Which takeaway do you like better? (A or B) – Comment below

Which takeaway is better and why? Comment below.

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  1. Brysons it's more rotational which makes it less reliant on timing and better on the back

  2. I have tried A, felt good for a while and then gives me hooks after hooks. I’ve been doing B. Even though I use a big grip like Bryson.

  3. DeCgambeau…fast and powerful…starts and stays inline…Fowler has that little lift at the start…it works for him, but like you say, it’s another move/motion that isn’t necessary and an adjustment has to be made to work with it…

  4. Fowler club head is outside on takeaway, easier swing to control and his backswing looks like hogan’s, meaning flatter, A is More inside, but stays online, but he tends to overawing hooking into trouble…

  5. Brysons takeaway is more circular than Fowlers, but what I really noticed was the difference in the opening of the hips. Brysons hips start to open at or around impact. Seems like Fowler is almost forcing his hips to open at the downswing. Maybe the reason Bryson can deliver more power?

  6. Personally both would kill me – I try and be somewhere in-between them.
    Don't forget I'm a wimpy arsed 60 year old….

  7. For me it’s A, it looks like he keeps the wrists very loose which I find helps me when driving the ball. Every time I have stiffer wrists I slice the stupid ball

  8. B for me. I switched from A because my striking was inconsistent and the hook was always lurking.

  9. The Result counts…the Rest is irrelevant. Look at Scottie S. compared to other Players. If you win Masters, Nobody cares about your Swing.

    B is beautiful, but A is Awesome and früher most of the Time! 😅

  10. B for me! Everyone has there own swing! Just because you hit the ball farther means nothing! Short game wins every time! Drive for show putt for dough!!

  11. A for me. Watched some things from Bryson recently and for some one you’d think would be heaps technical he shows very simple ways to help👍👍

  12. I think as pros they are focusing more on muscle groups for the most torque at the top. Fowler is core and DeChambeau is arms/top of back. None of this is basic or for the average player. Bryson is the better novice model.

  13. A, Bryson doesn't stay attached with his trail elbow and his shoulder hits his chin. The lower you can get the shoulders under the chin, the better you will strike the ball. B picks the club up with with arms. I think A could have a better downswing if he started the movement with his lower body first. Pretty strong grip as well.

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