Golf Babe

[KLPGA 2024] suhyup-bank MBN Ladies Open 2024 / Round 1 (ENG Commentary)

#suhyup_bank_MBN_Ladies_Open #sbsgolf #live #english #Commentary

well a very uh good afternoon to you and if you you’ve been following the entire proceedings from the early part uh with the Sunrisers or the day Breakers it’s going to be an interesting one for us here today as we get on with the event we are right here in the heart of what we’d call a really Scenic setting we’ll tell you all about it in just a little bit but more importantly let’s remind you that this is the KL PGA and it’s very very important for us cuz uh more importantly just to look at what the entire well event is about so right now it’s chman Kung who’s on to her second she’s on her seventh hole it’s a par three for the asking and it looks like she’s going to uh well nail that on par sets a up fairly well for it there’s lii y aiming for birdie she’ll just miss it narrowly so let’s remind you once again that this is the sh seup Bank mbn Women’s Open it’s being played right here in gongo and uh Total priz Money well is about [Music] a th000 million one yeah that’s what it is well we’ll break that down for US dollars for you in just a little bit PTO Yong and she’s well nailed birdie well there you would think uh earlier she had well a bogey as well and I think that’s so important you want to try and finish uh you know with as many positives as you can in the first day cuz that’s when you sift through you find out who the cream of the crop really is well sometimes a bit difficult to navigate uh through that very area here we go a fairly good chance of uh needing a bird here for bunction she’s on an even score as of now well that’s the sixth hole for her it’s a part four for the asking had a very good tea off to begin [Music] [Applause] with so I’d say that’s well done by punin S that’s the first birdie of the day and I think that should give her a a good bit of confidence as well well sometimes uh tripping the light fantastic or you know trying to get yourself out into the open can be a bit daunting especially when you have well a few twists and turns I absolutely love this course for a reason uh there’s you know the Scenic Mountain settings behind and I’ve well personally I grew up you know as a child with with with mountains in the back just beyond the backyard uh not that I’m a mountain man but it was just uh I just so used to that and um strangely we also had a massive river that was in front so water fronts and mountains uh I’ll take both normally you have people who are just fussy about them um another beautifully bled shot um I think just wanted to give that a little bit more of a lift it’s fairly far from well her destination I would believe and just a look back at the seventh [Music] hole that’s a part three for the asking and uh it’s a bit of a tricky hole has a bit of a descent there on that right side you want to try and avoid that as much as possible’ got two sand bunkers as well so getting ready to tea off here remember we it’s still early days here um and it’s bunction Sil she’s going in with a 79 she’s got a one under after she nailed that birdie in her previous well challenge well I was about to say it’s going to be fairly decent till it actually skimmed out there but she still got a Fighting Chance of keeping that positive score I think she was trying to keep it a fairly closer you know that’s a bit of the rough I’d say for chayan it’s the eighth hole it’s about four for the asking well she’ll miss out on the birdie but she’s got herself into the clear she can still finish with an even score here won PA a good consolation time for lii young 167 m is what we’re looking at on uh hole number seven now she’s going in with a 6 IR unlike bin Sil who went in with a seven it’s always a matter of preference well that’s a fairly good effort it’s a fairly good effort from her um puts herself in contention off for one under [Music] let’s move on to chayan remember she got herself out of that rough we look to finish even well sometimes it’s just sometimes isn’t it she bu bogey that she was in Fairly good state to have finished on PA Kim buong 370 m is the asking for that hole 150 M of goes to the hole for her she’s using a five Club that’s just going to Peter down a little bit well some of the holes definitely uh the green can be very very tricky um there’s there’s a lot of slopes and you sometimes think you know when when the challenges are actually built in uh you know during the original design really makes a difference as time goes on even for a birdie year a fairly good chance of missing it I would say so I think just a tad bit too much of Club on that wanted to nudge it a little well easier so Jong Yun G well she’ll miss out on a birdie but that’s beautiful isn’t it she just put that ball in in line with a shadow that gives her a clear marking if she wants to just finished with an even score and I think she can do that just needs a bit of a tapping well that’s a fairly good lift for her so we’re now to here’s Lim jenong looking to finish on PA for the six toll she’s the joint leader currently and that’s well done absolutely lovely Tapp in there bin s did get well I wouldn’t say onto the rough but just beyond the green well just agonizingly close for her I think she would have loved to have well just finished that with the one on thecore that’s well done Huong finishes with the birdie on uh the front nine and I think she’d be really happy about that Li young ging for birdie narly will just miss out but you can’t finish within even that’s exactly what she does well she’s not going to be thrilled but she’ll be pleased that she at least didn’t get into well the negative side of it which means a positive score but so so it’s going to be a tad bit tough to find the direction there I did promise you earlier that I was going to give you the actual you know conversion of uh the Korean War to us uh dollars for the prize money and I’ll do that in a bit it’s Kim Minon now oh well done absolute confidence there from this young lady and on the ninth hole with that one under well done meanwhile Joy your room uh just an narrow Miss there she could still very well finish with a positive so not a worry at all for her function s once again and that’s Tingo for the eighth hole the asking is a power for he got a onto the rough once again I think she just packed in a lot of power into that one um good swing she’s got she’s got good arms and uh but I doo love the way that this young lady well does go about her business especially with the tee off and more so with that choice of the choice of iron that’s so important here’s lii young just got a two underscore 360 M for the asking a par four and whole eight the CT’s off well just escaping uh the bunker there would have thought she she had a good bit of har on that as well so the price money actually is about 723000 274 uh us do chiming Kung on to her third effort remember she’ll miss out on the birdie but she can still get an on paath finish there Lim jinong she’s the joint leader te’s off for hole number seven it’s a part three for the asking B to Young on hole number eight she’s on to a third 11 m to the hole oh coming agonizing close but she’s placed herself well um it’s it’s such an odd thing isn’t it um sometimes you want to take the risk when you want to go in for the birdies but then you also want to play it cautious and try and keep uh you know your C so that you can get an even score finish so you Pacman pacol and limy well are the quarter that lead the top with uh well 68 uh points that we’re looking at on the 68 of course left on that 72 um it’s a four under for each of them and I think that they’d be rather happy with that um then you look at the fifth position where there’s uh Jung jimin and Jung Jim of course uh two there two of them um Jung jimin um is on three there’s not much of a difference of course between you know that top quart head and then of course the rest that follow but uh ton of them there in that fifth position hanga Liu Jin M Jong Min Koji Wan kji all of course on three under so it’s going to be very interesting to keep in mind one very very key uh point and that of course is it’s a 3day event so today it’s pretty much a do or die as far as uh as far as you know the action is concerned and uh more importantly I think it’s it’s really about who comes out on top remember the leaders on the first day don’t necessarily translate to the winners on the third so it will be interesting to see but who comes out on top we’ve seen some Stellar performances it’s still a very close race at the top and I think at the end of the day uh we will of course find it fairly tough to find out uh if there is just a single leader or there are a couple of them that will share that space at the top so once again let’s remind you that this of course is well the S8 suu Bank open there’s a lot to expect from it well very Scenic uh setting for the the tournament will’ll tell you all about it it’s it’s just such a beautiful location you know you’ve got the mountain view behind you’ve got layers when it comes to it it’s almost like there is a a descent and an Ascent as far as you know a lot of the greens are concerned and they’re structured so beautifully um designing a course uh you know on a slopey area or a mountain side or you anything like that it’s it’s not the easiest this one almost mathem atically you know put together uh in