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Jamie McLennan Joins The Show | FN Barn Burner – May 29th, 2024

FlamesNation Barn Burner with Boomer, Pinder & Warrener

– Rhett Not In Calgary (1:00)
– Noodles Joins (4:30)
– Covid Story (12:00)
– DAL/EDM (15:00)
– Nurse (25:00)
– Oilers Missed Out On Tanev (31:00)
– Dallas Roster (33:00)
– FLA/NYR (37:00)
– Cup Favourite? (43:00)
– Marner (47:30)
– Day In Flames History (54:30)
– Pinder Report (01:07:00)
– Betway (01:29:00)

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a [Music] [Music] [Music] now you’re not in studio because I I I felt bad that I was going to have to uh to get into the studio today um but that uh that doesn’t look Jack that is does that look like the studio unless haven’t been in there for a while have there been some changes no it’s not the studio I’m in the studio I don’t see Rett yeah I didn’t want Dean to feel bad so I didn’t want to go to the studio to angst and conation in his world right so I thoughtfully missed my flight is that what happened it’s a mixb um it’s it’s it’s never dull um the the text came through now I don’t want to speak out of school this is in the barn burner afterburner chat group um but the text came through last night Rett Warner not coming to Calgary that came in at 7:05 mountain time which uh I believe is somewhere in the neighborhood of 9:05 eastern time uh no one flies by the seed of their pants more than this guy So the plan was because we we ended the show that’s travel day we’ll see you tomorrow be in studio and somewhere along the line listen I crossed the border I got through security lines I had coffee I heard zones called and I still didn’t get on that plan okay walk me through this I drove to Hamilton for my flight life was good got to the airport blah blah blah through security sat down and I got a phone call from someone I’d been waiting to hear from for the past two weeks right oh hey I got the I got you all set up I need you here on Monday oh Monday yeah huh yeah it’s the only time I could do it h so then I quickly looked at flights because they were calling zones already that’s right yeah and it was going to cost me more to change my flight than the whole flight was worse so back in the truck so were you thinking of of still flying to Calgary but then getting out in time for the Monday thing is that what you were I was going to leave Sunday but the cost of the flight Sunday was cost proh cost prohibitive prohibitive and I really had nothing to do in calary was coming back to see you and your p’s gone yeah Pender’s not here and I’m me like what fun of I whole bunch to accomplish right so here I you just you just left did you tell anybody I’m no I didn’t I thought about it I walked out and I was going to I went I did walk over to the uh checkin desk so no one was there and I’m like did you hear any uh red Warner uh final gone before that they called the final Zone to so the lineup was still there so I I think it was in my vehicle before that got called this must be some kind of a deal on Monday I I mean this is it’s not for me it’s for my kid and it’s in Milwaukee uh milwa a guy who knows a lot about travel air travel uh joins us he’s our regular Wednesday buddy he’s Jamie mclenon uh to get you up to speed uh Warner yesterday was flying to Calgary we ended the show see you tomorrow travel day gonna be in studio last night about 9:05 Eastern text comes through not coming to Calgary uh so long story short he drove from Buffalo to Hamilton got into the airport went through security got through everything was at the gate and then got a phone call uh an important thing is coming up on Monday he needs to be there for it it was going to be too expensive to change his return flight to get back in time so he just left back into the vehicle Hamilton back to Buffalo I’m the exact opposite of you noodles yeah I mean I was in Hamilton yesterday too I mean we’re doing a um our shows from the Canadian open this week right so you know we’re getting I don’t know why we were there yesterday nobody was there but it was uh Monsoon and we had it was raining I drove home and it was like you’re going 30 yeah see I would have just can’t you change your flight to Sunday instead of coming that’s it was I only had I was like because I was just carry on so I didn’t go early to the airport they were literally calling zones as I walked in I was right on time which I was what I wanted but you could get there you just needed to get a flight home I got to get to Milwaukee and the flight Calgary to Milwaukee too pricey milwauke I also needed calary to Milwaukee but I also needed a vehicle in Milwaukee if I didn’t get back to Buffalo to drive to Milwaukee so then you and the I just was like and I wasn’t doing anything in Calgary anyway you should have called me because I’m very good at Travel that’s the one thing I am amazing at is I find ways I make things happen for the koft for example the koft thing I was in in Nashville the night before and I needed to get in during the day on the Wednesday so that we could go for dinner that night I had my show I had all of that fun stuff so I flew through Chicago I got up at 6:00 am through Chicago jumped on the 8 amm was into and then I had to talk to the hotel to get in early so I could do a setup for my show so I went from Nashville at tootsies at 2 o’clock in the morning and at noon the next day I was sitting at the oair Sheran oair doing my show and you know no sleep but I was still a pro and that’s the way and then we went out that Wednesday night didn’t we or some of us did I think I can’t remember Kipper did I know that I know you guys did yeah we went to Caesar steakhous and had a late night afterwards so that was the night that we ended up at Cowboys there was nobody in there literally zero people in the building zero the people that worked there and us that was it so somebody in yeah someone in the chat wondering if it if it was too pricey for Warner I mean what kind of what kind of price tag was that on a on a flight I was just gonna say like this guy made millions in his career I could have done it he doesn’t wear shiny suits or diamonds around his you know neck and all of that type of stuff did I read that Antonio Brown is broke didn’t that guy make 88 million in his career yep yeah it really bothers me to see that type of idiocy like it you know like and I have no idea of his life and I’m not judging but I am judging yeah like you you know I don’t know what you I’m hoping that he’s helped every family member and whatever at the end of the day like when you’ve made a 100 million or close to it in your career and and you’ve got nothing to show for it that’s on you man like that’s on you and he feels like a guy that made some choices that weren’t feasible somewhere along the way you know what I mean and that’s everyone’s got their own story and my I believe he did come up from basically nothing he was a very poor kid coming up and then you give that kid all the uh money that he could have in the world he’s gonna spend it yeah I I get it but yeah I don’t know I I just you would think that there’d be enough there’s plenty of shyers and we’ve all dealt with them but you would also think that there would be enough upstanding citizens that might go just give me just yeah just a little piece of this just in case instead of spending 35,000 on a private jet to fly an hour why don’t you just get a business class flight for 1,200 bucks yeah you know stuff like that like just you know it’s disappointing you know we’ve seen it through our careers um you know you you live at a certain level when you’re making lots of money and then when the money stops you’re trying to still live at that level as opposed to just living at you know a consistent level your whole life and you know it’s disappointing but you know some guys they can’t help themselves I remember playing with a guy I’m not going to say his name but he his wife used to fly to New York to get her hair done like what like there’s no salons in wherever Minnesota like it just stupid things like that you’re just like and of course the minute that he was out of the NHL she’s gone like well doesn’t your wife go to Phoenix get her nails done or something right what was that does her teeth yeah she gets her teeth clean teeth are presentable she’s got wood no the shoveler she she she pulled a fast one on me noodles she said do you mind if like what if I go to this Phoenix place to get my I don’t know what the hell it was even dental work I’m like oh yeah it must be some new Phoenix Dental sounds fancy oh no all of a sudden she’s rolling out of the the bed at 4: in the morning I’m like what in the F like she’s not up at 4: hit the gym like I’m like what the are you doing well I’m going to Phoenix at 4 a.m. well I gotta catch the fight what the hell are you talking about a flight you thought it was Phoenix Dental downtown Buffalo yeah I thought it was mahogany I thought it was yeah yeah we’re going over to Legacy the Phoenix D yeah see it’s the details the details Antonio Brown it’s those details teeth are like you don’t you you can’t like you can’t look like a you know Jacko lanard or you got to pull your act together like I I have no problem with that like I think there are certain things hair a little bit different but you you need your jibs to be presented the best part noodles was I was a little frustrated with as you might imagine but this was like it had to be end of February early March and they and it so you go down there you get your teeth knocked out and you get fakes yeah Temporaries or whatever I don’t know Co hit oh no can’t travel oh cruising around with the phonies got wooden teeth going the baked bean wooden teeth for a little longer yeah yeah she was American so she still could go down and got well luck yeah I mean she could have flown through through Florida you go Florida to Phoenix there was no covid in Florida or Arizona that’s what he did that’s what Warner did the whole time so I was telling this story yesterday I don’t know how