Golf Players

Tommy Fleetwoods first coach discusses his early years and golf academy growth (NORMAN MARSHALL)

in our industry um yeah we spoke to a few people but we’ve been we’ve kind of had a little look at trying to get people on and thought you would be absolutely fantastic with the journey you’ve been on with obviously Mr fleetwoods and your and the academy that you run now so kind of what what’s your journey been like through um through coaching and your golf career to date really so how did it start how did it all where did you me like where did you start getting into junior golf Etc well I talk about this always time so it’s easy for me I just I just love sport as a kid and my dad was from Southport bit of a golf in Mecca but he met me m in the Raf in dunde and he married her there and I got I was born there so from my background people generally wouldn’t play golf in that era which was the 60s um but in dundy everybody played golf and people be on the bus with sets of clubs and stuff so my dad by one of my mom’s brother-in-laws got invited for a game of golf and he played golf uh in dunde started to play but they had so little money he sold his clubs to move back down to Southport because he thought Southport would be a better place for me to be brought up it was a little bit rough the area of dundy we lived in though it did Overlook a golf course called downfield and um we we came back to Southport so Dad didn’t have any clubs because he’d sold them mom and dad got up on the feet again and then when I was about 10 or 11 I loved football but I did like watching golf there’s something about the colors of it that just attracted me and I said to me dad dad will you buy us a couple of golf balls so he did it was just this fascination with ball Sport and uh then he got me a set of clubs Junior clubs from one of his mates at British laand and that was the start of my golfing Journey golf started for me in the garden uh my dad said to me you can come and play with me when you can hit the ball 100 yards which anytime he came near me I couldn’t do it when he went away frustra the occasion I could do it but we went for the ultimate test the official measure off Dad made it all official because perhaps he just wanted to play offl with his mates at the weekend it’s where the Southport is built at hospital now funly Southport Hospital’s built but funly enough directly over the road from the estate that Tommy came from and so my dad paced out there was no hospital there then it was just 4ot Fields paced out 100 yards and I at this ball and went over his head and his expression looked a bit blank but that was it i’ passed his test but that’s how my my golf Journey started at Southport Municipal like lots of tour players funn enough Tommy would have started there in the very early days and least Slattery that was my golfing journey by the time I was 12 years old which would have only been a year later i’ got pretty good just got slightly obsessive personality I got into South B and aale uh I was of and running I got down to about a one handicap when I was 16 I wrote letters before I’d left school and I got uh well I actually wrote to three clubs hesus Hillside and Royal berdale Hillside didn’t write back hesus said uh keep trying at school berdale didn’t write back so I thought well I’ll give him a ring so I said uh I I said to I sent an application in to see if you needed an assisted golf pro so the phone went silent for a minute two and just wait there and then the voice came back on the phone and said come down in in two weeks on a Saturday so I just timed it right when I actually started training there I realized these letters came all the time but I just timed it right so that’s how my golfing Journey started was a training at Royal berdale wouldn’t Happ now but the midle assistant had just lost his tour card so went from being a one- handicap golfer thinking I was the king to getting beaten senseless every night for a couple of years by a guy who was on and off the tour called Andy Butler it was the best possible training it was like a dream I can imagine why’ you reckon so obviously up where you are that way it’s a bit of a hot bed for producing producing Talent isn’t it you’ve had a lot of professionals come from your area why do you think it is is the environment that people are practicing in is it what do you reckon it is up there what’s in the wter up there well to be honest I would say um for a hot bear a golf in Mecca they call it a Golf Coast why has it produced so few tour players before Lee slat and then Tommy for coming quickly on his heels I think you’d have to go back to Teddy Halla one of the club pros at Royal berdale um the pro before the one I started training under who would have been going great in the 40s and possibly leaking into the 50s why is it not produce more that would be the question I would ask but uh I’m a great reader and I think the the seeds were sold but I don’t think there was that much opportunity for for kids and I was probably born just on the edge of the right time and um getting involved with Tommy what we want to create is an academy where all the best can come and play against each other and see what the best in junior golf look like and actually be training and competing against them so so my my dream is to create that environment and I’m happy to say I’ve done it you know we’ve produced a lot of um golfers On The Fringe we’ve been going with the Tommy Fleet with Academy for about five years but my work in junior golf stretches back way before that I built my own path recour and golf range so got things underway there and a couple of people