Golf Players

NEW Video Shows Scottie Scheffler Moments After Arrest at PGA Championship

Fresh video evidence has just been released showing world number 1 golfer Scottie Scheffler speaking with another officer after he was arrested outside of the PGA Championship at Valhalla Golf Course while trying to make his morning tee-time. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

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All right, I gotta read you something. Okay. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You have the right to an attorney for making these statement and answering any questions. Remember the arrest of number one golfer in the world, Scottie Scheffler? Yeah. I had to loop all the way around that way. It took me about probably a half hour. So I pulled in here. The police officer up there told me to come the opposite way with the traffic and then come in and as I was pulling in, my window was down and the officer told me to stop. And as I was, I first of all, I did not know that he was a police officer. I thought he was one of the security guards that was mistaken. And as I was pulling by him, he grabbed my arm. Stop right there. Why does it matter if he’s a security guard or a police officer? Because if somebody’s telling you to stop. Yes, you’re. Right. I should have stopped. I did get a little bit impatient because I’m quite late for my tee time. And as he was reaching in the car, he grabbed my shoulder and hit me like. Trying to get you to stop, right? Yes. Okay. It seemed to be a little bit overaggressive because the entrance was open. Okay. And, I pulled a little bit because I was afraid. I thought he was going to start hitting me and I didn’t know who he was. He didn’t tell me he was a police officer, I didn’t. All I saw was the yellow jacket. I didn’t know what he was doing. In video shared by Golf Digest Alex Meyers, we hear from Scheffler after the commotion outside of Valhalla. Police officer so the thing is, he’s he’s wearing a uniform, okay? He also is wearing the same jacket that I have on that says police. Okay. Also on that, if someone’s telling you to stop, no matter who it is, you don’t keep going. So what happened is you kept going and you took him with you while he’s a pedestrian. Okay? So you took him with your car? Yes. And drug him. Okay. Yeah. Which is not a good thing, right? – I’m very aware that was that was. – To make it so listen to me. So make it even worse. When he asked you to get out of the car, you refuse to get out of the car. I still did not. Was not aware he was a police officer. I was actually looking out the window of the car to try to find a police officer. I asked, we’re all right here. And he was. There. Believe me, sir. – If we’re all. – Wearing yellow vests so you can see us. If he knew he was. A police officer, I would have been much more. Less afraid. But panic kind of set in. As you can see, I’m still shaking because I was afraid I didn’t know who he was. Scheffler continues, telling another LMPD officer his side of the story to no avail. – He didn’t say. – Police get out of the car. He just hit me with his flashlight and yelled get out of the car! – So I we’re. – Wearing a lot of police gear. That’s surely signifies that we’re the police. I if I knew he was a police officer, I would have gone out of the car. I don’t know what to tell you, other than it was a little bit panicked trying to get into the golf course, and now I don’t know. What to do. Let’s go back to the first point, okay? No matter if you thought it was a police officer or not, somebody. Why are we wearing yellow vests? Why do you think we’re wearing yellow vests? So you can see us, right? Yes. So you can see us. And if somebody tells you to stop, if it’s a traffic guard, security guard, anybody, that means you stop at that time and you don’t keep going. Yes, sir. Okay, so stuff like this doesn’t happen because you actually actually hurt him. And he’s a police officer. Yes. He’s got a huge scrape on his knee. He’s getting checked by EMS. Big bruise. So I don’t I don’t know, but, for you right now, you’re the main question is if you’re going to jail and it’s up to him, I don’t know, am I able to speak with him? No, not at this time. He’s no. Scheffler admits he should have stopped. However, he claims the officer did not identify himself during the encounter. Here’s Scheffler’s lawyer, Steve Romine, speaking with Golf Channel. Scottie was advised to, you know, go around and turn left into the facility to come and, you know, do his pre pre round preparation. The officer who charged him obviously didn’t know that. And so you know he he did what he was instructed to do. And you know the officer who arrested him didn’t think he was supposed to be doing that. And so that’s where the miscommunication occurred. Whether they were part of the you know, they were on radio together, the two officers, you know, as to why they, you know, didn’t believe he was allowed to do that or whatever. He’s in a marked, marked, courtesy vehicle with his credentials out and did what he was instructed to do. Who concludes it was a miscommunication, the larger police presence and in turn, delays Scheffler was overheard discussing, stem from a death involving a worker being struck by a motor vehicle. The PGA extended their condolences. He’s accused of injuring a police officer after trying