Golf Players


We are the Wish version of “The Crush Boys”! Can we get some Aces on this short and easy course?
Let’s find out!

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all right so the microphones weren’t connected properly and we have to do a post commentary so this is our Jus impression what’s up people welcome to the wish version of The Crush boys Ace Challenge six holes five discs each let’s see who gets the most Aces let’s go first hole 50 m let’s make it Ace pretty straightforward first hole David pretty close on the first one actually nice link throw follows it up with a Sonic we got a bit of a head doing right now so as you see on the other shots uh I am not committing completely but this throw was very good very close yeah that was nice and he throws in a forehand as well yes uh you had a good line but it was a bit too low good bids all of them were pretty close yeah here we have a terrible throw by Kevin absolutely horrible he follows it up with the same line but uh completely wrong tried to adjust but couldn’t yes now trying to go more straight on flips it over a bit too much nice height though shout out to to much that’s where we got this idea from with the battery oh no he turns it over all right nothing on the first one let’s go to hold two just a quick couple of shoutouts if you guys want to buy the best dis golf towels in the game go to bounce back disc golf use the code KK DG for 15% off they also have patches and other stuff amazing in disc gold towels and pug. if you want to go grab my merch that I designed addicted and just crush it on t-shirts hoodies and caps let’s go hold two it says 31 but it’s 42 very upill let’s get it and like I said in the whole introduction here 31 m it says on the T sign but it’s actually like 42 I think very uphill though so it plays almost like 60 M and the teapad is very bad so it’s hard to commit to the shot couple of horrible shot there follows it up with a pretty good run and then just Shanks it I got my foot got stuck it’s okay and I’m blaming my foot cuz it got stuck on the ground and this is where you see where I lack in commitment when the teapad is very bad lay uh I’m having a hard time to brace when I’m throwing stand still that’s a shank as you see I’m very short come on get it we need an nice no the branch right three 44 M according to the T you guys can see it’s actually 17 M downhill close enough yeah close enough o metal good run this hole should be much easier than it looks here H I perform very bad as you see it’s a 17 M downhill pot and it goes horrible in between those oh so bad but this this one was actually good yeah that was close one no okay two medals yeah that’s good no it’s okay it’s okay yeah I have to do kind of a Annie floaty put so it’s not that easy but should be close yeah so it’s actually a pretty hard line for a right-handed putt more height cuz the trees uh Force you out to the left so wide that it becomes really awkward that had more height it had it had that was a terrible throw okay we suck we suck that’s why we are the wish version of The Crush boys not the actual fresh boys one day we will be fresh boys 2.0 even better improved hold four 41 M slightly uphill let’s get it flips over the first one tries to correct does the exact same thing second one a bit more overstable but doesn’t give it the height not gling not gliding that one is gliding though that’s a Spore no no turn no turn he says with his overstable batter this is not going to well here you will see five Park jobs spoiler alert good layup easy birdie I’m not giving it high for power he’s a birdie boy programmed to lay up three Park OBS except that one for that was a clean one though all right whole five yes maybe 23 M yeah no T sign here T sign is gone it’s somewhere around there tricky pot for me but should be easy for Kevin no my name is Eagle for Eagle sorry yeah it’s a very hard line for a left-handed player layup yeah this is kind of like whole three for a right ton player exactly easy birdie it’s not the layup challenge it’s the Ace Challenge come on metal there’s a small Gap to the left left where you can get the forehand is better that’s so far hello turn hello it was very far yeah you need to answer in German cuz you’re Simon y now nice first try where’s a second go in I forgot about that that was really close bar right yeah oh so close that’s it yep no everything dropped but the one that was too high got pushed that’s racism all right last hole hole six 37 M slightly downhill trees in the way can of a turn over good uh hole preview or description more Annie even more Annie Spore straight in good run very close the bar with a forehand down right behind it Sky Go three that’s good that’s good no that’s just sad six holes five discs on every hole no Ace on the easiest course in the world that’s why we are the wish version of the crash boys yes we this embarrassing very get down get down that was very close good line tactic good tactic too nice line we are close very close that’s not a good line no that looks okay no I believe it didn’t hit the branch it yeah think oh it’s good come on no So Close first round no ases only metal hits yeah but now we know what to do yeah let’s go round two round two let’s get some ases sounds like a plan yeah yes that sounds kind of like exactly what we’re trying to do do something birdie boy so you see my accuracy has uh disappeared after the round one disappear birdie yes you are the birdie boy that’s a nice turn or a bit too overstable yeah he is the chosen one he is the birdie boy he is the birdie boy yes he is but this one oh that’s a nice line good line me no happy me won’t be happy as much but no happy because bad Thro I just want to see if I can actually jump at 50 m yeah let’s see if you can jump at 50 m you stupid boy go in that’s a good bid that was crazy looks like he can jump at 50 m I can definitely jump out 50 m that’s yeah that’s what he just said why is he mocking me fade that looked horrible but it became okay that is horrible that’s confusing what the wind just pushed it straight oh that’s such a good line why is it so high no the wind doesn’t like me no it doesn’t let’s go to H I really want to get this one because the second video I ever made when I aced every hole I aced this hole but the camera died so I didn’t get it on camera yeah you have no proof good job dude everyone believes you bird boy it’s not even pin high that would have been pin High terrible that was questionable that’s a better line yeah still not Shane high this is a good shot be the one no I forgot about that please this Gods I got mad understandable good layup thank you birdie boy no yep that’s it what uh I was glad that