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Shannon Sharpe clowns Chad Johnson for getting jammed by Bengals rookie at OTAs | Nightcap

Shannon Sharpe reacts to Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson facing off against Cincinnati Bengals rookie DB Josh Newton in a fade drill. Ocho also breaks down his adventures getting a ride from the airport from a Bengals fan.

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No more waiting until morning. Nightcap is the new nighttime sports talk destination with legends Shannon Sharpe, Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson, and Gilbert Arenas. Hang out with Unc, Ocho, and Gil as they give their unfiltered takes on the latest headlines from the NFL, NBA, and college football, and give their instant reactions to the biggest games moments after they end.

#Nightcap #ShannonSharpe #Ochocinco #GilbertArenas

hey guys it’s your favorite Unk here go ahead and click that subscribe button below so you don’t miss a single episode of night cap that button right here come for the sports stay for the stories yeah I saw something on Twitter today about a local cinnati man yeah picking you up from the airport can you please hey can you please walk us through what’s going on here what is this what well well listening for those that in the chat those that have follow me through throughout my career in general or even after my career has been over whenever I travel places on and I I know you understand how financially conscious I am and this is something that I’ve always done I’ve been doing it for a very long time instead of renting the Uber instead of um catching the taxi uh instead of getting the rental car um obviously in Cincinnati I feel safe here uh having strangers that I know personally pick me up from the airport uh it gives me a time to bond with them it g me a time to to connect and Ensure and and and share War stories about some of the some of the things they witnessed when I was playing and I I don’t I don’t get a chance to actually engage and talk to the fans that have watched me play throughout the years when I was here and I always allow someone to come pick me up when I come in town in Cincinnati and this was a way for me to save money you know uh instead of renting a car um instead of having to get a uber uh this worked and uh a good good friend of mine know not good friend of mine but he’s a friend of mine now um he picked me up from the airport we chatt a little bit you know we stopped the McDonald’s we stopped the crispy K cream he dropped me off at my hotel and now anytime I come back to Cincinnati I have someone someone that can uh pick me up from the airport and this is like I’ve done this maybe four or five times be careful oo that’s that’s a very dangerous situation yeah I like living on the edge I’m the same guy that Rod a bull I’m I’m the same I’m the same guy that rode a bull that’s that’s dangerous like they they listen they say it’s a lot of crazy people out there in the world but you got to understand when crazy me crazy it balances everything out cu I’m crazy too like I said just be just be just be careful that’s all I’m saying do I mean do you really think anybody would kidnap me think about it I mean if you kid if you think think about this think think about you know me they shoot celebrities they people shoot celebrities happens did you see this guy on General Hospital they was robbing his car trying to steal his catalytic converter he yells like hey guys what y’all doing boom oh okay I understand that but when so is somebody gonna steal my Starbucks card or my McDonald’s card all I’m saying just be careful so this notion that people don’t shoot celebrities or famous people that’s not true they shot Giani Versace I didn’t I I I say listen don’t I understand you want to be a man of the people but just be smart it’s so it’s so it’s okay there’s a reason why you have an alarm there’s a reason why you live in a gator Community there’s a reason why you don’t live in Liberty City there’s a reason why wa wait wait wait I I still oh okay okay I you don’t live in Liberty City okay just you can pull up on you just just be smart all I’m saying is just be smart I understand you want to be a man of the people and that’s great it’s hard to change after 20 years though it’s hard it’s hard to change I’m I’m a because when you when you made your money you didn’t build no house in Liberty City no but hey hey hey speaking of that do you know I ain’t leave my grandma house at the 40s in Liberty City until my fourth year in the league why you left man she kicked me out you could have bu you could have buil her bigger house D I tried to get her to get up out of there you know how no they not mov I’m not saying them they not moving we couldn’t get my my grandma my sister W even leave Glenville so I know somebody that’s 75 80 years old they not going nowhere you know what I mean hell yeah I know what you mean I’m like Mommy I said Mama my Grandma I said Mama we made it now we can we can actually leave here she like boy you was a oh you think I’m leaving this place oh yeah so when she passed away and my mama passed away me and my little brother chy he probably watching right now we kept the house so I still be down there to check on my little brother check on the house and make sure everything everything man read it out get Char up out of there oh sh well CH ain’t going nowhere listen he promised he promised my mama we will not let