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Player’s Lounge: Idealism vs. Realism | Dallas Cowboys 2024

The guys discuss a little Mavericks basketball, if the Cowboys need to reset the WR market to resign CeeDee, Dak Prescott not playing for money, and their faith in the team’s success next season.

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the following is a production of and the dallascowboys football [Applause] [Music] club this is the Players Lounge broadcasting live from Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters at the star now your hosts Barry Church Danny McCrae hecma Harrison and new e scrubs here we are the Players Lounge we are here this week okay we are here this week took Memorial Day Off You Took Memorial Day off as you should have but the crew is back here Danny McCrae with the day off all right Barry church is here in the house Harrison is here new scrubs uh we are here at the home of the Dallas Cowboys headquarters right here in We Made It Texas by the grace barely made it by the grace lot of weather going on around here a lot of playoffs going on around here last year uh around here uh yesterday Mavs game so so I had this question I wanted to hit hit Barry with other because he’s a former player heck and he he his his his tax bracket was different than ours okay hey you ain’t got to tell me again so I see Michael Parson’s at the game yesterday digs is at the game oh Mari Cooper has been at the past two games what are the ticket prices when you want to go to a game like what is the Pro call do you have a person over there that the guys me how does how do guys get in on that so current players you talking about Parsons and CD and all that I’m sure they got a guy CU When I played I had a guy like hey you know hey what’s going on I need these tickets here it it don’t get hooked up you know for the most part about it but sometimes you don’t get hooked up and when you looking at them court size seats them going to run you about for the Western Conference Final about 10 of 10 of pop 10 of pop so I’m not sure if they’re paying those prices cuz they might got a guy that can hook them up down there but those size seat man they they get pretty pricey out there man they get real pricey but nine times out of 10 they got a guy down there that’s like hey come through you know we’ll put you on the camera blah blah blah blah blah and they come through and get it done really so so you could potentially get it for nothing yeah you could 3.99 no we’re talking about the upper echelon players like me I always had to pay there was no there was no discount that the upper echelon got they going to be able to walk up in there nine times out of 10 10 bands oh yeah yeah oh yeah wow yeah I went to gang three and I was looking down there I was like oh no no no I don’t like basketball that much my God yeah it was it’s real it gets real man okay so you went to game three yeah I went to game three yeah yeah me and the wife went to game three okay all right all right so so so on something like that you just call ticket guy and just say hey look I’m trying to get over here and then you just kind of give a price of where you want to where you want to go or what you’re willing to what your budget and uh yeah my budget was nowhere near that that I was about four rows back but four rows back he was four still I need meanwhile on the south side of town I’m like man my nose is bleeding four these three people in front of me heck you know you get past that you know how you get that little step down to the court you know there’s a there’s a gap right there and they still they still come and deliver your drinks and food right right you get to go down the little little you know how they players yeah first of all we don’t know that church you’re going to have to explain this to us yeah no thank you you know you go down these steps like no we don’t where you know there’s like a little step so you got court side you know two three rows right here then just little like one little step and then your starts going up all right so so I go to these games all the time he I I haven’t underst understand what talking so when you’re coming in do you when you’re doing like that are you coming in from the bottom no I use the bathroom down there though okay yeah so so like if I’m going to the so I’m right there I’m not going all the way up the steps to yeah I go down the little where the players come in at little Alle go down you can go down there yeah yeah yeah down the BS area where do you park oh I park um so there’s a you never heard of hardwood it’s like a little hardwood bar and there’s on top of it it’s like a little parking spot I use residential shop and all so they never yeah I just park up in there and walk about two blocks three blocks look at that I ain’t trying to pay 60 bucks for the Uber to the but see it’s hard to get an Uber after the game after that’s the thing I’m like man it’s hard to get one after the game so yeah a little couple W okay so so so I’ve seen I’ve seen Parsons there and dig seen seen several guys there I