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NRL Legends share their ALL-TIME GREATEST sprays: Round 13 Recap – Sunday Footy Show | NRL on Nine

Cameron Smith, Brad Fittler and Andrew Johns share the greatest sprays they have copped from the likes of Craig Bellamy, Ricky Stuart and Gus Gould. Plus, the NRL legends dissect and breakdown each game so far in Round 13 of the 2024 NRL Premiership season. Subscribe 👉 NRL News👉

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I can’t believe the Dolphins well they lost their Captain early also um Fini he went in he went to the hiia Trey Fuller Fuller got injured Herby farmworth they’re a really tough gritty footy team and then to watch Jordan rer what a player what a player he is it was just Mayhem in these both sides had so many opportunities during that golden Point hate golden Point well I like golden point but I hate golden point where it’s just a field goal last 5 minutes of real time everyone’s trying to win throwing the ball around golden point is 5 in for the field goal you’re more of a golden try try throw the ball around yeah but that’s are they going to throw the ball around what’s the guarantee that they going to throw the ball and risk losing the ball depends who your halfback is Freddy depends who your ball players are if you got blocks like Jimmy Maloney or a monster I can’t imagine being Sam Walker Sam Walker they’re just playing I can’t imagine being any more exciting I know gone for fi goals is a little bit but you get a shot from 40 out like you can’t it’s just hard to score tries it’s so hard to score tries that was a great contest though always going to be with these two footy sides like they if you look at their lineup on paper you’re probably thinking well they don’t sit amongst the best in the competition but what they do provide is both teams have plenty of effort and they’re tough for E sides so you know exactly what you’re going to get from from both of them doesn’t matter who they’re playing doesn’t matter where they’re playing in these conditions like it was pretty ordinary conditions there through parts of the game like that’s a that’s an incredible he actually ran the ball two tackles before that he spent the whole set at the rck and just followed it it was a decoy a couple of times ran it on the fourth and then chased it on the last tackle but that was an incredible to try once again Ricky Stewart’s ability to get this young team up and get him to Blue very young forward pack inexperienced halves but he’s got him far him is this one uh questionable that was questionable I didn’t know what was going on KO weeks lightning is what an athlete and you know like you when you when you see news reels and ride ups and all that sort of stuff it’s always about you know penth or Melbourne uh Broncos roosters these type of teams these two sides they’re sort of flying relatively under the radar but they’re currently sitting fourth dolphins and Raiders are sixth so at the we’re nearly at the halfway mark of the competition they’re both sitting well and truly within the eight Jeremy Marshall King ceron yeah great player yeah really good player I remember um I remember boarding a plane a couple years ago with um Petro Sullivan was on the plane this is when he recruitment Drive yeah with the dolphins and he asked he just asked me the question he said what are your thoughts on Marshall king I said man I love the way he plays I just I just was that when he was at Canterbury yeah like see I found at Canterbury he didn’t show any deception I thought he just he all he wanted to do was sort of shift the ball off the deck and I sort of when I watched him at the Dolphins I thought this is a different different player yeah well he he actually had a quiet season that year I think that must have been must have been 22 yeah um the first part of that year he was relatively quiet but he’s back into the season he played extremely well and yeah so I just I remember talking with um with Pete and just saying man I actually love the way he plays like when he’s actually running the football running running the football um his ability to do you a lot of like subtlety around the the dummy halfes it’s a little bit like Happ Corel but he but he tends to play a little bit quicker a little bit straighter he’s been such a good buy for the Dolphins I don’t think I’ve seen ever a hooker like run through the defense line as much as him he’s got that yeah like you said he’s has this lovely dummy but he’s always running that way always running straight what about Ethan strange for for the Raiders you you said tough side as well some of those uh late in the game as well I think it was maybe just before golden Point as well like he showed he’s got his skills but he’s also got his Brut it uh he plays to his strength at the moment like a young 58 support run the ball tackle hard and just play with enthusias the other stuff the game management that happens when you get older and slow down he just competes look at the twoes he’s so strong there was a part of the game where he skipped and FN and he passed to Xavier Savage on the on down the and Xavier dropped the ball but I thought wow speed footwork toughness it’s what you need in a 5A uh what about the earlier game on Saturday afternoon the dragons they stunned the Panthers uh fighting back from a halftime deficit to win 22-10 it’s a huge bounce back as well for the dragons considering uh their big loss last week to