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Benchmonster TV Episode 200

Join us this Thursday for another fun filled episode of Benchmonster TV. This week on the show we will spend the first part of the broadcast going over in great detail as to what happened to me with my botched ablation procedure and near death experiences I faced multiple times. Ashley with provide all the info from beginning to end as she was there each and every day sometimes for 16 hours a day, even when I was intubated for 2 weeks with a paralyzation drug and other pain killer meds like fentanyl and versed running through my body. This has been one scary ride and I’m very blessed to have friends and teammates that came and visited me during my extended stay in the ICU. Also all the Facebook thoughts and prayers really gave me the strength to push through this, I can’t thank everyone enough. I will also try to include some videos to play on the show.., so please join us Thursday night 7pm on Benchmonster TV.

I know we going to do this long good evening and welcome to bench monster TV I’m Ashley ly condre and I am the mini bench monster now uh oh got the spinning wheel of death why aren’t we showing up here there we are I don’t know haven’t done in a while it’s little it’s got hiccups it’s tired anyway it’s good to be back how many shows have we missed quite a few yeah three yeah and this is our 200th episode not really how I wanted to spend it I had plans to uh you know do some things but you know [ __ ] happens play out that way what do you do um it’s good to be back I’m doing well um had a scare and Ashley will walk us through the chain of events and uh clarify some things you have any questions please ask um I know a little bit but uh they had me on so much dope like Fentanyl and propenol and Versed and you know some of that stuff’s like Amnesia you know you can’t remember stuff so I I got bits and pieces but I always get yelled at when I try to put the pieces together because she I told you like 80 times I got to it’s you got to keep pounding it in my head I know I’m I’m doing the best I can had a traumatic event here so um it’s edged in my brain forever I can’t forget it uh lost a lot of weight I think it um you know it’s one thing to be in there but when they intubated me and what for two weeks and didn’t feed me well they you know they said oh we fed you through an IV yeah that’s not um going to keep me they did a feeding tube at the very end did they really okay well long story short and I went in at like 320 and I came that was it 13 days ago I was 255 and then I came home I’m up to about 280 now uh just eating food normal food not hospital food can’t train right now because of the uh the abdomen here check that out don’t touch it dude it’s really red I know I had 37 been touching it too much I had 37 Staples they cut me from the belly button it’s bleeding I know I saw that it’s fine uh yeah so I got that scar for life thank you uh Cadillac hospital and Richland and um yeah they uh my body basically consumed itself and uh my arms are just not what they used to be you know I can only handle what is it 20 PBS 10 PB dumbbells in each hand till July 4th eight weeks I gotta hold back so this uh my intestines don’t pop out so yeah touching the thing though that looks bad it’s it itches you’re touching it you made it worse well I can’t help it um tell them that when they’re let’s walk through exactly what happened that’s how we’re starting the show real quick Ashley walk us through the chain of events here real quick all I know is I went in for an obl the obl was Tuesday April April 23rd 23rd okay and we came home yep and everything was good no not really not till what six days later well speak up on the microphone here so they can hear you I ain’t going to be doing that you’re not going to be constantly doing this I know I’m just let you talk but um well no you said it was hurt like apparently it you shouldn’t have been hurting at all I don’t remember saying that near where you were but you were yeah you I got a high pain pain tolerance and if I’m crying about it something’s [ __ ] definitely wrong he we just assumed that I mean you had quite a bit done it sounds pretty gnarly so we just assume that was normal like you had surgery you’re going to be sore um but then on Sunday you woke up and you told me I needed to take you to the ER so I took you right to the ER okay and my stomach was out to here right like bloated yeah okay yeah but it was more like what was happening down below it that said something was what happened below it cuz I mean your stomach is never super flat thank you sorry yeah call me fat I love it okay well I’m just saying like but I mean once once they said what was going on you could look at it and be like holy [ __ ] like no is it true that when we went to the hospital it was all red and like my thighs no like your like your crotch area and you’re like she said my penis was full of blood your dicks balls and dicks did not look good okay so is it is that’s what like we got the [ __ ] out of here and got you to the a is it true that the nurse said when we went in there if I would waited five more hours I’d been dead cuz my organs were failing no not true no okay I said if we would have waited another hour or two probably he probably would have been dead I mean yeah because I had all this Blood I don’t think anybody said and the blood stems from the ablan and when they came out they nicked some arteries and I was on blood thinner so I just bled internally for like six days right I don’t know you’re talking over me and talking like you know exactly filled in I’m going to let you yeah okay I’m trying to but you’re talking over I won’t talk I’ll zip it no I mean I I I don’t know if anybody actually said that but not that your organs were were necessarily I mean I I can’t remember if anybody actually said that I said that I think if we would have waited any longer I don’t think you would have made it just by how rushed and panicked they were I think if you would have waited any longer as as bad as it had gotten I I don’t think I mean if we would have just if you would have just tried to tough it out and like went through the rest of the day I don’t think I don’t I mean there would have been so much pressure that yeah I think that’s what would have happen I mean nobody like officially said that but later on they they did that’s why they you’re making me jump around so um just let me tell the story I will I’m not say you’re jumping around and I’m getting off track I’m saying nothing um just let me just let me tell it so we brought it brought him in um to the emergency room and they immediately took him back I don’t know exactly what they saw cuz you hadn’t dropped your pants yet I don’t know what they saw but they knew like the second they looked at him that it was a a big deal um they told us that we were about to meet a bunch of uh new faces a bunch of new uh new people and they called over the speaker of the hospital if you’ve ever been to Cadillac you’ve probably heard uh over the intercom trauma there’s there’s a bunch of different one code blue trauma team whatever where it goes throughout the entire hospital they called trauma team into our room and like I don’t know like 15 20 nurses and doctors came rushing in and um they were like they were frantic and they were you know running around trying to figure out what was going on and like um they er like stat the ER doctor and like they’re looking scared and frantic like you know that like that’s bad that was terrifying um cuz like yeah they they weren’t [ __ ] around they like uh they were expressing the urgency the doctor like came over and was like this we’re we’re in a crisis situation we’re going to do everything we can for him but this is I’m not going to lie to you this is really serious is really bad like he’s got internal bleeding um he’s going to be in surgery in the next as soon as we can get him in there and and ready and so they took him back immediately for surgery and they fix the bleeding um they put little coils on um where the bleeding was coming from and so stopped the bleeding and so they thought that his uh uh the blood would just absorb back into his body naturally is what they were hoping um because they said that’s what they wanted they that’s what they wanted to happen because to go in and take it out and do what they needed to do to take it out was very risky and dangerous and they really wanted to avoid it if they could so I was like okay yeah let’s avoid that that doesn’t sound good and so he went he got taken up to the ICU and then they were ready to take like uh he was out of surgery and like recovery and so they were getting ready to take him off of or they took him off sedation like they were waiting for him to like start waking up so that they could take the breathing tube out and so they got to that part and um he he came out of sedation and they took the breathing tube out and everything was okay not good but okay he was just he was in a lot of pain but he was awake and we thought we thought things were going in a better Direction we just he was going to be in a lot of pain for a while like because I don’t know how long it takes the body to absorb that kind of blood but I was like well this couldn’t this might be bad CU he was in tons of pain so they hadn’t cut me open yet no okay um no they were just going to let your body reabsorb it okay is what they were hoping to do so Sunday goes [Music] on okay he’s awake still everything’s F like said not really fine but we’re in a better place we thought CU they got the bleeding stopped that was the big big worry is like how like how fast were they going to be able to I think that’s like what they were so SC because they were clearly frantic like they knew it was like time was of the essence like they had to act quick and it was a matter of how fast they could find where the bleeding was coming from how fast