This Drill Made Me A Golfer Who Shoots Consistently In The 70’s

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all right guys in today’s video I’m going to show you a drill that I used to learn how to really hit my iron solid I used this for a good probably seven to 10 years as my main swing thoughts and practice station I used with a lot of students over the past 20 years in fact a recent student I did this very thing with in person during our session we gained 15 yards with his irons we went from weak inconsistent contact with a lot of Misses to the right to some very high solid draws it’s a couple part drill station to learn how to really hit the irons solid that I’m going to guide you through and I’m going to show you this really AA moment that I had that changed everything for me the Mantra and the thing that really helped my student and helped me was when I realized that the poor swings that I was making and that he was making had these three things in common and that’s that anytime the arms are bending during the down swing they’re also working towards my body and to the left when the arms are bending they’re working towards me and to the left this is what my student looked like no width here on the follow through right the butt of the club very close to him very little arm rotation head forward inconsistent results when we look at the best ball Strikers what I learned how to do with my swing was the exact opposite if the arms are bending towards me to the left bad that means I want my arms to straighten as they work away from me and to the right if I look at my arms independently with no body motion what I want to have what you want to have what the best ball Strikers do is the arms working away from my body right the arms are straightening working away from me and some amount to the right now as I add my body motions in with that that same arm motion is going to end up looking really neutral but we want to learn how to get the arms to work away from us as they straighten and Su them out to the right to hit our iron solid we know that we need to be able to hit the ball first and some amount of ground after okay we’ll show some John ROM some colum morawa some examples here you can see the club head traveling down into the golf ball striking the ground past impact and then having this nice width on the way through so the whole point of the arm straightening is to get the Club head farther away from you to actually be able to reach the ball and the ground to hit it solid if I hold a club up in front you can try this as well anytime I push my arm straight they work away from my body you can see the butt of the club and the club head working farther away from me so as I straighten my arms they get farther from me that’s what we want now same thing if I bend them and pull them closer the butt of the club and the club get closer to me if I do that in a swing and the arms Bend butt of the club gets closer to me they’re also going to go left again two narrow no width here head forward poor contact no distance no Direction control but if we can learn how to get our arms working away from us so I’m getting the butt of the club pushed pretty far away again sort of independent of any body motions for now I can start to learn the first part of this which is hitting the ball very solid but when we go golf not only do we need to hit the ball fairly solid we also need to hit it fairly straight and so one of the things I learned as I was learning to have my arm straighten away from me really get this butt of the club push farther was I also from this angle needed to learn how to get the club working from inside and learn how to close the club face consistently I used to swing you know pretty far over the top when I first started I’d bend the arms yank them in and pull them to the left okay so I not only do we want to the arms working straight as they straighten we want to work away from us and to the right with no body motions we also need to have some natural arm rotation to help Square the face up so as we work into the drill here this couple three-part drill what I want you to feel here is I’ve got a seven iron you can do the same thing take the club back to about hip high on the way back as we straighten the arms we’re going to thud the mat okay on the way down and then we’re going to hold our follow through and what I want you to notice with the follow through thud the mat hold the follow through notice a couple things as I’m doing this number one how far is the butt of the club away from me is it pretty far or pretty close it’s pretty far how about the players on the screen do they look like they have it pretty far away or pretty close pretty far as my arms are straightening as the butt of the club’s pushed away where’s my head doing staying pretty far back right if we show tiger and Colin and John and notice their head as they’re doing this stays back how about their shoulder is their shoulder going way high and over like this no right their shoulder staying down head back shoulder down you can see the John Ramen the pink really show that through the golf ball okay so really what we want to learn here is from this sort of halfway down mark from about here in the down swing till about here in the follow through that’s really the most important part of the swing and that’s where we want to get these motions down how do we have our arm straighten work away from us and to the right and that’s where we’re going to start and then again as we add the body motions in that will pull the path back around to the left but the first thing I did with my student and where I started was just like that hip high with the hands thud the mat and I’m going to talk through the details but we’re trying to to get the butt of the club far away from us with a little bit of arm rotation now I’ve got my swing plane station in and I’ll show you how we’re going to do that in a minute so I’m just doing about hip high to Arms parallel to start into the follow through now notice when I get into the follow through there’s a couple things that are going to happen are my arms locked dead dead dead straight in the beginning when I do this no like those models in there during the down swing it’s okay when you’re doing this in fact it’s going to happen that your left arm’s going to fall F some so when I come through it’s not folding like this with the butt of the club real close to me it’s folding with some rotation where it’s still pretty far away okay notice as I’m doing that as well the club’s having some re hinging to it it’s not dead straight out at the Target line it has some re hinging and I’m going to have some natural arm rotation right so when I do it from this side I can have some natural arm rotation that club face can be tilted down about 45° that’s the feel again when I do that and actually hit a ball it’ll end up being pretty square but I want to feel some natural arm rotation this is the piece that helps Square the club face up remember the arms are extending to be able to get to the ground the arms are extending to get to the ground the arm rotation is squaring the club face up and lowering the Loft to hit it farther more straight to draw and not weaken to the right so I’d like a little hip hip high into this follow through position and when you’re doing this in the down swing you’ll notice what these players their lead arm during the down swings fairly straight doesn’t need to be locked some are very straight some are a little bit bent but reasonably straight but the trail arms pretty bent and so really when you’re working through obviously your lead arm is going to be straight as well but the right arm or the trail arm is the one that’s really going to feel like it’s straightening which is the part that gets the club head away from you which is the part that always allows us to take a divot and hit the ground the little bit of arm rotation squares that club face up so I’d feel that kind of hip high and again when I actually hit it’ll go longer than that but the feel is kind of hip high to Arms parallel let’s go ahead and do one more with that I’m going arms straighten away from me and to the right and then as I add my turn as I add my body turn that’ll get me into a neutral position but if I took out the body rotation one of the feels that I gave my students here too sort of like an elephant trunk swinging back and forth if I had no body motion my arm should be swinging like this from in to out in to out in to out now as I turn notice that same feel in out in out with turn neutralizes do this with me just let your arms kind of soft and relax in out no body now add body that’s same feel is going to be very very neutral when you add your body rotation probably eight out of every 10 golfers I see with the iron struggle with contact and it some kind of pulls or Fades if that’s you you really need to do the arms in out part 20% of golfers you already hit like pushes and hooks you don’t need that part as much you need more of the body rotation now to help with the into out piece we put our Old Faithful swing plane station got the alignment Rod right over the golf ball kind of right over the front of it I’ve got this set up pretty easy to be honest I I could go lower than this about a grip height when you get good at this you could lower it to the point where it’s like only half a grip above the golf ball and the point of that from the down the line is to make sure that I’m working from low and inside okay low and inside because I got to hit down on the ball a little bit to take the divot but I still want to do that from a pretty shallow pretty Shadow shallow angle arms away from me as they’re straightening and going to the right I’ll go a little bit longer here kind of 3/4 and there’s the same exact feels and that’s probably you know 5 to seven yard draw with my seven iron here the feels are these arms going in and out in and out in and out same thing arms straightening away from me and to the right notice my head stays back and my shoulder stays down so once I had my student doing this kind of hip high into arms parallel that’d be like level one level two is about shoulder High same thing into arms about parallel to the ground and then level threes we take it into a into a full swing but I’m always feeling the arms away from me as they straighten and work to the right with no body motion my head’s back my shoulders down and my arms are naturally rotating so again from there see that club’s about 45 degre turned down that’s my feel notice the butter clubs getting farther away from my body my lead arm can bend a little bit I’m reh hinging it the arms feel like they’re swinging in the out then as I add my body back and through that same feel is going to neutralize my path the more I do this the more I should turn towards draw the less I do this I would hit more fade so if you currently hit a fade or a slice and you want more draw you would do this the most so arms are straightening away from me and to the right are my Fields yeah it’s as good as I can hit an IR that’s probably about a 10 yard draw I’m exaggerating a little bit that’s probably 20 fet left of the target hit Crush that high and far that would want to be the Miss like I said with my driver video If you guys haven’t seen that we’ll link that at the end maybe one or two% of golfers that I’ve played with in the past 20 years their Miss is a really high far nice draw you know that goes really really far so that’s really the air we’re looking to get to arms away from us again sort of elephant trunk in out into out and then add the body motions along with it arm straightening away from me and to the right head stays back shoulder stays down those are really really really solid High draws so really focusing on the arms and the club and the rotation for me when I was first learning how to go from shooting you know when I first started golfing all the way into like shooting in the 70s and close to par this was the first thing that really really helped me right start to learn how to draw the ball just like my student gained 15 yards hitting the ball much farther this could be possible for you as well set this up try those feels start hip high work up to shoulder work up to full if you want some personalized coaching head over to kgog send your swings in okay we’re going to give you a full analysis you get 247 access to the coaches all of our member Library our practice plans everything it’s unbelievable deal would love to help guide you through these things peroral we’ll put that down below any questions on this as always just leave a comment appreciate you watching


