Golf Players

Can McIlroy end his major drought? | OverDrive

Bryan Hayes, Jamie McLennan and Jeff O’Neill are joined by TSN golf analyst to discuss how Rory McIlroy is looking ahead of the opening round of the PGA Championship and if he can win a major for the first time in ten years.

final hour overdrive continues brought to you by FanDuel bringing you everything from the opening line of the final score Bob weeks coming up live from the PGA Championship our PGA pick still to come our best bet still to come the slide will be debuted we’ve got a few possible DMS that we’re going to get to all right and um I guess Elias Patterson spoke to the media today which I appreciate I I know a lot of teams that would hide their best player right taking coach he’s not talking today yeah exactly it would just be NOP not available I know a lot of teams that would run from the Heat and I appreciate that Vancouver said you got to go out like you’re making 11.6 million moving forward you’re our best player you you haven’t been very good we’re in the playoffs go speak and it was as painful as you would expect it would be just watching you know some of the Clips in the break well yeah I don’t know if we can or not i’ I’ve sent them but we’ll see but um yeah it’s a scenario where he he looks I don’t know if he looks uncomfortable dejected um you know somewhat uh not vindictive but it’s it’s like he doesn’t want to be up there for for one we have one of these JP okay let’s let’s let’s play a clip here an example of kind of what pson was going through this afternoon in Vancouver perspective why has it been so difficult these last three months to generate the way you maybe did previously yeah good question any any thoughts any answers no from your perspective why has it been all right there you go that’s good enough but that’s awkward man cuz that’s the wrong answer man like just his teammates don’t want to hear it like nobody wants to hear it all he’s got to say and I I can’t stand doing this but I do it anyway to say what you should say because there’s nothing that would make anything better but all you have to say is I got to find my game here quickly and try to help this team beat the Evon Oilers because if I don’t find my game I could be a primary reason why we don’t win the series so that’s all I got to do whatever’s happened in the past I just got to find a way to get to my game tomorrow night that’s it yeah and and just if if you don’t have answers say listen I’m working at it I care you know you’re asking me about I care that that looked like he I I believe that was farand that far Al that asked the question and it was all he had the look on his face like I can’t believe you had the audacity to ask me that which is like that’s farhan’s job and I get totally reasonable no kidding and it was framed in a nice question he just said do you have any answers to why the production isn’t where what it’s usually is and to look at farand and give that response it’s just like come on man what what what are you doing here well he looked defeated like his body language was poor like that’s a like just I I I you know I’ve always been told disarm people with the truth I need to be better that’s it and and people like yeah you do need to be that’s why we’re asking you what do you make of it I don’t have the answers but I’m working at it I know I need to be better JT Miller was so pissed at himself last night he wouldn’t take another question because he said I’m not answering questions about my teammates I just blew that last goal he took it upon he goes it’s on me there were other guys on the ice that that got beat to the net that got pushed off the puck but Miller was so mad at himself he just said I need to be better and you know what I expect JT Miller to have a response tomorrow Pon his body language the answer it just it was off for me I didn’t like yeah well and Farhan you know added to it like the last few months and I’m assuming what’s happening in the is they’re connecting the contract being signed with the production falling off and let’s face it like in the salary cap there’s no salary cap in the playoffs but in the there’s no money discussions in the playoffs that was about his play in the Stanley Cup Playoffs there’s no money attached to the question it’s like what are you doing out there right now and why is it not what it’s supposed to be or what it usually is there’s no money attached to it nobody cares about money in the playoffs well I I don’t that’s true I mean I I think what ends up happening is in the salary cap era you you are what your cap hit is I do understand that Brian but this is not about a cap hit this is about him being Jamie just said it he’s their best player yes and he’s not playable I I I got you yeah no I I agree with you what I’m saying is it it it is simply about the production I understand that what I’m saying is from a fan perspective and a media perspective I think it’s even more possibly you know I don’t want to say vitriolic but like really you’re you’re losing it on this guy because of the money he’s making on top of it so I’m sure there’s a concern in the back of your mind did they just attach themselves to a guy who can’t play in the playoffs you know like that’s like and and would he be getting a here’s another thing that’s pissing people off I guarantee it would he be getting 11.6 million a year if they didn’t sign him during the season and waited until after the season was over I don’t know right like if if this is the way he played since the deal signed and this is the way he’s playing in the playoffs