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Oregon’s N’Faly Dante has waiver DENIED by the NCAA–is his career over? | Oregon Ducks Podcast

N’Faly Dante and Oregon will have to appeal for a 6th year of eligibility after the NCAA’s initial ruling came down against the Ducks’ talented big man. His desire for a medical waiver is complicated, and Oregon will have to do some hard convincing to make that happen.

This segment is from Friday’s episode of Locked On Ducks with Spencer McLaughlin

Oregon’s N’Faly Dante has waiver DENIED by the NCAA–is his career over?

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green cup Oregon green you get it second segment sips essential all right let’s talk about inol Dante again so not the ruling Oregon fans were hoping for initially and the waiver application to get an extra year of Eligibility has been denied Dante is looking for a sixth year of college basketball with the Ducks essentially the foundation is that over the course of two seasons he played 18 games total he played six games in the co year and the year prior he uh got hurt when the co when Co canceled the season uh he only played 12 that’s how his career began then he finally got healthy and of course he has been uh exceptionally good so I think that for for Dante it’s discouraging at the moment but all hope is not lost so a big I’m this you cannot undersell the importance of what what happened in the moments after Dante’s waiver was denied by the NCA and Oregon’s going to appeal the decision as they should because what you have to lose Jay billis came out in staunch support of andol Dante and putting public pressure like that from a national media figure on the NCAA cannot hurt so here’s what Jay billis had to say in a tweet quote the nca’s treatment of Oregon’s inol Dante is simply outrageous this young man is everything in all caps the NCA ACC claims it wants in an athlete Dante has been injured throughout his career and he has played two full seasons less than players like Armando Bott yet he’s denied an additional year due to injury ending his career absurd Dante is a model athlete and person true wants to come back to play and Advance his education and has never asked his school for anything when the NCA says quote athlete welfare end quot it rings Hollow the NCAA needs to do the right thing allow Dante his additional year immediately and he tagged Oregon men’s basketball March Madness and the NCA so the reason that’s important is and Folly Dante is going to go through this appeal process and there have been instances in which the NCA rules one way and the public kind of makes an effort makes a push Advocates on a guy’s behalf to say he should be able to play and then they reverse course now the most recent example of this is was a TZ Walker the wide receiver at North Carolina who was denied a waiver to be immediately eligible despite being a two-time transfer which now looks extra ridiculous because athletes are allowed to transfer as many times as they want without any restrictions from the NCAA so that’s anyway that’s a different conversation so he was denied a waiver for just ridiculous reasons like he had all the right criteria for why someone should get to transfer a second time and the NCA said no and it there was a lot of public outcry Josh Pate talked about it on his show you had college game day pundits talking about that you had Mac Brown in North Carolina all lobbying for this and then eventually he was approved to play towards the latter part of the Season better late than never but it was still a little bit late now in this instance it would certainly be better late than never if Dante you know wasn’t allowed to play the start of the year but then halfway through two-thirds of the way into it he was then allowed to play that that’d be better than nothing but Oregon’s going through this process right now so hopefully there’s enough time to get him approved and so then he’s also got an NBA draft decision that that he has to work with this situation is is complicated though on on the surface there was a debate going back and forth between Matt PR and I think it was Kevin Streelman or or or somebody I don’t remember uh what I don’t I don’t remember his name but he was going back and forth about you know Dante getting uh hurt here and you know what have mattered if he if he gets H in this year Kevin Sweeney is the guy’s name and Kevin Sweeney is anti- Dante getting another year of Eligibility because he should and Sweeney covers college basketball so it’s a little bit odd that he he’s so staunchly against it like Dante is an awesome player and an awesome guy and he has ake however I do think Kevin raises an interesting point and so so the the ruling that came down essentially said Dante got hurt and only played in six games during the co year if Dante had been hurt and only played six games this past year medical waiver would haveon 100% been granted what Oregon is essentially suggesting is that because it happened in the covid year when Dante got hurt he’s being penalized for being injured in that specific season so other guys have gotten a sixth year of Eligibility there have been multiple other college basketball players who’ have gotten a sixth year of Eligibility and those guys had a CO year and then it got injured a different year so that’s the conundrum and I I see the obviously I support Dante getting another year because he had two seasons total in which he played 18 games like that that’s just not and and then the point that billis makes in his tweet and support of Dante in Oregon’s uh request here you know lays out perfectly like hey th this guy over here Armando bot and this is not a shot arm Bott fantastic basketball player he’s played it’s something like 40 it’s dozens he’s played dozens and dozens more games I think it was like 170 versus 100 total games in his college basketball career so why are you saying that Dante’s out of Eligibility here the conundrum and what Oregon I think you know wasn’t able to get past in this initial ruling and might struggle with in the appeal as well is that the injury occurred during the co year like can you double up getting an extra year when things that give you an extra year happen in the same season if I’m not explaining that correctly shoot me a message and I’ll clarify but that that’s that’s kind of the Crux of it is it’s bad luck and bad timeing but the other Factor as well is that you know he didn’t have the opportunity to play in the Co year and then once he got hurt the rehab wasn’t the same he’s been given five years of Eligibility already but has he actually played five years worth of college basketball no so that’s where the back and forth comes in and I thought that that point raised by Kevin Sweeney was what was a valid one and the the Counterpoint is so he should have gotten hurt a different year yeah but he didn’t get hurt a different year he got hurt in that season and so that’s that’s what Oregon has to persuade the NCAA on is they have to say look he has not used up 5 years worth of Eligibility he should be able to to get another one and I think public pressure can work public pressure can be effective and you know the NCAA has been taking it on the chin in the court recently or in the courts recently so maybe they’re looking for wins I I I don’t know I mean no no one ever really knows what the NCA is doing thinking why they’re doing it or why they rule this way or that way so um I I find that to be interesting to say the least and and worth continue to follow because this is definitely not over Oregon’s going to continue to try to push for this as as they should I Think It’s Tricky I think he should get it however if they rule that he’s not going to get that six year of Eligibility then I understand where they’d be coming from as crappy as it would be like if he’d only played six games in the 201920 season when they didn’t have postseason then you know the the the line for I believe the line for getting a medical red shirt for uh for football it’s four games to get any kind of red shirt and for uh basketball it’s nine so playing 12 games the year PRI like he should have played three games prior been more hurt I don’t know it all get it all gets kind of weird and finicky but that’s the latest on it and Oregon now sends that to the appeal and if it gets approved that’s a final four capable team and if it doesn’t get approved then you know I cannot believe Oregon was hosting a transfer the other day but they were and it was a transfer from uh Miami or that might be happening this weekend I don’t remember specifically but uh John rosin reported that so they’re still looking to to make moves to improv their roster roster looks pretty great could still get even better if this goes Oregon’s way so for those of you that are Baseball fans stick around because I have thoughts going into their Regional matchup which starts later today as this show airs this episode of lockon ducks is brought to you by our friends over at game time game time make makes getting NBA Finals tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to tip off with killer last minute deals Allin prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying NBA tickets you can save up to 60% off buying last minute for sports concerts comedy theater Etc you can save even more with exclusive inapp deals on select seats ahead of the game or event so take the guesswork out of buying NBA Finals 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