Claire Hogle

Can We Shoot -3 for 6 Holes? Scramble Wedge Giveaway! | Claire Hogle

Morgan and Morgan is the official law firm partner of the UFC, and are giving away two tickets to UFC 303 in Las Vegas. You can enter to win at

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[Music] let’s [Music] go hey friends welcome back to another Clare Hogle video today we’re out at the beautiful trophy Lake Golf Course and I am joined by Teo Tim the real Tim Urban welcome back to the channel thanks for having me I’m excited we did this before on Tacomo Chanel little six scramble and uh we won somebody a wedge so we’re doing a little round two for my channel to get you guys a Tacomo Sky forger wedge you guys need to understand how pure these things are so we’re going to give you an opportunity to win one for free we’re playing six holes and if we shoot three under or better mhm which we may have may may have done before you guys can win a sky forger wedge so really excited for this you ready to play some good golf I am Tacomo Tim would you please tell the lovely subscriber peoples how to get this free wedge okay here’s the deal you just need to like this video comment on this video be subscribed to Claire’s Channel you’re obviously subscribed to Claire’s Channel if you’re not fix it and be subscribed to too’s YouTube channel it’s that easy okay let’s get into it Morgan and Morgan is the official Law Firm partner of the UFC fighting is in Morgan and Morgan’s DNA like the UFC fighters who bring their everything in the Octagon Morgan and Morgan Attorneys bring their everything for their clients in courtrooms all across America America Morgan and Morgan is giving away two tickets to the McGregor versus Chandler fight in Las Vegas you can enter for your chance to win at www.m Morgan slcl when you’re seriously hurt your injury could be worth millions Morgan and Morgan is America’s largest injury law firm with more than 1,000 attorneys and 100 offices in all 50 states they do not settle for lowall offers and the fee is absolutely free unless you win thanks to Morgan and Morgan for sponsoring today’s video now let’s get back into the [Music] golf gosh dang it that’s a drive and a half W first we of the day y y great work cool very much for the day Vibes but it’s out there yeah it’s perfect it’s just going to run forever too all right Tim I think we mentioned in the intro how important it is for us to play to our strengths you did just that on the t-shot we’re hoping that it remained in bounds and didn’t get some incredibly unlucky bounce but typically I make putts y you know puttting is it’s kind of streaky for everybody right yes as for me as well so hopefully today is that day if not I’ve seen you make really good putts and you said you hit on something yesterday I did yeah yeah it was well it’s something you talked about all the time so and it’s just like being relaxed letting your body be relaxed when you putt uh and then just kind of flowing from there get too stiff too nervous over the ball and it’s like not good things happen so definitely and I’m glad you hit the Fairway cuz there’s a chance I’m over here in the woods somewhere okay let’s go find it speaking of that cting Technique we plan to do a video for you guys talking about how to make more putts honestly just how how to be effective on the putting greens it’s not necessarily giving tips or drills but it’s more of like a thought and a mental approach to putting that will allow you to make lots more putts and have lots more fun on the greens we got 275 yards in it’s par five okay important to note I go first put it safe you go second on the greens I think that’s a good plan okay I think that’s fine going for broke it’s a beautiful shot just right at the green that’s a great shot there I I’m excited to see where that ended up might be in a bunker Claire’s shot found the bunker that was just a little bit just a little bit behind this and so because that’s a long bunker shot but this is going to be a very difficult bunker shot as well yeah little curveball here on the first I think we can get up and down for birdie though aren’t all balls curved oops just a little bit of sand nice full swing yeah yeah oh no sort of that was unfortunate it came out right for some reason yeah that was probably a rock time for us to chip in sound good love that for us go in get in the hole get in the hole roll out a tiny bit more what is wrong with us Timothy wow it started so promising we’re going to figure it out Claire we need to make this cuz it’s a it’s a par five would you like me to put this first yeah okay no no nope all right that looked like it had to go left yeah it did appear as though it would have needed to have gone left but it did not peaches peaches peaches yes so good I would have been so sad to be one over after one on a five really clutch we needed that so bad and you should just bask in all of your good hold on I’d like to take a moment here okay I think it’s good we are even through one hole we’ve got five to play we need to