haven’t Shaq was there on game three well she’s working that’s true TNT crew TNT he’s working but yeah yeah Queen Latifa was there Travis Kelsey was there uh M there so there’s a lot of people out there for the past couple games um uh you know holiday weekend so people had that but I did I just did wonders like say for the Cowboy players that want to go remember Romo used to go Romo Romo went different ways you know Romo went as free agent Romo then he started to go as Tony Romo then next he was like the make a wish kid and they let him go parking at the stadium like he he parking at active Stadium got to play on play Go Go warm up on everything you know you upper edine player when you see those pictures and you see like the the football players in like the the alleyway underneath the stadium that that’s how you know you you big time you you going places that I never have either I just seen pictures of all right okay let’s Barry man you ought to stop man let’s dive into the current I’ve never seen it but yeah use the bathroom down there it exists that’s what they told Meanwhile we’re in the line down the hallway I’m on row four but you know that’s awesome man it’s good stuff it’s good stuff so so CD lamb I did not see CD lamb there uh and obviously CD wants a contract so guys uh Amar Amar St Brown Detroit 30 million AJ Brown Philly 32 million so this is the ballpark of what it is for a receiver I think we all on this show players we all acknowledge he’s going to get he’s getting 30 at least at least start at least 30 million um they’re waiting and um I was told by someone that CD lamb is actually just waiting to see what je Jordan Jefferson does thank you go ahead let’s see what you got yeah and then and then you play your cards from there if find the Cowboys I still don’t understand why don’t you just go and maybe they have maybe they have we don’t know like okay man here you go to me if you if I’m looking at St St Brown and Brown here you go man let’s let’s get this thing done and move along here so what are your thoughts right now Heckman my my thing is and I’m glad you brought that up about Minnesota because look I’m I’m not a conspiracy theorist at all I I do but before I make my my take I got to say that I do feel as though there’s a little bit of collusion going on in this situation because you’re going to reset the market one way or another and if I’m CD no not accepting anything until I find out exactly what’s being paid at the top and if you’re Minnesota you’re on the other other side looking at the Cowboys the same way truth is these two players are kind of linked at the hip because they came in the draft together and CD was drafted ahead of Justin Justin Jefferson but who do you think to this point has had the better career to to to this point right now I’m going to say Justin Jefferson we already know it’s not a debate not a debate not aate but if you’re a CD you’re debating that because one when you come into the league Dak gets HT whatever it is dak’s hurt all that quarterback turmoil dax’s hurt twice your numbers have been affected by it but finally you get an opportunity to prove that you’re the man and everybody knows that you’re that all right he is in a position right now to reset the market but also push himself over what Justin Jefferson could get if I’m CD I’m not looking at Justin Jefferson like everybody else saying like he should get paid more than me I’m fighting yeah to be that guy because if you’re looking at if you’re looking at CD like a like a stock like I look all of these players who the who has the more upside Justin Jefferson right now doesn’t have a quarterback okay CD lamb on the other hand he does that’s true okay so if I’m CD I’m fighting for tooth and nail every penny I got because you’re not about to say I’m 1B to Justin Jefferson’s 1A and that’s just his perception how he how he perceives himself uh in this contract negotiation we may not agree with that but if you’re CD lamb you’re fighting tooth and nail to be the highest paid wide receiv receiver in the league I I got you on that one and and I’m with you on that if I’m CD lamb you said AJ Brown got 32 yeah man I’m not taking a penny less than 32 because in my opinion if I’m CD lamb I’m better than you know pretty much every receiver out here outside of Justin Jefferson we also know Philly Philly and their numbers are always interesting they thr some like ma in that book right so so the math up math the okay well he’s got a big old balloon paper Philly does some interesting things do things with numbers there so so I I feel you on that but I and this is just my thing heck I think they’re really different in terms of how you how you go about the contract I I’ll say this I don’t know if Minnesota get to deal done with Jefferson honestly no I don’t know I can see that I don’t I mean I could see them saying hey man for what you’re looking for we may not be able to make this thing happen I could see it MH because it’s going to be way out there and their market and everything can they sustain paying it we’ll see we’ll see as far as CD lamb goes CD