have got into professional golf gam from a junior program then so what you’ve asked about is what is it in the water how come it’s a hot bed I don’t think it has been but it definitely is now we’ve got 180 pupils had a couple of world champions uh we’re off and running but I know you’re in the same field as me this is like the magic what does it take and uh I’ve devoted me whole career to finding it and trying to create it and uh yeah I’ve got it going now that’s brilliant you’re you’re um following your socials and stuff yourself and Tommy FL it’s amazing kids seem like they’re all engaged you’re brilliant with the children as well you could tell you have good relationships with all the kids I think that’s important to say for coaches you’ve got to build solid foundation relationships with these children they want to come there they come and see Norman at the end of the day don’t they um yeah they do yeah well I think that I think like I tried to be I was a shy kid was an only child and I had a Scottish accent I felt a bit of an outsider I would say it wasn’t particularly an outsider it was just the way I felt just being shy by name nature the Scottish accent kids took the Mick and that um but I was an only child and I did feel a little bit lonely a lot of games I played on my own I started to play golf on my own in the garden and then when I started playing at Southport Municipal I played mostly on my own and when I got in a private club at South Borton aale I played mostly on my own I didn’t really understand that that was unusual and none of me friends or family were members and then I saw another kid playing on his own so we started talking unfortunately his dad had passed away he was just brought up by his mom and we began to play golf together and funny enough we both made it as golf pros so I think golf in a way does suit that individual mindset you’re playing on your own it’s not a team game I was like quite self-contained it didn’t mean to be or set out to be yeah but that that helped me actually and sometimes parents will say to me oh he’s an only child we want him to make friends uh but I often say to the kid you being an only child that that’s your that’s your superpower because I was it makes you mentally strong and it builds in some resilience and self-reliance which thinks important in golf absolutely I’d Echo that I’m an only child as well so I absolutely agree of what you’re saying there you do spend a lot of time on your own you know playing football in the garden on your own doing things on your you learn to entertain yourself and then kind of enjoy your own company a little bit I certainly do now a little bit away from you mom used to say to me like everyone was a nurse and did you say who did you play with today at the golf I used to say Jack Jack Nicholas you know so I played with two balls so my mom used to go to work and say my son’s got into golf and so who does he play with and my mom says in all innocence he plays with a wee boy called Jack I feel off sorry for Jack because Norman keeps beting him had to explain to him playing with two balls so it was always close I’m not quite sure how I ran the scoring but I always to win on the last so when I went to Royal BT day and Nicholas it was 1985 was you know coming to the end of his career then and he won the Masters at the age of 46 I know it might not it wouldn’t be that big a surprise if it happened now but then it was oh that was my golfing hero and yeah coincided with me starting at berdale so it was great moving on to like your work with with toan how did that come about how did you first you know did he did he just turn up at the range one day and you sort of did he come to any group classes how did how how did your how’s your journey work with him uh it worked like this I built my own golf range and uh par three course because I’d worked in um Europe and played in Europe and you may already be aware of this in Europe when you joined a club you had to pay your subscription and you had to pass a test before they’ actually allowed to play It’s called in German speaking countries the plat rifer or green card they called it in Sweden and um it was a test of competence but the catch was you couldn’t take the test to join the club so quite wealthy people were paying a hefty subscription but not allowed to play because they couldn’t get through the test so that’s why all the golf coaches found a lot of work there in the 80s and early 90s and I come back to South but I thought we could do with that so I built a version of that and one night I get asked about it a lot but it was like you’ve probably had it in the golf range experience it’s 20 to8 there’s no one about think got to lock up early these headlights coming down the road think oh no we’ve got a golf knut who’s going to ask for 200 balls and it was Tommy and his dad so they went out to hit and uh I was just walking up the range thought I’ll just get the baskets in and I saw this little kid eting the ball thought wow he’s uh pretty special and uh I got speaking to his dad I became friends with his Dad he was my partner in the alliance and I began to coach Tommy but I was able to employ a lot of the ideas that picked up in Sweden and that’s how our relationship started you you say you saw him on the Range was he when I’m not a big believer in sort of you you got natural gol ability you might be able to move to move in a certain way you know it’s quite natural was he did he could he just could he just put Club on ball pretty pretty quickly was he quite yeah but I I say this a lot if Tommy was six now at our Golf Academy he’d look like four five dozen of the