is there a chance Vancouver goes listen we’re not giving you 116 see what you just did how you just played give you 11 give you 1075 you know I mean again there’s a there’s a parallel with Marner here in town it’s the same it’s same type of player same body type same kind of can be uncomfortable when it gets physical but a a cerebral Uber talented stud during the regular season making a lot of money and you know Marner on top of the production people also hold the contract against them and I I’m guessing that there’s probably an element of that in Vancouver I guess probably at the end of the day when you’re making that much money it’s always going to come up when the play is like that that’s just the bottom line when you make it sucks about the salary cap error that’s why the salary cap and the finite numbers suck because there’s no wiggle room and everyone’s got to have a calculator out but you know what you get paid is what you’re expected to supply and he’s expected to supply a lot yeah a lot not far off with the other guy like he’s making $3 million more than Dy cidal next year yeah you know only a million less than a million less than McDavid and he’s he’s just not showing up yeah uh all right our picks are still to come our Best Bets later in the hour PJ Championship beginning tomorrow let’s head down to Louisville Kentucky here’s Bob week TSN golf analyst and reporter how you doing weekie doing very well very well thank you all right so we had Scott Veil on earlier the caddy for uh Keegan Bradley and Keegan goes off with tiger and Adam Scott tomorrow and you know he said there’s a lot of excitement obviously tiger on the grounds Tiger Playing I noticed the other day when he did his media it felt very very muted I didn’t sense a lot of hype I know you’re down there it’s probably different on the grounds but I from from the outside Bob it doesn’t feel like anyone’s talking about tiger like actually doing anything this week what is the vibe like down there pretty much the same I mean there was a big turnout for his presser and there was you know pretty pretty big crowds following him around but it’s almost ceremonial now then than anything like he just doesn’t seem like he’s he’s really capable of doing anything and don’t forget he’s not only is he broken but he’s 48 years old so he’s he’s not a young guy anymore and he just has no reps that’s the biggest issue right he’s he just has not played very much golf when he does he’s either just making the cut at Augusta or he’s injured and walking off or um whatever he looks healthy he looks fit he looks fine I saw him play a few holes and he’s hitting the ball okay but um I just don’t think he can go four rounds with the the likes of sheffler and mroy and John Rah and these kind of guys out there anymore weeky what would surprise you more him making the cut or him missing the cut uh good question probably making the cut it’s this point I just don’t I mean you know it’s funny to think about it but he won here but it was 24 years ago that’s a that’s a long time and I think I think this golf course is it’s a big boy golf course it’s a big Ballpark and you got to hit it a long way you got to go up and down it’s not a place that he knows like he knew Augusta National which is like the back of his hand he did come up here uh last week and had a little bit of a scouting Mission but I just don’t think he’s got the the the horses anymore and so I would be more surprised if he actually played four rounds here than than went home on Friday night Bobby the last seven or eight years you put a big boy park with those guys out there everyone would look to Kea it would just seem like he won some Big Boy golf tournaments on some big boy courses is that sheffler right now like is it kind of like tiger where he was just on a heater and it’s like this guy’s winning this golf tournament is that kind of the consensus there I think there’s like four guys who can win here this week honestly I think I think Sheffer is one of them for I think I think you could put Ramen Kea in there and I think you put Rory in there I mean Rory’s got the long ball flight as well he’s I think second and driving distance on the tour but Sheffer right now is to me is he he doesn’t have a he doesn’t have a weak part of his game I went through the stats on the PGA Tour website this this afternoon there’s I don’t know how many different categories there are but he’s in first place in 37 different categories now that includes official World Golf Ranking in FedEx Cup and he’s got like 18 million he’s won this year already but there’s just nothing you can look to him and say oh yeah well his putting can go off now that he’s got that new malet putter or his wedge plays poor there’s just not a weak link out there so I don’t really know how you how this guy loses to be perfectly honest with you unless he’s tired from changing diapers from his newborn baby Bobby Rory mroy usually he’s not and this can happen to anybody but he’s not usually part of this type of drama like how how did he look how does he look like just physically does he look drained or how’s he look you know he came in for the pressure today and it was short that was a real shocker usually Rory will sit there for half an hour uh he was in there in out in and out in 10 minutes by his own request uh before the pressor started they said like no questions on on his personal stuff and he did to me look a little tired but he also looked uh he also looked like he wanted to be anywhere but standing in front of us but I think he looked pretty happy when I saw him later