lamb has a couple things that I think you have to take into a fact and I think it’s going to work for the same thing with Dak Prescott being a Dallas Cowboy you’re gonna be on TV more than anybody around here you’re in a place where there’s no state taxes we know Jerry pays top dollar okay we know this so so yes they’re all going to look for top dollar because traditionally the Cowboys have paid that number right you know whether it’s Travis Frederick Zack Martin Dak Prescott tank Lawrence Amari Cooper Zeke you go down the list they have a reputation of paying it I just think truly if you’re a guy like CD lamb you you you you’ll wait you’ll get a deal done but you want to be in Texas it’s from Houston play at Oklahoma this is where he’s at and the endorsement there’s things that you only get because you’re here if Dak Prescott leaves tomorrow does 7-Eleven go with him does Tom Thumb go with him I mean some of these things are cow they’re Cowboy based deals that if you go to Pittsburgh you’re not gonna it’s not gonna necessarily travel with you you maybe the sleep number bed does but I do think for these guys there there’s an other aspect that I think they have to look into that but ultimately they’re gonna get the bag because they always get the bag from Jerry yeah he never tell me the last true guy who didn’t get a bag who didn’t get a good bag yeah that’s true I mean yeah but but you’re not saying taking the hometown discount though who has nobody really has nobody nobody really has nobody has okay especially if we’re talking about an offensive weapon one of the best in forget the defensive guys you know like DS like you tell me Cooper got paid got paid he tied the market Zeke set the market Dak set the market four years 160 I me Travis Frederick set the Center Market Zack Martin I mean de Bryan yeah that’s tied it the whole thing talk about the collusion him and demarius Thomas at the same time they came was a 5 years 75 they both got so I’m not really worried about that for for lamb you’re going to get it in my opinion just based based on what they’ve done when have they not heck no they and that’s I mean great point but I don’t think that today’s players even acques to that what you’re talking about being a Dallas Cowboy being in Texas the taxes all those things you’re a player you’re looking at the guys up ahead of you and saying I don’t want to be behind that guy like you said AJ Brown I’m not gonna get a penny less than what all right and on top of that I want to get paid more than that guy because now I’m at the table when when you played you I bar you knew what every safety was making in the NFL you d right right so CD lamb is in that same he’s in that same boat right now and there’s no way in hell he’s gonna say all right well I think Justin Jefferson’s best me I’m I’m more of a weapon I line up in the slot even though J Jettas does the same thing but if from his touchdowns to his yardage to having a quarterback look the future is brighter for him and he doesn’t have to say look I want to be a cowboy because I want the Tom Thum and all those dis you know those those endorsement deals and all that even the same thing even the same thing for Dak he didn’t have to you know look Sleep Number doesn’t go with me or Tom th he’s generationally wealthy he doesn’t care about that got the bag the big bag they’re going to get the bag we know this because they always do they always do they can talk tough all they have but when it comes to a offensive weapon they’ve always you talking about the front office yeah you know Michael Irving always got paid Joe Gallow got paid rocket got himself paid I mean you go down the list of weapons offensive weapons jer’s paid the weapons emit got paid I mean they all DeMarco Murray was the only guy who did not get paid but I was sitting here and i’ always felt like DeMarco Murray had a great year but he wasn’t a great player and he was always hurt I never thought DeMarco was that guy okay DeMarco left here he never had a better year than he had no so so that when they played correct but then we saw what they did with Zeke who was a better player they paid him and so to me when we talk about this he’s gonna get the bag we know this but I do believe Heckman that part about you know where you’re at you know like if push comes to shove I still think dak’s gonna be here I mean look at Zeke came back why did he come back family’s here he likes it here and I think the same thing well that’s why I believe a deal will get done he that that that is going to be it like ultimately you going to get paid cuz you know you’re getting paid they they don’t not pay offensive weapons so you’re going to get the bag but I think those other factors in there to me weigh as well and I don’t know how close you guys are to I know you are but just how many some of these players that you know when you leave and you talk to them and they talk about what they miss about the area and their more importantly their wives and family Miss I think that’s something that you take into account not that you’re about to give no discounts cuz