Why most golfers can’t get fairway woods off the ground!

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Fairway Woods are a great weapon for many golfers but a lot of people just struggle to get them in the air firstly let’s have a look at what you are using the reason that these clubs are so good is because they have this big wide sole it allows weight to be positioned a little bit deeper back in the head and allows it to slide underneath the ball a little bit easier it’s also better for most golfers to have a shallow face now a shallow face again will allow players to get the ball up in the air a little bit easier what you don’t want to see with a fairway wood is for the top edge of the fairway wood to be higher than the golf ball cuz that would be a very deep Club face if you imagine where a driver is up here that’s why that is an exceptionally difficult Club to hit off the ground loft is also very important now most people will have a three wood but I’d actually advise a lot of golfers now with modern equipment to probably switch into something like a five it’s a little bit more Loft it should technically go less distance but with modern Club technology often golfers find when they switch that they don’t really see too much of a drop off if it’s a new club even a combination of more lofted Woods can be beneficial a seven wood for example even a 9wood honestly these clubs are so versatile and if used correctly so easy to get up in the air the shaft of the club also matters so if you are getting fitted for a fairway wood and you do struggle to get the ball up in the air try and get something with a low kick point this will help fire that club into the ball a little bit more and maintain Loft therefore hitting the ball that little bit higher so onto the technique that you can use to try and add that little bit more launch into the air everything that really matters with a fairway wood happens here at impact because the ball is on the ground we want to try and move away from the temptation to try and scoop at the ball at impact the temptation to try and help the ball up into the air this movement of leaning back at impact it really does need to be consigned to the scrap Heap and never seen again we want this club to be entering impact on a nice even angle of attack or even slightly down onto the ball but we don’t want to be making this movement Steep and down onto the ball because at the end of the day there isn’t a lot of Loft on a fairway W and if we do attack the ball like that it is going to shoot off low and it will not get the desired shot that you want so we want the club to be more shallow coming through impact we want to have a motion through the ball of sweeping it off the surface like I said if the hands get slightly haired and we do get a little bit of a descending blow onto the ball that’s fine but we don’t want this we want more of this type of action through that sweeping of the golf [Music] ball so setup is important to get yourself in the position that you want to strike this ball consistently now because it’s a fairway word because it has one of the longest shafts we want this board positioned more towards the front of the stance now an easy way to get this position is if you start with the feet together pointing at the golf ball take a tiny step with the Lead Foot take a bigger step with the right you will know that that ball position is inside that left heel towards the front of the stance this allows you time and room to try and get that ball swept we need to try and keep a consistent setup with the spine angle so we don’t want to get drawn into leaning over this golf ball we want to have that slight tilt away this might make people feel a little bit nervous cuz they feel they’re getting further away from the golf ball but it’s fine trust me we are going to get back to impact strong posture on that a little bit of room away from the legs as well and this setup is going to allow you that turn and that load behind the ball that we need with a fairway wood we don’t want this swing to be short we don’t want it to be timid we want it to to be wide sweeping away and loaded onto the right side again don’t be tempted to stay on the left turn behind the ball and get ready to sweep take your Fairway Wood I’ve got five wood here I’m going to grip it a little bit further down the shaft for some more control I’m going to start with the ball position just inside my left heel but I’m only going to take the club away with a wide takeaway to about this point here I’m then going to try and move a little bit on the inside of the ball so a little bit shallow and just try and sweep the ball off the surface so just pop it up and down so what that five wood that’s FL about 40 think it was 120 only out by 20 yards it’s not like I’m a professional golfer and if you can get that feeling of just sweeping it away from a slightly shallow position you can see how it’s just popping up in the air and then chasing down towards Target you will notice here within my hand I have a te and let me just say that this is a drill which is so simple and yet so effective I’m just going to pop the TEEG in the ground so there’s just a little bit of it showing above the surface and honestly this sounds so simple and it sounds so silly but I promise you this really does work all you’re going to be doing is taking your Fairway Wood getting in that that setup position having that turned feeling like we’re having that little shallow moving through the ball trying to sweep the ball off the surface and your only goal here is to try and clip that TEEG out of the ground that would have been amazing now the reason that this works the reason that it is so important is by simply clipping that TEEG out of the ground what it allows you to do is control low point and that’s what a fairway wood swing is essentially all about it is just controlling how that club moves through impact and if you can clip a TEEG like this if you’re at a driving range on a mat you can put one of the smallest tegs in there and you’re able just to clip the very top of it you are then able to control lowo so when a ball is popped in in the place of that t all you’re trying to get the feeling of just clipping the TEEG as mentioned before if you do want a little bit more control here as well there’s no harm in gripping down the club a little bit just giving a little bit more room here this will shorten the overall length of the club and make it a little bit easier something which is also going to make it easier is if you continue your swing Quest here and check out further videos on how to get your Fairway Woods up in the air ha


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