kids yeah yeah it was just in that era it was unusual to see a little kid that played golf and it was the strike now you know people think oh I bet he was absolutely brilliant he wasn’t he wasn’t and I I tell the kids this all the time they all know the answer now where did Tommy finish in his first Junior tournament um it was at Clyo he finished last what score did he shoot he shot 129 so it’s what you say it’s you learn you learn golf you might have ability to strike a ball but like being a boxer with a knockout punch if you don’t hit anybody it’s absolutely useless so the ball striking is a key thing we work on all the time but it you know it was sporadic like it is for most children but it was that that first struck me and I’d built a par three course and I got to know Tommy and that and um they came from the same background as me and we hit it off so um yeah I didn’t charge them to use the facilities and we became friends that must be such a great you know for children you teach now you know they’re in the same position as Tommy would have been at that age what a great inspir you can’t think of anything better for them to sort of take sort of uh Confidence from and like I can go on this all right they might not go on the same Journey but I’m starting on the same Journey as someone that’s played multiple times on tour one Rider cups that’s what a great um inspiration that is it’s unbelievable it’s unbelievable for me like I remember the first night I saw him and then uh I watched him te off at France in the ride cup you know against Tiger Woods I was only watching on TV by the way and I watched him and they now it’s the the four of them on the te and I was actually stood up watching and I felt like the ground was moving and I just thought to think he comes from where I come and I tell the kids this a little house just by tesos which everybody know where it is in southp and mom and dad you know the just ordin people that didn’t have much just like my mom and dad and he’s made it pretty much the summit of world golf hit the shot that won the ride cup so that is a life lesson that I’m always telling the kids you know it might not be golf but the life lesson is there if you find what you love you can go all the way if you love it enough and you’re passionate about it enough these children can be whatever ever they want to be so my my mission in life through that I missed out saying this before is just to be the coach that I most needed I lack confidence I lack self-belief I was a good footballer the bigger the match the more I passed the ball because I didn’t want to make any mistakes so taking away the fear of failure um I’m actually coaching the child in me yeah that’s that’s really that’s a great message actually never thought be like that that’s brilliant trying to TI all the time what are the consequences of a bad shotting golf I tell them early I’ll tell you the consequences are zero there aren’t any because it’s only a game I’m Mega competitive my wife is she beats me at Connect Four because I’m competitive I’m momentarily upset we set them up and we start again and uh in real life it don’t matter it’s insignificant if you miss a two foot put for the open actually in what really counts it’s insignificant because your mom and dad’s still going to love you and your dog is still going to be pleased when you open the door so that’s something we’re always trying to say to the children we’re trying to build a culture where they play without fear lot easier said than done if I had a two foot put for the open yeah I’d be extremely focused and nervous but which trying to we’re trying to give that message that you don’t actually get there by um being worried about the consequences of failing I sort of recognize that myself in sport though funny enough we’re talking about tennis we watched King Richard last night me and my wife about the Williams sisters because one of the one of the kids dad said to me you’ll love it and um you know I was watching that I forgot what I’m gonna say now but yeah so I watched that I found I found that uh quite interesting to watch him but you don’t get anywhere like being scared to fail so we’re trying to create an environment where kids are able to be trained and just through a routine and following a process when their opportunity comes they equips take it had a great example of it the other day when will this when will this you YouTube video go out week a couple of weeks okay well I’ll take a little bit of a gamble I got a phone call from the RNA a few weeks ago and um they said uh we’re making a video um about getting girls into golf at St Andrews and uh if you got a suitable girl who could come up they’re going to meet a famous golfer famous female golfer I’ll just hold her name back because they’ve asked asked us to until the video comes out and they’re going to play a few olds with them at St Andrews they’re going to meet the golf by surprise but they’re going to know obviously they’re coming up to play on the old course so they said have we got any any suitable girls I said I got loads but I picked out four because there was an AG window that they wanted anyway they invited two up and uh I saw the video of this girl who was nine um walk up to the T she was ahead of the T but it was on the first at St Andrew with a famous female golfer everybody would have heard and she just absolutely smashed the t- shot straight down the first at St Andrew in fact she has a lower score on the ho than the tall player and I just thought to myself that encapsulates everything this little girl she Hasen been waiting for opportunity she’s been training for it and when her