terms of the way that it’s it’s actually structured and you know we got to thank our cameramen we got to thank our drone controllers you know for those beautiful shots that we get but really fascinating um I do love this uh course very very much um other courses of course do have do not have that much of an incline uh some of them especially the ones that are more Seaside or you know just overlooking the sea or the ocean but will tend to be a little bit easier um as far as the slopes are concerned but uh beautiful beautiful area beautiful course absolutely love it and uh yes so we we are of course going to continue with with the thrilling action that we’ve had since the morning um let’s also remind you that we’ve got a couple of events that have already been done with and uh left to be seen you know if any of the previous winners can actually you know come to the four year today stay with us don’t go anywhere as we continue with our um event which is the shcu bank mbn Women’s Open chiming Kung looking to finish on par on the E and yes she does lovely tap in I didn’t have to sweat at all for that so she he’ll be pleased with that Limon young heing for Birdie on hole number seven 4.1 M you talk of how sometimes things can be well just really really upsetting and it’s just one of those B Young will finish with an even score lii young with a second 101 m to the hold this is for the eighth and uh well she had a very good well event in the seventh hole just struggling a tied bit here in the eighth well that just stayed put didn’t it and it’s just sometimes when this well it’s almost like you think that the ball has a mind of its own function s she’s on to her second that’s for hole number eight still got a fair chance of nailing a bird here she’s been going against the grain since the morning I think she really wants to shine uh you know in her efforts here today meanwhile chier Rim she’s on to her second this is the 11th Hall kimon 143 m to the hole she’s on to her second this is for hole number 10 that’s well struck there well a good bit of chair there but this young lady who was just trying to find a Groove in the last few well Strokes to finishes with an even score but she’ll maintain that uh positive two that she’s got I think she’d like to drop that down into the negative region as soon as she can as we always know negatives always a positive in golf on day so bunction s looking for a birdie on hole number eight beautifully done absolutely marvelous effort from her so that’s two birdies uh in that front line she’s still got of course one more to go and uh if she nails that she’ll put herself in good stead slowly climbing up the auto if you ask me close to the waterers Edge I believe um not really there but just saying it at least the cadd is yes CH your Rim will’ll definitely miss up out on a birdie here lii young and I think she’ll be fairly pleased with that uh she was was just struggling a tad bit um earlier Kim Jong Kim is aiming for birdie and Kim’s done well here just to keep herself in well the running [Music] [Music] you here’s P to Young 151 m to the hole she’s on to her second stroke and that’s for hole number nine I think that’s a fairly um a strong well move from her and definitely giving herself a shot in the arm let’s remind you once again that this is well only day one kimmon 7 looking to finish on par this is for hole number 10 and she’ll keep her calm there well just in case I I’ve been a bit impolite and haven’t introduced myself my name is Glenn mascarinas and I’m going to be taking you through this uh entire tournament right till the finale on uh Sunday it’s an important one in the klpga calendar just as well every single one is but uh it’s been interesting we’ve kept our focus on uh function s and her [Applause] Trio to hold number nine she’s given that a good bit of har and I think that was well that’s a fairly worthy CH I like the way that she’s been going about her business today it’s it’s like it’s been a constructed day at the office for her she hasn’t really come out with anything Stellar but she’s been fairly consistent uh with her efforts since the morning if she can finish with another bird here she’ll really well up her ante Li young onto her first effort this is for Whole Nine 380 m is what we’re looking at she’s carrying a two underscore so far well she’s certainly packed a wall up into that one well it’s never going to be the easiest to get yourself close to uh the green and you really want to do your best times like this here’s Lim jinyong who’s the current joint leader 114 m we’re looking at an elevation of about 13.7 M she’s got a four under this is for hole number eight it’s got herself off the green but fairly close to it for she would have been very keen of on finishing better here has chayan on her second effort that’s for hole number 10 she has to cover 168 M to get to the hole but covering anything that is close to that would be good enough and uh well that’s just rolled onto that incline and you don’t want to get off the green so T bit unfortunate for her meanwhile PTO Yong will look to finish on P that ball afraid of the dark for certain just needed a little bit of nudging a little bit of confidence being instilled into it and I think she does well just to finish that so here we have it the joint leaders pakman Pak G Lim jinong and uh Yun minina um let’s not forget of course that uh they all have a four under then uh Jung to leads uh the rest of the pack and I do believe that it’s fairly interesting when you um actually look at you know how things uh pan out in the end uh for well I front golfers um up there in that fifth position of course you’ve got a ton of them including Aang liuin and U Anoni and then of course follows the 12th positions which is the two unders where sunin Leon leeon pum of course bin sil’s also in there and she’ll be aiming to probably get herself into that uh you know top five area very soon once again a beautiful well setting of uh the course itself how beautiful it has been spe now here’s Le young he going in with the nine iron 124 m to the hole it’s for hole number nine she’s on to her second stroke very well placed I would say but she gets it just beyond 108 m to the hole for Jong Yun G let’s remind you once again that we are coming at you live from aangi do where it’s the S suu Bank mbn Women’s Open function s going in with her effort oh that’s wonderfully done wonderfully done she’s been well just growing from strength to strength and I think she’d be very pleased with the performance on that first nine uh this is the ninth hole for her um let’s very quickly also remind you that we are at the star Hue golf course and it’s uh one of the courses I really do love because of its Mountain kind of setting oh Limon young onto her third stroke this is of course for hole number eight she’ll be aiming for bir here she’s joint leader as well oh just just play a Trent there was a good chance for her to actually finish uh fairly strong windy conditions here today they haven’t u i mean the higher you get normally it’s always going to be like that isn’t it uh Kim andon she’s on to her second this is for hole number 11 119 m to the hole it’s got a good bit of a loft on that I think when you get the height the distance well will be cut short just a little bit but that’s the right way to go when you want that placement to occur chai cabin on hold number 10 oh that’s [Music] outstanding well that’s a good bit of joy not just for Choy Carin but everyone uh involved and she brings it down to two uh she’s a 2011 now let’s not forget she had well well three well three Bogies there in that first nine opens up uh you know the back nine with a change well it’s been fairly sunny in these parts of gongi though as Jong Yun of course gets ready to aim for a birdie on hole number nine it’s a bit of a tough [Music] ask everyone holding their breath there 34% humidity a win’s been at about 8 km per hour but it looks to me like it’s actually gone up maybe to about 10 or 12 oh difficult for me to really count it I’m not the greatest at being a weatherman but I can make out it’s huge gust of wind coming in and that definitely means it’s just going to make it a bit more challenging for you know the ladies to uh gain control of what they’re doing Lim and young now we’ll look to finish on PA for pole number eight and she’s done well to keep well her Cal there she was in contention of a birdie for that one sitting right there in function SS group it’s lii young she will aim for Birdie on hole number nine well just a Cuban from her would believe well she’ll accept that gracefully and move on think she would have been very very content to have nailed her a birdie if possible teing off for hole number nine lmon Young right there on the carpet once again yes bungin Hill heing for birdie B number n oh beautifully done and she’s been well one amazing uh young lady to watch in the morning three birdies in there she finishes with the 33 on the first n and I think that’s really really important uh she’s gone from strength to strength you know nailing those birdies right towards the end on six seven and on the ninth hole Kim and also aiming for birdie and hole number 11 and that of course is a Cuban for her but she finished with an even haven’t seen too much of Jong Yun G but she’s been right there with her teammates with the groupmates sorry looks to finish on PA for hole number nine and that’s