we got about it but we were talking about you know covid and oh you know what it was it was it’s actually it ties to hockey because we were talking about Mason marchment and we were talking about his dad mush right Brian and so during covid um I had a Saturday night like Poker Stars online poker tournament so all my buddies could join every Saturday night you pour yourself a beer you sit at your desk and we play poker against each other and on FaceTime you could you I would I created like a zoom so I would have we would have our computer and then everyone would be on their iPad so you could sit and talk and we play poker against each other poke poker tournament every weekend and of course Drome being in it you had to keep track of who was ahead who owed who like Drome wanted meticulous account of who was winning because he’s so competitive so all of us throughout you know Iggy’s in Colona stradwicks in Edmonton and you know Tyson Nash is in Arizona and he would be he would FaceTime in from a restaurant and he would be sitting at a restaurant and be like guys I’ll be on in half an hour I’m just finishing my steak we’re all like we haven’t left our house in weeks you know and he’s he’s in a full restaurant in Arizona like no mas no nothing and he’s like what are you guys doing we’re like we’re just sitting he’s like you guys are idiots you’re sitting in there he’s like look around he would show like FaceTime everybody full restaurant no nothing and so it was just kind of funny we so we were talking about that and on the the call Dion Fu facetimed me one time and we were having a beer and Ryan marchment uh K joined and we tried FaceTiming Daryl and it was Peter handland there was a bunch of us on the call and I took a picture of it and in the pictures mush so it just you know we were talking about how great Mason Marchman is and how you know what a nice player he’s turned out to be and then we were talking about his dad how big of a killer he was you you knew when when M when you knew when mush was on the ice like he you know he hit to hurt and so that was kind of how it all tied in so tied back to travel in covid where we’re all sitting there and nasher’s out for dinner so Random story and you just thinking about it marshman because you see him Mason he’s got those same eyes as his old man hey just those blue eyes he doesn’t seem to have quite the Killer Instinct the old man did uh hands though he’s a nice player yeah you can you can see it there he’s been a great fit I don’t I mean we can start there it’s a big one in Edmonton tonight I I can’t believe how that game went the other night I told Rhett we were both on the same page when it was two nothing and the Oilers are just snot bubble in the Stars I’m like this is the last freaking thing I need to watch tonight is Edmonton just just absolutely Floodgate these guys and it’s best ever night and then the second period on it was a completely different story I don’t know I I don’t know if anybody knows what to make of it the Stars had a slow start again which they are prone to do what’s your read what’s your take on what happened there and what is it what is it set up now for game four well so I’m just reading just before I came on I was reading some of the changes that they have it looks like de is going to come out um Warren fogle’s coming out and Sam carrick’s coming out and it looks like uh um that broberg kid is gonna go in PH good skater and and a puck mover um and then Perry and uh McLoud go back back in so I you know what I I like about what Chris noblock has done if a guy’s not playing well like outside of you know dry SLE I didn’t think dry SLE was very good the other night but you know outside of the the key guys that you just need every night he’s kind of held people’s feet to the fire a little different Darnell nurse makes 9.25 he’s and nurse has not played well CC you know the analytics people crap on him but I I think they what happens they feed off each other and it’s it’s there’s no help there you know you have to break them up I think cc is stable I think nurse is stable but I don’t know if they can be St stable together they’re not no they’re not so that being said you do need Dallas is not an overly physical team so what you do need when you’ve got Big D which is you know nurse CC d a are kind of not I think nurse is a good skater and I think cc is a strong skater but they their decision making hasn’t been fast enough so you’re going to switch it up back there but coming back to the snot bubble I thought that was just going to be the McDavid KN he’s going to get six points and it’s going to be a 72 Edmonton drubbing maybe you know maybe AER gets lifted type of thing that’s how it looked early on I thought the key turning point was you’re up two nothing you you get a power play that’s your dagger right there you can make it three nothing and make them uninterested in the game the game’s over right there because you’re up two nothing and McDavid has looked Unstoppable and then the power play which has been a NE if that gets going that night that’s it that’s curtains to make it three nothing they don’t have a good power play they start like that in the second period it was almost like they they said you know what we showed up to play in the first there’s Dallas doesn’t have an answer Dallas has an answer in the second period and what bothered me about it is I thought you know E when when there’s when there’s momentum happening you see it within a game but you need something to stop it a timeout a big save a big play a big hit something and Edmonton in four minutes had no response to it to the point where now you’re chasing the game and you’re trying to claw it back and you really weren’t able to claw it back you get the Big Goal at the the end of the second period I thought that third and fourth line started to push and like looked like they were doing something so into the third period you’re like okay we dodged a bullet it’s a tie game in our own building I thought Edmonton looked you know decent in the third but you can’t give up that goal I’m sorry that’s and steuart Skinner made some great saves he sto Marchman on that breakway stop uh duchaine in tight with the right pad like there were some saves the that the goalie made but we never talk about the saves you talk about the goal against and if you look at it it’s a broken play CCE cheats up I don’t know how they wanted to play that but it’s a two-on-one nurse takes away the back door now the goalie it’s on you and you give up that short side so you can you can kick CC I’m sorry that was D DNA was on the ice it was so you could kick d and nurse in the junk the goalie you can’t score from the behind the net like that’s there’s nobody at fault other than the goenda comments afterwards saying regardless how the goal happened and he goes I need to make a better play on that I can’t give up four goals in the playoffs like that’s he said you you know in the playoffs when you’re trying to win you can’t give up four goals so I’m looking for a response tonight the one thing though is is Dallas is a hell of a team and having hints back all of a sudden that got Robertson going and the one thing I haven’t noticed Jake ainger hasn’t given up bad goals and you know there there might be an ainger night where they just don’t beat him you know that’s so Edmonton’s got to be they’ve got to play this like a game seven they can’t go down 3-1 because you’re not going to beat that team or that Vancouver and of course even that thing up you don’t you don’t ever want to get go down to three 3-1 in a series but I think there would be a much greater fear of doing it to Dallas than there might have been if you did it to Vancouver this postseason Edmonton four and one following a loss and of course McDavid dry Sidle have been especially good in those games after those five games after a loss so um I’m I am very curious to see what with broberg coming in he’s 22 was the eighth overall pick in 2019 he’s played some games he’s got 81 games NHL experience under his belt but he’s not been a regular and I would think over the course of this season there’s been probably room with the uneven play of the de hares and cc’s of the world for him to have gotten up I I’m not exactly sure and Oiler fans be able to tell you what’s kept this guy from being a regular but by 22 when you’re a top 10 pick you’d think you’d be in by now I I can tell you is you know I watched every one of Calgary’s games this year I watched every one of ebon’s games everyone in Ottawa and everyone in Toronto I made sure I had to do that just for my job broberg when you ask me what is he I don’t know can he skate yeah he can skate is he physical Not So Physical can he move the puck yeah like he he’s I think when you do a scouting list there’s just a bunch of like six and sevens out of 10 like there’s nothing let’s now maybe he’s got a high high hockey IQ when he’s playing uh confident but there the games that I watched him play he just looked like a player wearing an Oilers Jersey which is fine when you’re a young kid but it it you know I just sometimes when and I don’t know how you guys feel if you you lay eyes on a guy and you go God that guy’s a good skater you know God he’s imposing or man he’s smart with a pucker oh he’s got a big shot like you know you something will pull you and go that’s that guy’s strengths I think he he might just be really good at at stuff but nothing there’s been nothing that I watched him when he played to go that’s what is it makes him this or makes him an NHL player every night yeah now I hope he changes my mind for the Oilers uh fans sake but I just there was not to me there was just a a very average everything maybe above average but I don’t know what that translates to maybe he just needs more ice time and uh ability to to settle in at the NHL level but you know what in the games I watched he he you know it’s a seven out of 10 which is good but you need probably an eight or nine to be a Difference Maker some nights right day har comes out I we