Golf Players

Krantz’s Korner Dolphins Roundtable

The All Time Miami Dolphins Draft is underway here on the Krantz’s Korner Dolphins Roundtable. Mike Oliva, Jason Sarney and DouglieDoWrong all join Zach once again to see who can draft the All Time Best Dolphins Team.

All Players that wore the Aqua and Orange are eligible. Last week the fellas drafted their Coaching Staffs, today they draft team names and the 1st 17 guys on each squad. Enjoy!!!

[Music] all right folks welcome to another Edition here of crcis corner very very excited about this one as you could see I’m live here from The Players Lounge barber shop where you look good and you feel good I was just waiting for Steve Steve and Jose both heard that okay good those are my two guys here in the barber shop but listen for this episode and for the next one I’ll be here at the barber shop and I’m very excited about what we’re doing now you see the normal people here dougle is here sar’s here Mike is here from Dolphin and uh yeah we could talk and we probably should you know what we’re gonna start with this everyone give your 30- second uh take on jayen W’s extension today get that out of the way and then we’ll move forward because if we don’t it wouldn’t be like us at a round table although I know Mike’s going to go longer than 30 we no I won’t okay dougle I’m GNA seconds okay 10 seconds I can do Mike you’re we’re starting with you then you’re 10-second take on the jayen wild extension great job by Chris Greer needed to be done needed to be done now anyone who complains about this doesn’t understand modern football love it we could just sum it up like that sne what did you think about the extension know what Mike said I’m ready to rock on what we got cooking great deal let’s go that’s it dougle finish us off here Doug is M Doug froze Doug froze Doug is so excited he’s so happy it’s euphoric right now might be just like brilant he just celebrated so much he knocked himself offline he did he did well we’re gonna a great meme right now DG just happy like we’re on video this is this is the best part of it dougle if you could hear us come back in and out and uh we’ll get you back here in a second he knows the rules of what’s going on here now but listen um I love the waddle take I’m going to go with everyone’s take on this so far I’m very happy with it it’s done it’s over Chris Greer did it get it out of the way we don’t have to think about it anymore that’s all that matters now let’s get to the fun stuff now that we got the important news out of the way let’s go to the BS news and the BS news is this the next two episodes here dougle thank God he unfrozen he’ll be back here in a second he’ll be back right for the next two episodes we’re gonna be do something pretty cool here on the Dolphins Round Table the granis flter Dolphins Round Table we’re going to be doing an alltime Miami Dolphins draft last week we did the coaches we did the lottery for today and we’re going to start off today with not the players we’re going to get to the players just a second but we need team names it can’t be team Zach and team sarney and team Mike and do dolphins talk team there’s dougle hopefully he’s back well I don’t see him but it’s he want John Cena we can’t see him he just want John Cena right can’t see him that’s it I know he’s gonna be back here in just a second we’re in trouble that or he’s doing a costume change because we all got on him for not wearing aqua and then all of a sudden he brought it an aqua outfit if he comes back in a totally new outfit we have to call him out for it that that’s just at least the beginning of that um so that’s a suit we in trouble right he comes back in a suit like I might have to just give him the first over I thought about wearing a tie no joke I did listen if we weren’t if I wasn’t coming to the barber shot and I had I would I think I would have put on a suit I really think I would have put on a suit I have a tuxedo somewhere in the house I don’t think it fits but I would have put that on so all right so we’re gonna do an all time dolphin stft like I said last week we did the coaches we have our coaching staff intact they’re all here we’re good to go we’re going to do team names but we’re not doing just random team names and Dougley is gone again we’ll come back when Dougley gets back he’ll get back he’s like the Minnesota Vikings of this draft he’s not going to get his pick in on time right like what what like what what pick was he at this point because at this point I think he had the two in the row on the rebound so no that was Mike Mike’s got the two yeah all right so we’re doing here for team names is we’re g to go with you have to pick some sort of name from the where the Dolphins played the Dolphins have played in one stadium for a long time now but it’s been called about 72 different names since then so we’re going to choose our name from one of those obviously there’s some fan favorites out there so whoever’s top of the list I believe Mike’s got the first pick here he’ll be able to choose whatever he wants and go down to my pick at the bottom since I have the first pick and and didn’t cheat for the coaches and the players even though it probably looked like I cheated I promise you I didn’t not that much at least so um I guess we’ll give Dougley another 30 seconds here Sony start giving out the I have a clarification question okay that’s our commissioners on the bottom of the screen first question for the team names you said one of the team names of that Stadium does it have to be that Stadium uh that’s a very good question that’s a valid question and because of that I don’t want to answer you because I was hoping that it would get to me by the time that question would be answered because now you know where I’m going I am so far ahead of you Zach the Dolphins have played in the stadium they’re in now and the Dolphins have played in another stadium that the marins park is now lone Depot Park is now on top of that would that’s that can be used the dolphin that qualifies that’s all you qualifies and to be honest with you it somehow some way that lasted all the way to the fourth pick in this was 100% my choice and that’s the team Dre buddy I know and I knew it was not the you’re getting the quarterback I’m getting the damn name I get it I can’t I can’t be that big of a pig I get it so all right so Mike you have the first pick here in team name draft you can go with anything you want from any of the names of the stadium now or the stadium that was you can use that as well your team name with the number one pick a no-brainer short sweet to the point it’s the stadium that put this franchise on the map it’s going to bring back class and it’s going to bring dignity to my team we are the orange bll Dolphins orange bll dolphins with the first pick there uh I believe now is it Dougley or sney because I know that I think it’s s yeah s you’re up now with your team name we have the orange bull taken off the sheet at this point damn you he you know what I saw that coming I had I’m prepared I’m going with the stadium that I was so thrilled to watch on my New York television every time it said at Pro