a 10 under remember she’s the top rank golfer getting into the tournament 32 on that front line with fa birdies it’s been a fairly flawless performance from her so can’t write her off it’s looking to be a very very tight contest here at the top today gimon seven aiming for Birdie on hold number nine she just fall shy of that should clean it up with an even score and it’s the of time long you in for hole number nine looks like she just might have landed herself in a slight spot of trouble got herself onto the rock I hope it’s not in the woods um soin takes the neutral on hole number nine and she’ll be happy to keep that 10 under cuz that’s so important now it’s really a doo die isn’t it you got about nine more holes to go well sometimes a bit of nerves will get to you that’s uh well just one of those instances where I think wongan will have to hold it together today to make sure that she can stay in contention for a win and that’s a narrow Miss we’ll tap that in s Jin getting ready to tea off for hole number 10 370 m is what we’re looking at remember we are on to the Stark horse right now heong gun onto her second stroke for Whole Nine and the crowd has turned up today hasn’t it well did see them in the morning very early to greet the dawn [Music] Breakers Le onun holding her own meanwhile here’s Leon these are two strong groups that we’re looking at Leon of course sunin or groupin it’s really at this part of the contest where um things get very very intense on the uh thirdd and final day W men also knows how important it is for her to keep her s together and um that’s for the two well she’s had a two-stroke penalty there so we can see she’s definitely got a drop down in the points and by well that’s what happens right it can just be one particular hole that can change the entire equation now kimon 7 who’s along with Lee one and Sun Jin she’s teed off for hole number 10 she’s been fairly consistent yesterday had had her ups and downs but well that’s what what it’s about isn’t it it’s what the course defines as well the ups and downs so but one of the strong well contenders always sjin bakong flew under the radar for day one but uh did step up yesterday got herself just off the carpet with a second effort but this hole definitely going to be a huge worry for hang Min and that’s what brought on those penalties earlier that’s when she hit the woods there’s no doubt about it couldn’t track the ball then she had to go in again changed well the position slightly and a second time around so that’s the two-stroke penalty that she had going for the te off for the third time and that changed the equation for her well the last thing you want to end up with is even though it’s not really needed as a triple or a quadruple bogey I can just bring you down really really badly and back to Young just narrowly missing out on the target so close so very close she too has had a few trying times today bakman G needed to get out of the beach she has done that but put herself fairly close to the flag stick it’s another golfer that really brings in quality to the sport very very dedicated professional um spends a lot of time and a lot endorses discipline as far as while training is concerned among you men will need to pull herself together literally get herself out of the woods pun intended but suu Jin going in for her second stroke 145 m to the hole put at a bit of a distance from the can but I think uh it’s not going to worry her too much meanwhile leun blame for Birdie on hole number nine remember she was flying high yesterday it’s been a very very slow start and a challenging one for her today that’s just about falling short of the target a Cuban for her there’s no doubt about it it’s trying to use that incline I think just gauged that push a little Too Short back to Sun Jin sorry it’s back to Lee one on her second stroke she’s definitely flown the green but did say this yesterday you’re looking at the top golfer in the contest uh she was in very very good form yesterday gently and slowly she caught up with the rest stayed a breast of uh her competitors um wasn’t tide third moved up to tide second and today she’s got herself in a strong position but here’s the girl who’s really had it well a bit tough for pole number nine he to settle for a triple bogy and yes she has so she stopped down to a tied third now from being the leader well big CH there from the crowd she had to nail that so hole number nine has literally been the bogey hole for her it’s just tad bit unfortunate for hang had such a great start to this day just Le dong Yun will settle for an even score on hole number n nine Lee one now the joint leader the 10 under she’ll get it closed to the flag stick kimon seven well moves in pman G in soie on hold number 11 got herself out of the beach just a while back a lovely effort from her and that’s really the whole Mark of a great golfer isn’t it you get yourself into well a sand trap and then you can get get yourself out of it and pick a birdie from it she’s up to eight under now well there are some golfers you always know whether they’re having a good day or a bad day they will churn out uh you know very professional um performances and pman G just one of them now here sunu Jin she’s the joint leader with lee1 it’s hole number 10 goes in from a distance oh that’s agonizingly close for her very well done absolutely marvelous placement hman G going with a five Vine to tea off for hole number 12 remember it’s 165 m once again that beautiful scenic view of star Hue Golf Resort let’s remind you once again that we are coming at you live from gongo it’s uh absolutely stunning place right here situated in uh y pong County if you look very close of surrounding areas you’ll see Mount y son and mount yam Yong son Le [Music] one look for a neutral finish on ho 10 and she’ll keep that 10 under intact and let’s put a smile on her face W you Min well just had ran into a bit of tough luck in the ninth hole Yoshi off for hole number 10 that’s a decent comeback get yourself onto the rough never really uh a problem isn’t it you can get off the grass easy but you get yourself into the woods that’s another story entirely now getting ready to tea off is Fu Jin remember it’s a power four for the asking 370 M back to Young on 7even under well it’s a great place to tea off from you can get a a view of the course as well as the surrounding scenery uh placing your shot well you know with the tea off is so important because in at this hole because you don’t want to uh look for distance if you’re trying to gain distance the ball can actually you know go in a direction that you don’t want but if you know exactly more or less where you want to place it you can plan your shots this is one of those holes where you can strategize easy uh but you’ve got to save a bit on the distance covered so it’s pman G back again we’ll go for birdy on hole number 12 oh what an narrow Miss well just almost kissed the lip of the can it almost did now it’s lead on who’ll get on next one thing about uh well golfers like Leong gun and Bin Sil who really shown on the first day uh these are long hitters and what really shown through for Leong Yun yesterday was the ability to place the ball very very close to the flag stick every time and that’s how she started picking up those birdies like they were just there for the picking but crafted her a play Yesterday extremely well today well she’s had a few challenges and you know we’ve always been saying weather changes weather conditions the temperature uh you know wind conditions Everything Will Change the way that a golfer will actually performs on that day actually do the main uh element probably that I kind of uh let pass or missed out on is the golfer frame of mind on that day it’s probably like a chef in the kitchen isn’t it when you are in a great mood you’ll always turn out a great dish but sometimes depending on your mental and physical makeup on that day pakol finishes uh with a birdie will take a score up to a six under and that’s on whole 12 those two Bogies were her undoing in the early part of the day yesterday as well she was one of the main contenders right up there at the top and then things just turned around for her a tad bit here’s Lee one suin kimon seven they all getting ready to tea off for their next challenge [Music] [Music] well the one area that we love to call the banana green Le one will te off hole number 11 currently the joint leader 280 m a par four for the asking got a j off the fair base so not really a worry Escape that trap that was up ahead um so over to Sun Jin next well she too is a joint leader remember this hole of course does give you an entire view of the course and the entire surrounding scenery but you’ve got to be careful with this one cuz there are a few curves and bends in there and you definitely want to make sure that your positioning your t-shot such that you head towards the green got the bunkers there you know towards the left slightly towards the left so you want to try and avoid hooking that as well and there are just some days when you do know you want to go in with an entirely different well approach but sometimes well just the forces of nature would work against you second shot for paku Yong 143 M this is for hole number 10 now do remember this hole does have its fair share of challenges it’s the longest of the four the longest of the four a par four holes