don’t don’t need to fine tooth cone this thing but there was some thought that maybe it wouldn’t be him because he’s on their first power play or penalty kill unit so now you got to sub somebody in there I don’t know is that it retro is that easy to do it just uh okay you’re going to take that spot on the uh depending on how many penalties there are I guess but you are going to join you’re going to take that spot on the first team penalty kill wow I don’t think jumping into a semi-final game is easy to do right if you’ve got to pick up the pace real fast right so whether or not it’s killing penalties or it doesn’t matter because you’re gonna have to chew up some ice time I think that’s the bigger issue who knows if he kills penalties I don’t know well the the other thing you could point to it’s not like the penalties have been six5 no’ been 2-1 right like you you’re getting one power play two power plays right now Dallas is the least penalized team in the league and the Oilers like the game the games aren’t that physical so there’s been too many men there’s been the double minor by Ryan McLoud which that was just dumb with his stick placement so it’s not like it’s you know been a ton of now watch tonight the penalties would be seven6 type of thing and but that is you’re right if you have one particular particular thing that he does very well and D or is good on the penalty kill because he’s six foot seven he’s got a Long Reach and he lays down and he blocks shots but the one thing that has exposed him is his Puck play and you know the Oilers now need to get out of their Zone quickly and make efficient plays and they’ve chosen him that’s a guy that you know that third goal was all on him the other night he doesn’t get that out on the wall he’s late getting back to the front of the net gets to the front of the net he trips over the goal tender falls on top of him like it yes you can Circle that and say that was that’s on him but there’s there’s other things that he can do he could have helped that fourth goal against he was on the ice he could have got that up the wall a little cleaner there’s just things that you you probably looking to nip and Tuck but I would I would argue the guy I would Circle tonight is Darnell nurse and say we need we need you to be better I’m sorry like you just you need to be you need to have a hell of a game here and I I said it yesterday I’m not a big fan of his play as a defenseman but and not to pile on but there’s a history of him not playing well in playoff hockey yeah they it’s not a one series it’s not a a one-year thing like he has struggled I think in playoff hockey over the years so I agree with you but the one playoff is the one that got him the $9 million contract do you remember when they went didn’t he have that good year I think it was 36 points in 56 games the lockout shorten season and we could joke with all the agents and I I would throw in you know my agency Newport Sports because they you know they capitalized on it that think of the contracts that were handed out in that era era in that area nurse at 9.25 Zack rinsky and Seth Jones all three of them I would argue don’t live up to their $9 million price tag n and a half right but that was the going rate nurse was coming off he was their number one defenseman who had 36 points or I believe I went 41 and 82 33 and 71 and then 36 and 56 he had 36 in 56 games in the lockout bubble and I believe they played Winnipeg in the playoffs and they that was what they they had those overtime games where he was playing like 60 Minutes in a night yep everyone was raving like this guy’s a horse this guy and he is he’s an absolute if you’ve ever met him face to face he’s 6’4 225 shredded like he’s an absolute specimen the problem is is where does he fit with the Edmonton Oilers because you could argue that when the dust settles Evan bards they’re number one because regardless of his defensive play the guy had 82 points last year and he has 232 so far the playoffs unreal so he’s got 82 in the regular season he’s got 100 points this season 100 104 points this season alone with regular season and playoffs eome would be your two then so nurse would be your three at best so now all of a sudden you’ve taken away power play and pretty much your number one assignments from nurse it actually should be favor him you’re getting better matchups on the ice you’re getting better but it hasn’t and him and CeCe like I was talking earlier they feed off each other but it’s been a negative feed neither you know it hasn’t been a a marriage where it’s like okay Nur there’s guys that are easy to play with and they feed off each other and they make the game easier for each other these two are not exctly who was like who was the guy that you worked with best R like was J mck J M Buffalo in Buffalo it was J mcke it was easy and none you know we were just similar we played we knew exactly one of the you know when it’s play with a guy I’m sure for you as a goenda what they were going to do and where they were going to be and it made your life easier yeah it’s the same thing with d Partners yeah but that’s what I I look at like d have to complement each other and you know the like EOL compliments buard perfectly you know that’s that’s what makes that fit Bard’s a really smart you know Puck distributor very calm with the puck echol uses his big body to separate at he goes back absorbs contact gives contact long stick you know he’s got a little Edge to him I look at that second bearing with nurse and CeCe they don’t they don’t fit well together they both have their own struggles and what happens is like I’m struggling so I’m G to throw over my struggles to you and they don’t read off each other very well I think kulak’s a really nice third pairing guy good skater you know yes he had the blunder in game two like that was a absolute pizza but it happens you know that’s the one thing that I’ve noticed about Edmonton is they’ll play these like massively tight games just Zer you know low event almost and then all of a sudden it’s it’s not a mistake it’s an an egregious air like Ryan McLoud in game seven they played 52 perfect minutes like 52 like the crowd was already had gone home like there was three nothing the crowd had gone home they had they’ resigned like hey 12 shots on goal it was going to be that night or whatever and then Ryan McLoud with an egregious air and that building comes to life and they hang on for dear life right the other night kulak goes through the middle bobbles it back of the net and and now the onslaughts on they got to try and Claw it back and that’s the for me Edmonton start the other day period one they Dominate and and you see the starting a period to Jamie Ben dumps that puck in and he’s shot out of a cannon and they don’t get it back like Edmonton couldn’t get it back and it wasn’t you know it wasn’t bottom FEI that’s not Derrik Ryan and Sam car like that was McDavid and and R&H that W weren’t getting those pucks out and that were standing there watching when Jason Robertson you know bats one in Jason Robertson onetime that was a that onetime great play by hints there’s four Oilers right there and Robertson’s in the middle for the one-time shelf you know I didn’t like Skinner’s positioning on it but he’s a little deep but that’s a pretty bang bang play so there’s lots to chew on here it’ll be interesting to see how this game unfolds tonight because I think it’s uh I I think it’s an absolute must-win for Edmonton I don’t know if a deal was there to be made but you talk about pairings and fits and guys that don’t fit if you take Chris tanv off the Stars blue line and put him on that pairing with Darnell nurse what a difference that makes in this entire series it’s maybe micro analyzing it a little bit but you’re taking one guy away and we know here what he can do to help other guys that maybe have some holes in their game how he can really help those guys I 100% because what Chris TANF does is allows his partner to play a stable game too and he takes hard matchups takes hard slap shots you know he’s he’s a guy who block shots he’s I think he’s he’s got a great stick he’s in the middle of I don’t think he’s overly fast but he’s overly smart like that’s really what it is like he’s always in the right position and if he’s not in the right position he works to get there very quick and needs and knows what he needs to do yeah his skating is fine that was the one thing I think when he came here feels like a low slow lumbering kind of a guy he’s not he’s not super fast but he he’ll get there his skating is is not an issue I thought him and Lindell had a poor game one yeah against the Oilers they were on for the goals against and I they got overpowered a little bit I think just the you know you’re settling in you’re just trying to but I thought they were unbelievable in game two and game three like I thought you know tanv is a guy that his reads and anticipation if you watch him on that power play he knows that the Oilers are looking for that extra pass he knows so he trusts his goal tender and goes okay if you’re G to walk on the half wall here I’ll give you that shot because I’m taking away here I’m taking away this like he’s done a really good job um with his anticipation now that being said there have been some nights where when he played for Calgary you know those match up those guys chewed them alive so you know that’s that’s what I would look at if I’m McDavid and dry CID was going this guy’s this pairing is a hell of a pairing we got to find a way to expose them yeah and but hasn’t happened right now in the last couple games for sure and you brought up his name we talked about him yesterday Rett brought it up Jamie Ben has looked really strong this playoff he’s I mean he’s the captain clearly the captain of that team and you can you can just see there’s this means everything to him right now everyone remembers back in what 2020 when they lose in the Cup Final when he was sitting in the locker room an hour after the game was over in his gear he’s been he’s