moment come she took it with both hands I was you know like for you you have had it in Junior Golf there have been things that have happened when it’s just you and a couple of kids and you think to yourself that was a highlight of my career you know what kids say to you sometimes and you see that dawning of self-belief within a child and just think you know what one of my pupils it could be Tommy might go on to win a major um but will anything replace that moment and and the truth is it won’t because I see that in myself when I first started to think I can actually win a golf tournament and you look around and you realize everybody there wants what you want the trophy and they read your name out it’s an incredibly empowering moment for a child so in in the golf almost every life I’m sure like yours not every single one but most lessons we’re playing for a challenge a little prize or something and it all starts there that that bravery I suppose in a child to go up let say if it’s a PO and it’s nearest to the pound they’ve got that moment where all the other kids are watching the m and dads are watching they’re quiet for a moment I’m sure they’re a little bit they’re shaking inside but they do it and they repeatedly do it and they do all kinds of challenges and I always say to them that was courage it’s not courage if you’re not a bit nervous it’s courage if you’re nervous but you do it anyway and they begin that process of competing in a gentle way in front of people and then when we have our Tommy flut Academy tournaments we have a PA system we announce them on the tea we’ve got a PGA scoreboard we make it as big time feel as possible yeah because we want them to repeatedly face what might start off as a fear until it becomes normal and routine so watching the girl called Gracie te off and she just smashed it it was just a beautiful moment I guess that’s what I’m I’m I’m I’m working for in my field that daing in a child’s mind where they suddenly think I I can do it yes I can and yeah that’s that’s why I do it it vindicates you know seeing somethingone like that doesn’t it vindicates because you have days don’t you where you do loads of session with kids and it is great fun but that that Vindication you’ve got from that gives you even more self-belief in what you’re trying to deliver as well doesn’t it you know it does it absolutely does we a lot of the children I coach are very young when when kids get to about 12 13 and 14 they get pulled into private clubs Club activity a lot of mind go into County activity is and I I see them slightly less but I’m working a lot with very young children so we did the golf sixes and uh they said put in a team I said well I’ve got like kids that compete in the world championships but I don’t want to put in like our version of the rider Cup team you know I don’t want to take anybody else’s confidence away so we competed in a league with six teams and we played it exactly by the rules you’ll see bits of it about on Instagram some of our kids were tiny and uh we went to play but we had that many golfers we put two teams and so we played in a league with uh six other teams and both of our teams tied for first wow I just thought that and a lot of the kids were a lot bigger and I immedately thought all teams have put really good golfers in you know and we’ve downplayed it that’s what I thought watching them off all well we’re gaining experience but both of our teams tied on the same score for first I would say although I’ve been doing it a long time that was the ultimate Vindication it was Vindication for me or probably Vindication might be too strong a word but moms and dads could see all the games and drills we do and stuff that you’re doing it actually has a purpose and when they met kids from other clubs that have less structured environments um it paids off and I was saying you know I’ve been doing this for a long time but seeing our youngest kids go some of them not all that experienced and some with zero competitive experience seeing them did they for the goods in that super six’s format which is um oh a scramble format uh oh you know it was a long day it was like 12 hours work and I drove home at night and thought yeah I was able to say to the parents all our ideas what work with Tommy that we’ve rolled out it it works and the proofs there with our two teams tied at the top of the leaderboard meeting people like you and looking at your Instagram page and everything you know I’m I’m I’m always learning and seeking and I like the idea of sharing sharing ideas with coaches like you and I’m quite willing and open to share myself it’s just you’ve and you reaching out to me I know you’ve got the same mindset but it’s quite unusual to find coaches in this game who will share I can’t coach all the kids in the world I’ve got loads of experience I’ve got a catalog with 300 games and drills in um and I’m quite willing to share I set up a Facebook page once it’s still there golf games and drills for kids and basically um I just said of any other Pros you know you can post on it we can share games it become like a uh um a catalog for games that any coaches can dip into I noticed a lot of coaches dipped in dipped in but none of them put him so I had an idea to write a book of me games and drills so I stopped posting on it but meeting people like you it’s nice because there full of children need the country is full of children needing the opportunity golf’s a great game for life skills and and we can share and we we can move it forward together I think you’re bang on there I think a lot of a lot of coaches get very precious you know they don’t want to they don’t want