Golf Players

Sydney International Speedway May 25th Sprintcars, 81st NSW Speedcars Championship & Late Models


The team have done an amazing job AGAIN 3 Top classes a racing track all night and NO TRACK WORK DURING THE NIGHT !

If you liked this video check out my other dirt track event videos below, start with the previous videos of Sydney International Speedway then head back to the 3 nights at the 2024 GRAND ANNUAL SPRINTCAR CLASSIC and binge straight into the 2 nights of the 2024 AUSTRALIAN SPRINT CAR CHAMPIONSHIP both were held at Premier Speedway, Warrnambool then check out the 2024 NSW Title at Dubbo.

SYDNEY DELIVERS AGAIN FOR SPRINT CAR RACING – Sydney International Speedway April 20th 2024:

WHAT A NIGHT OF RACING – Grand Annual Sprint Car Classic Night 1

THE BEST AUSTRALIA HAS TO OFFER – Australian Sprint Car Championship 2024 Night 1

NEW CHAMPION CROWNED! – The 2024 NSW Sprint Car Championship Dubbo Speedway

0:00 Intro
0:32 Trent Pigdon
01:36 Danile Sayre
02:34 Kobi Wright
05:06 Michael Stewart
05:38 Max Bevan
06:21 Sprintcar Hot Laps & Qualifying
07:45 Trent Pigdon
08:36 Jessie Attard
09:35 Jock Goodyer
10:40 Garry Brazier
11:44 Night So Far Sum Up
12:18 Sprintcar Heat 1
14:38 Pace Car View Heat 2
16:21 Sprintcar Heat 2
17:46 Sprintcar Heat 3
18:47 Alex Orr
20:06 Michael Stewart
20:41 Alex Attard
22:19 Kaidon Brown
23:25 Zoe Pearce
25:23 Sprintcar A Dash
27:26 Zoe Pearce After Transferring to the Show
28:25 Sprintcar B Dash
29:41 NSW Speedcar Championship Highlights
31:18 Sprintcar A-Main
36:00 Jock Goodyer
36:59 Michael Stewart
39:24 Jordyn Brazier
40:53 Late Model A-Main Footage
41:18 Night Wrap Up

Watch and Enjoy!

#sprintcar #dirtracing #dirttrack #racing #motorsport #sydneyinternationalspeedway #sydneyspeedway #sprintcarracing #dirtrackracing