but the fairways are fairly wide as you can see uh so it kind of gets a bit confusing you spoil for Choice it’s one of the reasons why when you know the golfers were team off most of them were trying to hook U their t-shot just so that they could well keep that ball in a manner where the second stroke would be more well Target directed and I think that’s what they’ve gone with mumin onto her second stroke needs to build herself up back again all the ninth hole on the front nine the last hole on the front nine was really her undoing there’s always this big question you know at the end of a tournament and you wonder if it wasn’t for that one hole what could have been I mean to drop three points in the final round is always it’s very very disappointing uh takes a good bit of strength to you know come back but she did did come back to finish her finish the job on hole number nine lead on next looking at an elevation of about 6 M 132 m to the hole well just off the carpet area but I don’t think that’s going to worry her too much well as long as she can keep uh her score steady and maybe you know pull in a bird or two should put herself in good stad Leon and sunin lead with the 10 under currently um they’re both currently on their 11th hole having finished with 10 hangu has dropped to third position with that eight under and then huab be pman g kimon s leun um they’re all in tied seventh I think it’s very very important at this stage of the contest now to keep in mind the fact that there are a few behind pacol just dropping or falling from Grace a little bit um but she was in Stella form yesterday so it will be interesting to see whether she can do much with you know the remaining opportunities that she has but uh currently W human still has uh well one hole over Leon and sunu Jin and I think that that could be very very important for her but it really depends on how she pulls in um or or rain in you know her performance because she’ll need to pick up the birdies as much as she can now um there won’t be much room for errors as far as she’s concerned but she was the golfer to watch at the start of today Al Le on Yun was the golfer to watch for the entire part of yesterday I still think she’s in there and I still think she’s got a fair chance of uh you know uh running for the championship or giving uh the current leaders a run for their money for e for for for for back to Young well that’s just about flown past W the can it’s a good chance for her to actually have got that in straight and she has come out with some Stellar well shots in in the last two days suu Jin going in with a second stroke she needs to keep well her points in check as well and the performance well absolutely delightful shot but that’s going to carry straight over and right towards the edge so well it’s just one of those well times that’s really beautiful isn’t it when you get a a crowd chair like that and hanguman she’s got the crowd behind her today um well it’s just a tad bit unfortunate I can’t help but feel sorry for her about whole nine but leave on she’s on to her second stroke for hole number 11 she’s also one of the main golfers in Focus oh that is fantastic placement absolutely fantastic placement well almost almost nailed that would have said the eagle has landed but it didn’t really transpire but she’s put herself in a good position lead onun well she’ll have to finish with an on par here to keep her points intact a birdie was always going to be a bit out of the out of contention now minutes and seven onto a second stroke for whole 11 oh absolutely wonderful wonderful placement there kimon 7 young and will bog e the 10 hole so that means she’s going to drop down in the points as well mman G on to her third stroke 98 M to cover this is for hole number 13 well she has she got she got a bit more Club on it than she would have liked and expression’s just going to say that lead on good now she’s got to be very careful to keep her points intact she will have to finish with an even score here and she’s going to bogy this one as well remember on the final day well the golfers do start a tad bit later so youin name for Birdie on hole number 11 it’s a bit of a tough ask she might settle for a neutral score there p young will have to drop to a six under remember she had a bogey two Bogies in that front line one they own the back nine kimon 7 she had that wonderful placement earlier H so birie and hole 11 well that’s got to be painful well I think just that slight Direction there is a bit of a was a bit of an incline there earlier for her now leun will bogy this one she’ll drop to a six under as well so while Leon and sunu Jin well do manage to keep their well scores intact it’s been a tad bit of a worry for a few of the others just Le on will aim for Birdie on hole number 11 that’s a five bit so now she’ll take the lead with that 12 underscore 11 underscore sorry she’s now currently the leader Lee one we were expecting big things from her after we saw her performance yesterday she was also in the contest in it to win it bakman g AES to Birdie on hole number 13 well you always wish that the proud’s chair would really get the ball to move a little bit more so new Jen needs to finish on PA and yes she does she’ll remain in second position right behind uh her group mate leave on for fore absolutely beautiful isn’t it all those drone shots that we’ve had of these beautiful um well spots just to look back at that 11th hole and that was fascinating isn’t it a meeting of the balls remember the de sweepers and the dawn patrol on other days to have their moments but uh on the final day it’s an entirely different story hole number 11 wangu Min just carrying an a [Applause] [Music] h that’s an absolutely fantastic tea off from her um very good comeback and uh really do love watching her action wangan she’s one of those gol first that just takes things in a stride and just moves on what a lovely te off remember it’s a bar for for the asking but it’s uh it’s a hole where as I said you can view the entire Coast uh as well as the surrounding scenery from your attack point is very very important for and that was for whole number 11 now this of course is Lee one on hole number 12 this one is a bit of a tricky hole a par three for the asking uh as we know it’s located in the valley in the forest there are bunkers uh pressing the green back and forth and you need to te off into the white space on the left side of the green and then approach it it’s very very important up next it’s going to be suu Jin it’s a very unique spot from the the tea off actually if you look at it 165 M Jen wants to take a Time well I don’t know whether she got as much of Club on it as she wanted to um I think she’s a ttin bit upset about well the positioning of that she would have wanted to get it much closer to the can meanwhile back to Hole number 11 in your Leong Yun 280 m is what we’re looking at remember it’s a par four [Applause] it’s got a fantastic view from the T off spot and that’s going to be a tad bit worrying for her I think that incline just carrying that ball over and just off the carpet um I think really if you look at it it’s wangan who nailed that tea off extremely well for hole number 11 and if she can pull in a birdie she’s going to get herself back into the running back into the contest uh it’s going to take a bit of elbow grease a bit of uh she’ll have to break a sweat every now and then but I think she’s still in it very much and the crowd knows that as well uh when you have the crowd support and you’ve got them cheering for you you want to play to the crowd and that’s I think exactly what’s going to work for her uh The Exodus has increased as we can see and the reason is cuz it’s the final round we’ve got practically um I would say a full house but we’ve got well a good amount of Spectators and that’s what’s needed you just need that Che and that encouragement at the same time some golfers do need the silence and that that’s a really fantastic to off very unassuming isn’t it Wang Min when you actually look at her she’s not one of those tall golfers she’s not one of those buffed golfers she’s just very pa um you wouldn’t expect her to be able to craft out those uh powerful drives sometimes but yes she does she’s a very dedicated golfer a very very focused uh golfer Lee one of course still Leading The Way with sunu Jin coming in second and they are on 11 under and 10 under respectively remember that uh tied fourth position also is still looking a fairly strong in third position of course you’ve got Wang yumin who’s on that eight under she’s definitely looking to uplift herself but Leon definitely taking that lead and holding on to it uh very well well whenever you’re looking at any golfers that uh really shine as far far as uh you know the rankings are concerned you know that you can expect something special from them and uh that’s exactly what uh you will see it’s very rarely that golfers in form would would dip out for e for for so new Jin blame for Birdie on hole number 12 it’s a bit of a tough ask for her but if she gets that in well I’ll be overjoyed and it’s so close well as long as she can keep that even score she can still will remain close to her groupmate and that is Lee meanwhile leun well she’s had a lot of challenges today she’s been able to be consistent with the performances but remember she lame for Eagle year on hole number 11 