been really impressive for a guy that I thought maybe the miles would start to be adding up and slowing him down he’s looked real good well they’re not over two things they’re not overplaying him and he’s not um he he he’s not like he’s not done if you look at him like he even talked about his diet and stuff off the ice like he’s more determined now he there was a time there where I thought Pace was going to be a problem for him it’s not he’s fine so they’re not overusing him he’s getting favorable matchups and he’s he’s able to you know produce like he’s not just hey I’m a legacy player that’s been here for a long time and like he’s he’s an impact player still um unneeded and they’re using him farther down in the lineup so he is getting better matchups so I I I think it’s a it’s kind of a win-win when you draft and develop that well and have kids basically push you farther down in the lineup it’s a win round yeah like you’ve got stankoven and Johnston and you know hint and Roberts and like that’s the team that’s the guys what you have for supporting staff is Ben Sean pavelski like guys who are older that can still play but they don’t have to do it for 24 minutes every night now you can balance it out and yes I you know I I just read that Craig Smith is out you know they’ve got guys that fourth line to me the fourth line is kind of interchangeable on both sides but you know they got duchaine for pennies on the dollar you know they there’s been some some real you know Nifty Nifty moves by Jim nil and and I said this as a joke yesterday if Meo hkin and played in Canada they’d be building statues for this guy like he’s that good but he just kind of it’s in Dallas like when you watch this guy he’s an absolute Rockstar of a player so you know I there’s no weaknesses in Dallas doesn’t mean that Evington can’t win this series but it’s been very close right aside from you know the blown lead there it has been very close I I think that outside of that second period Eon has looked very at home in in round three that they’re not shaking at all no you guys know that I’m you know I’m not the biggest analytics guy but I tracked him quite you know respectfully and if you look at last game even Edmonton had more High danger chances now you can’t you can’t discount the fact that this ainger guy he’s probably in the K SMI situation you know I would I would have him there I dry settle there yeah I’ve have hkin in there you know you you heyman’s got to be there I would think the guy’s got 13 goals in what 16 games it’s ridiculous so there’s a when you’re in the final four there’s some great teams and great players but I I ebon’s got to find a way to get to ainger that’s the one thing because when they got two on him he said no it took him a while to get that third one like and they had some opportunities McDavid had a a wide open net on the back door missed that one uh Heyman had one in tight arer makes a right pad save uh McDavid on the back door shoots and and AER reaches out and hits the shaft of his s stick like there was some chances there they got to find a way when that that’s what I would say if on the Oilers if you get a chance to dagger them you got to dagger them because Dallas doesn’t go away and they just keep coming and and we saw that last game last night Florida finally gets to you talk about getting to him they finally got to shesterkin he’s been so good and he was Dynamite again last night the saves he was making he had the the save in tight on ooso and there was the Chance by tereno and barov was in on a partial break he just he’s so great and even still it wasn’t enough you’ve got a very complete Florida team a a Florida Dallas series you feel like has kind of been we’re ready for it if it if it if it happens but um man the for the Rangers no points for krider no points for zaban Jad last night zaban Jad essentially turns that puck over that leads to the Penalty that leads to the power play goal in overtime peny um but yet here’s the rangers they were the president’s Trophy winners but yet it feels like they’re lucky to be in this series given how it’s gone they’ve gone two two overtime wins yeah I mean and I at 2-1 Florida had some really big chances and to make it 3-1 and when they didn’t you knew that goal was coming cuz that lafranier goal was yeah you know he bats it out of the air back into the goenda into the net now you’re 22 and I’m like I think the Rangers are gonna win this and and Bob sitting there in a lawn chair and the other gu Denny Lemieux at the other end shot after shot and you’re like God he’s and he’s like you can see like Chester both of them are really good goenda goenda sterkin got this this he’s a very active like he’s an explosive goalie you know he reminds me a little bit of Jonathan Quick in his in his Heyday where how well he moves his feet yeah he’s no carry price he’s no ainger he he’s he’s he’s not methodical he makes saves you know that that glove save the windmill like he makes saves and I love it but they got to find a way to get to them and you know I will say this Florida and I I would say this with all due respect like I don’t know how I Define it they’re bastards to play against like Florida plays for Keeps they’re always chipping at the glove and you know they stop on the goalie and it’s a little bump here it’s a little slash there and they live by the sword which you know that’s I don’t mind that like I’m not feeling sorry for you know guys who you know uh Rodriguez when when trouba tries to take take his head off like Florida that’s Sam Bennett would do that to anybody on their team you know what I mean like so you know there was it was a big debate on our show whether now suspension or whatever regardless troa plays for Keeps too like they’ve got some some mean mean dudes on both teams but shurin is the the worry for me if I’m a Florida panther because he he might single-handedly steal a game if he hasn’t already where the get you know the 5-4 win he damn near I he might have CL stole that game and allowed four goals you know it was that good but Florida’s got to find a way to get to him I I still think Florida the better team but not by a mile they just they’ve got a little Edge on them but it’s 22 you know heading back to New York and there was a great highlight I don’t know if you saw it after Rodriguez takes the elbow from trouba last night he pulled off about just about the same thing he had the elbow out coming right right through the circle he it would have been the exact same hit if he’d have made contact two days after their crying bloody murder guy that got hit does the exact same thing but uh yeah it’s zero points for zabana Jed zero for krider trouba’s been on for the last six goals against and seven of their last eight so they’re key guys and I know Panera’s been taking some heat I think he had a couple in the game there yesterday but their big guys have gotten pretty quiet it’s been good row troch gets a goal last night and obviously laugher has been great yeah I mean lafier has been probably their most noticeable forward and kid’s 22 he kind of been for me he’s kind of been lost in the shuffle it’s like yeah that was kind of like a covid first overall type of thing this guy you know for a couple years I feel like you know uh slap kosi you know laughr guys like that who are you know chosen either just before Co and in Co maybe took a little bit longer to arrive everyone’s got it their own kind of their own pathway but like laf rier I think wasn’t his draft he was at home right wasn’t it a remote draft yes he was s at home yes with his yeah so you know it’s after the bubble or whatever it is but you you look at it there were times where I I know I’ve said it or people have said it to me as like that guy’s a bust he’s not a bust he just coming into his Zone realizing hey I you know I’m a pretty damn good player in this league now I can try things I can use my strength and my speed and and he’s playing with a ton of confidence I think he’s a really nice player and then you know heel and kako like they you you talk about Drafting and developing and pushing guys through Keandre Miller they’ve got some they got some nice young players there outside of the panarin it’s a banad and the older guys a troch well you need the other guys to chip in you want to win a Stanley Cup your top guys got to be top guys but there’s also going to be games where it’s like you need a Barkley gdo to to come through for you you need secondary guys to to make a statement yeah they can’t carry you they’re not supposed to be the focal points and you know the reason you’re hoist but they have to contribute because your guys are going to have a down day now and again yeah absolutely but that’s when your depth gets challenged and and you know if it if if the Rangers win the cup you’re G to be yeah it’s GNA have to be you know Zab banad or you know panarin shurin like they’re big boys they’re they’re well-paid boys but it doesn’t mean that lafrenier can’t score a huge goal doesn’t mean that you know kaco can’t chip in or when or goodro we’ve seen that right wiberg and goodro scored goals uh critical goals for them so I I I look at these four teams and I I struggle because I could make an argument for all four of them to win the Stanley Cup and they’re all different the way they’re constructed and you know star power goal tending three of the four teams have elite elite goal ending if you ask me the fourth team Edmonton doesn’t but I think Skinner has been good in his last four games um outside of the fourth goal against last game which was on him and that’s a game-winning goal so he’s got to wear that and we’ll see he needs a response tonight too because Dallas you know Dallas with hints back isn’t taking their foot off the gas if anything they’re going to double down and go we need a great start and to continue it on so we’ll see what the Oilers have as far as a response with that I guess two things we’ll let you get out of here uh I don’t think it’s a surprise that they’re going to Skinner but I was kind