Golf Players

Ranking Greatest PL Sides, Getting Sued By Harry Kewell & Bobby Robson’s Team Talks | EP 85

Why Harry Kewell Sued Gary? Dan Ashworth’s £20m Value to Man United! Bobby Robson’s Inspirational Pre-Shootout Speech – World Cup Insights.

Join Gary, Alan, and Micah as they assess Man City’s Place in Premier League History!

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00:00 – Intro
00:30 – Pep’s City
05:35 – Kid’s Realising How Good They Were
07:32 – Alan At The Golf Club
07:49 – World Cup Dilution
09:50 – First Time Meeting Eachother
13:20 – Best Aussie Player
14:00 – Harry Kewell Sueing Gary
16:10 – Dan Ashworth
18:24 – How To Burst Onto The Scene
21:29 – What Are Coaching Badges?
26:07 – Favourite Bobby Robson Story

[Music] hello and welcome to the resty football with Alan Sher and mik Richards and me G inica it’s our question and answer episode and um well there’s lots of great questions and once again thank you so much for sending them in we really do appreciate it um let’s get cracking Greg he asks do you think Pep’s current Manchester City team will be considered the best top three or top five in premier league history where would you place his team it’s tough isn’t it because you got the Chelsea team that conceded ridiculously low goals that that season didn’t they with John Terry I think it was at 15 goals was it that 15 goals they conceded That season was it something something like that you got the invincibles the in yes of course obviously 99 Manchester United probably when they did the treble I’m going to say for the way football’s being played this Manchester we know what you’re going to say the Man City Ambassador I I I think I think man City’s the way they’ve change the game in playing football with the new positions with the fullbacks and the center backs stepping into Midfield are the most complete team but I think gold a season unbeaten takes some doing and it might not be done ever again so I’ve so I’ve got two answers but I’d say Arsenal’s is probably harder to do it depends also if you if you consider this as the question it says in premier league history so if you’re just talking perhaps about a premier league performance rather than other cups I don’t know I mean they’re definitely top three Manchester City oh they have to be I mean if if if we if we revisit this question in three or four months time then if they go on and do what they could do this season Man City then I think we’ have a definitive answer correct if say win the league again and say um backto back pre um Champions Leagues which has never been done by an English Club um it was done I hasten to add in the um European Cup days um yeah one of two clubs did that not in Forest being one of them um so yeah um yeah it’s it’s a very good question it’s always difficult isn’t it ranking teams from one era to the other because you can run away with it and you know even in the Invincible season perhaps one or two of the sides weren’t as as competitive as hey guys what what what were the odds that Mich was going to say arsenal Arsenal Man City can I ask a question of you Michael oh my God here we go yes of course you can why are you an ambassador for Manchester City what do you mean because I show the the the beautiful wonderful Clubman City in a fantastic light it’s not all about the The Glitz and and glammer Gary we went there before the Takeover no I understand that but what’s what what’s in it for you being is it an ego thing or is it a few quid or what what is it cing cing so so basically when I retired I um I didn’t know what I was going to do with my my career uh or post career and Man City said would love for you to be involved with with us in some capacity whether that was charity stuff whether it was a trophy tour so I went to Nigeria I went to Australia on the trophy tour um I went to Indonesia as well and you know for someone who’s been there since he was 14 and I know it’s always tongue and cheap but I do actually love the club because there was so good to me and uh yeah that’s what it entails it is different things like sponsorship things and and partners which you could go and get paid for but I don’t do that stuff because I just don’t have the time yeah do you not think it’s conflict of interest job look at L fireing the questions at you K not politics Michel it’s not politics it’s only football you don’t have to worry about that that was just a joke need to you have a podcast don’t you what the podcast the rest is Politics the rest is politics oh that one sorry I do no no I I’ve been on that leading one that they do so which is also worth a listen and um remarkable episode this week actually with um um scaramucci who’s that he’s he was kind of um he worked with Trump for about I think it was 11 days um when he first um became president and it’s it’s an amazing interview about Trump and how he is and all that anyway that’s um that’s a different podcast of course but um here’s one um um Alan how how old were you when you had kids wow that’s not the question but I’ll come to the question in a minute wow that’s not a nasty question that’s how so were you still playing is my point when I had kids yeah yeah I had my by first one on 92 so I would have been 22 Yeah so this question actually applies to you more than more than me here so Chris asks when did your kids realize you were a worldclass footballer did they take some convincing they they still haven’t realized that that I was a half decent player I mean I had I had two I had two girls to begin with so and they loved football and always came to the game but then my son was born in 2000 he’s football nuts as you know so but he so he he he sort of missed probably the best years of of me playing did you say honestly I was better than this I was better than this when I was young go have a go and have a look at the video son go and see how good the old man was you know you talking about all these forwards and um so I I I don’t think they’ve ever realized that I was I mean they were really half decent at football but they’ve never seen it that way which I think is the right win behave they must have known they must have come home and seen this absolute m I think my dad musts to be fantastic or [Laughter] something my oldest two George and well producer Harry here were um very late in my