still has a chance for a birdie I do believe an eagle would have been great for her while just not exuding that confidence that she had yesterday Le I think it’s a bit of nerves as well you know getting into the final round as expectations kimon seven will aim for birdie and whole 12 she’s on a 7even under currently 7.1 M oh well done and she’ll uplift herself to well a tie third with that eight under where she now joins uh wangum min and uh talk of the golfer and year she is that is that fantastic tea off that we had from her absolute perfection we always talk of it the Hallmark of a good golfer [Music] now remember there’s a bit of an incline here she’s got to Gat this shot extremely well she’s got to be careful will aim for Eagle what a narrow Miss what a narrow miss it would have been amazing to see an eagle here today for hangum well so wanted it after that big road block she had Lee one will aim for Birdie on hole number 12 it’s a bit of a distance for her she’ll have to go in for a neutral finish here there’s no doubt about it backu young and that’s a birdie on the 11th for her so she’ll be well happy about that she’s back to that tied fifth so coming back from a Boi on the 10th and she’s on to a seven underscore now need to finish that soon enough one G and will accept that Applause so she’s got a birdie on the 11th and that’s a first Birdie on the back nine she’ll need a lot more of those going ahead so Jin finish on par for whole 12 so she keeps that 10 under as well looks like the positions will be unchanged for a tad bit on that leader board to rim G on whole 13 and yes she gets it it’s marvelous effort from her remember CH remember one of the Front Runners on day one just got a three under currently Al Le onun chance for a bird here and the Victory lap for her that’s done so s of relief for her she’s up to a 7 under now remember she’s had three Bogies today and that’s really been her undoing [Music] gimon seven that’s for hole number 13 remember it’s a par five for the asking you need to get the distance Advantage with your t-shot for this particular hole that’s a slightly raised green with an oak forest in the background if you can actually look at it and that’s when you approach uh uh the green itself it’s blocked by boners on the front and back so it’s very difficult to hit a two on you’ve got to aim for the right side of the green or try and keep your shot towards that now Leon who the current leader sheeld te off for whole 13 as well well she stayed out of the cat box and she knows it [Music] J well very important for the for this Trio to keep their act together and there we go that I love to call it the Exodus which is really just the migration that we’re looking at so while the contest heats up let’s remind you once again that we coming at you live from a gongo which is right here in the Yang pong County it’s the star Hugh golf course and this is the shc bank mbn Women’s Open my name is Glenn mascarenes and I’m here to take you right through till the end of the day it’s a 1 billion W event and right now at whole number 12 it’s wangin she’s going in with a six IR 165 M A Part three that’s what’s on offer here she definitely got a lot of Club on that for leun will go in with the 79 for her effort for the T off on hole number 12 well right here on hole number 12 of course your target located in the Deep so on the green and I think that’s very important to craft your shot well so with the singu Jin now she goes in for her well second shot for hole number 13 well still keeping herself on the fav I think she’ll be fairly happy with that effort kimon 7 it’s up next she’s got a Healy 800 and if she can of course stay very consistent with her performance she might just be tapping on the doors of the championship year a tournament win is so important keep in mind the fact there’s always the possibility of course that you do have uh you know tied scores at the end and for quite a bit of time it was Lee who was tied with suu Jin before Lee W decided to take that lead she’s on to a second she’s got a couple of beaches in front of her needed to angle that and she’s done well to stay out of uh justay out of the danger zone or out of trouble pick the position carefully leave on she is a thinking golfer and we’ve seen what she’s capable of uh well in the year let’s not forget that she won the Blue Canyon ladies Championship on the 17th of March and uh that was to 650,000 us and then of course uh she also won the 12th May and NH investment in Securities ladies Championship so she’s actually chasing her third Championship here none of the other winners uh well in this year have really been tapping on that uh tournament win for this time except for hang yumin who was the other winner on the 7th of April when she won the Ducan ENC weave uh Championship it was again A 1 billion W uh a one .2 billion one event 18.5 points on that one for her here’s one of my favorites golford that always love to watch in action pman G to her second stroke for hole number [Music] 15 well that ball certainly hurt the crowd it certainly did and pman G will have a smile for that one it’s been a very good placement from her got that positioning really right now years muman back again it’s it’s a it’s a long distance there’s no doubt about it would have liked to have got that uh a ball position closer but it’s 23.6 m that’s an absolutely wonderful placement at least she’s put herself well in line for an onp Finish Well she she’s really had the crowd behind her today there’s no doubt about it she’s had well the fans family and friends and all the spectators behind her are easy clean up for her she’ll stay for that on par finish she’ll keep her points intact for the time being so I think that really serves well meanwhile yes suin the stroke for hole number 13 92 m to the hole is what she’s looking at well decent positioning from her there’s no doubt about it it’s over to Lee ion now and Lee ion of course will be very keen on while taking advantage of this hole number 13 oh that is absolutely fabulous placement from her she’s really well performed extremely well on in round two and you’re on the final day really coming good Save The Best For Last well she is the golfer to beat in the event currently kimon 7 will go in for her third stroke for hole number 13 then again I always said it’s never about you performing against another golfer but against yourself it’s always well a contest about how consistent or how good you are on that particular day so golfers really play against themselves more than anyone else that’s what makes it such a different sport from every other sport possible you don’t challenge your opponent you challenge yourself to better yourself on a given day gimon seven well she’s got herself onto the green and I think that that’ll still put her in better stad than being away from it here pman G and it’s a birdie on the 15 she’s up to an 800 as well so three more to go for pman G she’ll need to pull birdies in for everyone if she’s to stand a chance of making it to the top she’s in TI fourth with Kim Minon seven on eight under remember hang yumin is still in third with nine under and that’s a story isn’t it Lee war 11 under at the top Sun yuin 10 under in second and Wang yuman in third with a nine under that tells us a bit of a story doesn’t it and then you’ve got the tied fourth which is8 under so it’s 89 101 um very very well structured and layered if you ask me that top four um as we get into well the remaining rounds remember hang yumin along with kimmon 7 and sunu Jin and of course right at the top there um Ali won have all gone through those uh 12 rounds it’s shaping up to be a fairly tight contest here between the ladies and uh left to be seen or what they can come up with wangco still has uh a tad bit of an advantage over the other group Trio because she’s well just one hole behind in the sense she’s got she started well just a little bit later for spe gimon seven will aim for Birdie on hole number 13 it’s a bit of a distance remember there’s an incline that she’s got to get past she actually got that right just needed a tad bit more of a push you sp you in she tees off for hole number 13 480 m is what we’re looking at remember this hole of course does have an extremely wide Fairway you’ve got a green well the distance advantage and that’s what hangan was aiming for sunu Jin will aim for birdie year on hold number 13 well she needs this if she wants to while stay well shoulder to shoulder with leave on and that’s just the ball’s just got a mind of its own isn’t it so she’ll settle for an nonp but what a chance here to have nailed that birdie and she knows it well every single hole when you miss out on an under score you definitely would be disappointed now here’s Leong Yun she off for hole number 13 remember he said that this of course has a wide Fairway it’s a slightly raised green with an oak forest in the background and that’s blocked by bunkers on the front and back and that’s exactly what we meant and if you aren’t too careful you can get yourself into the cat box here’s Lee one as she can uplift her performance even further stretch that lead at the Top If she wants and yes she’s up to a 12 under now and that’s two points ahead of a closest Challenger which is sangu Jin Flawless performance today six birdies in there absolutely Flawless performance from Lee one meanwhile kimon seven looking