ain’t none of them giving no discounts because Jerry pays them I just think that matters and factors the question for me is when when you look at the number of contracts that you have on the docket you’re going to reset the market for sure when it comes down to to Micah he’s goingon to be the highest play defensive player then you have Trayvon Diggs on the other side you have donon Bland’s contract coming you have a lot of contracts that Tyler Smith he’s also going to be in line for that as well as as we we’re talking about Market setting contracts like you can’t every we’ve said this before everybody can’t get paid but everybody is getting paid when they H when Happ when happen yeah go back Travis Frederick Center Market said it Zack Martin guard Market said it Tyron took kind of a discount deal did too he took kind of a discount deal but still but somebody is somebody in this situation is going to have to got I mean I I just when you say it heck I come in this who’s not going to reset it who’s not going to get paid because it’s what they do wow especially on an offensive standpoint Jerry values these offensive guys tell me the offensive guy outside of tyrant Smith who didn’t really get a get get a record setting back no I believe that CD deserves it I I believe he earned it and I believe that his where he’s projected right now in his career he can’t do anything but go up he’s shown you he’s a he’s a weapon he inside you can move him outside Mike McCarthy proved with the way that he put that offense together that if he can feature CD he obviously he needs more help number two and three wide receiver position but still CD lamb is a Bonafide weapon the money part of it we want it to take care of itself but Justin Jefferson and cidd lamb are in the same boat together right now who gets the bigger bag is going to come out in the next couple weeks whoever was first yeah whoever’s first but he has them handcuffed CD L has the Cowboys handcuffed right now because if you look at you know his production without CD L where is the passing you know production coming from they it has to be done like it has to be done he’s getting he’s getting paid they’re all they all three are getting paid you’re just saying that no matter what the bag is going it’s going to be delivered to CD and and don’t even worry about it this fifth year and the fifth year option is $20 million by the way by the way years 20 M dak’s go Dak Prescott is the only question mark I have Micah is getting his bag CD lamb is getting his bag Dak and I say question Arc because it’s just very weird because NFL teams normally don’t do this to their quarterbacks that’s why I say it’s weird but the other two they’re going to get paid they want to be there Jerry wants him here now I had a good conversation with Clarence Hill so we we’re at the at game three and he he’d come from talking to Mari Cooper he know CL he said I did ask him he said he didn’t call Dak the black wrot a great article about that too L right and he was talking so was before he was talking about I I’m going to do it so he was talking about do so when he says it and he says like yeah I said I had I had to ask did you call him the black KK black KK cousin like no I didn’t I just started laughing when he say like only you only you would do only you would do that he bring it up right he brought it up and and he said and I didn’t read the article but he said look man no he says I love Dak said my career when I was coming from the Raiders it was it was in pointing the wrong way he says D got me paid so he’ll always have a place for me and and and so he had a good convers ation with him on that uh but even he had talked about he kind of found it a little bit weird because I mean think about it Justin Herbert you’re goty down with the charges man a wrote that check like that he ain’t did nothing compared to what dak’s been doing right you know and and and and even though Lamar I Lamar is the only person that we recently kind of hey man he had to work for the bag a little bit that’s the only guy and and you saw what happened there but even when Dak had to work for it he he he more than showed he was worth the contract here so I just don’t really understand it but here’s what I do know heck Jerry wandered the desert after Troy mman and did not like not having a franchise quarterback so I just believe they’re going to keep that situation alive Trey Lance I think is also a part of it like hey look you know what we want to make sure we’ve got something for ourselves here I’m not ready to believe he’s wanting to say go give me Tre Lance right now on line three let’s do I don’t think they’re ready to do that man they just so man so you think they gonna go into this year with with Lance as the backup H we got to see what he does in OTAs and we got to see what he does in training camp cuz I poooo on Cooper but Cooper you know he you know he does he’s got time Pro consistency not flash you know he just goes in there does so look you can keep Cooper Rush on your roster as a three or a two either way he’s paid so he’s paid he’s here your