always going to be well just a bit of a worry unfortunately picks up a bogey there on hole number nine yes PKU young aiming for Birdie on hole number 11 she’s carrying the one over [Music] score oh meticulous shot if you ask me but unable to drive that in and she’ll have to settle with a non PA think she’ll accept that she’s a cool customer she’ll take it in a stride Le hole number 11 can bir oh yes she does brings her to a one over so she’s slowly well getting herself into a better position at two Bogies on that first nine and here one birdie I think that should help her out meanwhile timing K that’s a second effort well that is absolutely fantastic I would have said I’ll be really shocked uh you know so close to having will nail that um could have been an eagle for her there so your’s the leaderboard once again you know right there at the top Yun Mini’s been doing very well along with pman pacol and Lim jinyong and uh these young ladies of course have been leading the way then of course you’ve got Jang Jim minu hang lisu Jin and U followed by you with kji Wan kiun Anoni and binil binil finally got herself into that no top five so sitting at that fifth position uh she’s still put herself in very good stad to climb even further up um then of course you’ve got the 13th spot taken up by a quintet that includes of hung yitu are liong leonio and Kim naong then you’ve got that 22nd uh position onwards where you’ve got a well a flock of competitors in there so once again just a quick look at our leaders it’s tea off time once again function sill poll number 10 she’s been a fairly good performer fairly consistent she been able to keep her wits together and that’s so very important meanwhile yes lii young 370 M for the asking on to Hole number 10 she still stayed with her two on the score which is a fairly good here’s Jong Yun still holding on to that two over she’d definitely like to kind of bring that to an underscore gets a c on to the rough just off well the fair a tad bit no she’s talking about these inclines right it’s almost like layers almost like steps I don’t know if you’ve ever seen uh um agricultural farming where you know there’s there’s this layers or the steps they call it step farming if I’m not mistaken um I’m not uh into agriculture but I’ve seen them in certain parts of Asia and uh absolutely wonderful Terrace maybe it’s called Terrace plantations or something like that um but the course always reminds me of that there always inclines here there’s always layers of it and uh well I did promise you and I didn’t keep my promise really so uh I have to tell you that uh this course of course you know has uh a lot of Rich history behind it it’s uh the the Stu Stu golf Resort well as we know is is right here in the Yang pong uh you know County it’s very close to mount yunan and mount yunyong son and uh where the star and H nines on the 18 hole layout extend to about 7,211 yards from the back markers the resort is quite a sight to see nowadays and uh number of Korean celebrities come here to relax playing on the fairways um there are the Fairway side condos as well lots of leisure facilities let me not now be the ambassador of the place but um architect song s Chang sang Let’s give him the credit architect s Chang way back in 2009 it put this design together entirely and uh the shaping was done by Tom peek who carved the fairways from a heavily frosted landscape so every hole that is that is played uh is in isolation from the other and offers a complete escape from the outside world it’s it’s an entirely different setting it’s like almost like you’re playing you know on the hillside I do love this of course very much so song hen that was the architect let’s give him his du for that f f f it’s been a good day at the office for this young lady and we’ve uh seen her come out with some great uh well shots lmon young going in for her second stroke this is for hole 9 113 m to the hole she’s got a four under well a bit of fale on that one if you ask me I think she wanted to place it fair closer but um a birdie Within Reach but it’s going to take a lot of skill to get there and well no doubting the skill of uh the golfers here but as I said uh wi conditions have been fairly well challenging chiman Kung aiming for birdie easy beasy if you ask me there on hole number 10 so chiman Kung um you know that’s her third birdie of the day she had won bogy she’s gone up to now or two under and I think she’ll be very very happy about that a wonderfully placed wonderful absolutely marvelous there kimon a will aim for birdie here on hole number 12 remember it’s only a par three so this is the second oh wonderful and she’ll be absolutely delighted with that so Kim menson now onto a two under three birdies and the Bogi so far she’s done with 12 which means she’s still got what six more to go lii young onto her second stroke for hole number 10 I do love her form she’s got a very very nice drive she’s got a very nice positioning oh well well the way she swings movement of her torso her arms um hasn’t really gone past that to under she’s just kind of kept it consistent but will definitely like to get herself into a better standing like well her group mate here and that is binil bins well got into that rank fifth position 127 m to the hole second stroke for on hole number 10 oh still a distance there um you know from the can but I think I wouldn’t put anything past her she’s been she’s ided us with a few Stellar um shots today 120 m to the hole for Kim Jun that’s a power five this is a third L young aing for birdie for hole number nine it’s a bit of an incline there or decline I think when you look at it I think she there every chance that she could have actually got another underscore there but uh she’ll be happy to just keep it where it is because the last thing you want to you want to try and avoid those Bogies at all cost so just uh got a bit of the coppet there to fly she’s scaled the green got herself justest on the edge into the rough here’s Joi Lim she finishes with a birdie on nine that’s 35 for her and a one under on the front line that’s a Cuban all right function s well has been delighting the audience here today family friends fans [Music] [Music] trying to get as close as possible to the can there’s one thing that a lot of us of course have missed out and I must tell you a little secret about this where uh you know since this tournament has returned back to the calendar after a few years uh there’s a bit of the story behind it Li young aiming for birdie now on hole number 10 it’s a good chance for her to catch up with the group made bin s just about pissed that surface didn’t it should stay with that on PO so there is a whole well on this uh area where it’s considered to be well a bit of a worry for most golfers and that is the 11th hole it’s a par four for the asking this of course is hole number 13 Kimu Jong with a fourth effort and uh she will have to look for an even par score so hole number 11 which is uh you know Par Four um of the star uh you9 and uh well in the first and second days uh the winner of course is decided by the positioning of the teing ground changes so players always have to strategize what to come up with but they do tend to practice a lot on hold number 11 with their teting off that’s our leaders once again yunman pman j p and Almon young form the top quartet they lead uh you know it’s a four underscore that they’re carrying now it’s the first time in 5 years that the 3-day tournament has returned to the star Hue uh the competition has been held at golf courses other than the dusty Hugh since 2019 and participants have spent longer time uh you know actually strategizing as well as you know getting a feel of the course the first and second days of the 11th hole are 369 M long and on the final day it’s pulled forward and transformed into 280 M there’s no choice but to choose a method of targeting the pin with a second shot now just like the ordinary par for holds players can warm up on the final day U to Gates the difference of what that 11th hole has in terms of distance and uh the final day the straight distance from the team ground to the center of the green is only 235 m compared to 2019 the length of the whole 11 was the same on the first day and the second day so that hole number 11 is the tricky one I don’t know if it’s your favorite number is 7 so I’m just saying f got a cell phone to the rough uh a while back and I think she just wanted to well scale out of that position and I think that’s worked against her actually hit the edge and came back in a fairly decent uh well stroke I think should’ be happy about that there’s join on to her second this is uh for hole number 10 she’s got a cell phone to a pat of the rough the hole in one the eqb Mercedes up for grabs ah this is when I wish that I was playing in the klpga well 79 that’s what Kim Wu Jong is going with it’s hole number 14 part three for the asking you know what is the shocking thing is that sometimes you think that you know you’ll always have sponsors offering those gifts when they know it’s impossible actually that’s not true there are some moments where three golfers have been able to get a hole in one where there is a car to be given away so Limon young now with the second for hole number 10 she’s still the joint leader with that four underscore um ah that’s going to roll away you know when the wind can carry the ball and when there’s an incline