career um so they wouldn’t have seen me play ever um Harry was actually born in Japan um we still call him Harry Chan now um on on occasions and uh we we know we know where George was made or was it Harry was made wasn’t it Ford Fiesta Harry wasn’t it Harry the f f sorry yeah fat Harry he’s laughing in the background here’s one for you Alan this is quite interesting I I can’t imagine this is true but I hope it is Neil heilbron uh there is an urban myth at our local golf club that Allan and Rob Lee once hid in the clubhouse kitchen when rude hullet came in looking for them both any truth Alan there’s no truth as long honestly as much as I’d love that to be a true story that’s I’ve never I’ve never heard that story before though never heard that question from Andy Moore on which side of the argument do you each sit regarding the expansion of the World Cup is it detrimental to the competition and diluting the quality especially in the early stages or is it a positive move giving more Nations the opportunity to play and potentially cause an upset on the world stage not for me you don’t not for me diluting the diluting the quality particularly in the early stages I get why they want to do it financial reasons but when you get the World Cup is the Pinnacle isn’t it it should be the very very best um I it has to be a seeding to get there get that but no I think they’re diluting the competition for me I quite like it to be honest if you look at teams like Morocco what they did in in the World Cup I mean probably three or four years you know some of their players and they always seem to do okay as a nation but i’ have players that in certain leagues that you’d follow well I think Morocco is a quick pretty high standard and African football is pretty good I think this is probably meaning that you’ll get countries in that would probably never play in a World Cup my my main concern with it is not necessarily the number of teams in it and stuff like that my main concern is I’m sorry but a million private jets and flying across the world when the world really doesn’t need that with climate change and the terrible things that are ensuing um so on on that sense when football constantly talks about we’re trying to be green we’re trying to do the right things in in terms of um the scary nature of climate change um is is to do something like that I don’t know how they can justify it but that’s a different perspective from the football thing um having you know countries playing the World Cup um that’s different countries is is is probably a good thing but anyway here we go um James Hughes is a is a question when did you all first meet each other and what were your first impressions I’ll let you two herberts go first H when did we first meet were we first would have met Allan in um the first England squad that you would have been CAU up to yeah so that was n February 1992 um actually today we didn’t just meet today back in 1992 I think was the day I made my debut for England no way today so it would have been it would have been um England France England France yeah I just saw it come up on my phone this morning in which you took my place cuz grahe Taylor wanted to have a little look at you before the Euros you played the first half and scored I came on in the second half and we played together and I scored so um we won 2-0 against platini’s team who hadn’t been beaten for about 30 OD matches yeah yeah so that was yeah I remember you coming into the dressing room and I’m thinking God there’s a young man that in the future will no doubt no doubt in my mind whatsoever will lose his hair and you were absolutely [ __ ] spot you throw enough darts eventually hit balls come on was it no animosity was it respect was it no I can’t cuz it Strikers come on what a Strikers we played against each other cuz Gaz was at uh Spurs uh I was at Southampton so we played against each other and obviously he was England captain and England Senter forward and scored all his goal so but that was the that would have been the first time we actually would have met wouldn’t it that England squad and as Captain I would I would hope I would have respectfully welcomed him to to to the squad look at you did just that you did and when with the first time I met you Mich I thought you were an absolute dick you’ve told that story haven’t you about when you came into the first match of the day when you were a bit [Music] like told it before know that wasn’t the first time we met or was it was that the first time M well I mean we played that against each other for a couple of minutes didn’t we but we didn’t really meet we would have come across each other but it’s always it’s always difficult because as as Gary calls it the a team and I’ve told the story before so I won’t go on but it’s because you two are legends of the game aren’t you so for for people coming into a work environment and let’s be honest everyone else is all up your ass aren they absolutely everyone in that building Alan do you want this Gary oh don’t sit there that’s Gary’s chair I was like geez so it it was a little bit overwhelming but In fairness to you he was both very nice and supportive so I will give you that bless you bless you very kind we seriously I thought you were a really nice guy Mak [Laughter] and still are I thought my God he justes got a loud laugh he has got a loud laugh um one more question before we take a little break um Ben hi guys uh Ben from Brisbane here in your opinion who has been the best Aussie player in the Premier League kahill bosnich schwarzer fuka or K and one for Allan Robbie Slater Robbie Slater can you remember that can you remember Robbie Slater he was it blackbird I think he went to West Ham after Blackburn um he actually won the league with us when we won it in 95 um really nice guy actually yeah Robbie slay I told you about vuka I thought vuka was a brilliant don’t know I think I might go I might go Tim kahill because he was here quite a while and I thought he’s consistently good goal scorer really good player I I would say growing up in leads having seen viduka and c I think C probably had the most ability but in terms of longevity I’d probably say kahill do you know Harry do you know Harry K sued me what no we don’t really why come on elaborate it’s quite a while ago I used to have a column