they could get it um stopped because there was so much so much blood already in there so like you know I mean figuring that out was just like really big so it was like a big deal whether you know whether they were going to be able to find it quick enough to to be okay so like they they got that the guy that did the S the surgeon that did the surgery was like pretty optimistic that he’d gotten the bleeding stop and they talked like they thought the body would reabsorb it so okay we go to Monday um we think things are okay like for the most part none of it was okay but like we think things are like more okay than they ended up being um uh he was just in a ton of pain like Mo like moaning and like crying for help and trying to get him to make it make it better and there was nothing they could really do at that point great um and so uh then it gets wor like okay he’s just in a lot of pain so that that sucked and that was hard and everything was [ __ ] but then because the day before he had been uh had a breathing tube they when they do the surgery they put a breathing tube down your mouth and sedate you anyways right so he had already had that breathing tube down his mouth which apparently even as short of a period as it had been in there that day like just just for um several hours for the surgery apparently it can make your throat swollen and weaker and make it hard to swallow so the next day when he was drinking water where things got really really really really really bad was uh on Monday he was drinking water and because it was harder to swallow he like basically swallowed down the wrong tube and it all went into his lungs and he did what they call aspirating where there’s just there’s a bunch of water and fluid now in his lungs and he can’t breathe can’t breathe can’t breathe like um so uh and and then not only can you not breathe of course when you can’t breathe your blood pressure and your breathing and all the all the stats all these things they said were shooting up to dangerous levels as well on top of the like not being able to breathe so they did everything they could to avoid putting the breathing tube back in and sedating them but they they they they couldn’t safely keep delay that anymore so they ended up putting the breathing tube back in and when they put the breathing tube back in they had to sedate him and uh so that’s where the like basically medically induced coma comes in um and that’s where things got so bad because now he’s not conscious at all now he’s not breathing on his own anymore now he’s got pneumonia because the the all the water in his lungs cause pneumonia I didn’t realize that uh you could get pneumonia from the water like going down the wrong P we’ve all done that like C you know coughed and choked but like apparently like his went all the way down into his lungs and it caused pneumonia and then he ended up getting a staff infection so on top of like the issues that were already going on now now we’ve got serious serious serious things that by themselves are huge deals and can be you know like really bad um and so things like are getting worse now um and so then Tuesday comes around and I’m still each day I’m thinking okay maybe it’s going to be time like I didn’t understand how it worked and I was like maybe it’s going to be time to to take the breathing tube out and get him unsedated and wake him up like I didn’t really like realize how it worked so each day that I thought that would happen so like Tuesday so that was Monday night Tuesday comes around and they’re saying his breathing has gotten even worse like it’s not not good they’re they’re afraid that they’re going to have to um go in and get the blood out because now on top of the um fluid and the lungs and the pneumonia he’s got all that blood in there still so on top of that now he’s also got all this blood in here compressing on his lungs so when he does breathe he can’t get a full like you know he can try to but all that blood in there is pushing on those lungs so kind of like a double triple whammy between the pneumonia the staff and the fact that there’s just too much blood in there and so they were talking about having to do that get go in and get the blood out you know the thing they said at the beginning was very dangerous scar like risky and trying to avoid it so that we were like oh [ __ ] so um then like I can’t remember if it was just something got a little bit better so they were like okay well we’re just going to wait we’re not going to go in quite yet like maybe we can avoid it still so like we waited like all day and I’m like okay well maybe they’re you know not going to have to do it and then at about 10:00 or so at night they come in and um um they were they were like his they had gotten some Labs at 8:00 that night and I don’t remember exactly like what the labs medically I don’t I don’t can’t I don’t know what the labs showed that me his kidney function was at risk and then between what his Labs showed and the fact that he stopped peeing they said his kidneys were starting to shut down and that now um the blood was there’s so much blood and so much pressure going around in here it caused what they call compartmentalization syndrome I think was what it was called where there’s too much there’s too much blood too much pressure so it’s causing the kidneys to start shutting down um it’s starting to affect the other the other organs are starting to uh have serious trouble functioning and starting to have serious issues and so they came in and said that’re we’re going to have to do it um we’re going to have to do it and I’m like well [ __ ] like we went in for a basic surgery and you [ __ ] that up and now you’re wanting to go into a surgery you already told me was danger you know dangerous risky and scary like the basic one the one you told me told us was easy didn’t go well and you want me to like and I’m the only one in the room and they’re handing me a a per not permission slip like a the chaplain no no like the consent the consent form um and I’m like well [ __ ] like I don’t know what to do and I’m like like what happens if you don’t do anything and he said then his kidneys are going to shut down renal failure and then the lungs will start shutting down like everything was going to shut down he said it’s like life like like life or death like if we don’t do anything it’s like not he said it’s not it’s not going to absorb on its own there’s just too much in there um so I’m like [ __ ] like I mean if if I give consent and something happens I’m going to feel [ __ ] terrible if I go against what the doc I’m going to feel even worse if I go against what the doctor saying and what they say happens so I just blindly trusted him and did it but that was also hard because they also said they couldn’t guarantee that it was going to help it’s just the only thing they could could do to to to help like they hoped it did but they couldn’t guarantee it would um so I’m like okay so you’re telling me that you’re going in and risking you hitting something else cuz that’s I guess the risk is there’s so much blood in there they can’t they can’t see and it would be really easy to hit something else that would cause him to bleed out immediately right there so like our choices are pretty [ __ ] here so we so they did it and uh that that ended up uh helping pretty immediately um and like the pressure like so they cut him open that’s where that came from they cut him open from the waist to the sternum and put what they call a wound back in there that was attached to this canister at the end of his bed that was just sucking out blood and they had to leave his stomach open obviously it was covered up of course but it was open underneath that bandage gauze thing um just suck that little vacuum was sucking out blood and um so like pretty quickly his kidneys started to uh come back and like they were encouraged like they they you know felt immediately that that the surgery was definitely the right choice like cuz like obviously it was you know he came out of it successfully it seemed to have um you know successful like it was doing what they needed it to do and getting some of that pressure um so try to make this a little bit make this a little bit quicker yeah um so it was open from Tuesday to Friday um Friday they went in to uh see if they were going to be able to close it up they were going to either close it up or um if they felt like they didn’t like what was going on and there was still too much pressure in there um then they were either going to not close it up or close it up half of it up and leave half of it still open with the wound back continuing to help drain it um but they were they were able to to close it up all the way so that was good Staples the Staples yep 37 Staples in my gut yeah like garly little zipper narly zipper so what happened next um so that’s uh when you had to start you they had on paralytics paralyzing agent um yeah from when like execution room from when you’re um stomach was open they needed you to be on paralytics so they had to wait um for those to be totally cleared I can’t remember how long those took to totally clear they had to wait for those to totally clear before they could even start to think about pulling you out of sedation okay um once they did they started to start weaning off of sedation but then that was started to kind of become a night like nightmare too because every time like the the very first time they started wiening they took you off of they they just took you off of a verset each time they tried to do the verset first because that was the one with the longest halflife that stayed in the system the longest so they want to get rid of that one first um and the very first time they did it the bag didn’t even get all the way empty um before you started your heart rate I think what it was that shot up right and you went into aib and so they had they it was too unsafe to keep bringing down the sedation cuz like