it’s just it’s almost a double whammy isn’t it always a pretty sight my young golfers Delight to watch them very very vivacious most of these girls really vibrant uh you know they are demeanor ears bunction s now and that’s the hole we were talking about hole number 11 power four for the asking the distance will change uh you know on day two and on the final day that’ll be brought forward it’s a very very tricky hole a lot of these young ladies have spent a good bit of time practicing on ho 11 so very consistent on unchanged so far what [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] for for just saw kimman King earlier one of the winners of the jump tour now yes’s chiman Kung she’s looking for Birdie on hole number 11 remember we said it’s a tricky hole and if you can nail a birdie on it all the practice would have paid off well we’ll just miss out on a birdie there’s no doubt about it Joi Lim looking for Birdie on hole number 10 well we’ll have to skip it for this time um just talking about the hole number 11 you always have that one hole which is worrying isn’t it but a lot of these golfers did spend a lot of time on teeing off from hole number 11 there’s a reason for it it’s a challenging t- shot which uh involves crossing a deep Ry the white uh Fairways and the Pine Forest lining the hole provide a bit of relief but it’s a long uh par for uphill hole it’s very important to hit your t-shot very far now you’re on hole 14 it’s an entirely different story here we go back to one of the ladies who’s been in the focus of our camera for a bit well just on the edge not life but that shot it’s LM janong now aiming for birdie she’s also a joint leader she’s been very very um consistent with her performance today this is hole number 10 so that sloping area I think uh wasn’t entirely in control of that but she’ll uh we’ll accept it the way it is here’s bunction Sil just to get a view of the Green from here this is the second uh now stroke for her 106 m to the hole this is hole number 11 that we’ve been talking about 3 under so [Music] far oh that’s wonderfully done absolutely marvelous effort here from binel well you can never really speculate in a round of golf can you in a tournament but uh you always know those few golfers Who start just building up like building blocks from day one onward W that incline once again another victim falling to it Meanwhile your Kim wood J I was aiming for Birdie on hole number 14 just a narrow Miss for her lien young oh just put a bit too much of Club on that and that’s going to see her dropping her score oh she’s going to Bogey that one no doubt about it I think a tablet unfortunate just released that bit impulsively if you ask me Jong Yun now a second stroke for hole number 11 also wonderfully placed just like binel meanwhile to high limb she’s missed out on the bogey which means it’s going to be a bit detrimental for her it’s a double bogy for her here oh very very disappointed with that no doubt but at the other end yes chiman Kung hole number 12 aiming for birdie it’s not going to be an easy shot getting it off the rough onto the carpet and then well that tad bit of an incline that uh took the ball towards the right Lim jinon well she’s not going to really uh she missed out on the birdie my mistake almost thought she was going to Bogey that she’ll finish here with an on PA and I think she just missed out on that birdie earlier um I do apologize for that do apologize to Lim as well so she’s kept it consistent still as a joint leader up there with a four under now here’s lii Yong hole number 11 that’s the third will aim for birdie well just uh falling short of the destination but I don’t think she’ll be really too flustered with that chiman Kung it’s a narrow distance to finish with a even well done out doesn’t have to break a sweat for that either so I think it’s still that 200 under that she’s carrying would like to upgrade that definitely chance to finish here with an underscore Jong yunji goal number 11 well that’s going to do well for a moral absolutely well she’ll bring it down now to a one over and I think Jang Yuni said you know three bogis that’s the second birdie of the day and to conquer hole number 11 I did say this earlier that you know all that practice would have practically paid off your bin h can she will do what a groupmate did well yes she has absolutely marvelous she’s up now with the leadership binil right at the top now with a four under I did say this earlier it’s been like building blocks for her oh just look at that that is gorgeous isn’t it absolutely gorgeous the colors the layers and not to forget you know the the mineral um water bit also in there it’s just massive I am such I have such a weakness for Scenic Beauty like that this is really tremendous isn’t it I mean most of the Coes in in Korea of course give you such beautiful views but this is absolutely fantastic I’m so glad to see it you know return back to the Golf Calendar after a few years uh you know the star you go for out um limson young teeing off for hole number 11 well meanwhile moving on to her next challenge here bin s remember she’s the leader on a group as well so she’ll tear off first it’s hole number 12 she’s going in with a six sign it’s a part three 165 M for the asking doesn’t swing her body too much if you notice but she just has that right amount of Turn You Know The Twist of the Torso um just packing a good bit of uh Power I would believe for for a forearms very nicely placed shot and this is what we’re talking about you just notice that follow through it’s not an entire swing it’s almost like a semi you know powered shot but she packs in a wallop uh from that forearm and those wrist so beautiful placement sets herself up for another birdie and I think she’s done fairly well here bin so you know if you grow from strength to strength or if you start off with a bang and then you kind of you know decline with your performance it’s not really the best but to slowly up you know your performance I think that’s a big one here’s Cho rim with a second stroke for hole number 15 she’s going to fly the green for definite definitely just a little bit not too much Kim andon hole number [Music] 14 so that’s well done straight onto well the green forall Le young will follow now she’s going in with the five iron if you notice unlike binel a group mate who goes in with a six and you’ll find lion going in with with a five if binel goes in with an eight she goes in with a seven um or she goes in with a seven she’ll go with a six it’s always said this is just personal preference nothing else so there we have it uh Yun minina Pacman G pacol and binil Lead right there at the top we did have of course you know one of the top players uh falling out and that was due to a bogey early um I think we had a mistake with the graphics but it was definitely a change so bun and S is right there at the top Now with uh the other contenders and just a few worries there for well some of our TS especially those that sit in the rank fifth position Limon young she was up there all along she’s had her well her her share of challenges as well so she’s done with you know with with 10 it’s going to be interesting to see what she’s going to finish the day with for for for for e [Music] lii young aiming for birdie now for hole number 12 she’s going to narrowly miss that she allowed to settle for an even meanwhile at the over at another hole I’d say needs to get herself back onto the carpet and I think that’s exactly what she’s going to do oh chip that beautifully I do love it when the ball lands right on the line of the flag or right on the line or the shadow of the pole to be more uh correct oh that’s what you call confidence well just the right amount of PA behind that Kim minson 7 uh she’s got another birdie there to make up for a previous bogy so it’s a two underscore back again for her well I do love it when you can exud that confidence lii young and she’s just spped out she won’t be too happy about that but so close to have just finished with an on pass score there for that hole but I think she’ll have to settle for a boogy nothing else punction Hill and that’s a birdie on hole number 12 which means she’s going to be the leader in the event was just talking about her earlier she’s gone from strength to strength and uh well if she can keep this kind of form for the next three days she’s in serious in serious uh well she’s going to be a serious Challenger for uh the tournament and I think that’s the interesting part here’s a young lady who’s definitely eager on winning a fback Lim jiny young remember she was the joint leader she missed missed out with that aogi now she’s of course with holding a three under but uh she’s in very very good position here to nail a birdie and if she can do that she’ll get herself back into that uh you know second spot I did correct myself earlier well she did have a bogey which is why she dropped out just kind of thrown off by the graphic earlier uh Kim Jong aiming for Birdie on hold number 15 just narrowly missed out on that she’ll settle for an even score that should serve her well absolutely delightful performance from her so don’t forget there’s never a consistent uh part of you know keeping the same distance keeping the same well I say challenges more or less but uh the distance always does change and I do love this this area of uh of the coast very very much I do believe that this is the PA