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Why do the worlds BIGGEST clubs want Championship managers?

With Enzo Maresca set to join Chelsea, Vincent Kompany set to join Bayern Munich and the huge interest in Kieran McKenna from Manchester United, Chelsea and Brighton – why are EFL Championship managers so in demand?

Sam Parkin and I discuss on the latest episode of the Championship Check-In Podcast.

#ChelseaFC #BayernMunich #IpswichTown #LeicesterCity #Burnley


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what is going on with Eno Moresco is going to get the Chelsea job and in the Abramovic era that was Mourinho Scolari you know World Cup with hiink um I I mean I’m sure there’s been plenty of them that um I can’t remember but it felt like that was always the most famous highly qualified managers would get that job and we’re going to get the guy that won the championship is going to go and do the the Chelsea job I guess they think they might be getting the next steta because he worked with Peppa at Man City Kieran McKenna looks like he’s going to sign a new contract with VIPs Rich which um I’m a big proponent of Vincent company is going to be Bayern Munich manag what’s going on here Sam no it’s crazy isn’t it it is been a crazy few weeks I have like been having to like pinch myself a little bit give myself a slap around the the face because it does feel very peculiar and you know how much I I love the league and love going to games and how passionate I am about it but it just feels like it’s hell of a jump hell of a jump um yeah that’s a really good point about moresa and artetta and and pep and such like I think the the most simplistic way to put it is that Chelsea has just changed like so enormously since since that era in such a short space of time in that the the model is is completely different you know you’ve got two sporting directors now um obviously the the new ownership and the way that they’ve put a squad together is very different from how they’ve done it previously so they want a head coach to go in probably with a a philosophy that aligns with theirs um that’s got a clear way of playing and he’s probably going to just get on with coaching the the players without getting too involved in anything else outside of that which would not have been the case under previous managers and and the previous ownership so he must tick a lot of those boxes he must tick and and poino latly unfortunately but that PO poino to the guy who’s just won the championship I yeah I mean is unprecedented yeah and you know the reason that it’s difficult for me to to Fathom at the moment is that I’ve been there at every game and obviously I’ve seen the shoots of recovery and I’ve seen the performances over the last kind of two months of the Season people were say out that that mud is the water well you know really consistently through the season with all the problems that he’s had to deal with with the injuries and and such like and the lack of balancing the team the lack of leadership really at times this season um I still think tactically poino surprised me and impressed me quite a lot this season so the last few weeks of the Season wasn’t a huge surprise I think we’ve seen the Improvement in the younger players uh madek and and mudrick two in particular who have found the level of consistency that maybe I didn’t believe they were capable of at times in the early part of the season so I saw the kind of fruits of Poo’s labor and and what you know everyone suggested he would be working with younger players which obviously evaporates now and moresa has to if it is moresa start from aresh I suppose the the other surprising element to us would be that despite on occasion you know I think back to the game at Southampton that I was fortunate to be at where Leicester were magnificent Norwich a few days later played really good stuff um in the main it’s been a season for moresa and Leicester that’s been kind of lited with criticism from his own as well so that’s probably the most surprising element to it we follow the championship we’ve enjoyed watching Leicester but the manager hasn’t the half coming for some criticism at time this season so if it was a Burnley Vincent company scenario from last season and he pitches up at Tottenham which was the rumor or Chelsea we probably wouldn’t have been overly surprised this one and you would still have been saying well that’s a big jump you would have done and you would have said and I did say he’ll get there he’ll get the Manchester City Job even if it goes belly up at Burnley um that would have been my feeling last year um so this is I think it’s taken everyone a little bit by surprise but to to add some balance they won the league the system that they adopted at Leicester was taken on board very quick ly by the players um he strategically signed some players in in vital positions the recruitment was really good thinking about um Fu Harry Winks for example the goalkeeper was really good mai you know those four along with the vast experience and the steel that anded and F and people out of V guard brought to the party they made some good signings and and he got the best out of some some of the younger players in that team so that I think that will be an ingredient that will be an ingredient or be it I think if you look at his track record was was he at Palmer maybe I think I heard not for very long yeah and I think there was either a if a lack of young Talent or uh a um inability to use them or or something along those lines so I don’t think he’s always been maybe a associated with getting the best at younger players but I think we did see that at at Leicester and obviously that’s going to be a part of it improving the the obvious outstanding talent that they’ve accumulated at Chelsea over the last year or two so we think the champions of the championship are going to be looking for a new manager it doesn’t at the moment look like the runners up IPS s are but we’ve also seen Kieran McKenna being linked with some gigantic ANC jobs as well um what have you made of that surprising again and he’s been amazing he’s been one of the best starts to a managerial career I can think of probably the best I mean it’s just and I’ve LED watching them you know last season and this um I think he’s changed the landscape really and I think Lo of managers in League one and and the championship would would just say how difficult they’ve found it to to face his teams and and and how tactically they’ve been so different and so and and so much to admire so I’m not surprised he been linked to jobs the magnitude of the jobs absolutely I am surprised I supposed to had a little bit of balance obviously he’s worked at Manchester United and been close to it previously and been on the The Fringe of it so that g him some credit I suppose in the bank but I suppose the biggest thing and again forgive me if it’s quite simplistic but you’re going from a dressing room with very good Championship players very good League one players not enormous egos in the majority of cases to walking into one of the biggest 10 clubs five clubs in the in the world potentially which I think is is a real challenge I think probably gr po found it a challenge and I think someone like Kieran mire uh McKenna Kier McKenna and his um and his back room staff it may be a little bit too soon so like bright Brighton would be a more natural step wouldn’t it but then you would argue historically and I know we’re talking about the present day but historically our Brighton a bigger Club than nips Witch uh bright and right now it’s just in the Premier League era if you’ve had a a few years up there you just bash everybody else into and even across Europe you know even like a Bournemouth or a forest have only been up a couple of Seasons they’re they’ll be able to outsign all the best teams in Spain and Italy now weren’t they they are there now you’d probably have a better understanding of this than me but could you imagine IP switch getting there or is the financial disparity is the way that the club’s ownership are running the very very different to how bright and were maybe a decade ago I I think you just got to get past that first season and then you know then the door starts to open up doesn’t it as long as you don’t become a a yoyoer and you see like I mentioned forest or you know brenford or I think the other side of it mate is that you go into Brighton now you know the the form has been very inconsistent it’s been very indifferent towards the tail end of the season I don’t know forgive me again because I did Cover the Chelsea Brighton game relatively recently but I I don’t remember I think it was four wins in 20 or something like that was being quoted a few weeks before the end of the season so listen they not been winning consistently so I think my worry would be go you’re going in there and of course they’ll probably refresh the squad in the in the summer and we know that they they sign brilliantly um and they have done over the last 5 10 years or whatever I just think you might be going in there a really difficult time to keep your foot on the gas and I think if he goes in there and they fall off the cliff that would affect his reputation more than it maybe would do ipswitch having their inevitable struggles in the next 12 months so yeah I I think in Balance really difficult to turn down really difficult to turn down um Chelsea and Manchester United if they were viable options if they were realistic options I think the Brighton one even though it would feel like a more natural step I think that’s a I think that’s one to avoid at the moment just for the the reasons i’ I’ve stated and that’s just my opinion he he be look at Rob edwards’s um reputation now Rob Edwards will be surely linked to I think the top payers the top supported clubs in the championship and Beyond probably there probably be some Premier League interest in Rob Edwards as well um even withstanding that they’ve been relegated Len yeah Fair Point Fair Point yeah so this is going to rumble we think um one of the favorites Burnley we’re going to have a you know an open manager job there soon you know Leicester I know they’re not our team anymore in terms of you know this being the championship check-in podcast um Hull Sunderland so still plenty in terms of managers um corbran was getting linked to was it Leicester I think yesterday which yeah I can see that yeah just thinking it through now I mean you 100% Stevie Cooper’s agents been taking a few phone calls as well hasn’t he yeah you’d 100% fathom it if um if Leicester was still in the championship actually um Premier League that’s um that’s a bit of a jump for him as undoubtedly talented as he is that would be a bit of a curve ball for me that I think if he was um if he was given that gig now after the promotion watch this space