with everything like going on in his body and with the way his lungs were were working um to not have like to not have the sedation when all that stuff started going wacky was like very unsafe and dangerous so when the numbers and the breathing started to look a certain way they had to um they had to go back on the sedation and so it was that that whole second week was just a lot of like trying to wean down on the sedation and trying to see how like how long he could stay out of it before so either his for most of the time his blood pressure was staying high and if it was just his blood pressure they’d kind of let it ride but when his heart shot up to like deep into apib they’d have to start with some sedative they’d have to you know sedate him again when his um breathing would shoot up and be too high they’d have to put him back on on the sedative so it was just like this constant like roller coaster right trying each time like it was kind of of good like each time it I felt like it went a little bit longer before they had to go back on the sedative um doped up but it was just yeah like a lot of like his body just didn’t want to quite come come off the stive um and it was just it wasn’t safe to pull it off with what to um to keep un like to keep him off the sedation with what was happening in his body he needed that to to breathe and for his heart to not be going out of control um and then like the last few days we’d get to where he’d have the sedation like pretty much he’d start opening it like it was a huge deal if he opened an eye we’d all be like celebrating and we’d be like trying to get him to like follow cuz before they could like pull the pull the tube um he had to be awake and he had to enough to like be able to follow basic commands like squeeze our hand squeeze the other hand wiggle your toes thumbs up um like there he had to be able to follow did I do that it took a long time for you to get to that point um it yeah it took a long time to get to that point like the last like couple days before he woke up um he was getting to where he was starting to be able to kind of do those things slowly and kind of out of it and the doctor like you know one day the doctor’s like he’s close but he’s like we need him to be able to react a little bit quicker and follow the commands a little quicker and then like the next day or two I think like maybe that Friday maybe Thursday Fridays um your breathing was just too you were breathing one of the days like one of the days right before we took like before we were able to to wake you up um I can’t remember Thursday or Friday uh of the second week I think it was I don’t some the timelines a little bit so when when did I go two weeks um late in bed and didn’t do anything what was that all about that’s what the whole story was all about oh okay seriously hey I’m I’m lost that’s what the whole story was all about from the time you aspirated till where I’m at right now where I’m talking about taking you out of sedation where they got you to where you were you were close this was like Thursday or Thursday or Friday which would have been the end of the second week and they wanted to put a hole in my throat at some point yeah if if it if you would have like not because he he had been on the breathing tube longer than they like he was like at like 12 days yes okay they wanted to pull the tube and put a tra somewhere in there I can’t I could count it up and figure it out it was somewhere around the like 12 Day Mark and they were they were starting to seriously consider um doing the tra where they cut a small hole in his throat and put the tube in and I was like mortified I’m like okay so he’s going to wake up with not only a giant incision in his abdomen but now a hole in his throat just kill me man was really set by that and they’re trying to convince me that it was going to be the safer option and I’m like you’re not going to convince me that this is the better option like I don’t I can’t imagine how horrifying that is but they had lots of of reasons and lots of Pros to having the breathing or the tra versus the breathing tube um and so he was like getting pretty close to that so like the pressure was on to get him up um and I opened my eyes the day before they wanted to put a hole in my throat well you opened your eyes a couple times before that it’s just like I said your motor skills were what am I like not explaining it well does everybody else understand like what the story it horrifies me to hear well there were lots of different re like like for this to date like if you you you maybe you were like the first time you opened your eyes but your heart rate shot up too high and your blood pressure was already too high and then there’d be another time where you were would had gotten to the point where your um eyes were open again and you could like kind of like i’ like if you had your eyes closed and i”d be like Ryan open your eyes and look at me and you could kind of do it but like barely but then um like your heart rate would shoot up again or your breathing was just too high and like they they give it a while like they they’d give it a while and hope that like um that it it would kind of slow down and your everything would level out but if it there was a certain amount of time where if it just wouldn’t come down it was too unsafe to um to have you off of everything so they’ go back on and then like one of the last days either the third because you woke up on a Saturday you woke up that Saturday my favorite day and and um one of the days before that I can’t remember it was Thursday or Friday might have been Friday cuz the last day they was the only time where they didn’t sit like they decided they weren’t going to pull it I think that was the day where your breathing was just too hard and he said if we were to pull the breathing tube right now you’d stop breathing within seconds and they have to pop it right back in and they didn’t want to do that I’m surprised I’m sitting here Jesus Christ I knowu yeah we’re we’re very lucky that you’re sitting here it was the will to live I guess I have a a lot of strength I guess and so that like that was Friday where he decided he wasn’t gonna like he just didn’t feel like it was safe to take you off because we’d have to put he felt like he’d have to put you right back on um sorry I was like reading one of the com but um and so that Friday they like they decided they weren’t going to try to pull the tube um but they felt like they could at least because part of the problem was is we were making like progress like this because we’d get them off sedation um and because that takes a while like it would take a while TI it all the way out of his system before he could even begin to open an eye even a little bit and when I say open an eye I mean like oh they had me drugged up yeah a quarter to a half the way open and so it’s like hours long process to get to that point and then once his numbers are too high they got to put it right back on that so like the progress that you’re making is not happening very quick like it was getting like where he could last a little bit longer but it was like just going so slow and so like the last day they said like if everything like stayed where it was at cuz his breathing had been a little better better throughout the day his heart rate had been a little better now granted like they’re controlling his blood sugar and all the stuff with his heart with a lot of medicine um but they felt like things were looking good enough that like um that they could try to lay out like to at least not sedate them they made the decision to not pull the breathing tube yet um but they were going to try to let him um stay off of the sedation and not sedate him again so like going o overnight which was the first time he had ever went overnight without sedation um and so then they ended up planning on uh trying to pull trying again to pull the tube that at like 5:00 in the morning so uh me and Connie stayed the night um and they they woke him up which was kind of sucky because they woke him and now he’s actually kind of pulled out of the sedation a little but he still got this tube in his throat and they made him wait there for a while he was pretty good about it for I mean there was one incident where I guess he was swinging at nurses when I when we were around and they had to um restrain his his hands well um why was I doing that because you freaked out you were just coming you were just coming out of and and at that like I was in there with you for all of the time but during that time they had us kind of just step step away because they were they were cleaning handcuffing me to the bed and um I can’t remember you didn’t like what they were doing and so and and okay like when I say taking swings like he could barely lift his arm so nobody was in like um but they just they were more concerned the fact that he could even try to do that they were more concerned about him trying to rip the tube out cuz that could be really bad so that’s it’s not that anybody was really concerned he was going to hurt it was just they didn’t want him to try to take the tube out I probably would have done that um yeah yeah cuz your anxiety had been like a big issue and but anyway so they woke him up at 5: and the it took us a while no it was like three more hours it took us a while and then right before they they kept there kept being little delays like your numbers were kind of doing weird things but they were kind of hanging in there and then right before they were about to do it it was like shift change so they didn’t want to do it in the middle of a sh like shift CH like the timing wasn’t going to work so had to wait a little longer and then then they then they did it they and then I laid in bed and rehabbed and thank I want to thank you because physical therapy came in like twice and got me out of bed and I took my first steps I had to learn how to walk again cuz my body was