in the um in the Sunday Telegraph at the time um and um it was around being about transfers and I was talking about um agents shouldn’t be allowed to represent both parties in terms of the football clubs on both sides and the player himself because I thought it was a conflict of interest and I think all he sued me over this because I called him naive for that thinking that he’ll you know because the his agent be taking more out the deal than probably should have done right so it was obvious that his agent took the hump so he sued me along with Harry K and then at the last minute the agent jumped out of it and left Harry k to sue me on his own we I was in court for four or five days giving evidence it was ludicrous and obviously it didn’t um transpire that he he won the case but it was like I was thinking I feel like a criminal in court here all I’ve done is naive honestly it was so surreal so surreal did it did it cost you a few quit as well there was a jury there was a jury there wasn’t really honestly oh so go on tell us what it was like so you you got called up I got yeah it went on and on and on and I just kept thinking oh this won’t happen this is madness this is madness did they say yeah to to say that the the truth the whole truth were nothing but the truth about the truth and all that yeah wow how how on Earth is how on Earth can that get all the way to caught and I mean that the the money that waste it was it was nuts and I’ve never seen him since but um anyway um thankfully the jury have um said not guilty um um a question from Toby Young what do you guys make of all the news around Dan Ashworth is he worth 20 million pounds to Manchester United um it’s it’s an interesting story well Allan he’s he you know he’s he’s at your Club at the moment he’s he’s had quite a a successful career in the area of kind of what what would you call it the directing of football clubs director of football kind of role hasn’t he well he’s had a really good career when you look at what he did at uh Brighton what he did with uh with England um I mean Newcastle did that to Brighton in terms of they wanted him badly at the football club uh he had to go on garden and leave at Brighton before before he could then take over at Newcastle um but you’re not we’re not naive enough to think that one someone goes on garden and leave then they’re not they’re not working for that other football club um my my guess is is that a compromise uh will will be had they’ll pay they’ll pay a fee um how much that would be I’m not quite sure but he’s done a really good job at at Newcastle but when you think when you think of what he knows in terms of players contracts Clauses in their contracts who Newcastle might have to sell who they want to buy and he’s taken all that info or he will take all that info with him to a another football club um so yeah it’s it’s a it’s a tough one but it is what it is isn’t it if you do well at your job then someone’s going to come in and try and porch in Nick here and man united obviously uh want the best at their football club now um and it seems as if that Finance won’t be an object so I would imagine they’ll do a deal with Newcastle at some stage and then he’ll leave it’s I mean they’re a huge football club and they’re going to go on to bigger and better things under this uh under this new ownership model that they’ve got so yeah it it’ll be sorted out one with that he’ll eventually leave and man united will pay a fee and Newcastle will get someone else in to do that job Stephen hessie picking up on a topic from a recent pod I would like to reach out to Micah for advice for my 16-year-old son he is an aspiring young player with high aspirations in the game how does he burst onto the scene hang on a minute hang on someone’s asking [ __ ] M Richards for advice as a 16-year-old whoever you are please my advice is do not [ __ ] listen to what mic’s about to say wow I feel privileged come on M how did you burst onto the scene oh oh I mean it’s not for everyone not everyone can burst onto the no I mean on the most serious though I think I was lucky wasn’t I because I had everything going for me at the time I got a look stop laughing I had everything going for me I had everything going for me right place right time working hard I think the advice I would give is is don’t burst off the scene like like I did more importantly I think there’s a place I’ve talked about it before not to be all serious about it but never think you’re as good as you are keep going keep driving keep pushing and and stay bursted on the scene and maybe forget the Lamborghinis forget the manions and forget the Vegas trips and you might just be all right I’m not sure about that though it’s all right for me well I was I was about to show you something but the camera said don’t do it and the camera cut me off all well there you go were you going to show the Spiker I I was indeed the car of course I was it’s all about it’s cuz it’s on tracking can we not see it we can do that I I don’t want to touch the camera again because yeah yeah follow yeah um on on a slightly serious note for any um parent of a 16-year-old potential football player in the future I would say at this point just encourage your children to enjoy football don’t get don’t get ahead of yourself don’t get your expectations too high it’s extremely competitive um and you know the disappointments are there for so many and only a tiny tiny percentage of of players will make it but the best thing at that age is is to enjoy your football practice as hard as you possibly can and give you give yourself the best possible chance well said what wise words right we’ve got a question um from Harry producer who wants to ask you something Alan and he’s always been on his mind so I’m gonna just let him lean in here lean in to ask you this question Big Al I’ve always wanted to know as a fan you’ve got your coaching badges what does that actually entail what do you have to do to get all the badges who um I think if you’ve been in the game as an as and played as a professional you can start off from a certain level um if you’re someone who hasn’t been in the game and you want to be a coach then you I I think I’m right and saying you have to start at a bit of a lower level there’s the C license then the B license then the a license