How to Hit Accurate 9 Iron Shots (simple short iron drill)

In this video, PGA Certified Instructor Brett Francisco shares a simple yet effective drill to help you master your 9 iron shots. This drill is also useful for most of your shorter iron shots, ensuring better accuracy and reliability in your golf game. Improve your golf swing and hit those iron shots with confidence!

⏰ Time Stamps ⏰
– 0:00 Intro
– 0:54 Understanding the Angle of Attack
– 1:23 Perfecting Your Posture
– 2:30 Weight Transfer Techniques
– 3:06 Vertical Swing Technique
– 4:05 9-Iron Golf Swing Example (Good & Bad)
– 6:40 Practice Golf Swing Drill
– 11:00 Conclusion

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hey everyone Brett from Senior Golf and what I’m going to share with you today is how to hit your nine iron um there’s a lot of people that I’ve worked with in the past particularly the people that maybe don’t have the swing speed or maybe the ability to have a deep range of Arc in their swing um they particularly they struggle with their irons um they struggle with making good contact they struggle with getting the ball to Launch high up in the air so what I’m going to share with you are a few things that I’ve encountered over the years as an instructor um to help pinpoint problems um where golfers run into big issues so let’s kind of segment this into uh contact issue um you know your angle of attack greatly determines your ability to hit down on the ball and there’s so many golfers um particularly the ones that are limited in their Arc of Swing meaning the range and distance that they get the club to swing around their body and also um kind of is a side effect of that is their swing speed so for slower swing speeds for limited range of Mobility um this is definitely for you so all ears on um we’re going to talk about our body’s posturing now regardless if you are limited in your range of motion or not the positioning that your body is in when we’re swinging our irons will greatly affect the ability to hit down on the ball and compress that ball which will in return give it nice launch um you’ll get good compression on the ball nice solid strike and as an instructor something that I see a lot of is people trying to help the ball up in the air so for us right-handed golfers what winds up happening is the spine tilts back they try to sweep under the ball they try to lift the ball in the air because that’s what they feel like is necessary um let’s think about that really quick if I’m swinging with my spine tilted away from Target so as I’m coming into impact and my spine tilts away from Target think about what that’s doing to your weight transfer if you’re worried about swing speed we should also be worried about our weight transfer you know you think about making an energy transfer if I were to throw a ball I need to make sure that I’m moving my body I’m turning my body and I’m transferring my weight from my back foot to my forward foot well it’s going to be really hard to do that if my spine tilts off to the right and this is specific to the iron so what we’re going to try to do is teach you how to stay more vertical in your address more vertical at the top of your back swing and more vertical as we come into impact and what’ll happen is if we stay in that position and reduce the amount of tilt that we have again this is for our higher lofted irons when we get into the longer irons when we get into the hybrids the Fairway woods and the driver we’re doing something different our our posture does change but this is specific to the irons we want to be able to swing the back swing impact and follow through with a more vertical position meaning from this angle a more vertical spine angle which is going to enhance our ability to hit down on the ball so I’m going to jump in and hit a couple of shots and we’re going to look at the trajectories that I get so in this first couple shots I’m actually going to to set up and do what I said don’t do I’m going to be tilting to the right as I come through so we’re going to kind of pay attention to my ability to strike the ball um we’re also when I do make good contact we’re going to look at the height that the ball travels and the total distance that it travels so this is my nine iron I have it middle to my stance and as I come in the impact there I don’t know if you could really hear that in the sound you know the ball did go straight but I hit it very fat I hit the ground well before the ball and if we look at the total distance it was right around 99 yards that’s way off the mark for how far I hit my nine iron let’s go ahead and go one more for good measure just to see if I hit the ball solid again slightly heavy but I definitely made more ball contact there uh total of 95 yards again it’s nice and straight but out on the golf course that Turf interaction is going to be very different than what I’m hitting off the Synthetic Turf all right so now what I’m going to do is I’m going to have that primary focus where I want to feel that my spine angle as I come in my downswing does