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PGA DFS Golf Picks | RBC CANADIAN OPEN | 6/1 – PGA Showdown Round 4

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Welcome to “PGA Showdown” by Run Pure Sports! In this PGA DFS video, our expert analysts dive into the showdown slate to uncover the top picks for DraftKings and FanDuel lineups. Join us as we share valuable insights, winning strategies, and expert advice to help you dominate Daily Fantasy Golf.


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[Music] [Music] [Music] what’s up everyone welcome to the round four Showdown show here for the RBC Canadian open here I got my guy Kurt with me to uh dive into round four here uh we’ve got Bobby Mack up top with the four shot lead now was a little up and down there U on the back line for some guys uh Ryan Fox was right there with the lead for a while and then he’d lost it Bobby Mack finish strong they’re down the stretch what’s going on Kurt how’s your day going what’s going on with you it’s good um I really need MacKenzie hu I had a good day in Showdown I think I doubled up I really need MacKenzie Hughes to just not do anything with the Putter and he didn’t today he went three under and didn’t do much with the putter so could have been a really like really good day but you know we’ll take it I love the player pool I me and Drew got dialed in like 20 minutes before lock he wasn’t playing but shot some ideas off him had a lot of mat Wallace think I was like 8X on Matt Wallace so that was nice oh yeah but yeah ready to get after again the day I don’t know what to make of this tournament I know golf is very golf is variant as hell like extreme variant but for some reason this tournament man I can’t make Rhyme or Reason of it ever I just you can lose on approach and shoot like a 6 under and it just and it can happen and I swear to god it feels like it’s happened every single day this week someone like done dog on approach like lost like a half a stroke or a stroke and shot like a 500 and it’s it keeps happening and I just can’t understand it but I like one thing I do want to know they fix the pricing a little bit Bobby ma 9k they price all his guys up so that’ll make it a little bit more a little more decision-making for some of the people out there that just Jam the leaders so yeah for sure yeah looking at the the top of the leaderboard uh everybody well most of the guys T5 and up there there’s eight guys T5 and up and all but two of them are priced at least 8,300 and uh the top four guys are all priced 8388 91 and 9k flat so it’s going to be more fun tomorrow for the for the uh Showdown bills I think uh I don’t think you can really I mean yeah you can jam some of those guys in there but if you want to play like a Fleetwood or Burns or even a Rory down there that we that we’ll get into here soon uh should lead to some uh um spread out spread out ownership a little bit the top more so than I think we usually do but uh yeah we can just uh dive into this right now and go uh let’s go with those top four guys and break it down there uh we’ve got Ben Griffin Ryan Fox Mt Hughes at 10 under and then Bobby Mack at 14 under Bobby Mack started out a little up and down but the dude just finished on fire there uh played the last five holes at 5 under goes birdie birdie birdie eagle and then part 18 to a finish there and now holds a four shot lead over the field 9k flag I had a decent amount of Bobby Mack on the main slate like you said though he was one of those guys that did not hit his irons good today um lost a stroke just over a stroke with the approach but uh on those last four holes he was hitting some bombs uh wherever he was at he was making the putts uh uh down the stretch there he gained uh just over four strokes putting mainly due to those last four holes uh where it was uh pretty wild there Washington make those putts but uh for me up top uh I’m not sure if how much I’m gonna get to Bobby Mack I think he’ll hit his irons a little better tomorrow like we saw I mean he played it was an interesting uh round for him he started out super hot 64 66 and then looked like he was going to struggle for a little bit and then ends up finishing strong there so so uh the first two days it was I mean he hasn’t really hit his irons great at all this week uh but uh definitely has been there with a short game what are you what are you gonna do up here at the top with these guys I thought Ryan Fox was gonna make a run there for a little while and then Ryan Fox just completely falls apart after he opened up full runer through five today and didn’t make a birdie the rest of the way what do you what are you thinking up top here gosh Ryan Fox is to continue