just weak as [ __ ] anything when he first woke up fig his arms and stuff oh [ __ ] couldn’t couldn’t reach up and gra it was horrible it was like I was just [ __ ] up man but anyway he was on like crazy levels of like the I mean the nurses and doctors were like kept like reiterating like the crazy amount of drug like one of I’ve told this story to lots of PE like people already but like one of the nurses uh used to be a vet tech and she compared sedating him to like what they do to sedate horses a horse she said he his like you know they have big big people often but they don’t have the like this kind of muscle mass and she said he’s just metabolizing it like crazy so the amount that they’re having to just cont instantly give was pretty substantial yeah the hardcore [ __ ] fentanyl propenol verse said and who knows what else they were sticking in my IVs those were the three like set sedatives there were lots of other things they were giving you like to control your heart but yeah anyway so you helped me do physical therapy at 6 o’clock to 11 o’clock at night we kind of took it upon ourselves to get me should have done that sooner we should have done it sooner but I was making progress like every day like she would walk me I’d walk from wall to wall 12 feet and then the next night I could do it twice and I was like wow this is great and uh I was able to come home because I could walk all the way down the hallway on my own up 13 stairs down the 13 stairs and back 40 yards to my room so I was able to exit the hospital I was getting pretty fed up with the hospital food and laying around all day watching TV as uh Seasons changed out the window and I was almost tempted to walk out I really was and I said I want to get the [ __ ] out of here I want to go home kept saying that I want to go home yeah they wanted they wanted him to they were Physical Therapy only saw him the very first times that he would try something first the first time like the first time he ever tried to stand cuz I mean you we’re told to like wait for physical therapy before he does certain things like and half the time they show up stood it was really like really really bad and then the first time that he like tried to take steps and like the impression in their mind is holy [ __ ] like he’s you know he’s not ready to leave by no means he can’t walk around the house you train me um but uh and so they made their recommendation based on that and then they didn’t show up that Friday Thursday um the guy that was training like training him was going to be off for the next three days um and he said he was getting like to a better spot he felt like a few more days if if he was able to stay in the hospital for a few more days and be reassessed he thought he’d have a shot at going home but then the next day like he wasn’t there and then somebody else he told us somebody else would be in there but nobody else showed up nobody came and so you train then the weekend we knew nobody would come in on the weekend CU that was pretty touch and go from the beginning so um so we ended up talking to our doctor and he expressed his concerns because he was going he was just going to walk out he was just going to leave but then they let us know that if he left even even though medically they said he was ready to leave if he walked out and went home versus going to the rehab facility they consider that um going against medical advice recommendation I don’t know what the official term they use they use something specific well I was ready to go they said if they do if if I was done if you do that and they mark it that way Insurance could deny everything deny everything they said they they they can’t they don’t you know the one the doctor that was really nice to us said she’s like I don’t know that that’s true she’s like it’s a rumor that kind of gets thrown around to kind of okay scare people into you know doing what the hospital and physical therapy thinks they should do but she’s like I don’t honestly know if they would actually do that but she’s like they legally could and you I mean and I’m like Insurance’s pull that kind of [ __ ] all the time where they find loopholes to scree because they don’t want to pay out so I was like we can’t [ __ ] with this cuz we can’t afford this like this is insane hospital bill oh I can’t imagine so we talk to her we let we whatever you know and she ended up making a call herself to physical therapy and asked to get somebody down as soon as possible to reassess him and um she got she got some some lady down there and um yeah he he was able to he he came walking out of the bathroom as she came in and she’s like w had a walker yeah cuz she had she had just she hadn’t seen him she had just read the notes that the other people had uh had wrote and so she’s expecting somebody that is you know it’s going to be his first time even using the what like she was expecting so much so he came walking out no walk or nothing and she’s like when did you make this miraculous recovery [ __ ] trained last three nights in a row ourselves and just took some safe precautions like for if he would have gotten like too weak too fast um like we set like things like you know we had a a walker that had like a seat in one spot and then a few more feet we had a chair and then a few more feet we had another chair so so we had things where if like he felt like he was going to collapse he could but he never needed to use it and we stayed right next to a wall so that he could also use that if he needed to and pretty soon he didn’t I mean he really didn’t need any of it and so practicing and practicing and so she had him do that and then she also we didn’t know that he she was going to test him on the stairs and she took him walked him all right and had him walk up and down the stairs and so she was like oh yeah you can go like yeah I got to come home finally she’s like good job you’re yeah yeah I was getting cabin fever and just burnt out dealing with those people I appreciate the help awake like I’m gow he just started making so much uh progress but when he was sedated it was just all like [ __ ] just was kept getting bad I appreciate you bad news I appreciate you being there 16 hours a day 247 you’re welcome yeah because yeah and all my teammates came and visited me and oh yeah we had I mean so many so many people he had more visit than anybody in the ICU I didn’t have my cell phone till like the last 3 days I was there she brought it in so I wasn’t able to check messages and Ryan Hines was there like a lot of people Mike Lupa was there every single day for hours Ryan Hines was there pretty much every single I mean he was there like constantly helping like everybody was amazing and I mean c CeCe came and visited what a horrible experience I had to go through Joe Joe came um like my mom and my aunt were coming every day to see you I’m trying to sue the hospital so we’ll we’ll keep you in the loop on what’s going on was there quite often Dan came um and on his day days off and spent all day there um Mary stopped by um so many people I I might be forget there were so many people who else stopped by from Forgetting well which I’m sure we appreciate the info you um Mike Miner stopped by um Joel Reyes stopped by I don’t know if I told you that one I heard um even though I was out I heard all the people that came in and checked on me and appreciate that so I wouldn’t have made it if I was like just a guy who lived with his cat I’d probably be dead like there was a you could only have three people in there at a time and he constantly had a line like people were having to trade out and take turns turns to come I didn’t know I was so popular Jesus I guess when you’re on your deathbed everybody comes and visits like I think they were also coming to to see and support me too because everybody was taking really really good care of me they were feeding they were bringing me pieces they were yeah stressful situation for you too hey but you know we’re sitting here we’re back on the show and they were very supportive I was very lucky like I could I couldn’t have even dreamed of how like like I didn’t have to be by myself very much like I mean there was just like a constant stream of people coming in and being you know supportive and just there for us and I can’t you know you said Mike Lich and Ryan Hines were like pivotal in surviving this like couldn’t have done it for sure without them and down I want to let people know that we do have I’m getting cut out so yeah we have vide try to thank people but 45 minutes is good I think they got the hint and we need to move forward I’m here I’m alive um like I said I’m going to try to sue the hospital probably won’t nothing happen there but I just feel like somebody’s got to pay for what they did to me I mean they almost killed me so probably something your lawyer would have told you not to say publicly yeah I uh I might uh I’m not going to say anything on here but uh somebody is going to pay cuz you don’t do this [ __ ] to me and cut my [ __ ] stomach open body I’ve tried to perfect 40 years that guy had to to save your life yeah because of negligence on their part yeah it was the other it was the other kill those [ __ ] okay we have videos that guy saved your life I know I I we wanted to talk about this and we spent 45 minutes doing it hopefully if you have any questions you can put them in the chat box there were tons like I couldn’t keep up I mean there were hund hundreds of Facebook and Instagram messages I couldn’t even begin to like update everybody and I didn’t want to play the you’re more important like so I figured we’ you know like people that had my phone number like I I updated them and then I figured the the masses we would I was very optimistic I was hope like thinking that we would get a chance to tell everybody on I got to put my spectacles on here okay Miss Ashley we have some videos uh I want to start out with a little present that was bought for me and