to drive around a crash while trying to get to the PGA Championship. Well, he faces felony charges, but attorney says – Scheffler will plead not guilty. – This is the arrest in question. Judge for yourself. As you wish. I mean, obviously to get his bond set, I’ve got to talk to prosecutors. So, Yeah, I mean, anything is possible. They’ll either be dropped or we’ll go to trial because he didn’t do anything wrong. So we’re not interested in, you know, any sort of settlement negotiations or anything. Like that is he didn’t do anything wrong. It was just a big miscommunication, you know? And one thing needs to be clear. He didn’t drive through any accident scene or or, you know, any investigation. None of none of that happened that that kind of misinformation is out there. And that did not occur. Romaines obviously is confident in his case for his client. Let’s go over the charges once more, shall we? Second degree assault of a police officer, which is a felony. Third degree criminal mischief a listed misdemeanor. Reckless driving, disregarding traffic signals from an officer, directing traffic, a misdemeanor. This is the officer whose name is Brian Gillis. He was the cop on the scene who claims he was dragged by Scottie Scheffler. His body cam was not activated. According to the LMPD. Gillis received a letter of reprimand in the year 2021 for engaging in an act of a police pursuit with a car that did not commit a violent felony, excuse me, or outstanding warrant. He would be suspended for operating an emergency vehicles, lights and doing donuts with a drunk passenger inside the car. He was found at fault for not one, not two, not three, but four crashes from 2008 to 2021. He was also suspended multiple times for failing to appear in court. The officer claimed, per a police statement, that Scheffler refused to comply and thus accelerated his vehicle forward, dragging Gillis and the officer fell to the ground. It was also reported Gillis was taken to the hospital. The details many are transfixed on is that the officer’s pants were, quote, damaged beyond repair. The cost was said to have been $80. The Lexington Herald would go on to print a pole mounted video from across Shelbyville Road did not appear to substantiate the detective’s account. Three ESPN employees who were arriving at the scene to cover the PGA tournament also gave eyewitness reports that disputed it. Scheffler currently faces a maximum ten year prison sentence and a fine of up to $10,000 if convicted on second degree assault charges. Lastly, for Myers, on May 23rd, Louisville mayor and police chief announced Detective Gillis had been disciplined for a policy violation because he didn’t activate his body cam during the arrest with Scheffler, but that charges against the number one golfer remain. That day, LMPD also released two videos, but neither showed Scheffler’s conversation with a cop. In the immediate aftermath of the arrest, Corey DuBose, a criminal defense attorney, would write on Twitter A lesson even if you are Scottie Scheffler. You will not talk your way out of trouble. You may talk your way into trouble, though. Repeat after me respectfully, sir. I’d like to speak to my lawyer. I will conclude with this. We have now seen multiple reports on behalf of the police that do not show the crime that took place, in my opinion. What we are seeing is videos that show an officer. A man that we now know is an officer. I agree with Scottie Scheffler. It could have been a security guard that ran up to Scheffler, and he stopped almost immediately from the video evidence that we have. Secondly, take the lawyer’s advice. You will not do anything to help your cause. Cops are always looking for ways. To get someone in trouble, and mainly for them to incriminate themselves. It is not hard. When they are reading, which they should your Miranda rights, but if they don’t to, then say what Corey said. Which is. Respectfully, I’d like to speak to my lawyer. And that’s it. And they will try to hit you with so many fear tactics, because that is what they are trained to do. Don’t give in. The third is this. The officer who was speaking to Scottie Scheffler was saying, what do you mean you thought it was a security guard? You should stop. That is true. He should. But, but. We have seen. And this is not a defense, but we have seen multiple videos of people who are dressed up as security guards in order to get into an event. I remember seeing some dudes get into golf tournaments. I remember seeing some dudes get into Coachella for free, all because they dressed up as security and they were wearing like a mock, you know, lime green shirt. In addition to this, hearing, the officer say, well, he was wearing something that said police, it is completely dark outside, right. And if that applies. To the officer because I haven’t seen the uniform yet. We don’t know how big or small it says police on there. Why doesn’t the same apply to Scottie Scheffler on behalf of the cops? Because he was in a marked vehicle that showed it was a courtesy car. Courtesy of Lexus for the players to get in immediately. Anyways. If you can, please do become a channel member here at slash TV sports. Go to our home page, click the join button and or go to slash join. In addition, you can support me on my socials, Twitter, Instagram and of course, TikTok. Thank you for watching. Have a great day!