on the golf course he was joking with uh caddies and players that were inside the ropes with him and stuff so I don’t how happy Bobby how happy not overly he was he wasn’t yeah he wasn’t really happy to be uh you know he wasn’t skipping down the middle of a fairway or like that but he did seem to be uh he did seem to be enjoying himself on the golf course and you know listen this is we’re finding out about this stuff imagine it’s probably going on for quite a while yeah well I mean like he wins at Quil Hollow maroy flies to Florida files for divorce and then flies to Louisville like the way he played on Sunday Bob I I said on Monday that’s one of the the best Sunday rounds we’ve seen on tour all year in years I mean he he lapped the field when everyone was getting crushed by that course and I don’t know he’s won here before he hasn’t won in 10 years but he’s won at Valhalla he’s won the PGA I kind of got A Sneak sneaking suspicion this is it for maroy um it’ be a great story I mean if you want to if you want to get away and get your mind off that other Stu what a better way to them to play golf he did say today that the two things that are really working for him is the new driver he’s got in the bag he said it’s the best one they’ve made for him in probably the last seven or eight years he he loves the driver and he’s also his his sort of half shots his wed shots they’re really really tight um he was you know last Sunday he was hitting a lot of shots close a lot of shots pin high if he does that here I tell you he’s got so much length for one thing this course is soaking it’s it’s pretty wet we’re supposed to get some more rain um later in the week so I think it’s going to be a soggy one and if you get it a long way and you can hit wedges into some of these greens uh Rory’s your guy right now is there added yardage Bobby because when tiger won there the Ridder cup there and I know the USA wanted to put together a bomber team on on that golf course but but tigers’s win over Bob may I don’t remember being this like Beast do they add yardage to the te’s they they’ve added a little bit like 150 yards not a ton um but I think it’s just playing a lot longer because of the because of the wetness of it it’s it’s uh I think it’s about 7600 yards which is about standard or a little bigger for for some of the majors but it’s I don’t know it’s spread out over a lot of property as well which makes it look bigger than it probably really is but there’s no role I mean the balls the balls are I don’t even know if they’re going to play lift cleaner place or or anything like that they’ve done it before this tournament the only major that’s done it but they might have to if uh if it rains on Friday like it’s supposed to so um it just feels it feels bigger than it than it probably really is but the guys are the guys are all talking about it in terms of yardage that you got to hit it with Bob weeks uh how about the Canadians I mean there’s a lot of Canadians on the in the in the field pendrith is coming in on a on a heater Cory Connor’s obviously Nick Taylor’s a generally a big game player I could see him in the mix this week Mack had a great week last week McKenzie Hughes uh how are you handicapping the Canadian chances of at least being in contention for the weekend yeah I think I think penus might be the guy to watch I mean you know again he’s he’s one of the top five or six drivers in terms of distance on the PGA he’s got those big levers and he can really hit it out there and he’s putting so well right now so he’s kind of got both ends of the game going as well coming off that win and then a top 10 last week as Well’s he might run out of steam that’s the only thing I can say he’s played five week in a row I talked to him a little bit today um he did seem a little tired but he said they were you know they’ve been celebrating a little bit as well and he’s got I mean all these guys right now have a big stretch busy stretch right now they’re going to decide the two spots for the Olympic team at the end of the US Open so that’s three or four weeks now have to put the hammer down Nick Taylor’s pretty much got one locked locked up but Connor’s hadwin and pendrith are all within five spots of each other on the world ranking so anything can happen and those could switch around and those guys want that spot they want to be on the Olympics all of them um M Hughes included you know he’d need a couple of big weeks to do something but it’s not out of the Out Of Reach yet and then of course you’re talking about President’s Cup which is those guys probably want to be on more so than the Olympic team want to play they want to play in Montreal for the international team so they got a busy little stretch coming up here right now but if I was to pick one guy this week I think it would either be Cory or it would be Taylor pendrith Cory’s got the accuracy so he can hit five irons into seven feet on the greens but uh but Taylor is going to be hitting shorter clubs in than anybody the other Canadians so he might be the guy to watch I love it well it’s going to be a fun week and down at Valhalla obviously a lot of history there tigers won there before maoy you know back in Louisville Justin Thomas’s Hometown it should be a fun week Bob you’re down there full coverage on TSN all weekend enjoy it we’ll do it again soon sounds good take care guys there’s our buddy Bob weeks um all right let’s get after it here you ready to get going here cuz we we’ve got a major here in overdrive PGA Pi brought to you by Taylor Made meet the all new tp5 the sof this five layer Tour