Golf Players

Golf Fundamentals – Setup, Hip Alignment, Swing Depth

Today, Anthony highlights some valuable takeaways from a recent lesson. Including notes about setup, hip alignment, and swing depth.

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all right so I wanted to talk about the differences and what we did in a lesson with a player that we had come in here yesterday um just I’m gonna draw some lines and show you some distinct differences so right off the bat you can see the player is in more left side bin this guy’s a lefty so um you can see how the center of the sternum is on the same line and the center of his pelvis is actually back there um this one you can see the center of that sternum is here and the center of the pelvis is actually in front of the center of a sternum which is more of what you want to see it address um and then as this player goes to the top see a lot more turning on the back swing with the pelvis and then you can see the amount of depth at the top of the golf swing and length to the golf swing that that created so if we move those lines you can see the trail shoulder right there well this one you can’t see any of that trail shoulder um you can see the tril shoulder starting to get back here which shows he’s got more rotation so like back to that the the Lefty that we were looking at earlier he was set up more like this way with his pelvis his right hip was quite a bit higher than his left and then he didn’t have enough side Bend so he kind of was set up more this way so what we did with him is we had him set up more I want you to feel like your right hip is higher than your left hip and then your left shoulder gets a little higher than your right shoulder so he felt like he was setting up like this at first and he looked up at it and it just looked it just looked normal um but so on the back swing if this hip has started already higher like basically these hips should be the left hip ought to be getting lower on the back swing the right hip ought to be getting higher on the back swing but if I’ve started with it too high already I kind of run out of run out of room to continue to tilt unless you’re a kid you would like get into a spot that was really uncomfortable but I’d say that the sooner the trail hip gets high on the back swing the more that basically is going to limit your amount to rotate is like right here I don’t have a lot of hip turn and like for me to turn my hips and keep my hip that high I would have to actually drop my hip down and level out my pelvis so right now my pelvis is tilted like this and as I if I wanted to turn some more from there I would have to drop this hip down and my pelvis would have to level out so Jackson’s big feel on his back swing for hip turn this felt like hip turn to him as he was straightening this Trail leg so much but really what he had to feel was that his pockets um his front pockets were staying very level as he turned back and once again that’s just because he was getting this Trail side pocket way too high so he had to be more that way and then because that trail hip wasn’t so high that freed him up to be able to make a bigger turn with his pelvis you can see that a lot bigger Gap in between these legs right here um there’s no Gap in between these legs over here and uh that’s basically showing us that man this guy turned his hips way more in the back swing um on the right than he did on the left and and um coincidentally he picked up about 15 yards of distance in one golf swing by turning his hips more in his back [Music] swing

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