Player Stadium not going with Joe Robbie was go distant but Pro Player going pro player Stadium Pro Player stadium is off the list dougle don’t screw me here you have the next pick here I’m gonna go straight to the point Dolphin Stadium I’m just straight to the point okay I like that I like that so um what are the three team names Ser we have the orange bll we have BR player I I have to go with Joe Robbie we’re going to be the Joe team Joe Robbie orange bull was my first choice no matter what Mike you did take that so there you go there change that for the quarterback if you want I mean no thanks appreciate that totally unless uh unless I unless I could have your second third fourth and fifth round pick I think I’m just gonna no trades that’s commissioner says no trades I don’t know how it would work it but no trades right for a f a future second round pick in next year’s alltime draft like that’s we dear okay so the draft order uh sney correct if I’m wrong we’re going to go just the backwards order of what we just did it’ll be me then dougle then you and then Mike with the back Tob backs and then we come back and I’ll have the back toback so correct and we’re basically going to do half the team uh today and half the team next week and we’ll just snake style it like a fantasy draft of four of us so yeah a fifth rounder will basically be a really good they’re all gonna be really good players but you know what I’m saying so uh don’t worry about A fifth or ninth rounder in round value right I don’t think we’re a ninth round pick is actually going to be a really good Pi at this point right some sort of starter might be Hall of Famer right it might be a Hall of Famer at this point exactly right okay so I will start it off I have the first pick overall in the alltime Dolphins draft and um I’m going to go with I think the obvious choice here with the first pick in the Dolphins Round Table all-time draft team Joe Robbie selects Daniel Marino quarterback University of Pittsburgh as my first pick Dougley is now on the clock I have so many options you do do Mike salivating the backal 25 love back back um I have two guys that I want to get just because I don’t think they’ll be there but I also don’t know what the other two gentlemen are thinking right um one is defense one is offense both generational talents but I think I’m going to stick with the offense and I think this might shock some people but I’m going to go from Texas running back Ricky Williams wow like it I like it Jason sney now on the clock wow establishing just Smashmouth football right away I like the pck Doug uh I am you go generational I’m thinking defensive side of the ball and I need to know that I can get points from the defensive side of the ball too get the ball back and I need some I need a guy in the community I need a Cornerstone I’m going Jason T it was between him and Ricky Jason Taylor off the board uh here’s the interesting one because Mike now has two in a row here Mike could uh yeah this is a pick right my top choices are still out there and I’m and I’m taking two Hall of Famers right here this is I’m running up this card number one you know from and I’m and with the name of my team I’m staying true to brand with the first pick out of the great Syracuse University I’m taking a Hall of Famer Super Bowl MVP Larry’s Anka with North Turner we’re going to run Larry into the ground and then on my second pick the first pick of round two I need another Hall of Famer because it’s a quarterback’s league and I know when he played they didn’t ask him to throw it a whole hell of a lot but guess what he could throw it if he needed to give me Bob greasy a quarterback wow I like it two quarterbacks in round one a running back and Jason Taylor how about that sney back on the board dougle on Deck I am just typing this in I’m the Scribe and Commissioner of this mock thing so s gets like we all get 25 seconds Sony gets like going on memory here so we got zanka from cuse Bob greasy from Purdue and I’m going with it now I have a conundrum right now I’m going with the Tony Spano Dan henig Wildcat offense so I already took care of the offensive side of the ball I need someone to to man that line now I could go one way but I could also stick with the offense the only number one pick outside of the first ever pick the number one pick in 1966 the number one pick for the Miami Dolphins Jake Long to man the left side W by wild cat off say Jake Long off the board dougle now on the clock with me now with back Tob backs coming up oh this is exciting bike I know what you feel like here so I was torn between Ricky and Jason Taylor Jason gets Jason so I got to get the second best you got Jason Taylor 131 sacks I gotta get the second best I’m going out of Penn State Cameron Wake I like the pick just throwing it out there probably would have liked to have drafted it myself here wow all right Don schula leading my team with Dan Marino here I guess we’re just gonna stick to form on this first one I might shock a couple people with this position but he is considered the greatest ever at this position I’m gonna go with Center Dwight Stevenson as my next pick here why not keep that 84 you know dolphin team kind of together here um and I’m sticking on offense I’m going all offense here for the first three I can’t believe I’m doing this over the Marx Brothers I’m going Tyreek Hill catching passes from d Marino and Dwight Stevenson as my first three uh here and since I don’t pick for a little bit I’m hopefully a couple Defenders there at the On The Backs side of this but white Stevenson Tyreek Hill my second and third round picks here Dougley and then sarne on the um well if you’re going receiver then I like how this is going I like how we’re all this is a very this is a tough little thing oh I knew I gotta go Mark duper yeah I knew it I knew it I was really thinking about keeping the March Brothers together with Danny but I can’t imagine Danny throwing balls the tyy kill so I I just in my mind I wanted to see that all right so we’re gonna give s a sec while he he’s also write the team names in there dog alrighty and after like every uh three or four rounds we’ll do a little recap so we can show everyone what’s going on show us what’s going on here and see what holes you have to fill I also want to announce I have some help tonight my assistant general mandrew is off camera Jeff Ireland and Jeff see how he does throughout the night he’s my assistant GM yes he’s off camera he’s gonna help me with some of these picks I’ve already told him we’re not asking if anyone’s mother was a prostitute nothing I don’t play that way I’m a strict owner okay I got no time for nonsense no time for nonsense we should we should almost drafted owners also how many owners of the team has there been I mean how many owners three I think so probably not enough one of us wouldn’t have had one yeah that’s it I’m looking at my offense and I know like Mike I don’t necessarily need to throw it a lot and I’m gonna go with hall of fame wide receiver swanlike movement Paul Warfield oh likee it Mike you could see him thinking with these backto back I got two picks now you are