EP 33: Reflecting on Grayson Murray & Memorial Day, Fairway Bunker Strategies + 3 Years of SSWING

In this week’s episode, Scott flies solo whilst Sean is away. He reflects on the passing of Grayson Murray, delves into the significance of Memorial Day, celebrates SSWING’s 3-year anniversary, and wraps up with expert strategies for tackling fairway bunkers.

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get a golfers ever found yourself redirecting blame and making excuses after having an absolute Shocker on a golf course I know that I have range was closed I was a little cold didn’t warm up I hit it in those three old divits then we have the podcast for you we focus on how to fundamentally own your swing strike it pure and consistently shoot in the 70s be it if you’re a weekend hack retired and playing daily a school Phenom or a tour professional we present and discuss facts and physics pertaining to golf trying to keep our ego in opinion at Bay we dispel myths such as keep your head down bend your knees or my all-time favorite game improvement irons so stop drinking that mythical Kool-Aid and have a sip of ours I think you’ll find it both inspiring and refreshing I’m Scott young founder of Swing PGA professional and ex Tour player and together with physical therapist Dr Shawn Joyce welcome to Pivot the path g day golfers and welcome to Pivot the path I’m flying solo this week SJ is having a wonderful time in in the Mediterranean at mayorca at a wedding so SJ hopefully you’re playing that round of golf mate I miss you here and uh and hopefully you’re playing well so send me some video of downtown Fairways in myca look hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend uh for my wife and I we come from a small town in Connecticut and they close down the town they have the whole parade and kids March and Fir trucks and old vintage cars and it’s just a wonderful way to say Thank you so we come from a long proud history of service men and women and from Rosie’s dad who’s retired Navy to current uh cousin shout out C Brian who’s a lieutenant colonel in the Army Army rang and his brother David ex ex Navy engineer and Dawson who used to work at swing who was our founding founding first employee dors is currently a sergeant and deployed down in uh down in the border and then Joan who’s Sergeant in the Air Force who’s actually current NYPD and my grandfather was Australia’s Chief test pole in World War II so we’ve got a long history of thinking and serving our country and we think it’s really important because you know for those who gave gave their lives and also just currently like Dawson who’s deployed for 16 months like that’s a sacrifice so thank you to all the men and women who who allow us to do our podcast and play our Golf and have our barbecues and so that’s really important so that’s where we’ve come from we’ve had a wonderful Memorial Weekend sad news from PGA Tour is is graceon Murray passed away last week uh poor chap so we mentioned him obviously when he won the PGA Tour event earlier this year he in his thank you speech mentioned that he’d suffered depression and mental illness and unfortunately succumbed to that last week so again that’s man that’s that’s tough so we just hearts out to the family to his fiance and to the to the Greater Community who we’re trying to you know build and grasp and grow the community we we know that every family’s got mental illness at some form or another and we just want to talk about it and say that we’re here we talk about it here at s this is a forum that we talk about from men’s health issues to mental health issues it’s just important that we keep the communication open so uh the PGA to obviously no doubt ring around Grayson and his family but that’s a news any way you think about it and he often talked about when he won that PGA how much stress he put on his parents but as as parents of four kids there can never be enough stress for kids so you know if you’ve got mental illness in the family don’t brush it under the rug talk about it talk about it around the dinner table and talk about it at when they’re in their teenage years to help you know that’s what this is all about communication communication communication moving on so let’s talk through the news of the fairways so we had Davis Riley second time winner won the PGA Tour event 4 in under from a very fast uh finishing you guest at Scotty Sheffer so mate well done to you you’ve uh you’ve had your second win that’s pretty damn solid dp2 nacho El varera Spanish young man won the uh the Belgian DP Tour event from a extremely fast finishing Thomas Peters who’s a Belgian native obviously wanted to win his win his home event I know that uh Adam Scott recently won a couple of years ago the Aussie open that was a big thing for him I just think it’s fantastic to win your uh Native countries open no LPGA event their major US openings next week so shout out Nelly cter I hope she absolutely crushes