nobody else live in this house and we would we promis not to sell it so only thing we going to do to it is renovate it and make make it a little make it look a little bit more modern oh yeah make it look a little bit mod CU listen what they doing out out there in Miami how they pushing everybody out over I don’t know they gentrifying you see they did the Engle wood gentrifying like crazy you know the pork and beans the pork and beans they number six blocks away oh really you know about the pork yeah yeah I’ve heard of I’ve never been there yeah I’ve heard of it yeah yeah that’s that that’s that’s where I grew up all that is gone oh they gentrified it beans you see they did the Engle wood right gentrified everything you see what they did the Engle woodle would man I went I went I went past the jungles the other day to see some friends of mine right off Coliseum in the third building but everything G everybody Spanish everybody Spanish I I couldn’t find nobody but listen and then the prices for the houses sure in that area but why my grandma house I think she got it maybe in the maybe 50 I don’t want to say it wrong but like what 40 something thousand why my grandma house worth goddamn 800 she probably didn’t pay that much for it back then she probably paid 20 for it but you know back then 20,000 30,000 was a lot of money oo that was a lot of money bro head around how can something in Liberty City a danger zone a war zone at one point be worth 800,000 it ain’t the house they want it’s the land that’s the value because they going to tear that down as soon as they get it when they put the Georgia when they put the Georgia Dome up yeah I mean not excuse me the Mercedes Benz Dome Mercedes Benz there was a there was a a uh a house uh there no there was a church the church had maybe a 100 members if that right so if you got a 100 members that means only like 25 of them come right but in order but in order for them to complete it they had to get that land that plot of land 14 million oh so they they gave that to the church just to get the land yes sir they took them folding chairs and went and start up another church so oh they oh they okay okay say did they actually start the church back up but but you had to have it so that’s why the value is is that they want to redevelop it right and they and there would yeah they’ll pay you top dollar but what’s gonna come that development yeah that’s gonna come those houses the uh uh uh the shopping whatever they put up there yeah oh they gonna triple they triple quadruple that money listen at one point in time I’m thinking about I think about Overtown you know about Overtown even if you haven’t lived in Miami you know how Overtown was 15 20 years ago everybody loves to come in Windwood and act like it’s a touristy place because of what has been built up to be man could nobody walk through Windwood man 15 years ago could nobody walk through Overtown 15 years ago now man listen and they as as they move everybody out and four Force everybody further south the people out the beans the people out of overt they force everybody way down south where obviously it’s a little it’s a it’s it’s a little it’s inexpensive and everything where we grew up is now become they pricing us out yeah that the same thing a lot you see that a lot in Savannah when I went there they they hey they done build it up they got scad came in um it’s so touristy uh they cleaned it up I mean you would D walk all that foresight Park and all that over there everything from Martin Luther King 37 to Bull back to B- Road all that Montgomery Crossroad man you wouldn’t dare walk through there man please now that them built that thing up so much I mean I barely recognized and I went back because I I don’t get back to Savannah much oo I’m like I was asking my home said damn when when did they do this that I’m built all the Truman partway all the overpass man they done built that thing up so much but that’s hey they want that land they’ll give you like man this house ain’t worth that oh the house ain’t worth nothing you right you absolutely right that house but what that house is sitting on is that’s what they want yeah for sure so I’m just saying Oho just be careful I understand you a man of the people but uh just be careful I got oh check this out uh and then I saw a video hey look at that boy that man put both hands in your chest well listen listen I we we were just going five yards but listen let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s talk about something else right let let me tell you something that right there was one of the best feelings in the world I mean I I I like what he did young young young young Corner young Corner Josh Newton man on on on uh Instagram he’s he’s called bumping bump and run for a reason he’s good in bumper run I watch him in college we exchanged words on Twitter a few times so I was decided to get out there right hey I want whoever whoever playing this back back and forth look how quick I still am off the ball no you wasn’t that man in your chair because I remember back in the day you’d have been on top of him you listen matter of fact back in the day I would have dipped my I would have di my right shoulder and got listen back in the day I would have di my right shoulder and got low but you gotta think I haven’t done nothing like that in like 12 years and then I my Foundation Hey listen my Foundation I’m not used to getting pushed around and being able to hold my line I ain’t done that