I wouldn’t go your team anyway oh cuz your team’s better dreaming mine doesn’t shake it that’s ganga here at Sydney as speedway tonight uh with three awesome division spring cars Speed cars and late models Speed cars have been out there now just do their time trials a watch spring cars heading out now for their engine starts hot laps and time trials we caught up with some of the drivers ahead of the event check that out great nomination list here today at City National Speedway but you would not believe we’ve got a travel all the way from Perth the man himself Trent pigon mate talk to us about the travel and what’s going on here at Sydney um we originally we just went up to DAR not long ago but um they struggling for cars at the moment so uh we just made a quick decision to uh come over here and we’ve been seeing what you guys are doing it looks pretty cool so uh just wanted to come and check out the joint for a bit of an experience and see how we go really what’s your thoughts on the track have you had a look at it yeah man looks cool it’s uh real nice facility and the truck looks good it uh few people say races like Perth so you know hopefully that helps us a little too well mate you are accustomed to Perth on the fence as we like to say it here I haven’t seen it myself uh are you going to run something similar to Perth because you that’s what you’ve heard or you just going to go after hot laps and see where we go no I we hot laap and see where we go I got um Nick speed helping tonight so he’s obviously a pretty smart dude so he’ll get me dialed in pretty quickly but um yeah we’ll just see what the truck does obviously I I dare say it’s going to go some think it’s pretty packed in so see what happens all right man good luck tonight and I hope that 9’s near the front a thanks buddy appreciate it here with Daniel S third place last time at City International Speedway mate uh how do you feel going into tonight yeah pretty Keen to get after it again mate um good result in the last showing so hopefully go a couple better tonight be nice and uh yeah it’s put in another good result had a look at the truck any thoughts of how it’s going to go or just get out there and uh steer it sucking say at the moment yeah I mean we just just get out there just sort of do what we think we got to do with the car and get out there and try and make the best of it all right mate uh last run of the year um what’s your overview of the season for yourself and a team uh it’s been sort of an up and down year for us we sort of took a while to get going at the start of the Year there and sort of Warner B sort of Messed us around a little bit but uh came back and we sort of finished the year off quite solid so hopefully we can just uh continue to build on what we’ve done these last few shows and uh and roll into next forward uh uh next season sorry um you know looking pretty good all man we’re glad tonight and I hope we can go two spots better appreciate it thanks mate here with Kobe Wright uh mate talk us about the season you’ve had and what are you looking forward to tonight uh yeah it’s been a pretty we’ve traveled around a fair bit this season um we’ve been down to Victoria and up to Queensland so um it’s been pretty good um it’s a big learning curve and um I’ve learned a lot every race so um yeah that’s good and then um just for tonight hoping to finish off the season strong and try and uh give my team a result that um that they deserve for the all the hard work they put put in this year look mate I think you’ve done a lot of hard work too you know it’s not one of the easiest things it’s literally a hot seat uh everyone puts the pressure on or up and down the season but what is the one thing you reckon you’ve taken out of this season being in the seat um I definitely think it’s it’s a strong mental game you know um just I’ve been been a bit down sometimes and that’s uh really reflected our our results and stuff like that so um you got to be got to be mentally strong and got to be um prepared every night for something different and uh you know last race of year who would you like to thank for the season so far I just got to thank uh mom and dad for letting me uh travel around the country and trying to learn this this um this game so um yeah just pop and Abby and everyone else that’s been helping on our car at um different events um it’s the the work doesn’t go unnoticed so yeah just got to thank them and then all our sponsors Co Industries complete Parts equipment Solutions uh blackfield stock and feed mus landscape supplies osburn’s transport eliminated race Wings Top Line tit and Scottish Fabrications and paint all right mate well good luck tonight and uh let’s get into it next season as well yeah thank you a different situation tonight Michael Stewart is running spring carard and a speed card double duties talk to us about have you mentally done something like this before doing double duties on a night yeah yeah I nearly did a whole season of it on and off flat out every RAC mat and we did double duty but it’s hard to be at the Pinnacle in both so it’s going to be tough tonight like we’re trying to go four in a row with the speed car um but we haven’t done laps it’s been 12 months to the date since we crashed it to WBA so sort of haven’t done any laps in Australia in a [ __ ] like we did the chili Ball but you know it’s completely different to anything you do in Australia so it’ll be um yeah the nerves are up there a bit to get back to a big fast track in the [ __ ] I’m not sure what it’s going to be like I think I’ve forgotten all the [ __ ] feel you cuz we’re so used to the spring car but um yeah I’m pretty excited to get back in the spring car and try and redeem