that has the goong mineral water right in the middle there that’s probably a natural spring really I never really I’d love to go and touch the water anything that spouts is is Big with me uh having said that here we have another tea off for bin Sil who the current leader in the tournament um on day one remember it’s a par five for the asking hole number 13 418 M well she packed a good bit of power into that kind of stayed on the fa so well she’s been very focused and I think she’s got to keep that she’s got to keep that intensity going meanwhile you’re looking to get back into the form that she was earlier it’s Len Young and it’s a birdie for her which means she’s got back to that four under and that’s what you call coming back out of it well she bogy the 10th and on the 11th it’s a birdie for her she’ll be pleased to spunch don’t write her off Limon young she’s a very very exciting golfer to watch in action chiman Kung on hole number 13 this is the third stroke P just going to stay away from the can quite a bit but I think she’ll be she’s just got a smile she’s happy that she got a close enough liong will tea off for hole number 13 remember a par five 480 M does call for a good bit of uh well strength so this is a unique hole when you talk about it for always believe the natural springs or you know where they are are always such a delight um or sometimes natural mineral water that is tapped out well some of the things that science has been able to explain but it’s always a mystery isn’t it such a Marvel by itself um still enjoying those gorgeous views always our unsung heroes uh you know our our producers our directors our our cameramen and uh while we talk about them let’s look at bin still leads with the 5 under Yun mana pman pacel and Lim jinyong are in second position Lim jinyong will be glad to have got back there Yosi is teeing off for hole number 12 remember it’s 165 M and if you can nail that the way that bin sill did she’ll get herself back into that leader position well I think just a tad bit too she’ll have to look towards uh on power finish go Jong Yun G onto a second stroke 263 m to the hole this is for hole number 13 remember it’s a par five function s in with her on this well done there chiman Kung on hold number 13 Nails a birdie goes up to a 300 she’s had one Bogey and four birdies today second stroke on hole number 13 and I think she’s just stayed out of danger just about it bin Sil remember she’s on hole number 133 it’s a power five that we’re looking at uh she’s just out of the carpet area she’s still got three Strokes to go so no worries at all for her it can always be dating in these areas and when you’re looking at about 480 M it’s not the easiest remember this bar five hole that bunin s and the groupmates are on you need to hit really long shots uh you know over the wi Fairway long hitters can Target the bunker towards the right side and aim for a two on but the green slopes on the left make it very dangerous so they’ve got to be very very cautious now over to Kim W Jong being reminded that it’s a second stroke ho number 16 93 m to go let put it at a bit of a distance from the can but I think the very fact that you’ve been able to well scale the waters would be good enough second stro stroke here for kimon Jong Yun that’s her third stroke on hold number 13 she’s been calm and collected um I think as long as she can keep her wits together she’ll be happy here’s a young lady who’s also done fairly well she stayed off that well trap there and I think that’s that’s good enough lii young one of those nine lives coming to the rescue 73 m to the Holio so number 13 so he got a bit of that carpet to fly well she’s got a smile cuz she actually played that fairly well she’s been consistent too if you ask me the fact that she’s got herself into a you know close to the top it’s been a good event for her CH Rim aiming for Birdie on hole number 16 there’s a bit of wind she’ll have to navigate through that well I think that was definitely which is why she tried to get that well banana effort in ch Rim the lame for birdie she’s capable she is to number 15 kimman Sun now aiming for Birdie on hole number 15 and that ball definitely well needed just a slight bit of a turn all eyes on this young lady long sh a third stroke for hole number 13 and once again she’s placed that beautifully now she can hold the wits together she can keep well her spot at the top intact if she Nails it with the birdie Kim Jun and that’s a Cuban for her there a good chance just a gentle nuts to finish it off and uh she’ll take that even score gracefully thein right at the top still with five under yunman pakman p and Lim jeny who’s got back into that second position she’ll be happy about it sit there with a four under uh let’s not forget that it’s going to be interesting to watch uh well how these young ladies really can uh you know finish off um at at the end of the day don’t forget that Jang Jim hang lisu Jin M jongman kji Wan are all in tight Sixth and uh they’ve got a whole lot of other well competitors sitting there along with them that’s Kong jiun Anoni and Chan Kung so one of the top a quarter that follows in second position it’s an interesting in take out f that is such a a glorious side isn’t it of the resort and uh well the entire well Scenic Beauty there really really amazing J Yuni just narrowly missing out there a very good opportunity for her to have nail that but she’ll clean it up no worry race as long as you can keep an even score you don’t have to shed a here or rather sink into a bit of disappointment Limon young name for Birdie on hole number 12 it’s a very Valiant effort from her it’s always going to be a bit of a challenge here okay well I think she just got a bit too much of Club on that when she was teeing off and I think that that’s really the reason why just put herself into a bit of a challenging uh situation meanwhile in the other group he has liong goes for Birdie on hole number 13 she’s dropped to a one under after she bogied oh that’s well done absolutely marvelous to step up back again oh that’s exactly what you require there we had it that previous bogy on hole number 12 really was the undoing but she’s got a smile on the face chiman Kung hole number oh sorry that was a second stroke buin s engaging the line the length remember there’s a wind draft and golfers had to be so very very well should have a command over how that wind’s going to make the ball move it’s hold number 13 oh that’s another birdie for her and she’s just going from strength to strength here six under now six birdes it’s been a very good performance 13 holds done well I do I’m really waiting to see what she can do with the next five and I do believe that she can keep her her performance going the way it is oh she’s in four she will be in to reap the rewards of it so Lim jinong will finish with with an on par so at least she maintains that four under in second position and I think that’s going to be good enough for her the 14th hole 153 M we’re looking at a par three [Music] very interesting to see that there’s only one tricky area right towards the end of the green unction H teeing off for hole number 14 she’s got herself onto the rough she won’t be too pleased with that shot sometimes there’s a bit of confidence that does step in makes you get a little bit complacent I’m not saying that it’s it’s done that to her 153 M Lee gong now we’ll attempt this remember there’s a car up for grabs that beautiful maroon Mercedes absolutely love it but if I’m if I’m not mistaken of course this is the te that is at the highest part of the Course located at the highest point of the course it offers a panoramic view of the course and the mountain ridge in the distance now this hole requires Precision in distance and direction at the same time as a downhill hole so which is why the prize on offer is a car for for a hole in one and although it’s only a par three that’s how tricky it can be Just landing outside the green so hole number 14 definitely at the the highest point of the course for limson young exing confidence here she’s on to whole 13 480 M four under is the score that she’s carrying she’s had a fair share of challenges but she’s she’s just come back and uh she’s an exciting golfer to watch very very gutsy contestant um yeah kimon 7 126 m to the hole it’s hole number 16 for her she’s on to her second stroke Kim Jong aiming for birdie there on hole number 17 well just gug that I think well differently she’ll have to settle for an even cool well that expression from the audience just says it all doesn’t it here’s another performer who’s just been going about a business I do love to watch this young lady in action Lim young she’s on to her second stroke now for hole number 13 always love to see well any athlete stumble and then get back up stronger isn’t that well I’d say the greatest part of all sports the Limon young going about her business she’s got three left on this hole so I don’t think it’s going to be too much of a VAR for her meanwhile binil currently still leads the way with that six under score she’s on to a second stroke for hole 14 remember how tricky this hole is ah myot a be too I really thought that was going to go in such a strong chance of nailing a birdie absolutely marvelous and she’s cleaned that up will keep her leadership intact but she was so close so very close well agonizing to watch isn’t it I can only imagine what the