your thought process is what what do you do with Lance and and how do you get something out of them be it for you or maybe even a tradem Mark or something um I don’t have a and that’s I I just don’t have a problem with him like some people do because you were if you didn’t draft if you didn’t if you didn’t use your fourth round pick like you did this year for him you were gonna need to draft somebody you know you’re going to have to especially now that they man they get ready to go 18 games yeah we already see what they doing now struggling trying to get quarterbacks through 17 you better have some folks ready to go I don’t have a problem with Tre Lance he’s still a young guy I mean he younger than Michael pennick yeah right now today and and I think that’s why they’ve already come out and said he’s going to get so many reps in the preseason because you got you got to show everybody else what he still has in the tank because everybody knows what Cooper Rush has but I think it’s also uh the San Francisco BR um pry it’s the Brock py effect when it comes down to quarterbacks because he’s basically Shanahan’s just showing you look I can take Mr Irrelevant put him in in an offense in a system and make it work and so many coaches offensive coordinat it’s just their ego saying I can make it work with anybody you can be a game manager and still make it to the Super Bowl he’s that good you know K Kyle could sit up here and say it and do it because he’s that good but I think along the way as a head coach you have to figure out what is it that I need I think Mike McCarthy has done a fantastic job doesn’t get enough credit for figuring out what he needs in quarterbacks from what he was able to work with with farre yeah he was there when Aaron Rogers came through um what he’s been able to take Dak next level I mean to me I’m very impressed with Cooper rush me Cooper Rush was a guy who they threw out the door and he ended up a year with the Giants people like H he comes back here works with McCarthy and he does I’m really eager to see what he can do with Trey Lance um I just I want to see it because I think he’s done a good job so we know what Kyle Shannon is I think Shawn McVey is a guy when they he was there at Washington working with Kurt Cousins when he went out there and worked with Jared G until the point in time where he said you know what I can’t win a Super Bowl with this guy go get me that guy he got Stafford they won a Super Bowl and I just think certain coaches know how they they they they got an understanding I think McVey has understanding I think McCarthy has an understanding I think Andy Reid truly has this dude went to the playoffs was it fely or whatever I mean this guy is really good man hey man Donovan go away I’m gonna go ahead trade you in the division I’m still gonna go ahead and go kick butt um he’s really good we’ve got some good coaches of quarterbacks who understand what it is heck I think someone said what is it that I need the good coaches know what they need here and I think Mike McCarthy and I’m really eager to see what he can do I don’t think Tre Lance is as bad as people say because what makes you say that what makes you say what time proofing consistency do you have that perfect and and I’m GNA go I go back to Cooper Rush man I mean I remember when they brought in Cooper Rush from Central Michigan and you thought maybe there’s a little something there the first year rookie he had good then then it went downhill and then they ended up cutting it and then they brought him back I mean I was there that Thanksgiving Day man uh no Halloween up there in Minnesota the guy throws for 300 yards and and you know got it done and then when that got hurt kept the ship to float four in one I mean I’m looking at him like this is and this is not a slam this is a bus driver and they’re sitting up here getting production out of him that they know he Mike McCarthy knew what to do with him I think Trey Lance is a more talented player based off the skills we have to see it but I am excited to see what I think he can do with Mike McCarthy am I ready to go put some bets on or something like that but based on what I’ve seen with Mike working with guys I think he’s really good at that I think what we saw from Cooper Rush is good let’s take a break I want you guys to marinate on what I just said and then come ready come ready to shoot bullet holes in everything I need because it’s right it’s written all over your face you don’t have to say a word hecma very Church play live right here Dallas cowboy. radio it’s the official men’s skare brand of the Dallas Cowboys Jack Black and right now Cowboys fans can get 15% off their $75 order plus because every deal needs a playmaker your order will include a free five-piece skin care set and free shipping the Jack 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Bucks visit Dallas tickets or the official primary ticketing partner of the Dallas Cowboys thank you heck Mah Harrison your Players Lounge we are here at the star in Frisco it’s in there boo it’s in there it’s in there right the Boo Boo