this made my this this is just awesome you know one of the people I idolized and and um is a tank Abbot obviously UFC fighter and uh somebody sent me a cameo here I’m going to play it and um this this just kind of this did it for me let’s uh let’s put an image up and play this one yo yo Ryan tank Abby here Devon let me know you were in ICU and heart surgery and the whole n yards anyways being that you are in the 600 lb bench Club I know you’re strong and you’ll get yourself back to normal anyways take care of yourself have a good one and rest easy all right my man take care thank you Devin a e r n e I don’t know how to say your last name correctly but Devon that was a gift that just made my year man to hear tank Abbot talk about the 600 bench Club it was pretty made my day dude we were very impressed yeah that made me smile thank you uh Devon that that didn’t see it coming very that you could I mean I’ve bragging I mean I means a lot to me I don’t think I mean that’s like the best gift that anybody could have wow given him like he was so excited but he wouldn’t tell me like what it was he cuz he was going to show him I didn’t think you’d be impressed but you were impressed yeah I was impressed cuz you took me on the computer cuz I was like I was like is it something somebody ordered you like did it get delivered like no or okay you’re showing me on the the computer is there a picture of something that’s going to be delivered like I couldn’t figure out and then awes we sat down at the computer and I saw Tank’s face and I was like I think I know what’s going to happen Devin I can’t thank you enough man thank you very much you made his Li he was so like I was like dying to know what it was cuz I don’t know if I’ve ever never seen him as excited to receive oh I’m not to keep that video forever I might post it on Instagram and tag tank in it but uh St 600 bench club and that made my everything man he did say heart surgery he kind of got that wrong but hey you know had a uh whatever it’s awesome and I thank you well you did I mean it all stemmed from heart yeah heart surgery essentially well I actually uh do have some videos to Showcase here so we’re going to start out so uh nice work Deon that was best gift everybody I’m I can never beat I can never top that gift can’t I knowless you flew tank here right uh Terry from Greece uh he’s got a bench press tribute to me and uh Terry is competing Sunday at a meet that will uh be a IPL World Championship qualifier and uh so I have um Terry here uh doing some benching looking good says he’s got to meet Sunday wish him all the luck and uh get out there and kick some ass get on the board with an opener and then uh go from there great bench line too right there 330 for six PR Terry’s looking healthy and strong good straight line elbows aren’t turning out nice job Terry very easy uh speaking of strength mine has left my body like it’s going to be a mountain to climb July 4th and uh um it’s going to be you know but if it’s anything like my ability to walk how every day it kind of went like this I think my muscle memory will definitely come back and um it’s going to be a little mountain but uh I’m patient and it sucks to go to the gym and really patient 10B dumbbells like this and side delts and all that [ __ ] but I’m just doing what the doctor said you’re just lucky we’re just happy you’re alive yeah cuz it was pretty like I can’t believe I’m alive like I don’t know what who’s looking over me like everybody was constant nurses and doctors and respiratory therapists were like constantly telling me how serious this was I’m one tough [ __ ] I guess how stick you were yeah like how bad it was I wasn’t ready to go I didn’t see the light in any of my uh near-death experiences it wasn’t like I saw the light and go to it so that’s good uh this was sent to me this guy kid here we’ve seen him before Danny castano he’s mention at 11 years old and I don’t need a backing for Danny let’s check him out starting early one ref a time man get it done Danny nice work sir yeah 11 years old good to see uh Roger brome he sent me some videos and I took a few of them here looks like he’s blasting uh 445 in his single play evil twin titan shirt plus a nice uh banded set with 100 lb in bands and 225 bar weight raw and 300 for six raw also so I got quite a few Roger bro videos I got to put backings up for Roger so I’m going to play him uh cons itively here we’re going to do 445 in the shirt excellent form perfect fitting shirt I mean look it’s painted on him not a wrinkle that shirt is money very easy Roger you’re ready for the platform dude you’re looking strong easy let’s check out Roger 220 I like this because this is my type of benching with the big bands raw I love that stuff right there and he’s cracking that out like it’s nothing it’s easy as hell yeah those bands aren’t no joke either good job uh let’s check out your 300 raw right here time six like speed WP Roger [ __ ] you could got eight good job dude nice thank you for sending those Roger I appreciate it I had to haven’t checked my email in a month so I had a lot of videos in there and I want make sure that I get everybody on the show uh AJ Roberts 1045 off two boards that’s what it says and I don’t need a backing for AJ right here looks like one rep handing off got a three-man setup here AJ looking strong as [ __ ] right here very impressed good handoff too one rep that’s a lot of weight to handoff people no wiggle wall nice handoff guys come come be our three-man crew up here oh jeez buddy you got more in the tank AJ good job wonder if he’s competing soon um I don’t know this one caught my eye I’m sure everybody saw it already but Tony Carino 1300 mother hubber let’s check out Tony Carino 1300 I think it’s a two one board or two board he’s going to do two reps with it I can’t even [ __ ] hold that two like his body weight was something got the Magnum Bar too he’s like two what 275 280 Jesus Tony God Son damn Tony’s gonna [ __ ] dude Jesus Jesus awesome dude right there he’s got it down Mindy shirt what what what the hell I didn’t see that part hey if it works for you man and it seems to be 1,300 for two he can make anything work though let’s be real most I ever held was like 1260 the guy God darn it people Tony you’re looking freaking good looking strong uh Eric below he sent me some videos here I got an 835 and an 870 and I need backings for Mr Eric let’s check out his uh 8:35 he’s now Eric’s come a long way this is what happens when you drive two hours a train with the best he has made made progress just overnight I he’s got coaching He’s got everybody there giving him verbal cues I mean Eric you’re on point nice lift dude let’s check out your 870 here sir full range too [ __ ] I’m telling you ER Eric’s on fire dude and he’s got rich putam back there you got Keith Odell you got a good crew yeah spot you know nobody’s going to get injured here every’s on point 870 full range wow oh my God Son damn Eric Nice effing lift I gota watch my language I’m cussing saying bad words I was too I thought we were allowed to do that well not so much uh okay this is interesting one here this guy sent me a it’s a strong man lift I believe it’s a Giovani Robinson he’s doing a 265 log press and he was talking about the log wasn’t a round log it was an octagonal log which kind of threw him off a little bit uh it says he took first in the log press but dislocated his shoulder on the second rep here he went to Urgent Care immediately after this this happened now yeah it’s not it just drops you’ll see it’s not like a horrible video but [ __ ] happens man easy rep kind of just loses it with the left arm here Bo oh oh [ __ ] yeah yeah I hope he’s all right I asked him if he was okay and he I think he said he uh he was all right so [ __ ] had to put it back in socket I think that’s scary uh let’s see we got uh Andrew Bo h e n e k bnck hope you’re okay man he’s blasting 25 in an f83 ply he’s getting ready for the Friday night bench meet on May 17th he sent me this video and I’m gonna play it let’s check out Andrew here looks like he’s at Keith Odell and Rich putnam’s gym gorilla pack right here best place you can be if you want to be strong that’s why people show up there I wish I was there not right now damn Andrew [ __ ] oh no I don’t know much about the um strong as [ __ ] the Friday night bench meet on May 17th I don’t know if that’s a federation or what’s going on there but um last we have uh and I just threw in some videos here because I knew we were going to spend some time talking about my uh debacle in the hospital but uh we got one rep here doing some impressive board presses and uh rep one rep right here let’s check out one rep and that’s uh 415 465 and 465 looks like a two board maybe I think he’s got that what shirt is that Ashley is that the denim one rep I think it’s the Jenny canvas denim I don’t know one rep what do you got oh yeah Jenny threp denim right in front of my face that shirt works man and one rep you’re looking strong dude you and AJ I’m jealous I didn’t come down and train with you down there f yeah we got to I got to get the hell out of Dodge come down and train with you guys got a good crew there too you do good handoff right in your line load that shirt head back head back spread that bar one rep boom spread it good job brother all right uh what do we got next I think this is a uh compulation Connie Nightingale sent me I think it’s um it says Max effort I think it’s um just some short video clips I think let’s check that out oh I got to put a caption up here there’s Connie she’s benching uh Jacob oam he’s benching raw Dan logman doing about 7:15 Connie’s got some bands on there it goes quick uh Nate Brandon horse Connie doing some floor presses this was Max sephr night that’s the raw crew on b bench and they’re strong looks like we did some rolling dumbbells here I can’t do anything but watch here’s Deacon he’s kicking some ass Connie doing some floor presses with