to finish uh on par for hole number 13 and she’ll keep her eight on the score the 14th hole will bring its own share of challenges you’re looking at a 153 [Music] M you can view the Green from afar which looks to be floating on water but of goes from that drone shot it looks separate and uh keep in mind the fact that it’s a hole with an impressive view you can look at the clubhouse there in the background uh and also keep in mind the fact that it’s difficult to attack directly you have to be very cautious about distance and Direction on this particular hole I love those water spots the most absolutely stunning like two crystal flowers in full bloom here’s Le one remember this is a very very tricky hole that’s the reason why there’s a hole in one event here you you can walk away with that Mercedes maroon eqb um such a lovely well car that is there but this is whole 13 par five for the asking um and I do stand corrected it looks like Lee won finished on par with her previous uh uh effort unless we’ve got it wrong with the scoring we’ll have to just figure that out but it’s showing that she’s still on 11 under here goes uh young Wang yumin on to a second stroke for whole 13 well she’s flowing the green with that stayed out of the beach for the for certain but she’ll have to work a tad bit I think she got a lot of Club on that there’s no doubt about it now here’s uh pakman G second stroke for whole number 16 she’s gone in with a 99 [Music] that’s a chair from the crowd will have to work for a birdie but if she doesn’t nail it she can still finish with an on par elsewhere Sun Jin he’s off for whole [Music] 14 well remember whole 14 it’s a par three for the asking and not as was shown earlier but there’s a reason why uh that car is on offer I said earlier it’s not the easiest of holes so here we have it the current uh lineup as it stands Lee one sitting at the top of the table with that 12 under I was right about that so suu Jin is still on 10 under in second one human with nine under in third so do pardoners for our fourar with the graphics of the scores at certain times but uh as it stands it looks like it’s a much better outing uh for the Ladi so let’s also run you through this one bit we are currently on the Hue course and not the star course so for hole number 14 which is well that part three for the asking and where you did see that beautiful car that’s located at the highest point of the course offers a panoramic view of the course and the mountain uh Ridge in the distance it’s a hole that requires Precision in distance and direction at the same time you have to keep in mind it’s a downhill hole so when you have something like an Exquisite four-wheeler on offer there the proof in the pudding of how tough It’s going to be is when you see the golfers in action and that’s what we’re going to have a look at right now I don’t think anyone’s going to be well driving home with that at this contest I would love to maybe not to keep it even for a test drive I’d absolutely love it for for for for it’s back to bman G well she lame for birdie here on hole number 16 well that’s beautifully done absolutely confident while spewing there from her it’s N9 under as she finishes her 16th hole and I’ve always said this you know regardless of winning the tournament or not pman g it’s just one of those golfers that is really exciting to watch cuz she will always turn out a good performance it’s very rarely that you’ll see her having a really bad day well when you do know that you’re maybe three points behind the leader you’ve got only three holes left like in Parkman G’s case well if you can avoid making any mistakes you’re still putting yourself in a very good position to challenge the front runner and that’s who we have right here Lee one currently leading the way with that 12 under aim for Birdie on hold number 14 oh that is perfection everything has gone right for this young lady here today absolute perfection ction she’s on to 13 under now and let’s make that count seven birdies four on the front nine three on the back nine and Lee W still has a long way to go absolute perfection there she’s in Stell form very much in the zone well I did think that hanguman was at the start of the day but Leon now just stretching that lead at the top and she’s beginning to put this contest well a little bit beyond her co- competitors if she can keep herself well disciplined and focused as she is currently this tournament is hers to Win Wang y just a bit too much of Club on that on ho number 13 needed to be a tad bit more gentle than she knows it so Jin also aiming for birdie here and yes she’s nailed it so she’s on to 11 under she’s staying close to the top just two points behind the leader she too has had six birdies here today sangu Jin she missed out on one just in the previous well hole very very focused performance from her well if she wants to stay a breast of the lead she’ll have to hope for a mistake from the leader and for her to be making no mistake at all so well that’s the equation isn’t it just trying to do the math but here’s pong for Birdie on hole number 13 let’s put it very close to well the destination and she’ll clean that up one waste too much of time a neutral score is better then well finishing over getting ready to tea off for the next challenge and here’s Lee one well she’s got the honors for this one Leon will tee off for hole number 15 she’s carrying her 13 under remember it’s a path for the asking you well this hole does have the goong mineral water in the middle of the hole and the green is located deep in the forest it’s quiet but demanding it feels like as if you’re taking a walk in a dense forested area and uh well you look at the ticket that surrounds the teeing off area itself and it’ll tell you a bit of a story s your G will go on next and that’s Well Done by tungu Jin it’s not the happiest moment for her but she’s been able to pull herself out of the woods every now and then I don’t mean literally the woods but out of the well deep end now your hung you men lame for Birdie on hole number 13 oh that’s well done semi Victory lap from her so it’s a 10 under she’s in joint third currently but very well done Wang yumin well she’s been the comeback story uh in today’s event there’s no doubt about it after that deep stumble she just pulled herself up well well if she hadn’t missed out on those points for uh you know hole number nine I do believe she would have been neck and neck there with uh lee one but she dropped uh three points CU that’s exactly what the difference is between her and the top so Lee W of course it’s been a Flawless performance from her today there’s no taking anything away from her sunin has played you know second fiddle but um she’s still very much in it uh to win it so at the top Lee won with 13 under Sun Jin in second with 11 under hanguman in third with 10 under pman G in fourth with nine under then you’ve got Kim son seven with eight under in a fifth so this is where the contest is currently and it’s Brewing to be a tough one between these ladies and then the tied six you’ve got you know p g yunu hod beIN Leong Yun and Pak chuong pakol and Leong Yun were you know two of the leaders yesterday Leong Yun finishing at the top of the Heap but uh today of course it’s been an entirely different story but Lee won has slowly but surely yes she crept under the radar yesterday was not up there in the you know the flash performers but today well it’s been her day and that’s what Champions do isn’t it you you build up um very rarely um you do have of course some athletes who love to lead from the front uh but most athletes will build up and it’s one of the things that you have probably in marathons a long distance running one of my favorite Runners the late steeve Prefontaine LED from the front it probably was a favorite cuz that’s style was unique but most uh golfers do not Peak on their first and second round um but they stay consistent and then on the third and final day that’s when they pull out every trick in the bag or every bit of skill in the bag let me not call it a trick for for for for so while the contest heats up right here let’s remind you once again that this is a one billion one event we coming at you live from the Star Hue Golf Resort and uh this of course is a course that is really beautiful one of the most scenic ones that you have in in Korea absolutely love it um this is the shcu bank uh mbn Women’s Open 2024 the contest returning to the calendar after a good bit of time couple of years actually Lee won goes in for a second stroke on hole number 15 it’s 113 m to the hole oh that is terrific that is terrific from Lee ion and she knows it absolutely marvelous placement there and uh we do know one thing for certain this is that part of the of the tournament where you want to do everything right well so close to have coming so close to having nailed that s Jin is up next could have been an eagle for Lee ion let’s see what sunu Jin can come up with has also got it fairly closed but it’s a tad bit of a distance compared to her other two group mates well it’s just one of those moments in golf isn’t it you know on certain days uh you want to hit your stride on the final day and if you can do that um it’s just absolutely marvelous um really today while yesterday Lee dun was the golfer to get past today it is leean who is the golfer to beat in the tournament W human