ball in tp5x now a half Club longer play the number one ball for you visit TaylorMade more that driver Rory’s plans the qi1 I I share the same sentiments it is a rockstar driver it is man it’s so good man maroy is crushing it I’m crushing it I’m finding Fairways and if I can those guys up in V those guys up in vaugh are dialed in whatever driver they put in your hands when you walk out the door that’s the driver for you anything goes wrong after that it’s human error because I am hitting drives right now with that thing that are just it’s just so good the way that they know what what shaft to put in what head and they hand it to you and you’re dialed in it’s it’s an awesome experience yeah it is the tailor made crew uh it’s it’s awesome the QI and again we’re both playing the tp5 it’s everything’s locked in everything’s dialed in all right so what are we going to do here I think maybe a five pack maybe a maybe a six-pack right A five-pack plus a bonus a Canadian I think we do tiger versus Phil I think we do daily versus block obviously not the win but who’s going to finish better right we’ll keep track of that and then we can go from there what do we what are we thinking here I’m thinking I get the first pick you’re thinking or you want the first pick well I will say I had maroy Hollow so I’m coming off a win I I did pick Rory last week so I feel good about that which means I’ll give you the first pick I’m I’m cool with that go ahead this is like 2000 this is like I might as well just rewind to 2000 where tiger was automatic Scotty Sheffer yeah Scotty what killed me at the Masters man you had the first pick you took sheffler and it was like yeah that’s it I just Scotty I don’t know man I don’t think he’s he’s not going to win every single major he just had a kid K have to do with anything he’s going to he’s going to Tee It Up and Kill these guys man that’s a big life change man you know what it’s like like it’s it’s a life change I don’t know what his story is I don’t know where his head’s at you know how focused is he but she’s FaceTiming a lot more on the road than he was before I’m going to take maroy I I know he hasn’t won a major in 10 years but there’s something about the what he showed me on Sunday him B bopping down the Fairway he’s got a smile on his face he’s he likes this he’s won here before I he loves the qi1 playing the tp5 everything’s coming together maoy single enjoying his life that’s what I’m saying my only concern is this guy you know he’s out tonight and forgets about his tea time tomorrow but I I think Rory I got a sneaking suspicion all maoy in the hunt come Sunday I’m gonna go with kka I think he might poke his head out and just say let’s get another one yeah okay this seems like the this kind of event he would just dominate like absolutely course like this the tougher it is the more difficult to field and that’s with no visual of his form like I I I do not see that guy hit golf shots I don’t watch and he’s the reigning champ at the PGA right he’s won it three times he won it last year um and the guy is coming off a victory on live again I think that’s completely irrelevant but he it doesn’t matter what this guy’s doing anywhere when he shows up at a major if he’s healthy he’s in the hunt Cap’s a good pick I’m going to take John ROM uh Rah I think you know was weighing on him at Augusta he didn’t perform well at Augusta but he’s still it’s kind of like cap I don’t know what kind of form he’s in but he’s still in his prime I think he’s over the awkwardness of it all and he’s just a world class player he’s one of the best these are the four best players Sheffer maroy K gam like those are the four best players when they’re healthy and on their game and the winner is going to come from one of those four guys you just mentioned most likely feels that way which I don’t know if that’s a good thing for golf that it’s so predictable yeah it is a good thing because there’s been some leaderboards where the golf fan I don’t think necessarily has loved ideally all four of them are in the hunt then you’re talking like you you get all four of them within a shot or two on Sunday you’re cooking all right now the now it gets tough all right who do you have for yourd for me no not for me ludvig oberg rudig he crushes a golf ball he does crush a golf balles and he will win majors and soon yeah I can’t argue against that um I’m going to take Windam Clark wind Clark he he had a great start to the year he’s kind of cooled off a little bit he had a great first round at Augusta then faded but that was his first time there won the US Open last year guy’s a grinder he’s he competes if he’s in the mix he’ll be fighting on Sunday wendam Clark with my third pick all right fourth pick who do you got I’m going to go a little bit off the tracks here I’m going to take Bryson I’m going to take Bryson I was looking at him I was looking at him if it’s wet out there and you need to carry the golf ball I think he’s a guy that can obviously move the Rock and I just like his chances Jason Des Shambo okay I like that pick I like that pick uh yeah I think you’re looking at guys who can bomb the golf bow um like there’s guys who I know will be in the hunt I just don’t think they can close um I’m I’m going to go off the beaten path here I’m going to take C young take Cameron young I know he hasn’t W on tour yet but he crushes golf balls if he finds Fairways I think he’s in the hunt he actually shows up a lot of Majors Cameron young all right fifth pick who do you have I’m gonna go with Max hom I think he’s going to break through in the