to poo poo down his leg on the weekends I don’t know I kind of want to get I feel like people were get piss pissed off with this guy because he does he’s done like the past two of the tournaments had a great start and the weekend on his leg I don’t know what to do with him I Robert ma Robert Mack I know I’m gonna be under on him I mean the stat the guy’s losing on approach yeah like 9k finally priced up I’m not gonna completely fade because that bit me in the ass last week I do think I think shot the course was like almost a shot under today which was completely different than what we saw the first few days I think we go back to more tucked pins they had their moving day I think they really tuck it and make it tough tomorrow so that’s for that reason I will have a little bit of Robie Mack Ben Griffin I’ll be lower on I know he’s the lowest price guy up here but I just think it’s a trap give me McKenzie Hughes the Canadian he I know he’s a good putter so even though he is gting two and a half Strokes for the event I trust him to maybe have a spike iron day tomorrow iron with the irons and go out there and win it for his country yeah I I do like Mack there up top there but uh Griffin has made some decent birdies there uh he made six birdies awesome uh in round two and then today he made seven birdies so he’s got 13 birdies the last two rounds so he’s got some good upside there for 8,300 I’ll have some of Griffin I I do like uh Hughes is my best play up at top I like him the most so I think I’d rather play like a Hughes Griffin or something over like a fox and McIntyre I got a decent amount in McIntyre and main slate there so that can be good enough there uh maybe play a little bit of him in The Showdown but I like Hughes and Griffin the bo the most up top here and then we kind of get into uh these next uh Five Guys here uh we got four guys here at T5 at nine under uh my guy Trace Crow uh they they keep buming this price up he was uh round two was a lock I thought there he was like 6,200 or something round two played well the dude has been making birdies though he’s made 19 or more birdies in three of his last four events we can definitely score there 7600 that’s starting to get up there a little bit for him though but he still has the birdie upside I’ll still have a little bit of interest in him there um and then we got the two higher price guys and Tommy Fleetwood and Sam Burns there 105 and 102 I think I would lean to um Fleetwood a little more um I know he had the better round today the six under buy free 64 Bern’s got the good birdie upside there too but I think I trust Fleetwood a little more here than burnsy uh so I would go Fleetwood one and then I still I’m gonna have some Trace crow in there as well the Tommy and burns decision is really tough on me I’m leaning Tommy I really want to do some months with just these two guys and then B one else above I think that’s kind of fun but burns on Sunday has been so bad but then like he could come out and just fire away he he could hit bomb like I mean he can literally make some long long putts tomorrow and just surprise us but yeah Tommy’s been awesome and you know what Tommy’s got some freaking some demons to exercise tomorrow with this tournament I know it’s not the same place but all he had to do bro all he had to do was just blast the ball into the grand stands make that your air and the dude just like lays up and just blasted the grand sand CH he’s chasing tomorrow so that could be better yes so I’m going to lean Tommy in that debate but I will have some of both Damon has just been so bad on Sundays I can’t do it Trace Crow is a big hater I just didn’t I thought he was gonna crash I played him with 6200 didn’t play in the day I’m actually F I mean if you look at it from the from the stats wise like he looks second best up here I mean t green second best him and burns like as far as the top 10 goes so let’s just see what the kids made of I’m willing to give him a chance see what he’s made of he made six birdies today uh he did have one bad hole there where he made double bogey there on the eighth hole the par the par three but other than that he bounced right back with the birdie on the nine so that’s that was good to see is it possible that he feels a little pressure about just staying in the top five tomorrow yes but he’s not done to me yet so I’m willing to find out Victor Perez I’ll be off of that price is so tempting but I think people a lot of people go there because we don’t have the cheap pricing like we usually do up here so we got think a lot that we final to to Perez now so I’ll be that it was a lot of putter today it’s been a lot of putter for the entire tournament no press