  1. Kerians a great young manager , and we have him for another season minimum,
    It's not the managers that's the problem it's the way clubs R run now , the owners pick the players they want and your just expected to get on with it , all good managers have a say in alot more , hence great success for Pep , klopp , Howe , Arteta ,and Brighton and Palace , all well run clubs who let the manager have more input …..

  2. Ben I think personally arteta is the blueprint overall comes in with coaching ideas and a style that is more like pep on the pitch and off it and the owners can basically get a yes man ..

  3. Do you think it may be down to a good agent dropping your name into good conversation and letting the rumour mill doing the rest

  4. i dont think the chelsea board realise how long it took arteta to get going with arsenal. it pretty much took him 3 years to get them to just compete, and he's only won 1 trophy in his 5 years. cant see chelsea being that patient

  5. Elementary dear Watson. The big clubs want a stop gap manager to tide over a year, who is cheap, not too high profile and can be sacked with little or no consequences.ย Hence Kompany, Enzo et al.
    Chelsea want a yes man to run their human stud farm โ€ฆ no questions asked. Welcome Enzo. Tuchel, Conte, Jose are not Yes men.
    On another point, There is a big points difference between the top 4 or 5 and number 6 downwards in all the big leagues, including English second league with Leicester and the other 3 being streets ahead of others. So their coaches get recognition.

    Leicester were very happy to go down last year because this parachute payment yo-yo is very lucrative. The Thai owners did the maths and screwed the team last year.

  6. Given Ipswich's meteoric rise under McKenna plus his previous experience as a coach at Manchester United, it's perhaps understandable why he's been linked with the club. What's harder to comprehend is Bayern Munich possibly hiring Kompany. He did a great job in getting them promoted but they've come straight back down.

  7. I think Ipswich will lose mckenna to man utd if they come knocking I think utd may give it two seasons see how he does in the premier league . Brighton are on the way down they hit the top when they got to European football

  8. McKenna is going to stay at IPSWICH that is FANTASTIC BRILLIANT NEWS ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

  9. Is the answer โ€œbecause they are sick of all the Prem bullshit?โ€ I know I am and we havenโ€™t even kicked a ball yet ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’™

    Sorry I havenโ€™t had a chance to watch this yet but will!

  10. With Ipswich promoted to the premier league will you continue to cover the championship Ben or focus more on the prem? I hope you still cover the championship! But understand if not

  11. I'm surprised that Maresca got poached before he got sacked ๐Ÿ˜…. He obviously wom the title which is an achievement but it was only by a point with a squad worth way more than Ipswich. He was brilliant the first half of the season but the last couple of months were terrible (in terms of performances)

  12. If you're managing Burnley and Bayern Munich want you, 9/10 you're taking it so I don't blame Kompany. I do question Bayern as to why they've gone in for him. It will be interesting who Burnley, Leicester and Brighton appoint.

  13. Because they're cheap probably Football doesn't make any sense any more The games run by people with more money than sense

  14. As a Leeds fan, I feel more confident this year than last. A weaker league. And a settled summer..where we know who our ownership is , our manager etc. Plus new red bull deal is very exciting.

  15. Heard Big Sam Allardyce turned Bayern Munich down so what else could they do, considering Tony Pulis is bound for Real Madrid.

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