of surprised when they went went away from Skinner last round and it did work are you at all is there any part of you if you’re the coach you’re thinking of doing the same thing again and then the second thing is just what’s Your Gut on this on this game tonight I I thought it was going to be Edmonton in game three and it was for about 20 minutes but what’s your uh your hockey gut tell you tonight my hockey gut told me Florida would win last night and Edmonton would win tonight but I think that’s just law of averages going in in the way I look at it but there’s so many factors that I can make an argument for Dallas and yeah okay now AER goes nothing’s getting by me tonight guys sorry and or you know Robertson follows it up and goes you know Joe pelski gets two I you know we haven’t seen Joe kind of enter the series been quiet right like they’ve got some some dangerous guys over there so I I my gut tells me that Edmonton has the big push is it enough I think it is but again Dallas is going to have have something to say about it like they’re a damn good team and and the way that they’re built and and the other thing too is they block a ton of shots like that game two in Dallas they blocked 22 shots yeah like you Evington I thought had more chances and kind of played better in certain areas but you can’t they couldn’t get the puck to the net and when they got the puck to the net the goalies there making big saves so it’s you know that’s one thing that I think ebbington if I had to look at it their decision- making has to be slightly quicker where guys can’t get into position to block shots it’s so funny how quickly the The Narrative changes with the dumb media and what we do because after two games the Oilers penalty kill is so good we’ve maybe never seen a penalty kill this good and look at how they block shots and I didn’t know the Oilers could play this well defensively 60 minutes later well we need to take uh who’s sitting Cc or de har somebody’s got a go we’re bringing in the 22y old we’re making changes it’s just it’s lightning fast man but this is why when you’re in the third round this is what’s bothered me about some of the Casual players some of these guys who had to be taken out of the lineup you’re playing for your life man Ryan mccloud’s out there not blocking shots like it’s a Tuesday in November I’m like my God like you can be a five to six6 million player if you become a winner if you show people show the sacrifice that you’re desperate to win desperate like teams are like if that guy’s ever available I’m trading for him you know you like you’re on the whole League’s watching watching four teams and and you’re on display and it’s like ah you know what I’m gonna I’m gonna he’s gonna pass it back down the wall I’m G to go here like every play in in out there especially in the third round the ice has to be contested like to to get the puck to the net there should be three different layers of bodies getting there but it’s like it can’t be casual play and that’s what I saw you know from Ryan McLoud the game before so he gets taken out and I saw that from day R and some of not not just day day but casual play to start the second period if the are the Eon Oilers and you give up three and 333 and you you in essence you don’t get it back you know you Dallas wins the game because of it are you back at the golf course today or I am yeah yeah a big golfer you a big gol golfer huge yeah I actually was just looking at the field and like okay do I recognize some of these names because you know gonna have to talk about them but yeah there be fine I mean Rory’s here and there’s a few lots of Canadian content I think there’s 20 four Canadians playing it so that’s pretty cool but yeah I I’m just gonna battle and hadwin had issues flying the other day apparently so clubs got didn’t make it but yes we you know we will have lots to chew on here today there’ll be lots of golf content and what were did you find out what Marner and buuy were talking about at uh brunch the other day well you saw I took that picture right and then I you took it yeah nice and apparently like it was this is the best part it was trending that day and it had happened like eight days earlier when Ruby was in town and taking the job I have no idea what they talked about I think it’s nice when a coach is in town and can take a guy for a coffee and just kind of meet him face to face and Bs but and have it plastered on social media within the hour what’s that was he pulling a Babs and asking pictures your phone let’s see what you got here I don’t know I I think it’s nice to I mean the best part about it is if you can meet a guy I was talking to a coach yesterday that flew over to Europe and just to literally went to meet a guy face to face have a chat like you’re that’s what you’re doing because if if you’re if you’re trying to settle in on the job like what you do is instead of calling a guy or a little FaceTime or you you you know what it’s like you spend an hour with a guy you can look into the guy’s eyes and see if he’s full of you know what or not like you can get a good sense in the body language and um and develop a relationship Rhett would be the guy I don’t want to meet this freaking coach what’s this coach coming over how far away do I have to fly for people to leave me alone it’s the off season I’m a little out of shape I don’t need them to see me look you show up in a like ski jacket big BL ski jacket like sorry you know you want take off your Co no I’m good no I’m good no I’m good I’ll just keep it yeah no or you could just be like our old go tender partner uh Kipper just turn your phone off and they try and get a hold of you for two months it’s like no sorry no sell service yeah well buddy uh enjoy enjoy the week hit them straight yeah out of boy there all right guys there he is TSN our hockey guy Jamie mclennen as we get ready for a uh for a big one tonight buddy I’ll tell you Monster game are they all not yeah they’re all pretty big yeah because when it’s tied two two and then you go to game five if you win game five or lose then you know game six then it’s somebody I mean by then you know somebody’s facing in or out yeah face elimination potentially there yeah some staving some staving on the way it’s been good it has been good hockey though right I think we were a little let down down in round one and then round two kind of bounced back for a bit and then it kind of died out too even I was it’s okay well Vancouver gave gave people something to cheer about that was exciting and then Carolina kind of came back and Boston didn’t I don’t Boston I don’t know they won game one I guess but Carolina kind of came back they kind of came back it’s after it was over yeah like you’re down three 0 Jesus and you you think about when you you know when you blow terrible that when you blow your load when it’s over Chris Cryer hatrick they come back in that game six to avoid a game seven did you leave it all on the did was that it because they they are very fortunate to be in this series where they’re at two overtime games because Florida the the shots the shot attempts the chances all of that has been so heavily they don’t care what do they care well go back to the four run for us us dud they give a [ __ ] we got outshot every game that’s true we weren’t hand we weren’t zipping it around and holding on to pucks and out talting were you not Detroit like what we talk they the the New York Rangers don’t even know what the they hav’t checked the [ __ ] shot clock like they don’t care did he stop it okay good yeah yeah just and don’t kid yourself like zabana Jad had great opportunity last night and bosski made saves right so it goes both ways zanah Jad hitting that post in the first period they had they had plenty of chances shoulder and then the post right yeah he got a piece of it yeah he got a piece of it and then the uh and then the crossbar I still think it’s Florida series what what is going on I gotta show you this all right yeah yeah uh okay so we’re looking out side there’s the lovely neighborhood in the the outskirts of Buffalo no no can’t really neighbor got a new puppy oh did he she well you love dogs oh I was on the wrong house that’s anyway so you go g to go over and uh do some coochie C this is great for my kid cuz now you doesn’t have to bug me but you know what did I bring this up the pictures that they were showing up yeah because of the yeah that sucks four years ago right now you got a puppy here’s the puppy pictures and the thing with puppy pictures they’re so cute so cute that’s gorgeous cute boy yeah well R it’s interesting you bring up uh that because it’s time to uh for McLoud law we’re going to do a little this day in Flames history for you oh yeah pet Klein he’s our buddy he’s our guy he can be your buddy and your guy too if you’ve got some issues personal injury disability insurance claim issues this kind of thing going on then he will be your best friend McLoud if the long-term disability insurance company will not pay those insurance premiums get on it with Peter Klein let him go to work he’ll get that for you little peace of mind you worry about you he takes care of the rest and that’s basically what McLoud law does for whatever your issue is personal or business you you do you they take care of all the rest and you know when they’ve got your back you’ve got the very best in the business McLoud Das well let’s go back uh 20 years 20 years today game three Stanley Cup Final what happened in games one and two split split coming home game one controlled game one the whole way game two we were a little bit we weren’t 100% we weren’t uh that would have been a big win if we could have had that yeah so coming home first time that there’s been a cup final game since what I mean long time long time game three 20 years ago today moves it well to Center and gets his own eluding two hips again the center here’s a shot that’s another shot [Applause] coming out with a pass it’s a two-on-one coming it’s Donovan going down hard Donovan scores [Applause] [Music] Shan