Golf Players

Best of the British Golf Show 2024!

The Absolute Shankers visit the British Golf Show 2024 and find out about some of the most exciting products and experiences it has to offer!

360 Caddie


Just Marbella Golf


True Linkswear


hello you absolute shankersinh [Music] no problem Brad so we create virtual golf guides it’s a it’s a marketing tool to allow golf courses and golf organizers uh to market the course off to the public or to Future visitors basically it’s a 360 virtual uh overview one of the area that you’re going to visit but also we can go right down to ground level and we can include everything from we stay in full uh full screen everything from uh yardage information to the course map right through to Live recorded Pro tips so I love the car along that hole you can explore it look at the terrain look at the ground there’s a lot of product out there that concentrate on Drawn fly overs yeah but they’re over very quickly you cannot see what it’s like on the ground and we wanted to create something that was a bit more intuitive and a bit more uh Innovative as well yeah and and and allowing golfers to have something in their hand as they’re going around the course so you could take this around the course but also before you play the course if it was a new course you could essentially walk the course from start to finish choose your hole and see and sort of PL your course and what how you going to play exact and but even better at the 19 hole if you screwed up on one of the holes you can stay there with the boys and say well do you see this dog leg here what a you know but that’s what it’s all about it’s it’s a it is a it’s a marketing to it’s a new product market we’ve pioneered it so we’ve got courses between the UK and Ireland couple coming up from Turkey we’re talking to the guys in Portugal and Spain right now as well so slowly but surely we’re we’re breaking into the market and if someone wanted to use this technology on their C they just get in touch with you guys get in touch with ourselves that’s the easiest way to do that well the best way to do is check out the product online it’s 360 Cy 360 um have a look through the product what it’s all about the tours can then be embedded directly embedded onto just like this um uh Karen go l in the west of Ireland here the tour on the exactly it’s a fantastic poast on the wide Atlantic way but this is embedded directly onto their website so it’s sharable it’s not taken off we do all the hosting for them and uh yeah everyone that’s uses so far absolutely love it well I’m going to get this Brian cuz I’m playing next week and I want to have a look at where I’m going well don’t pass our door before call in for a pint don’t worry anytime thank you thanks [Music] so we’re here with K from golf Joy car’s going to tell us all about it but before we do let’s ask you a question we can obviously see your simulator here very high quality and we’ had a go of it and we agree so why should someone choose golf Joy over everything else is out there in quite a busy Market it is a busy Market but I think it’s in a desperate need of modernizing um I think the first thing need modernizing it’s a look and fail so when you try our simulator you start to see really the latest unreal Graphics I mean this is a simple personalized setup which is only 2K in resolution we actually support 4K resolution but 4K resolution is bit hard to drive from a laptop okay but once you have a desktop you see the true 4K resolution when you play on our Golf Course the tree is like a real tree yeah I saw earlier yeah the tree mov change different weather rate tracing Graphics perfect because this is the time that people expect that kind of Graphics people’s mobile phone is beyond the reant display so you need to provide more up toate graphics and people want the more up toate interactivity you you hit golf simulator the moment you hit the ball within 0.2 seconds of delay the fly pass start to appear obviously you can program how you want to follow it you don’t want to wait for a long time you expect that kind of instant feedback and the third thing we want to do is just modernize the how simulator serve people I mean people like you and I we don’t go to shanu we we don’t go to Wi toward us but like 99.99% of the golfers were playing our local Golf Club this is come to Palace I’ve been a member there for for six or seven years I was tell my son look I I nearly got a whole in one in that hole and my son can actually try an ultra realistic replica of that prod hole he can say I’m going to beat Daddy on that how you want and we can do that so I want to make golf more accessible to the local clubs [Music] I’m hop 13.6 at the moment but when I say this in my garden I wake up I’m going to chip 30 BS yeah before I go to sleep I’ll chip 30 BS of very distance and continue to practice this going to make me better and if my wife gets fell out she come along I said you can watch Netflix here on this so you can turn this into Cinema it’s audio visual setup in your home it’s bigger than any of the L LED screen you going have and if she want to exercise a little bit she can do yoga okay go the space and she can use my club hit the go that she got a chance to beat me she practice here in secret for about 2 months and on the course B ho in one Joy okay so in terms of cost we all know that launch monitors are not the cheapest things out there however we obviously know what they offer in terms of Club data distance uh the practice element so where does golf Joy come in in terms of cost in terms of value for what people people are going to spend a lot of money on this potentially Kai so we already know what they’re getting with the 4K Graphics we already know what they’re getting with it and it is instantaneous the feedback uh really really accurate so what sort of price can people expect to pay for this typ of product well this is a highspeed camera setup infrared light very accurate we do a lot of testing a lot of improvement continuously on algorism and um this setup called GDs plus currently retailing for £3,000 including V but obviously I can aliz some discount on top now um this one as you said got Club data and and B data and everything but in reality 99.99% of the user unless you’re Pro you