dumbbells I got to speak pretty fast this video is quick and that was that that was Max E I didn’t bring the camera in cuz I just been coming in and uh sitting in a chair and cuz I don’t what I don’t want to do is in that gym you know it’s a trip Hazard everywhere you go and God forbid I fall down and my guts rip open and I die in the gym that’s not the way they want to go especially in that gym we’ve had enough scar my heart can’t take any more [ __ ] so I’m being I’m being super safe at the gym and um yeah you better be [ __ ] smart yeah uh let’s go to the chat box here quickly that’s you lady Paul laugher hey Paul how’s it going man good to see you so good to be back so good to see everybody’s name in the chat box and feel like I’ve haven’t been here be down here again I know it’s been longest we’ve ever went ever I just fell off the face of the Earth I’m sorry I didn’t I mean it was just yeah and then like the the first week I meant to like post I wasn’t I mean going to like give many details I was just you know we didn’t know where we were at yet and I knew he’s not crazy about you know having stuff posted and I like I said well my personal stuff I never Post online yeah that’s what I mean and so I but I did totally mean to like a few hours before the show just say hey that um the show’s going to be cancelled you know a quick little just so people would like kind of be prepared for that um but I totally forgot like it was such a stressful day and like didn’t even like the day just yeah it got away from me and all of a sudden I was I got a couple like uh messages like what’s you know going on you know what’s going on the shows can’t like everybody you know uh people knew like the show’s not I don’t think that’s ever happened where the show just hasn’t been on so people knew like that some sort of emergency was happening I want to quickly it was he was not conscious he had a you know breathing tube down his throat he wasn’t able to breathe on his own like it was bad it was bad all around I want to quickly thank everybody that set up to GoFundMe account Forbes just because I’m in the hospital doesn’t mean the bills stop and they just keep going and I just want to thank people that I see here Lloyd Hemingway thank you sir Edward uh AAR thank you very much Elizabeth fahe thank you Joel Raymond thank you Pete Santi thank you Ryan tono thank you Jeff Johnston thank you Jessica Kennedy thank you James borgart thank you Adam Hawkins thank you Wes McCormick thank you I just want to thank people for uh I didn’t see that coming I heard there was a go me you to all of you guys that was absolutely um thank you to Brian Forbes for um setting it all up like he’s the one that you know got it going and I think his meat like part of the proceeds I think might have went for that I I’m not totally sure how it worked I just know he was um raising money for yeah I appreciate that for Ryan and his um you know all the medical bills and and things that come along with having a a medical emergency you know where your life’s in Jeopardy and um that made a great deal I really appreciate that was really nice you know super helpful and just you know we appreciate having such uh amazing people that were ready to jump in and be supportive and and James M’s next the chat box oh perfect there you go yeah so thank you so much to all of you guys and thank you Brian for setting it up and you guys are just amazing we can’t say thank you enough uh James Boral hello Ryan and Ashley welcome home and thank God you’re both doing better my prayers have surely been answered God bless you both yeah a lot of thoughts and prayers went out and I that’s really what got me through appreciate the thoughts in prayers I mean without that I just you I dodged so many I dodged the grim reapers a couple times in that hospital yeah and up with a situation so dire like that’s all you know you just have to pray pray pray you know pray and keep praying I mean that’s really like if it’s such a helpless feeling like it sucks like cuz you know you want to be able to do more it’s like the worst feeling in the world um but the only thing you can do is pray and like for and everybody praying and Evan monster we haven’t seen him in a while um was was what what got him where he’s at right now is just like all the prayers and support from everyone so thank you guys Evan monster thanks again James for the for your donation why you doing that to your arm keep spinning that thing around the fidgets what you’re supposed to do okay don’t fidget with it Evan monster read that one Evan monster hey you two Jeremy hornstra informed me about a week ago oh wow and about a week sorry about a week and a half ago as to what happened I am very glad to see that you are okay I was worried when I heard Jeremy hornstra I like to have him on the show sometime pick his brain on Raw benching if he’s down to do a show or a show that’ be cool have to reach out to him I never met him he would I never was out of meet where he was and but he he came on the scene and kicked some freaking ass years and years thank you Evan monster I mean yeah it was I can’t imagine my putting myself in your shoes and seeing you know you’re just kind of in Wonder like what’s going on what’s nobody has you know the real inside info you did but um that’s why we wanted to get it out and get it cleared up as to how it went down and how I somehow I’m sitting here alive it’s weird all right Paul waffler you will come back from this I went through the same thing after my surgery couldn’t lift anything over 10 lbs I also have the same scar oh cool I’m glad somebody else do scares scar betes yeah hopefully I don’t have a super like crazy scar but hey it is what it is well the more you keep picking it and you’re going to get infected and then you’re going to have a really bad [ __ ] well there’s like de skin like you flak them off stop picking it just like you tell me when I pick my scabs your hands are dirty you’re putting all of that germ into all those germs in your [ __ ] for to take my antibiotic too like and what I pick is no big deal it doesn’t matter yours is [ __ ] I know big deal they C they had to cut through everything they cut through the muscle and fashion I don’t know why you couldn’t remove fat out of my stomach when they had me open like sucked out a little bit of fat cuz their main concern was getting the blood out of your stomach I know all right add lipo section to the [ __ ] I can’t read uh my a little blurry here I have to wear my glasses so Mariah Mariah Mariah Beverly hey Ashley and Ryan it’s good to see you both I haven’t oh God lost my hey Ryan hey Ashley and Ryan I can’t read hey Ashley and Ryan it’s good to see you both I haven’t seen Ashley for so long I’ve seen Ryan the other day miss y’all who’s Mariah where did she see me at cuz I the gym oh the gym the one that Mike’s hting that we were helping oh okay I’m sorry brain fart it’s been a while it’s been a while but yeah she’s the one that we were right okay yeah understand help Ben and Mike’s been working with her oh she’s been showing up like she’s like what 13 or something 15 yeah and wanting to be in she cool 15 or 16 Mike’s been working with her and she’s doig thought 15 but I think she can drive so I think she’s 16 one rep says Hey guys sorry I’m late I’m working early thank you Mariah we missed you too hopefully we’ll see you real soon um one rep hey guys sorry I’m late I’m working early now it’s okay better late than never we’re just glad to have you here and we’ve missed you we’ missed you one round miss everybody yes we’ve missed you guys so much it’s awesome to to see you guys names in the chat box and and get to hear from you guys and see you guys definitely I should take the camera to the gym tomorrow and film speed bench in Max effort good yeah I got to have some content for the show so and when I bring the camera they push a little harder so because they The Whole World’s watching them so they’re going to they won’t sandbag one rep I’m glad the BM is okay thank you one rep yes thank you one RP Gavin vit thank you for the Super Chat I appreciate that oh thank you that was very nice of you we appreciate than gav very generous thanks Gavin very very very much appreciate it all right you got one rep here Viet nope sorry one rep one rep max yeah we understand let’s give him a break hahaa yeah okay and we are giving him I’m giving him a break but you don’t know how many times I have told him the story like and I keep asking the same question I’ve told him four or five times the full story like basically what I just like told all you guys and then I’ve also like constantly like he said he keeps asking like the same questions I just like to talk over and over and over and over and over so don’t think that like this is you know the first or second time he’s ever asked and it’s like the first time he’s hearing it and I’m just like go you know losing patience and not that I’m losing patience but I we are giving him a break and I I he does get a break cuz I know like they they told me that like he you know he would get um ICU delirium um like just from between the being on the drug like being on all the drugs and like being asleep like being completely completely unconscious dead like just out of like you know just completely missing essentially for two weeks and just losing that kind of time and just everything that his body went through they said like that he would be very very out of it and like you know not remember a lot of what happened and so I get it like we’ve you know we’ve had like we’re good but but I have told him the story and I do too gabin Viet and I thought that uh yeah so yes we we are giving him a break but I really was more asking to make sure that like you guys understood because I was like maybe I’m not explaining it well maybe it really doesn’t make sense maybe I’m like skipping things and like you’re fine but it sound he said he that they understand so