I STOPPED needing Golf Lessons After I Discovered These Swing Secrets (distance didn’t matter!)

It’s nothing to do with your technique the reason WHY your can’t even break 90.. It’s nothing to do with the DISTANCE you hit the golf ball! This will ALMOST Guaranteed To Break 90 EVEN with Maximum 200 Yard Shot. Follow and implement just 2 of these 5 simple golf tips and you’ll find your score sDROP drastically in the space of one round of golf!

This is Exactly how to lower your scores by at least 5 strokes from Alex Elliott Golf ! Follow these 5 simple and easily implemented golf tips to lower your scores and break 90 EVEN with Maximum 200 Yard Shot… IT only takes ONE ROUND!

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so come on let me sort you out I get this question asked all the time and this is from Sean Tracy I’d love to see a series where you take an average golfer and see if you can break 100/90 well even better right let me show you how you can break 90 even if you don’t hit the golf ball over 200 yards carry now that might sound ridiculous but I’ll be honest with you implementing just two of these five things I’m going to show you today you will def itely be able to access this now I’m going to start in reverse order actually no I’m going to do them in any order just see which one you think you need in your game a little bit more I’ll be honest if you can Implement all of them I’d be over the moon for you so tip number one I want to work out how you play a hole and let’s take this stroke index one for example 453 yards it would be ever so tempting just to grab driver and boom pop it down there but h stroke index one it’s meant to be hard for a reason so for example the bunker down the Fairway is meant to trick you up it’s around about your Landing Zone we have thick roof right out of bounds left what I need you to do is have a look at the course guide use a laser if you have one and if we want to break 90 we probably got a shot here the idea of breaking 90 is keeping doubles and triples off your card and on a sh index one that’s why you’re most liable to have one so laser the trouble work out where the trouble is and take a club off the tea that you’re comfortable with and one that’s never going to reach the trouble so for me fivewood is the club I know I can play up this right hand side away from the trouble and that’s going to keep those big numbers off my card so what I’m saying here is have a strategy on your stroke index one hole H away from the trouble balance just right a bit you know what when you’re more comfortable with a fivewood aren’t you than a driver so why don’t just play that and then this number one tip doesn’t stop there from there why don’t you just think about grabbing let me find my head cover a 79 hitting at 150 yards okay play that then that leaves you with a wedge wedge that on the green and you know what I bet you make par more times by holding a long put than you make triple or double because you’re keeping a disaster off your card so fed off the tea a club you’re comfortable with lay up to round wedge yardage wedge it onto the green somewhere if you two put it’s only a bogey but you know what like this you could make a one put let’s get on to tip number two now number two on our list I’ve been preaching about this for years but yet I have to tell students all the time it’s about being good with your wedges again think about it if we lacking a little bit of distance which most of us are wedging pitching has to be on point now it doesn’t need to be technical all I need you to do is have two swings for your wedges and all I mean by is two swings is an arm parallel to the ground an arm parallel to the ground shot and a full shot and I’ll be honest with you my full shot with all my wedges I don’t swing past sort of shoulder height I don’t want to be going like where I am with driver just around shoulder height is all the speed all the impetus you need into the shop well I think I just surprised myself with that word so setup wise look for a two Club head width apart stance left foot a little bit back of right foot weight on the left and side so lead a little bit back of Trail weight 60/40 on the left hand side keep it there arm parallel arm parallel and do that with every single one of your wedges because look right being good with your wedges means you’re going to have more opportunities like this whether this is to save one point in a stable food make three points this is going to help you minimize your score because we all know the closer your proximity to the hole the more chance you’ve got of holding puts get in oh I said The more chance I didn’t guarantee okay let’s move on to tip number three so after looking at that pitching tip let’s have a look at these Fairway woods and what I mean by have a look at these Fairway Woods is off the deck we have to be good with them if we don’t hit the golf ball more than 200 yards then this is a club that we’re going to rely on to hit some of the Par Four greens sometimes if we’re not laying up which I would seriously advise okay but to strike these so much better I just find you’ve got to use this concept one of the best sites I’ve ever seen is Sergio Garcia taking a divot with a fairway wood it’s almost like that