majors I don’t know if this is the golf course for him okay but I’m going to take him all right I like it I’ll you know what I’m going to take Xander even though I said what I just said oh man how many times do you yourp it this week I I’d be willing to put money on a top five I just I don’t think he can close like look he he was tied with maroy on Sunday with like eight shots to go and he just you know maroy took off he wasn’t going to beat him anyway but I think he went two over down the stretch but Xander’s always in the hunt I’ll take Xander I want to take a couple little sneaky picks here all right so we’re going to add a couple of sneaky bonuses sneaky bonuses sneaky bonuses Fitzy and Billy ZZ ah I like Bill Z I do all right you want sneaky I’ll take the local guy I’ll take Justin Thomas JT he’s from there I don’t love the form he’s in right now who else can I get that’s sneaky sahi thala I okay give me a two pack sah and I’m GNA take Tony feno then I’m done that’s it okay that’s it so you have one more like 10 how many is there well and we have a Canadian and we got others I’ll go I’ll take Sammy Burns no no Shane Lowry Shane Lowry Shane I don’t know about that all right um Canadian who’s your Canadian I’m going Nikki Taylor or you want him you already established early in the week you want Nick you can have them I’ll take Connor’s I’ll take Corey pendrith is very enticing I’ll take pendri you take Mac it’s a major there you go all right all done um tiger or Phil I’m not taking tiger no way I’m taking Phil Phil’s my tiger I love having tiger no you don’t I love having tiger it it’s minus money it’s actually big plus money for him to make the cut on FanDuel is there any chance like I’m being dead serious MH that he surprises you and it’s like this guy makes the cut the surprise is making the cut for me noodles he can’t he’s he can’t win there’s no way he can win there’s zero% so if this was a Jerry 0% he’s can win I’m on board with 0% right now he he he’s not he can’t play I don’t think he can get through four rounds he’s too tired he was exhausted at Augusta he finished last like for the guys that made the cut at Augusta you know like it was it was really ugly isn’t that humbling for him like that because he’s got a an ego right it’s too bad man like people have noticed you know he was a killer early in his career like we had Scotty Veil join us a couple hours ago Scotty was like no one talked to him people were on edge they’re on eggshells he didn’t talk to anyone you if you looked at him the wrong way you were in trouble and now he’s Mr jovial Mr gregarius hey how are you guys I’m you know that’s him showing that he knows it’s not he’s done you know Tony F now said he played with him in the final round in 19 when he won the Masters and Midway through the round he’s like tiger how’s the kids and the family and stuff tiger looked him dead in the face and said f you and that was the end of the conversation you’re kidding me is that a true story I’m dead serious Tony Fe now tells the story I’ve never heard that that’s an incred Story choffle the same thing looked him dead in the face and said f you that seems unnecessary couldn’t you just say hey I’m focusing on the round leave me alone that’s not who he was man he’s a killer out there yeah wow well won I mean that’s that’s what he did five years ago and I listen that would return if he was in the hunt on the weekend yeah you know like if he was in the hunt on Sunday and someone hey tiger how are you man he would probably be like get the hell out of here but uh all right John Daly or Michael block I take you said yeah you wanted daily with his Dart I’ll take JD with his darts you’re gonna take Michael block that to taking the block party hole in one last PGA he was dialed will not come close to making the cut neither will daily daily will be at a Hooters by 300 p.m. on Friday give me 20 to one on a Hune on block making the cut yeah 20 to1 is steep but dude that’s what that’s what it be it’s probably 14 to one 12 to one I’ll give you 12 to one no I want 20 15 15 to one 17 to1 lock it in he’s not making the cut dude there’s no way he’s making the cut that’s why it should be then it’s not 14 to1 get the odds it’s still he’s a capable golfer he can play golf but you just said there’s no way he’s making the C said last year and the guy finished top 15 I actually think the odds of him making the cut are probably closer to 50 to1 I I can look it up I will give you an answer by the end of the hour I will tell you what it is that is I mean that’s such bad odds dude that guy was H Club professional he was hitting three Woods into short par fours last year I was standing at the tea at Oakwood all right Canadian open cuz he got invited up and our friend Lawrence appom and I was there my dad was there we were behind the ropes standing behind the T box watching him tea off on one every other player was hitting three iron four iron five iron cuz you just find the Fairway then it’s uphill at one on Oak Oakdale this guy pulled out a three-wood and leaned into it and he hit first when he got to his ball and his playing Partners were hitting four irons out there like in other words this guy is 50 60 70 yards behind everyone off the T what do you think you would be you’d be 80 what does that matter I’m a 10 handicap this guy’s playing at the PG what think I would do I would hit a driver I would have hit a driver happily although when I played the proam last week I kind of snucker a five iron out there just to get off the tea I was so nervous really yeah I don’t know because I had all this