up for two picks now yes rounds far I’ve addressed the offense yeah I’ve addressed the offense now we got to look at the air side the ball because as we know in this league defense wins championships and first off we got to go with the Hall of Famer and someone who you know all all fans of the Dolphins love give me Zack Thomas he’s gonna anchor the middle of my defense here Zack Thomas right in the middle but with my next pick it’s also a league where you got to get after the quarterback and when it comes to dolphins Jason Taylor’s gone Jason Taylor Hall of Famer won’t say nothing bad but I’m going way back in the way back machine Bill Stanfield between 1969 and 1976 racked up 69 and a half sacks had 18 and a half sacks in 1973 that’s an era where no one ever threw the goddamn ball okay no one threw it he had 18 and a half sacks in the year Bill stanfield’s my top defensive end Zack Thomas in the middle let’s go baby I like that start I like that start yeah very good selection out of Georgia Bill Stanfield going back back to me right now okay all right let’s see here so I’m hoping at some point during our draft one of the actual current Dolphins walks in here so I can have them make my next pick right but wait I know that’s the that’s why I was hoping cam wake walk in I been very happy cam wake walk in at that point I just you know what I I love the offensive line build mindset and I’m going to go with the B the go with Jim langard Center man in the middle some good centers have played for the Miami Dolphins of be real good centers they f a lot yeah so I like to go I like to keep things even I got two offense I only got one defense uh I got a pass rusher I kind of want to help out my secondary and why not go with a Super Bowl MVP out of Georgia I’m going Jake Scott baby good pick good pick good pick it’s a two me here right that’s where I got here uh Char you want me to give one pick here and then you want to reset and then we’ll come back to me after that that’s a good idea all right so I’ll do one you have to make sure I’m correct here with no just just to give you a second to breathe also I put a lot on on sney to to do this I we put this whole thing together and I threw it all on S to put together all of it um all right so I’m gonna go with one here well we’re in a league where we pass the ball a lot I’m I know I’m going against a couple running offenses here in this in our little league here but I got to prepare for throwing the ball downfield I am gonna go here with my first of two with Sam Madison as my cornerback that’s it actually to be honest I’ll make it easy for you s I have the two here I’m going with Sam and Pat with my next brilliant and just dastardly right so so now we you could almost recap there at that point that is Savage I was thinking about a couple of the corners that were just here or maybe on the team now but if you’re letting me go all time here Sal and Pat one second I’m just a pick wor like our our little like uh half break okay I’m gonna throw let’s see if I can technically do this right everybody share screen book two here we are here is the draft Doug’s there too don’t worry where are you there you are we’re all in Mike’s there okay good so Zach’s team Marino Stevenson Tyreek Hill and oh my God Madison ceran Doug’s team Ricky Williams Cameron Wake markk duper Jake Scott my team JT JL Paul Warfield Jim Langer and Mike’s team is Larry zanka Bob RI Zack Thomas Bill Stanfield we’re back to duck unsure all right interesting interesting I’m going to go back to the offense I need to break that Trend I’m going back and forth and back and forth back and forth but I gotta draft this guy because he’s right and I feel like someone’s going to grab him and I need to make sure I get him first I’m going left tackle Richmond Web Genius good move should be Hall of Famer yes in my defense I’ve drafted web if I wasn’t running the wild cat so great pick Doug it’s the only reason I went over Richmond with Fantastic Future Hall of Fame Texas D it there’s so many good players left this is such a good dra all right now you you threw me for a loop Zack with dose cornerbacks taken I have to go with my old school dog favorite even PR pre SA P the guy that broke my heart when he left to the city that I now live in Troy Vincent oh nice pick get some rules changed from Troy also on your team that’d be good Tak great hey Troy I’ll tell you man have the uh the kickoff rules for us make everything make everything right well you got to put that into effect right you gon have to draft the guy on your team also to uh the new kickoff rules oh play in today’s rules right all right Mike mikee on the clock for two every draft has a slide every draft has someone who slides and I can’t believe this guy slid to where we are in this draft so with and he’s a number one all the way my number one wide receiver give me Mark Clayton I want Mark Clayton he gonna make some plays Bob GRE is gonna love Mark clay it’s gonna be Rock and the Orange Bowl once again those two um and my second pick look we know in football it’s all about the pass rush it’s about the pass rush the pass rush the pass rush and I’m going in the way back machine folks you’re going to have to Google some of these names if you’re under the age of like 45 I’m sorry Vern Dan herder again another guy 65 career sacks in an era where they did not pass the ball much this guy got after it you give me Stanfield stanfil and Vern Dan herder out of Central College Jason I’ll see look up he went to a cou nobody even knows about I’ll give you further he actually is from the same town as another van that I’m missing these there we go so I got my two pass rushers I got a number one wide receiver got a quarterback got a little bit of a fullback running back I’m feeling real good about my team right now yeah I like it very good so far s s take your time as you put the players in take your time okay all right I’m gonna do my own personal reset here take a look at what I got and now this is an interesting pick for me here because we’re getting late into the premium signal caller position here I’m just gonna go with a guy who just knows the system he just knows it and uh last guy to bring home a division title for the Dolphins Chad Pennington all right look at that well done knows the system knows the system I like that got my choice of quarterbacks now I can wait right Doug’s in the spot now well not necessarily because if we’re picking a 53 man roster someone could take a number two quarterback here before you Doug just saying say but someone could if they’re mock dastardly the team I could play quarterback and I’ll be fine my if Dougley doesn’t take a quarterback here my next two picks are quarterbacks just to spr over right that’s it hey Cleo lemon will do fine in my option listen if I could have Cleo as a backup and somehow down the line get Camaro I already know I W so I’m good all right um I’m going to go middle linebacker here torn between two but I think I’m going to go Brian Cox here oh I like that real pick that’s good got heart and soul on a captain pick on a sideline two to me here right do to me here oh man well I got a center