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Quinnen Williams Can’t Believe Aaron Rodgers Is Entering 20th NFL Season

0:00 WR Garrett Wilson
11:17 DL Quinnen Williams
19:36 LB Jermaine Johnson
25:07 C Joe Tippmann

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what was the offseason like for you just getting ready for OTAs and mini Gap and everything like that um it was Zen man it was chill uh feel like I got to get my feet you know back under me my head my head right and um you know improve on on some of the things that I wanted to improve on um before we got back here so just as far as being a little stronger um you know playing at a higher weight and uh yeah just just making more you know being able to be better when you’re caught upon you know just those type of things so uh just all all all around you know great offseason for me and last year you talked about what you want to put last year behind you because of the year that it was just how how was you able to do that just getting ready for the season uh just disconnect you know you just got to disconnect a little bit when you when you have your time to uh you know to spend with family to spend with your loved ones and and people that care about you you know you got to embrace it you got to go do it you got to go you know see the world and I’m blessed to to be in this position you know so I want to um you know reap some of the benefits when I have the time and I feel like that’s really you know the only way to go about it you know when you when you when you get that opportunity to disconnect you got to you got to do it just so you can reconnect when the when the time comes like now you know what’s up brother that you have you know your number five back your jersey back how do you feel about that man I feel like myself bro I didn’t really realize it but something was off something was off bro so feel like myself you feel me good to see you boy you um you said you want to get bigger like was that that weight that you wanted to gain weight or what you up there yeah so it’s more actually was bigger last year but it’s more of just where the weight is you know so I I’m stronger I can lift more weight you know and that’s I said bigger but um when I said bigger I meant like more cut type thing and uh yeah I got that accomplished and and you now it’s time to you know go out there and put it on the field and show it you know so um yeah how was how was your relationship with Aaron evolved over the past year have you been together for basically 13 months yeah I mean we uh we’re able to have some you know conversations that that we wouldn’t have had initially at this time of the year you know last year um you know those those tougher conversations those ones where we might disagree when we do agree where where he’s got his two cents on it which is you know always the best two cents I’ve heard but me being who I am you know I’m I’m I’m going to throw my two cents in there you know so that’s just uh it’s been awesome man we’s he’s you know a resource for me just a person that I can always bounce my thoughts off of um and now you know just a year you said 13 months now I feel more comfortable just you know bringing certain things up you know you never you never want to um come off too strong but I’m a curious guy I got a lot of questions I like I like football a lot I like to talk talk the game so um you know come to find out he’s the exact same so we uh you know we get along well and and we’re going to keep keep building that relationship think the receiver room now you guys made one healthy and everything no I’m excited to see it at full health um you know we’ve um I haven’t got to see all the all the guys out there at once and and you know it’s one of those positions where every day is something might happen to ni up you know it’s just a tough position to stay out there at all times but I feel like we got a great group and and the number one thing is how can we stay healthy how can we um you know I’ll be out on the field and I think having depth like this and um the group we have is going to help us having guys that can do different things that can go catch the ball over the middle all types of things that um it’s going to take some of the strain off off all of us you know it’s it’s a good group so I’m excited to uh you know get out there I feel like um we haven’t had the whole whole thing together but you know come season time we’re rolling it’s going to be exciting what about the guy that say you’re old number yeah yeah Mali yeah man he’s uh boy’s a brute and then once he catches that ball I mean he’s he’s got great uh Instinct of where the defense is going to be at how to make someone Miss um yeah man just just like I was saying you can go over the middle take hits I mean I’m excited to see him run with the ball once we got pads on cuz um I know I wouldn’t would be trying to tackle him man he he looks like a like a problem a little bowling ball out there you know so I’m excited yeah you’ve had such a strong stock to your career already what do you feel like is the next for you uh winning games you know winning getting the playoffs um I’m confident that you know we do that everything will take care of is of itself you know I’ve always um kind of lived by that let’s focus on winning and and um you know the other stuff will shine through you got to win somehow you know we’re going to score points and you know I’ll have something to do with it we all will you know I’m excited how how come confident are you that the winning is going to come this year um I’m confident just like I you know I mean hly I would be any year but but this year you know we we find a way to stay healthy and um we find a way to stay healthy you know find a way to stay healthy and and play good ball on Sundays when it matters we’re going to be all right how much how much would it uh mean to you help you to have some stability at quarterback obviously you played with like seven guys in in two years like how would you like give this play one uh I mean that you know that would be awesome it’s it’s sometimes in this league playing you know 18 games they trying to make it 20 you know that’s like sound like a little a little fever dream to be honest but but uh if we can find a way to you know stay up right out there keep keep Aaron on his feet you know I’m excited for that and uh everything that comes with it but uh but yeah like I said man that’s it’s it’s harder said than uh or harder done than said I guess you know it’s one of those things it’s like that’s a lot of games you know all a sudden take a lot of hits they take a lot of hits