make three three birdies unfortunate par on the par five because that was a major opportunity for us but we have one more par five coming up in this six-hole stretch I think we still got [Music] it are you going to go ahead I just stepped up here so you tell me would you like me to hit the first t- truck of course I would you have the honors oh wow that’s so chunky I hit a mile behind the golf ball uh it was online though yeah no it was it looked kind of good the air if you were in deniable if you were in denial about how much it was sh yeah yeah yeah you might have still had hope yeah you’d look up at that shot Tracer and go there’s a chance and then short of the [Music] bunker same thing as me but a little further we really need to be hitting greens correct yeah correct yeah we we need to give ourselves pry chances yeah let’s go save par and get to work on the next L yep in the car earlier I was talking about so we’re going to play a regulation challenge right yep so that’s where you get points for every Fairway regulation green and regulation sup Cuts right yeah it reminded me of my college days when I would always keep my stats on fies and regulation greens and regulation Etc puts blah blah blah but the point that I made was that the second shot I feel at least for my game is the most important shot because it can ice a hole if you hit it close you’re pretty much locked in for two or less putts and you have the worst score you can make is par I mean obviously you can be stupid and three putt it but um if you can execute on a second shot you can ice the hole and I remember when I was playing my best golf I would have goals of greens and regulation hit so if I could hit 14 greens and reg I knew I was going to have a great day on the course pretty much regardless of the putts but then again you also have to put yourself in position with on the t- shots but that’s never been a major issue for me so yeah your t-shots are normally fantastic so they they tend to just find an okay spot where we can hit it again so that’s always useful but in this game it’s super important for these second shots we have to get really focused over them and give ourselves chances at birdies right and so far we have not no we haven’t two holes in we are really just trying to save par here and we got to get three under so yeah here’s what I learned from the first chip uh it wasn’t good that’s what you learned that’s the takeaway wow go in go in are you happy I’m happy we have a par locked in right there I can go ahead and get super focused I’m using my 5 de wedge so much green to work with as Sean had mentioned oh it’s got a chance no it’s good run okay Tim did a good one so we’re going to go ahead and just tap it in MVP MVP okay two parts not what we want but better better than two B the alternative yeah here you go great work Birdie on the next birdie hole step number one put it in the Fairway step number two hit it close that’s such a good drive thanks yeah that’s perfect okay that was my long dry I I like it yeah it hit up there was so much whip the door is open for you to go next all right well let’s do that that’s not good either I don’t think you can see where it went on your camera all right we’re going to fine you swung out of your shoes yeah yours is literally perfect and I think it’s going to even leave us with a really good yardage in so I thought let me just swing really really hard and see what happens and what happened was it’s not good okay let’s go make a birdie we don’t we don’t need it to be super far we just need it to be in a place where we can hit it again yeah yeah and I think you’re actually rolled out a lot so yeah I had I had a very long drive then I did my long drive like we are in a good position yeah 153 I’m going with a seven iron I’m going to play this to the left edge of the green knowing that the slope is going to let it peel to the right and there’s also a bit of wind up there so let’s hit this one close yeah give ourselves a real real birdy opportunity fit right Terry very mediocre we’re putting it’s on yes perfect yes please be back there that’s perfect go go come on great line it was just a hair it was a hair fat like that much just a little bit tiny bit all right that’s okay we can uh Focus up on the cups it’s like I can’t get low enough in these Jans why they tell you you can’t wear jeans on the golf course mhm okay just straight okay got to get this all the way back there give it a chance yeah looks good go in go in close but no cigar okay so basically it’s down to this with three holes left and we need to get three under par one of those is a par five so there’s still a [Music] chance just cuz I’m going to hit a fade and it takes something off for me yeah and long has a ridge that could bring it back to the pin right okay it’s getting better it’s just getting better with time still a bit long but it’s okay you that good there yeah I did hit a [Music] s release that f up I guess have to like hit it a little bit chunky yeah it didn’t sound like it was perfect