it and wins seven of her last eight including two majors and probably big news for us and again we miss my partner here not being here but it’s our third anniversary year of being open and launching this whole new platform and Rosie and I are so proud of what we’ve developed here and we just wanted to take step back before we launch swing to say there’s not a product out there that’s really ensuring that every golfa can own your swing and that’s our our mission whether it’s the mats we use the t-squares we use the platform here the fact that we’ve got inch over clubs half inch over clubs we don’t have ladies clubs because we know that ladies shouldn’t use ladies clubs so we build our own ladies style golf club which is basically a soft X Flex and lightweight so everything at swing is developed you know with absolute precision and we want to make sure that you guys can earn your swing and break 80 every time and very thankfully the guys who drink our Kool-Aid are breaking 80 a lot and they’re shooting some good scores they’ve got no pain and we just wanted to absolutely Empower golfers and our group training is making sure that we get people to move based on their physiology so everything in here is based on trying to get you guys to own your swing which we’re very proud of so thanks for the journey we love being part of the Golf Community we know we’re shaking the tree and making making people stand up and and question what they’ve heard of the last 40 years but it’s all based on science and math and you know it’s it’s super proud so we’re about to expand next door we’re getting five six more simulators doubling the gym floor and it’s just getting bigger and better and trying to get one downtown signed at the same time so big things for us thank thank you so much for your patronage and and we love it I’m playing this afternoon with two members in here who’ve helped me with the expansion and we’re getting out there and what we do really well here is make sure that whilst this is structured and a little technical in here we go to the golf course no technique alignment ball position and just rip it so thank you all so yeah so we we’re going out the golf course this afternoon with gregos and uh and Brian and just doing things like we’re going to do now at at at uh in here at swing which is the Fairway bunkers how do we approach a fairway bunker shot last week we did greenside bunker which has different physics to Fairway bunkers and so that you guys can absolutely own your swing when you go play I hope I don’t hit it in too many Fairway bunkers today but we’ll uh we’ll tackle that in a minute so we’re in 24 countries now so thanks for sharing listening if you’ve got a a golf Die Hard that’s struggling share pivot the path and we’ll get them better yeah so before sha left last week we filmed a little segue into Fairway bunkers SJ hopefully you are not getting in Fairway bunkers in my ala uh but uh let’s go and check out how to play a fairway bunker shot and keep this keep this puppy rolling forward so let’s get back to Fairway bunkers and we’re trying to get a logical process of going through short game and bunkers and bunkers is all geometry so when you guys have two or three minutes just rewind that shot that CHL played on the 18th 72nd hole mhm it was awesome right yeah pretty tricky spot Prett tricky his feet are below the ball and quick 101 geometry for those who aren’t listening when the ball is above your feet the ball is slightly closer to you therefore you have a tendency to hit the outside of the ball and as you hit the outside of the ball the ball has a hook spin so he’s got to aim this right mhm the water’s right he’s got to make sure he compresses the ball to get it over the water and he’s still going to make berie to win a major yeah first ever I mean tough shot tough shot shout out to you and and SJ said why don’t we do that on swing sir yeah here we are so we’re playing the simulator here we’ve got rough like a bunker now remember bunker is just friction sand is just friction rough is just friction so this playing this out of the long rough is going to be the same shot so I’m going to push that ball down mhm this is where I differ to a lot of a lot of uh pundit out there so we know that the sternum is where the club hits the ground so anytime you’ve got a fairway bunker you hear people say quiet the legs yada yada but here’s where I disagree with that if we have quiet legs our torso leads more in rotation anytime the Torso leads the club gets very steep into impact so it makes a fairway bunker or a long rough shot very difficult we want this to be shallow for the bunker so we hit sand at a minimal Arc remember if my arm which I’m using here on radio for those who aren’t watching if I chop wood I’m steep into the ball all velocity goes into the sand whereas if I shallow my arm and I have a shallow Arc I’m going to get more ball and therefore I’m going to get more velocity out of the bunker