where they’re not looking and it’s just how can we keep him healthy um yeah does it give you a sense of security at all that that you know that if Aaron had to miss a little bit of time you’re turning into Tyrod a guy who’s had a pretty decent amount of success point oh yeah getting to work with Tyrod over the uh the last couple months has been awesome man you you see why you know he’s had the success that he that he’s had and um yeah man it definitely does you know we’ve got some reps in and and um you know I’m confident that that we get it done you know yeah we talked to SAU last week he was talking about think he said I now I’m one of the older players I’m not old but I’m older players that guys are starting to come to him and lean on him in year three do you feel like that too like you feel a transition from being one of the youngest players on this team to now maybe having a bigger role in leadership yeah 100% um naturally you just have more to more to offer you know once you once you’ve had three years under your belt or two years two seasons um you just have more to give you got more to more to talk about you have a little better grasp on what’s going on but but also you know for your peers they they feel like you’re one of those guys that they can come up to just because of uh you know they’re trying to figure out how they can get they can play three years and maybe have you know some have the same success um so for me I know I’m like a sponge so I still don’t feel like a a vet I always offer what I can you know I feel like a I’m more of a show show you guy like let’s you know I’m going to show you how to practice show you how to um do certain things but whenever they come up and and you know want to bounce some thoughts off me I’m always there for that and uh you know we’ve had some young guys come up and it’s it’s really cool man they’re all willing to learn and you know they’re willing to learn from me you know it’s like this is this is cool bro you know it’s cool take a couple more there were some Buzz before the draft the Jets might be interested in trading up from morvin Harrison Jr did you did that excite you did you get in like Joe Douglas’s ear and say make that move bro I seen all the all the theories and all the stuff before the before the draft I don’t I don’t know I just like he’s my dog so it’s for me it sounded a little unrealistic to be honest um but but like you know I’ve seen all the all the Twitter trades all this stuff I’m not going to lie I see it I see it all and it’s fun man it’s fun to look at it’s fun to be like oh that’s that makes sense what is he talking about and it’s just fun but uh I never read into it too much you know they got a good job up there you know they brought me here I feel I’m I’m I’m thankful um I got all the confidence in them so you know they they played it perfectly but yeah you know the idea of that stuff before is like have to have to uh excitement it’s like oh this is really cool you know last year it was someone else and it’ll be someone else next year but uh yeah you know it’s just part of the fun in your two years here what have you learned about Coach Sal uh I mean that boy can dial it up on defense now he can he can he’s hard to he’s hard to uh to game plan for if you’re a team coming in you know he’s he’s uh one of those guys that I love him man he’s he’s really um knowledgeable he he likes sharing the info I know we’ve had some great conversation just about ball and and the fact that he even values my opinion on certain things is is awesome you know him being in the roles in but uh go ahead no do you see is he more involved in the offensive meetings or have you noticed that at all or no um I mean I’ve seen him down there sitting you know and and um you know he the head coach you know he going he going to do you know whatever is is him you know so it’s uh I see him down there I never really pay too much mind to it but he he always kind of been like that you know we always had great conversations about things and um like I said the fact that he even values my opinion as much as he does I’ve never took that for granted um but man the fact that he has all that knowledge on defense it helps us on offense you know like how can we scheme something open versus this coverage and all the uh the match that y’all play and the way that y’all figured it out like um you see you know teams around the league trying to mimic what he’s done and and um he’s you know had a lot of these guys for three years now so maybe that’s where you see him venturing onto the offensive side more because they those guys know their stuff now you know they know it like the back of their hand and uh maybe it’s just a confidence level with him he he feels like he can maybe uh divert but you know I haven’t noticed too much you know he’s he’s always been uh in our corner for sure this is a little off track but since Marvin Harrison’s name came up why is it do you why is it that Ohio State just had is like a wide receiver Factory like other schools recruit yeah like five star receivers but they don’t seem to produce as many stars as Ohio State what are like the main reasons why that happened um well I think they recruited a certain type of uh receiver you know it’s you know there’s lots of five stars not a lot but a good amount each cycle and and the ones that want to come to Ohio State ain’t scared to go play with another five star and one that came in before them which says a lot about you know someone says a lot about uh you know the confidence they have in their ability and and their willingness to come in and learn and um just just get better but you know the main thing I’ll say is we know how to practice you know we we uh we make practice as hard as possible so the game is you know what it is and uh you know when you have these other five stars around you you know at my time it was Jameson Chris Marvin um Jackson you know J Mo like we all was competitive as hell like every single day if if I made a play J Mo was like man watch what I’m about to do you know what Chris was like watch what I’m about to do and I think that brings out the best in in um and guys you know obviously we got a great coach there that that you know gets this thing rolling and instills it in us but uh yeah man I think it says a lot just about the way they recruit the guys that they decide to go get wanting to come to Ohio State you don’t see that too and most guys want to go and be the guy you know and uh at Old State it’s like no no no you know you don’t get it on the back end but come here and and learn for a little bit and put in the work learn how to