Golf Players

Round 3 Highlights | 2024 European Open

Highlights from Round 3 of the 2024 European Open, with Laurie Canter and Guido Migliozzi in pole position going into the final day


The DP World Tour continues its European Swing this week for the European Open at Green Eagle Golf Courses in Hamburg. Tom Mckibbin returns this week after holding off home favourites Maximilian Kieffer and Marcel Siem to claim his maiden DP World Tour title last time out. He comes into the week on excellent form, with three top-10s already this season and on the back of securing his maiden Major Championship by coming through U.S. Open Final Qualifying. Major champion Danny Willett will be in the field this week. He exceeded expectations by making his comeback following a shoulder surgery at The Masters last month finishing 45T overall. Sweden’s Jesper Svensson will also be in Germany this week. He claimed victory at the Porsche Singapore Classic in March and finished 43T in the PGA Championship at Valhalla Golf Club. Others to look out for are Rasmus Højgaard, Keita Nakajima and Yannik Paul.


lri caner absolutely stunning drive his longest iron is driving iron needs to flush it get everything out of this I think he thought that was struggling to carry he didn’t like the contact and in the end it was maybe two yards over it’s now a very good shot because that is a hard green to find now that’s down that next Ridge and what do we know that’s how he saw it and it was an absolute Touch of Genius in the [Applause] end Tom vant off to a quick start this for birdie at 5 and in it went there’s that fist pump we’ll see more of that deep tying marks in the bottom of the bunker yeah I’m not not really sure what that’s about but it makes this shot a little tougher luckily the The Rake grooves are going in the direction of play told you difficult told you it was going to be difficult wa that is just wonderful for the young man it was flying it was traveling it had to hit dead center oh that’s got them going Nakajima can’t afford to from this range oh oh oh what a Pat from long range this is the Frenchman Tom Vamp who came through the challenge tour last year exciting prospect and very nicely done you see a little fist pump there he does get excited on the golf course a little over 100 Left End that back right flag he’ll drive it in low trying to get it all the way back there now the spin yeah well done doesn’t look a big Target when you look from there does it he’s asking it to go oh it’s a superb shot and this looked a berry it looked to spin into that thick grass and he has done a wonderful wonderful job of that that is 10 out of 10 he’s going with Loft quite a nice fluid SN oh he’s played it beautifully got some grab well played sir sounded like a good strike you’re always a little bit wary of what kind of spin you’ll get out of it and he’s judged that just one wonderfully well just got a guard against the spin that’s the problem and he said go oh he’s done well well done and that is a perfect place to pop from exactly where Pablo larab will hold it from good bird he Tred to come for Yan Guido motti down nine pin just eight on today I love the way quo plays the game it’s just so uncomplicated simple swing nice little tight line at the par five for tomon oh I like this oh the back foot squeezer the low one skip it up the green let it run out to the hole nicely thought out he’s hit it hard so you would expect some spin well judged all in the plan yep little out of place here but it’s his third at least at the par five miloi loads of grain to work with and a little left ahead Tom vant who is really a quitting himself very well and growing into life on the DP World Tour I know Jeff lukan will be watching his coach say hello to Jeff there was a good pal ofine when he was out on tour well he’s elected to go the area route motti mben well here we go he’s on the D like from a bunker coming in low he’s trying to pitch it on the front of the green let it release 225 yards out it isn’t is it it’s a joke it is a joke how good that is no oh what a golf shot and how did it not go in on for norgard there to McKibben who did tap in for an excellent birdie at the last W it’s looking like two in a row now he’s found his swing well another chance to see if anybody can win 50,000 worth of furniture Tony’s got his eye on those rainbow color chairs for his dining room oh Beauty come on come on oh you little beauty what a golf shot yeah massive tear in the green there in front of him probably about three and 1 half 4 ft of rise and then up and over and back round and this is a beautiful try beautiful in fact it is how has it not gone in take your time it might still take a slow walk Jordan you never know my goodness me well he can’t believe it Jaden shaper can he what a brilliant pop from down there what is it a millimeter shot oh it’s gone in my goodness me that’s okay that is okay but he’s got nothing here and he needs to be cautious do not come up short and make seven yeah that’s it exactly as howler says with all his experience of 720 odd events give yourself a par look don’t compound the mistake it’s what great players do it’s almost unbelievable because morgi has some skills rare skills That You Don’t See too many human beings have motti going to try and get this high and soft with the firm wrists through impact and does a great job of it Well Done second on the way for de bruy at 12 calling for it to go it went it’s good steady oh it is now can he get the distance right finger snapping normally means it’s gone a little long well with a lot of Fizz on it excellent shot we like his distance control he’s taken a bit off that is he trying to reduce the amount of spin yes he is and he’s done it fantastically [Applause] well one to8 for Tomy Kim coming in low one big hot stop keep it below the hole if you can Tom oh it’s a cracker right now he is thinking about nothing more than finishing and birding every hole to get we in one motti well Mar you called us early you said he’s the man to beat now really oh hello oh it just he didn’t look like he liked it at all did he and we couldn’t quite see but all of a sudden moty has a share the lead I personally wouldn’t bet against him H in this Netherwood gravity it’s on the dance FL so is miloi up ahead you can see off our left he aiming that sliding oh that’s looking good go in oh great putt did everything but such a an exciting player to watch that is an excellent round of golf just the part of finish it out that three on the way in and a round of 67 for quido moty he looked solid all week can he pop this in no he ran too much into it oh no he didn’t oh no he didn’t nice reverse gear their fors by well we’ve seen some very strange thing happening around the hole today and I thought like you that had gone past the hole as it fell back in and the final stroke of the day for lorri caner well done to him miloi has company at the top of the leaderboard two [Applause] tied it’s been a great watch today hasn’t it just a little bit of everything to watch another DP 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  1. I've never felt more intellectually stimulated than I do right now. This thread is a veritable playground for the mind.💕

  2. It's refreshing to be part of a community where ego takes a backseat to the pursuit of knowledge. Humility is truly a virtue here.🍭

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