Donovan now the pass comes back to reir shoots score gimma at the lip of the crease and this baby is done three nothing cry flames [Applause] [Music] [Applause] little fist pump from Rico uh Lots there only three goals but lots there retro as we go back the big man sigh going to the net look out they were some big bodies in a hockey game he almost took the boards out big bastard yeah how much time was left when rir passed it to Iggy was it late it was late it was power play late it OB see it again like a minute and change or oh okay under under three for sure um but man you you forget how low loud that Dome was and sha Donovan here falling down falling down shot it I’m shooting this thing so Fring hard as hard as I can knocked himself right off balance I didn’t remember we one by three but I’ll take it I guess yeah sure John Donovan so there you go minute and a half left okay it was later than I thought because I was going to say when he said it’s over three nothing like not in today’s world are you sure even regge look look at big regge God he’s big dude big people there the lineups huge players in that Series yeah pavell cabina he was on was cross checking Simon into the neet there he was a big bastard cmore yeah Jason cmore massive humans Freddy Modine up front big dude that was a fun night that was a nice to have that again wouldn’t it yeah in your backyard sure yeah like it was 20 years today so it’s not it’d be right now think about the last Flames moment you had how long ago that was this what happening right now not done yet also on this date also 20 years ago let’s go B to tackle their leading goal score with 10av out on the ice with him now along with St Louis the big line for Tampa Bay ainla back there battling he and La cavaler look like they’re already laer and ainla yikes I don’t believe it the cavier and Ain the kind of challenge the LA cavaler and all of a sudden Cav dro the gloves look at this I’ve never seen Vincent La cavaler do this as the aggressor Jerome AA fights way more than LA cavaler and laav is holding his own here I don’t believe what I’m seeing period SC can I just say that’s like amazing stuff you’re not going again you’re not going to see that like noodles was just talking about these guys you’re the stand C like semi-finals and you’re not blocking shots or you’re not sacrific these two wanted it nothing more in the world was more important than winning like and then and then the little pop at the end there’s one and then uh may you know maybe a little late you know I’m not sure what the code about you know what if you go to um if you go to the athletic Ian Mendes wrote a story because it’s been it was 20 years ago he went back and talk to both Jerome and La Cavalier and guys on both sides just about how long was it 20 20 seconds right but it the lore of it lives on when’s when do you see two captains and the thing of it that year and they go through it Jerome did it every round it was Matias Oland in round one it was Daren Hatcher in round two who did he go with in with San Jose I forget who it was in San but he was going every single round and La cavaler is kind of take on it not to you know blow up the go do go check it out he’s like I I kind of you could see how Jerome was and what he was doing leading up to that series I could just feel like through the first couple of games that I was probably GNA have to be up so he was ready which is why it probably went off as well for laier as it did I think everybody was stunned I thought I think everybody thought this is going to end badly for for Vinnie laav what the is he doing but he hung in there pretty well and I wonder too I’ve always wanted to drum looked tired you know what I mean he kind of he got into it is that the end of a shift like where let’s get your own fresh yeah I don’t know where he was but is tougher bastard than a lot of people give him credit for like he showed it in that fight he didn’t fight as often as a guy like giggy but when he did scrap he did all right at it yeah that was fun times yeah it’s still sheepish for you know like I was thinking about Iggy having to do that interview and you can yeah for La cavier it’s all this is great it’s a great story this great what a memory for Iggy there’s a little bit of yeah yeah didn’t really end up how we needed it to the whole thing and we I mean we don’t we do not need to talk about it you you’ve lived it but how definitive winning and losing is you’re aamp Champion or a loser You’ve Won or you haven’t and you think of the little things that happen along the way game three game two how about game six little things that would just change the course of history and change everybody’s life from there on out post and Out Post and in you’re a winner you can’t win you’re gonna see if you do 20 years ago in game four early on in the game I totally [ __ ] up cost us I don’t know that I cost us the game but it’s a play where it’s like if you make that play mhm By changes everything yeah yeah well I mean uh details yeah McLoud law McLoud challenges business or personal they’re in it with you get them today and that’s what we’re watching right now somebody you think about how Zaba jet is feeling when he’s got the puck in overtime chance to go up three to one in a series you spit the puck across the blue line and you take a look at it here um he’s going to be at the bottom of your screen he’s at Center Ice I believe right now he gets across the Blue Line gets it and it’s overtime and just it’s a it’s a soft little pass and it just puts it it puts his teammate in a heck of a position and I don’t know what you know if you’re Blake wheeler what do you do do You Haul the guy down do you let him go on a breakaway should it be a penalty shot I don’t know but you’re like I can’t let him score but it’s zabana Jette who makes that play in the first place yeah so if you make a better play or if you just send it send it to the corner no power play no power play winner potentially and maybe you are up in that series I also could have bought Amazon stock in the early mid 90s and right like he’s trying to make a play mistakes happen that’s the beauty of the game of hockey yeah go back in that game there’s going to be other things if he scores on that Zab banad scores on that play where it goes off bobber’s shoulder and off the post different game then too so little details I’m happy the Panthers won I don’t know why you’re cheering for the Rangers so much I’m I’m really not I I want the best I want the best series I don’t think there’s a Bad series to be had moving forward I’m worried about the ranges a little bit oh I wouldn’t at all I didn’t I wasn’t crazy about their performance last last round when they kick the [ __ ] out of Carolina three games straight I feel like that was more on Carolina it was all special team stuff it was so much power play stuff get out of here with the penalties let’s play I Feel Like Dallas and Florida those two teams not saying it wouldn’t be preer but I just don’t think that you’re talking about the New York Rangers the first overall team in the league and all of a sudden they’re we’ve just like they’re secondary no way they make it through I want Florida to make it through but it’s the Rangers in New York City with the best team like whoever Bring It On yeah and if it’s Edmonton then just as long as Edmonton doesn’t win it could be a good series be close feel the pain again of a game seven loss like I did like the 06 Oilers did go ahead just they did yeah they sure did yeah they have do you think they have that like Ryan Smith has the same stories and horkoff yeah you know if we’ have just if we’ have just won games if we just won games the only difference for the oiler fan in general is the fact that they’ve won way more Cups than the the City of Calgary there is that right like you can hang they don’t have to Circle 06 as kind of a one-off right yeah all of their all of their playoff memories revolve around two seasons that’s the other no one even talks about the other one what you because you lost to Montreal yeah but I mean whatever you know Patrick qua whatever is but but lost at 04 and won in 89 so there was that um because yeah how because Carolina was up 3-1 in that series I think they came back to make it yeah I think they were up 3 to one and then it was what Pani overtime don’t remember it’s Oiler hockey and I was a flame and Daryl Suter was yelling at me when I was working out cuz the Oilers were still playing it was I was not pay that sounds right you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time and how dare you be around yeah go figure you’d be getting in [ __ ] for being in the gym that’s a rare that’s a rare occasion I would think bad to be giving your [ __ ] uh let’s do uh let’s do the Pender report it’s a presentation of Village Honda if you’ve never driven the Honda ridg line you owe it to yourself it’s a truck that’s made for the city it’s all-wheel drive fuel economy easy you know what it’s it’s Nimble it zips where you need to go and let you know oh it’s going to snow today let it snow let it snow it’s as surefooted as a a mountain goat which I believe are surefooted take a Honda ridg line for a rip today at Village Honda your dealership for life and online at Village and they present r r r the Pender report Panthers in the well was the third straight game as we’ve talked about that goes to overtime they get it done this time we showed you the zaban Jad play it’s a Wheeler it’s soft it’s a penalty it’s a penalty shot should it be a penalty shot no no penalty shot but they go to a power play and it didn’t take long 13 seconds on the man Advantage three on the power play down low score Sam Reinhard a power play goal wins it for Florida tough to defend retro some pretty High skilled guys I know that Paul marce was talking about that there’s some that’s just some incredible skill and sets of hands that are out there you got kachuck to Montour to barov to Reinhardt rers trying yeah Rangers are trying to press I don’t know why TR is up so high