practice learn how to go about your business and it all pay off on the on the back end you were the heartline heartline yeah yeah yeah of course yes sir yeah he still that in US man how was Disney oh it was good it was good I had a great time there so yeah shout out I love Disney man they they show me a good time all the time and it’s just dope so what was kind of your objective this offseason uh I had a lot of things I wanted to work on um for first and foremost just be consistent um just adding more tools to my pass rush bag um I do a lot of good things in pass R but I feel like I got a lot of things to work on when it come down to um more moves and more different U counters and different things like that so adding a bigger pass rush bag was bu my biggest my main focus and just being consistent in um every day um lifting weights and working out and training different things like that so when you look at weight lose weight stay the same uh no I’m more than just stay the same just get in more shape more condition so did you have any reaction when Aaron Donald retired and now that that defensive tackle the best in the league title is open for the first time in 10 years can that be you uh can you repeat that end part I said the beginning was your thoughts on Aaron Donald he retired and now that for the first time in 10 years he’s always been the best defensive tackle of the league now the question is who’s the best defensive tackle of the league can it be you uh he he when he retired man it was super super cool man to see a guy to go out um as a champion and especially in the position that I played first of all and just a guy who did the right thing on the field and off the field and um did it the right way man laid the blueprint for each and every person after him such as myself to uh have a career that he’s had have a have a family that he’s got and just have have the things that he have um in the right way and be a good person in the NFL on the field and off the field and in the organization like he was man and um him retiring man just um him himself helped build the the tools and the attributes of every single detac behind him because every single one of us watch his film and every single one of us try to take tools from him and do the things that he can do um with the ABS and the workouts and the 285 lounds of different stuff like that so um I feel like um he was he was an amazing blueprint and amazing person to look up to while playing and now that he’s retire so when uh you and H L up next to each other who’s the offense double team uh I don’t know I don’t know man I’m not a big offensive scheme person man I’m just super super excited to have a son man I’m a huge fan of son man I watch his film like no other especially me Germaine and Bryce last year used to always watch his fam and um see the stuff that he do and try to learn from the stuff he do so having him in our room and my biggest goal is to get a bigger passw bag man so U having him in the room a guy that can help me U achieve that goal man is phenomenal so I remember you telling us that you watched a lot of Fletcher Cox fil like to to add to your game when you watched fleeter did you ever see like did H pop off for sure 100% man as I watched that whole D line man cuz those guys was getting 10 sacks each um Believe last year or two years ago um you see Assan popping out the tape each and every down so seeing that man having that next to me and on my team is unbelievable so is it a is it a weird feeling not having Bryce and jfm in in the with you now uh it’s definitely a weird feeling man but those guys going off uh to new teams man new organizations and I know those guys going to be unbelievable help to those teams and those organizations because those guys are unbelievable players and people at the end of the day man positive people hard workers and guys who can uh get after the quarterback like no other man so I’m super super excited for their journey and super happy and um that they’re in the best situation they they want to be in so that what do you um think about obviously you’ve had a lot of personal success but the team hasn’t probably had the success they would have liked or you guys would have liked what are your thoughts you came from Alabama you won a lot and now as far as turning this around and leading TOS what are your thoughts on that part of it uh I never really thought about I’ve been in the NFL a long time now so that Alabama little thought process has been sailed and sailed away man I’m just focused on our winning football games now man like you said like U we haven’t had the success that we want to have um but you can look at the team now man you can look at the things that the organization has doing you can look at the the things the coaches has doing you can look at uh the way we practice today and the way we doing the OTAs now with the camaraderie and just um getting each other better um teaching each other iron sharpens iron every single day that we going in the right direction that where we want to be um that’s the playoffs and the Super Bowl so um focus on the next the focus on the process not the results is our main thing so um right now we just focus on getting better every single day and just doing what we need to do personally to be the best player we can be so we can be a great unit so you just mentioned you’ve been in the NFL for a while now is it a strange feeling to kind of see all these younger guys and you’re kind of you’re transitioning sort of interv is that uh yeah it’s it’s pretty it’s pretty cool man it’s pretty it’s pretty cool it just it just humbles you and keep you on the right track because you know guys looking up to you you know guys are going to ask you the question so um making sure I’m on my a game making sure I know my scheme the best way so if a young guy do ask me a question I could be able to get him the right answers and make sure I’m doing the right things uh each and every down each and every day each and every play um to be a great examples because if I’m doing the wrong things the people behind me is going to do the wrong things I’m doing the right things the people behind me is going to do the right things so put my best foot forward and being the best me is um is is amazing to do so this is gonna be aon’s 20th year could you just 20 years yeah I ain’t know that Aaron 20 years in the NFL yeah man a I running back the number zero is 20 years old yeah so he been so he been in the NFL long as he been alive that’s crazy huh I got to joke with him about that does he does he act like a 40y old guy nah he don’t act like he don’t act like that at