eag as we come down to do the broadcast you see they’ve got everything set up out here outside for the players to get get their work in here the oh yeah organized team activities as famous linebacker Darren Hamrick once said Chris I don’t know if you were there that time I interviewed him when he said um what do voluntary mean what do voluntary mean because he didn’t want to show up like why do I had to be here you know it’s volunteer what do volunteer mean Hamrick with the sound bites man that’s don’t get him like that Darren Hambrick was a great Sound by his little brother not so much but Darren Hambrick was a great Sound by man what do voluntary be you better be there if you ain’t one of them CDs or the micers you better be in there man okay so all right guys I just did my Tre Lance thought process go ahead shoot the bullet holes go ahead you want me to do my my because the you know the question was you know what makes you feel like Trey Lance you know can be that that backup guy you said McCarthy because he you know his his work with quarterbacks and when you say you know Lance is more talented I’m I’m not so sure about that I think he’s more athletic than than a Cooper rush in a Dak but you know yeah you know more athletic but you know is is he accurate with the football can he can he read the defenses out there can he go from you know his first progression to the last progression is he you know can he check the ball down like these are all these things that I’ve yet to see sure from from a Tre L this is a guy who’s played what 15 games in college yeah at you know was it North Dakota State nothing against them but it’s not like he was going against SEC powers out here so to me you I still think there’s a lot left open on the on the Tre Lance book and is McCarthy the right guy to get him going and get that all that untapped potential he could be you know like you said he worked with the favs the Rogers the DXs of the world and he got them to the to the next level so he could do that with Tre Lance but to me I I just don’t see it and I don’t see it coming to fruition either I don’t see this guy going if that going down you know hope that doesn’t happen but if he does go down I don’t see Tre Ls going out there being 4 on1 like a Cooper rush to was and did Cooper have a great defense out there as well yes yes they were that year that you know Cooper Rush stepped in they were playing phenomenal defense being able to get after the pass Wester return the ball over all that great things but I just don’t see try lance being able to be as productive in that system like a Cooper Rush was no I Echo and I I agree with everything that you just said and it’s Tre Lance to me the anomaly of him and just the the premature nature in which they they traded for that guy to me I was like why why you know what’s the reason when you already have a coopa rush a proven commodity and nobody is harder on under Welling quarterbacks the new scrubs okay and so it’s shock I was always on C brush I was a I was like yeah I was like because that was because you had Gary Gilbert okay out you had double G all right and he had competition which which made you question why they let him go Gary Gilbert go for Cooper rush and it showed it showed in those games that you just talking about the Halloween game against the Vikings you saw him when Dak went down with his with his thumb with with his thumb and he is a proven commodity why did we need Trey Lance but to me if if the pick itself was for future picks okay I thought you were going to use that this year all right because you did it was a fifth or fourth or whatever it was that you used on him you needed that uh this year having this guy play and take those snaps in the preseason okay it makes him better and it also shows that Mike McCarthy can develop these guys uh to be I’m not going to say the the farbs and things like that but what I am what I’m basically saying is does does tre Lance have a future in the NFL I just I that’s a great area I don’t I can’t walk into that soundly and say that that’s who he is because he also has been often hurt so and I go back to the conversations I have with with some folks who are part of the deal is had they not gotten Tre Lance they would have used a 2024 pick on a quarterback that’s that’s what they would have done to say okay we have a question about you know what are we doing with sack Cooper’s okay but let’s we want another guy mhm so they used the fourth on Tre Lance who they had a second round grade on who they thought was a good player okay coming out of school they liked the player so they use a four on him the problem and what makes so many people upset is that you see Matt Jones former first- round pick Justin Fields former first pick who basically went for sixes but if you tried to get those players at the beginning of the year when they got Tre Lance you would not have gotten them for a six that’s why it’s premature and see and I and for me I didn’t have a problem with it from the standpoint I understood the logic heck of hey we got a second round pick a guy that’s