and then the pro license then there’s there’s obviously diff other different courses that you uh that you have to go on I mean it’s a long drawn out um process that takes um that takes a few years to get all of them through there I mean the the one thing you the one thing it doesn’t is or doesn’t give you is obviously the experience um and dealing with so many different scenarios that you’re about to face in terms of managing people or managing men or women or whatever whatever it may be and I suppose that’s the acid test is when you’re given the opportunity or given the chance is is you you choked so many things that you don’t face in in reality and your coaching badges so that’s basically essentially what it is who was your assistant at the time at Newcastle yes at Newcastle when I had uh I brought Ian do in with me but Chris hon was all already there Colin Calderwood was already there also um yeah but can’t you assigned the things that you’re obviously good at and the stuff on the nonsense and all the rest of the stuff that comes with it can’t you assign them to do that bit and you focus solely on on the football and your experience within the game yeah you can do but I think when back when I went in 2009 that it was still a lot of it was still down to the manager or the first team coach whatever you wanted to to you know in terms of making the the bigger decisions and that’s what that’s that’s the fascinating thing is you have to make big decisions you know every single day whether that’s uh meeting with a player to sort a problem out for a player or help a problem that a player’s got I I said to you before haven’t it’s what you wear or what you eat or what time you meet or whatever it is all all these you got to make all those different things every single day whereas a lot of that I would think now is is is taken over by by someone else but back in 2009 the manager still had to make most if not all of the decisions yeah yeah slightly back to Harry’s question what what when you taken your badges I’ve never done them um do do you have to put on training sessions do you have to do you have to take do you have to do exams yeah you have to do exams uh you have to take uh you have to take sessions you have to put you you’re always being you’re always being monitored you have to have so many hours on the training pitch what are you laughing at he’s laughing at thinking of me doam just imagine you sat down there doing exam I just can’t picture it look at [ __ ] Einstein there look yes Gary you’re taking exams you’re hours on the training field do you sometimes I mean you must go there and then perhaps the first people at the lower levels of your badges that you get you get someone coming who has to guide you and be your boss and they must spout some nonsense sometimes yeah I mean it’s it is difficult when you’re going in at the at the early level it’s like you’ve got you’ve got these so many basic things and you’re thinking to yourself really is this what obious yeah but you you’ve just got to go along with it and get the boxes ticked and do what you have to do and then the higher you’re getting then the more you’re into the sort of the tring sessions and whatever you actually you know I did my uh I did my air license in Scotland and David Moyes was one of my one of my uh mentors with him being involved in the Scottish F and he was brilliant he he’s such a nice guy David Moyes and the way he sort of helped the whole class and the whole group um get to where they wanted to get to Fantastic stuff um mik have you ever done your badges no yeah [ __ ] that no right last question last question chaps from Brad Henderson um it’s it’s a question more to Allan and Gary says sorry Micah but could you tell you me your favorite story about the amazing sir Bobby robs well how many are we told there’s so many good ones go on you got any more good ones about him guys um I think there’s one I’ve I’ve not told about the semi-final of the World Cup um when we we playing West Germany then um and in 1990 and you know they they were going really well and in the competition and we were obviously second favorites but we played really well in the game they scored I equalized goes to extra time goes to penalties we all know that and at the end of the final whistle we were in this all kind of huddled around the middle who’s going to take the pen PES now we kind of pre-planned it a little bit who’s going to take them but Gaza because of what happened to him with the yellow card and he wouldn’t be able to play if in the final if we’d managed to win he wasn’t quite in the right place to take one um so we ended up with a four volunteers and Chris wadle who was brought in who’ never really taken a penalty I don’t think in his life um certainly not in a major competition so so there we were and we we went to the center circle as you do and Bobby Robson got the five of us all in a little huddle and this classic Bobby he goes he said Lads don’t let me down he said he said there are 30 million people watching this back home me and be burst into into laughter Oh we just thought oh God so if you weren’t [ __ ] yourself you were by then I know 30 million people back watching this back home um it it didn’t work don’t let me down that’s brilliant typical Bob but it was yeah so that was my favorite you Alan you got one br oh there’s so many I mean you know about I don’t know I think the man management side of things we had a uh we had a meeting once with Bobby and he always called meetings it was about 10:00 and Craig Bellamy wasn’t there he was late and in front of the whole group other than Craig he was like I’ll show that little [ __ ] how dare you be late you cannot be late how do it’s disrespectful to the rest of the team and five minutes later Craig Bellamy walked in morning son where have you been I’ll show him he said he comes and he goes morning son where have you been he like yeah really it’s the loveliest blow um and we miss him we miss him um rest in peace so Bobby um that’s it from our question answer episode thank you very much for sending in your questions as ever but that’s it for now we’ll be back at the end of the week with an interview where we’ll be joined by Connor Cody so join us for that but for now um goodbye for me goodbye from me goodbye from [Music] me