definitely need some more help on that offensive line I’m I’m going to go here guess obvious unless he’s already been picked but I don’t think he has Larry little I’m going to have here as a guard um and I get a tackle too can have Marino on his butt especially with all your pass rushers you guys have so far I don’t have any um lar me tonsil didn’t play a lot of tackle here though would he be considered a tackle no yeah yeah he did okay I just want to make sure all right one year guard right right well Well Albert was on the left tackle that year also all right I’m going to go my two picks here I’m going to go Larry little and I’m gonna go laremy tunel and left tackle nothing wrong there yeah make sure Marino’s on up up standing upwards for a little bit do I want to go with wish I had some background music all dougle on on the mic dougle on the mic dougle on the clock um I got I’m going back the other way I’m going offense and I got to go with the most receiving yards from a tight end drafted in the fourth round in the 2002 NFL draft my favorite tight end Randy McMichael love Mac love Mac lot of a lot of Georgia Bulldog flying off early he was a bulldog right he was ma was a bu Georgia all right now I’m I have a quiet theme in my draft that I promis myself I’m gonna stick to and so far so good I need first downs I need chain movers I don’t need volume I need quality and I also need a guy who knows how to return some wants OJ McDuffy well done you be happy about that now I can face him and actually send to my team and be happy about it right he’s gonna be so happy not gonna be that guy hey CH check out my squad what he’s gonna be so happy CH understands I had to pass on him he knows right here he’s G to figure out my theme the second the theme will be figured out by all right my turn two to Mike here all right we still got a Hall of Famer on the board here and I’m not letting him stay on the board one second longer um I’m gonna put him next to Zack Thomas um behind my two pass rushers now front seven give me Nick bonan linebacker Hall of Famer you know I’m just going to rebuild an no name defense here because with my next pick as well I you know I got my two Edge rushers and I need someone in the middle line to be a tackle who should have been a Super Bowl MVP give me Manny for andz out of Utah oh money good I’m rebuilding a no-name defense right good luck boys the last Miami Dolphin to have his name immortalized in the honor room 10 years ago actually met Manny super nice guy too Manny Manny the wrestler yeah gar right Manny the wrestler almost got it almost there so Vern Fernandez for Mike I just want OJ okay all right give me give me a regroup here for myself and then uh okay all right so many names still out there love it there’s a lot of names out there a lot of names there’s no there’s no bad pick at this point everything’s like a oh good pick here right I’m all about the levels of the defense got the first level with the defensive end in JT I got the back end with Troy Vincent now I need that middle middle section and I’m going with I know the name is better overall than he was at his a but man if I didn’t love those years of Junior SE out free me buddy come on back junior SE I got bu buddy I gotta have thought you’re gonna take my guy when you’re talking middle I’m going I’m going you know I’m bouncing back and forth maybe I’ll break the trend but now I’m not back on defense I got middle linebacker I got a safety I got a pass rusher I need a guy in the middle I’m running a 4-3 defense I need a guy in the middle to help me stop the run I’m pretty sure you guys can guess who I’m going to be picking is Tim Bowens oh it’s money man up the middle that’s why when you were saying the middle was like don’t take Tim bones right bones are great I was hoping he was going to slide cuz I got my backup to Timbo and people will understand why but great pick Doug great pick two to me here I need some help on defense my offense is looking fine so far Samm and patter are anchors on the defense but I need a little bit more there I got no pass rushers so far got pass rushers all right well I think I’m going to run by by the way since dougl is running a 4-3 I think I’m running a 34 at this point so I need a couple outside guys linebacker wise get to the quarterback run that offense or run that defense here I think the first guy I’m gonna pick a linebacker Joey Porter Joey Porter is gonna be my guy here’s a guy get to the quarterback eat the quarterback’s head off at this point I’m going to go old school and new school Joy Porter’s be on one side and Jaylen Phillips is going to be on the other side of my defense 3 four yeah that’s where I’m going there two linebackers there or pass rushing line Joey and Jaylen wow yeah I gotta I got to stop farting around with the the quarterback situation and I’m just going to take the next best guy you can fight me on this uh I know you’re taking out of Alabama to a to OFA I like it I like it he could walk out of the Green Room happy here with family he made he’s got Ricky he’s got duper he’s got Randy McMichael he’s got Richmond web he’s fine yeah all right seems have a good cast of characters around him at that point right right Jason S on the clock after this uh after Mike’s picks we’ll do another reset yeah all right is fantastic I’m really enjoying my offensive line build and I’m going with the guy who should be in the Hall of Fame just a nasty dude in Bob cinberg let go COA Beach up on the field now drink it Hooters that’s what he’ll do right there coach been there been there for those great God bless him been benett Hooters at post games coach just sitting there in the corner by himself with a straw in the pitcher he doesn’t need I believe the only guy to actually have the literal Bridge from perfect season to Marino’s first season like the only only one think might both teams right the literal Bridge all right mck Bridge Mike here for two yeah after Mike’s two we’ll reset s I’ve taken the approach which I don’t know if everyone saw this thing online with former offensive line coach of the Miami Dolphins current offensive line coach San Francisco Chris Forester who we all know why he’s not here in Miami anymore who said their thought process in San Francisco is investing guys you score touchdowns we’ll find offensive line later well I put off the offensive line long enough so I’m going to go with an offensive lineman right here we’re gonna go Mike pouncy in the middle of that offensive line first round pick Center this is good value this a value pick here this one everyone’s going to like slit to good spot here you can see the mural right here here’s your boy good draft pick right there there he is Mike pouncy P now this next pick’s a little interesting I can go a few different ways um I think I gotta go with the guy who had a hell of a day today give me Jaylen Wadd himay Bob greasy waddle clay and a little thunder and lightning with Zach in the backfield good luck boys you don’t know what’s going to hit you not gonna lie Daniel come on Jaylen Wadd was my next if on this rebound pick to go with Tyreek and Marino let’s see Marino what he