Golf Players

Front 9 at Diamond Springs – A Beautiful Pete Dye Course!

Brian and I have been members here at D-Springs for 3 years now and love it! It’s a great course that is scorable, but some of the green complexes are pretty insane. Depending on where pins are at this course can play very hard. Love and appreciate you! Back 9 uploaded a little later!

hey boys what up Tuesday morning we are uh at Diamond Springs like always Brian with me here we golf at least 36 holes every Tuesday here I don’t know if we’re going to be able to get everything filmed just because I’m filming off my camera and Battery becomes an issue but we are going to film uh the first 18 this week I think and then maybe next week we’ll film ourselves doing our scramble we like to scramble the second 18 just to see how low we can go the golf may not always be good but the but the vibe should be good so we’ll see it’s kind of a shorter uh par 4 but I hit a draw with my driver and the T box is way to the right and uh I can’t really hit driver with this angle so I’m just going to hit a little five iron it’s very foggy yeah it should play it should be up on the left hand side in the in the middle but little chunky yeah didn’t didn’t hit that one great that’s a good ball should be right in the middle of the Fairway and that’s not a bad ball either left side of the Fairway good swings Brian all right Brian here he’s got 93 yards it’s a good drive we unfortunately didn’t get my last shot I hit a pitching wedge from about 140 and I think I went long uh Brian’s in a good spot here pulled it a little bit but should be dancing he’s a little long as well there but safely on so my my shot ended up here it went directly at the pin but just went a little bit long Brian is right on the back of the green there so we both both overshot a little bit we’re juicing we’re juicing big time get the straight on view for the crames here all right I’m going to probably have like 35 ft thought they were going to be slower with the sand not slow with a with authority ramso get it in there let’s go kid put the pressure on me here old man stepping it out Brian with a ram home no doubter yeah my pitch mark is actually right there so I I bounced right past the his pitch mark is uh was all over it two feet from the cup all right kid bummer it’s a dog leg left and again it’s foggy so you can’t see it but kind of just on the right edge of that tree line there uh is the green I don’t know where the pin’s at today but it’s about 300 to get to the green he pushed it a little bit right it’s drawn a little bit should be good it landed right in there yep you’re boy with an iron here yeah again just it’s kind of a short hole and uh driver is not really to play on this one for me so you got a little six iron little right again I think it’s good it’ll be short of everything yep and that’s why we hit six iron cuz if I push it right it doesn’t go in the trees right all right one 125 pin’s kind of tough cuz there’s like this pot bunker that is right in the middle front of the green and if you’re in that you’re kind of dead so they got a 52° oh it’s the wrong side of the green yeah hopefully that doesn’t go too long either Center center of the right side that’s going to be an interesting putt yeah tough Brian ended up like under this fallen tree so instead of just trying to move all the tree we’re going to give them free relief to right there just because it’s easier and again it’s not part of the golf course so he’s got about 90 yards pretty much the same shot he had last hole just a tough shot cuz you can’t be short and there’s a bunker Behind the Green on this angle too where if you’re long it’s pretty tough and he’s right in the middle of the green should kick left hopefully it comes down that hill going to fall down or no I don’t know I saw it bounce but there’s a little Ridge that kind of runs through the middle of this green and if you’re left of it it’ll fall left if you’re right of it it maybe will fall right just a little bit oh gosh this is going to be fun yeah all right K’s got a long one he’s going to have to go way up to our left yeah I don’t know if it’s like crazy crazy monks I do think it flattens out a little bit over there but yeah this is going be a weird green if you’re on the wrong wrong side of it and I just pushed that shot so see what we can do let’s go pretty happy pretty happy with that we’ll give you that one appreciate it mine is just On The Fringe up there flirting with that bunker left Brian’s got a pretty straightforward po I mean it’s going to fall right to left the whole way yeah well done we’ll give it to them it’s definitely within a putter link so good putt Brian thanks all right the first uh I wouldn’t say hard hole but definitely a step up from the first two a little tougher longer Par Four but you got a fairway about a mile wide so that