  1. Expanding the World Cup and champions league makes them both worse…should never happen

  2. With respect the amount of money and the fact they have clearly broken FFP I’d say Man City cheated their way to their success

  3. Lineker went full Parky Interrogation style on Big Meeks, trying to get him to crumble under the pressure of a pacey striker, love it.

  4. If we took every team in the premier league and took their greatest ever side (not just premier league)
    Would it be possible to rank where they would finish I. The premier league today?

  5. great podcast, one thing clearly stands out and you can tell by Alan and Micah's reaction that it's out of place, and that's the climate change comment regarding the world cup changes. We all have opinions , but it's safe to say that people watch/listen to the podcast for football analysis, stories, anecdotes, banter, etc, but most definitely not for political opinions.

  6. The declan hype is xompletely bliwn our proportions madness for a sidepassing runner wirhout offensive skillz 5.5 for pfa player of year

  7. I disagree with Alan. It's good that there are more teams in the World Cup.

    Europe and South America has always had more of an advantage in the World.

    The fact there can always be two European teams in a group stage has always puzzled me.

    Plus in the past Afcon tournaments were always held in January before the World Cup. I know it's not the same now. But I am glad that Africa gets more representation in the World Cup.

  8. Guys, honestly have you watched 1999 team
    Played? That full back come to midfield has been there for years.
    Go and watch 99 United team
    Play one touch football and movement with or without ball.