would do in this offense right let’s go through the next couple because I had a couple of easy you know flowing picks right there that’s have to reference you know the college and make sure the spelling I didn’t know you’re doing a good job I saw that I did not know how to spell cerber off the top by hand listen it’s all it’s all about phonetics as long as it looks like the word I’m okay with it right you know this this is I got this offensive coordinator in my my ear Tony Spano is saying listen to him he knows how to make this work you already got one guy to lead it so I’m just gonna go with the guy to run it one half of the Wild Cat’s gone I can’t let the other half go I’m taking Ronnie Brown Ronnie Brown it took until he threw his first pass here for the Dolphins for me to think know that he was left-handed he totally shocked me at that point it was Southpaw he threw that touchdown I think it was the Patrick Cobbs in the end zone or something like that it was F right I was I was literally in the like in the booth like this like oh my God he’s he’s a southpaw that’s fantastic no idea about that so I’m going to add a receiver to go with duper and this is one of my favorite Miami Dolphins being that he played around my time one us the game in one of the great greatest comebacks against the Buffalo Bills from Wisconsin I’m going Chris Chambers oh good one good Peg beautiful Peg well done that was back toback offense wasn’t it Doug Doug’s got like did the last three out of four picks were like my guy would have gotten next or should have got so thank you Doug I’m still bad at the r McMichael pick from Doug like that’s I I wanted Marino to be able to throw the ball in Randy a little bit there arguably the best tight end in franchise statistically history gotta be up there right I mean it has to be up there statistically is I mean all due respect to Joe rose right there’s a couple Joe rose on my list don’t know if he’s gonna get drafted but he’s on my list here for tight end also all right so two to me here two to me and then we’ll reset J how you doing buddy one of the owners here at the players on Barber Shop calling it a night see you later I’ll be here all night don’t worry okay let’s see all right so uh I will take you want me to take one or two here Sony and then reset what do you think you tell me let we go both take you two okay all right so I’m going to go two here um this guy had a a good year or so here but very controversial and uh I need another Target for Danny to throw the ball to hated him when he left loved him when he got here tall big obnoxious receiver Mr Brandon Marshall will be on this team a Tyreek Hill the one in the two you’re GNA you’re G you’re going to have to hire a shrink on your team I right now Brandon and Tyreek good luck keeping them they got they got don schula don schula is my team sh Ste Weinstein to handle security right as a matter of fact my next pick is St Weinstein just in case right I’m gonna need a good security guard out here right exactly all right business so I got I got Brandon along with Tyreek I need some more help on defense here though I got nobody up front nobody no defensive tackles no defensive ends My Boy bow off the board hate you for that uh I’m gonna go with another defensive tackle here and this guy was another guy that helped out a bunch of middle linebackers and linebackers for this team I’m gonna go Daryl Gardner as my defensive tackle up front good very mean man on the field very nice guy off the field yeah I yes he is here’s the reset guys yeah let’s do the reset there doing the reset on the Cris corner all time first annual mock drift everyone see it yes okay so Dan Marina Dwight Stevenson Tyreek kill Sam Madison Patrick stri tan Larry little laremy tunel Joey Porter Jaylen Phils Brandon Marshall darl Gardner for team Joe Robbie and owner Zack coached by Don schula Doug’s team Ricky Williams Cameron Wake Mark duper Jake Scott Richmond Webb Brian Cox Randy McMichael Tim Bowen twoo bya Chris Chambers coached by Jimmy Johnson my squad coached by Tony sporano Jason Taylor Jake Lauren Paul Warfield Jim Langer Troy Vincent Chad Pennington o jimy Duffy Junior s Bob cinberg Ronnie Brown and Mike Mike who’s your team coach by sorry oh Mike McDaniel come on if feel Mike McDaniel by Mike McDaniel going new school old school with Larry zonka Bob greasy Zack Thomas Bill Stanford Mark Clayton Vern Den herder Nick bonanti Manny Fernandez Mike pouncy and Jaylen Wadd and we were back on the clock to Dougley dooll who’s doing this draft right I’m kind of intrigued by Mike’s coaches and then the quarterback running back combo on that because here’s why my off coordinator I got Norv and Norv is Gonna Keep Mike in line Mike ain’t calling the plays on my team Norv is and nor is going to be able to take the plays Mike draws up and you know put them into my old school mentality team and on the other side of the ball I got arms spker and I’m just bringing the band back together right might as well at that point why not right might as well Perfection Why you mess with this so I focused on offense a bunch going back over to the opposite side going defense I got the front I got the back I got the middle I need the outside going with the guy who unfortunately just left us and that is xavien Howard cornerback well done a cool draft Trend we have backtack Bor grads I’m a draft nerd let me tell you something I kind of like this little Mel Kyper Junior junr that you’re doing here I’m good with that right TR use the same hair method but other than that Mel and I do not compare I’m probably close with my $2 gel that I have in right now this thing could probably go through a brick wall I’m not even joking like the fan is on it it’s not moving somebody could throw something at me it won’t touch it I like it all right so back to me here Jason S then back to Mike for two all right okay everybody’s got a quarterback right everyone’s got one quarterback now everyone’s got the quarterback I’m trying to go like the best player available R but how do you quantify BPA yeah where you going BPA um I’m almost thinking that I I just want to kind of build the squad oh that guy’s taken never mind P was taken um all right I’m gonna go one of my favorite alltime safeties guy can do it all Lewis Oliver all a good pick look at Mike Mike is right CU I was going safety and he left my guy there for me again we’re staying old school 72 Dolphins give me dick Anderson baby yeah uh dick Anderson right there is gonna because I don’t have anyone yet in the secondary so Anderson at safety now I there’s been a run on Corners we got four already off the board I think if I if my math is correct so I got to get a corner and I’m taking someone I loved as a player not only did I love him on the field for what he did but also one of the best interviews um there was maybe in all of football give me tbuck give me Terrell Buckley baby Terrell Buckley was the man you know every to you know tbuck you know during that era it was a lot of Oliver got a lot of attention in that secondary and then stuff and then you know Sam and Pat came tbuck was still the man give me tbuck like it SW play