we’re just using as a lotto ticket let’s see what we think we can do with him with our coaching staff and our system if we we hit the lotto ticket great if we don’t we don’t we’ll take the opportunity no not to say it’s the same but what are the 49 ERS do with Brock pie that was a lotto ticket it was a scratch boom it worked so maybe it does maybe it doesn’t I don’t have a problem with rolling the dice on a quarterback I remember Aaron Brooks being taken by the Green Bay Packers I watched Aaron Brooks with Virginia I thought he was a nice player he was goes to Green Bay they develop they move him on to the Saints and then Mike McCarthy ended up working with Aaron Brooks by the way and won the first ever playoff game for the Saints I believe Mike McCarthy can work with quarterbacks and make them better players that’s what I’m saying I ain’t sitting here tell hey man this guy ready to go take that spot no no could they make him a better player could we see them get something that Kyle Shanahan could not and I think a part of the problem is people say hey man Kyle couldn’t get nothing at of him this guy ain’t no good you go back and you listen to the people like Mike Lombardy and Chris Sims and they’ll tell you that wasn’t a dude that Shanahan even wanted that it was Lynch and another guy who kind of pushed Tre Lance on him that he was more of a Matt Jones kind of guy okay and if it’s one thing you don’t want to do in football is push a player on a coach a coach don’t want yeah that’s the worst player dog on dead on Ral almost man at what and I’m going back to what what church was saying about um Tre Lance playing only 15 college games and things like that just he came into the league already an unproven commodity and maybe that was Shanahan’s apprehension about him as a quarterback the guys that we’re talking about are guys that have had that has played and has that tape playing against you know SEC Big 12 you’ve seen what they can do Brock pie Iowa State Iowa State Big 12 he was a b plate you know yeah he was that guy and so look my thing is with this whole TR Lance development argument whatever it is I always thought that we needed other things we spent that on that all right we always had we had Cooper Rush there I didn’t I didn’t understand it and that’s why I thought it was premature from that aspect uh but but still if you’re gonna develop this guy and he’s going to be your commodity he’s gonna be your second uh quarterback fine if you’re using him for trade bait in the future I’m fine with that as well but I’m I’m I’m right there with you when I say this guy hadn’t done anything I had seen anything from him so I don’t know what he is which is also why he was available you know why he was available and you know look Justin Fields he showed you he played at high Lev when at College you know won at College at the highest level went to the playoffs and same thing with Matt Jones and you know this thing can go a lot of different ways so I am just eager and ready to see exactly what it is that they could do all right we gotta get another break Josh Johnson we got get gotta get another break that’s Dak Prescott says he doesn’t play for money come on man a do we believe it discuss that next right here on players to you at D.C to kick off the 2023 NFL season Hugo Boss teamed up with the NFL and Micah Parsons to launch an iconic apparel collection featuring hoodies Crews t-shirts polos joggers and more the bold unique apparel of the boss NFL collection unites football and fashion while reflecting what it truly means to be a boss get yours today at hugoboss at and at 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don’t play for money never have never cared for it to be honest with you um yeah would give it up just to just to play this game so I uh yeah um so so I allow that to to the business people to to uh say say what it’s worth um what what what they’re supposed to give a quarterback of my play um a person of my play leader of my play I guess you can say and for me it’s about as I said control I can control and handle that part and the rest will take care of itself that is Zach Prescott he’s up for a contract extension here so Dak saying I don’t play for money he recently uh his last contract was a 4 year $160 million deal so all right Church no it’s it’s it’s n I’ve never heard anyone you know say they you know don’t play for maybe that’s why you know I wasn’t considered one of the greats because I treated this league like it’s a job I’m go ahead clock in and I’m a clock out so maybe that’s why I was never considered the greats and they love the game and they’ll play for free but I I don’t believe that I mean there’s only maybe one or two sports where people just play because they love it and and that’s golf you going to go out there you going to golf you ain’t getting paid for it but you going to go out there golf consistently but with the NFL I mean people not it takes too much out of you for you not to get something back in return so you know I love the sentiment he’s going to go out there you know say it in front of the