  9. Hate for United is unreal. No mention for 07-08 side. Back to back champions league finals
    And arguably the most electric team to watch. My top 5 would be united 07/08, Man City treble, United treble, Chelsea team under Jose and invincible

  10. Nonsense loads of draws arsenal not close to the best teams in history name the players compared to others? Their Europe form was not great what did they win?

  11. Arsenal invincibles…no other team comes close regardless of the talent in it none have achieved going the leauge unbeaten

  12. Thank you I always enjoy listening to Gary and Alan and Micah.

    I don`t understand the unbridled and unhinged hatred towards Gary.

    Talk Tv and GB news are always having a go when ever he tweets its very ironic two channels who say there for free speech but not Gary`s and want him banned and tarred and feathered.

    Keep up the great work on football and I may not agree with everything he tweets about other things I`m very anti the woke mind virus but he is still an icon and seems like a really nice bloke.

    Never give in to the haters.

  13. There's too many biases in this video… How can you not put Manchester United up there for the best teams in the prem.

  14. Arsenal so called invincibles played 58 games in all competitions and lost 6 games. Man United of 1999 played 62 games (4 more) and only lost 4. And bear in mind they played Bayern 3 times, and Juventus, Inter, Barcelona twice on top of that. I know this is about Premier League but other competitions are very relevant as you're not just fighting on one front, so squad rotation etc plays a huge part.

  15. There’s no way the invincible are top. Anyone old enough to have watched them knows that they were turgid in many games but got very lucky so many times that season. History remembers it differently but I watched nearly every game .. that team was nowhere close to city and their quality of football.

  16. Right lads dont let me down…theres 30million people watching back home….cuts to Gary on the floor heading up to take his penalty sliding along the grass on his arse 😂😂😂

  17. Everyone talks about the unbeaten arsenal side but forgets to mention Perez dirty cheat at the Portsmouth game to keep that unbeaten streak. No I’m not a Portsmouth fan but remember that disgrace. Portsmouth had arsenal beaten

  18. Man City have NOT “changed the way football is played” in the way everyone thinks. They haven’t invented positions and people need to stop with that nonsense. Football goes in cycles. They’ve brought things back. In THAT sense they’ve changed football, but only the way that every team that rises to dominate does.

    People should also stop judging eras versus eras. Football is always evolving and players are always getting better. They’re fitter, faster, they’ve got better stamina, ball control, all that stuff. Even taking recency bias out of it, the current is always better than the previous.

    I was watching another channel and there were three people, two former players and one presenter, discussing the best PL keepers, and they all said that Schmeichel is falling down the list because he wouldn’t have been able to play the type of football that Alisson and Ederson play now. Now, however true that would be if you just transported him through time and stuck him in goal for Liverpool but the same could be said for Alisson and Ederson – take them back in time to 1991 and they would be shocking! They’d be crying for fouls every thirty seconds. Schmeichel didn’t have to play as a sweeper keeper like they all do now, but that’s not his fault. If anyone thinks Alisson is better than him, that’s fair enough, but citing that a player from a different era could play the style of the current era is just a nonsense. What you’re saying, if you’ve ever said something like that, is that, idk, Joleon Lescott is ten times (100x!!) the player of Bobby Moore. He’s faster, fitter, has better ball control, everything about him physically is better (apart from maybe height(?)) and Moore would have no chance of lasting ten minutes in Lescott’s era. So, is Lescott better than Bobby Moore?? Of course not! Moore won the World Cup ffs and no England player since ever has. Such a comparison is dumb as f***.

    Anyway, eras can never play against each other, so you pick your favourites depending on who you support and whose actions meant more to you. They can never play against each other so you have to compare achievements only. The 99 United team, the current City team as they’ve matched it (treble and three in a row) and if City do the same again that will put them ahead of everyone of the PL era. Arsenal’s Invincibles will always be with them unless someone else goes unbeaten again, but that’s the only extraordinary achievement they had. I would say any Champion to win with more points, especially more than 100 points is at least level with them.


  19. It's funny Alan and Gary discussing when they first met. I am American but was stationed in England and I attended that 1992 friendly at Wembley between England and France. France had a guy name Basil Bole and he fouled Lineker almost everytime he touched the ball.

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