outside Florida State love tbok great pick great pick okay all right oh that’s such a good pick would have been a fun booking to Troy Vincent but uh that’s gone um um I love finding a position I don’t have and then seeing the names there and going oh my goodness that’s notes Here gotta go back to some notes here yeah all right I’m going with the guy who you know what I gotta be quite honest with you I I really did not love the fact that we signed him because we didn’t need him but my Gody he at sometimes was fun to watch but sometimes it was a Pity to watch him mess up mentally but he’s a great fun player to watch sometimes and Dakin Sue in the middle of my fictitious team I like that good one being that I run a34 43 I need two defensive tackles and I didn’t even think of a domicans su to be honest with you I’m going some scouting right well no because I I like this guy’s a little bit more he’s more of a team player he’s he’s a little angry up the middle as well I’m going Randy Starks yeah tackle gry Starks good pick I like it here still not dead set on if we’re going my my offense is GNA be four wide receivers and no tight end I don’t even know if that’s I’m Still Still I have to wait for my general manager Marino to call me back to let me know where he wants to go on these next couple picks see all right well I’m gonna have to shore up some more of the defense I believe I still don’t have I have my three four but I need a couple ends here um yeah I’m gonna go ahead with this one and I’m gonna pick he’s a defensive end he was here for a couple years play on the other side of JT and had a monster year while he was doing it I know where you’re going I’m gonna go add a w auner as of my guys there was another guy that played on the other side of JT also that’s one I thought you were who’s an agent uh who yeah right I know who uh one of those two one of those two but anyone who played opposite JT during those years felt the wrath of of of single coverage every single week because they were double teaming Jason so and I believe that’s another Maryland player if I’m see Maryland no so I’m going to go with that I’m still on the clock here right after I’m sorry you know it’s Indiana Indiana was Indiana Starks was Jason Taylor got a lot of people paid a lot of money because stuck with the Bears ter he was terrible with the Bears signed a huge contract and was terrible there right I agree totally Mike you just love Zach yep so I got one more here um let’s uh you know what Danny yeah okay all right Danny just told me we need more offensive lineman here and he wants someone nasty uh we’re going to go with Richie and Cognito on the other guard here for this team Larry Larry little on was one guard and Richie is the other Brandon Marshall and your offensive line meetings are going to be held as strip club Zack your team’s going to be F you’re going on Hard Knocks listen I might change my team name just to the Players Lounge team like that could be just the perfect team name for this at this point yeah I’m going to go with a bunch of guys that I know for at least a week or two are going to play and then possibly the rest of the season be suspended but that’s next pick Cecil Collins don’t tell dougle somehow he knows all my team players I want don’t tell Doug uh I’m trying to round out my safety group I got Jake Scott I need another guy opposite him good Thumper up there 13th in the team history with interceptions I’m going Rashad Jones out of Georgia another Georgia another good was good right there okay by you’re right my team definitely has some uh attitude problems not even a question few M intense right a little bit now that I look at it on paper it’s like look you got schula gonna force him to gonna force him to go you’re gonna force him to go to the usfl with Trump like he turned down that one time he’s gonna just leave I just think since I have schula and I have these guys on my team so far I just think that my last pick has to be stste I need to have a security guard some sort of security presence in here at this point yeah even my nice guy was was taking bong hits on draft night and and tunel so there you go right I am gonna go with a guy who a lot of people might say who I know this panel know I know Michael Le knows him just gonna give me a boring kick but a really good guard and Here Comes The Judge Here Comes The Judge Ed Newman wow Newman he was on my list play left pro bowler and I’m gonna put him on the other side of Bob cinberg we’re just gonna go old school nasty during the Wildcat Tony spano’s loving it how about the Dolphins drafting Newman and Newman walking into the locker room and he’s got Larry little and cinberg he’s got a fight with to try to find a position on the team good luck judge that’s why you became a judge at that point good luck you’re in trouble right two Hall of Famers good luck right well basically one and a half all right so Mike sitting here for two Mike for two I only got one offensive lineman Mike PTY so I got to you know zaka is good but he can’t run through Everyone by himself so first one give me Keith Sims because I gota have a guard and I think Sims this is a good value for Keith Sims right here um at this point in the draft put him next to pouncy and now I need an offensive tackle and again folks you’re gonna have to Google it give me Norm Evans one of the starting tackles 72 Dolphins Norm Evans won two Super Bowls in Miami two Time pro bowler in Miami big time player give me Norm Evans out of TCU Jason in case you didn’t thank you I did not know that thank you I was going to literally I’m sure you didn’t I’m sure you didn’t no way I knew that you see s starts sweating you know he’s looking for all right no idea it would have given me a million dollars right on the table Mike I would have been like no idea I for sure thought that one of those picks is gonna be Jesse Davis there for you Mike for sure so Jessie Jesse no no he won’t even be on my practice squad no offense to Jesse I’m sure he’s a nice man oh by the way for everyone out there listening after after we do our two uh two episode uh Fantasy Draft here we are going to do a practice squad in the third one I’m just joking I’m just joking hold on one second just getting the position in no it’s okay we’re all looking over list everyone’s looking at if they’re not if no one’s talking they’re looking at their list don’t let them lie to you okay totally totally fine because I got I got defer of mine right now right I’m I’m taking my 30 seconds I’m taking my 30 seconds got two guys and I do not want to lose one of them I’m just trying to Value who’s going to be left like it oh man we built this thing for my heart to be broken guys this is so great watch GNA go for because I I I literally want to keep to certain fun themes just for the story Mike and just for the impression gonna completely be a a clickbait hoarder on this one but uh I’m gonna go with that I’m GNA go with JT’s teammate I’ll tell you he was phenomenal on the Bears because he started with the Bears and then he became just such a good Miami Dolphin and the stories the fish tank episode waiting for you all to go to trace