thank you but you just get points for being here we’re just we’re just all happy you know where you are in the chat box yeah okay I got the cursor by it so you know where you’re at yeah I know where I’m at it’s at the top and I’m at the second one yes thanks you’re on top of things tonight I’m impressed Gavin Viet get well soon Ben monster your video of you benching 860 was what got me into powerlifting that’s how I heard the song grinder for the first time we also talked about they were going to let us play grinder while you while we were trying to get you out pull you out of City well that woke me up yeah we ended up going back and forth because they’re like well sometimes like having a song um that somebody likes and like plays all the time can like s that it kind of them come out but then it was also said that like something that was more like heavy metal could also like have a negative effect got up so like like nobody really knew and like I said because it wasn’t happening very PR like predictable we weren’t ready able to have it ready even if we were but it was it was talked about that would have been cool having that blaring in the ICU not that they would have let us BL it by having it pumping through the through his room in the ICU um let’s see here now I’ve lost my spot um yeah play Barry Manalo or something no no we talked about playing grinder yeah that would that would have got meenal best song that you’ve but like I said I it it was also said that it might you know because it’s heavy metal that like and we didn’t really ever decide one way or the other it was just trying to pull you out a sedation was such a nightmare and took so long that like we didn’t have that you know Gavin says every time I hear I feel like I’m 16 again that’s awesome 860 I remember that bench I got it on video nice yeah nice just seems like yesterday not 25 long time ago yeah Howard we Garden Howard we Garden glad to see you back hope everything is going well sorry I’m a bit a little bit late to the party hope we can see you back in the gym yeah it’ll be a while it’ll be July 4th is eight weeks that’s what the doctor said to allow this uh slow incision to heal slow slow start back with one plate probably struggle with it but you know what it’ll come back all right one rep says what one rep hey guys so my break is over at work so I’ll get going glad to see Mr canelli back glad Miss Ashley is doing all right as well y’all if y’all need anything you know where to reach me okay love y’all thanks one rep thank you so much for joining us I need car J see hear from you we’ve missed yet it’s good good to glad you were able to make it and thank you for for um offering if we need anything we appreciate that Carl’s Jr burger and got to send it up here just joking one rep and I were eating at Carl’s Junior about midnight that one night remember yeah I don’t think it was that late was it 11 I don’t remember we were hungry I don’t yeah I can’t remember okay maybe it was how in Wine Garden I know how hard it is is not being in the gym for people like us but just glad to see you’re healthy and doing better and take it slow and it will all be back soon yeah I got to take it slow coming back you know my body has to re acclimate to weight ligaments tendons the whole nine yards so yeah it’s going to be a little mountain to climb but uh I’m going to enjoy doing it I got to do what I got to do so Mr stle J stle Meer so glad you are well Ryan we had a lot of prayers going for you you are one of you’re one many of us respect and admire God bless thank you Mr stle and I appreciate those thoughts and prayers like I said the when I read that stuff on my phone and you know just it just it put life in me it really did to know that that many people the prayer circle and private messages DMS and and um it took me a while to reply back I didn’t I waited till I got home and was able to sit on the couch and um it was better for my well-being to be home and see my own four walls and my three cats so yeah then I started uh getting it took me a while it’s not like I came home and neglected everybody on Facebook I just you know I wanted to get my wits together I wanted to spend the first four or five days just in just being home it’s felt like I was gone for 6 months it was horrible it felt like a long time it felt like a long time yeah it was bad was a nightmare yeah we can wake up from it now nightmare I know Howard Wine Garden let’s see here Howard wi Garden Howard wi Garden we we all missed you too on the podcast and all the great help best Mortal humans can can get well thank you Howard we missed you guys too it’s so good to to be back and to see you guys in the in the chat box it’s um just really great to be back and to get to hang out with you guys we’ve missed you we’ve missed you so much um Howard wiard this is interesting read that one for federal law if you pay your premiums insurance has to pay even if you walk out and not do what the doctors say they’re not law enforcement yeah they were threatening that my insurance would drop and I wouldn’t yeah that that my I’d get a bill for $2 million I don’t know I don’t know what to believe they like I said she didn’t say I mean she kind of said like it’s something they throw around um it was a threat but she didn’t know if they that’s actually a thing she said te technically they they could if they wanted to but I don’t understand I don’t want to take that risk cuz I don’t I don’t need a bill yeah and we can’t we’d be [ __ ] like well good luck getting that that’s an insane I mean you have to kill me between like the surger like just I mean I don’t even want to know how much all that cost just the surgeries we couldn’t have afforded just those intense crazy ass surgeries and then like you had so many any EKGs and labs and like different kinds of tests and like Jesus I don’t want to like just all sorts of [ __ ] and you were like I mean yeah Howard says you are the man Mr bench monster thank you I got a will to live man I I guess I don’t know I guess I’m just not ready to go got I got strength on the outside of my body but also have it in here so that’s why I’m sitting here nothing weak about me if I was weak I’d be uh he be at my funeral right now I want be cremated though I don’t want be buried in the ground okay Howard Wine Garden yeah I don’t know what’s better created you can at least like keep with you you get tired of me you just throw my ashes in the river yeah hard Wine Garden I’m hoping I go first no yes don’t leave me here with this hell you can handle it no I can’t handle it you can handle it I can’t handle it um Howard we Garden I’m sorry I missed it what did you originally go in for and if you already said I’m sorry okay we did tell the whole story like what happened and why it got so bad but long story short he had the oblan which you guys I already knew like we’ you know he he like we did a show that Thursday after he had it that Tuesday and it just turned out like he ended up being in a lot of pain and had to get rushed to the ER and it all stems from the oblan that’s that’s the problem yeah it botched it and they they had they had uh [ __ ] me up nicked a an artery in there and internally bled he internally bled and then just like one thing after like just things kept getting worse and worse and worse and they had to cut it they they he’d had three emergency surgeries while he was in there they cut him open and he ended up with pneumonia and staff infe we yeah I mean if you wanted to see like we we we told a story for like 40 45 minutes at the beginning if if uh check it out if you care you know if you want to hear the details if not that’s basically the summary of of what happened was an Aion gone wrong they nicked an AR which doesn’t usually happen this was super rare everybody kept telling us how rare this was like oh great okay um next up my man I guess I’m done you’re done that’s all in the beginning of the show in great detail thank you to you Devin my man made my year read read that one there made my year Deon Devon was the one that uh sent him or like got him the tank AB up the The Cameo where he had tank Abbot um wish him a a strong recovery and talked about him being in the 600 Club so being yeah we play we played that at the beginning too for anybody that missed out that was pretty cool post tank Abbot is talking about Ryan um um in the video so yeah that was awesome Deon for those that because we have people that that didn’t see the beginning okay um what did say oh lost my cap glad you enjoyed the Cameo Ryan powerlifting and MMA are my two favorite things so it was super cool to support both parties thank you yes you should absolutely tag him in the video he’s a cool guy that’s cool I’d like to go down and meet him I have a lot of questions uh to ask him and I don’t know if that can ever be set up but Scottdale Arizona that’s where he lives gated community so now take him to lunch that would be cool Mary ask you Mary where oh Mary one tough [ __ ] sounds like a good name for a bench only meet that’s a good one yeah yeah it’s a good name it’s a good one it’s good for for a full power meat too any kind of powerlifting meat yeah well that’s what it yeah I mean I imagine if you made a had a meat you’d have that on the shirt be a pretty [ __ ] cool shirt now Devin put hashtag tag what’s that um just because he accidentally I I fixed it up on the original he he wrote ABS you should absolutely tab him and corrected it to tag yeah yeah I don’t do a lot of posting on Instagram but I got something to post now definitely write something on there and if uh tank catches it I don’t know if he’s a social media guy lately but yeah I don’t know Jimmy Co I was wondering that Jimmy coob hey Jimmy we love you guys too thanks for thank you and messaging us and checking up on us and you making sure you knew what was going on and were supportive and had kind words um so thank you for joining us it’s really nice to see you on here