I’ve missed we’ve both missed a lot thousand times left side it might be in the rough left but it sometimes can kick right up there and stay in flirting all right here we go he’s letting the big dog eat this time this is the first driver swing the channel has seen so oh man he nervous well you know hey I’ll I’ll say there’s some good days with this club and some bad days but we’ll see what we can do here low Ripper it’s going to be right in the middle run forever yeah that didn’t go more than about I don’t know 15 ft off the ground but I hit it pretty good all right Brian just caught the left rough here um just barely off the Fairway but he’s got 186 so not his best drive but he can uh he can do some work here yeah caught a little bit of that on the ground thicker grass back behind it all right the kid’s at 119 yeah and the pin’s in the back so uh I’m going to hit a 56 I don’t think it can get all the way back there which is good cuz we do not want to go along just right of it pretty good strike front side it’s a pot there was a bug flying around my face right as I hit that let’s blame it on the bug let’s blame it on the bug all right Brian’s got 80 yards in a much better spot now than than what he was he’ll he’ll stick this close that be really good yeah good shot Brian thanks all right cr’s got about 20 feet that’s more than 20 22 22 he wants everybody to know it’s 22 feet I mean that’s at least 30t oh my God both wedges I’ve hit so far uh were struck really well but just just pushed right a little bit this one is no exception all right let’s hit a good putt here oh smashes the let’s go take a look it came down so perfect maybe without the flag well that one stings the nostrils that was coming in a little hot but yeah you never know when the uh the pins out get there all square R’s talking crap yeah cuz he’s an old man and he didn’t know how to know if it was on video or or photo do this high tech St all right first par five here very very very attackable uh it’s it’s weird hitting into the fog because we’re not going to see where this lands just hitting into nothingness it’s going into the trees on the right no it was low that was no that was the sound of it you hear that that’s a woodpecker no not a woodpecker that was the ball smashing the trees in the right I watched it that came out though didn’t it yeah it’s a low burner straight into halfway up the trees yep I don’t know about that dude all right I’m just telling you this guy never believes me normally my Miss with my driver is a snap hook left so at least that hasn’t happened yet yeah that’s going to be center cut that’ll work hyraw good job Brian all right we found him just on the edge it wasn’t as bad as we thought he’ll have a chance to punch out yeah and I got this right here I mean I can’t I could go so much further right but I can’t just because of get yourself in the Fairway elting that so the bgy here that sucks she stayed in yeah at least I can uh move it more this way now all right try to get some contact on it punch it all right R it in the long stuff he’s at 200 yeah not a great spot I got to get this up around the green and see if I can get up and down for bogey or something yeah it’s a great shot I was hoping it wouldn’t hit that tree and it didn’t it’s coming back left should be good good drive by Brian generally if there’s a cart path that goes between these two Fairways if we’re up past this cart path we’re pretty happy and it’s pretty getable in two and he’s in a great spot right here staying ball chunky and right just chunk and chunk the chunk push well Brian got pretty lucky I swear he was further right than this but his Ball’s sitting up in a good spot’s got about 60 yards the pin is right there that could be really good should roll right a little bit from where he hit it as long as it doesn’t roll off was a good shot could be good that’s where he ended up yeah I’m I’m pretty much pin High just right to the green so I’m I’m uh this is my fifth shot right I think so yeah this shot here let’s put this close my gosh it’s so fast up there not a bad shot strong no it was a good shot right at it it’s at least 35 yeah yeah jeez bird time baby birdie time bir time baby good B dude oh this green easy big that’s big boys woo 145 145 it’s actually a tough pin you can probably do see it but it’s like right on a little Hill there in the front left tough shelf to get on and he’s probably going to be pin high but he push it right might catch piece of the green or just off I mean maybe it’s on the it’s going to be impossible yeah it’s just a tough spot tough just a weird number as well here it’s 145 which is in between a pitching wedge and like a 48 for me but I don’t want to go long so I’m just going to try to get good contact here with this 48 and get up on that shell I pulled it left left a little bit if it’s if it’s far enough it