it was close perfect but I guess not entirely also I guess maybe I did need an extra Club it just doesn’t look like it and it looks scary like if I hit an extra club and it’s going too low oh yeah it could just roll out so all right we have a putt for birdie though got a putt let’s let’s execute okay we are looking at down the hill probably 20 ft down the hill so realistically we just need to put a couple good rolls on it give it a chance it’s an outside birdie chance so I mean really just put a good roll hope it goes in all right we’re going to trust our over brain on this one the overread happened all right y’all we are at even par we need to get to three under to send one of y’all a sky forger wedge and we both really want that to happen correct which is why I think we have to biry the next hole Yeah it’s just not going it’s not going our way cuz we want it so bad there’s a lot of pressure on ourselves here but we have to Birdie the next hole and Eagle the one after that it is a par five the final hole so it’s not over basically I think my goal here is make sure we have a chance on the last yeah definitely yeah got to bir the [Music] next I think that’s good perfect got two just perfect out there Pi a letter in case yours somehow found a weird lie or something yeah no that’s awesome haven’t been talking to the cart cam much kind to focus up went a little uh little camera quiet there yeah those last two holes were tough like I really really wanted different outcome so but we have two really good drives this is not a long par 4 so we should have a good birdie look and if if we get a good birdie look I’ll feel very different going into the last me too look really nice see the number for us see the number for us that looks really good I thought it was closer than that was painful response was so painful go no he goes 20 that’s so tragic that been like 3 ft it’s plain uphill oh looks great let’s go that’s what we needed to hear absolutely I’m like on pins and needles I’m going to let uh Claire tell me where to aim this and then I’ll hit it where you tell me to aim it and then if it goes in good and if not then you hit it better what do you think it just outside left Edge left Ed love it very FL of you how Goofy and silly let’s go wow that was really fun there’s a chance I’m so so pleased we made our birdie we made it and almost in that LIF in that was so close to not going but our journey is not over we have to go make an eagle yeah but we can now yes now we actually can we needed that that was a preck yes okay that was big that was bigger than I think any of us great read CLA thank you you cred it yeah so we just had to make that putt because here’s the thing this is a par five that I can cut the corner because of where we’re plane from if I had a really good drive down there I birdied this one yesterday yeah seven iron in hand on the way down yep so a really good t-shot here and this is absolutely Eagle absolutely yeah if there’s any hole on this course that that we can Eagle it’s probably this one yeah holy C that’s around that corner and down the hill oh good one yeah oh like very good like I’m actually a little bit scared I’m not I’m excited yeah oh yeah okay yeah yeah you’re good two up there two shots at it let’s go pick our fade we got two shots here from the Fairway yeah we just got to put a couple of good iron shots in there right yep I’m going to get the exact yardage right now see what we have in 144 144 yards hey we got this stick a tight make the putt yep get you guys a wedge let’s do it simple play number the number that’s going to be a putt just On The Fringe I like it [Music] but also just go to the website not that not that difficult so that way you’re guaranteed a wedge yeah and you don’t have to wait two weeks to find out if you were the one person who won imagine your wedge game being riing on my putting I don’t want to imagine a world like that neither do I just kidding you’re a great Putter and you came in really clutch on this however not clutch not clutch enough so not clutch enough we’re going to go practice come back stronger for you guys next time but I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did be sure to like it subscribe to the channel as well as to Como’s Channel leave a comment either way we love you we’ll see you the next one bye [Music]


  1. Wow, thank you CH for another great nice vlogg,… it been awhile and I thought you almost quit youtube golf ⛳️

  2. I picked up a set of 101Ts in March. Said they were in stock, they weren't. Took around a month to get them but they updated me along the way. They also ship from overseas. Irons have been great though. Very impressed, switched from Titleist.

  3. Claire should be the performer not the personality. She's good at being both but there's an opportunity here for someone complimentary doing the commentary

  4. I just bought the 101 irons but won't get to hit them until tomorrow. A wedge would look really nice next to them.

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