ourselves after that last race meeting now you’re going for four straight so I think you know how to steer one of these things so don’t be too hard on yourself uh next thing would be it is there still an advantage running both cars on one night I reckon the biggest Advantage you’d have is you’re you’re on the track twice as much so you can see how quickly the track’s changing if they do track work in between you can find out how much it’s affected the track um you know you get an idea of the cushion how big the cushion is you can try the bottom you know if you didn’t work in one class you can try in the other just gives you a little bit more time to try things but too the two cars drive completely differently so you know you could be banging the wall down in the spring car and then you’re going to have to putter out on the bottom in a midet so it’s um completely different and you who knows how it’s going to go tonight all right M well good luck tonight and I hope you need the front both classes thanks F hopefully see go with Max Bavon mate uh welcome to Sydney National Speedway I know you’re New South Wales men but it’s your first time running here what are your expectations of this track with a speed car on it yeah look I’m really looking forward to it you know seen after the last two meetings out it goes really slick so hoping it goes the same way and provide really good racing for Us Mid you know if we can really get sliding across and throw some bombs here and there it should be really good is there a track back in the country it it reminds you of that you might have raced on it’s a hard disorder to say I mean I got the luxure of racing at Power matter and it slowly stting to look a little bit like it but it it’s got its own unique techniques to it as why I say I haven’t been out there yet but why even looking at it it’s it’s a Time Bast all right mate well good luck tonight and hope to catch you around there and get some footage for you thank you I appreciate it [Music] time trials are just underway hot left are done Jo the quickest in hot left 127 next B with the 131 so uh the track is absolutely awesome right now let’s go get some foot to qualify qualifying for Heat number one is in the boooks Jesse ad goes quick time Alex all second and Gary braer third heat race number two is out now time drive for race number two in the books Jo you with a 125 then you’ll say a second quick Geor R round out heat race number two let’s go Heat race number three out now qualify for heat race number three done all qualifying is over Speed cars are coming out now I’m out of breath I ran from thei Trent Pigman went quick time overall tonight and he just went quick time in heat three Michael stwart second in heat three and then Blake Skipper in heat three went third quick so great up we’re going to catch up with our quick time guys right [Music] now do a quick time in overall tonight he took out the quickest time in heat race number three but overall 12531 all the way from wa Trent Pig in mate great Lu how was that that was good mate um first time being here obviously so I was a little nervous going out there I’m just glad we got them laps out of the way but um you know credit to the boys obviously they’ve been running around all week and got our stuff from Dar to here so um and um we got Speedy helping tonight he’s uh he’s obviously always got the car dialed so hopefully I can just do my job and get it done hopefully uh mate now the track we think is going to get to that W as you felt uh do you think you’re going to make much changes after the speed car heat race to get this bad boy to the front of the heat yeah a little bit mate I suppose we’ll just free up a little so we can uh race with traffic I suppose and um hopefully we go the right way it definitely all right mate good luck tonight and let’s see that number n end at the front eh 38 quick time heroes number one Jesse addon mate how was that ah pretty good I just uh first lap I had to take it easy uh we didn’t get hot lap through our fuel line I’m slightly being off we started at home but the second lap just put it down all the way and yeah quick time now mate you got quick time without even doing a hot lap tell us about what happens why didn’t you do any hot laps so um we had to build a new car this week uh from our last not nice night night before we actually had a crash it was bent build a new car we missed the fuel line we did start the car at home couldn’t see the fuel leaking at home sadly it’s happened now right after hot laps in it had a gravity feed but today um lucky it’s happened right before timing and we got a quick time all right mate well good luck that should be should put you out a heat rate uh number one about a four so let’s get on the top and get it to the front eh yeah yeah it’s all about now I’m moving the car around these three cars in front of me and there one of them’s going to be in the dash and hopefully I’ll get in there two hopefully we are in the dash fall but yeah move forward good luck mate very much the man himself quick time in heat race number two Mr Goody talk us about your lap and how’ the track feel yeah track’s uh going the right direction obviously right now sticking and off and yeah we’ll just see what it does hopefully it pushes up a little bit more in three and four and you know it’s looking pretty racy right now so yeah we’ll just see what this track does yeah lap felt pretty good though um just obvious got to make a couple more adjustments to you know make it feel a bit more Square Off the exits but yeah we think we know what to do and we’ll just go from there last time uh paper thin cushion do you think it’s going that way or it’s going to build a bit more