the Bulldogs and they actually spoke about this after the game that it was a halftime spray by Shane Flanigan and it just fired them up in that second half well they ran harder it was you could see it after halim the first set at six they went 100 m with the ball their big and just charged now on the back of that they completed high they kick well and sometimes your biggest strength is your biggest weakness their biggest strength is the size of their pack but if you C the ball off them they fall in a hoop but they completed high so hard to slop this big forward pack it was the complete opposite to last week wasn’t it when they took on the dogs their first half was powerful they they played that power game early and they they went into the sheds 12 10 up and in the second half they just they come out and they forgot to play football but um it was a complete opposite out there against penrith and um Shane fenan spoke about that halftime spray he said look as a as a head coach you’ve got maybe two or three of those a year I’ve just used one up already so but they responded the best thing about it Dan is that they responded the players responded and that’s all you can ask for do you remember in your playing careers a a halftime spray that really fired everyone up I one had several several I remember one in origin was literally a spray G Gus got us all in was spraying us and then something flew out of and leaned it on Sha Tim’s shoulder and we were all looking at it and then he said to Tim how much do you want it Timo was looking at goes I want a bad when he left the room we all pissed ourself off and then went out and we won the game what was it I thought it was a bit of calamari yeah you cop some sprays of Gus and Ricky Ricky and Gus for most of my career really is there an art to it you got Pi you got to pick your time you got to pick your time and you go to and you got to make sure that you got a good reason to do it and if you’re doing it all the time they just no one likes too much swearing or yelling it doesn’t get a reaction out of anyone but uh yeah it’s awesome what about some from Craig several no the best one was we were playing the Sharkies um I forget what year it might have been 05 um and we were down 22 n halftime I think it was and uh he give one his best alltime best sprayers we end up winning the game 2622 so indiv calling out individuals yeah individuals H there was no holding back he squared a few individuals up like and he didn’t care like it didn’t worry him which I think I think that’s a that’s a great thing in sport CU that like the coach doesn’t hold back like if individuals need to be told that they need to pick their game up that’s it needs to happen guys have one after a game we’ll playing St George and coming after the game we actually we winning easy at halime and we just won so we won the game and we’re sitting around we’re half happy with ourself and he come in there was a big bucket of ice and the beers in the middle and he came in and tried to make a statement just booted after he’s yelling at us he just booted the bucket think it was going to just fly over and everything fall out he broke his T went boo G went super coach has gone mad the Bulldogs have been producing some pretty impressive victories that was effort all on effort early s binning to Connor Tracy Jacob Carz just stood up he just come up with some of these runs getting the boys out of trouble they actually scored in that period Josh hadak car was brilliant before he went off and they just defended their line so well they they talk about doing it for each other but there’s more than that like their technique and um you know how they work their systems they they they’ve all bought into it obviously because Newcastle I don’t know they did nothing they they offered up very little I got to say well heading into this game the Bulldogs are rank second in defense Cameron zadoo that’s one of his big focuses he he really focuses on defense and to to hold Newcastle to too as well they would have been so impressed with that it’s their best defensive effort or or start to a season for I think it’s 10 years then ago at this part of the the season um going all the way back to 2014 where U you know they they played in Grand finals so you know not saying that this current Bulldogs team will will make it all the way to the Grand Final this year but you can see there’s a clear shift in their attitude and their commitment to their football particularly their defense now this is a bit of a moment where Reed Marty gets under the skin of STI where he’s got an art of doing it does he to go we were speaking about that a few weeks ago here on the Sunday footage show Joe and you were pretty vocal about Reed man getting under the skin of the big boys but it’s it’s working for his team we should be talking about reud man a chance of playing origin football this year he he’s on the verge of playing origin football I should be talking about his kicking game the other night was Sensational but if I say red man everyone just goes oh yeah he’s a pest gets under people’s skin it takes away from his great play now when you finish do you want he does he want his legacy to people say oh yeah he was a grub he was a grub you want to talk about how tough he was what a great defender his kicking game the other night was outstanding I think he’s on the verge of playing state of origin I don’t think he needs to do that rubbish he might be broke he’s been