don’t really care about Club data you just want the B flight so we have another model for GDs no Club data okay and that is cheaper a lot cheaper how much we exactly we haven’t decided but we just want to make it more accessible okay and then we also are testing a version with four cameras cuz we own the camera so that’s going to be even more accurate with some certain additional features so that’s going to be slightly more expensive obviously we only just started to come to this country it’s my job to to fill in the market feel people’s feedback and adjust the price accordingly in the future [Music] how do they get in touch with you how do people find you uh very easy golf is our website my email simply Kai or you can talk to my friend Bradley here yeah Kai’s been nice enough to give us a uh affiliate link it’s a discount link we’ll put that in the bottom of our video so just scroll down click on that and if you are interested in any golf Joy products you’ll get some money off thanks to K here Kai That’s brilliant thank you very much thank you very much so when you think of mybayer usually you’d think of sans white teeth The Beautiful People of Essex and conversations in surprisingly quiet nightclubs about feelings but what if I told you that there was golf to be had in Marb and plenty of it and that’s why we’re here with Melissa today who’s going to tell us about just Marb Golf and everything that they’re doing to get people out to Mara and playing gol yeah sure so basically just Marb golf covers everything to do with golf on the Costel so um so we have weekly Friday golf events uh where you get your green fee your shed buggy prizes and a drink included after the round and with that we have a yearly table where the winner overall wins fantastic prize at the end of the year that’s made up of their 10 best scores over the course of the 12 months um and with that we also have the quarterly events with which then leaves them to have um great prizes every 3 months as well so that’s the golf day concept we have the membership card which gives uh people uh up to 50% off over 30 courses on the coast which is fantastic so certain courses you get about €60 off just the want you can use it as many times as you like and you can use it in High season and low season uh so saves people a lot of money over the course of the year uh which is brilliant so we also offer golf holidays um which yeah we can create whatever anybody wants and the coaching holidays and they they are offered to reduce people’s handicap so five days four hours a day cover all the technical physical mental attributes of the game to give you everything that you need reduce your handicap by 50% we also offer um learn to play golf courses which are 5 days and 3 hours 3 hours a day uh which give you everything you need to learn to play golf and we can also create any unique packages for the person as well so on top of that you told me something very important which is you’ve also just opened a bar to go with this as have opened a bar called the Fairway bar it is brand new to the costell soul uh golf concept and as a just my be golf card holder you actually receive happy hour discounts as well we’re here with Peter from alard and Peter your technology can turn a huge majority of push trolleys into electric trolleys is that correct that is correct why tell us a bit okay so Alpha Club booster which we see in front of us is designed with brackets that fits almost 99% of the brands and models on the market not 100% but almost all the major brands so what it does is turns a manual push cart into an electric trolley what you would do with your manual trolley is to remove the back wheels put on the appropriate brackets and simply attach it onto our club booster as easy as that it is easy as that yeah it pretty much comes out of the box this way it’s already paired with a remote control okay and off you go I so we’re remote control as well we’re not just electric and that’s not hanging about either I mean that’s going to get you where you want to go exactly so hopefully nobody stands in front of us but okay goes backwards okay forwards and I mean depending on the model of push troller that you have it comes equipped either with three wheels or four wheels in this particular case it’s a fixed front wheel which is not maybe optimal if you want to turn it around as you can see well it doesn’t seem to be struggling on here but I understand what you’re saying so in addition if you are let’s say you don’t have a Manus trolley you don’t have the electric trolley we also offer our own trolley okay of course and it’s already equipped with a yeah front swivel which is [Music] rotatable so tell me about this the side kick yeah so as an option we have our wireless side follow system called a sidekick it enables you or the car to follow you from the behind or on the sides so with the control you simply tell the the car to follow you on the right hand side left hand side or behind so you go it goes you stop it stops ET so it’s why having your own caddy it is called a caddy I need a caddy you’ll get the caddy so so you can switch between controlling it with the remote okay or at any given point switch to the follow system by pushing a button I don’t want to do it right now because the ter is yeah we don’t want to be running anyone over but yeah but you get the the idea that’s excellent and I’ll take it that these retail for a lot cheaper than uh a standard electric remote control trolley that you get from some of the other you can’t really compare it right it’s a fraction of the price the technology you get with the club booster if you would have a let’s say technically Advanced on the same level uh electric trolley yeah I would say that we are about priced at the half of that so if you want to turn your existing trolley into an electric trolley remote control or you want to look at any of our’s built-in trolley systems come down and you’ll get hold of one of these and I’m telling you you won’t be disappointed [Music] so we’re here with JD from True JD why don’t you tell us a little bit about what is you guys well truce started as a minimalist footwear company and by that I mean we have zero heal lift so we’re completely flat to the ground wide toe box it allows you to feel the