from RE Aaron Ry what are you doing with Aaron Ry um Aaron Ry he had a good approach day today made some birdies always does um I think I could get to some Aaron Ry at 9600 I think that price tag with the other guys up top I think that’s going to cap his ownership I think Aaron Ry is a good large field gpp play uh just looking at the price tag of him that’s there’s a big sticker shock I think with Aaron Ry tomorrow I I thought he was going to be in the 8ks and he’s 9600 so yeah I think he’s a good like uh large field tournament play I don’t I’m not gonna have him tomorrow I don’t think but I wouldn’t talk anyone else off of him it just kind of depends what you want to do in that 9k range because they all these guys are priced up now so we have to make decisions we can’t just like have all these guys in our pool we have to make some decisions so I think Aaron Ry probably gonna be like one my last guys out I like Andrew Novak 8,400 I’ll go go ahead and touch on the next range 8,400 for Novak he did lost a lot with the short game today he actually has showed a little bit of heart on Sundays in the past for me so one of the better discounts up here besides Perez which I’m not playing Tom Kim I hate to say it probably gonna be off had a good round today but 9,400 gotta make decisions up here Corey Connors I’m going to Canadian theme tomorrow and then Rory I don’t with how pricing is now this week I don’t think you can play Rory very comfortably especially with how close to the leaderboard is so I don’t know if I have any of them like I just I don’t I’d rather do like the Tommy and Sam Burns and see what they got I know he can shoot a little round he had a n round not not round today so that makes me feel a little bit better about it and then oh you kind of talked about the rest of this range because no one sends out that much we’ll see what you got yeah I I think Rory’s gonna come in pretty low on tomorrow uh he shot he shot well today uh gained with the the approach pretty good there minus five kind of had a stinker yesterday played all right on the back nine on his back nine on uh on the first day there on Thursday uh I think he’s a good uh tournament play a large field tournament play I mean he definitely has that course record in his bag we know we know uh that Rory likes to come out and like back door some of these like T2 T5 type finishes I think that’s fully in the range of Val comes for uh Rory tomorrow seven back that’s getting close to do I think Rory can still win I think it’s still on the table but I I I don’t feel too comfortable with it um I know he was the the favorite going into the weekend he’s 12.4k like what do you you you plug him in you got 7.5 per I mean who you playing yeah I think he’s going to be like um 15% potentially he’s 18 to one to win the tournament now uh I yeah I I don’t see I mean he’s plus 190 to top five yet that’s pretty good odds I mean he’s what’s talk roster construction like who are the I mean I guess we’ll get to it later but I just don’t I think he’ll need to go out and match this round I think he’ll have to match what he did today or better if you’re playing Rory you’re most likely playing Perez with him I think that’s the way a lot lot of teams are gonna build right there uh it’s a good point so if you wanna kind of get different with that I think a lot of like yeah I think a lot of the teams are going to be tied to those two right there together um it kind of makes it a little more stomach palatable but uh and then Chad ry’s down there too is 6200 uh it’s gonna be tough to fit Rory though so I I’m not sure if I’m I’m gonna be able to fit him or not or anything like that but uh yeah it’s definitely an interesting tournament play there I I do like some Novak still I’ve been play I played him on the main slate I think he’s a fine option here still even today he just had a horrible short game today lost three Strokes with the short game today but the ball striking was right there for him so I think he’s uh definitely in play tomorrow at 8,400 uh and then uh yeah we can dive into these uh guys I like Keith Mitchell that’s why I don’t like Ry as much I like $400 let you Keith Mitchell shopping it well he’s usually a decent putter what has happened to that putter of his I’m not sure I haven’t really been playing much of Keith Mitchell but I mean he may he’s got some birdie upside like we saw today made five birdies today yesterday he made H five birdies in an eagle so he’s definitely got the upside there in round one he made six birdies so he’s definitely he just keeps making he’s been like for the last month or two he’s just making so many mistakes which has been holding him back but uh wouldn’t surprise me 