Armstrong reunited with Jason ttim yeah good one I like that one there um now I’m gonna go offensive lineman I’m gonna go in the middle Jim Langer is he taking Langer off the board oh he’s long gone Doug I’m go Tim Rudy that’s my Center yes timy Ry from Notre name right oh great pick great pick great Tim rdy I should say say Tim rdy right nasty wow you with t Tim and Tim for the middle of your team that’s is terrific I love that W I’m sitting here with no running backs from Marino this is exactly how he spent most of his career we’re keeping to themes here right 100% keeping the theme Here oh man yeah man I look at my team and I have the all we need a psychiatrist on the squad team at this point you got just get Ste on retainer it’ be fine right I’m guess just guessing ste’s gonna have to be one of my picks here uh I’m gonna have to se up that defense a little bit more here let me see what I got I am running a 34 so I’m gonna need a couple guys in the middle uh wow there’s a lot of guys taking that I love you know what anyone that has football career and turns it into a bagel Enterprise is good enough for me I’m gonna go with John offerall is one of my picks here I I need someone in the middle who will just literally take his helmet off and tackle a dude and that’s John offer he also sells Grill so you’re good there too right right started off with Bagels turned it into a grill Enterprise after that so well done for him hundred million Bagel Enterprise who ever thought John offerall at one point would have a100 million oh God all right so God one more for you one more for one more for me here um yeah Danny doesn’t really need a running back we’re going to throw the ball 16 times a game so that’s okay let’s see what else we got uh do we need a pass catching tight end not yet uh defensive oh I know we need we need a safe all right um and all my favorites are off the board so far we’re going to go new school and he might not be here after the season because you never know what’s going to happen with his extension or not give me Javon Holland let’s go a little new school here with the second pick here I think there’s three other safeties I like better than Javon Holland but I’m going to go new school good pick dog you are up uh rounding out my defensive line got cam wig Tim Bowens Randy Starks I need another defensive end I’m going Jeff Cross oh I like that cross big time player big time player very nice those 9s I know they didn’t win much but there was a lot of good players on those team a lot of good players Jeff Cross Falls in that someone who right was not one of the largest names on the teams um and he’s more late 80s too even um but great player yeah right he was a good player good pick there okay all right I have a standard outside X receiver I got my slacka I know Jamie Duffy I need another I need someone to man the sidelines a little tow drag swag from the same state and there’s my theme yet another wide receiver from the great state of Ohio Brian Harline oh well done Ryan Hardline better wide receiver or better offensive coordinator recruiter probably the latter but that is no knock on him as no no I’m going to go with the fact that he is one hell of a recruiter oh yeah and a great offensive coordinator right all right so I’m up for two Mike’s here for two now with my next pick signability was an issue but we worked it out which is why he fell the fact Christian Wilkins is still out there blows my mind I know so give me Christian Wilkins oh here’s a contract heading what’s that here’s a contract heading yeah um work on that deal Mike’s Mike’s guys’s been working on that deal for a little while yeah exactly fin got it done um see what’s next here give me oh the safety is kind of flying off the boards here I know I was a little scared it’s the Run yeah you know what no tight ends have gone yet and I want no one’s gone and Randy McMichael I should say that give I want the next one and well it’s this is really eras you got the old school guys who didn’t see a lot you know of passes their way uh and then you got someone who’s more new school who saw a lot but I got to have him a Dynamic offense with Mike McDaniel give me Keith Jackson give me Keith Jackson at tight end great well done well nice how many guys we have talk about those 90s teams yeah I know this might be a three-part show Zack I was just about to say we’re an hour in and we’re like 14 rounds in I think we should go like one or two more rounds and this might be a three episode show here yeah this might be might have some practice squad having a blast right blast so let’s do this so Mike did Jordi pick two here you got one more okay so now we’re we’re into the new round yeah we’re into the new round you have one more right no I took Wilkins and Keith Jackson I’m not gonna steal pick although I so what we’ll do is we’ll go uh through my two and then back to Mike and Mike takes one instead of two here and we’ll finish off this reset yeah then we’ll reset it we’ll call it day and then we’ll do get ready for episode two next week and we’ll update the list because I’m going to need an updated list holy moly although I love does everyone love their team so far everyone loves their te love my team I love my team standard everyone loves their team it’s Mo Fantasy Draft no in fantasy football whenever I do my fantasy football draft I leave that my team stinks I hate it right once we get these teams we got to find three impartial neutral people to judge the teams Okay so can’t pick like an OJ because he’s not team I’m take team I’m no you got to pick someone impartial you got to get three impartial people to give their thoughts on who’s got the best team okay I we we will figure that one out I know one off top of my head because I know he’s written at least 172 book Dave Hyde’s got to be on that list yeah he he should be one he’ll I’m gonna send it to Alan paard Alan poar is a good one he’ll know exactly how to I think we one would be a good one too but he can’t just totally favor OJ right and I already know your thing S I already got that I mean how could you look at my team and say that I drafted Jason Taylor and his podcast partner and think that I’d have anything right I know it doesn’t read well for me immediately Seth is out Seth might be out here might be outed way the cookie the way the cookie crumbled I swear to God Dave hide Poop part and we’ll find one more and those will be our three judges right all well I there’s no someone who’s not on s’s team that’s it someone who’s not on a team we got to find some no cuz cuz there’s someone names I would like but didn’t might get Pi here that’s a good point I don’t know this is gonna be a fun this is gonna be a fun mock battle here as this goes on I love it um all right so we’ll go back around till Mike and then we’ll call it a day I got the third name but off the air I’ll tell you I’m just making sure one guy isn’t picked don’t think that he I thought he was okay so forget that okay all right 10 more seconds to make sure he’s the guy that I want yeah I think I could survive another round waiting for this other guy all right I’m gonna go I need to build the linebacking