you didn’t film that did you hit the tree to the left yes we’re back on the 44 M hole three this time I will make it that was terrible clean release yes I can’t say anything because yeah you will see oh so s why it’s Sonic yeah I know that’s why good bit yeah it was close why why good bids how can this be so hard why because we’re only the wish Crush Bo ah yeah that’s right come on we need to see some Redemption about the clean release yes very good come on no Shane tickle Shane tickle I think it’s this one yeah was the batter I don’t even know oh that one was even worse but it’s such a weird line to commit to almost you have to like drop the disc you can’t throw it so how do you get spin on it bird no without the branch it was in that was in for sure for sure good night no comments that is so bad he speaks the truth flip should we just uh go home yes thank you for watching this video like And subscribe peace peace very nice layups why am I so bad because you are the V version of Simon li no comment that’s a good one that’s a good one you at least got the height yes good line thank you okay next hole yes time for some Redemption I don’t like this hole we can see that nice tree give it a chance come on come on then bird bird boy that was a good line almost Thea theala that was great that was going in May the course be with you peace this going of GS that’s so bad why are you so bad good question no got stuck on my pH in no way that looked like it went in did someone move the basket fade we were really close on like every single shot on this so let’s get it now that’s a good line bit higher lay might have worked again good line one a bit more underst stable land would have worked more over stable it might have worked why that’s just bad why do I not put enough any of those like they are un stable so I think they’re going to flip but I throw them so soft and no sub so they’re not flipping I want to cry beautiful weather though great a where are you going to go to adjust that’s a good one float clutch of Dreams kick in do something okay this is embarrassing let’s go for another round yeah this is not okay not acceptable at all not acceptable at all round three if we don’t a we will quit this golf th likes and Kevin will delete his channel if we don’t T yes deal did you feel any pressure no very good that’s a bit High yeah as you guys see it gets even worse no try I just can’t commit on the Sonic throws that’s a good not pleas a that was quite a good I’m getting tired yes this is not looking good no come on Big Boy a that Who you calling big boy you is it because of the size of my p no it’s oh wait push oh no way it flipped too much but then it like got the no up fade thing good description still wasn’t enough that’s a good one a bit no up air bombs nose up into the headwind that’s oh my God very good yes and then the bar go in just too far no way let’s go to Hole two or is it the ho 14 yes [Music] skip birdie birdie boy that’s what this challenge became just a compilation of layups how many bird get yes when I finally get the line I don’t get the height penis on ay is that a corn dog oh my god um I have nothing to blame I was just really bad come on go in go no way if you want to Ace you need to get it past the basket you can’t lay up please that was very good come on come on not even pin High push Goen where are you going that was uh very very flattery flattery that was good I never saw the disc NE drop in bask drop in a Bas we are officially horrible horrible terrible terrible horrible that’s too miserable depressed I haven’t made it this last two rounds but I’ll will make twice in a row now watch this guys not two out of five but two in a row that’s zero [Music] zero now he has two left so he has to make both but this last one will count as double how are you going to make two if you only have one [Music] left let’s actually try now I haven’t tried before so me neither oh my God the cleanest release ever go in no way he got so mad he became Italian no nice one yeah and the tomahawk to finish off I don’t know what to do why can’t a ready nice layup we’re tired of seeing layups come on get one in the basket come on why is it so straight I don’t know come on come on come on come on no way oh air bounce no sub flippy boy go straight into the band and and finish it off with a layoff layoff layoff layoff please this is embarrassing yes very much birdie easy birdie oh wow yeah what happened don’t ask isy birdie it’s higher it’s a birdie all right let’s switch it up five four hands five four hands okay the P2 is very deep and then it goes with the Sonic good layup I couldn’t commit here I didn’t have any power bye-bye so bad it’s taking this long it’s time no way oh that was high terrible actually terrible this is the one okay this is the one this one right here that one yes not that one I meant this one that one of course I tried something different it was even worse we’re not leaving this place until we get an A so if we don’t say we’re going to play another one let’s just get it done here let’s get it done come on good line a bit too high oh we got stucke pleasee is this a prank show like where’s the camera oh there it is nothing yes I just felt it straight out of my hand oh that’s so satisfying go thank you thank you first one I called as well I had called a single one first one I called first Ace that means we can leave we’re still not happy no it’s still like really embarrassing that it took this long but we got a nice and you have five left and I have two left so let’s stack them up hopefully that’s what I tried to do yeah trick shot okay you still have five left so we can get two yeah but we got one let’s go stack come up boy try let’s go dude that’s actually very very satisfying that was so nice good shot dude we got two stack them up first try those R light oh that’s so satisfying let’s go disregard that yeah and that’s typical Simon fashion as well someone else as it and he’s like I can do that too and you do it first try no I thought that was your tactic I was like that’s going in as well but it was your link right yeah oh that’s good consistency yes Ace shank two straight shank kick in no all right we got two Aces yes let’s go that feels good two discs in the basket woohoo and you actually got it on your first one so it’s an actual Ace yeah it’s an that’s it for today thank you guys for watching wish version of The Crush B suffering and not getting Aces for like an hour and then hitting two Aces and one hour that’s good don’t forget to like subscribe and comment down below what you want to see next and I’ll see you guys in the next [Music] peace [Music] n


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