9200 is a little bit of a PR price hike there but uh yeah he’s fine there I think like a Taylor pendri was a guy was super overweight on on the field uh good to see him he barely snuck into the cut line and now he’s back inside the top 20 I’ve got a top 20 bet on him that I thought was dead uh early on but uh I think that’s live now so it’s good to see so I’ll be I’ll be back on Taylor pendrith a decent amount 8100 I think that’s a great price tag for him he was good with the approach good with the putter today shot four under that’s backto back solid rounds after he opened up uh kind of struggleing now the gays uh so I I definitely like some Taylor pendri tomorrow um Chad ry’s fine for 6200 if you want to punt I think he’s a pretty serviceable punt play there uh got really hot with the putter today but uh he’s been making some birdies the first couple rounds so he’s fine there for 6200 what’s sticking out to you here most in this uh minus 6us five range for you gosh not much Michael Kim I I liked him today shot four under I think Scott free Scotty just mentioned him but the stats look good for him the proximity numbers from PJ showdown. comom look good yeah m i don’t Matt wals I mean I knew the round was coming I shouldn’t go back to it because he was so good to me today but for 7,400 I think I might and maybe we just I know we won’t get what we got today maybe like a three or four under and it or maybe like a three under and it plays really hard I think we can get done he’s just been d Dom inating on approach he’s gain almost two strs on approach and he’s 7400 he’s in the top 20 I like that I’m sure datag golf projections won’t won’t mind that either said Michael Kim yeah he’s projecting pretty well on D golf Matt Wallace is Michael Kim’s projecting pretty well too I was on Michael Kim a decent amount today that was a pretty strong round from him I gain he gained Strokes across the board too which is always good to see there from him what’s the I’m sorry I was going to check the weather for tomorrow nothing crazy right yeah actually I was going to hit on that uh we could have some interesting uh weather tomorrow it looks like like we’re going to have probably a 60 to 70% chance of rain so it’s a really good pretty good chance of rain uh above average chance of rain uh and then the winds are going to be picking up but in the afternoon it looks like uh the sustained winds aren’t going to be that bad you know 7 to 12 miles an hour but we could see some gusts uh beginning at around 100 p.m. of 20 to 25 miles an hour so that’ll be interesting as these leaders are coming around so that could be uh kind of a fun finish here if the winds kind of howl up and the pins are tough so I already assumed there’s gonna I didn’t look at the weather yet that’s my bad so I appreciate that I already assume is going to play harder than they were G to tuck the pins because I think it was going to play more similar to the first two days so now with that like that makes me just really want to play more the ownership the ownership game as far as the top 20 guys because there are some lower a lot lower owned guys than other guys up here in the top 20 so I want to get even more weird now than and play more that ownership game tomorrow because I think it’s going to be whack I think I think some guys are going to fully implode up here yeah so another thing to keep in mind if you can get ownership protections from anywhere uh Nick Hardy is too expensive for me I’m trying to avoid this like the ramies and the Perez’s but I’m sure I’ll have to I’m sure they’ll give me a little bit of them sha o’ haris no Bridgeman looked decent yeah he’s been he’s been good the last two days uh I I played him the last two days in Showdown he might be the 6K guy that I’ll lean to and then I’ll let you talk about the the t26 guys yeah um yeah down here uh t26 guys I’m looking at the most uh kind of some of these values uh I don’t mind some Tyler Duncan he’s got some upside I know the irons weren’t good for him today still shot two under uh he’s a guy that can make some birdies though uh I think he’s fine for tournaments uh if you need the salary there um I’m surprised that skins is priced up so high uh uh EVR 8700 it’s getting up there a little bit in Price egg but he’s a guy that can go out there and play well like we saw round one he played really well uh the next two rounds are average at best even par even par so I think yeah I’m not going to go there for 8700 probably tomorrow then uh Pearson Cy isn’t bad there for 7,400 Vince wayy at 6,700 it’s another cheap value there that you can go to if you want uh man it’s it’s getting pretty tough here though I think Michael Kim’s probably my favorite