golfer feels at that time oh that the spouts of water are just fantastic on the would love to just come here and Lounge uh you know at this very result it’s it’s just fantastic isn’t it and uh such an amazing well event where you actually get to be a part of it not just uh you know as an athlete but as a part of the production team or the broadcast team it’s it’s fantastic to be here had some really great moments lii young before she will have that bogy on the 12th and then she birdied on the 13th aiming for one on the 14th as well can she do it I believe she can actually just narrowly missing it but just about kiss the liit isn’t it is it so she’ll have to settle for an even [Music] that ball is not just afraid but it’s petrified of the duck if you ask me Jong Yun looking to finish on part for hole number 14 and that’s definitely going to put a bit of a spoke in her day’s performance I think she’s going to be thrilled please just SP P to Young it’s uh well consecutive birdies for her she’s got a smile on her face I did say this earlier she’s a cool customer I just uh well some golfers very flamboyant some very easygoing some of course have this really chilled attitude and Par just one of them now your Chan Kung onto a second stroke for hole number 15 the AO for the asking remember well if you want to go from Beach to beach or bunker to Bunker it can be a huge worry just trying to figure out where exactly well she would have landed but we will find out in just a little bit and here we have the 15th hole 369 M it’s Par Four for the [Music] asking this has the goong mineral water in the middle of the hole as we said earlier the green [Music] is located right deep inside that forested area if you notice it’s surrounded totally by the forested area right in the midst of it and uh it can be demanding due to that dense forestation and let’s look at the green itself there’s slopes in multiple directions there’s Inward inclines and there’s outward ones and then let’s not forget the sideways as well it’s a daunting it’s a daunting hole it definitely is and I’m very excited to see what bunction Sil can do with this one so pman G still sitting there in that second position bin still continues with that six underscore Yun Mina pman and pakol well who finished uh well the event then second position Lim jinyong of course has still not finished for the day so well when you do see those total scores up there you pretty much know that well the D breakers are done and dusted binil onto hole number 15 remember we spoke of how tricky it is It’s Tricky when you get onto the green especially because it’s in that it’s like that Forest ticket you want to try and keep yourself more glute towards the fairways um you know try to avoid getting yourself onto the rough I think this is going to be a challenge for binil definitely but she’s proved to be stronger than we probably expected um at the same time here has another Contender and I think for today it’s almost been a battle between these two for you know the latter part of the second part of the second session yes Limon young that’s her third for hole number 13 she’s just about flown the G green a tad bit she’s still got two might have to settle for an onp but you never know golfers always spring surprises come up with the impossible Simon Kung got herself out of the challenging area she’ll miss out on the birdie but she can definitely finish with an on PA and I think that should serve her well so there’s bin still still with 600 Limon young who’s on to her um 13th hole she’s got a fairly good chance of actually getting back up there in uh you know and tying with binil at the top CU binil has uh is two holes ahead of her um um very good chance for Lim and young especially keeping in mind the fact that her other uh competitors who sit with Tide second are you know finished for the day well the groupings always you will see you know the top contenders normally uh put together on day two after they finish on day one I’ve always wondered whether that’s a good or a bad thing I think it’s kind of good cuz it kind of keeps a healthy contest going keeps you on your toes and uh you really want to do that um you know while golf may be the most relaxing easy and well in a way a unique um um competition by itself sometimes you’ve got to be really really in the you’ve got to be focused and uh clu in at all times just a quick reminder that this is the sh Su Bank mbn Women’s Open we’re coming at you live from uh a Gango and uh this is the star hu uh golf course it’s uh a part of the Golf and Resort which is set right here in the Y pong County it’s very very close to mount yunan and mount yyong son e it’s back to the action Limon young here did mention this that you would have to settle for Anon PA for this for hole number 13 meanwhile bnin s toll number 15 for her her second stroke oh that’s well done actually she’s got herself well fairly close to the can not entirely but fairly close Kim Vu Jung her third stroke on hole number 18 she look to finish off the day’s event well some gol first of course well came in just after Sunrise well would have finished off Chan Kung teeing off now for hole number 16 she’s still on two [Applause] under oh that’s an excellent shot absolutely marvelous shot that definitely flew the distance didn’t it CH room her third stroke she’s one under so far lien young finishes on par for hole number 13 she’ll still maintain her four under five more holes to go to uplift her performance here today she’s been delightful to watch she’s been in very good spirit and I think that that’s also served her very well kimmon 7even she’s still carrying a two under but that’s a decent enough effort from her and if she can keep her Woods together there’s always going to be time there’s always going to be space I’d say for an underscore here on this hole hon young well she will get ready to tee off hole number 14 remember we said tricky hole hole in one if you want to win that beautiful maroon Mercedes I’d love to drive away in it and she’s just flown the green there but uh I still think she could keep an even yell on this one it is a tricky hole it’s kind of difficult to actually um you know figure out the distance and gauge exactly how much of uh well height you require with that tea off bunks and S hole number 15 oh I think she was just trying to aim for a banana here but it was not going to be easy she’ll have to she’ll have to undoubtedly finish with an even score Li young aiming for Birdie on whole 15 that expression will just tell you even if you can’t see the direction of the ball well she aim to finish with an own paw CH r [Music] oh that’s that Ball’s Afraid of the Dark no doubt about it she’ll have to clean that up finish with an even score but she was well really looking forward to that birdie a 36 in 35 um I I think it’s going to be very interesting to see how she uh well comes back tomorrow uh if she’s in that list remember um you know all the golfers that have been put here together uh today it’ll all be sifted down to an entirely different well number tomorrow haved if you ask me and that’s actually going to be worrying that’s the first bogey for her in a long in the entire day and that should have been fairly easy given the the asking uh the par but uh I think binil will still maintain leadership but she’s just going to drop down to a 5 under Kimo Jong It’s the final hole of the day can she nailed it with the birdie she can’t believe it neither can the caddy and neither can I that should have just got it it would been such a perfect finish for the day it’s a great morale booster isn’t it but she’ll finish with an even score and uh gracefully accept that with the smile so it’s been a good outing for her she’s had a fair challenges in the [Music] day Gman Sun seven for Birdie on hole number 17 gimon interesting frommer she finishes with the birdie on the 17 she’s got one mle to go her 36 on the front line we did uh I’ll show you a video earlier of golfer foxo Jun who was in the national golf team she also gave was a Stella performance this year liin young well birie might have been out of the question but an even score might be so the shcu bank mbn Women’s Open remember Mar its 13th anniversary this year however no amateur has ever won this tournament which is quite interesting boxio Jin who’s 16 is one of the well upcoming Stars much was expected from her chiman Kung well she still got a two underscore she’s kept that consistent right through well those mountains I bet you if you’re one that likes hiking or tracking oh that’s a great way to go trkking tracking more like it and it’s probably one of the few times in this Trio that Li young will be well team off first um finished on par in a previous a hole that’s hole number 16 for her now hole number 16 function Hill teas off it’s a power four for the asking remember she Bogi the previous one her first bogy of the day which is why she dropped to a 5 under what’s a tricky hole hole number 14 for Limon young it’s hole number 14 for her we look to finish on par I think that’s well done um wasn’t tough to clean that up but sometimes nerves can get the better of you she’s still staying with that four under and that’s very important I really want to see where she finishes at the end of the day chiman Kung hold number 16 will aim for birdie and she’s done well here so she moves on to three under now another very very gutsy performer she had a bogy