In this video I will be talking about how to create LAG in the golf swing by focusing more on the sequence of your downswing rather than just your arms and wrist!

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in this video you guys are going to learn about how to create lag in the downswing and what it should feel like now most people focus too much on their arm and wrist when they’re trying to create lag but my way is a little bit different and I like to create lag by making sure that the sequence or how I initiate my down swing is correct so if you guys enjoy this video hit that like button and subscribe to the channel because it really helps me create more videos like this for you guys and also if you want to send in swings to me you can do so on my profile on the skillist app I will leave the link to that in the description box below when you send in your swings to me I can kind of analyze it and I can give you more specific drills based on your specific issues okay so what is lag so when people think of lag they think about in the downswing they’re creating like a sharper angle between their lead arm and the golf club okay and that’s said to kind of produce a lot more power which it can now you have to be careful on how you’re creating lag so I did create a video in the past you should have checked that out I’ll try to leave the link in the description box for you guys to view that because if you do it incorrectly you may change kind of how open or closed the face is depending on what you’re doing with your wrist things like that and it may actually make your swing worse if you do it that way okay so be sure to watch that video uh just to avoid all those mistakes when people try to create lag the mistake is that they they go to the top of their back swing and they basically just try to pull okay so they’re intentionally trying to like really sharpen the angle without kind of turning their body and things like that but when they do that they kind of get themselves out of sequence and when they try to do it make it too sharp they actually add a lot of cupping into their wrist which opens up the club face and they have a lot of work to kind of dump out the angles in time the way that I like to do it or or get people to feel how to create lag is through the proper sequencing or the timing on how they moving their body to initiate the down swing for example the mistake is they get to the very top of the back swing and then they pull the arms and then they try to dump the angles out whereas what I try to do is I I have my my wrist actually fairly relaxed but when I take it back you can kind of see as I’m initiating my downswing the club is still moving back into the back swing so that’s kind of more of a sequence thing that anything I’m not really thinking about like pulling or moving the handle down or my hands down towards my heels stuff like that I’m not thinking about that at all you can kind of see just if I if I do this make it small you can kind of see as my body is turning in the opposite direction the club is still moving back right and by doing that correctly letting your wrist kind of relax it kind of happens almost without you thinking about it too much if your body is going in the opposite direction and you’re letting your wrist relax the weight of the clubit is going to continue to swing back so you’re automatically going to sharpen the angles a little bit so I’ll give you some examples but there’s a very simple exercise that I think is really great to feel out how to do the lag correctly or what it should feel like in your wrists what you’d want to do is you want to grip the grip the club like normal I I’ll show you from the side but you want to place your wrist kind of in a neutral position so you don’t want to start off with any angles in the rest you’re starting off with neutral wrists and you can see that the shaft is like straight up and down okay it’s not like this or it’s not in towards you it’s very straight up and down okay so what you want to do is you want to bring the handle down with while keep while still keeping the shaft straight up and down and you’ll feel that after a certain point there’s a limit on how much you can do because of the way that you’re your wrist is kind of the bones in the wrist here you’re not going to create like an extremely Sharp angle like this you can see that after a certain point my hands will have to come off of it because my my wrists don’t have enough range of motion so when it’s straight up and down like this all I’m doing is I’m bringing the handle down and I’m feeling like my wrists are just hinging okay that’s a good exercise so right here once you feel a limit to where your hands can still stay on it that’s that’s enough already okay most people think you have to like really create this insanely sharp angle and maybe some players can do that because they’re just really really hypermobile in the wrists people just just have different amounts of flexibility in in um in how much they can hinge their wrists but typically it won’t hinge very very much okay so this is a good way to sense what that loading in that in the H or in the r wrist should feel like and it doesn’t happen so excessively but this is a great exercise so I feel like like it happens a little bit but not a crazy amount like this that’s a good way to feel that out once you have that that feeling now the next thing is to when you go back I want you to feel like you’re starting the downswing or you’re moving your body in the opposite direction while allowing the club to go back in the back swing so if I just did this with my trail arm I go back and I turn you can see as I’m turning in the opposite direction the club head is still going up okay if I just go back and forth my wrist is really relaxed I’m not really having to do anything you can see just how much of an angle that I can