she’s she’s still keeping well her Hop’s up because she’s been performing um onto hole number 14 remember it’s a bar3 For The Asking 153 M she’s gone in with the eight iron let at a tad bit of a distance um a birdie might be quite a challenger but she’ll have to aim to keep it on par she can cannot afford to Bogey any shots now meanwhile pman G isn’t that a beautiful sight behind that water spout in the background what a picturesque setting Bak minji with a second stroke on for hole number 17 and uh well she’s flown the green there there’s no doubt about it but absolutely love that shot what a photograph and I’m sure one of the photographers would have captured that absolutely stunning shot so teeing off for hole number 14 as well is leun well played shot she kept a stiff arm there there’s more wrist and forearm movement than anything else she’s done well here’s Lee won aims for birdie she could have even nailed an eagle with that one and she’s definitely now well going from strength to strength that’s a 14 under that we’re looking at sunen will have to try and match that because if she wants to stay in contention of the tournament win she’s got to stay close to the leader in terms of the point points just a tad bit of nerves for her but she’ll have to calm herself down take her time that’s just a narrow Miss she’ll have to settle for an non par finish a tad bit unfortunate for her while leeon has been pulling those consecutive birdies in think she was staying close now it’s up to wangu Min she’s got a bit of a distance to cover and she’ll have to settle for an even score here on hold number 14 it should be an easy clean up for her well as long as she well stays away from the Bogies I think she’s she should be fine kimson 7 is on next she aim for birdie as well on hold number 15 that could take her up to a 9 under and that’s well actually lipped in if you ask me so nine under for her and that’s her fourth uh birdie of the day she had one bogy of course in that front now over to leun also has a chance for a bird and hold number 14 oh marvelous absolutely marvelous shot from Leon and this is the golfer that we saw yesterday in action she’s had two birdies now on the back nine so she’ll uplift her performance s Jin and she take an even score there back to Young next oh well done back to Young Too Well delighting the audience here she’s got another birdie in there which means she’s up to an 8 under still four holes left to play for her getting ready to tea off now is Lee one she’s had the honors a couple of times [Music] today and that’s hole number 16 well if you think there was going to be a delay and a tied score at the top I don’t think that’s going to be happening here today well when you’ve got a golfer in the zone like this gets to be a bit difficult for the rest of the chasing pack and she’s definitely in the zone ble number 16 power for for the asking 365 me has F in will go in with hole number 15 it’s a path hole for the asking it’s a bit of a dog leg hole that circles the dense forest you have to be in control of the distance and direction of your t- shot try and keep the ball towards the left side of the white f Center bunker and also got to keep off the right side bunker as long as you get the direction correct you can gain a lot of ground and reach for the green much faster but that was it goes for hole number 15 now for hole number 16 yes sunin remember the Green from a distance looks to be floating on water long hitters really Thrive here I think she’ll be fairly happy with that uh performance today sunin but she was right up there for a while in contention for the top well that migration will continue or rather what we call the Exodus for the bman G Willi in for Birdie on hole number 17 it’s a tight bit of a distance and I think that Ball’s going to just fall short bit of a a tad bit of a dribbler from her but I think she’ll settle for an even score here H him in still keeping that Spirit going do bring a different element of uh charm to the to the sport wangu Min she’s very sprightly um very girl likee so second stroke on hold number 15 and by that I purely mean well ladylike meaning a little more mature she’s a terrific golfer that just adds that new world charm to the sport so does leeon another one of the young golfers very very well powerful on the course second stroke for hole number 16 remember she’s carrying a 14 oners score that’s again fantastic placement from from her if she can nail a birdie on this I do believe she will put this contest well beyond the all the competitors soin who’s carrying that 11 under pushing that well looking to gain a bit of ground but uh it’s going to be a bit of a tough ask here for suu Jin now she’s got to stay well Flawless with her performance as well 67 m to the hole for paku Jong and she’s really such an exciting gol for she’s had so many ups and downs with paku Jong she has come out with some really Stellar performances on some holes and she’s just well just Fallen far from the pack on a few others bakman G will have to settle for a neutral score here on hole number 17 and she’s just about missed it which means she’s going to bogy that she can’t believe that well it’s just bad timing I think she’s pretty resigned to the fact that she’s not going to be challenging the tournament uh winner well this will be her pen altimate hole a pen ultimate Challenge and she Bogies that her points are definitely going to drop down to eight under cuz she’s currently tied with Kim minson on nine under in tied fourth so pman will drop down to a tied sixth uh hanguman still very much in there uh still chasing the top which is Lee one and uh well second place sunu Jin but I do believe if Lee Wan does nail a birdie on this very hole she’ll be up to a 15 under and uh with just about four holes left uh she’s going to put that Contest out of anyone’s reach unless she Bogies the next couple of holes that she plays the next two holes that will be so it’s really a tight Affair now it’s all about Lee won not making any mistake and uh if she does well number two and number three do have a shot at maybe challenging that tournament win sh f what for yes Lee won remember this is a very very important moment for her it’s whole 16 chance here for a birdie needs a bit of concentration 5.4 m and that’s just going to fall short that ball certainly afraid of the dock but I do believe she’ll clean that up and she’ll still keep her score intact and that leadership position so two more holes left to go she’s got a 14 under I don’t think she’s got anything to worry about currently it’s really about now the challenges whether they can step up their game and wum of course is still very much in there a biry bit of a tough ask from that position for hole number 15 but stranger things have happened on a golf course and it looks like it’s going to be another even score for her but well done she’s put herself very close to well the can meanwhile s Jin has so much as EXP expected from her that’s also going to be an even score for her in p young spoke of how she’s given her some step moments on the course and yes she has a soie on hole number 15 and that’s well done that’s exactly what I meant perfect placement earlier her appro shot was brilliant and uh finishes there now as she’s had three birdies on the back nine up to a nine under well sometimes you may not win the tournament but to know that you came away fighting well that’s really what sets you up for the next one kimon seven she’s on a nine under will aim for Birdie on whole 16 and that’s beautifully done she’s up to a 10 under as well she too has performed very well here today five birdies in there three on the back nine still two holes to play for suu Jin and she’ll finish with an onp par so she’s at 11 under kimson who is a group mate is on 10 under and then right at the top the other group Le on is on 14 under or what a group this is isn’t it meanwhile the other group that was really performing at their best wum Min look for an onpath finish for whole 15 and she’ll stay on that well Point count as well so interesting times here as we get off for the tea off for hole number 17 and this one of course it’s going to be interesting Leon will have the honors once again for whole number 17 Kim Menon 7 well she takes the honors this time well let’s not forget that she had a birdie as well there I do stand corrected Lee won of course uh had an on PA finish it was kimmon who had a birdie on hole number 16 so rightfully yes she did have the Hors uh taking that away from Leon for a bit Leon will go next so 380 M it’s power four for the asking it’s a unique hole if you can cross the pawn land safely on The Fairway it’s better to keep that club well strong for your approach shot now there’s a bunker blocking the front of the green it looks threatening but it’s not but it’s that pawn that is the really important part the bunker in front of the green looks more like an optical illusion but there’s enough of space between the greens to take a bold approach I’ll just quick look at leeon and how she performed in that well first hole where she started off her run of birdies and that was really a sign of things to come a teaser if you can call it that she was at that time in tight second and then on hole number three as well she shown bright once again she was already in tied first with that eight underscore that time she was still in tied