crunching strike so many Club golfers like me and yourself we just sort of brush it off the top not what we want to do change the concept when you’re addressing your golf ball like this we need to make a few practice swings just inside but I want you to think split your golf ball in half make two practice swings trying to brush this side not contacting here trying to brush this side of the gold ball all you’re doing is working out your low Point here and yeah I know that sounds so simple but I often ask my students why you trying to hit the ground they go no idea no idea Alex not got a clue well I do have a clue I’m just trying to hit the ball no no no change that concept we want to have two practice swings in this manner one half just middle of the G ball and ahead second one middle of the go ball and ahead so we’re really finding out where the low point is for what action we’re trying to make so when you grab your Fairway Wood get your ball positioner Club head inside you’ve had your two practice swings now you know where your low point is so 100% you can make that little bruising diver and strike your Fairy Woods cuz you’re going to heavily rely on these and by the way copy the same Theory with your hybrids never left the flag look at that don’t just look at the ball oh but look what I did look what I made look in my mouth it was well worth it though look a little bruising divot which I am going to put back let’s move on to tip number four though before we move on to tip number four that’s not bad is it I mean I’m not hit the green but I did have fed in my hand next on our list you’ve got to do this no non-negotiable in my opinion you’ve got got to become the master of the Chip And Run and all the Chip And Run requires is what I call a one Leever motion forget the wrist keep the triangle keep your weight on your left and I’m still so shocked when golfers don’t Master this shot we too bothered about playing the floppy one okay which is needed but if we’re thinking about this logically if we don’t hit it more than 200 yards and we quite a short hitter some of us might even be losing distance we’re not going to hit many greens so you’re going to rely heavily on this area of the game if you want to break 90 you’re going to be so reliant on a chip and run now I want you to focus on just being good at this with your 9 right forget your wedges get it running so that’s your setup I’m relatively close to the ball keep the one leave of motion backing through I’ll just make sort of hip height hip height with the hands I guess a little bit of something like this that’s where the first one’s ended up and just for good measure let’s play another one okay this is a great shot to have in your locker back through running up the hill giving yourself I guess inside six feet to make your PA let’s move on to the fifth and final one and arguably the one that I need to get much better at myself let me explain and it’s being a great in fact not even great it’s being a brilliant lag putter cuz think about it if we’re using long clubs into each and every hole or we’re laying up wedging it on we might not hit it as close as let’s say some other golfers at our Golf Club so if you can be a good lag Putter and worse two put every time maybe just throw one three put in not three four five or six or seven three puts think how much that’s going to lower your score so this is my little tip for that I use this and I don’t know why I haven’t spoken about it before now so look we have a go going to go 45 50 maybe even 65 70 ft away from this flag I think about it a little bit like an apple in the bin analogy or throwing paper into the bin when we’re sort of being relaxed and focusing externally the throwing action we actually perform tasks so much better so on Long puts like this be sort of less bothered about I guess the quality of our stroke because realistically we’re not going to hold it from here free your putting up get a little a little bit more relaxed and make two practice swings where you just focus solely on looking at the flag it’s almost like I’m going like this okay what have I got to put into this to get the ball to go that distance okay let’s have a quick go at this we’ve done our practice swings up the hillross the McKenzie simmer down okay a little bit firm that one you need to get better it so go again practice these if you can get them inside that bin lid it’s such a a corny expression but it’s so true up and across this is so much better that that I say is what I would describe as stressfree putting and keeping three puts off my card thanks so much for watching like I said at the start of the video if you can just Implement just two of these I know I promise you you can break 90 you really really can thanks for watching


  1. Alex just want to say after watching your video yesterday about marking the ball in the bottom lefthand quadrant I had my best ever round by 3 shots that's in 25/30 years. Thank you very much

  2. Alex, I’m just about to hang it up. Playing golf on and off for 30 years. I’ve been playing the best golf of my life this year. NOW after taking 3 weeks off for a rib problem, all I can do with my irons is hit fat shot after fat shot, I would rather take a beating, I hate fat shots with a passion!!!!!