in years but listen I enjoyed that man and listen you know what else I like an I like the stories me and him Shar after this you do realize that dude ain’t no DB yeah yeah he’s a d DB now yeah now and he put hands on you like that wait what you mean what you talking about man he went to TCU he was an offensive player yeah and he switched to DB his last year I’m trying to tell you he ain’t got no technique he ain’t really got no skill put them PS on you he he has great technique that’s why his name is that’s why his Twitter name is bump and run then why he play why did he play DB and college then he did he switched after he he was a officer guy they took him out he was a wide receiver nah don’t don’t don’t try to change the subject he put PS on your oh he got you no not not really yo yes really yeah really look at my feet look at my feet look look at my feet look how quick I am oh you drop he already know you go release outside huh he already know you release outside oh yeah because listen I had my I had my left foot up I can’t I can’t be Shifty right now because I ain’t got I ain’t got no gas in the tank right now you gotta think hey they in OTAs these boys been working out the past six four months I’m just getting out there on the whim just having having fun hey we shared some good stories after that man him watching me when I was playing and and showing love oh that that was I got to thank the Bengals for one for opening opening the doors for me when I come in town and showing love allowing me to be around that environment that structured environment around don’t let him don’t let him come back any more bingles hey I I love it I love it hey hey B keep keep keep him away he gonna get up guys for because all receivers ain’t gonna be like that that man like that man like to choke you Oho I thought that was Reas you you doing too much man I thought that was re that man put both hands in your chest if he got you with one hand I said oo if you the Cho or you RI I say Oho you could have got that man put both hands on you you understand he just stabbed with one hand right and I was he got both hands run it back stabbed with he didn’t stab that man put both hands in your chest you blind re look at read again I’m watching stab stab left hand oh he did oh Joo what made it so good is that he stabbed with his inside hand you’re supposed to you a DB I know but now he now he can run and run you to the rail he GNA run you out of bounds but you got understand if this if if listen listen to me now stay with me baby if it was in my day you know I wouldn’t release right outside I would make a move and set him and then go but I I can’t I ain’t got I ain’t got my juice in my tank like that no more that’s what I tried to tell you remember you had this conversation yeah yeah I can yeah me and to I I can’t listen hold on wait wait wait wait now stay with me now okay I can do it I have to train to get back to that point you ain’t got the lateral quickness anymore do I believe you could run if you I ain’t got that lateral quick did you just not see me come off that ball yeah I did and I saw that man put his hand in your chest what does that have to do with my lateral quickness and quick my my quick twitch still being there look at me look at me come out the ball just look look look look look I’m I’m gone oh look at this what does that have to do with what I’m saying oh Joo I can release outside no no you can’t no you can’t you you not quick and fast like I am right now no the same thing happened that man choked you he would have choke me so we both have been choked out actually gas was oxygen actually hold on hold on we we did we did three reps they didn’t post the other ones that I did I saw that one that man had you like you had infa the way you wait I had what that man had you C I said well damn turn him loose I’m about to come out there because I saw this I felt some type of way I was about to call the guy to get me a jet and come out there you you you good you good that that’s that’s good work no I said y’all don’t do my part hey hey because at that point in time they don’t did my part now we got to fight damn the Reps hey let’s thow down Hey listen hey young bull gonna be nice boy hey he that’s that’s that that’s our Pitbull that’s our secret weapon so I’m hey I’m hey just let me know when you go back down I’m not letting you go back to Cincinnati by yourself I’m rolling with you no I’m good I I don’t need no help you a you Ain no not going to do my party like you tell me see they do that the first time they see me they gon say hey they gonna get in a stance on me oh no oh no I hey hey I Rambo they already know I’m Rambo all that dancing all that head n I’m running right I’m running right over the top of you all I all I need all I need is about a good month I need need a month of training a month of getting my lateral moving together and all that and I’ll be ready but yeah you got to remember I’m 56 now I’m out there going I’m out there with 18y olds having fun man I hey I understand that that’s why I’m saying leave them young fellas alone oh no no oh no I’m I’m gonna get out there matter of fact I’m G be back at there Monday with my C on stay with stay with me oo stay with me now stay with me hey but all jokes aside but I felt like a little kid man just dog Mr Man Troy Mike Mike Brown Zack Taylor I text Zack and I didn’t know what he was gonna say because it’s OTAs I’m not sure how they feel about players coming out out the blue and