third you would believe and that just knocked the FL sck didn’t it what a chance here for her to have nailed well that but she’s she’s really been in Stella form in the ninth hole she had already moved up to a nine [Music] under and that’s when she moved up to 10 into second position by the nights on the front nine she had already got to uh the second position with a 10 under she was still behind hanguman who was 11 under at the time and then by the time the 11th hole came that’s when she separated herself from well Shu Jin that’s where she took the leadership on hole number 11 for that 11 under was back with the 13th hole to stretch that lead to a 12 under it’s really been Perfection from her I and I’ve said this four there’s only one way to describe it Flawless is what the performance has been then on that 14th hole stretch to lead to a 13 under and then by the time she got to the 15th hole well that was almost an eagle for her she finished with the birdie but took a score up to a 14 under missed out on the next hole well she’s been she’s been the Delight uh of the final round there’s no doubt about it now here Swang human pretty much a darling of the crowds here but uh well did have a huge stumbling block on hole number nine she was the actual leader on the front line to begin with well teas off for hole number 16 she’s still carrying the 10 underscore well I just had to get myself a nice uh hot cup of joe perfect for moments like this which has been such an exciting day pman G but narrowly miss out on the birdie and that of course is going to be her final tap in for the day just a tad bit disappointed she would have wanted to finish with the birdie but she’ll acknowledg uh the crowd it’s been a challenge for her but she’s been fairly consistent finishes with an eight under in this event on the final day um a bit tough for her she missed out on uh you know a couple of birdies in there and uh I think she did have a bogy as well but Lee wants to leave leads the way uh leeon and sunin are in first and second with 14 under and 11 under respectively remember this is the 17th hole that she’s playing for leave on 142 M to her destination for hole number 17 that’s a second stroke kept a good arm on that one bit of a tough ask here to get an underscore but I think she aim for it well as long as she does not bogey any of these two holes I think she’s still in a very very strong position to claim this tournament she’s been a cool customer very calm very collected excellent temperament here today for spee speee Eugen that’s her second stroke for hole number 17 and she’s got herself onto the rough well every time she does take a stroke it’s almost like she’s resigned to the fact that she’s just going to settle for second best but well you still got a keep doing what you’re doing uh keep in mind the fact that hanguman was leading in that first nine but Lee won just kept doing what she does um kimon seven now onto a second stroke for hole number 17 sheu backs in a great amount of talent uh decent placement for her she’s been able to talk out or churn out birdies from out of nowhere or from impossible situations um and I think that that’s so important because if you can do that well it really tells us the story of what to expect now leave on moving on to her next challenge that is to finish off with hole number 17 she’s very well aware that it’s got to be um she’s got a skip and a step cuz she knows she knows very much that she’s got one foot across the Finish Line oh yes P to a second stroke for hole number 16 oh that is fantastic placement that is absolutely fantastic placement was just talking about this young lady um you know she may have had her her Downs in the tournament but it’s those UPS it’s those Stellar moments that are really you know made for some excellent viewing now your’s hang human so second stroke for hole number 16 just about escape the Trap right in front of her she’ll have to craft her shot well 109 m is what we’re looking at that’s a bit of a distance from the flag stick but she’ll take it for got s Jen there she’s got it aside which wedge she’s going to go with she has to chip that out well it’s quite a distance from well the can for her remember this is whole 17 I think she was being a tad bit cautious needed to get a bit more of a push on that but yes W human hole number 16 a birdie the big challeng here that’s an outstanding effort chess fell shy a Cuban for her but I think she she will be happy with the fact that she can and they’ll clean it up really soon so she’ll finish with an even score for this now she’s got just two holes left to play with a 10 underscore Lee one lame for birdie for hole number 17 very close she can clean that up soon and just settle for that even score she’ll still keep her 14 under and uh well well a group mates will just allow her to get that done with so 17 holes done 14 under no Bogies in there as I said it’s been a Flawless performance from her she’s just got one hole to go and she knows she knows she’s got her hands on the tournament it’s all about being able to uh cap off now that final that final hole well this contest pretty much beyond the reach of the others currently uh in terms of the points well I think she settled it pretty much on the 15th hole if I’m not mistaken and that’s when she went into that 14 under will lead so Kim Menon 7 aim for Birdie on hole number 17 remember she’s sporting a 10 under currently so cubin for her as well B to Young will aim for Birdie on hole number 16 and that’s another one from her she’s up to a 10 under now she’s gone from strength to strength well they’ been not winner of the tournament but it’s been very good for a moral years sunen and that’s just lipped out T been unfortunate for her she would have loved to have got that birdie in there would have taken her to a 12 under she’s missed out on three birdies actually and that’s been her undoing and she could have she knows she could have nailed that um you know but here on the 17 she’s bogied that as well so she’s dropped to a 10 under so well she’ll just accept that gracefully but it is disappointing for she was while running neck and neck with Lee won for a couple of holds kenson seven She to miss out on a few chances for a couple of birdies there she’s on to hold 17 carrying that 10 under I do believe she will be very keen on while just avoiding a bogey more than anything else and she’s kept it fairly simple here as she cleans it up one more hole to play teeing off now for hole number 17 you swung you in well she was grouped with Leon yesterday and they’re good mates actually today set in different groups she was leading the pack just at a certain point of time absolutely stunning view of this cast let’s not forget that one of the things that I’ve always said is you’ve got to give credit where credit is due and uh while P of course gets ready to take this she teas off for hole number 17 well she stayed out of trouble for that one let’s remind you very quickly that the star hu Golf Resort which is right here in Yang pong County uh close to mount yongan and mount yam Yong Sam uh this course of course was uh designed by this is very important by architect sang and that was in 2009 when it was put together and the shaping was done by Tom peek who literally had to carve the the fairways from very heavily forested landscape so every hole that is played of course is in complete isolation from the other and it’s a complete escape from the outside world it’s it’s almost like a different or a parallel universe of sorts when you’re at this course um it’s secluded it’s isolated it’s beautiful Serene I think it’s very healing you know the the weather here the atmosphere the quality of air um absolutely stunning it’s got great views and if if you’re if you’re a golf lover and you you know if that is your relaxation or that’s your stride or your Escapist route this is one of those places that you’ll definitely enjoy I’ve seen a ton of uh you know krama Stars around the area as well as a few kop stars who do like to unwind and play golf uh Kim andon seven uh will tea off for the final hole of this event and she gets the owners for the second time around leeon will go next Le won’t really going for gold here she wants to make the most of uh well her time well she knows where she currently stands she’s got that winning smile um and uh well whatever it is it’s a very very deserving performance for her so you can’t take that away from her s Jin she’s had a few challenging moments there’s no doubt about it so it’s been a fairly strong contest here today there’s no doubt about it um can’t really um take away the fact that we had well six golfers in there who were the main main contenders here today and uh out of those six it definitely has boiled down to uh you know the the final four and then from the final four to the final three and then the final two and now just one which is Lee who leads the way uh playing for the final hole which is hole 18 let’s also remind you once again that this is the sh suup uh Bank mbn women’s ladies open uh 2024 remember I said this the contest has returned to the fold after a good period of time and uh one thing to keep in mind is the fact that uh well the prize money for this is 1 billion1 which is 72327433 so the Korea ladies professional Golf Association which is the kpga you know we get so used to abbreviations all the time but uh the