  3. Do you have a video that helps fix hitting the ground first before the ball with the irons? I am having a consistent problem with that right now.

  4. my current nemesis is known as "devil's dogleg," where the water along the left, and the hillside on the right, leaves me counting by twos as often as not.

  5. I would love to see a video on how to hit the clutch putt or the clutch chip.. the one on 17th or 18th… What do you do to make it? The mental aspect. 🙂

  6. My course management isn't brilliant. After seeing this great video I am refocusing and hopefully going to get some shots back. Thanks Alex.

  7. I’m working on getting better and consistency, your tips are helpful as an older and novice golfer you’ve been a help, now to try my foot work on the wedge shots you were doing to see if it helps, Thanks for your great videos

  8. Alex, this is exactly what I've been working on for a while now, and I shot an 83 two days ago. I believe I would have broken 80, but the greens were so darn fast and hard to keep on line. These points you gave here are awesome!

  9. Tip number 6, put a 7 wood in your bag. I am a retired, short hitter, and the 7 wood is my favorite fairway club for 190-200 yards. So easy to get in the air. My 4 and 5 irons are collecting dust now.

  10. If a mid to high handicapper could go around a course without duffing any shot at all, they would stand a great chance of breaking 90, also taking an extra club into every green and no three putts, they could shoot mid 80's. If.!!

  11. Great video course management is one of the best parts of my game. Unfortunately because I don’t hit it that far I have to rely on my short game which again is very good. However when I play a lower handicap or longer hitter I cannot always get up and down from 50/70 yards so sometimes they have a free put and this puts me at a disadvantage over the course of the round.

  12. Great tips but it all goes out the window when you push/slice or pull hook or top the ball into out of bounds even when playing a conservative shot.

  13. This is probably the best video I’ve seen from you – straightforward, common sense advice which, if followed, will definitely be of great help in reducing our scores. Thank you.

  14. Sergio Garcia says he hits down on driver, as he hits more fairways, very Jack Nicklaus in his approach, rather than teeing it high and hitting up on driver

  15. Fantastic, underrated tip to club down on toughest holes. Simple but hard to put to practice when your buddies are pulling out driver or long irons on every hole!

  16. Alex, We spend most our time in the ROUGH ! could you show us how to get out of, ball high grass and higher ? with 60yd wedge . with a 150yd iron ? with a 180yd hybrid/fairway wood ? Our Fairways and Ruffs are Not like Carpet !

  17. I feel like I've recently forgotten about every single one of these tips in my recent rounds because I've just tried to focus on hitting the ball more consistently. Back to basics for me, great video!

  18. The flop is a lot more exciting to execute than the chip n run. Scoring is definitely the objective of playing a round but it's a lot more fun if one can score by executing at least a few pro like shots once in a while

  19. Good stuff. I've almost given up trying to be a hero, bombing distance, almost for the sake of it. Great tips. I've been working hard the last month on putting and short game. Really does make such a huge difference. And another one. I've ditched the driver on the course. Only work with it on the range. I won't give up on it, but it causes me more grief than it's worth at the moment..

  20. You should do this with someone who hits it that far, you hitting a hybrid 200 vs a golfer that carry driver that far is a different ball game, 3 wood is then 180, 5 wood 165, 7 iron 130 for example, the length is a different game, noone hitting driver 200 is hitting 7 iron 150

  21. Alex what is weight distribution when playing fairway wood or hybrid as I think this might be the reason why I’m still hitting the grass before the ball even though I’m setting up my stance correctly

  22. What I used to do with par 5 holes was to divide the distance by three and use a club that would provide the distance. If there was a hazard in the middle of the hole, like a stream, lake or sand trap, the I would adjust the club for that to take it out of play. My problem was not putting (I averaged between 25-30 putts per round). My problems were hitting direction (I mostly sliced), especially on holes heavily lined by trees on both sides, and not hitting out of sand traps decently. BTW, that was over 30 years ago. I still have my set of clubs that I've had since the early 1980's. A great job with the instruction, as usual. Thanks for the video.

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