all I was just literally different ways with him and to see him work out as a 40y old man and guy who been in the NFL 20 years that’s like I said man the guys on our team man the guys who this organization brought in the guys we have has been unbelievable because you you hear stuff like that and then you see the way he work and the way he go by his work and the way he do the things he do it’s like man like I want to be that I want to emulate that man I want to I want to be able to interpret interpret like okay how’s Aaron doing and what he’s doing and put it on the defensive side on the experience level and different things like that so um to see how hard he worked to see how how much he love football to see how smart he is how much he pour into our team and pour into football is uh is unbelievable and that’s that just trickle off on everybody else and make everybody else better because him himself make the captains better and the captains make the the unit better man so having him on our team has been unbelievable so 20 years is a lot of experience you imagine making it 20 years I don’t know man 20 years is a long time I’m 20 I’m 26 so I was six years old when he first started playing football and NFL so that’s unbelievable qu do you think the AFC East is wide open now can you repeat that again the division do you think it’s winnable do you think it’s wide open for you to win for the Jets to winet to win uh I think we just focus on the process man focus on what we can do to win football games and if that’s the ultimate goal the ultimate results um U that’s that that would be it but right now we just focus on every single day attacking every single day being the best we can be every single day and hopefully we win enough football games to be on the top um not just the AFC but just in Super Bowl and NFL in general but right now we got to focus on um winning the day and winning treatment and winning workouts and weightlifting and winning on the field when it come down to technique and scheme and different things like that so um when we do line up on Sundays and stuff like that it could be easy so you sound like coal coala said the same thing no no way he says things like that oh man he’s a great mind then I think last offseason I mean you wanted to get stronger and bigger uh this what what was it like this offseason what you uh I mean it’s still going on um you always improve but just technique uh low pad level explosion speed um just really trying to be a apex predator do power at a extremely high level finesse extremely high level really put tackles in a bond so just really all around just dominating everything that’s kind of where my head is I don’t know how often he’s been here but what have your interactions either here or phone text been with sotic yeah we talked a little bit um no man we’re just all on the same page about going to dominate win all one-on ones and be what this team needs us to be how can you guys help each how can you guys help each other coming off opposite I mean his track Rec record speaks for S I mean year in year out uh every one onone he’s dominating he’s a problem so I just get to learn from a guy like that um learn from a professional like that so I’m just excited for the opportunity what do you think’s next for you and for this defense um just really putting it all together four uh a game where we really put together four quarters I think we put a lot of three quarter games together you know a lot of 99% games together but we had a few plays here and there and I mean like I’ve said before our goal is to have the other team scor zero points and then you know we’ll go undefeated so that’s kind of where we are and just just reaching for uh Perfection you guys have a decent number of edge rushers now at your disposal when John was here like he had the ability to kick inside move people all around I me is that something you’re maybe looking for to the opportunity doing seeing a nice rotation of all the guys that have different spots to confuse the the offense yeah 100% we got uh we got a lot of talented guys a lot of guys that can play in uh different places and stuff like that so you know I’m just excited for all of us to kind of get get the most out of each of our skill sets you’ve uh improved on defense the both years you’ve been here just how good can this unit be we’ll see what can you tell us about Jordan Travis competitor uh leader uh playmaker um I mean the plays he makes with his legs as well as his arm I mean it’s just amazing I think coach Salah said it really good he’s got a really good foundation and he’s got an opportunity to learn behind Tyrod who Mobility wise and arm strength wise and everything like that is very similar to Jordan then obviously you got Aaron you know future Hall of Famer and everything like that so I mean just be able to sit behind those guys and just soak soak in information and learn the offense you know learn his teammates uh chemistry and stuff like that I think it’s a great opportunity for you know this team and himself what is your uh current size Weight Wise and what would you like to play at like 262 263 like the to stay around there like I said I want to you know dominate power but also be quick enough and fast enough so kind of when I start feeling myself feeling the weight and kind of losing some speed and stuff like that that’s where I kind of know where my cap is you think you think last year from year one to year two you went from like here to here yeah do you think it’s possible to take that kind of leap again and if so where do you see your ceiling 100% I mean my ceiling I just keep raising it uh I don’t think I’ll ever reach it because when I reach my goals you know I just keep aiming higher and higher and higher so I’m just taught to go till the wheels fall off and you know make the most out of God’s uh gift that he gave me so that’s my goal s was in here last week talking about how it’s kind of strange that it’s year three has already snuck up on him and he’s you know got to be a leader now and you know it’s time to kick his career into even a higher level do you feel that too 100% I mean you know that draft class just got you know me sa Bree Garrett you know Michael Clemens Jeremy Rucker uh Tony Adams just all these guys who are now going into their third year who aren’t just the young guys I think Aaron said it great and not just young guys anymore now we got to step up into our leadership roles and you know that’s something that I relish and I know all these other guys relish and you know we like pressure and you know we like you know exceeding expectations so just being there