S suyu Bank mbn Women’s Open you keep in mind the fact it’s returned to the star uh and Resort course for the first time in 5 years Parkman G was the last uh winner and that was in 2019 and uh she was uh the the con considered to be the strongest candidate to win it this year cuz it was almost like a sabatical and a sopomu year for her uh in this event but well she uh did uh finish with an above average performance but I don’t think she was too happy with that uh would have loved to have finished off uh the event with the birdie but uh she missed out on that too so here we have it Leon getting ready for her next challenge for Leon second stroke for whole 18 s youin to her second stroke escapes the Trap once again there yes kenson seven she’s on to her second stroke for hole number 18 240 M it’s a bit of a distance you know W you men she’s on hold 17 gets that fairly close but it’s still a bit of a distance from the can she’ll get an Applause from the crowd it’s I just can’t help but feel really awful for her she was such a bright starter today and it takes a lot it takes a lot of strength uh no matter how young or old you are to be able to take it in your stride knowing that you could have just won this tournament and you just have one major stumbling block it’s just that one moment that can change well the course of history in a tournament yes’s PKU Young oh such an amazing play there just needed a little bit more legs well that shot s Jin stroke number three for her for whole 18 that’s terrific placement from her and a chair from the crowd as well and that’ll do her a world of good um definitely needs that more than anything else yes’s Le one oh beautiful tracking on that one oh that just missed it that just missed it could have actually been an eagle there for her got the direction right absolutely spot on just a picture of concentration there Leon she has wi the Silver Lining there’s no doubt of this contest and here is kimon 7 on with her third stroke as well and that’s that would have been an eagle and this is what we talk about the talent that this young lady has that would have been an eagle well that is such a fantastic effort from her just look at that just spped out there it would have been such a fine Ender to the tournament for absolutely stunning absolutely stunning there and chers here for these two two um Lee one and Kim Menon 7 they’re also down to their final well event leeon knows it she’s got her hands on that trophy there’s no doubt about it Kim Menon of course taking the honors for these last few rounds and to she would have if there was a 19 she would have so she finishes with 11 under 69 69 in the first and second round and 67 so actually she’s better a performance so fantastic finish from her meanwhile he Swang in looking to finish with an even score on hole number 17 and yes she does she still got one hole to play remember while there’s always a winner there’s always a second and a third as well and there is prize money in there too of course I mean at the end of the day it’s all about the win but still Theon suu Jin will be playing out their final well shot of the day [Music] here goes Le on aiming for Birdie on ho 18 can she do it well she’ll narrowly miss out on it but she could tap that in and finish with a neutral score she still hold on to that lead s Jin will go on next I don’t think it’s going to bother her too much as long as she can we tap that in she’s I said this a while back it’s actually in round 15 that she pretty much well captured the tournament and even though she hasn’t been able to pull in the birdies after that I think those even scores have done well now you’re teeing off for a final hole of the day has swung you in it’s a far Five For The Asking the 18th hole and she will want to finish this event in style absolutely glorious swing there from her and S Jin has had a moment but she’ll just want to get the job done with and that’s what she does uh 17 in the first round 69 in the second and 67 in the final round she’ll finish with the 10 under uh she would have liked to have Birdie the final one but she’s got a smile in her face so now it’s left to be seen who finishes second best in that tournament I think that’s so important um Leon well very well knows that uh she will claim this tournament regardless of what she does with the current shot uh this is she’s going to play for an on par finish I think hanguman has got a very strong chance of finishing second best and that’s it the sound of that hitting the can the final moment for Lee Von she is 14 under and definitely the winner in that final round she’s had an eight underscore so that’s eight birdies that we’re looking at uh she’s been in Stella form Flawless performance here today if you split it up and you say you know eight birdies it’s practically almost like saying four on the front four on the back but the bottom line remains that it’s been a Flawless performance and it’s been stunning from her so leave on most definitely will have CT off the third win of the year and she’ll keep that ranking of the top spot in place kimson 7 well they have to take their score cards do the tallying and there’s uh s Jin well s Jin came so close to its winning the contest so did Wang yumin remember we’ve still got hanguman and uh Leon and paken playing out their 18th hole [Music] so Leon as we said earlier did win the blue Canyon ladies Championship um that was uh on the 7th of April then she came back with another win for the NH investment and securities ladies Championship on the 12th of May this will be her third event that’s she W Bak chong won on the 14th of April at the med heill hanook Lio Championship she’s on to a second stroke for whole 18 and then let’s not forget that uh W Yan also won the Ducan en NC weave Championship on the 7th of April so we all we have all big winners in here Kim Menon seven and uh well T yuin do have to win a tournament this year now here’s Leong Yun she was delightful to watch yesterday she struggled much today but she’s more or less well stayed in that safe area missed out on the birdies but wonderful effort there to get herself onto the green and and back onto the rough well thanks to that incline he swung him in a second stroke for whole 18 well let’s put it this way if she can nail a birdie on this uh particular well hole she might put herself in contention for finishing second best in the tournament would have liked to have got that onto the green but she’s well still in the rough this is where it really pays to have a caddy for moments like this isn’t it your caddy is not just your friend but he’s also a bit of a mentor and a guide too and this is well just showing you what happened um this was a stumbling block for Wang pangu min well she got herself into the woods and then it was the Mulligan I think uh well she had a drop three points there as she teed off for the third time landed up finishing with the triple Bogi she was the leader at this point of time at the ninth h she was on 11 under while Lee Ivon and S Jin were in tied second on 10 under and uh it’s this very moment that changed the entire course of this Tournament of course on the 11th hole she came back with some uh you know Stella well moves it was that wonderful tea off and if only this had happened in hole number nine it would have been such a change so uh really having to go through those moments in this event then on the 13th hole again she was delightful she came back with another birdie um but since then of course it wasn’t the easiest for her and she had a fair share of challenges leave on I was about to say well just chewing on the fruits of a label well this is the time when all the golfers can actually relax huge amount of uh well pressure off your shoulders through the went done of course the final Exodus that we’re looking at and you’re looking at the crowd so there’s fans there’s family and there’s friends not to forget there are other coaches as well who do come in um it’s it’s a big event it’s practically a full house here today and as we can look at the stands there right at the you know the end of uh or the at the last hole you pretty much know it’s been a packed event yes pakong that was a third stroke for hole number 18 she’s been a silent performer in the last couple of holes nailed a few birdies she’s also a winner having won that 14th April event the medal hanook Libo Championship which was again A 1 billion War event well the start of the year was the Hannah Financial Group Singapore women’s cup that was co-sanctioned with the ladies Asian tour and then let’s not forget that on the 16th of June we have the DB group Korea Women’s Open golf championship which was co-sanctioned with the ladies Asian tour as well I of course will be back for the latte open that happens on the 7th of July U which 7th of July of course is the final day but it will start off uh on the 4th so the 4th to the 7th of July I’ll be back with you for the latte open uh really looking forward to that one too but right now you are in whole 18 it is the third stroke for Lee dun would love to see her finish with a birdie today decent positioning and puts herself in contention of one she’s a very solid performer can’t help but feel well a tadet awful for her as well cuz she uh really was The Shining Star of yesterday’s event for round two oh that is a tremendous effort from hang yumin and this is how good she