not tilt I stay in position so when I come into impact you can see that my hands are in position with my left thigh the club head is on the ball and the shaft has a forward lean to it so now I’m going to go ahead and take some easy swings here ball middle to The Stance and you can hear right away that was a pretty big difference and right away that was 30 yards additional to what I was doing with the leaning back technique and again that was a very easy swing so now I’m going to give it B more of my range of motion for a full swing and let’s see what that yields right little left but 141 yards that is a significant difference in distance and it’s simply because my ability to keep my spine angle more vertical in position as I come into impact now you might say Brett well that that sounds great but how do I actually do that well I’m going to share with you my absolute hands down favorite drill to help establish that feel now with this I’m going to suggest that you start with maybe your wedges so either you’re 56 or you’re 60 if you have one in the bag what you’ll do is we are basically going to make our body stay vertical just by Instinct what I’m going to do is I’m going to take away my trail leg now what I mean by that is I’m going to kick my trail leg back on the tiptoes and it’s very important that we start with a small range of motion this is not a full swing drill what we’re going to do is kick that foot directly behind out of position now you might find that your balance is in question here and that’s that’s a good thing you should recognize that it shouldn’t be that difficult to stand in this position if if it is then you’ve got something to work on let’s work work on our balance and I’ll save another topic uh where we’ll hit that so if you have balance issues please comment in so I know that I can go ahead and jump in a video on that so here we are I’ve got the club it’s lined up with my forward foot as you can see from straight on you really can’t see my my right foot my trail foot it’s out of the equation and what will happen here is if I swing and I stay vertical cool again like I said it’s a short range of motion let’s let’s kind of view it as halfway back halfway through type of Swing now what’ll happen if you have that desire to want to tilt away from Target you’re going to have to save yourself with that trail foot you’re going to have to remove it and get it back underneath of you before you fall over so with this let’s take some practice swings first and then we’ll we’ll pull a ball in and we’ll try to pay attention to our overall contact so I’ll swing very easy swings very balance swings and now I’ve got the ball in front of me I’m going to go ahead and hit and as you can hear that was a pretty solid strike now the beauty in that is I just took a half swing total distance of 90 yards really there was very little effort put into that but what happens folks folks is we’ve got good mechanics with our irons we need to be hitting down on the ball we don’t need to help Loft the ball up in the air uh it’s it’s unbelievable how many people I’ve ran to over the years that I’ve instructed that said Brett I I can’t hit my long my low irons I either top them I hit them fat well if you’re leaning back and tilting think about it that club is very prone to hitting the ground prior to hitting the ball and in some extreme cases if your ball placement is off let’s say your ball placement is forward you can top the ball all day long as you can see it looks like I’m swinging up on the ball now you know when it gets to the driver and the longer clubs like I said earlier there is a time and a place for spine tilt but this is not it if you’re looking to improve your ability to strike your L your lower irons including your wedges more cleanly with with better crisp contact and with greater results you really need to pay attention to this so using that drill what I want you to do is start with that lob wedge start with The Sand Wedge get used to it get in some real grass go out in the backyard hit some foam golf balls and become accustomed to it and what happens as you start feeling that as you start making good contact you’re going to start to reintroduce that trail foot so incrementally as you’re hitting the ball better start bringing that foot back into the equation and before you know it you’ve got your regular stance and you’re doing this drill so this is I like to refer to this as more of a walk um you’ve got to crawl before you walk here um and then you’ll be Off to the Races if you do this right you’ll be striking the ball cleanly you’ll be getting the spin that you need you’ll be getting the launch that you need out of your short irons and those approaches into the green are going to be a lot more fun because the ball is going to hold it’s not going to hit and just kick off the putting surface so um please like smash that button share with your friends um we love to hear your comments so thanks again for stopping in we’ll see you soon [Music]

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