being with the teams what the team needs us to be I think you know we’re up for the challenge and we’re ready to give this team all we got after that first year a lot of people outside talked about sauce they talked about gree and they talked about carrot and they didn’t talk about you too much did that piss you off at all going from your one your two like did that that add any extra fuel to the fire that you I’m in here too I mean yeah 100% uh I mean those guys are all drafting around where I was drafted and you know they’re making huge plays for the team being big for the team and I didn’t feel like I was able to do that for the team so it was just more of like a a personal thing I feel like I need to lift my side of the couch you know do my do my part and you know with that came more playing time and then I was able to I feel maximize you know my my playing time and you know it’s obviously not the standard not my standard so the the goal is to just keep getting better and better how’s uh Will McDonald coming along and how helpful have you been able to be to him being in his shoes yeah I mean uh I mean it is what it is first round draft pick Edge rusher and you know kind of eyes are on you so I mean he knows that and you know he nobody can put more pressure on will than himself and I know has been working his butt off you know getting more explosive technique uh more powerful some weight uh I mean he looks good he’s in a good uh framework of mind right now and you know I’m just excited for what he does in year two how’s it been working with Aaron it’s good it’s good Aaron he’s a great presence in the Huddle um and then like outside of the Huddle he’s just like he’s always making recommendations and like you know he doesn’t just tell me he teaches me you know something that maybe I messed up or didn’t understand he’s going to run it back and explain it to me how he sees it and uh that that’s it’s something that’s really helped me is it hard because his Cadence is kind of legendary how he keeps defenses off balance so how much pressure does that put on you to to be on on point with all that stuff I’d say it’s a little bit of pressure but um you know it’s something you kind of you know we’ve been working on it uh you know since last season then we kind of took a break from it with you know him getting injured but getting right back into it uh you know I feel like it’s something that um well it’s something I also was you know any anyone I was working with in the offseason I was making them use his cadences so uh it’s something I I think I took a jump on and uh I think as an offense we’ll we’ll be able to use it to our advantage better what was uh what was your reaction when the justess draft took BR Allen it was it was awesome you I was pumped I immediately had to text him and um yeah I’m br br Bray’s awesome you know he’s a guy you love to have in the back field when you’re when you’re blocking for him he’s going to lower his shoulder and you know do whatever he can for that extra yard what is it like with all the new faces in the Old Line room kind of try to go chemistry there yeah it’s a good feeling you know I think we have a great group of guys and we’re I mean already just developing that close-knit group and you know just being here in this this OTAs and stuff and phase one and whatever um we’ve already been able to kind of uh just build that relationship in the room and you know it’s it’s a good feeling I know they don’t play the same position as you but how much do you pick the brains in time around you know guys who’ have seen so much in this league for so long yeah I mean Tyron all the time you know it’s it’s like something you know I’m not exactly you know asking him technique just cuz I’m playing centered he’s playing tackle and he’s stronger than never uh but um you know just like uh kind of how to be a pro that’s like a lot of the questions I’m asking him you know you know what he does after practice what he does for Recovery those are those are the huge things that I’ve uh I’ve kind of tried to pick him pick his brain for there are a lot of guys with his kind of resume who wouldn’t even be here during OTAs or if they were they’d be on the side yeah and he’s out there taking reps with you guys what do you think that says maybe about him or about the commitment of this offensive line to maybe start to finally build some these are the five guys kep no it definitely means a lot you know just to know that he you know he’s locked in he wants like you know all of us as an old line to get better and it’s a great feeling especially just with you know his experience you know I mean just to to play football for his at the level he has for such a long time you know it’s a great feeling just being able to see him over there in the Huddle has there ever been a moment you just said seeing him in the Huddle you got two Hall of Famers in your huddle Tyron in there and it’s for a young guy like yourself ever been a moment it’s like that Dawns on you like hey two of these guys here are honestly I wouldn’t say so you know we’re rolling through practice we’re just getting on to the next thing you know I guess I haven’t really taken that step back and just thought like sh wow you know Joe there was a couple of minutes uh early in practice where Aaron had to sort of go off to the side looked like he had some some things looked at obviously he came back he was fine but did you guys notic that at all I missed that I was just curious yeah obviously his health is power oh yeah yeah doing what we can keep him healthy is there a because the offensive line had so many issues last year with injuries and you know the performance struggles is there almost a collective chip on the line shoulder to come out this year yeah I’d say so you know it’s something we’re doing is we’re just trying to build the culture of the room and I think that’s kind of the culture we’re going to we’re trying to have just violent nasty offensive line who um you know we didn’t have we didn’t have the best year last year but we’re you know we’re we’re going to be a whole different group so have you had a chance obviously you have to uh connect with your Mentor Jason fabini this OB season back in Indiana and reflect back over the first year go over some film with him and and get some pointer yeah not exactly film you know since since high school with Jason it’s mostly been you know uh taking care you know taking care of yourself how to be you know when I was in college how to be a college athlete when I now how to be a pro how to carry myself so that’s a lot of the things that I look look up to him for