really is well it’s lovely to see her well perform I said this she was the darling of the crowds here today and she still is absolutely marvelous effort from her and if this one goal for today who does deserve to finish well with a Shining Moment it would be her to pong and Leong Yun just allowing her to finish and she’ll nail it with a birdie absolutely fine finish from wangum so she finishes with 11 under 17 in the first round 67 in the second and 68 in the second round well had those three points in there she would have been tied with le1 but she will finish with 11 under and we’ve got to find out well how the rest have finished it looks like hang yumin might be able to cap it off with second best because we’ve got to figure out where kimman in seven and S Jin s Jin was on 10 and so back to Young blim for Birdie on whole 18 and she’ll be tied with oh that’s just a tad bit unfortunate she would have been tied with hung so pakong will finish on par with sangu Jin uh if she can finish with that even score here Lee one just waiting finish that’s pman G chatting with her fellow golfers lead on again she a for Birdie on whole 18 I think she wants to take her time she wants to finish it on a high point and I think that’s really no matter what your struggles are no matter what you’ve uh been through the ups and downs uh you know in the event of a round of golf or on the final day you want to finish on a high tad bit of an incline there for her she knows that slight curve that’s exactly what she needed to curve that a little bit more but she’ll have to settle for a neutral finish and leun will finish her performance with 73 on the final round uh seven under remember 66 was a best and yesterday it was such a fine score there is a bit of disappointment for her but at the end of the day um she’ll be back for the next tournament but yesterday I think she pretty much got a taste of what she can do when she’s at a peak or when she’s in the zone pakong also looking to finish on PA for her final and this will be the final well tap of the day she needs to keep this part fairly simple fairly straight and that’s the final moment of the S suu Bank mbn Women’s Open 70 67 and 69 respectively for her and that’s our winner leeon the Su Bank NBN ladies open 2024 [Music] Champion she’s definitely going to have well the celebrations there cold water well if you can’t if you can’t win the tournament you at least get to Dow the [Music] champion and these girls will are all very good mates and that was really cold there she is the kpga 2024 winner of the SAT suu Bank mbn ladies open 2024 it’s a third win of the year and I think very welld deserved Lee Von was the star of today so let’s add that another feather on the cap after winning the Blue Canyon ladies Championship on the 17th of March and then of course winning the NH investment in Securities ladies Championship on the 12th of May uh this is another feather the cap 2nd of June the SE Bank mbn ladies open well we’ll have a few words from the champion there’ll be the prize presentation uh don’t go anywhere cuz we’re still very much in the heart of this contest let’s remind you that we were coming at you live from AO from the Star hu Golf Resort and uh my name is Glenn mascarenes I do hope you’ve enjoyed this event with us don’t go anywhere as we continue there’s still the priz Pres ation left and more importantly that crowd absolutely love it we’re so looking forward to it so there we have it Lee one finishes at the top of the Heap and hanguman will share the spoils with kimmon 7 they are tied second with 11 under so Kim Menon really has been you know she flew under the radar today but she kept uh going very consistently P Jong and S Jin finishing in tied fourth with 10 under then Pacman G uh finishing uh in sixth with eight under that was followed by yunu hodab beIN in TI seventh along with uh you know uh the rest of the stars but Haku Yong Also let’s not forget put in such a performance to finish in tied fourth sangin had the chance to win it uh she was uh you know tied with uh with leean to leean decided to break away uh and Lee dong Yun what an opportunity missed was the leader yesterday opened up positive today but just failed uh to or rather could not uh replicate her performance of yesterday which was at 66 points that she uh garnered um seven under is what she finished with in this tournament then you’ve got Leong Kimu Jong Pak G who was really at the top of her game yesterday too also falling out of Grace Yun Mina who was also looking very strong yesterday uh just had a few really bad uh holes to play uh in the second session and that was her undoing yesterday so today are finishing in TI 17 day along with yina the red carpet or should we call it the Pink Carpet [Music] [Music] oh [Music] could ch [Music] for for [Music] [Music] a few words there from uh uh the champion um she was in very good spirit yesterday and today and a very quick look at uh the highlights on the sixth hole the was Swang men really shining she opened up the day in a very very good manner she was really Charmed the audience right through uh you know with her placement her appro shots were fantastic here’s Lee won on the eighth hole she was staying close to the top she missed out on an eagle on a couple of occasions uh today two actually to be [Music] precise that was a birdie for suu Jin she to was in Stell form in that first nine about five or six birdies um she really Shone bright today and this was the undoing for hangu Min where it was a mulligan and then the triple bogy to end off uh pretty much her contest run but uh hats off to her I think very admirable she still pulled it back together to finish second best and to finish uh you know tide uh second with uh Kim Inson 7 she’s a very gutsy golfer and I think she’s been really while Lee won was The Shining Star of today a wangum is a story to write home about even after that huge stumbling block to get back up there and finish off uh you know second best I think that’s really commendable and that’s when well Lee W who was in TI third moved up to TI second that was on the the ninth hole and then of course on that 14th hole she pretty much had arrested her position as the leader she was right up there with 12 Wonder already she took it to 13 under on the 12 and then on the 15th hole I think that’s that was really the championship moment of when she had arrested the championship she was 30 under at the time and she had that fantastic uh well approached shot uh it was only about basically then finishing it off with the birdie so it was 14 under on the 15th hole and that’s when pong just kept creeping up slowly behind uh she had well four birdies there in that back nine and finally on the 18th hole uh it was Kim minson 7 who I think changed everything she lipped out what could have been an eagle she finished off with the birdie and that’s what got her second best um there was no pressure on her she just played she just played a natural game and uh this was the championship moment not really the championship moment but the final TA in for Lee one I think the championship moment was on whole of 15 so she had uh you know eight birdies in there an 800 score uh today to add uh to her well existing score so Lee won truly the champion of this event her third win of the year and she’ll maintain a number one ranking [Music] [Music] spe [Applause] [Music] [Music] sir M has a tied position for that 11 under kimson seven steps [Music] up to receive uh the runers up check that of course I think will be shared so the second and third prize money will be [Music] shared unexpected performance but a delightful one from kimon 7 [Music] well looks like wangan has taken the third position because leean will take the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first well that’s our champion for the sh Su Bank open mbn Women’s Open sorry that’s is sh Su Bank mbn Women’s Open 2024 that is our champion leave [Music] on and that’s the trophy well deserved she really earned it today there no doubt about it and she’s going from strength to strength treat tournament wins this year at the top of the kpga [Music] ranking that’s the Winner’s [Music] code and it fits perfectly [Music] today well the cap fits right so does the coat so does the Trophy and of course the winners check [Music] [Music] well the G as well for leave [Music] on and that’s the winnner check [Music] that’s being signed and I think that’s that’s really authentic isn’t it so there we have it the winners check [Music] so the winnner check was for 80 million1 which is 13,142 USD and the earrings and the necklace set I’m sure those are diamonds well she’s been the sparkling Diamond of this uh of this tournament Lee [Music] won and a few quick words from her as well so that was the SJ suyu Bank mbn Women’s Open being played out right here at the star Hue Golf Resort uh 2024 thank you for sharing the action of this event with us I’ll be back with you for the latte open which will start off on the 4th of July but for now it’s time for me Glenn masarus to shut Shop and Ship out of here and say you have a wonderful week ahead bye-bye for now


  1. I was reminded of the University golf coach said the Woods are full of Long knockers I'm assuming the some of the Woods are out of bounds entertainment does it get any better I don't think so.

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