to share they want to keep their own little close shot but if you’re going to if you’re going to grow the game to where it needs to be or where where it could be it is it’s speaking to people like yourself that have got the experience you know and got the got the knowhow of how to produce and certainly we we’ve changed the way we’ve done things in the last couple of months trying to reach out to more people doing more stuff on social media one it’s been quite enjoyable doing something different um and two is actually when you actually reach out to people I think I was a little bit apprehensive at first to to to talk to people like I did did stuff obviously yourself I did I got Neil plyr on a couple of days ago he was really good I why not it’s like you say about having that having that courage it took a little bit of courage to do something like that and might sound a little bit um a little bit cheesy but I you know it’s been Vindicated people are very oh will Norman get back to me will will Neil get back to me if they don’t they don’t at the end of the day what can you do about that you you you you’ve cast the net and see if you can get a few people on board yeah well I know I know Neil I I don’t know him person but I know of him and uh yeah he he’s great and I think you’ll find like people who work in this sector if succeeded they’ve succeeded for a reason and it’s because they’re they’re a s of a giv person there’s something about them that can connect with kids and the issue with connecting with kids is you’ve got twice as many parents to connect with you’ve got some people skills and people with people PE people who have people skills know that sharing um it it it is important not like when you’re a kid at school and you’re doing your work and you put your arm around it so the next kid can’t copy yours um that’s that that can be sometimes our golf coaches operate but yeah um you know I I I was made up I was I was quite excited to to to come on this no thank you and hopefully it will um the channel will grow and get bigger and better so going into your into your program with kids then what does so let’s say I’m I’m five years old never played before what does what do you guys not offer so much but what what what’s my part paway really to to say golf sixes or something how do I how do I get involved um well the golf sixes is a new thing for us and sort of the competitive golf is not very far down the line but that is down the line a little bit but basically you just come along we’ve got a waiting list now I think we’ve got about 180 kids and we’ve got a waiting list with 50 or 60 children that’s amaz it does um yeah I’m might look look to take on another coach but the pro the problem is we’re almost at capacity so you’ve got it’s a space issue I’ve got driving range yeah I’ve got the driving range I’ve got eight Bays we have a maximum of eight kids in the class there’s me coaching and we have a helper I’ve got another coach called Sophie is absolutely brilliant she does all girls classes mix classes um I do all boys and mixed but uh we’ve got a show Game Area putting green we’ve got a path recourse we’ve got a studio we’ve got the range but if the weather’s bad and we both want it to get on the Range we try to avoid that overlap so then when you get down to kids you’ve got Limited hours you’ve got the weekends and you’ve got evenings and we’re almost at capacity yeah so yeah so if someone gets in touch with us we try to put the kids in a class um of kids of a similar age and rough roughly the same ability but we’re we’re approximate about that anything too rigid would begin to exclude children and we’ve got a situation now where most of our classes have experienced golfers in and parents with new golfers are saying oh we’re looking for like a beginners class so I say to them the chances of you getting eight beginners at the same age all wanting to start at the same time it’s not going to happen so for safety reasons we I often like to BR bring a beginner into experience class and you can come along and just help us keep them safe and we’ll just get them going and we’ll take it from there so with other kids activities sporting activities football team times changing and stuff there is a little bit of a movement so yeah we get kids going um yeah and that that’s it it’s giving them the opportunity isn’t it as as youve quite rightly said there I mean have it’s hard I mean we we’re I wouldn’t say we’ve got quite got a waiting it’s we’ve got quite a few more Bays here but it’s you’re right you’re trying to you’re trying to manage your manage your Academy you’ve got you know members of the public that want to use the range you have to be very careful with when you go on the golf because we we Tred I mean we spoke to someone a few weeks ago and he said he gets out on the golf course when whats it is worse because he knows it’s going to be quiet knows he’s going to be able to get out there and I actually thought with it thought that’s actually quite a good quite a good idea because you try go out there in the middle of the day when it’s baking hot in the summer he going to be very very busy so I think managing isn’t it it’s it’s it’s managing and giving people the right right time and I mean you know you said you’ve got a really good member of staff there was it did you was it Sophie sorry I don’t get her name wrong Sophie that’s correct yeah have you found in your experiences though I mean we’ve we’ve tried to scale out sometimes and we found getting staring that have got the same passion and enthusiasm as as yourself and ourselves quite difficult have you found Staffing in the past quite