tonight um always a pleasure yes Jimmy Co in the house like love Jimmy and Kate CU I’m guessing Kate’s right next to him watching this too if I had to guess I probably um Howard Wine Garden Mary you’re damn right let me know when you’re putting it on [Music] LOL Cody Plum Cody Plum hey Ryan love you brother thank you Cody Jay cardas hey Ryan and Ashley I was just going to say I realized who that was Jay cardas hey Ryan and Ashley it’s Big Joe just wanted to say hello to both of you and see you guys tomorrow yep got some spe bench or volume whatever you want to do there yeah we will be there we be there thanks for hopping on it’s good good to see you I’ll be filming it’ll be nice to see you tomorrow nice to see you tomorrow for sure how wi G Howard sorry Howard Wine Garden hey Jim hey Jim War wounds are great talking points LOL yeah yeah except it’s not really a gym work well you have to make up a cool story I’m going to try let me see what it looks like when it friendly heals and what I got left to show there might be just a white snail Trail I don’t know all right Ty maker Ty maker thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord for sure and Tiny also says God is great yep there’s a lot of praying being done that prayle really cool yeah I went read the posts and that put wind in my sales lots of and I need wind lots of prayers being said for sure sure I may not be much to look at now but bench mon will be back thousands of people were praying I’ll start looking like I’m going to be a little skinny for a while so bear with me Howard we Garden I’ll rewatch The Beginning damn sorry if oh no worries I mean yeah like no it’s not a problem to to repeat it like like I said just if you wanted to hear the details we did kind of like go through like almost day by day detail by just kind of explaining like how it got like so bad how it just kept getting wor you know and I reached out to all the You Know Rich Dan logman all these powerlifters had an Aion done and they say oh it’s in and out in and out so I’m going in there like this is going to be in and out but it was in and out but consequences that came with it nearly put me down so kind of scary yeah but you know very very scary that’s life it throws you curveballs sometimes but I didn’t I didn’t want to lay down I got up and I’m here yeah may not be pretty to look at not intimidating it’s still pretty but I can still wear the team bench monster shirt even though my traps are gone I lost my bench pads too remember that big old fat pad I had on my hand it’s kind of gone it’s deflated oh everything deflated my body just consumed itself ate the muscle you know it’s it’s it’s just weird how you’re when you don’t eat for two weeks you’re laying in bed with a paralyzing agent your body just sucks it well at least it fed off with the most precious item that’s my MUSC so didn’t eat much fat but ate my muscle that’s all right asked him I was like you’re not feeding him at all and she’s like the human body can live off of food for like I can’t remember how many days that I don’t live for not this human body and no I couldn’t believe they weren’t I think it was because of the um paralyzing agent like cuz I think like your muscle like nothing could work and so I think like because of that I don’t think your digestion could do what it needed to do oh my body still sucked up my muscle though it’s all right I accept it and I’m just glad to be here that’s the whole thing eventually they started I could have died two times I’m just happy to be I know well we’re going to try to do a show next week um we’ll see how things go what’s next week Thursday I got well I know I’m just I got to find videos and I got to film and kind of get to get back into the role here yeah you know send us your videos oh yeah yeah please send let me put my email up in case everybody’s forgot it bench Monon you want your videos on the show send me a video and include in the description what you’re doing and how much weight it is and what you’re training for and I’ll read it for bait I’m right here and uh we we showcase it on the show makes my job easier when you send me videos that otherwise I have to go out and search it’s I got I got a few uh Instagram ones I think I got next week uh Julius doing 795 recently like wow I didn’t include that I saved a little bit for next week because I knew we were going to talk about this for a while so but uh I really want to appreciate everybody for joining us and listening to my story episode was going to be primarily like yeah just explaining because I wanted everybody to get the the the actual facts of what happened and not hearsay and this that and the other and I’m not sure what was out there on the internet who posted that and what information they had but you heard it right here A to Z and uh there was some incorrect things on the Internet it’s all right I had a couple screenshots or people would be like is this true and I’m like no that’s not logman and i’ correct it up D and I I enjoyed seeing you at the gym this week much better than the hospital I never prayed so much for anything in my life yeah it was good to be back in there and even though I’m just watching it’s it’s um yeah I got to sit in a chair because I don’t pick up my feet when I walk I kind of like slide and there’s so much uneven mats and [ __ ] and I can just see myself fall down and be impaled by the [ __ ] not this the preacher curl machine and my guts go everywhere and they can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again so I gotta be careful yeah you gotta be really fun I always trip and fall in that gym so I I just sit and I’ll video uh tomorrow and we’ll video Tuesday just get the tripod the tripod I know I got a remote control where I don’t have to stand up and press I can just go boang so I got to figure out where that’s at and get that charged up so anyway we got to go to Walmart we got to get a present for a one-year-old M and I got to get chips for a work lunch tomorrow and I need some more food yeah I want a pizza tonight and I gotta slow down though man I came out of that hospital for 15 days ago 255 and Porky the Pig here came home and now he’s up to 280 and the fact that I’m not training I’m going to start putting on a boiler so got my weight up and I I need to I need to like watch it now till I can actually train otherwise I’m going to be a fat guy boiler out the here and not full of blood full of food food so yeah let’s yeah uh please join us again it was dude I have pictures it was like just you could see it was full of blood it was traumatizing but anyways thank you to everybody that reached out you know deal out to check on me and check on him and just anybody that’s you know done anything for us um been supportive we appreciate all of you guys we appreciate the well wishes and the prayers um we’re very lucky to be um surrounded by an in a community full of such uh amazing wonderful generous supportive people so thank you to all of you guys for being so amazing and wonderful except for melon I don’t know why he had to post something about taking my record like I’m in the [ __ ] Hospital I don’t give a [ __ ] you put my record in 2005 dude I don’t understand why you had to throw that out there why he wasn’t yeah that that’s that’s that’s all right what do you do I know I’m we need I know I don’t know why he’s got to bring up a meet in 2005 June that’s exactly what I I mean you could have just said hey get well buddy oh yeah yeah cuz it outshot I mean nobody really caught the part about you like everybody just saw the P like was that the one and we were like face to face that was a cool pict yeah all right guys lead us out Ashley we got we got to run all right again thank you guys so much for your support it’s so amazing to be back it it was a nightmare it was bad times it was horrible but we are so happy to have Ryan back um doing good we’re just so grateful that he’s um here and doing doing so much better recovering so well so we’re very grateful for that and um so it was just so nice to to be back in these two chairs talking to you fine people hearing from you guys and seeing your names in the chats so thank you so very much for therapeutic for everything and for joining us we hope you guys have an amazing wonderful night an awesome Friday a fabulous weekend hey we’re moving into June aren’t we great week next week and we look forward to seeing you again next Thursday wow yeah um Saturday or something it’s G to be June today’s like the 30th so I think April sucked April sucked for me yeah Saturday is June 1 it is well join us again next week and uh we’ll be here same time same place and plus some awesome videos and lifter submitted videos and some ax effort some speed bench and who knows what else you never know what we bring to the table so bench monster signing out I hope you guys have a wonderful night thanks for joining us good night everybody


  1. I was sooooo happy to start my day (Friday) with a new episode!!! So glad you're back big Guy. Youll get better and come back stronger than ever. You are the BENCHMONSTER!!

  2. Great to see that you are on the road to recovery! That's a crazy story but I had to laugh when Ashley said that you were as hard to sedate as a horse.

    You've got a great girl there, it's tough to watch someone you care about get wheeled off even for "routine" surgery, I can't imagine what Ashley went through during that ordeal.

  3. I'm really glad to see this, i saw tiny posting about you being Ill, and have been waiting on word,

    Glad youre on the mend, ryan 👊

  4. Glad you're back in action brother! Thank you for showing my clips. Hope the contest goes well on Sunday. Have a speedy recovery, I'll keep you updated.

  5. So glad you pulled through all than Ryan. I have seen probably 90 – 95% of your podcast. And every random training video of you that exist. Yea we take are health for granite.

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