up onto that fence I think it’s going to go a bit more than last time um especially when there’s already I can already see a Natural Built curb there by the greater in three and four so it’ll be definitely a lot more to lean up on this week which is cool and yeah you just got to obviously have your car right for that sort of stuff so we’ll just see how this track Transitions and see what adj adjustments we got to make um I’m not sure if you know that I’ve got a bit of a sticker on your car I think that’s going to um Mr cell said I could put it on uh I think it’s good luck and you’ve gone quick time so um make sure you tap the left side behind you and uh just it’s a bit of a Go Button all right yeah right we’ll just see what we can do with it all right thanks for good luck no worries thanks go get it in here get it up you all right we’re live here right now so Cod man what got you into the speedway from the start I know you grew up with it with your father and me but what made you sort of change things and now you’re in the pits here like doing a great show for all the fans over across Australia and all through the world in America uh you know Speedway is just a massive passion of mine and it’s not bad to have a bloke like you and me best mate going so well and uh why not hopefully travel to the country and watch the best sport in the world and now sprink racing yeah no I think that’s true actually I mean it’s starting to get really exciting there’s a lot of young talent coming through um obviously I’m one of the old ones now and I’m probably about to get the boot but uh see how we go to tonight and hopefully you get a few more good interviews and you get to do Jordan at the end of the night or maybe off Luka uh technically you just said you going to boot yourself is that correct if I’m dog [ __ ] I will last round of late model heat races going out now trying to catch up with all the interviews we’re trying to get speed card and late models on the video tonight I definitely want to uh we’re going to go get GoPro footage for the spring cards on the front straight King to you that been how a night being so far BR been good spring good good night and I think uh old JRE is in absolute form he’s up and about heat race number one Jamie maton upside down uh sounded in the background for me in a decent way hope he’s okay let’s go and check that race car out now [Music] [Music] [Music] place [Music] what a heat race we just had Jesse Ado took the lead and I mean that car got Juiced up and took off and didn’t look like stopping few laps ago G in three as we seen left re Kaboom destroyed the left pedal but then at the same time I think peacock’s left M went down too they’re both down on the left side but that made Alex or get the heat race win and Gary braia good old guys got second bit of luck in racing uh unfortunate for peacock and out they had a dash SP but now it goes to all and Gary bra will be in the dash tonight heat race number two coming up all we’re in the pace car with Jeff Jeff how long you’ve done this for bro 6 years there abouts probably 2 years as pace car driver bro she is Bumpy what about the heat R everything just happened oh it’s crazy yeah yeah yeah wait till we get out on track bro like bumpy are you again yeah I’ll push a couple of cars off oh you pushing cars too yeah yeah yeah all right all right sick sick bit everything mate so we’ll get a couple of cars and then we’ll jump out on the track and then yeah she doesn’t change as much as she used to like she’s pretty consistent trackwise and that so yeah but it’s it’s not a bad thing to be doing all mate well I’m sure everyone appreciate you like You’ been doing this we you on the 56 let’s go 56 let’s go let’s go w may we sto at him 1th [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m still absolutely Juiced of the opportunity Je just gave me wow sorry was blur having a ball Jo goody wow what a drive there wi heat race number two Benny Atkinson second they go to the dash Jordan braer third Daniel SE fourth and Jackson delamont round out to top five [Music] [Music] race number three books Michael St got the wick turn gone Alex on a very convincing second to they were had their distances between each other uh then we had third Cody conell got past Blake snipper and Trent pigon rounds out your top five sprinker Heat’s done with heat race number one winner Alex mate talk us about that crazy heat race one minute you’re sitting third next minute you’re up in the front with that race St yeah um kind of got stuck in a slaugh battle with Jesse for a little bit there and I not sure we were much slower but it just you kill your momentum getting into an argument basically so I probably should have tucked in behind him for a little bit and um just ran back onto him but yeah I got myself stuck in third um Stroke of Luck there I mean peacock lost a shock and um Jesse lost a tie us so guess you just had to have your car make it to the end and you’re right then weren’t you oh that puts you in the dash uh you and jbr so got into the dash from that uh mishaps with the other drivers unfortunate for them uh how do you think the track tonight going to player is it something we’ve seen or you think they bit different again third time I actually think it’s going to build a better Highline tonight um there seems to be more clay and more material up against the fence that we can pack in and make a bit of a a ledge to lean against so um I think the Top’s probably going to be a little more dominant tonight but traditionally speaking every time they do track prep here they bring the bottom back in so uh I think they’re going to have a pretty even track like they have there’s going to be a good bottom