fine $55,000 already I just don’t think needs to do it I don’t know he’s paying it but what do you what do you think do you think he needs to no I just it’s just a lot of it’s just unnecessary isn’t it he he’s I’ve been a victim of Reed money I don’t know if you you boys boys might have been commentating the game we’re playing Paramount semi-final I got I got bin yeah right yeah so I I had a kick from dummy half and Reed was at marker he was playing a param matter and uh he grabbed a hold of me and just wouldn’t let go I wanted to get down on the kick Chase and I tried to I was trying to get rid of his arms from holding on to me and swiped him across the face and the ref put me in the pin but that’s a big that’s a big to that’s what I mean suckers in and there’s been there’s been a few of can Cory Hughes was a bit like that and I spoke to Sunny and sunny loved Cory Hughes well Josh Reynolds had the nickname P Josh Reynolds he a grub he’s a champion fell Champion fell I just I worry that this is going to be his legacy people oh yeah he was a pest he was a pain in the backside takes away talking about what a great player he is well there was a pest there was a pest off can we call it that with Jackson Hastings and they come together early the pest off happened early I got to ask you Joey Newcastle what was your brutal assessment of of this performance I was really disappointed the fans turned up pouring rain over nearly 22,000 turned up uh there two players in the bin at one stage Canterbury and they still could not score a try never looked like SC um and look we know they’re defending pretty well but they’re not they’re not a superpower of the competition the attack it’s just the halves don’t complement each other Hastings and Koga are halfbacks they’re on the ball halfbacks they don’t complement each other combinations work because they complement each other doesn’t work shut up what always a camera are you laughing at me putting the beanie on um what need would you be changing the team I said after the game it’s was quite vocal to will price need coming the young Englishman also adding being too technical Jaden Braley he’s a hardworking tackling dummy half but he doesn’t run too much he’s he’s the style of dummy a who just works and works and works so he just distributes so automatically it’s sideways then Jackson plays sideways you need someone straighten the attack they need a running 5’8 and that’s why will price I’d roll the dice with him I know is raw but he’s got the tools as a running 58 to travel Melbourne even Phoenix crosland is a running 58 I Coga and Hastings are first receivers and it’s not a knock on them individually they just don’t complement each other as halves can they Joey can they compete without Ken ponga well they’ve shown they have the last three or four weeks leading into that game um we’ll know more going down to Melbourne play Melbourne on Sunday down there on a fast track and I think they go penth after that uh but obviously without kale and lar one paste they need that that spark from the back just quickly on the Bulldogs as well uh we did see Josh out of car go off with a hamstring injury was ready news this morning that it’s looking like he could be facing 8 to 10 weeks out with that hamstring injury what does this mean for the Bulldogs going forward you think they can still continue this red hot run well they’ve put 32 points on the kns without Steven cder Billy army kick and Matt Bon so the best three players were out and they put 32 went up there and just defended their way into scoring points I think what’ll happen now is they’re going to lose Josh out car suppose one area where they got they seem to have a little bit of room as their outside backs they just seem to keep outside back young Wilson the he goes well he’ll come in on so he no he played he played on the weekend so Blake Wilson played kades has the ability to move between Center and Wing he was awesome good he J C he was the technical part of what he was doing his fourth tackle runs like setting up the Run for his kicker he was always poking his nose through breaking the line getting quick play the balls he was fantastic um now they’ll find another another Wing another Center well they’ve got that that that’s the thing that the Bulldogs have they’ve got so many players who can fill so many different positions because that’s what they the recruitment Master strike man on the wing and they were baged obviously lock 5 and Gus G got hammered about the recruitment but it’s a master St it’sing well they got players who can play numerous positions but they’re tough and they compete and that’s been their success some big guns returned as well for param Mitch Moses in particular the influence that he had on his entire team just how big was it Master Class n out of 10 his kicking game is without doubt the best in the competition he hits him so sweet for a guy with little chicken legs uh but he was a difference he was the absolute difference him and Clint Guth is coming back he was so composed he’s just on the top of his game yeah he’s he’s uh he’s in rare touch for a game for his first game back for for a couple of months yeah you bring in those type of players um yeah with that experience it just it gives the players around them belief and confidence and you could you could see a complete different attitude in the paroma yields with the way they play compared to the last I’d say month of football where they’ve