create just by having the right sequence or just initiating my turns in the opposite direction a bit earlier most people all think that you have to get to the very top and then you create lag but that does that makes it feel a little bit more mechanical and doesn’t make it really smooth you can see that when I’m doing it I’m I’m kind of constantly in motion and I’m starting my downswing much sooner and much faster with my body while the club is still continuing into the back swing if you want to learn more about kind of the sequencing of the body in the downswing I I also created a video about that so you can watch that I’ll also probably leave that in the in the description box for you to view but sequence is so important it allows you to do so many things without you really having to think about too much you shouldn’t have to think about lag like so separately like this okay in the down swing and then dumping it cuz then remember your your your body has to be continuously moving otherwise you’re you’re if you start doing this you’re going to make other things out of sequence and then you’re going to sacrifice power and it’s not it’s just not going to be good so the way I like to do it is through constant motion and making sure that the player sequence is in order with these examples on the screen the the difference that I I want you to see between the wrong and the correct is that when I do it wrong I’m only focusing on like my wrist at the top and I’m almost forgetting my the rest of my body okay you kind of almost like I I stall my body and just focus on creating that the sharp angles here before I go and that’s causing everything actually to move together which which throws your sequencing out of place when I was doing it correct my body was constantly kind of in motion so you can see my as I turn back and then I immediately turn in the opposite direction but the club is almost continuing on into the back swing and the only way I’m going to be doing that is if my my wrists are quite relaxed okay A lot of people are really tense and feel a lot of tension in the wrist because they’re physically trying to create a lot of lag themselves in the wrist here but mine is like totally relaxed and that’s the difference okay then in kind of see as I right up here kind of see as I’m going the opposite direction my my arm I’m letting my wrist kind of relax the weight of the club still going back um whereas the other time I go here and I’m just trying to physically pull my handle down like this before I I I release okay that’s going to be harsh on the wrist and you’re going to create more tension than you need when you do this I also want you to just take note of your Trail arm okay it should be quite soft soft right you want to allow it to to feel like it bends okay you don’t want to keep this really stiff if you keep this really stiff again it’s going to put even more tension in that wrist okay but you can kind of see if I just do it with my trail arm when I go back you can see that as the club goes back my right arm is pretty soft it’s still bending okay I don’t want it to be stiff the whole time and I’m trying I’m not trying to create lag here with my right arm stiff when when you’re going in the opposite direction and the club is still going back or feeling like it’s still continuing back a little bit that softness in the wrist and that softness in that trail arm allowing it to bend will help to create that lag instead of you physically feeling like you have to pull it down or create more angles here and that’s the big difference and it’s all all sequencing what you can focus on is just kind of going back and forth you can see when I go back and forth back right my body is like turning and the clubs going up you want to feel that before it comes down and you’ll have to be really relaxed in your wrist so if you feel that it should it shouldn’t feel very physically harsh at all so if I go ahead and hit one just with my right arm and turn right I can easily create that lag coming down and then just let the club fall on the golf ball and then you can do that with two hands right practice swings but I’m allowing my right arm to bend so that the club can continue on back once I have that feel right just let it drop on top but you can see how that automatically creates lag with with no tension there so if you are always thinking about it in your mind you’re probably doing it incorrect okay okay so focus on that sequence instead you should have very little tension should be relaxed in your Trail wrist should be relax in your Trail arm as well thank you guys so much for watching now if you have any questions about anything that I’ve talked about please leave a comment down below and just like always please subscribe to the channel because it really helps me to create more videos like this for you guys see you next time


  1. Thanks Jonathan, since yesterday I’ve watched a lot of your tutorials. You are my go to at the moment. Can’t wait to try your methods on the range. I’m returning back to golf after 15 years. Would you be able to advise a plan of what to work on. At the moment it feels like I’m having to learn most things again. I’ve had one lesson working in my take-away.

  2. Great explanation, as always 👍🏻
    Is hinging an INTENTIONAL move? … or is lag merely a NATURAL byproduct of the downswing?

    Seems the more hinging you do, the more the left wrist CUPS (which opens the clubface and makes it difficult to flatten the left wrist).

    I feel I’m too HANDSY in the swing … that is, I try to manipulate the hands and wrists in an effort to square the clubface. Doesn’t work. The wrists are too weak, the club is too heavy and the downswing is too fast.

    I’d love to see a video about squaring the clubface. What, in your opinion, is more important? PATH or CLUBFACE?

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