good top they’re both going to be a little bit narrow a little bit treacherous so that’s how we like it you got to got to work hard to be fast there’s no point making it easy for us all right mate well good luck in the dash tonight I hope you’re at the front of the aate thank you appreciate it quick turned up mate was that Co is it I don’t know I felt pretty uncomfortable Wast wasn’t um yeah did a lot bit of arm work like we were a little bit tight so getting into the corner was good but then I get to the center of the corner and feel like I’ve been pushing the fence so as you further got around yeah yeah and then it was a bit of a bull rid from there trying to get off corner like it felt fast but it just didn’t off I wasn’t comfortable you had a lot of car between your car now you’re going in a Das the front and go try and get the race done this time not like last week mine doesn’t shake it oh my God all right we’re here with alexard mate second in your heat race in a dash tonight I believe you drew fourth yeah yeah look went out there I needed a bit of redemption from the last race meeting I started off po back there out of the dashes and probably had the worst night of my life in terms of racing but uh you have them nights um tonight was good finished second had a really good start um just up on the wall full noise so it’s good to be back into a dash here at Sydney um really love this track they’ve done an awesome job with it um and I get start next to Gary bra here yeah I’ve watched him for years when I was growing up it’s so good but yeah oh it’s mate you are absolutely steaming right now it must be the mullet it grows just hotness or something uh like you did your outside goes in the dash I mean in these type of situations is it something you just go all I’m just going to do my absolute best and put it at the front and then have like hold on for 30 laps you know yeah that’s it just just see where you can end up off the store obviously give it all you can you don’t win the night I mean it’s pretty hard beaten jock and all the guys that have got really good setups and full crew they go around the whole whole of Australia really but um yeah we just go into the dash see where we see where we can pull it off and start there in the feature I guess all right man well good luck tonight I we Che my ass off for you and I hope we see you at the end and uh let’s go for top five eh yeah I can hope for that I’ll make sure if I do that and they ask me to go to the scales I will go to the scales over in the speedcast scene we are here with the man that we quick time and qualifying won his heat race and he is off the front of the pole Shuffle tonight and shooting for his second new South F speed car title Kaden Brown mate what a night you’ve had uh what’s been happening on this side um it’s been a been a tough night um obviously we went quick time which is really good it was our our and all the other [ __ ] first time at this track for a couple of years now and um obviously it’s changed a tiny bit obviously it’s a bit more top dominant um bottoms a bit tighter which is really good for us midgets and um all racing in general and um s off four from heat they had an invert of four um which is a bit strange uh kind of got penalized to go quick time on unfortunately but um we rallied hard in the heat found the top pretty early and a late race restart we able to get to get to the front and take the win pretty convincing so um we got some real good speed right now and um we’re locked into the front row depending on if we win our pole Shuffle duel so um yeah start the front row try and keep clean for the first 15 and see what we got and we’ll go for it from there and here hopefully we can try and win our second new South P title all right mate good luck tonight and uh I’ll be Che in Fr good good job awesome thank you here with zo P all the way from Victoria here at Sydney National Speedway uh talk to us about night time 22nd what about happen in your heat race yeah as we Ed 22nd which is pretty dull for me so not a good start to the night and then in our heat we missed the inverts then had to start eighth and then had a misfire which we’ve been chasing for a couple races now and it just got really bad so every time I put the gas down it just would not go at all so we’ve come back in we’ve changed pretty much everything we can had another engine start and it’s seems pretty good now so hopefully we’re pretty good for the b m uh what is this track Like is this I think believe this is your first time here does this track remind you of track you been or is it just something completely different yeah I came here last year for Aussie tile but obviously they’ve changed the track since so I think what they’ve done has helped a lot with the racing here but I’d probably compare it most to Perth Motorplex just cuz of how big and fast it is and the momentum you got to carry uh where abouts are you starting in the B main tonight uh 12 so I think they take top six so I’ll just try whatever I can try and get to the front to make that a main all right good luck tonight and uh you’re back here tomorrow night yeah yeah we’ll be back here tomorrow night hopefully you can get a smooth run there all right well good luck tonight thank you I appreciate it speed car pole Shuffle just got done phone hard to get charge kayen Brown uh starting off the pole in the 81st new southw speed carard Championship Dash is on the board now we got Alex all off the pole in the dash uh we got Benny Atkinson jock in here Micha sh Gary Bry uh it’s going to be a really good Dash uh they haven’t touched the track yet I think it’s going to be really on the again that’s going to be a good r [Music] he the track