so we want to be shallow so I actually disagree with a lot of that and say hey we need to use your legs yeah so what we do is just use physics so SJ may I have the ball in the middle of your stance we’ve got a t-square here so you’re going to walk into the bunker you know what shot you’re going to play and the first thing you’re going to do again is you’re going to use your feet as as to feel that sand we want to get an idea whether the sand is Fluffy in which case you’re going to hit a lot of sand in which case we’re going to move the ball back or is the ball rock hard and we’ve got to have the ball underneath your sternum because we don’t want too much sand being here so let’s say we’re going to have this being fluffy sand so you’re going to walk your feet to the left so fluffy sand ball back yeah fluffy sand ball back and then we’re going to hit the ball first here now because we want to maintain Loft because the ball’s back we’re going to hit the ball first so now we take out the sand or in this case rough because the ball’s back we’re going to take Loft off the club so we’re going to play a little cut shot in here I’m going to get you to open your stance to where you want to hit the ball so we’re going to play a little cut shot here okay because your sternum is ahead of the ball or you will hit the ball first because you going to play a little cut shot we’re going to add Loft a little bit through impact and then from there you’re just Off to the Races yeah I like a big aggressive lower body to shallow the club and you might just feel like you’re nice and stationary we don’t want to move Sha’s chin relative to golf ball yeah and then you’re just going to swing in and we actually we’ll actually see you hit the ball first golf swing ball first divot second away you go um so if we go now to the firmer bunking bunker conditions which you mentioned we want ball going further towards the sternum and then how do I hit that one yeah so if the sand is really firm the club’s going to bounce as you make contact with the sand or ball so we don’t want too much sternum behind the ball because you’ll drop kick the golf ball so you’re going to have sternum on the ball and you can actually play this like a normal golf shot okay so ball’s dead middle yep you don’t need to have your sternum behind the sand because the Sands rock hard like we right now in the Northeast because it’s still kind of coming out of winter and there’s been so much rain so this is a good rain bunker shot okay and you’re just going to play this I would always have it slightly back of middle okay just make sure I catch ball first just make sure you catch ball first again I like when people say quiet in the legs I disagree with that we need the hips to turn to shallow the club and again I always going to play a little cut out of a bunker just to add a little bit of Loft to get it out of the out of the lip remember golf is about taking risk off the we talked about this at stanwich take risk off the table risk number one is like shuffl did even though his ball was out of the bunker his feet were in the bunker risk number one is hit the ball how do we do that y if the Sand’s hard we’re going to have Stern them one ball risk number two is you got to miss that lip so if you’ve got to try and uh move this ball 200 yard forward maybe you can take your foot off the gas and take a club that has a little more Loft you might not hit your 200 yard but you’ll get it out of the lip M rule number one work out hit how to hit the ball first risk number two you got to get it over the lip yep and then again I’ll just get you a little open stance open up a bit yep you can still hit a little draw but the face will be a little more open to path M and then from there do what you do cool really good so Sean’s played a little cut there in the simulator why because he’s face was to where he wanted the ball to start his stance is open he will come from the inside but he’ll just play a little slight little butter fade because that face is a little more open to uh open to path this particular bunker shot we’ve actually got a really high lip so we’re going to add a little bit of Loft here MH so rain conditions I got just a little back for my sternum sternums just ahead now open up a little bit and really good out of trouble out of trouble nice little and we’re always going to check the math here yep right you’ve come inside four face zero face less than path so nice and straight dude nice golf shot back at it back H it look Beauty golfers thanks for listening and remember you can absolutely own your onour enjoyment with the work you put into your entire game yep thank you buers included yeah yeah you should have a a strategy no matter where you’re at on the course so thanks for listening again share this with your buddy who needs some help maybe after the round so you can still take a few bucks off them nice [Music]

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