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Davis Riley Winner Press Conference 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge

Davis Riley Winner Press Conference 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge

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okay we’d like to welcome Davis Riley into the interview room our 2024 Charles Schwab challenge winner Davis congratulations uh what a show you put on this week if we can get uh get your thoughts on winning for the second time on the PGA tour and the first time by yourself for sure no it’s um super special to get my second win and obviously being so close to where I live now here in um you know Dallas Fort Worth area uh super special having countless uh number of friends and family and um you know obviously when at such a prestigious event like the tri swap challenge is uh is uh truly an honor and I’m I’m I’m stoked and you move into uh both of the remaining uh Signature Events you move up to number 55 in the FedEx Cup standings just talk a little bit about how much this changes the rest of your season yeah like you said I um I’ve been kind of looking to try to get some momentum um this year it’s been a slower start to the year than I’ve been wanting and obviously uh this this helps a lot catapult catapulting me in the right direction and like you said um being in the field for the remaining two sign Signature Events um will be huge and hopefully I’m looking forward to those as good good opportunities to you know make a push towards the Tour Championship and yeah I’m over the moon and excited for the rest of the season and then your thoughts also on winning at this club Colonial Country Club one of our best on the tour with the uh deep tradition just talk a little bit about what that means to you for sure obviously you see the name winners here are incredible guys guys people that I’ve looked up to my whole life and um watched them winning this tournament when I was growing up and yeah you you see that plaque out there right beside on T seeing all the crazy you know unreal golfers Justin Rose Adam Scott you know spe um unreal golfers and just to you know etch my name along with those people is pretty special and um it’ll be pretty cool to see my name there all right we’ll start with questions Kevin over here Davis to your left hi congrats thank you I have two questions first one’s real quick what club are you playing out of right now in Dallas uh I’m playing out at merido Golf Club in Addison Texas sure yeah okay uh second one is uh how did the neuro haacks work this week that you yeah the neuro haacks yeah my um my swing Coach Jeff Smith um we’ve been doing a lot of work I feel like physically I’ve um had it going for a little bit and I feel like kind of just uh staying in my own um own lane and kind of controlling what’s going on uh upstairs um has been a huge help and I I think a big reason why I was able to get in contention and win this week but yeah the neuro Haack kind of when there’s um it feels like there’s some turbulence going on in the round those certainly help and uh yeah that’s been a good addition um for me and my team your coach said that uh those were working they were on full display yesterday especially and I just wonder when you look back at the at all four rounds how important was that round three oh 100% uh round three was um yeah was amazing I mean I got off to that really hot start and then that that last hour and a half two hours on the golf course the wind picked up it was Gusty having to back off shots three-footer felt a lot hard harder than they should be um so yeah I to fight through that final nine holes and you know obviously to snag a birdie on 16 coming in um I don’t remember what it was I either finished even or won over on my last 10 holes and it it was certainly a grind and U you know to shoot a whatever it was a four under round yesterday was huge all right Sten on the left yeah DAV can you just talk about obviously number two you had the bog and you know and you’re playing with um Sheffer who obviously wants to put pressure on but what did it say for you to get the birdie at four and just did you feel much pressure today or do you feel like you kind of had things under control yeah it it was certainly nice to start out with a cushion um of I believe yeah four shots but like you said you got the number one player in the world breathing down your neck um not really any shot lead is too comfortable um I knew at some point today he was going to make a push and I expected that and honestly I tried to treat today as if we both started hide and I just tried to win the day um but yeah that too and I I I really felt like I just stayed in my own bubble um and just got really and I told my caddy before the round I just want to be I want to get lost in the process of it I want to just be so focused on what I’m doing the process I’m going through picking targets being really detail or oriented I just wanted to get lost in that and then you know show up on 16 to 17 and be right where I wanted to be I was about to ask was there at a certain point where you felt like okay it’s done I just have to finish it yeah I I I saw a Leaderboard on I believe it was uh 13 um yeah I believe it was 13 yeah I saw the leaderboard I saw Keegan Bradley was at nine Scotty was at eight at the time he had a good look for Birdie on 13 so I knew I had a four or five shot lead at the time but um yeah it it with the win the way it was the firmness of the greens how it was picking up I knew it was going to be a tough finish and you know Scotty he was starting to hit some really good golf shots and I knew you know he can make a push I just tried to honestly try to wear out the fairways and greens and try to get a couple opportunities and roll some good putts and if they wi it went in great if not I knew pars were good