core and a guy in the lore of Miami Dolphin history I love this thing because he was all of my Jet fan friends their dads hated AJ do because he was the one that ruined the potential Super Bowl trip for the New York Jets back in the mud bow uh I wasn’t even I think I was like a month old something like that but AJ du from LSU awesome dude just awesome awesome player go watch some highlights AJ du Richard Todd hates him more than all of your than all your friends nobody found the open nobody found the open linebacker Like Richard Todd right right found the open linebacker Qui little story quick little doway story on that mud b game he went out looked at the field went back into the locker room unscrewed his spikes went to an inch Spike instead of a half inch Spike and he says his footing that might have been the difference three interceptions one for Touchdown 14 zip dolphins go to Super Bowl guy could have went out guy could have went out with socks and a belt and a beeper and underwear and that’s it and I would have been happy with those three interceptions love it yeah good guy AJ’s good guy okay you are up Doug gonna focus on my old line gonna focus on the right side of the old line I’m going Robert hunt oh nice good pick miss him already you’re going to have to pay him IID Wilkins good luck uh question for the three of you oh here we go just my as I’m making this pick here um I can convert a left tackle to right tackle correct yes as long as you got two play I’m just asking let’s not get that let’s not get that crazy I’m just asking not that I’m taking one here but I just wanted to make sure that’s it um and we’re picking 53 so correct me if I’m wrong sne as the Quasi writing down commissioner here Jaylen Ramsay’s still on the boot right yes he is I’m gonna go with Jaylen Ramsey as my first of two here Sam Pat and Jaylen Ramsey and Jaylen Ramsey is my chess piece as Anthony Weaver would call him because I might need to convert to safety at some point down line in a couple years um good o and then still no running back on the team Marino’s GNA be so proud of me he G Turn hand off anyways Danny thr we ain’t going right audible out right so it doesn’t even matter I have a running back at some point that could catch the ball I think we’re good to go there um all right so I’m going to go here with another tackle to solidify my starting five in the offensive line we’re going to go with a guy that doesn’t play much but when he does he’s pretty good we’re go teron Armstead Armstead moving converting to right tackle here as lar me i’ left tackle you’re going to need another tackle don’t worry I’m already looking I’m already looking for backups at this point after just drafting him already looking for backups so dougle sney and then Mike will end us off here on this first episode here of the Fin’s all time draft all right well I need to protect to his Blind Side and I’m going to take a guy who I think he’s a good right tackle I’m going Vern and carrye oh yeah from Miami a Miami Miami lifeford that’s right very few guys played high school college and pro in the same basically 10 mile radius Vernon did that very true also a great dude all this this is my so this is my last pick of of the of tonight yes of of of episode one which I thought would only be one and a half episode this could be 20 at this point the way we’re and I and I like every second of it I’m thrilled that this guy let me just make sure he’s available I think he is yep okay I’m going with a guy who I absolutely love back in the safety now I’m gonna mix him with my other favorite safety my two favorite safeties not named Javon Holland I’m going with Brock Mari and to anoun for L Brock Mar and ahead of him love that guy won the game Monday night against the Patriots that’s right Inception that’s right good memory Mike with the last pick of night one all right well got a couple wide receivers got my quarterback got my tight end I think I need a second running back I can’t run Zan into the ground cuz if I do he’ll come over and smack my head um I’m gonna pair him with another Legend give me Mercury moris my Mercury moris Larry zanka wow you know put them in my little Back Field there it’s a little thunder and lightning there to cap off this first day of the draft and uh yeah I like my team good luck guys I like it Mike McDaniel is is dancing in your locker in your War oh yeah 100% he just clapped on camera you know he got a good pick he was very happy with that mercury mors pick well done so this is this is how we’ll end the first episode with Mercury Morris we have plenty more drafting to go we’ll do this in episode two next week and Mike will start us off next week uh with the draft so Mike’s on the clock for like the next week which is interesting he’s got a lot of time to think uh and make trade offers no I’m just joking TR not trade I want my picks he wants his picks he’s keep F those pick that’s I’m Chris G after those picks we’re getting free agents all right so we’re 17 picks in we’re 17 picks in okay so we got we yeah we have a lot to go at this point so we’ll make it in we’ll go we’ll go in we’ll try to make it into two episodes it could be two and a half at this point we’ll see what happens there all right dougle tell everyone in the world where they’re gonna find your stuff dgly do wrong also I have a podcast over on dolphins well done sney Dolphins dolphins and I’ll pop in on all dolphins here are there Mike dolphin your OneStop shop for all things Miami Dolphins on Twitter at Dolphins talk and yeah fun I love it all right I am uh I’m the leader here at Cris Corner because my name’s in the title so that’s why I’ll say it here but I also frequent just because I have to say it because everyone else has I frequently go on dolphin too to make sure I my face and my voice are beautified on there as well so for dougle for s for Mike uh I am Zach CR this has been cr’s Corner Dolphins round table special edition alltime Miami Dolphins draft we’re 17 picks in we’ve got a lot left to go we’ll speak to you again next week same cast of characters will be here Mike officially on the clock for next week thank you for watching and listening and supporting us as always as I’m here Live From The Players Lounge barber shop in Davey step Jose is great place here and I’ll be back here next week for the conclusion or possible cusion and maybe just the middle part of our big draft here on Cris Corner that’s going to do it for us we’ll talk to again next week for Mike for Jason for Dougley for myself thanks again this has been Cris Corner Dolphins round [Music] te a


  1. Thx Mike for the old school draft. I'm a Dolfan since 1968. I got to see the super bowls with my dad. Love ya Doug!. I think you guys are the best.

  2. My Dad worked on joe Robbie Stadium. I was 4 thought that was the coolest thing in world been dolphins Fan for 30 us years.

  3. Love, the Draft so far. I've Never played Madan football, but I was wondering if at the end you are able to plug in your Players and play a 2 round Play-off's? or if theirs another computer simulator program out their?

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