a challenge have you had or have you just kind of taken it on your own and been very careful in bringing people on board oh been very careful in bringing people on board but I think it’s because I’m fiercely independent probably that only child thing and I like things doing my way so for the likes of Sophie um she came and work with me on the classes for several months and um a lot of the lessons are built around a bit of golf technique which we apply to game a game or drill and challenge we might in uce a bit of EA or some kind of golfing Rule and we’ll end with a prizewinning challenge um so she sort of picked up the pattern of the Le of the lesson I’ve got a program and and um she began to deliver the lessons on her own so she she was what I would say is mature you know I think she was 28 or 29 uh when she got going and um quite a sort of gentle personality I suppose a bit like me really and um yeah so she she got up and running but it is it is it is it is difficult I mean that that that what you’re doing that’s your baby and uh you coach with another coach don’t you there’s two of you yeah myself and Matt yeah absolutely yeah so that’s like a small typ team you what I would say to you is and this is the way I’ve always operated anybody who works with me there come out of my coaching program and this is what I say to the children when you’re nice to another kid or when I might ask you to get the baskets and help me or I might ask you to practice and concentrate you think nobody’s watching but they are watching they are watching and I was like that I left coaching Tommy when he was about 11 or 12 I went abroad I was still playing and coaching and never saw him and became a famous golfer and uh I’m operating in my own golf range and golf business car boots occasionally at the side sometimes there’s a traveler Fairground and getting the range balls nicked have come from Royal berdale I just think oh you know how how have I ended up how have I ended up here and you think no one’s watching and I begin to turn out more and more great Junior golfers that become County players in fact mik County Phil Canyons rightand man was one of them um he began to work for me as an assistant just CU I liked him and he was a friendly kids you think no one’s watching but they are watching Tommy and his wife were watching what I was doing so I get that call and then I’m working at FBO and I’ve moved my junior program there and I get that call from Tommy’s wife when the British Masters was Tommy was hosting at Hillside said Norman Tommy I’d like you to set up program and um using the games and drills you did with him and he’ll work with you and we’ll get it going so yeah it’s that toiling away doing your best most conscientious job and finding employees or people you’re going to work with um people people pay attention if you just keep doing a conscientious job sooner or later somebody’s going to notice yeah I think I I watched I have to W wrap up it cuz the time’s running out but um yeah I I watched something the other day it was American guy in a big in a big Summit and he was saying you know if if no one’s watching you keep making plays if the uh if someone’s selling more than you in your job just keep making plays and it was really stuck with me keep just keep going keep flooding along yeah yeah keep doing the right thing I looked at your Instagram page and I think you are doing the right thing we’re trying we’ll get there it’s just being more consistent trying to be a bit more consistent with that and and taking it on board it takes over your life a lot of content takes a lot of time it does yeah but you can always ask me you know I I I can always uh I can always give you my input and I can learn from you now that’ll be great love to start a community love to start a like a junior golf Community it would be it’ll be exceptional and there’d be loads of people that would want to get on board with that well that’s what you get for that’s what you get for reaching out you know and that’s what I get for agreeing to come on you a connection of likeminded people now you might get somebody who just rolls up a golf coach who does Juniors who rolls up on a Saturday morning and makes it up off the cuff what they’re going to do that day they might want to ra Ram Raad our ideas but it doesn’t it doesn’t work like that you’ve got to give something to get something back AB yeah that’s the name of the game we’ll try conversation about that definitely yeah you might have some questions to tear through because I’ve talked a lot but yeah before it wraps up so yeah honestly no that is that is great I think we’ll end it there that’s brilliant that’s been really really insightful thank you very much for your time um keep plugging away as I know you will I look forward to uh seeing some of the golfing Superstars that you produce on your Instagram and things um and yeah we’ll talk again definitely let’s talk again and see if we can get something built up like a community that’ll be brilliant yeah no problem check out the uh TFA um Southport Facebook page a post on there a lot more now okay um Tommy’s social media people um look after the Instagram I do post on it but it’s not as much as a you I’ll have a look at that I’ll have a look at that definitely the fa the Facebook one is uh is more active brilliant all right well thank you very much Norman have a great day and then we’ll speak soon thank you very much for your time anytime if you want to do a part two let me know because you might I will definitely right thank you very much see you later thank you bye bye-bye bye

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