coming in okay questions yep let’s go back to Kevin uh your coach at Alabama texted me and one of the lines that he used Beyond being very proud and Roll Tide was that uh he said something like you’ve been through a lot lately and that you never lost your belief can you elaborate on what he might have meant for sure I uh yeah I think he’s talking about um recently you know honestly the last six months I’ve kind of I’ve struggled I’ll be honest I’ve struggled with go like just the golf part my life’s great I’ve got an amazing wife an amazing team who pushes me to be the best I can I’m very fortunate for them but um yeah just golf has been extremely hard I feel like I’m doing all the as of recently I feel like i’ been doing all the right things putting in the hard work and and that’s how it is hard work is just hard work sometimes and you’re just waiting for that time where the fruits of the labor are there and you get in contention have a chance to win so yeah golf had just uh I was in a pretty low spot you know the start of the season end of last year a little bit and uh yeah and I’m just proud of the way that my team put all their energy and effort into me and I felt like I put some good work in and I’m just super grateful for the people around me to push me through that hard time all right let’s go to Phil over on the left Davis oh sorry talk about the um differences between the old course and this new renovated course and anything in particular that struck you as being totally different than before yeah for sure it was definitely a learning curve Monday Tuesday and Wednesday uh a lot of changes on and around the greens the green complex has changed quite a bit um chipping around it it was just a little different there and obviously with the part all the par 3s changed um so getting your Sidelines kind of finding out where the center of the green was was certainly learning curve early but yeah most of the changes are done on and around the greens and with the exception of you know a couple par Theses and one or two move back T boxes um so yeah certainly put a lot of work in Monday Tuesday and W Wednesday on and around the greens all right Jeff in the middle hey Davis uh saw that Nick Hardy in the back here saw that uh Nick Hardy was out there to uh see you what what is that like having him out there and talk about your guys’ friendship for sure we we’ve got a special friendship and obviously had having our Maiden PJ tour win together was C certainly special and Nick is somebody who I’ve known throughout my entire golf career and he’s just he’s he’s one of my best friends out here and we actually played the first two days together um this week um so there was definitely a level of comfort there and um you know probably a big reason why I got off to a good start because there was definitely a level of comfort there and we we just love spending time with each other and it it meant the world for me uh to have him hang around and congratulate me and it just shows how uh special of a dude he is okay any other questions questions well before we go I have to ask you about the uh the car how do you plan on using that and tell us about having that in your garage yeah that’ll be a cool one to drive around uh it was funny I got in there all the na all the stuff the keys and you know the speedometer and all that that was a little before my time so I’ll probably have to get in there and try to learn some of the uh how to learn my way around it but no that’s uh super special of Charles Schwab to put that together for us and be uh along with this amazing Trophy and jacket I’m certainly looking forward to driving that thing around all right let’s go to Haley right back here back R you shared down at the trophy ceremony um a little bit not having your parents down there cuz they were kind of with your sister um just kind of what was going on with your sister um this past week yeah for sure like you said Unfortunately they weren’t able able to be here uh yeah my sister it was kind of a crazy turn of events she was at work uh one day had a seizure um I got a call I was actually out practicing and uh you know when whenever somebody close to you is suffering or you hear of something like that you kind of Hit the panic button um and then yeah it escalated to um her getting CT scans a lot of blood work and they found a brain tumor um on her brain um and so less than 24 hours from um the seizure she got pulled in for surgery and uh yeah when when you have somebody that close to you you know all the worst case scenarios are going through your head and uh it was certainly a scary feeling um thinking about how you could lose your sister um but thankfully she was my parents were up there she was around some amazing doctors and uh they took good care of her and um we actually got some great news early this week she uh they remove they had a successful surgery removed the brain tumor um sent it off for a pathology report and it came back non-cancerous um which was amazing big sigh relief and you know obviously hearing that news last week I didn’t even know if I was going to be able to play this week and honestly was a little a little beside myself for most of the week last week and um but um my parents told me that my sister would want me to go out there and play and compete and do what I love and that meant the world to me and um and I’m just very um you know I’m very fortunate and excited that she was in really good hands and everything is in the right direction okay and her name Davis uh Caroline okay Caroline uh she is 28 right uh all good she is uh she is one year older older than me yeah all right I think that does it Davis congratulations once again 2024 Charles Schwab challenge winner thank you


  1. What a roller-coaster week for Davis, and all of golf. Worthy champion!

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