ground that also happened to be our secret sauce for comfort so when you slid your foot and it felt like you’re wearing a slipper so as we started there we branched out into minimalist uh with a little bit of heel drops your typical Nike Foot Joy Adidas has 8 to 15 mm of heel uh we only have four to six in our other so our shoes are either zero drop or 4 to 6 mm of heel so we want you close to the ground feeling the ground having Comfort um so that’s kind of our secret sauce from there we started making waterproof shoes breathable summer shoes men’s and women’s Footwear um and then we had success doing that in the states for the last 10 years uh so we brought it over to the UK here about 12 months ago with our partners Oliver Wilson and David mags um so we’re really proud to be in the UK and this stuff is slick I mean these shows here these are these are really nice we try to have a a modern Twist on everything that we do we don’t necessarily want to blend into the crowd we want to have a little bit more of a modern take obviously keeping to our roots of comfort and wide toe box and all that kind of stuff but we really want to have a modern aesthetic and these are fully waterproof those are twoyear waterproof I mean this particular model just released like a week ago uh you can literally hose it down yeah and I always always go for the whitest one every everyone does which is why in this model we made it literally like hose down water resistance all that good stuff [Music] and you guys your even your clothing has got water even our clothing so yeah we’re from Seattle Washington so our weather is very like London uh we we know the rain all too well okay so um we’re known for waterproof Footwear so we wanted to put it into our apparel so in our apparel we do a 40 wash cycle of dwr so it’s completely waterproof for up to 40 washes but that’s just baath it off EX right off so we do that our pants we do that in our hoodies our jackets V everything so yeah we want to have a little differentiator get on to true and have a look at what these guys have got but I’m telling you now I’m looking at it and in front of me this is top top stuff they that’s brilliant thank you so much pleasure thanks we’re here with gr fix and you’re going to show us your parting AIDS which are pretty unique absolutely this is a new product from groix it’s the right angle start and it’s going to help you roll the ball more consistently for trer and longer putts so if you go to the put in mat you can have a little go basically when you’ve put that just onto there if you create a true roll the ball will hold its line and come off the hair and it will go nice and straight likelihood if it comes off earlier you haven’t struck the ball correctly yeah so it’s going to help your train to get that true roll on the ball so why not give it a go let’s have a look at your stroke and see what we’ve got my stroke has always been a little when I come back it sort of goes a little bit everywhere and I have to wrestle it back online right always the that you’re taking the putter away a little bit more with your hands but try and feel that it’s the shoulders taking the club back lovely but in particular I would like you to feel that you’re getting a slight upward strike on the ball okay yeah so as putter comes through you’re looking at this part here to try and make that ball roll end over end give let’s give it a go and there you go straight in that will improve your putting guaranteed okay and that is yeah that is super light really portable that’s great so now we’ve got the right angle Pro tell us about that yeah so the right angle Pro it’s similar to what we’ve just had to go with but rather interesting there’s some different sort of size guides here and what we do is we have a range of ball bearings that it comes with that we actually put in here so as you learn to strike the CTS better there’s a little Gap to try and get the ball through here but of course it gets much harder the closer to the edge that you get yeah so I start a lot of my beginners in my coaching at this stage but when you get down to here that’s getting more towards a little bit more of a Pro standard so it it makes it a little bit harder okay on that basis we’ll start you here let’s get your striking some putts and let’s see if you can get the ball rolling pure and true through that Gap there okay let’s go for it so just bring the put up and just rest it on the making sure that the club face is using the silver line here to get really good alignment and then from there follow the idea of that club coming up and getting the ball striking on the up okay back and there you go nice so actually I think you found that relatively easy on that one so what I would do to enhance it I would bring the ball bearings in a little bit closer yeah let’s give it another go and this now makes it a little bit harder okay man you never know we might get you on to that Pro level soon let’s have a go there you go uh so we’re going up to Pro now well I think we could probably push it to Pro level let’s give it you want to stop there or you want to carry let’s give it a go yeah now we want to do it see look it can just go through there although I have got some smaller ball bearings okay let’s get give it a try this is the big one yeah oh maybe you should stop down the second go but really good rolling that ball club’s in the right place one of these will help you to roll the ball better def fits into your golf bag Precision made British made this product’s fantastic thanks Andrew welome thanks for coming out the go cheers well that was the British Golf Show and it was full of lovely people and some amazing products we went around and we saw as much as we could and we’ll definitely be back next year if it’s something that you’re interested in and you want to find out more about it search for the British Golf Show online and get your tickets book for 2025 we would highly recommend it in the meantime why don’t you subscribe to the channel hit the like button on this video and smash that Bell so that you’re notified of everything that we do going forward and there’ll be plenty of it trust me until then don’t shank yourself silly oh yeah see you later h [Music]


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