is mint right now Alex all was leading coming out of two with a big lead Loop it kept it going Benny Atkins says thank you Benny ainson takes a dash will be up the pole position tonight jock goody go second then it went all then it went Michael sh Gary braer fif and alexard Bs at your top six that is your first three rows tonight in the the a dash number two uh this is a stacked Dash number two 7 through 12 positions uh this will grid for tonight a main the just that b Main in the Speed cars got a little bit of at the end Zoe Pierce we going to try to catch up with her again went from 12 to Fourth getting in the transfer she said it would be a bit hard but she definitely got that gas going and that car’s was rolling the bottom so nice it’s going to be a great speed car aen as well appears well you’ve done what you said you had to do 12th fourth talk us about that b mate yeah I pretty much just had in mind to go straight to the top and try and get around everyone as I knew everyone was going to go straight to the bottom as he got some moisture still there so yeah just went straight to the Top If I ran it properly I got around him and then couple times I sled off it a little bit and end up in the slick so once I got into that transfer I just went to the bottom so I could hold my position and made it into the a main now you were in like the final transfer of six and then I believe Fifth and fourth spun and that really locked into the show with about 2 to three laps go that restart yeah we had that yellow and then I saw dad was telling me go back upstairs cuz I dropped to the bottom a bit too early there and then yeah after that restart I went back to the top picked off a couple more and then once I got to Fourth I just held it there on the bottom well uh with all the struggle you had tonight and you Doug D got yourself in the aain I hope you just moveed forward and have a good night and get it back tomorrow yes thank you for that hopefully we can finish in one piece and then yeah get some more laps tomorrow bad ass woman bad ass all [Music] [Music] Cody o Connell from Queensland we’ll start in tonight out of position number seven Jordan braier second Daniel SE third and Jake Banes in position number four the track is pretty much perfect race just spoke with Marti one of the track preps they’re not touching it they’re letting it go B Main’s going out now for spring cars I got the new South t for Speed cars then spring cut a then light model so it is ready to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a SP coffe CH we had BL outron some footage K around withy second news title I was watching outside the fence it was unbelievable bang in the water down we’ll try to get as much footage as we can all that on the video we definitely got to um we got outside water inside we’re going to cover the next video on speedcast tomorrow definitely that was banging sprink car a main on the track now got thought of I don’t know [Music] we are five laps down we just had a crash in turn number three and four Brad Stacy looks like he tagged the wall going into three a little bit just went to go around the corner there was no right front left on the car Zach from safety images showed the photo um unfortunate for him jock is great in clean air had a good uh you know gap on the car on the rest of the cars uh braia geord braia has moved up pretty well um yeah I think there’s going to be a few more cautions I hope not but I just think there will be um I’m trying to get as much as I can I’m just trying a few different things tonight and uh hope he’s enjoying [Music] it we just had two restarts happened there Brody Davis got up into turn one looks like the right front just got into the wall restart started again got a few laps in there four in laps to go then we had queenslander Cody Connell tag the wall coming out of two uh yeah went for a ride red light conditions right now hope he’s okay and uh sounds like he’s out of the car um and yeah 4 lefts to go Jo looks really good you know open track Stewart’s there now A’s in third I believe braia Jordan is in uh fourth but Jackson before the first restart showed his nose so we’re going to get a bit of that there’s a battle now that I think it’s laps goes on lap traffic the bottom might get it but jock might get too much air and space before the race finishes I think jock will run away with it like but again like I’m saying the guys Alex all went to the bottom up and then Jordan bra went to the bottom cuz Jackson showed it just before and he didn’t get that lap completed to get in front of braer so the Bottom’s definitely now Jackson getting awesome speed coming out of two he just can’t get it in time [Music] just spoke with Cody o Connell there after that wreck he’s fine got checked out but uh that sh has been seen there snap so that’s not a good way the end of season but maning he’s good 14 to go let’s go for [Music] go [Music] Jo could you wins tonight feature Michael Stewart in second Jordan bra in third great feature on the fence the bottom came in but died late uh so they all went back up top uh there was a great battle for fif between Atkinson SE and delont S got we try to catch up with our place gets right now no yeah car was really good really balanced and yeah obviously B in the fence what I had to save the tires here for after 14 to go sort of looked at my left rear under that red yeah she was a big cook so obviously once he showed me that nose there I better get going again but car was real good really balanced so very easy I mean you getting through lap cars top bottom wherever you could go uh could you feel on the bottom like it was still like juicy when you were getting the lab cards or you just went no