might not be too bad all right so Brian did catch a piece of the green here but kind of a tricky putt he’s got to go right up this Ridge and you try not to roll too far past the hole I’ve seen him do it 100 times here though Go in all right that’s a great put he rolled just past to pass all right so had a pretty good shot pin High here landed up on the hill and rolled down so not a bad spot to chip from here goodbye me good three sweet it’s hard to to see you you guys will see other times when we’re out here but this green can be one of the harder greens cuz it’s very long no the heartbreaker so here we are whole six Diamond Springs probably probably the second or third hardest hole on this course the first yeah real hard hole it’s a long par 4 and then you’ve got an elevated green where if you go long it’s death if you miss the green left it’s almost an impossible up and down so tough tough hole here usually if we bogey this hole we’re we’re pretty happy all right I always flirt with the trees on the right here cannot see anything just into the Mist yeah we’ve played here when it’s foggy before but this is about as foggy it’s ever been it’s going to end up being perfect yeah that was kind of your classic low draw my my low in the middle bullet draw Brian pushes a little right but it’s going to be just fine he might be just off the Fairway but that was a pretty well struck Drive yeah should be good good swing and Brian you know ban him ban him it’s not me it’s a golf course all right Brian is literally just off the Fairway but might as well be Fairway he’s got a good lie um was it one was it 1 70 170 y yeah 169 yep pins right in the middle bought this easy pin as they’ll put on this uh this hole here so pretty attackable that could be bunker just came out low and yeah not the greatest right no yeah I’ve had this 125 number a few times and I I’ve been on the green but I pushed it right but again you guys can see how far the green falls off to the left from here it’s just not good to be over there and if you miss the green right here it’s really not terrible so I’m aiming for the middle of the the green I got a 52 in hand yeah it’s com back a little bit you’re going to miss it right a little bit but that should be center of the green yep good shot right where I was aiming it was a good strike so Brian unfortunately ended up in this uh I don’t even know if I would quite call it greenside bunker I mean there’s probably 20 yards of space between here and the front of the green so not the uh easiest shot in the world here I mean Stay Stay it was looking like it wanted to roll back down the hill I mean we’re taking that Brian yeah it’s a good shot out there got a read on it I like to walk my putts I started doing that did I start doing that two years ago Brian yeah at least and um my putting has gotten exponentially better so yeah I hate to admit you’re good at it putting yeah like I’ve said it in a couple other videos on the channel but putting has been one of my best things recently I mean obviously today I had a three putt but it doesn’t happen too often yeah good putt yeah left little short I think the line was right if you to hit it yeah I don’t know but tap in for on six give it to me yep that’s good yeah I’ll take a four on uh this hole any day of the week right Brian should have a little bit of a left to right swing on this one but not anything crazy my initial read just by looking at it not walking it is maybe a foot left I mean that’s good put Brian kind of stayed there just yeah didn’t really didn’t really break a whole lot all right number seven tach beat up we’re thinking it’s like 137 yeah I mean the pin’s all the way in the back and you can’t uh you can’t tell really from here but behind the green on this hole is is bad you do not want to be long in the middle pretty safe spot on this hole well it looks like from the cart that the pins in the back it’s hard to see but we we definitely do not want to go along so we’re going to take the club that should put us in the middle at 52 here enough Club it’s all over it if it is yeah I’m in the front part of the green but that’s that was a safe shot y good swing brother and Brian is right at it as well don’t go long it’s I don’t know I mean he was maybe 3 or 4T left of it it came back here Brian I guess we’ll have to see yeah all right all right so my pitch mark is right there and I spun back I don’t know 7 or 8 ft but the pin’s right there and Brian did just go barely off the back but he’s not in a terrible spot but you can see if you go too long there it all runs away and you can easily run back into the woods and the tall stuff there so he’s not in a terrible spot looks like he’s going to put it sit too much juice just try to get all right back up the hill he was right at it directly at the pin just left it on the front side [Music] yes sir dang all