hype from the year before at St G’s one Al so what people were huddling around the there was a lot of hype man was a lot of hype at the first te of the pr and I had to go up first Tommy Fleetwood hit he he just hit a cut Dart three iron like right down the pipe and then everyone stand around and I had to go first and I was like just give me a five iron and let me chisel one out and I hit a brutal shot but it got off the T all right overdrive PJ picks brought to you by Taylor Made meet the allnew tp5 the softest five layer Tour ball and tp5x now a half Club longer play the number one ball for you visit tailor made more overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on the TSN Out overdrive continues brought to you by FanDuel we’ll have our Best Bets later in the hour so we were talking about Michael block making the cut plus 570 to make the cut on FanDuel plus 570 so actually gave you great odds ripping me off but uh yeah fanduel’s not expecting much um all right Best Bets later in the hour so we were talking about this you know this this slide into the DMS type bit you know we’re working on and and to be fair we’re ironing out some Kinks here but I think I got somewhat of a grasp on this do you guys want to give this a shot and yes you just tell me if it works tell me if it doesn’t and we’ll see if we have something Let it Fly and just let us know what our obligation is our responsibility once you once you present the the potential DM yes all right so Kyle dubas slides into Sheldon Keith’s DMS oh I love it all yes Z I’m thinking of gas and Sullivan you up for a reunion in pit if you guys are receiving that as Sheldon Keef How are you responding to that DM if I was Sheldon Keef I would write back and say careful what you’re doing cuz Sully’s got a lot of power around there and he was a part of the decision making and hiring you yeah so I I just think Sully is kind of in tight as a head coach with that kind of Fenway group and he’s I don’t think he’s going anywhere so it might be a great idea that you want to reunite and get the band back together but you might want to check in the status of their coach because I don’t think that that ownership group would have any appetite as of right now to let him go you might want to check on that and DM me later unless I love it I love this bit the thing is is unless he unless Mike Sullivan is seeing the right on the wall and doesn’t want his legacy tarnished too and go I don’t know if I have the stomach for a 5year rebuild here and so maybe he decides that he’s going to walk like maybe he says you know we’re going to part ways or he goes up in the in the organization higher you know uh as a president or something like that like chips away with dubis but I think Sully he’s 56 years old he’s a great coach if he became available wouldn’t tree want to call him like yeah I think that’s possible two-time Cup winner like knows how to get the most out of good players so I I I think it’s you’re right like you do slide into Sheldon’s DMS and say you up you know hey check checking in on you what are you thinking they’re friends so they’re obviously going to have a conversation anyways but I I think you figure out what Mike Sullivan like there’s an endgame there everyone’s got an expiration date and Sully might be the be be near the end there in Pittsburgh anyways if they’re eventually going to break up the band so you might want to go hey you know to Sheldon collect your money this year I’d be looking at you next summer type of thing or we you know we got one more year a plan was Sully like he might be part of the process moving on yeah my response if I’m Sheldon is thanks but no thanks thumbs up because for two different reasons one um I don’t think your team’s any good good and I have a reputation of being a very good regular season coach I need to add to my reputation as a postseason coach and that Pittsburgh team You’re Building there Kyle that ain’t going to cut it for me and secondly I got to get out from underneath your Shadow you know I I can’t be known as just Kyle dubis is Guy now you got me in at the Sue got me in with the Marley’s got me with the Leafs I can’t thank you enough but I’m going to sit this one out shout out to Sully say hi for me on the way out and this DM there’s a DM right beside it from the devils and they horny uh that one I’m answering and that one I’m responding with send the bird or I can jump on one myself but I will be down there and I am happy to accept whatever you’re willing to offer if I’m Sheldon Keef and New Jersey comes calling and they’re willing to match the money or close to it with the Lea Sur Pan um I don’t know if that’s possible and I don’t know how it all works in terms of who has to pay for what to make him whole but Jersey is compelling Jersey they’re a goalie away from being a really good team yeah um all right so Tiger Woods sliding into Rory mooy’s DMS saying I heard the news that you’re single and ready to mingle want to get after it in Louisville I know a spot how doesy respond you guys are going to be shocked by this but if I’m Rory I block him I block really I can’t because this is fresh MH and I can’t be at Denny’s at 3 in the morning and and and and just making a mockery of this a week into to being divorced I block Tiger Woods and I have to do it because I can’t be doing the silly stuff immediately maybe it’s a flight to play golf somewhere privately me and you and we’ll hang and do fun stuff that dudes do but I can’t be at Denny’s at 3:00 a.m. and I’m blocking you until you understand that all right it’s an unnecessary