cameras but come on man he’s about to be one of the highest paid quarterbacks if not the highest paid quarterback in the National Football League you’re not going out there for the free ski I’m sorry you’re just not going to do it the game is too tough get your money biged outg hey when you hit me hit you with a yeah um I’m lying I’m doing it for the gr and yeah um no even his subconscious was saying boy you better stop no you know here’s the thing with with Dak it it it comes down to the way that he was treated in those years that they you know put the tag on him and put the franchise he had to fight for the his contract he’s he’s continuing to have to fight to just say that he belongs amongst the upper echelon of quarterbacks in the NFL everybody knows when it comes down to Dak the the perception is great regular season quarterback not very good in the playoffs he has to get that up from over him he he really does he has to get that off of him and he has to take it further and even to an NFC Championship or a Super Bowl but that’s where he is and so I think when you hear sentiments and him saying stuff like that he kind of understands that look this is where I am in in my career he’s look Dak but in his ninth year as as a player and the longev the 10e of quarterbacks I mean just thinking of Tom Brady this guy here’s a guy that could play for another meaning Dak Prescott could play for another five six years at a high level okay so like the money part of it is going to take care of itself uh but I think for him just reaching that great status is just all going to be culminated with him actually winning a Super Bowl that’s where he has to be idealism versus realism ideally you want to come out and say what he said which is that you play you play because you you love it but we also understand this is a business we got people like Jerry Jones and shod Khan and the maras getting rich so you’re not going to for free and if I’m going to get CTE out of this I’m going to get paid too but I think there’s a way you know I think he said that the idealistic thing of what you want to say but realistically we know this man this is a business and you should come in and get what you can while you can because we know when they are done with you they are going to throw you out and that’s that that’s business and I’m okay with it has it been your reality as a as a journalist that you’ve heard players say stuff like that as they’ve gotten longer in their career versus when they were younger like I don’t play for the money I look at D and I think you just go back to the tremendous deal they had for him you know before he got his me deal I mean he was the man was making more money on endorsements than he was as a player but you never saw him complaining I’m under he didn’t do that he just went and did his deal so I think we can take him at the face value because when he was the big bargain in the in the game he didn’t get out here and complain about he just went and made his own money in other places so um I I just think we know he’s not a he’s not a greedy man but at the same time the you have an agent you’re going to get what you can while you can you best do that yeah if you don’t you’re not smart all right guys this is fun this was fun wait wait what two 45 minutes a good time man HCK Harrison man appreciate man got a lot to get get your money back man get Mone are you not entertained are you not unbelievable that boy good that boy good I tell you 12 right there do you believe that talk abouty L yes Faith what is Faith gentlemen faith is when you believe in things that you cannot see that’s what faith is gentlemen all right we’ll do it again Monday right here radio yes this has been a production of and the dallascowboys football club how about this [Music]


  1. I’m glad Scruggs is actually giving Lance a chance and not kicking him to the curb like every other Cowboys commentator,every player hits their peak differently

  2. Would love to see an elite player that didn’t think he had to be the top paid at his position. Maybe Dak will play for free since he don’t play for money.😂

  3. Why do yall think Dak should be the highest paid QB? MF hasn't won anything. If I was Jerry ill tell him. Bro you aint did more than Mahomes why you think you should be paid more than him?

  4. Not a conspiracy theorists then you are one of the sheep believing government and media hype train everything you are told stupid only socialist and communist countries fall for that.

  5. Brady took less to increase the odds of winning Super Bowls. That’s an example of money isn’t everything.

  6. Don’t pay CeeDee he still has one year left. Next year draft a good receiver and say by CeeDee. Dallas should just get rid of this high price players enough is enough.

  7. There is a salary cap not all can get paid what they want. If another team will pay them let them go to another team.

  8. Maybe Lance just needs a change of scenery and more reps. I hope he proves the haters wrong when he gets real productive consistent ops.

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