on the 15th on the 16th remember this is only round one so the front nine of course for many has been well fairly positive the back nine has had its few well challenges here today a ball number 16 it’s lii young onto a second stroke remember the asking was a PA for 365 M she has has to fly above the water for this one well she scaled that well I think uh had a little bit too much of Club on that one so she’s just flown off the green but as long as you don’t get into a hazard I think you’re just it’s a bit of a consolation now Jong yunji she’s on to her second stroke as well for hole number 16 before bang shinil takes comes in that’s tad bit surprising she actually fell shy with the distance I think she wanted to be a bit more conservative than well her group mate well she hasn’t really gone into the waters so I think she just a t bit concerned about where that would have landed here’s bin Hill looking at a comeback from her second stroke for hole number 16 she’s got herself onto the rough as well fairly far from the pin but I don’t think it’s going to be too worrying for her meanwhile she doesn’t waste too much time she’s actually quite quick with her decisions here Limon young she’s on to hold number 15 as she’ll tea off an absolutely solid one from her um she does know that she’s got to stay on those uh fairs and um stay fairly close to it still still up there with that five under um Limon young just tapping now on that leadership position it’s got to be interesting very very interesting remember hole number 15 of course has the goong mineral water in the middle of the hole the green located is deep in that Forest Area we said and it’s something that even um well B s found very very challenging and uh I think it’s very very very keen very interesting to see how um you know lien young can conquer that hole for f that for CH Rim onto her third effort for hole number 16 and I don’t think she’s going to be happy about that at all so there have been some big challenges here today toy rim with a Duff I think she just upset about that meanwhile bin C she’s on to her third year for hole number 16 she needs to get off the rough as well well chip that nice and easy puts herself in the safe zone for the time being and uh while she does that of course here’s P to Young that’s uh a third effort but just sailing past well the can there’s definitely a chance for her to have actually found her Mark so to lii Yong also on to a third stroke remember out of the trio she’s the one that really flew the green got the most distance well on her shot well that’s beautifully done would have loved to have seen that sail in liong also now beginning to show some real Stell skill talking of it she has a young lady who’s well shown us what she can do and that definitely had a lot of Club on it I think she just about Gates that wrong it’s one thing about uh Limon young she does not really take too much of time she likes to move quickly um decision making is really fast I sometimes think I wonder whether it’s an advantage or a disadvantage but different golfers it works differently as Jong Yun G it’s hole number 16 um that just just about LIF out and we’ll have to settle with the bogey gim Menon seven aiming for Birdie on hole number 18 she’s had an interesting day and I don’t think she’s going to be too concerned about that as long as she can clean that up nice and easy I think that that’s just going to work for her [Music] well just trying to figure out whether she should just clean that up or wait her turn and I think that’s what the discussion was about so she’s just going to wait but sometimes you know your competitors competitors will just let you finish DG young finishes with an even score on hole number 16 Limon young remember that she is on hold number 15 well a birdie definitely out of the reach for this one bin s will finish on par to maintain her leadership would have liked to have nailed the birdie but she’s done well um did not get the ball well too far beyond the pin or Too Short off it set herself well up in the safe zone so two more holes for her to go yeah spk to Young a for Birdie on hole number four sorry on on hole number 18 and that’s exactly a fine finish from her you want to finish 36 on the front 33 on the back three birdies there in that uh well uh back nine it’s been a good finish for young pck function Hill teeing off for hole number 17 par4 for the asking 380 M does get a chill from the crowd it’s beautiful scenery all around unfolds in front of you the atmosphere makes you feel like well you’re floating on a cloud well that’s the best description isn’t it now it does require skill and control about both distance and Direction and the deep valley that has to be crossed so ho number 17 not the easiest always well in the other group things have got fairly challenging too Limon young aiming to finish with an even score on whole 15 I think that’s the first time she’s actually taken a second look wants to be sure of it and that’s the reason why now a bogey for her will carry her back down the order with a three underscore and that’s exactly what it is she would have liked to have finished with an even score and she knows it well she’s still got another three holes to go and Redemption Road might be closed but uh she’ll have to walk Road soon enough if she wants to finish you know in the top on a tight second meanwhile cleaning up well her act for the day here is kimmon 736 on the front 34 on the back uh finished with an even score at the end and a three under is her days well reward for her efforts that is tyan kung and even score on hold 17 will keep her three under she’s still got one more hole to go Mon and gauging the situation remember she’s on hole number 17 that’s Jong Yuni going to her second for hole number 17 sits in the same group as uh bunction s i driven that past the destination but I think that’s that’s still going to keep her in good spirit function still gauging the situation well meanwhile yes lii young with her second stroke for hole number 17 using a five iron she does love to employ the five or the six very often again fairly decent at least you’re closer to the pin then well going way past it sometimes it’s such a big difference now to challenge here um almost a p for binil and uh well her group mates but she’s going in with a n99 116 M to conquer oh that’s a commanding effort absolutely commanding effort from her beautifully placed right choice of club uh perfect distance and height um marvelous shot from um bunction S no doubt about it [Music] for for so just a quick AAL view once again not only are golfers moving or migrating to the next hole and yes binil still on a five under will be interesting to see if she can scale back to that six under uh she’s on the 17th hole currently um let’s not forget that uh lmon young of course once again dropping to that three under B unfortunate for her she landed up Bing the previous one so will be interesting for for so looking to finish what she started here in the group she has to conquer that distance Chong yunji blame for Birdie on hole number 17 well she did get fairly close enough might just have to settle for an even score wind speeds definitely having increased quite a bit uh you know since we got here in the morning it was fairly easy uh you know it’s gone stronger as the day has progressed and I think our golfers definitely are feeling that not that it’s hampered you know their performance too much yes lii young she’ll be looking to finish with a birdie on hole number 17 well that’s a good effort from her she can clean that up with an even score there’s no doubt about it and that’s exactly what she does M and Sil can she finished with the Birdo on hole number 17 and that’s just spped out wasn’t expecting it while she was so close to nailing that would have just taken a score back up to that six under she still maintains leadership with the five under one more hole to go for bunction S I think she would be disappointed with that she was so much in command of that uh well St there you have it again just lipped out there and sometimes the ball can just have a mind of its own it’s it’s just one of those biggest stumbling blocks isn’t it in in golf no matter what you do J Yun G will aim to finish on PA and she’s lipped out as well it’s from a different distance if you notice but this is a very very tricky hole and uh she finishes with a bogy she’s not going to be happy about that at all she’s just got one left now she lipped out from a different direction almost the same distance as uh buin Hill onto the 18th hole that’s a bu Five For The Asking 480 M the last hole it’s got a view of the clubhouse [Music] got to avoid those bunkers on the right side um if you want to keep your shot fairly strong um and as long as you can avoid that and keep it in the landing Zone safely you can have an advantage for the second shot the second shot you’ve got to see that you get a good bit of height on it on the right side while avoiding avoiding the that bunker there remember there’s an incline coming into the Green from the Edge and uh right down the the start of the green there’s a descent which makes it a tricky one for ball number 18 lii te off now bnks and Sil packing in a wallup with that one just off the fa onto the rough for a bit she will want to finish on a positive note here she’s really worked hard right through the day and here’s the young lady that completes the trio