but yeah what a shot right it’s and it’s a 100 miles an hour zing and I I’ve watched it a couple times I don’t think it goes off the body I think it’s just roof nothing the goalie can do and they do it all the time when you have those guys you do it all the time two for four in the night for the power play and the one goal by Sam Bennett was it was the one that they finally kind of got through to shurin it was three seconds after the penalty came to an end so special teams big for the Panthers five for 15 on the series The One goal for the Rangers the troch che goal it was a power play goal it was their first of the series they’d gone 0 for eight up to that point throughout the series um barkov two assists Bennett and fory other goals on that one and yeah three consecutive overtime games it’s been very very close it’s yeah Florida’s been better but maybe it deserves to be even maybe the hockey gods are saying hey look at this look look how look how close we are all right sherin’s been awesome though and as mentioned zero points in the series for Chris kryder zero points for M zabana Jad if I’m a ranger fan that makes me hopeful that there’s room to grow that’s right it’s that close our special teams have been [ __ ] wait till our best players wake up now look out kind of like Dallas wait till Jason Robertson Comes Alive we’re g to be in good shape that’s right well we’ll see shifts to Madison Square Garden for a Thursday night game I believe it is’s Wednesday right I don’t think there’s an extra day there’s I don’t think so I might go anything else uh from that matchup anything else from that series no I mean it’s it’s I’ve enjoyed the hockey and I do like how Florida plays so yeah it’s but if you are a Rangers Fan that’s exactly what you’re hoping for Big Guns start putting them in the net let’s go he come to life yeah yeah we need you my kid was asking me last night so what why are they what’s is that a rap why are they throwing Rats on the ice well it’s it’s quite a story except it’s not really much of a story it’s interesting that that’s the story that took hold it was the year of the Rat though it was the year of the Rat and again but there was no social media there was no internet then how that became to be public that story came to be public and then was you know distributed to the masses and then took hold is kind of amazing I guess it is wow because what is it Scott Melby in the bowels of the rink yeah before game one at home in Florida right before going out for warmup rat comes running into the room and he smashes it through a wall and kills it and he scores two goals in that game and beaser in his interview goes he didn’t get the hattick he got the rat trick yeah and uh wait a minute what what what’s that tell me more oh what a scoop what a scoop repor but it’s still like that’s that’s October and it wasn’t like they threw brats on all year now Mel did go on to have I don’t think he got 30 but he got 27 and no one was scoring so that wasn’t game one of the playoffs that was game one of the Season like game one game one of the Season my first ever home game gotcha yep yeah it was I thought it was yeah see I oh no it wasn’t playoffs no no it was first game of the season how about it so well I don’t know if you can feel it but uh it’s tight it’s tight in Alberta right now and the further north you go it gets just a little bit sphincters or just a little bit tighter Edmonton four and one this playoff following a loss they did lose game three McDavid and dry Sidle have led the way in bounce backs five games 13 points for McDavid 11 points for dry cidal not not too shabby sounds like Philip broberg is going to be in as we talked about with uh with mclennen 22 years old he was the eighth overall pick in 2019 12 games this year with the Oilers he played a lot in Bakersfield 38 points and 49 games this year with the whatever they are the Bakersfield uh Condors Condors yeah and Vincent dear is going to be coming out from the looks of things he’s been in that 171 18 I think it’s 17 20 is his ice time average I was surprised because it was him or CeCe was what the media up there was saying Cody CeCe is averaging basically 20 minutes 1958 every night feels like too much well that’s only because we’re talking about that series we had a bunch of injuries that year in 0304 yeah playing Tampa Bay and now I’m playing 23 minutes a night guess what too much yeah it’s too much it’s too much I except there I don’t think there’s an injury up there I think that’s there’s but this is part of the problem healthy yeah yeah you you’re relying on guys to play Above their level for too long yeah for a game or two here there yeah okay but he’s not a 20 minute a night defenseman Darnell nurse of course they do the media in the morning he came out today and had some two three-word answers yes no yes thanks guys and left before uh the media had gotten all of their questions in so he is tight the Oilers know it feels very much like a must-win but it does also feel like the Oilers have been pretty resilient and pretty good at bouncing back what a night it’s going to be to watch this one oh mama popcorn night popcorn night indeed what are we doing s what are we say six what our ice time tonight seven I don’t know what time start time good question Dean maybe you should have it 6:30 6:30 Mountain 6:30 mountain8 :30 East is that what it is think so you going to be able to make it I got to I got to watch kids last hockey game for school hockey and then I can get home to watch be close I won’t see the start to rewind yeah rewind it yeah we are still in that can you can you rewind it well pause I guess you still press pause but uh so that that’s the scoop there Don woodell leaves Carolina it was in in the course of a week hey Donnie woodell if you want to go look for another job you want to talk to the teams you can oh really okay well thanks I guess I’m out in Carolina I’ll go talk to Columbus uh yeah you’re out in Carolina see you and you’re hired in Columbus he is going to take over as the president of hockey operations and general manager of the Blue Jackets and of he takes over for yarmo kealin he was fired back in February John Davidson had been kind of steering the ship he is the uh senior advisor and Alternate Governor now nice gig yeah he had been the president of hockey Ops for 10 of the past 12 years I think there was those two years didn’t he go to the Rangers and then came back or something like that he and uh Jeff courton got yarded out anyway um well what kind of a job have you got you have to turn around a team that has missed the playoffs for four straight years they’ve been to the second round once in franchise history you have Patrick l who’s very skilled but hard to figure out you have Johnny gdo who’s highly skilled but did not have a great year um and you got but you got a lot of kids you’ve been drafting high and you’ve been drafting a lot you’ve been a lot of draft picks and there yeah but you’ve done that your whole existence true yeah which as we have established hasn’t been the recipe to success to this point plus you’ve got a a destination that seems tricky to get free agents to come to unless you pay a lot to get them who’s coaching Pascal Vincent pH like I believe is still the guy for some reason Pascal Vincent is uh he’s on he’s on the the chair off the Titanic I don’t know I don’t get it neither do I but don’t know him so hey Donnie woodell he’s going to hire a guy if you were going to if you’re going to put some over under money on the next coach to be G I wonder if it’ll be Pascal Vincent you would think that’s very yeah slippery slope for plus half the league did just change their coaches too so yeah that’s right yeah so maybe not much money’s been hired maybe not a lot uh Vancouver kxs they’ve made a change behind the bench Patrick Alvine announcing that Mike yo and is he wearing out his welcome everywhere he’s been a lot of places but he’s been a lot of places I think it started with Pittsburgh as an assistant with Dan bman then he was in Minnesota he’s he’s been in a lot of places yeah and he came in with Bruce budro back in July of 2022 Rick toet came in and he gone so you would think maybe uh old Rick’s got an idea who he wants to be there that’s kind of a you know kind of a helpless feeling maybe if you’re that assistant coach you don’t have the connection with the coach but you’re trying to be such a nice guy and such a good guy yeah I just I mean you work together you’re down you’re going to bed at night and you know both both guys know well this probably not going to last long hey Rick want to go for some wings I’m buying no damn it hey man I’m head no for some schwarma can I pick you up one no what is he like going to take with this guy Fegan [ __ ] uh congratulations to and Lee of the New York Islanders he has won the CL the King Clancy award which is uh awarded to the player who best exemplifies leadership qualities on and off the ice and has made a noteworthy humanitarian contribution in his community which he has done for more than five years Lee has been hosting families impacted by cancer at every home game each season he invests approximately 10 grand to host uh families and tickets and gifting and he’s got a Christmas campaign that uh uh today over $100,000 has been raised to support families during the holidays so good for Anders Le those are definite um leadership qualities on and off the ice and noteworthy humanitarian contributions did you ever win one of those were you nominated for one of those we spent more than 10 grand on tickets I’ll tell you that yeah I was think 10 grand like a game it doesn’t it actually I doesn’t sound right it doesn’t sound right yeah he each season he invests approximately $10,000 to host providing families with tickets gifting and meet and greets post game there 8241 home games cheap tickets in the island I guess get yourself a suite even if you get to a few games it’s gonna pay for itself Memorial Cup the London Knights and the seos spirit are going to battle for a spot