guy as well under 7K and then Jacob Bridgeman uh some of these guys are kind of tough here at the t26 range what sticks out to you the most down here I like T dunks he was in my main today I think I’ll go back there he he did decent two under I know Bo had a good round today and it was was it what did he shoot four or five under but I think I’m G to go I mean he’s still cheap it’s kind of like Matt Wallace like I know they just had good rounds but it’s gonna get tough tomorrow maybe they can just build on that they’re just they’re cheap they’re top 26 so I don’t like tasting the rounds but give me some booster tomorrow and T big let’s get it oh this next range is kind of Juicy yeah this next range is kind of fun uh soldiers down here uh Hune uh had a really bad uh short game today uh hit the irons well hit was he was good off the te I mean full out ball striking was good for Rio today uh just definitely needs to improve on on that short game I mean he missed a couple of short putts resulting and bogey for him made three birdies uh I think I think he left a lot in the gas tank there for tomorrow 7,800 it’s a fair price t for him Chandler Phillips good birdie upside for 7100 I like him there uh MC Messier another Soldier I think he’s a solid option the price tags up for him just a little bit at 7500 uh so I’ll go back to him for some uh he’s sitting all right um what did he he Sunday killer yeah he started out really good today too and just kind of fell off on the back nine played two over on the back nine after shooting four under today on the front nine but uh yeah I think those guys are some solid uh mid-range to cheap values for us what are you what are you seeing down here once I’m feel like I’m going to be playing the same player report as I did today um ma was in my main today I think I’ll go right back 7500 he’s been a Sunday killer hopefully the conditions and stuff like that and the tough pins won’t affect him too much Shane Lowry I mean he was awesome with the irons today but 9300 way down here this is the top of the leaderboard I got to spend that salary I hate to say it but if I think it’s going to be tougher scoring I need some of his placement points and I’m not sure if he can go out and just dominate with the iron the short game together Kevin you if the conditions are going to be a little bit more tougher tomorrow and tougher pins I don’t I can’t count on him to hit a putt for me he shot I think he went even with the poter today and when that happens he’s gonna have pretty solid rounds if you think he goes even with the putter tomorrow I think you play him I don’t so I won’t be playing him I do like Rio 7.8k Johnny Vegas don’t trust him at all I don’t really trust pan I do like Garrett higgo 6700 for a value play probably my third favorite 6K guy for for what that’s worth and then it’s a it’s a juicy range like hub’s down here he’s a great ball Striker good on Sundays he’s an interesting uh large po large player pool guy Chandler Phillips Su 7.1k but that would be my priority is just Big Mac and yeah probably Rio yeah for sure uh I really don’t see too many guys uh down further that I really like uh probably the guy that sticks out to most to me would be um Silverman I was on him for the main SL think I thought he was a good value coming into the league he still at minus one he had a really good approach day today but just did not do any good off the tea today the short game was bad for him off the te gained 2.4 Strokes uh with the iron so maybe if he can turn some of that other stuff around made five birdies today just made a double on three and a couple other bogeys I sprinkled around so I think Silverman’s of my favorite guys down here and then uh Robbie brings up uh kraton the Canadian there uh he he’s a he’s a solid option down here uh his price tag is 6,100 so he’s basically free he goes out early um yeah he can make some birdies definitely I think he’s a guy especially if you want to play like a Rory or something I think he’s a strong strong option there uh just a horrible approach day today hasn’t hit the hasn’t hit the irons the best this whole week but uh yeah maybe he could turn that around I mean the Putter’s been there for him all three rounds so I think kraton is a decent uh pump play there if you want to go there you seen anybody at minus one down to the bottom of the leaderboard that you’re liking uh I think that addc uh has some upside for 6700 as well if you want to go there but uh I think uh I think Silverman’s probably my favorite guy at 7,300 down here in honor of Robie Robbie I will play a little bit of Katon tomorrow but my 6.1k guy is someone I’m pretty sure Huey was on coming to the tournament but 6.1k