right really happy with that putt it just didn’t didn’t quite break back to the hole like I thought but I hit a good putt come on Brian yes dude what a great three take a three there well done do all right number eight power five boxes are forward today too Lally every Tuesday Morning very very very Gable cuts the fairways and he Parks right next to our t boox with his thing running it is the best oh I skyed it went right under it to the right be short of the trees I’m hoping it’s short Brian’s just up the right side kind of right over there at that top of the hill it does kick left over there if he caught the back side should be good all right we found the kid yeah we didn’t quite make it to the trees I I just skyed it so I do have a little bit of a punt shot that I can get through here um yeah we’ll try to hit a little five iron punch through here it’s going to be great it’ be really good Matt yeah no it’s good so Brian is just caught the thick stuff here and he’s only about 200 but because it’s so thick I think he’s just going to hit a little seven iron and give himself a wedge in it’s a smart play those bunkers can be absolute death up there run ball really thick man jeez we’re all right the pin is in a really easy spot today it’s right in the front that’s where we that’s a scorable scorable pin just a smooth pitching wedge here for him I love it should be so good right at it yeah all over it I mean uh it looks like it’s probably within 5T uphill pot is a perfect leap all right the kid’s at 60 this has been a pretty good number for me for little pit shots hopefully we can continue it pushed it right a little bit it’s going to be pin High Matt that’s good yeah I just I mean just pushed it a little bit I mean he followed us the whole our our boy just he loves us you know is that the guy that ran over my clubs last year Brian yeah yeah that guy ran over one of Matt’s clubs had a wedge sitting on the side of the green On The Fringe and he lit he ran over it the disregard bro you know what I’m saying he didn’t even acknowledge it just went right over it all right well went a little bit long we got a birdie putt hit a birdie putt here got a good read on it slightly right to left that is in the heart boys I think it goes in pretty straight back up the hill here oh it broke the left at the end unfortunate all right you can kind of see here left is death yeah and those that pocket of trees in between this Fairway and hole one uh very reachable and obviously you can block yourself out there so just try to get one in the Fairway here I think I’m going to be able to play that but man I’m just hitting my driver low today he is going to be up on the hill right there short of the trees though ah well we found it Brian found it in the tall stuff I uh I’m hitting a seven just trying to advance it up there because I hate hitting out of this tall stuff if I can move it up I’d be so happy okay right side of the Fairway what’s up we have 224 224 hitting a five iron this can definitely get there long is dead left is dead I normally hit a draw this is just a horrible this is a really scary hole for me so I just need to get it up around the green I’d be happy oh it’s gone left left a halfway one bouncing in yeah Brian got a little too close to the trees so he’s just punching out over here into the Fairway well done Brian’s got 140 I uh I went in right there so we’ll move up and off to take a drop I’ll be hitting five I’m shooting three making a mess of this hole for sure catch piece that’s leaking a little right o bounced left it’s not a bad shot he’s probably close to pin High maybe just off the green putting it though 76 yards pins in the back can’t be long sit right there really good shot backside should be close Brian just barely off the green has a putt for par though and I’m I’m right there I got to putt for double way too much stick you very powerful was that good uh no got a good read on this one I feel comfortable maybe a cup cup and a half outright ah and did that break it all that stay dead straight kind of wanted to at the end but yeah no I’d like to make it yeah normally like my goal is to keep doubles off the card but uh that’s a triple boys not mine more the merrier you know yeah sure good pot thanks good pot Brian way to save it I think 39 yeah Brian with a 39 on the front I ended up with a 41 but I feel like we’re both striking the ball pretty good I just had one bad hole there so and we were only two over going into the whole nine so pretty happy with that honestly back nine it’s weird because on paper the back nine is harder than the front nine here but I feel like we generally play The Back Nine better most of the time nor do so uh the back nine is really beautiful here though at this course you’ll see a lot of uh a lot of the Ravine coming into play


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