in the Cup Final on uh the well later today it’s the final round robin game London Sagen both picked up wins in their first two games of the tournament head-to-head winner gonna head straight to the final the loser will play Moosejaw in the semi the Warriors defeated Drummondville 5-3 to advance to the semi it was I think they were up three to nothing and then it got tied at three and then a short-handed goal to go up 4-3 in an empty net so wooo she was a nail biter buddy night Jackson Hunger golender for most jaw for 9 Saves Big Game goalies win games it’s like we’ve never talked about that before and I put this little tidbit in because I thought you might be interested in it London Knights have been fined $11,000 and player Sawyer Bolton has been suspended for a game for a pregame warm-up violation against Moosejaw on Monday the committee said Bolton made unnecessary contact with the Moosejaw player while exiting the ice following the completion of warm-up the suspension will will be served tonight when the Knights Play The sagos Spirit way bolts got to get noticed H you know what I blame the Sagen rank why are these two team why are the teams going off in the in the same come on now isn’t it like the old days when you warmed up with yeah you go warm up then we’ll go warm up yeah only one team on the ice Bolton made unnecessary contact with a Moosejaw player just hey clumsy he’s got an inner ear thing maybe he’s kind of vertigal he’s got a Bolton thing maybe uh the kitchen Rangers have announced that Hunter bruevich does the name ring a bell yeah I heard of it Hunter brevich he was involved in the Elias lindome trade he was drafted by Vancouver and then shipped to the Flames so Flames Prospect Hunter bruevich has picked up not one not two but three Awards team Awards with the kiter Rangers this year the Jim Malik trophy presented to the team’s Most Valuable Player the Bob schan award the best offensive defenseman and the Blue Line Club award the player who best embodies sportsmanship so he’s got it all Hunter brevich get excited Flames fans this guy could be really something you see it there 92 points in 67 games for the uh I get the fleet footed highly skilled Puck moving Hunter BR highly touted highly touted brevich congratulations kid yep I mean you win the Bob schleman award I know they’ll never take that away from you well Bob what hey did you ever win the Jim Malik trophy NOP didn’t think you did I didn’t Jack did you ever win it always DED of it nope didn’t win anything Malik trophy you what about you you got a bob schan award sitting on your uh mantle no Bobby schleman no didn’t think so good old Bobby schleman uh and finally the Calgary serger back at it wind sport tonight they open their series remember at the Saddle huge crowd at the dome for that one they are now back at windport their normal home scarber the shooting stars are the visitor tonight both teams looking for their first win of the year as the shooting stars are 0 and2 and yes the surge did drop that first game and sit at 0 And1 7:00 game time tonight so if you don’t care about the Oilers or hockey that’s the place to be because the environment and the game action is awesome if you’ve not been this is another one of those things we’re very lucky to have it when the Cavalry came in oh yeah maybe should go see a again you go see again like holy cow this is incredible entertainment this is another one of those things got to a couple games last year fun fun fun till daddyy takes the t- bird away that’s going to do it for the Pender report you should take the kids down absolutely should not a bad seat it’s a win sport great concessions food have some drinks watch some hoops and they’ve got the target score thing which I’m not going to try to explain to you yeah it’s too hard to expl but near the end of the game they blow the whistle and they take the score and then however you got to First not going to unbelievable the clock means nothing near the end is kind of what it is I think there’s still a shot clock but the game clock and just throw it out get that thing out of here tear it down am I right about that Jack have I got that nailed down something like that yep yeah thanks Jack yeah details that a boy Jack bet you you beta outdoor Dental it’s that time of year maybe you’re going camping you’re not taking your CPAP machine you’re not taking your snor machine with you when you go out to to brag Creek or you go you go camping do you want to be snoring in the tent or in your in your RV keeping everybody up or even worse do you want to be do you want to be in the RV with someone who is doing that help help be a friend help somebody out outdoor. Dental do J Patel it’s the SOA laser that they use for their dental work also works to take away snoring it’s the soft pallet tightens up the soft pallet in the back of your neck in in your throat throtle region it’s painfree to two 15minute treatments and your snoring is gone so you are it’s less interruptions in your sleep which means deeper sleep which means better sleep that is literally kind of a lifechanger if you think about it and so you’re H you’re in a better mood you’re feeling better those around you are enjoying a better you take the time take the effort learn more outdoor. Dental drj Patel we’ve had a bunch of our guys a bunch of the Barneys going down there and getting it done and uh and and they’re Thanking us for it don’t thank us thank Dr J Patel he’s the hero here he’s the hero outdoor. great website gonna meet him soon yep so now that you didn’t uh because you didn’t come to Calgary you were going to you had a flight you were at the airport how far is the drive from Buffalo to Hamilton hour and a bit hour and a half so you drove an hour and a drove an hour and a half here’s my passport mm security you’d have to do what you did Customs at the border obviously when yeah I was already across you’re already through so you just kind of and and then said nah I’m just gonna go back home what did they say at the board did they have any questions there didn’t you weren’t you flying where were where were you what were you doing here I missed my flight how many cartons of darts have you got in the trunk sir can we check the the fender Wells for the bags of cocaine like is is there any sideways glance do get that new Dog Out start sniffing it’s fine it’s like Bushi or whoever it was in uh in Fargo yeah I’m not GNA Park here actually uh but you’ve got the ticket I’m gonna need you to pay for the ticket dude I just got here oh you think you’re pretty you think you’re pretty smart hey you think you’re a big shot bang I hope you didn’t do that no okay good good then fantastic Jack how we feeling buddy feeling pretty good yeah feeling good what do you feel uh tonight I’m thinking Oilers bounce back they need they need to win this oh my God thanks a lot Jack thanks a lot Dallas and seven but on green today just to kind of quietly subliminally set the vibe but I guess not well you’re not going to like my bets you son of a [ __ ] get the betway app on your phone get it on your tablet your desktop wherever whatever is most convenient for you and if you haven’t already this is the key create a new account sign up then scan the QR code on the screen redeem your bonus and that bonus is you place a bet no minimum amount required if the BET loses you’ll get that refund fund back up to $200 and then you can go back in again to bet on your favorite sports this offer is only available outside of Ontario Jackie boy putting together our betway bets let’s all right so now you did well last night so you’re feeling it yeah I’m feeling it we did good yesterday we called the overtime and the under today what were those stats dry settle and McDavid after her loss you you talked it’s not important Jack okay post it’s enough oil or Karma I’ll just let people look I’m not going to talk yeah and no you can you can for those that are just listening on the up CH you can like David and dry Sidle to score I think they they bounce back and Emon and take this one and then we’re going to take the over five and a half total goals Skinner will let up a couple softies but I do think the Oilers Come Away with the win yeah not a ton of value on the five and a half there but feels kind of safe but hard to say yes uh MC in so far this postseason to your point Jack after a loss 4- one is the Oilers record so they’ve been resilient McDavid 13 points dry cidal 11 points respectively in those five games so that’s pretty good they bounce back good to bouncing back there’s your betway bets for our buddies at betway bet the responsible way with betway and there it is create the new account scan the QR code and if that first bet doesn’t quite come through for you you’ll be able to go back in once again courtesy of betway so tomorrow uh are you flying to Trav Switzerland I got a Switzerland tomorrow okay yeah and then back to Michigan for Memorial Cup and then Milwaukee and then Milwaukee yeah interesting uh destination Milwaukee you don’t hear a lot of people saying oh I you know I gotta get to Milwaukee Brewers huge big Brewer Fan e yeah I still got that slide there with the I hope so because I can’t wait to get on it yeah the mascot goes down there when they hit homers and stuff dangers hitting ders yeah hting dingers did I ask you what you think is happening tonight in this hockey game uh I don’t want to answer okay it really feels because we we got noodles and we got Jack well [ __ ] that said there we’re a collection of dummies and if there’s if there’s a bunch of guys that could really be wrong it’d be us usually when we have a consensus there’s a good chance we’re off it’s the wrong consensus we’ll be back tomorrow and rumor has it may be another Pinder sighting on barn burner tomorrow very excited about it yeah just bumped wait yeah can’t wait do you want to do your thing just maybe some good karma before we yeah I’m not I’m not sure you knew but the Oilers they suck see you Buddies [Music] [Applause]


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