evil to block Tiger Woods but if he wants to get into that type of business you block him Rory has to block him I agree you because you got to win a tournament here tiger also is like I don’t know if I can win this and I’ve got my 15 majors and I’m already the goat Tiger’s looking to have a a possible good time Friday night he misses the cut he’s looking for a Perkins Diner or a Denny’s or whatever it is in the greater Louisville area but if you’re maroy you cannot be even contemplating riding shotgun with eldri because you were there to win you were there to concentrate on your game you don’t want to have anyone else in your circle of friends anyone else saying hey what are you up to later grab a bite whatever maro’s got to be dialed in his game is legit right now he loves this course I’m with you block and report I don’t know I report can’t you report for spam no way you report for spam on TIG I I I think it’s the other way you go what time are we what time are you thinking like you you really dig in you’re going with tiger you know the details of what the big cat was up to you can’t get involved in those single you could do whatever you want maybe he maybe I don’t know his backstory maybe he’s never gone out maybe you know he married the first girly dat who knows it’s none of my business maybe only if they maybe if he’s garbage tomorrow it’s a it’s you unblock and a DM back and say Vegas for Saturday Sunday yes those two in Vegas Yes Shadow Creek and then a pool party with the two of them with the with with the golf on to watch it I’m just saying I think you welcome it because you you know what Tiger Woods is the greatest who ever played you might even you could sit with him have a beer with him and and start to pick his brain and go what do you make of this what do you make like he might give you some knowledge too interesting thought too may maybe it’s it’s not about anything other than hey just two buddies getting together you a couple of beers and it’s all good all right what else do we have here um how about this one Alex anthopolos uh slides into the DMS of Edward Rogers the the man at top the Blue Jays operation he’s sending nudes he’s sending nudes he sends a DM saying I love the new Rena but your team is a circus act right now if you Turf shapy and Atkins I’m willing to come up for full autonomy in 15 million a year and take over the whole operation I love this segment already so much it’s given me new life and it’s going to carry us into the summer do you know the movies where they they have that type of transaction and then the person’s at the door 12 seconds later yes yeah that’s what I’m do if I’m Edward Rogers I knock on dable A’s door 12 seconds later and say I got the nudes and let’s do this right I agree with you I’m responding by saying we have your banking account on file same same account because the money is going through IM how much do you want me to put in it right is it the same account from when you used to be here in 15 or have you updated your banking system so send us the details and the private bird is on Route and this is a private bird that even John morosi will get accurate because it’s coming right it’s flying and it’s Northbound and if if doublea is interested in taking over the whole operation that’s a DM I’m responding to immediately immediately I love it noodles do you disagree with that I mean come on I I think I’m the Road Runner right there put as M as and you make it this guy is a legend and we love him friend of the everything like I I you make it happen too right like it’s not listen Mark shapy and Ross Atkins been here a long time um you know I don’t know what’s going to happen with Ross it it doesn’t feels like he’s on pretty uneasy ground right now I mean let’s call it what it is they got walked off today Romano G recy biased too right like we’re all it we’re down everything everything is not good here everything is really not good I have a DM for you guys okay okay what do you got what would Rick tett do with this DM from Elias Pon Uncle Ricky I know I didn’t look good in the presser and I haven’t been good for a month but don’t you worry because the next game I’m going to be the best player on the ice question mark believe me or not I would write back and say I have full belief and you know what I’m going to do I’m going to load you up on a line I’m going to move you up where do you want to play you respond to me because we’re back at home the building’s going to be rocking you’re our guy I love you I called the out cuz you deserved it this is a long DM and response probably running out of characters but you tell me where you want to play you give me an idea who you want to play with because I’m calling number 40 a lot tomorrow night love you start them opening shift absolutely that’s exactly what I would do you know I I would I would challenge them but also I’d say I believe in you man we need you get out there you know turn that frown upside down let’s get cooking here yeah I agree I think you you put the little heart on it you know you re the reaction or whatever yes heart reaction with a follow-up script exactly with a note saying I’m in I believe in you we’ll see you for 26 minutes tomorrow night type of thing I love that’s what I would do penciling you in for 26 minutes tomorrow night yeah that’s a DM response yeah that’s huge that’s a big number though that’s that might be a bit much 24 20 plus for sure 20 plus tomorrow all right well there you go man yeah I think the slide is it’s officially here it’s just called the slide I like that yeah sliding into DMS sliding