Kevin shman been awesome on approach been good on Sundays on the PGA tour he started hot today I’m pretty sure and then just kind of gave some back but he scored decent 6.1k will fit those Rory lineups especially might even play him in some non Roy lineups but I think those two 6.1k guy options are if those five the $500 that let you or the 300 that gets you off Perez and Ry and if these guys can just outscore them somehow I think you can be really unique in the large field stuff I really like senson might just be a little bit too expensive for me I got a lot of in week long I like Kelly craft the the ball strike numbers have been decent lately so 6.5k I’ll take some stabs there man Ox sucked today Rey God reevy and Lashley just Contin to kill me but they’re good Sunday scores I wouldn’t be surprised if one has a good round but I think you had to play like 20 plus lineups and maybe more to really get interest there yeah that’s way down the board strowman’s actually started out strong the last two days uh comes out of the gates fire and he’s gave he’s gave it back though uh later in the round both days but I think he’s definitely a good upside play there for 6100 so I like that call as well there Kurt uh think we kind of went went through everything pretty well uh we can uh look uh move towards our show core here then if you want to go two and two uh you can pick first this week uh who you want to start the team with this week Kurt want to go Mt Hughes or Tommy Fleetwood yeah I like I like I like Hughes yeah for sure Oh Canada all right go ahead um I’ll go with a value here then I I think I do like uh some Michael Kim under 5K I think he’s popping up pretty solid so I’ll go Michael Kim for a cheapy and then you can either do value or a stud you can go Fleetwood if you want as well we could Jam two studs in there it’s it’s up it’s up to you what if I go Novak Novak little wild card little mid it’s in the mid tier I like that but is between him or Keith Mitchell for me so give me Mr Novak he’s tweeted me back once or he’s liked one my tweets or something like that so shout out Novak we can go like with with a kind of an even build then there uh got M Hughes we got a value we’ve got Novac 8,400 I’ll go in the 8K range again and go with Taylor pendri get us Canadian in there 8100 I think that’s a solid um a solid build there we got a couple guys uh near the top uh some Chasers there as well uh so I think that’s a decent uh decent start there for us uh got McKenzie Hughes up top that can be our winner and then pendra T15 Novac t11 and Michael Kim’s T20 so we got three Chasers and then our winner like uh that’s how I kind of like to build a round four Showdown lineups uh build like a start with a guy you think can win the event and then find some guys that you think can chase up to leaderboard and steal those placement points away from anyone else uh what do you think of that show cor then Kurt really like it I like the mid and what it tells me I really like the mid- tier build tomorrow like a lot Rory’s just sacrificing so much I just tried to mess with him and it’s tough so I really like the mid-range build it does a lot of things you can do a lot with that tournament you can go Tommy Duncan to complete it it’s pretty nice yeah I think mid tier mid tier wins it tomorrow I agree might not be a hot take because all the all the leaders are now 9k too but yeah so I like it yeah for sure uh we the The Showdown uh stuff will be up on the site here soon round four Showdown will be up the Playbook the notes everything the core plays uh Kurt will be in Discord I’ll be in Discord for any questions anybody has Kurt any final thoughts for you then as we kind of wrap this thing up nope let’s get after it let’s get this over with and then next week we’re at the memorial and then we’re us be a fun one that’s a good two we that’s a good little two week strs backto back strong events coming up here we got we got Jack’s place and then we got the US open uh time to get after here uh it’s Billy H’s place for sure uh thank uh if you haven’t already please hit the like And subscribe I haven’t asked I haven’t asked you guys to do that yet really helps bring this uh content to you guys and it helps uh let you know when we get not you get notified for all of our shows going forward uh PGA uh MLB um NBA finals are just starting I think next week uh we got a big MMA card going now but uh as always thanks a lot and we appreciate you guys for watching and always R Pier [Music]

1 Comment

  1. I would really like to know how you got to pick guys like macyntire on the main slate. The guy has been bad except for 1 tournament

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