Great Golf Tips – Shaft Lean At Address

This is great advice for all golfers who want to create a more consistent address position. The golf club must sit with the correct amount of shaft lean at address, coupled with the correct distance from you to the ball. The golf address position is one of the most important fundamentals in golf and there are two key elements that must be adhered to. The first, is to position the sole of your golf club flat on the ground, this will create the correct distance between you and the golf ball. The second, is when you place the golf club behind the golf ball, you must ensure the grip end of the golf club is opposite the golf ball.

When you stand to the golf ball the club shaft should never be pointing straight upwards from the ball, there should always be a slight forward shaft lean until the butt end of the golf club is in line with the golf ball.

Give it a try and I’m sure it will help your golf game.

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[Music] hi guys a question I get asked a lot is how far should I stand from the golf ball it’s a really good question and I want to address that with you now hopefully it’ll knock a few shots off your score lower your handicap improve your golf swing Etc now this thing the golf club dictates so much Within in how we prepare our setup prior to making our golf swing now the key here is the base or the sole of the club here should be flat on the ground and it’s something we do first it’s not something we do after we’ve tried to concoct some form of position before we put the club down on the ground you’ll see a lot of players a lot of tour players putting the Club down first that’s a really big key putting it flat on the ground that club now is ready for me to marry my address position to the club and that gives me a distance from the ball to me and it’s exactly the same if we’ve got a sandine or a driver it’s just a longer shaft which is coming away at a slightly different angle so if we put the club down first flat on the ground that will dictate the distance that I can now stand up to the ball the second point which isn’t mentioned uh I don’t think a lot is where the butt end of the club is in relation to the ball now when we take a setup it’s really important that the butt end is level with the ball it’s not a Straight Shaft straight up from the club head because it isn’t designed like that it’s designed like that so this end the butt end of the club is a little bit in front of the club face so when the ball is there this end is now with the ball it’s another little key point that helps you with your setup so not only do we put the club down first flat on the ground that gives us our angle and our distance but likewise we don’t want to be here when we grip the club and we don’t want to be too far forwards when we grip the club we want the club like so with this end what we would call covering bring the ball go and give this a try I’m sure it will help you it’s absolutely logical correct just take a moment to do it it’s very easy to neglect these little bits and Bobs but I can assure you this will help your golf swing anyway if you like the content hit the Subscribe button like share and all of that stuff and until next time thanks very much for watching

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