passing move on no there was nothing on the bottom for us to hold so yeah always had to do the slider and you know get back to the sh straight away but yeah obviously had a really good car that was able to do that really nicely so yeah hat up for the guys all right mate uh end of the year now what’s the next move for J good you heading in the rest of the year I’m holidaying for a bit now mate but yeah back in darn September but yeah have a little bit of a break now regroup and you know come back stronger all right mate uh congratulations on your whole season it’s been ridiculous I hope you give me a crack next year thank Mark do tonight second mate just talk to us about the whole Fe from start to finish in your point no Jesus start finish I can’t remember that far um we got a pretty good start I think um starting on the outside there was definitely the place to be um got a pretty good jump behind Jo sort of didn’t was probably a bit cautious getting into one just so we didn’t have a mistake just being so close to the fence um so then that’s let Benny Benny sort of get in in front of me and uh it sort of seemed like everyone settled in for the first 15 laps and didn’t do a lot so um yeah I think it was Follow the Leader a little bit then we had to restart and I sort of pulled down differently to everybody else I pulled down on the restart and got a pretty good run on Benny and I didn’t I didn’t go for the slide job I just followed him through and then two laps later we had another yellow so sort of thought oh I’m going to pull the trigger here cuz I was I was sort of hanging at his Pace no problem and pulled the trigger on Benny and got by him and um sort of thought I had the pace for jock to the yellow I um I think we sort of coming at him a little bit better in lap traffic at that stage of the race and then uh at the end stage sort of tried the same thing I did on Benny tried to pull the side job didn’t have as good a run but sort of sort of made something exciting for the crowd and everyone talk about it had a least a go and then uh he just plucked her in second gear and took off made me look silly so just uh something to learn from next for next year and try and just get that a little bit better I think probably could pulled the wing back a little bit might have helped a little bit more umbly a little bit of Fitness might help as well and we’ll be right uh three shows here uh what’s your overall view on the new um I think it’s really impressive that they’ve gone to such a huge effort to change the track every time try and really make it a show uh you know like talking to um Gary on the infield saying he doesn’t want to have greaters out there he wants to just have the track you know perfectly all night which tonight was fantastic you know they didn’t need to go there and touch it put on good racing throughout every class um yeah it’s impressive you just look at the look at the cars that are here I think it it takes a pretty big thing for Gary Razer to come out of retirement and come run somewhere so that’s probably a big big feather in their cap and I think it’s yeah exciting for next year you know hopefully they they’re bigger and better things next year and hopefully they’re going to um carry on with what they’ve been doing all right mate a great season this year and uh hope to see you RI next season let’s go bra another Podium tonight that’s three for three you must be happy with yeah definitely uh you know we’re going in the right direction here so hopefully next season we can um Kick It Off the same way uh talk to us about the feature uh like you said like I said sorry Jackson got you just before a restart like mid race uh on the bottom with the laed in count what was going for your head at that point and did that like you just talk to us about that uh definitely had me thinking you know Jackson’s a pretty good R the bottom so you know he got me got past me and thankfully for the yellow come out um you know I went searching I went down in there but I just didn’t feel comfortable so yeah went back up to the wall and feel like I was quicker on the wall but uh not bad I think you drove around the other 21 uh pretty pretty smoothly uh again is it a different mentality or is just another race car out there you definitely know it’s the old man you know but um just another race car you know’s he’ll be he’ll be back up there banging the wall down after few more races and um just all confidence at the end of the day all right mate um great job the last month and a half podiums nearly got a dub uh yeah look forward to next season and what you do with the team yeah definitely um they hopefully have a new look next year and um where we go any sponsors you’d like to thank for the year yeah definitely you know all still you know they’ve been about them you know be hard to get the track and uh driving Golf and BX gol dams and signs and cast Dr all right mate uh awesome job tonight uh all right what a long day wrapped up uh that’s the spring cast season done here it’s in National Speedway Jo good year does it again uh back to back winds here the salad team finishes off unbelievable season uh just spoke with a few drivers there um you know like I said very promising heading into next season uh I’ll be back here tomorrow filming some more stuff with some Speed cars they modifi uh so I hope to look out for that video as well


  1. The audio when talking to Michael Stewart was great. Can you please make the audio like that the whole video please.

  2. ripper video mate !!! keep up the good work. Season 24/25 can't come soon enough… might want to start planning your year and events you want to get too

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