they’ve just struggled to be in Games took on the the latter leaders now I know they were down on a couple of troops as well but you know they they had a quality outfit the Sharkies but yeah just a complete turnaround in in mindset with the way they took on that match how can they use this and do you think that this is something that they can build on for a bit of a run going forward or is it still going to be some some tough weeks ahead for par I think all depends what happens with New South Wales I think um I’m not sure where M was I think he was always wanted to pick niiko hun whether Mitchell Moses was in his plans as well but um given he’s had coming off a broken foot so he hadn’t been out a run a lot so that’s going to have a lot to do with his health and fitness but they got to win N9 from 12 I think at least they can’t make that to make the semi so and then they run their next couple of games are tricky they’ve got you know they got Brisbane they’ve got roosters they got all the big teams so uh it’s going to be a very tough run in very tough for the Sharks William Kennedy was just unbelievable I think he’s the best game I’ve seen him play that try was incredible wasn’t it so tough jez he put his body on the line are you are you worried about the Sharks uh it’s funny you know I think it was a time where you couldn’t get flogged the team that won the comp could go would go through a season and you know if they got boot they just got boot I think times have changed a little bit where sometimes the game’s so quick that you can lose control of the game and actually the other team can score a lot of points at the moment I think they’re just going through a bit of an issue I never had them as my team winning the competition I think up until now they they’re doing an incredible job they’re changing the way I think everyone thinks about konala but little bit of a hiccup but I think they’ll definitely be there at the end of the year are you worried about them considering the the loss the week before where they were absolutely smashed by penis no I just think they’ve hit a bit of a flat spot um I think a lot on the Sharks will come down to niiko and how he comes out of the origin period um like any team the halfback can be the key but he’s the key for granola so he has a really good origin series I think it can take the Sharks to another level and there’s an awareness of them now right with every team of the competition because they’re leading the comp every time you know doesn’t matter what team they play they’re up for that match so they just got to be slightly off the Sharks and and they can get beat because they know the opposition’s there to win it um look I I never had them winning the comp this year as well and that and that’s the biggest challenge for them is in the past couple of years they’ve actually done really well in the regular season but failed at the end um they need to try and convert that this year well that’s the thing it’s it’s always the the big games that they have have been there’s been question marks over them because they haven’t won a finals match as well it’s going to stay there till till they win it that’ll always always be the knock on they went down to Melbourne that was an incredible effort without niiko well that was a great win for the club and they back that up and beat magic round they beat the RO roosters yeah that’s right so you know I got to say they answered a few of them and I think in their own heads they answered it at the moment you know these last two games have come off them two wins so they most took a toll so hopefully they’ll just get a chance to regroup and they’ll go again yeah time for konala to regroup as well canare him at the eight I don’t think so oh it’s going to be tough yeah no I think winning nine from the last 12 too big a hurdle this year NRL on 9 is your One-Stop shop for all foot that’s right Freddy not about the highlights Action 7 days a week biling gas podcast get them on your drive on the way home Immortal Behavior grab a sit on the couch for that and of course my favorite fredd in the a the best footy brains the biggest games don’t trust the algorithm subscribe to NRL on9 and get all your entertainment there


  1. absoutely disagree about field goal shootouts being bad. It's brilliant. If 2 teams are level after 80 minutes, 10 more mins of the same thing is the most boring idea I could possibly think of. Field goal golden point is exciting. And no, teams don't always throw the ball around in the last 5-10 mins of normal time. Many games have been won by 1 point scored in the 80 mins.

  2. I'm glad Cam is on the couch. He doesn't get enough respect as a player who's done more than others on that couch, or in the game. People always hate a winner. That's why people as a collective are usually wrong.

  3. I remember the game when Reed got Cam sin-binned. That was a funny one. And when quizzed about it he said he had a fan boy moment…lol

  4. Cam needs to invest in some fake hair. 😅
    All joking aside if these 3 guys played together in a Kangaroos team, who would be Captain? I think it's Freddy because he dominates a conversation and leads by example. He may not be an Immortal like the other 2 but as far as leadership goes, he's my pick..

  5. 80 minutes is enough time to win a game.If you can't do it within that time frame,one point each.If not,make the game 90 minutes instead.🤷‍♂️

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