man Zach told me but this is your home you don’t have to ask to come out here yeah and dude if I felt like a little kid in the candy store it felt like I’ve never played the game before like that’s how it felt like I wasn’t a part of the Bengals at one point like I wasn’t one of the greatest to ever played and I’m just excited to be out there I’m I’m shaking hands and hugging everybody not realizing hell my name is sitting in the stadium and they call they calling me OG I say no sir I’m not an OG I think mentally I I think I could play with y’all but my body just ain’t got it no more that was such a good the Mind willing but the body ain’t able oh yeah oh yeah it ain’t a it a especially when you ain’t done it in 12 years oh no no no no it’s but this thing about oo yes sir when you go from season to season it still take you a while it take you about three or four days to get back in the swinger thing and you only took like two three months off off yeah imagine taking two three years now you Tak you’ve taken over a decade a decade yeah yeah you know what’s funny my mind know what to do it literally oh I lined up my mind know exactly what to do but the body ain’t registering as fast I’m like well Goddamn and listen he touched me and I’m like what the [ __ ] you all off balance all listen I ain’t got no power like you know normally when somebody put a hand on you you get up and go right through that and you hold your line dog I couldn’t I couldn’t do nothing I was like oh it’s it’s been a long time and let me know how I know your spotty singles in tingling cuz when he stabbed you didn’t rip I couldn’t so it a register that’s Instinct the minute somebody do that you either arm over or you WIP away or you you did none of that no no I couldn’t it’s it’s been it’s been way too long it is but it felt it felt it felt good though it felt good hey boy hey them boy were hype boy yeah boy were hyp them boy were hype and you know what you did once you saw it you said man now you start thinking about all the things that you should have done all I had to do was just arm over all I had to do was rip all I had to do was dip y y it’s like when we see something in the game like we see something in the game we got jammed and I it would go back it Reg uhuh sh all you had a lot of times you at at that moment when you get jammed like man instead of swimming I should have ripped I should di or I should I should I should have be armed over but but what’s so funny is if when you in your prime or if if I’m in my prime or actually actively still playing yeah the mind and the body would know exactly what to do it would be second nature and it just happens right away and I I felt him hit the chest but lower extremities ain’t had that kind of pressure being applied in so long [ __ ] I just went off to the sideline I’m like well God damn because that’s his that’s his inside arm yeah your inside arm should have automatically right over top yeah right right away right away it was fun cuz you go you release it outside so your inside gota over gotta compensate his inside or you over the top or you wipe it away you know what I should have did I should have stopped and came back on the goddamn slant or something that’s what you should have R the under rout yeah yeah but it’s it’s all good it it was fun man it it was a great moment for me it was a great moment for them they they enjoyed it and obviously all of them came up to me man you know appreciate me for being out them being young man we watch you we watch you as kids growing up man and just having you out here with us man was dope so you know outside of that rep and they they they showed much love Yeah it it was always great I mean I remember when I used to go back with the Broncos when I first retired in the SE those guys in C yeah yeah I didn’t miss it it like man I didn’t miss it right right right I didn’t miss it I missed like going to locker room once they was done with practice shooting you know is with them and Jing laughing like that but out there practicing you know I remember Co and Mike used to ask if you miss it I said hell no I don’t miss it hell no hey but but but speaking of young bull speaking of Josh Newton now remember now when football season start yeah he start he start making that noise you remember what I remember what I told you that P now okay remember what I told you [Music]


  1. “You gotta remember I’m 56 now” gotta love how ocho always adds 10 years to his actual age everytime lol

  2. Ocho has such positive vibes, he's very transparent too. Plus he's a legend in Cincinnati. People relate to those qualities.

  3. Damn Ocho u ain't even make the 5 yards😂. Dude pushed u outta bounds from the hash mark….. on the other side of the field😂😂
    All fun n games tho

  4. Cuz try to convey an image of a responsible mf. In actuality seem like he jus can't afford a lot. Bro been said his girl make more than him. Why u think he asked her for 5k?

  5. As a life long Cincinnati resident that boy Chad Johnson will never be harmed in Cincinnati…..i saw chad when I was on the bus in 2001 in a Lambo in Walnut Hills solo dolo😂😂😂

  6. Hopefully someone will take the time to correct Shannon Sharpe on his version of how the Mercedes Benz Dome and the black churches went down.

  7. I'm with UNC, stopping at McDonald's and Krispy cream for food, that's my Uber fare. I'll eat when I get home, I don't take rides from strangers, Hellnaw

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