in this group Jong Yuni she’s gotten four over good bit of Swing on that one also lands on the rough just off the fair so I don’t think it’s really going to be much of a problem for her but uh that four under well would definitely be well disappointing she would have liked to have had well a much better outing here today chiman Kung third effort for hole 18 60 m to the hall absolutely decent effort from her let’s put herself in contention of a birdie and uh I think it would be really good for her she’s been well one of those performers that has just flown under the radar but she’s been very consistent and trying to get out of the cat box here now which came as a bit of a surprise it’s lien young remember she’s already dropped point she’s three under it’s very important for her how she navigates out of this oh did she just hit the hazard I think she did now that’s not going to be good for her well to sink your ball um you’re definitely going to have a penalty there um and that means it’s a birdie is definitely out but finishing on P also becomes a challenge um Limon young well she she just pulled it back together you know a few holes back and now well a few challenges mounting one on top of the other for her here’s chiman Kung we’ll go for Birdie on hole number 18 would love to finish of course like every other golfer on a very positive note oh that’s just about missed that’s agonizingly close for her I think she just did not well take that slight slope into account for [Music] Jong Yun G with her second for hole number 18 lii it’s a two under 239 m to the whole for her remember whole 18 a few bits of uh a bumpy ride there on on the second effort for well all three golfers I believe have to be seen what buin Sil can do on this uh very very well hold and will she finish at the top um you know the end of day one is never going to be the same as end of day two there’s always going to be different uh you know competitors while taking the lead on day too and she will finish with an onpa and that’s pretty much what it is for chanun three under 36 on the front 34 on the back nine I think she’ll be happy about that was just looking back you know you need a lot of long hitters here and hungu Min Yun who’s right in there in that you know the second tight tight second and bunction still these are all long hitters so it’s very interesting to see how they perform 208 M that we’re looking at now this time binil putting in a lot of swing into that if you did see her her body movement her TSO there’s a total amount of swing a massive twist in there very confident with the use of the irons rather than a t-shot that’s for buin S Limon young remember she had that uh well one stroke penalty which is why she now will have to settle for a bogey she could have finished with an onpa but she hit the cat box first and from the beach into the waters next and I think that was really her undoing she’ll be very unhappy about that okay that’s just outside the carpet area let’s remind you once again that this is the sh cup Bank mbn Women’s Open it’s being played right here at the star Hue golf resort in y pong gongo and we are coming at you live from it 1 billion1 is the prize money that’s roughly about 723000 and well I have the exact figure well Li young onto stroke number three for whole 18 I did have the exact 1 billion1 or 723 274,000 I’m not good at mats I did the conversion earlier so just in case I wouldn’t take the credit for it M Jong would like to finish well with AI didn’t have a choice here and yes she has which means there was every chance she could have finished with well an on par as well so she’s dropped to two under well consecutive Bogies she had uh three birdies in that front line there’s three Bogies in the back nine and she knows it it It’s upsetting and it takes a lot for a young lady of course to just gracefully accept it and move on you can’t help but feel for her she of course will be on to Hall number 18 soon but right now we still have the trio that is on to whole 18 and we’ll be coming close to the end of what has been a very thrilling day a very exciting start at such a beautiful uh you know cost the star Hue Golf Course or the star in Hue Golf Course however you prefer to call it buin cell spoke about how she is one of those long hitters which is why sometimes she can actually do that just with forearm and wrist PA that’s a third stroke on hole number 18 and that Ball’s going to travel definitely because just a tad bit of wind behind it push it forward it’s quite a distance from the pin now she’s a fairly tall girl binil it’s got a good bit of height you always look at how you know caddies are always the extension of a golfer or the path that completes golfer and it’s so different in other sports I mean you do have coaches but it’s not the same the cad is is is practically everything um sometimes they can be mentors friends a cushion to fall back on comforting especially or encouraging when the chips are down that’s what good caddies do and although some of them don’t play professionally I’ve seen caddies who can nail better shots than any golfer in the world just fascinating isn’t it yes uh function s now there was always going to be a big distance for her there was no doubt about it I think she would have liked to have got it closer uh to uh the flag stick than anything else but it is a distance for her and uh I think it’s interesting to see whether she can finish with an own par CU otherwise his score will change meantime yours her group mate J Yun G who will also miss out on a birdie but she’s got fairly close well to the can and she’ll clean it up to finish a day’s event has had a fair chair share of challenges here today Jong yunji 36 on the front 38 on the back those three Bogies on the front and the back really being her undoing and she finishes with a four over score not her best but there are days definitely a chance here for well a fine finish remember Jong Yun well a group mate did fairly well now lii young will attempt a birdie on hole number 18 can she finish here on a positive she’s had her ups and downs today but she’s been good she’s been good to watch in action oh well done just a little under the four feet there but absolutely well done and what a way to finish with a birdie there and that’s 36 on the front 35 on the back she’s had one bogy and four birdies finishes with a three under she’s pleased to punch with that finish and uh I think uh punin s well now this is going to be very important for her cuz she’s got to finish with an own PA if she wants to keep her score intact and I think just a tad bit of nerves for her now that’s so agonizingly close she’ll have to go in for a bogey she’ll finish with a four under and I think she will lose that leadership spot she’s now a joint leader she’s had uh well six birdies two Bogies 36 on the front 35 on the back but it’s those Bogies that really were her undoing but she’ll be happy uh she’s still a joint leader um but unfortunately loing losing out on that leadership position also Limon young who still has to finish well her activity for the day it’s been quite a challeng ing one for her where she dropped to two under on whole 17 so quick look at some of the amazing uh well moments we had on the fourth hole then of course there was one on the fifth hole [Music] that was P who was tied first at the time so the sixth and the seventh was always going to be interesting [Applause] then on the ninth hole punction Sil gave us that delightful placement it was such a fantastic effort and that’s where she began to really shine she’s definitely the star to watch uh you know for the second session of the day and that was on the 12th when she teed off as well beautifully done so close to nailing a hole in one clean that up with the birdie and that’s where she began to really shine through those well few moments on the 13th hole again but it was just you know performance or just stroke with better stroke and that’s when she was way ahead of the pack with a six under claimed the leadership shot ahead but then on the 18th hole of course punin s just missing out of that on PA finish dropped back to a tied well leadership with three other golfers otherwise it would have been her leading all the way so that’s pretty much what it was here for day one so Yun Mina binil pman and P formed the top quartet B bin Sil just losing out towards the end kimon seven time inun Ali young along with Fung lisin Mong Min kojian kjun Jong Alla in tied fifth let’s remind you once again uh before anything else that this of course was uh a live event we were coming at you live from the Star Hue Golf and Resort and uh it’s a beautiful course the sh suup Bank mbn Women’s Open day one um the round one was of course an exciting one and we’ll be coming at you live again from Gango um tomorrow but uh one of the biggest stumbling blocks of course was for uh lim jeny young where she went from being a joint leader to being second a tied fifth and then finally dropping out of contention it will be interesting to see her back in the contest tomorrow and to see how that top for the top quartered perform thank you so much for joining us to share the action of this wonderful golf event my name is Glenn mascarenes it’s time for me to shut Shop and Ship out of here I’ll catch you again tomorrow uh closer towards noon till then you take care and bye-bye for now St

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