  1. Can we get these guys some of the new JETS gear to wear… And Hell why you're at it… Door Dash Me Some Too 😂😂😂

  2. Youll never hear all the great things QW just said about Rodgers on ESPN or FOX Sports.

  3. Quinnen Williams, I pray that you will retire a New York jet after a healthy and successful career and that you get everything back that you have put in from this organization. You’re a true leader. A true shining star of this team in the most subtle of answers to every question. Make history this year boys! J E TS !

  4. I've never played organized football. Do players practice getting tackled? In martial arts, we have light and heavy contact practice. Seems like QB's would want to "simulate" getting hit to exercise their bodies for the real thing. No?

  5. Jets remind me of the knicks … got so many dawgs and good personality guys and that’s why i really hope the jets can finally start winning and turn this around… hopefully we just stay healthy man

  6. No one will like this take, but for some reason, I don't see garett being a long-time jet… and it's going to make me mad. But I feel like he'd rather be home…hope he will stay though

  7. Reporter scared the shit out of Tippmann when told him rodgers had to go off to the side with a possible injury lol bruh started tweakin

  8. The culture is rebuilt
    We have the talent on both sides of the ball
    Now all that's left is to WIN!

  9. This just shows how loved Rodgers really is. The media has truly messed everyone brain up badly to think he’s some horrible guy. Who cares if he has different beliefs and opinions that’s life kids. Most sensitive generation of all time

  10. the defense got that glem in they eyes😈 … they not fkn around they look serious … jermaine looks absolutely beautiful .. no homo .. but my god man you are goddamn dawg right now i can see the want the calmness in his voice hes confident and comfortable …. bro im seriously going to pray that this is the year regardless of oc problems we will compete and show up for once …. lets fkn go!

  11. I don’t think I’ve like a team as much as I’ve liked this one!
    Don’t get me wrong, I love the jets. This team is just more likable than others we’ve had! Go jets!

  12. Man gotta love G.Wilson… Pay him whatver he want to keep him man. Next year gonna be drama filled wit having to pay Garrett, Breece, and Sauce

  13. listen q williams
    please dont fighting with your dl coach
    you be reasled in bye week or week 13

  14. We got so blessed with quinnen, his sincerity shines though while he’s talking, one of the easiest people to root for ever I hope he never leaves

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