  1. this cop seems like a douche bag. a security guard telling you to stop is completely different than a police officer telling you to stop. not to mention the officers should have been notified about marked PGA vehicles which Scottie was in. Once they saw that they should have put two and two together. I watch a lot of body cam footage. I have a lot of friends who are officers. why is it that when people are acting out of control and like psychos and actually do commit real threatening to life crimes the police officers are always super nice and calm and show understanding. (most of the time)… and why is it when people like scottie who are incredibly calm mannered and cooperative that the police always seem to have attitude (which this cop did)…… it truly makes 0 sense to me

  2. He should have complied Isn’t that what people always say 🤣 Anyone else ignore a security guard or the police would have gotten lit him up Fearing for their lives Privileged at it’s finest The police was out there due to a wreck and here he comes feeling entitled

  3. Anyone can get decals and place on their car in order to get in Just like people can dress up like security to get into in Coachella

  4. This is the kind of shit regular citizens have to put up with all the time. There should really be a better screening policy when hiring cops. Just think if it wasn't a pro golfer.

  5. The officer told Scottie “anytime anyone tells you to stop…you stop”

    That’s so fucking insane for so many reasons. Among them, he’s the #1 golfer in the world heading to a major tournament while fans are arriving at the course at the same time.

  6. The cop that jumped on him inside his car, was definitely the one who should get all the blame. And the cop interviewing the golfer, was very unprofessional. Way too much into his/her feelings. Rather than just gathering info, he'd rather argue and say you should do this do that, instead of just writing his side of what happened.

  7. over the last several years the presence of cameras EVERYWHERE have shown what incompetent corrupt clowns the cops are in this country are & Louisville is worse than most other places. This criminal cop should be charged with multiple felonies including assault, lying on a police report, Turning his body camera off to hide his criminal activity, & kidnapping… the body camera thing is a joke because I guarantee if Scheffler did what these blue gang members said he did there'd be 50,000 different camera angles showing it

  8. I don't have to stop for anyone other then a police officer,and that office has to have probable cause. What is this cop talking about?

  9. Has nothing to do with black and white has very thing to do with the blue line and qualified immunity. We the people want Justice for all! Americans need to stand together to support each other and uplift our communities across the board.

  10. He's trying to entrap Scottie, which is illegal, the crooked cop is too stupid to realize he's filming himself doing it. Lol

  11. Get rid of the thin blue line, that’s desecration to our flag, ONCE AGAIN, another cop lied on a police report and nothing happens, it’s swept under the rug, officers like that is what ruins the good cops out there

  12. I've watched the video of the incident several times and even tho it shows that the officer wasn't dragged it does show that the suv Scottie was driving did make contact with the officer. It looks like he kinda side swiped the officer knocking him off balance and then you can see the officer reach into the window and grab at Scottie. So in my opinion they we're BOTH at fault and instead of letting everything get blown up in court they said drop it and let lying dogs lie…….

  13. This dude is a lawsuit working & on a high ! 🤦‍♂️ police officers are embarrassed of Gillis I wish he counter suit

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