there so many possibilities for this we’re going to take it to the next level yeah there’s a lot next week oh there’s so much and I haven’t even activated my brain cells into this I am going to go nuts on that all right well the slide has been established it’s officially a part of the rotation and it will continue and it may be spontaneous you know we may be sliding into DM spontaneously on the Fly anything’s possible um all right we’ll come back with our Best Bets baraki by FanDuel recap another crushing loss by the Jays today they were up they had to game 2-1 into the ninth adley rushman goes deep on a two-run shot off Romano they end up with a split got rained out yesterday they did get a win down in Baltimore but this is the way they operate positive and then a negative right positive Monday negative Wednesday that’s just the way it always seems to go with this team and TF the one game in the Stanley Cup Playoffs tonight and one more recap on what we expect out of the PGA starting tomorrow overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on the TSN out all right today’s Best Bets are powered by FanDuel make your picks and assemble the same game parly and seconds on the FanDuel sports book cap only one game the Stanley Cup Playoffs tonight but I’m going to look at the PGA board my boy Xander shafley paying plus 105 top 10 he’s the guy shows up in every big tournament he doesn’t win but he’s in contention top 10 plus money I’ll take Xander cap good top five including ties paying plus 240 I think Cap’s got a real shot at winning this um outright Maybe be a good play I think you’re getting like 16 to one on FanDuel on that but plus 240 T5 I fully expect him in the hunt and Windam Clark paying plus 170 for a top 20 finish Clark’s a major winner had a great start of the year he’s a battler I like it um you know there’s some long shot plays i’ I’d maybe sprinkle on our boy Nick Taylor paying a huge plus money Denny McCarthy my boy rolls The Rock he loves this type of grass yeah but he’s going to be hitting his driver off the deck yeah I know that’s the issue he’ll hit a 280 off the te and literally be hitting three Woods in a par forest all week uh today’s Best Bets are powered by FanDuel FanDuel School in the first 10 minutes the most electric bet in hockey and can be included in a same game parlay on any NHL game please play responsibly must be 19 plus are physically located and physically located in Ontario so yeah we got a couple of NBA games tonight the about uh CHL games too our East and C London guess close out the generals tonight yeah they have a chance to sweep and Moose Jaw a chance to sweep Portland uh so there’s some some teams you got to pay attention to so if you’re channel surfing check it out I mean CHL the future of the National Hockey League yes pwhl as well I mean tough news Natalie Spooner done for the playoffs oh I saw that oh no why didn’t you see that what happened well she took a hit and and I don’t know I don’t I don’t want to say she blew out her knee but she injured her knee to the point where it’s it’s not looking good yeah she’s out she’s not for the playoffs yeah yeah so um yeah I mean she’s had a great year led the league in scoring and I mean she’s one of the the faces of of Canadian women’s hockey has been for a long time so yeah that sucks for Natalie Spooner but uh Toronto’s in the driver seat in their series and we’ll see what happens with the pwl playoffs so there you go it’s not just Stanley Cup playoffs tonight we got CHL pwl we got a couple NBA games and then PGA Tour tomorrow PGA champ watch out for Pacers I think they push it to seven the Knicks got them last night um but yeah I think uh I think that’s going seven I think Boston wins tonight OKC versus Dallas like Luca versus uh Shay gildas Alexander is a great matchup man yeah it is like a great great that’s must watch TV man yeah it is like the way those two play and what they’re capable of doing um and then you know the Nuggets they got past t-wolves last night I wouldn’t be shocked of Anthony Edwards went off you know in game six back home and pushed that to seven I think Denver will win it but uh yeah there’s a lot of great young Talent the NBA the NHL the whole night all right there who’s winning who’s winning starves avalan tonight Dallas I’ve been wrong I’ve been wrong you know I I guess you know what I’m going to go against my thinking and say Colorado because I I I thought the canes were done I thought the Bruins were done Colorado they’ve got Championship pedigree they got Pride I think they’ll show up and play tonight yeah Colorado all right thanks to everyone behind the scenes for helping out we appreciate it as always everyone for tuning in TV radio Podcast web we appreciate that we’re out of here enjoy your evenings enjoy the games tonight we’re back tomorrow at 4 pm we’ll chat then for


  1. Rory's wife was some random girl he met at the "us open?" after he was late for his tee time. She was a USGA employee. You never do that, had a prenup

  2. the tony finau story with tiger is, tiger didnt look at him and just said "good" and kept walking and they didnt talk again.

  3. I told these guys 2 years ago they were clueless because they ripped on zalatoris all the time. I said just watch how good he is. Now the odonkey like him. After talking trash about him for years. Typical!

  4. Don't think you boys are too up on it but I don't think Tiger and Rory are as good of bro's as you think. Tiger /Cantlay blocked his return to the tour policy board last week

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