  1. This is something I've been working on for some time. Slower swings is all good. The moment I try a full shot, I struggle. Thanks for the drills!

  2. So let me see if I get this: if I pull my arms closer to me the club gets closer to me? hmm

  3. After just three minutes I see this extension of the arms working with my recent insight to flex my knees a little more so I can get my weight behind the strike of the ball. In baseball the pitcher doesn’t want the power hitter to be able to extend his arms. Because that’s where his power is. I’m 5’8” about Ben Hogans size. If I bend at the knees I feel shorter. As a kid I wanted to grow taller. We don’t shrink a little till we’re very elderly. The only way to hit like Mickey Mantle is to be very flexed in the knees.

  4. The pros like you are so powerful in the lower body that this flex and then extension is difficult to appreciate. It happens so quickly.

  5. Eric, this is a wonderful video and an excellent drill. Do you have a video (I'm sure you do) that instructs the golfer where their hands should be at the top of the swing (vertical, not depth), in relation to their trail shoulder? For example, at the top of my swing, my hands should be approximately at shoulder height, 1 inch above my shoulder, 2 inches above my shouldter, etc.? Or, is it one of those things that golfers need to experiment with at the range?
    Recently, one of my playing partners commented that my hands were even with my shoulder which resulted in a "flatter" golf swing. He suggested that I try and get my hands a little higher at the top of my backswing with the result being a more vertical swing. I decided to give it a try because of the video you posted a few weeks ago with Trevor Salzman (Number One Reason Players Early Extend In The Golf Swing). My thought was that if I can get my hands a higher, it would help me to increase my shoulder tilt… which is exactly what happened. This resulted in me hitting higher golf shots, and for the first time! Thank you for the excellent videos.

  6. I going to work on this the last couple of weeks my miss with the driver is a pull left and a fade with my irons. Eric I do have 2 questions maybe you can address in a future video. When hitting my 56 or 60 out of the fair way I'm having difficulty with distances. The contact feels solid by they go really high even for a wedge the same shot feels solid but one will go 100 yards the next will go 70. Then my second is could you do a practice video of a range session of how to practice with propose. My golf games is getting pretty good with alot of help from your video and would like to start competing. I'd just like to know how I should practice. alot of the time I feel like I'm just beating balls down range. Thanks for all you eric I watch all your videos

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